On The Go Parent Guide Play Now
On The Go Parent Guide Play Now
P A R E N T ’ S with G U I D E Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Dear Parents: Safety Smart® is an initiative aimed at improving the awareness and understanding of children ages 4-14 in safety and in managing themselves and their surroundings as safely as possible—by conscious action, not chance. Toward that end, UL produces multimedia public service announcements; arranges for Safety Smart Ambassador visits for children to learn from professional safety experts; hosts field trips to its laboratories, where children see safety engineers at work and participate in their own hands-on safety experiments; regularly advocates on emerging Why is it important to take your time and slow down when traveling? Why is it safe to pay attention to your surroundings when traveling by foot or vehicle? When should you wear seat belts, life jackets, helmets, padding, and/or reflective clothing? Why isn’t it safe for you to distract drivers, attendants, or other individuals when you are traveling? No matter how or where you are located, sharing these four important safety points with your children—slow down, pay attention, use proper equipment, and don’t distract—can help them stay safe while traveling. As a parent, you do your best to give your children as many advantages as possible. Right now, you can do one simple thing to give your children an advantage for life: teach them the importance of practicing proper travel safety behavior! The Safety Smart® On the Go! DVD shares vital tips, advice, and engaging activities. Spend some time with your children working on the fun take-home sheets. Together, you can help kids learn about being Safety Smart while traveling! safety issues, especially regarding products that Look what you can learn together: may pose a risk to consumers; and supports the development of its youth safety education • Memorize and practice the four safety smart points (“slow down,”“pay attention,”“use proper safety equipment,” and “don’t distract”) and apply each point to a variety of methods of transportation. programs. Through its efforts, Safety Smart • Identify safe behavior when traveling by foot or vehicle. cultivates awareness, provides opportunities for children to learn and practice safe, healthy and • Provide examples of proper safety equipment such as seat belts, life jackets, helmets, padding, and reflective clothing. environmentally friendly behaviors, and helps • Transfer safety knowledge to your own surroundings. children learn to make more informed choices • And much more! today and in the future. You may have the opportunity to share safety messages from the Safety Smart® On the Go! DVD with a group of children. For guidance, see the Safety Smart Ambassador’s Guide located on the DVD. To access it: Do your part! Be Safety Smart®! 1. Insert the DVD into your computer’s DVD-ROM drive. 2. Macintosh users, double-click the DVD icon on your desktop. DO YOUR PART! BE SAFETY SMART®! • VISIT WWW.ULSAFETYSMART.COM DEducational Productions (800) 295-5010 www.DisneyEducation.com © Disney PA R E N T ’ S G U I D E PAG E 1 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! 3. PC users, right-click on the DVD icon and select Open. 4. Open the ROM folder. 5. Click on the Index.html file. 6. Click on the Safety Ambassador’s Guide. In addition to the 12-minute animation, On the Go! has also been adapted into nine 2-minute shorts, called “interstitials”. Each interstitial focuses on a specific mode of transportation: amusement park rides and attractions, bikes, boats, buses, cars, motor scooters, pedestrians, planes, and trains. These innovative interstitials capture and hold children’s attention while conveying life-critical messages via an engaging and entertaining platform. You can help raise awareness and inspire action by encouraging your community leaders–including your children’s school transportation managers, scout leaders working on a transportation badge, parent teacher organizations, or the local transportation enforcement office–to utilize these interstitials. Activities are translated into: Arabic Bulgarian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Italian Japanese Kannada Korean Mandarin (China/PRC) Mandarin (Taiwan) Marathi Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Romanian Russian Spanish (Castilian) Spanish (Latin American) Swedish Tamil Telugu Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese If children are learning another language, you may want to encourage them to complete the activities in this guide in the language they are studying. Try this at home! The Safety Smart® On the Go! DVD puts educational fun right at your fingertips. Use the provided worksheets and the suggested activities to get your whole family thinking about safe travel! • Get the crayons for the Coloring Page and let your little one use color to help reinforce the importance of wearing proper safety equipment (pg. 7) Answers on page 21 • Get the pencils sharpened and ready for Timon and Pumbaa’s Transportation Safety Tips and Safety Match worksheets (pgs. 8, 9) Answers on page 21 • Help children recall the lessons they learned on the DVD by deciding what’s going on in each picture with the Is It Safety Smart®? Worksheet (pg. 10) Answers on page 22 DO YOUR PART! BE SAFETY SMART®! • VISIT WWW.ULSAFETYSMART.COM DEducational Productions (800) 295-5010 www.DisneyEducation.com © Disney PA R E N T ’ S G U I D E PAG E 2 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! • Hang Timon and Pumbaa’s Safety Smart® Checklist in the kitchen and encourage children to check-off each activity as they complete it. For weekly reminders, print out a new checklist! (pg. 11) • Safety Symbols are used across the world and can be understood no matter what language you speak. Explore these universal symbols with your children by matching the World Safety Symbols with their corresponding World Safety Words! (pgs. 12, 13) Answers on page 23 • Challenge the children to complete the Transportation Safety Poll and then report and discuss their findings over a family lunch or dinner (pg. 14) • Do the children know how to apply the four Safety Smart® points of travel to everyday transportation? Have the entire family perform a “Travel Safety” skit to reinforce the four safety points: take their time and slow down, pay attention to the environment around them, use proper safety equipment, and don’t distract drivers, attendants, other individuals, or themselves. Materials Needed: • Timon and Pumbaa Puppets (pgs. 15, 16) • Scissors • Tape • Two pencils, pens, or ice cream sticks • Optional: Cell phone 1. Help children follow the instructions on the worksheet to make the puppets. 2. Assign the following parts to two family members: Timon and Pumbaa. 3. Assign one or more of the following parts to a third family member: Bus Driver, Boat Captain. 4. Take turns acting out proper and improper safety behaviors. Here are some possible scenarios to get you started: • Timon wants to cross the street at a red light–he is about to cross without looking both ways, and he is not at a crosswalk. Pumbaa explains why it is important for Timon to pay attention to his surroundings before crossing the street, why Timon should only cross the street when he has a green light and has looked both ways, and why Timon should only cross the street at a crosswalk. • Timon and Pumbaa are on a bus, and Timon decides to start dancing and singing in the aisles. The Bus Driver is having a hard time focusing on the road, because Timon is so distracting. Pumbaa has to remind Timon to take a seat and stop distracting the driver so they can all arrive safely at their destination. • Timon and Pumbaa are about to board a boat. But before the Boat Captain will let the two friends board, Timon must put on the proper safety equipment. Timon thinks he needs a helmet, but Pumbaa reminds Timon that he needs a life jacket whenever he is traveling on the water. 5. Feel free to have all of your family members take turns playing the various roles and/or including other roles, such as crossing guards, flight attendants, train conductors, or passengers. 6. Finally, have the children reflect on what they have learned from the activity. Here are some questions you might want to ask: • Why is it important to practice the four Safety Smart® points of safe travel? • How can you help your friends and family members remember how to stay safe while traveling? DO YOUR PART! BE SAFETY SMART®! • VISIT WWW.ULSAFETYSMART.COM DEducational Productions (800) 295-5010 www.DisneyEducation.com © Disney PA R E N T ’ S G U I D E PAG E 3 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! • Get those vocal cords ready for a family Sing-Along with Timon and Pumbaa! On the DVD scene selection menu, choose the “SingAlong” option. (Lyrics can be found on page 20.) • Spend some Safety Smart® time preparing for the next time you travel together - have your children help you review the Safety Smart ® Checklist before you travel by car, foot, bike, train, or bus. • Whenever you travel together, start by singing the Safety Smart® On the Go Jingle: Slow Down, Pay Attention, Use Proper Equipment, Don’t Distract! Follow these points that we mention – You’re Safety Smart®…And that’s a fact! • Award your children with their very own Safety Smart® Certificate. Encourage them to hang it up so everyone can see that they are always Safety Smart® On the Go! (pg. 17) If you want to focus on amusement park rides and attractions safety… • Watch the 2-minute Amusement Park Rides and Attractions interstitial. Then ask your children what they learned about amusement park rides and attractions safety. • Invite one child to hold a completed Timon puppet, and invite a second child (or parent) to hold a completed Pumbaa puppet (see instructions on the Puppet Safety Theater worksheets, found on pages 15, 16). • Have the children role-play that they are standing in line for a ride at an amusement park. While in line, they should act out reading all of the posted signs, and listening for safety announcements (ask any other children or adults to shout out announcements). Once they are seated on the ride, they should act out using the proper safety equipment (e.g., fastening seat belts), and keeping their arms and hands inside of the ride at all times. • If the children need help remembering the travel safety behaviors for amusement park rides and attractions, encourage the other children (or adults) to help them recall the lessons they learned in the video. If you want to focus on bicycle safety… • Watch the 2-minute Bicycles interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about bicycle safety. • Show children the Safety Equipment Check worksheet (found on page 18). Point to the bottom picture and explain that Timon is on his bicycle without his safety equipment. Have the children help you draw the proper safety equipment on him. Then have the children come up with a few travel safety reminders that Pumbaa is about to share with Timon (e.g., “Remember to slow down,” “Don’t distract yourself,”“Make sure to look both ways before crossing the street,” etc.). • Now that Timon is wearing his proper bicycle safety equipment, point to the two pictures at the top of the worksheet and see if children can explain how the proper safety equipment is being used in each picture. If you want to focus on boat safety… • Watch the 2-minute Boats interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about boat safety. • Have children use crayons or markers to color the Coloring Page (found on page 7). Then have them answer and discuss the question at the bottom of the page. • If you have access to a life jacket, show it to the children and show them how to fasten it properly. It is also a good idea to show them where the size is located on the inside of the life jacket, and that it is very important to wear the correct size. DO YOUR PART! BE SAFETY SMART®! • VISIT WWW.ULSAFETYSMART.COM DEducational Productions (800) 295-5010 www.DisneyEducation.com © Disney PA R E N T ’ S G U I D E PAG E 4 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! If you want to focus on bus safety… • Watch the 2-minute Buses interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about bus safety. • Have one child play the part of the Bus Driver; have the other child (or children/adults) be the Passengers. • Have the children discuss and act out safe bus travel behaviors (e.g., allow bus passengers to exit before getting on the bus, find a seat, hold on to a handrail or safety strap, wear a seat belt when available, and don’t distract the driver). If you want to focus on car safety… • Watch the 2-minute Cars interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about car safety. • Show children the Is It Safety Smart® worksheet (found on page 10). Point to the image of the children fighting in the back of the car and ask the children to determine whether or not the children’s behavior is Safety Smart. • Point to the image of Timon and Pumbaa wearing seat belts and ask the children to determine whether or not the two friends are being Safety Smart. • Point to the image of the man driving and texting, and ask the children to determine whether or not the man’s behavior is Safety Smart. If you want to focus on motor scooter safety… • Watch the 2-minute Motor Scooters interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about motor scooter safety. • Pull out the On a Motorcycle worksheet (found on page 19). You may need to explain that the travel safety behaviors for motor scooters and motorcycles are the same. • Have the children work together to complete the worksheet, and then encourage children to share their answers with you. If you want to focus on pedestrian safety… • Watch the 2-minute Pedestrians interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about pedestrian safety. • Show children the Is It Safety Smart® worksheet (found on page 10). Point to the image of the children crossing the street next to the crossing guard, and ask the children to determine whether or not the children’s behavior is Safety Smart. • Point to the image of Timon and Pumbaa crossing the street at a crosswalk/green light, and ask the children to determine whether or not the two friends are being Safety Smart. • Point to the image of the man looking both ways before crossing the street at a crosswalk, and ask the children to determine whether or not the man’s behavior is Safety Smart. If you want to focus on plane safety… • Watch the 2-minute Planes interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about plane safety. • Have one child play the part of the Flight Attendant; have the other child (or children/adults) be the Passengers. • Have the Flight Attendant make safety announcements (e.g., “Please take your seats,”“Please fasten your seat belts,”“Please turn off all music and electronics so you can hear all safety announcements,”“Please do not distract your fellow passengers,” etc.); have the Passengers act out safe plane travel behaviors (e.g., quickly taking a seat, listening to the Flight Attendant, buckling their seat belts, reading all posted signs, not distracting the Flight Attendant, etc.) If you want to focus on train safety… • Watch the 2-minute Trains interstitial. Then ask children what they learned about train safety. DO YOUR PART! BE SAFETY SMART®! • VISIT WWW.ULSAFETYSMART.COM DEducational Productions (800) 295-5010 www.DisneyEducation.com © Disney PA R E N T ’ S G U I D E PAG E 5 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! • Have one child (or children/adults) stand on the left side of the room, and have the other child (or children/adults) stand on the right side of the room. The children on the right will be the Train Passengers and the children on the left will be the New Passengers. • Draw an imaginary line between the two sets of passengers (or use masking tape to create a line on the floor); this line will be the Train Platform. • Have the New Passengers practice stepping away from the platform as the Train Passengers arrive, and then have the New Passengers practice waiting until all of the Train Passengers have exited the train before any of the New Passengers get on the train; have the Train Passengers practice exiting the train in an orderly manner. • Optional: Have the New Passengers act out holding on to safety straps and finding seats before their train departs. • Have the children (or children/adults) switch roles and repeat the exercise. You can help empower your children to make smart decisions at home, school, and throughout their communities by logging on to the www.ulsafetysmart.com website. Designed from a child’s point of view, this e-community site is full of interactive games, the latest in educational safety resources, and global safety news. Being Safety Smart® On the Go was never so much fun! DO YOUR PART! BE SAFETY SMART®! • VISIT WWW.ULSAFETYSMART.COM DEducational Productions (800) 295-5010 www.DisneyEducation.com © Disney PA R E N T ’ S G U I D E PAG E 6 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Coloring Page FPO Color the picture. What rule on the Safety Smart® compass are Timon and Pumbaa following? © Disney 7 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Timon and Pumbaa’s Transportation Safety Tips Timon and Pumbaa learned how to be safe with different types of transportation. Circle the best answers. 1. A helmet is proper equipment when you are on: a. a bicycle. c. a skateboard. b. a motor scooter. d. all of the above. 2. You can practice slowing down when taking the train by: a. waiting for others to get off of the train before you get on. c. holding on to the safety strap. b. standing away from the platform’s edge. d. all of the above. 3. You can practice paying attention on an airplane by: a. wearing your headphones. c. listening to the captain or flight attendant. b. reading a magazine. d. all of the above. 4. The driver of a car can be distracted by: a. passengers yelling or arguing in the car. c. passengers throwing things in the car. b. passengers moving around in the car. d. all of the above. 5. A life jacket is proper equipment on: a. a train. c. a skateboard. b. a boat. d. all of the above. 6. You should cross the street with an adult or a crossing guard because: a. an adult can hold your hand and help you cross safely. b. adults are bigger and easier to see than children. c. crossing guards can make cars stop by signaling drivers. d. all of the above. © Disney 8 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Safety Match Draw a line from each mode of transportation to its corresponding safety behavior. Some safety behaviors may be used with more than one mode of transportation. On Foot (Pedestrian) Bicycle Motorcycle or Scooter Wear protective padding Wear a life jacket Stand away from the platform’s edge Car Pay attention to posted rules Bus Hold on to a safety rail if you can’t find a seat Train Wear a helmet Plane Look both ways before crossing the street Theme Park Ride Watercraft © Disney Pay attention to safety announcements Wear a seat belt 9 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Is it Safety Smart ®? What is happening in each picture? Circle “Yes” if the picture is Safety Smart®, or circle “No” if the picture is not Safety Smart®. Then use the lines to write a sentence about what is happening in each picture. Safety Smart®? YES NO Safety Smart®? YES NO Safety Smart®? YES NO Safety Smart®? YES NO Safety Smart®? YES NO Safety Smart®? YES NO © Disney 10 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Timon and Pumbaa’s Safety Smart ® Checklist What have you learned about being Safety Smart® when you travel? In the first column, sign your initials next to each Safety Smart travel behavior that you have completed. Then have an adult sign their initials in the second column. Complete this checklist to get your certificate! Student Initials Adult Initials Car: I buckled my seat belt. I did not distract the driver. Foot: I crossed in the crosswalk. I looked both ways before crossing. Bike: I wore a helmet. Train or bus: I let others get off before I got on. Name the FOUR important safety points. © Disney 11 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Safety Around the World World Safety Symbols Graphics courtesy of the International Organization for Standardization © Disney 12 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Safety Around the World World Safety Words © Disney Wear a life jacket Emergency telephone Don’t walk Warning Car parking Slippery surface Exit No diving No jumping into the water Emergency exit No swimming Information 13 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Transportation Safety Poll Complete the data organizer by asking at least six family members or friends the four safety questions below: 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 yes no Do you wear a seat belt in the car? © Disney yes no Do you slow down before you cross the street on foot or on a bicycle, and/or before you get on a train or a bus? yes no Do you look both ways and stop talking on your phone when you cross the street? yes no Do you make sure you don’t distract drivers when you ride in a car or on a bus? 14 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Puppet Safety Theater To make the Timon and Pumbaa puppets: 1. Cut along the dotted lines. 2. Tape each figure to a popsicle stick, an unsharpened pencil, or a paint brush. 3. Use your imagination and spread the Safety Smart® message! © Disney © Disney 15 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Puppet Safety Theater © © Disney Di sn ey 16 © Disney 17 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Safety Equipment Check How are these characters being Safety Smart®? Describe how the safety equipment is being used in each picture. Timon is on a bike without his safety equipment. Draw the proper safety equipment on him. © Disney 18 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! On A Motorcycle Look carefully at these pictures. Write how these motorcycle riders could make themselves and their passengers Safety Smart®. Photos courtesy of Nancy Casolaro © Disney 19 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Sing-Along with Timon and Pumbaa SLOW DOWN, EVERYONE TAKE IT FROM ME PAY ATTENTION, (AND ME!) USE PROPER EQUIPMENT, MIND EVERY SIGN THAT YOU SEE DON’T DISTRACT! (THAT’S RIGHT!) FOLLOW THESE POINTS THAT WE MENTION — YOU’RE SAFETY SMART…AND THAT’S A FACT! YELLOW AND ORANGE LOOK GOOD ON YOU SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, PAY ATTENTION, PAY ATTENTION, USE PROPER EQUIPMENT, USE PROPER EQUIPMENT, DON’T DISTRACT! DON’T DISTRACT! IN A CAR OR A BUS FOLLOW THESE POINTS THAT WE MENTION - YOU’RE SAFETY SMART…REALLY SAFETY SMART…AND THAT’S A… OR LATEST INVENTION… LOOK TWICE! SAFETY SMART IS HOW YOU SHOULD ACT! GIVE A LISTEN! FASTEN YOUR STRAP, AND ENJOY THE VIEW! BUCKLE UP! TAKING YOUR TIME IS SWEET! NO MISBEHAVING! LOOK BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET! … BETTER BE SAFETY SMART FACT! PUT ON A HELMET! YEAH! AND WEAR A LIFE VEST GIVE THAT ANNOYING BEHAVIOR A REST! SLOW DOWN, PAY ATTENTION, USE PROPER EQUIPMENT, DON’T DISTRACT! FOLLOW THESE POINTS THAT WE MENTION YOU’LL GET WHERE YOU’RE GOING WITH FUR INTACT! © Disney 20 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Timon and Pumbaa’s Transportation Safety Tips Answer Key 1. A helmet is proper equipment when you are on: d. all of the above. 4. The driver of a car can be distracted by: d. all of the above. 2. You can practice slowing down when taking the train by: a. waiting for others to get off of the train before you get on. 3. You can practice paying attention on an airplane by: c. listening to the captain or flight attendant. 5. A life jacket is proper equipment on: b. a boat. 6. You should cross the street with an adult or a crossing guard because: d. all of the above. Safety Match Answer Key On foot (Pedestrian)...............Look both ways before crossing the street Bicycle...........................................Wear protective padding and/or wear a helmet Motorcycle or Scooter...........Wear protective padding and/or wear a helmet Car ..................................................Wear a seat belt Bus..................................................Hold on to a safety rail if you can’t find a seat Train...............................................Stand away from the platform’s edge and/or hold on to a safety rail if you can’t find a seat Plane..............................................Pay attention to safety announcements and/or wear a seat belt Theme Park Ride......................Pay attention to safety announcements and/or pay attention to posted rules Watercraft ...................................Wear a life jacket Coloring Page Answer Key What rule on the Safety Smart® compass are Timon and Pumbaa following? Use proper equipment © Disney 21 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Is it Safety Smart ®? Answer Key Safety Smart®? YES NO Cross the street with a crossing guard. Safety Smart®? YES YES NO Cross the street at the crosswalk. NO Don’t distract the driver. Safety Smart®? Safety Smart®? Safety Smart®? YES NO Look both ways before crossing. YES Wear proper safety equipment. NO Safety Smart®? YES NO Don’t text while driving. Safety Equipment Check Answer Key Seat belts, car seat © Disney Life jackets 22 with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! Safety Around the World Answer Key Wear a life jacket Emergency telephone Don’t walk Warning Car parking Slippery surface Exit No diving No jumping into the water Emergency exit No swimming Information Graphics courtesy of the International Organization for Standardization © Disney 23 Name: ______________________________________________________ with Timon and Pumbaa: On the Go! On A Motorcycle Answer Key The passenger needs a helmet and the driver and passenger need closed-toe shoes. The driver could become distracted if the passenger is pointing or waving. It is also good for the driver to slow down when carrying passengers. The driver needs shoes and should not be barefoot. He should also take fewer passengers. Too many passengers can distract the driver. It is also good for the driver to remember to slow down when carrying an extra load. All of the passengers should be wearing closed-toe shoes and securely fastened helmets. Carrying too many passengers could distract the driver. The driver and the passengers should pay attention to their surroundings, especially because other drivers might be carrying oversized loads. It is also good for the driver to remember to slow down when carrying passengers. Photos courtesy of Nancy Casolaro © Disney 24
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