David Begbie Sculpture Catalogue
David Begbie Sculpture Catalogue
D AV I D BEGBIE D AV I D BEGBIE ALBEMARLE “Sculpture, we usually say without examining our proposition too closely, is of course a tactile art. We are most likely regretting the present-day hands-off policy of the great public art collections, however responsible in terms of conversation it may be, because after all you can obtain a much more intimate knowledge of a sculptor’s intentions, interests and achievements if you can actually run your hand over that curve and into the declivity, savour through your sense of touch the texture of stone or wood or metal. Which is true as far as it goes. But with David Begbie it does not go very far. There is no doubt that Begbie is a sculptor. What else can you call someone who produces three-dimensional work PU H TH[LYPHS HZ WHSWHISL HZ ÄUL Z[LLS TLZO& (UK MVY [OH[ TH[[LY [OL JVTWHYPZVUZ [OH[ ZWYPUN [V TPUK HYL HS^H`Z with other sculptors. He may make us think of Medardo Rosso, who sought to capture similarly evanescent effects VMÅ\PKP[`HUKTV]LTLU[PU[OLZPTPSHYS`L]HULZJLU[TLKP\TVM^H_[OV\NO)LNIPL»Z^VYRZMVYHSS[OLPYHWWHYLU[ insubstantiality, are in fact amazingly sturdy. Or of Rodin for his passionate interest in the musculature of the human IVK`OPZMHZJPUH[PVU^P[O[OL^H`[OLSPNO[MHSSZVUHUKTV\SKZ[OLZOHWLZVMO\THUÅLZO (UK`L[)LNIPL»Z^VYRT\Z[IL[OLSLHZ[[HJ[PSLVMHSSZJ\SW[\YL0M`V\[V\JOH)LNIPL^OH[KV`V\ÄUKV\[&:PTWS` that it is made of wire mesh. More complicatedly, that most of its visual effect is illusion. He is indeed, like Rodin, fascinated by the way that light falls on the human body, but he never reproduces the effect; he re-creates it in a highly illusionistic way. He is always playing with the intricate relationship between the eye and the mind, which enables us, forces us even, to see things which are not there, to place things in an imaginary space which corresponds to the real space before our eyes very little, if at all. Because of the very delicate and subtle fashion in which the mesh is moulded TVZ[S`^P[OOPZIHYLZ[YVUNÄUNLYZL_[YHVYKPUHY`PSS\ZPVUZHYLJYLH[LKMVYHZ^LSVVRH[[OLZJ\SW[\YLMYVTKPMMLYLU[ angles, the mesh takes on different visual densities, depending on the angle at which we see it, or whether we see it, HZ^LKVPUZVTLVM[OLM\SS`[OYLLKPTLUZPVUHSÄN\YLZPUVUL[OPJRULZZVY[^VVY[OYLL¹ John Russell Taylor, Critic and Author “As he is a splendid sculptural draughtsman, the shape is exquisitely outlined. It has the rightness and the adjustment to observation, which in their absence we always miss in visual art. The steel mesh that makes these bodies also JVUZ[P[\[LZ[OLPYPTHNPUH[P]LJSV[OPUN0[JYLH[LZHUKPYPKLZJLU[MHIYPJ^P[OHÅ\[[LYPUNZOLLU[OH[PZ^HU[VUS`]VS\W[\V\Z harsh yet silky, both at once. David Begbie weaves for imperial nakedness an optical garment, which is more illusory HUKZ[`SPZO[OHUL]LY¹ Sir Lawrence Gowing, Artist and Writer ¸0MVULLU]PZHNLZ[OLO\THUMVYTPUZJ\SW[\YLVULWLYOHWZÄYZ[[OPURZVMP[ILPUNJHY]LKPUTHYISLZPUJL^LHSSZ[PSS^LHY ^OH[/LUY`4VVYLVUJLYLMLYYLK[VHZº.YLLRZWLJ[HJSLZ»(S[LYUH[P]LS`VULTPNO[YLÅLJ[VU+VUH[LSSV»Z+(=0+^OPJO is arguably the most beautiful sculpture ever made. Or, perhaps nearer to our own time one thinks of Rodin’s powerfully TVKLSSLKÄN\YLZHUKOLYL^LHYLNL[[PUNJSVZLY[V^OH[+H]PK)LNIPLPZZLLRPUN[VJYLH[L!HUPUJVTWSL[LWVY[PVUVM the human body, a part which speaks eloquently for the whole. The foregoing examples are of the human body carved VYTVKLSSLKZVSPKLP[OLYHIZVYIPUNVYYLÅLJ[PUNSPNO[)LNIPLOHZL_WSVYLKHM\Y[OLYYHUNLVMWVZZPIPSP[PLZOPZÄN\YLZ HYL[YHUZWHYLU[THKLVM^PYLTLZOTVKLSSLKWHPU[LKHUKNHS]HUPZLK![OLSPNO[IV[OYPWWSLZVU[OLZ\YMHJLHUKWHZZLZ YPNO[[OYV\NO[OLT;OLLMMLJ[PZVMHWYLZLUJL[OH[PZUV[X\P[LVM[OPZ^VYSK0[PZYLHSI\[HSZVZ\YYLHS¹ Mary Rose Beaumont, Art Historian and Critic ¸/PZ^VYRPZX\P[L\USPRLHU`[OPUNLSZLILPUNKVULH[[OLWYLZLU[TVTLU[/PZÄN\YLZHUKÄN\YLMYHNTLU[ZHYLTV\SKLK MYVTÄUL^PYLTLZO;OLZLTH[LYPHSZ[\YUV\[[VILL_[YHVYKPUHYPS`ZLUZP[P]L!)LNIPLPZHISL[VZOHWLP[^P[OOPZOHUKZ[V produce the illusion of rippling musculature. He makes it seem as sensitive and pliable as wax. But the mesh provides a whole range of other effects as well - the sculptures become translucent - they are simultaneously there and not there. 0U[OPZUL^ZLYPLZVM^VYRZ)LNIPLOHZILJVTLT\JOIVSKLY[OLÄN\YLZHYLKLSPILYH[LS`MYHNTLU[LKTL[HSHYTH[\YLZ are used to ‘draw’ with, so that the spatial interaction becomes more complex. Every time the viewer shifts position, a UL^ZL[VMYLSH[PVUZOPWZHWWLHY;OLMHZJPUH[PUN[OPUNPZ[OH[[OLZLYLSH[PVUZOPWZYLTHPUJVOLYLU[¹ Edward Lucie-Smith, Art Historian, Critic and Author “David Begbie is a sculptor, draughtsman and printmaker whose materials and media are unusual but whose preoccupation – the human condition ¶ PZ HUJPLU[ ;OL ÄYZ[ RUV^U WHPU[PUNZ [OL JH]L WHPU[PUNZ VM ZV\[OLYU France, are of living creatures, animals in the main; even older however, are [OLÄYZ[RUV^UZJ\SW[\YLZ!H]LY`WS\TWMLTHSLPUSPTLZ[VULHUKHTHU in ivory both from Central Europe. The survivors - (and characteristically ZJ\SW[\YLOHZHWV[LU[PHSMVYZ\Y]P]HSKLUPLK[VWHPU[PUN¶HYLHZZVJPH[LK with the art of the hunters, rather than with the more settled art of the farmers appearing substantially later. The famous dictum of Pope’s turns out to have been shared throughout the millennia, even if man and woman were dressed up or rather down, in the sense of being naked and observed – as a deity. In the face of all creeds and isms, the most persistent motif – man is the measure of all things – characterises the formulation of imagery for all of human history. (Abstraction is bold, because it emphasises human absence [OL TVYL WV^LYM\SS` PU ZVTL PUZ[HUJLZ [V YLJHSS [OL O\THU WYLZLUJL ;OLYLMVYLPUVULZLUZL^OH[PZ[OLYLZ[PSS[VZH`VYZOV^& David Begbie’s human and humane art does demonstrate in contemporary [LYTZHUK[OLO\THUÄN\YLPZPUL_OH\Z[PISLHZHUPUZWPYH[PVUPUP[ZLSMHUK as itself, and as a way of saying all kinds of things about art – and life – UV^-PYZ[VMHSS[OLYLPZ[OLYLÄULTLU[VM[OLTH[LYPHS0U[OLJHZLVM[OL [OYLLKPTLUZPVUHSÄN\YLZ)LNIPLJVUMV\UKZZJ\SW[\YHSWYLJVUJLW[PVUZ¶ WHY[PJ\SHYS`^OLUYLSH[LK[VÄN\YH[P]L^VYR>LHYLHJJ\Z[VTLK[VZLLPUN [OLÄN\YLJHY]LKPUZ[VULVYJHZ[PUIYVUaLOV^L]LY^LHYLHSZV\ZLK[VHU enormous variety of material in the revolutionary formulations for sculpture ZVJOHYHJ[LYPZ[PJVM[OPZJLU[\Y`0UHJ\YPV\Z^H`[OLÄN\YLP[ZLSMPZ[OLSHZ[ bastion. David Begbie does not, it seems to me, use the novelty of steel mesh and now copper, simply for its own sake. Rather, it is an extension HUKHTWSPÄJH[PVUVMHULHYSPLYH]HU[NHYKL¶1\SPV.VUaHSLaZH`HUKOPZ drawing in space with his welded metal sculpture. Their technical insights and expansions of possibilities were and are quarried by artists who have tended to abandon overt representation for a more oblique view of the world around us, relying more on an inner vision, a sense of constructing from within. I do not believe that David Begbie’s seemingly accurate (although they HYL UV[" HY[PZ[PJ SPJLUJL PZ Z\I[S` PTHNPUH[P]LS` HUK PU[LYLZ[PUNS` H[ ^VYR ]PZ\HSTLKPH[PVUZ VU [OL O\THU ÄN\YL HUK MHJL JV\SK PU MHJ[ OH]L ILLU created without the liberty afforded to artists by photography and its HWWHYLU[MHP[OM\SULZZ[V[OLVIZLY]LK^VYSKHS[OV\NO^LRUV^[OH[ÄKLSP[` [VILMHSZLHZ^LSS5VYJV\SK[OLL]VS\[PVUHUKKL]LSVWTLU[VMOPZOPNOS` PUKP]PK\HSPKPVTOH]L[HRLUWSHJL^P[OV\[[OLMYLLKVTHMMVYKLKÄN\YH[PVU by abstraction. Effective art must be of its time, as well as containing within it some understanding of tradition and the past. David Begbie’s art is exhilarating and fascinating precisely because he deals directly with a subject that could not be more ancient and traditional, but does so in ways that are only possible now. He uses traditional and invented techniques. He uses the human form, but his art mediates it into a series of works, highly individual, that communicate a recognisable, emotionally authentic and affecting PU[LYWYL[H[PVU[OH[PZOPZV^U¹ Marina Vaizey, Art Critic 1 Icon I 156 x 44 x 36 cm 5L\K0 65 x 21 x 13 cm 5L\K00 64 x 21 x 13 cm 4 Iconis 93 x 55 x 18 cm 5 Luuda 51 x 36 x 13 cm 6 Prima 50 x 17 x 13 cm 7 Prima 51 x 17 x 13 cm 8 Icon 93 x 26 x 20 cm 9 Iconic 94 x 42 x 20 cm 10 Iconi 95 x 55 x 20 cm 5\KPZ 76 x 37 x 18 cm :\ZWLUKLK 12 Palm 122 x 122 x 20 cm :\ZWLUKLK 13 Fnud 51 x 16 x 13 cm 5\IPZ 51 x 16 x 13 cm 15 Bnud 51 x 16 x 13 cm 16 Omo 92 x 55 x 18 cm 17 Unuud 93 x 107 x 20 cm 18 Venii I 65 x 46 cm :\ZWLUKLK3[KLKP[PVUVM 19 Venis III 65 x 36 cm :\ZWLUKLK3[KLKP[PVUVM 20 Venus II 65 x 36 cm :\ZWLUKLK3[KLKP[PVUVM 21 Luna 97 x 106 x 20 cm :\ZWLUKLK DAVID BEGBIE 1955 ¶ ¶ Born Edinburgh, Scotland | 1975 Winchester School of Art, England .SV\JLZ[LYZOPYL*VSSLNLVM(Y[HUK+LZPNU)(/VUZ*OLS[LUOHT,UNSHUK ;OL:SHKL:JOVVSVM:J\SW[\YL7VZ[.YHK\H[L/+-(<UP]LYZP[`*VSSLNL3VUKVU (ZZVJPH[LVM[OL9V`HS:VJPL[`VM)YP[PZO:J\SW[VYZ(9): Selected Solo Exhibitions (YJOL[`WLZ¹4VVYOV\ZL3VUKVUc¸:RPUKLLW¹6KL[V(Y[:PUNHWVYLc=HU3VVULU:PTVUZ=\NO[5L[OLYlands| Australian Galleries, Sydney | Different, London .HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[3VUKVUc¸;OPU(PY¹(PY.HSSLY`3VUKVUc¸(YPH:V[[PSL¹=LJJOPH[V(Y[L7HK\Hc ¸<U\K¹(4.HSSLY`9VX\L[HZ+LS4HY(STLYPH:WHPUc¸0JVUPP¹*OHW[LY/V\ZL*HU[LYI\Y`*H[OLKYHSc ¸(YJOL[`WLZ¹4VVYOV\ZL3VUKVUc¸:RPUKLLW¹6KL[V(Y[:PUNHWVYL .HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[3VUKVUc¸5\K\Z¹5\TILY5PUL[OL.HSSLY`)PYTPUNOHT<2c)PLUUHSL.HSLYPL=HU3VVULU Simons, Vught, Holland PUJS\KPUN9O`[OTPJ;PLZ*VUJLY[c¹<U\K¹:VTLY]PSSL.HSSLY`7S`TV\[O,UNSHUKc Gallery Different at Queens Elm Gallery, Chelsea, London including Rythmic Ties Concert ¸.LUPP¹(SILTHYSL.HSSLY`3VUKVUc.HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[3VUKVUc>PTISLKVUTHX\L[[LL_OPIP[PVU 2007 Gallerie Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome | Gallery Different, London | Galerie Van Loon en Simmons | -VYT6S`TWPH"3VUKVUc¸(U[LIVKPLZ¹)\ZJOSLU4V^H[[.HSSLYPLZ=HUJV\]LY .HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[3VUKVUc5\TILY5PUL[OL.HSSLY` ¸5\K\\¹.HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[c;OL*H[[V.HSSLY`3VUKVUc,[PLUUL=HU3VVU5L[OLYSHUKZ 2004 Gallery Different, London | Hotel Linde, Mariaworth Austria | Herman Miller Event, International Art Consultants 2003 Gallery Different, London | Camino Real Gallery, Boca Raton, Florida | Magidson Fine Art, Aspen, Colorado | 0U[LYUH[PVUHS(Y[*VUZ\S[HU[Z:WLJ[Y\T3VUKVUc7S\Z6UL7S\Z;^V.HSSLYPLZ3VUKVUc5\TILY5PUL[OL Gallery, Birmingham, England | Spectrum, International Art Consultants London | Festival Gallery, Henley Festival, England 2002 Gallery Different, London | Plus One Plus Two Galleries, London | Online - Platform for Art, Gloucester Road, London | Buschlen Mowatt Galleries, Vancouver, Canada | Galerie Bernd Duerr, Munich Germany 2001 Gallery Different, London 2000 Gallery Differentiate, London .HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[PH[L3VUKVUc0UH\N\YH[PVUVM:[PYSPUN:X\HYL:[1HTLZ»3VUKVU:PY1HTLZ:[PYSPUN»ZÄUHS building 1998 Begbie Selected Retrospective, Early Work 1983-1991 and Recent Work 1998, Gallery Differentiate, London 1997 Gallery Differentiate, London | The Festival of Erotica, Olympia .HSSLY`+PMMLYLU[PH[L3VUKVUc(Y[VWPH5L^@VYR<:(c/HUUHO7LZJOHY.HSSLY`HUK:J\SW[\YL.HYKLU:\YYL` 1995 Gallery Differentiate, London | Magidson Fine Art, Aspen, Colorado, USA | Posner Fine Art, Santa Monica, California, USA 1994 Gallery Differentiate, London | Fire Station Gallery, Sydney, Australia (Opened by Terence Meecham - Director of the Powerhouse Museum, :`KUL`c;OL,TWVYPV(YTHUP)YVTW[VU9VHK3VUKVU:WLJPHS*VSSHIVYH[PVUZVSVL_OPIP[PVUc1VLS2LZZSLY Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA 1993 Gallery Different | Catto Gallery, London 1992 Gallery Different 1991 Salama-Caro Gallery, Cork Street, London 1990 Wates City Tower, London | Salama-Caro Gallery, Cork Street, London 1989 Salama-Caro Gallery, Cork Street, London ¸*Y\JPÄ_¹0UZ[HSSH[PVUH[>PUJOLZ[LY*H[OLKYHS,UNSHUKc/LUSL`º-LZ[P]HS/LUSL`6U;OHTLZ,UNSHUK 64: :HSHTH*HYV.HSSLY`*VYR:[YLL[3VUKVUc0*(-6S`TWPH3VUKVU64: -VY\TA\YPJO:^P[aLYSHUK64:c5H]`7PLY*OPJHNV<:(c:H]HJV\-PUL(Y[;VYVU[V*HUHKHc Simpsons of Piccadilly of London - Special Collaborative One Man Exhibition Selected Group Exhibitions ;OL3VUKVU(Y[-HPY3VUKVU)`HYK(Y[c2\UZ[:HSVU,PUKOV]LU5L[OLYSHUKZ=HU3VVULU:PTVUZc5\TILY 5PUL [OL .HSSLY` )PYTPUNOHT ,UNSHUK c :VTLY]PSSL .HSSLY` 7S`TV\[O ,UNSHUK c =HU 3VVU :PTTVUZ *VU[LTWVYHY` -PUL (Y[ =\NO[ 5L[OLYSHUKZ c >VVSMM .HSSLY` 3VUKVU c (-6 +VJRSHUKZ 3VUKVU c (\Z[YHSPHU Galleries, Sydney and Melbourne, Australia | Gallery Vecchiato, Padova and Milan Italy | Ana Mercader Gallery, Almeria | Galerie Mada Primavesi, Madrid, Spain | Ode to Art, Singapore | The Hooke Sculpture Gallery, Sag /HYIVY5L^@VYR<:(c;OL1HTPL.V\YSH`.HSSLY`,[VU)LYRZOPYLc5\TILY5PUL[OL.HSSLY`)PYTPUNOHTc /HUUHO7LZJOHY.HSSLY`:J\SW[\YL.HYKLU:\YYL`,UNSHUKc¸2\UZ[ZHSVU¹(Y[-HPY,PUKOV]LU=HU3VVULU Simons ;OL3VUKVU(Y[-HPY3VUKVU)`HYK(Y[c5\TILY5PUL[OL.HSSLY`)PYTPUNOHT,UNSHUKc)\ZJOSLU4V^H[[ .HSSLYPLZ=HUJV\]LYc;OL/VVRL:J\SW[\YL.HSSLY`:HN/HYIVY5L^@VYR<:(c:VTLY]PSSL.HSSLY`7S`TV\[O ,UNSHUKc=HU3VVU:PTTVUZ*VU[LTWVYHY`-PUL(Y[=\NO[5L[OLYSHUKZc>PU/LUZ[VJR.HSSLY`;VYVU[Vc Woolff Gallery, London | AFO, Docklands, London | Byard Fine Art, Cambridge | Australian Galleries, Sydney and 4LSIV\YUL (\Z[YHSPH c .HSSLY` =LJJOPH[V 7HKV]H HUK 4PSHU 0[HS` c =PL^ ;^V .HSSLY` 3P]LYWVVS <2 c (UH 4LYJHKLY.HSSLY`(STLYPH:WHPUc¸,_OPIP[PVUPZT¹,HZ[>PUN5PUL*V\Y[OH\SK0UZP[\[L3VUKVUc3PSPHUL7HYHKL 5L[OLYSHUKZ =HU 3VVU LU :PTVUZ c ,ZWHJPV ([SHU[PJVGZ (Y[ MHPY =PNV (4 .HSSLY` c 6KL [V (Y[ :PUNHWVYL c/LY[VNLUIVZJO-HPY=HU3VVULU:PTVUZc(9*64HKYPK:WHPU(4.HSSLY`c;OL*HTIYPKNL(Y[-HPY<2 5\TILY 5PUL [OL .HSSLY` c ;OL /VVRL :J\SW[\YL .HSSLY` :HN /HYIVY 5L^ @VYR <:( c ;OL 1HTPL .V\YSH` .HSSLY`,[VU)LYRZOPYLc(Y[=LYVUH=LJJOPH[V(Y[.HSSLYPLZc(Y[WHYRZ0U[LYUH[PVUHS:H\ZTHYLa4HUVY/LYP[HNL ;Y\Z[:J\SW[\YL;YHPS.\LYUZL`c/HUUHO7LZJOHY.HSSLY`:J\SW[\YL.HYKLU:\YYL`,UNSHUKc;OL/HTW[VUZ (Y[-HPY5L^@VYR>VVSMM.HSSLY`c+L]VU(Y[-HPY5\TILY5PUL[OL.HSSLY`c(Y[-HPY;VYVU[V*HUHKH>VVSMM .HSSLY` ,KPUI\YNO (Y[ -HPY 5\TILY 5PUL [OL .HSSLY` c ¸*OYPZ[THZ *YHJRLY¹ )`HYK (Y[ *HTIYPKNL c .HSLYPL Mada Primavesi, Madrid, Spain 5\TILY5PUL[OL.HSSLY`)PYTPUNOHT,UNSHUKc)\ZJOSLU4V^H[[.HSSLYPLZ=HUJV\]LY*HUHKHc3VUKVU(Y[ -HPY (SILTHYSL .HSSLY` 3VUKVU c :VTLY]PSSL .HSSLY` 7S`TV\[O ,UNSHUK c =HU 3VVU :PTTVUZ *VU[LTWVYHY` -PUL (Y[ =\NO[ 5L[OLYSHUKZ c >PU /LUZ[VJR .HSSLY` ;VYVU[V c >VVSMM .HSSLY` 3VUKVU c (-6 +VJRSHUKZ 3VUKVU c (IZVS\[L (Y[ .HSSLY` )Y\NLZ )LSNP\T c .HSLYPL KL 5PJL 5PJL -YHUJL c )`HYK -PUL (Y[ *HTIYPKNL c ¸0UZWPYLK¹ H[ [OL 4P[JOLSS 3PIYHY` .SHZNV^ <2 c (Y[ HUK (U[PX\LZ -HPY 9V[[LYKHT =HU 3VVU LU :PTVUZ c :J\SW[\YL 7YVTLUHKL -P[a^PSSPHT 4\ZL\T *HTIYPKNL 9): c *LSLIYH[PVU VM :J\SW[\YL 3LPJLZ[LY <UP]LYZP[`c(\Z[YHSPHU.HSSLYPLZ:`KUL`c.HSSLY`=LJJOPH[V7HKV]H0[HS`c=PL^;^V.HSSLY`3P]LYWVVS<2c(UH Mercader Gallery, Almeria Spain | Artparks International, Sausmarez Manor Heritage Trust Sculpture Trail, .\LYUZL`c/HUUHO7LZJOHY.HSSLY`:J\SW[\YL.HYKLU:\YYL`,UNSHUKc6WLU(Y[-HPY<[YLJO[.HSLYPL=HU Loon en Simons | Toronto International Art Fair, Woolff Gallery Selected Museum Collections and Permanent Public Installations .HSSLYPH 5H[aPVUHSP KL (Y[L 4VKLYUH 9VTL 0[HS` c 5H[PVUHS .HSSLY` *HUILYYH (\Z[YHSPH c 4\ZL\T )LLSKLU HHU ALL /VSSHUKc5H[PVUHS.HSSLY`VM*HUHKHc*P[PIHUR3VUKVUc:V\[O^HYR)YPKNL3VUKVU¸-PN\YL-V\U[HPU¹ c*P[`7SHJL /V\ZL3VUKVU¸)HJR[V-YVU[¹+PW[`JO¸=LU\Z¹ c;OL/`H[[*HYS[VU3VUKVUº;OL7LHR/LHS[O:LYPLZ» c5H[\YHS/PZ[VY`4\ZL\T7YPTH[LZ.HSSLY`WLYTHULU[ZP[LMVY¸6YPNPUZ¹;YPW[`JO:J\SW[\YL c*HUUVUZ*P[`.`T 3VUKVU¸(YJOL[`WLZ¹ c9V`HS*HYPIILHU*Y\PZL3PULZ c;OL/`H[[*HYS[VU3VUKVUº:^PTTPUN[Y\UJZ» c ;OL /`H[[ /HTI\YN º*VTWVZ\YL» c 3HKIYVRL :WVY[PUN *HZPUV 3VUKVU º*OHUJL» c ;OL 1HT /V\ZL )PYTPUNOHT º(UHUNLS» º4HUHUNLS» c 8\LLU =PJ[VYPH :[YLL[ ¸/\THU[V\JO¹ +`W[PJO c -HP[O AVUL 4PSSLUUP\T +VTL .YLLU^PJO 3VUKVU ¸-HP[O¹ 4PSSLUUP\T :J\SW[\YL c :[ 4HY` [OL 3LZZ *OPSIVS[VU >PUJOLZ[LY ¸*Y\JPMVYT¹ c-SLL[7SHJL/V\ZL/VSIVYU=PHK\J[¸-PZOUL[¹c)LKL»Z>VYSK4\ZL\T1HYYV^;`UL>LHY ¸>VYSKZHWHY[¹ c ;LU *V]LU[ .HYKLU *VUUH\NO[ 9VVTZ 3VUKVU ¸/LH]LUS`IVKPLZ¹ c ;OL 3V^Y` /V[LS 4HUJOLZ[LY ,UNSHUK ¸:\ZWLUZL¹ c ;OL 4PSHU )HY .YHU[Z VM *YV`KVU 3VUKVU ¸(UHUNLS¹ c /V[LS 3PUKL 4HYPH^VY[O(\Z[YPH¸5\KH¹c9HKPZZVU:(:/V[LS:[HUZ[LK,UNSHUK¸:[HUKV]LY¹c:OYPULVM>HSZPUNOHT 5VYMVSR¸*Y\JPÄ_¹c;OL1HT/V\ZL,KPUI\YNO¸(HUNLS¹c:HU+VTLUPJV/V\ZL¸5\\KH¹¸5\\K\¹¸;\U\\K¹ c9HKPZZVU,K^HYKPHU/V[LS7YV]PKLUJL>OHYM.LU\Z:LYPLZ¸=LU\Z¹HUK¸=LUP¹c;OYLHKULLKSL:[YLL[ ¶¸;V[\¹c>H`VM;OLYHW`3VUKVU¸6[\\¹c;OL(SS,UNSHUK3H^U;LUUPZ(UK*YVX\L[*S\I*LU[YL*V\Y[ >PTISLKVU¸.YHUKZSHT¹c*VSVWSHZ[3PTP[LK7L[LYIVYV\NO,UNSHUK¸6SV¹c/HUV]LY.YHUNL4VU[LNV)H` 1HTHPJH¸:[H[\0HUK:[H[\00¹HUK¸5\^KZ[PSS¹ ©(3),4(93,.(33,9@44?0
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