2014-15 School Calendar - Berne-Knox
2014-15 School Calendar - Berne-Knox
DISTRICT CALENDAR 2014-2015 OX- WESTERLO BERNE - KN C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T Helping Our Students Be All They Can Be OX- WESTERLO BERNE - KN 2014-2015 Calendar BERNE-KNOX-WESTERLO School District Directory Hours of Operation District Office – 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Elementary School – Main office hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Secondary School – Main office hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 2014-15 Notable Days First Day of School Sept. 4 First Day of Kindergarten Sept. 5 First Day of Pre-K Sept. 8 Winter Regents Exams Jan. 26 - 29 Spring Regents Exams June 16 - 23 Last Day of School (K-12) June 25 Class of 2014 Graduation June 27 2014-15 Days Off Columbus Day Oct. 13 Staff Development Day Oct. 24 Veterans’ Day Nov. 11 Thanksgiving Break Holiday Break Nov. 26 - 28 Dec. 24 - Jan. 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Jan. 19 Winter Break Feb. 16 - 20 Spring Break Memorial Day April 6- 10 May 25 C E N T R A L Attendance Policy Please contact the main office of your child’s school to leave a message when your child must be absent from school due to an illness or other appropriate reason. Elementary School: 872-2030 Secondary School: 872-1482 To follow up, please send a written excuse with your child upon his/her return to school. If your child will be absent for several consecutive days, we recommend that parents make arrangements with teachers to pick up missed assignments. Good attendance has been linked to higher academic achievement. Please help maintain BKW’s high attendance rate by encouraging your child to attend school every day. Publicity S C H O O L D I S T R I C T Superintendent of Schools 2014-2015 Board of Education Dr. Joseph L. Natale................. 872-1293 The public is invited to all Board of Education meetings. Community members have an opportunity to speak regarding issues during the time set aside for “public comment.” Please check the BOE’s website for meeting times: www.bkwschools.org/BOE/meetings.cfm Secondary School Principal Individuals or groups may request to put an item on the agenda by contacting the Superintendent’s office no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Contact the Board via e-mail at: BKWBOE@bkwcsd.k12.ny.us Secondary School Nurse Middle/High School............... 872-1483 President Vice President Joan Adriance Gerald Larghe Members Earl Barcomb Vasilios Lefkaditis Russell Chauvot Students’ names, grade levels and photos may be published on the BKW website, in school publications or released to the media to recognize student achievement or depict activities of the BKW School District. Parents who object to the use of their child’s information or image should notify BOTH the superintendent of schools and their child’s building principal — in writing — on or before September 4. PLEASE NOTE: While the district will honor the request of any parents who have submitted written notification opting their child out of publicity efforts, the district is not responsible for media that covers news happenings, sporting events or school events. District Business OfficE........ 872-0909 Brian Corey............................. 872-1482 Elementary School Principal Audrey Roettgers..................... 872-2030 Elementary School Nurse Colleen Demuth...................... 872-2030 Alicia Lounsbury..................... 872-1482 Director of Special Education Susan Sloma............................ 872-0945 Guidance Office Maintenance Supervisor Peter Shunney......................... 872-0946 Food Service Manager Deborah Rosko ....................... 872-5131 Transportation department Amy Santandrea...................... 872-1126 PTA Officers President Noah Ganser VICE-President Melissa Evely Treasurer Recording Secretary Persefini Ryerson Jean Forti Corresponding Secretary Carrie McDermott 1738 Helderberg Trail Berne, NY 12023 District Office FAX: 872-0341 Secondary School FAX: 872-2083 Elementary FAX: 872-2031 OX- WESTERLO BERNE - KN C E N T R A L Legal Notices No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Parental notifications Pursuant to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers and teaching assistants including: Whether state requirements and licensing criteria have been met for the grade level and subject area being taught. If the teacher is working under emergency or other provisional status under which state qualification and licensing criteria have been waived. The teacher’s college major and subsequent advanced degrees. Qualifications of any teaching assistants providing services to your child. If an uncertified teacher will be working in a classroom for four or more weeks. Requests for the above information may be directed to Lonnie Palmer, School Superintendent, BKW Central School District, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne, NY 12023. S C H O O L Release of information to military recruiters NCLB requires that school districts disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of our high school students. However, parents or students may request, in writing, that the district NOT release such information. Parents, or students who are at least 18 years old, may exercise the option to withhold their consent to release this information by contacting the high school principal’s office. 2014-2015 Calendar BERNE-KNOX-WESTERLO D I S T R I C T Student Privacy The district’s privacy policy offers parents the opportunity to excuse their child from any survey that reveals information on personal behavior or political beliefs. Parents are also notified and offered the chance to exclude their child from activities that gather personal information about students which can be used for marketing purposes. Special needs Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and students over 18 years of age have the right to inspect and review the student‘s records or request an amendment of records believed to be incorrect. They can also withhold consent on disclosure of personally identifiable information, except in cases where the law allows for disclosure without consent. Children with special needs may be entitled to additional services from the school district in which they reside. If your child has special needs and is not known to the school administration, please call the District Office. New York State Education Law also requires that each public school district account for the education of all resident minors. Please help BKW comply with this requirement. If your child is homeschooled or attends a private or parochial school and has not previously been registered with the District Office, please call 872-1293. Student Directory information Asbestos Management Plan Access to student records The district releases certain types of student information (name, address, phone number, photo, etc.). Under FERPA, parents may request in writing to not release that information. In accordance with federal law, the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District has in place a management plan to identify and manage asbestos building materials. The Asbestos Management Plan is on file and available for review in the District Office during regular business hours. Pesticide notification It is mandatory for school districts to inform parents or guardians and staff members of potential pesticide use during the school year. To be placed on a list to receive 48-hour notification prior to the application of pesticides, please call the District Office. Student Health Data Because New York State is interested in child health data, schools are required to record students’ height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI). If our district is surveyed by the state, we will only share group data (for instance, the number of second grade boys whose BMI is below the fifth percentile), not individual data. However, if parents wish their child’s data to be excluded from such group calculations, they may do so by contacting their school nurse. APPR Ratings All parents/guardians will have the right to obtain APPR ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s teacher(s) and principal(s) once the scores are available in accordance with state law. For additional details, please visit the district website or contact your child’s school. 1738 Helderberg Trail Berne, NY 12023 District Office FAX: 872-0341 Secondary School FAX: 872-2083 Elementary FAX: 872-2031 September 2014 Publicity Students’ names, grade levels and photos may be published on the BKW website, in school publications or released to the media to recognize student achievement or depict activities of the BKW School District. Parents who object to the use of their child’s information or image should notify BOTH the superintendent of schools and their child’s building principal – in writing – on or before September 4. PLEASE NOTE: While the district will honor the request of any parents who have submitted written notification opting their child out of publicity efforts, the district is not responsible for media that covers news happenings, sporting events or school events. SUNDAY MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY First Day of 12 3456 First Day of Labor Day (offices closed) Classes Grades 1-12 Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Kindergarten Orientation Modified Sports Practices Begin Classes Kindergarten Pre-Kindergarten Orientation Sophomore Class Sponsored Welcome Back Dance First Day of 789 10 111213 Classes Pre-Kindergarten Music Department Fundraiser (through 9/15) Sports Boosters Meeting BKWTA Meeting, 2:45 p.m., SS Auditorium Grades 7-12 Open House, 6:30 p.m. 141516 1718 1920 Sophomore ClassSponsored Flower Bulb Sale (through 9/26) BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office PTA Meeting, 6 p.m., ES Cafe Grades K-6 Open House, 6:30 p.m. 212223 24252627 SS Lifetouch Picture Day Fall Begins 28 29 30 Staff Development Day No School Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown) August 2014 SMTWTFS 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31 October 2014 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 www.bkwschools.org October 2014 Athletics For the schedule of games and start times, please call the Athletic Department at 872-0950 or visit the Athletics page at www.bkwschools.org. SUNDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 1 234 September 2014 November 2014 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 282930 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 Yom Kippur (begins at sundown) Eid al-Adha (begins at sundown) 567 891011 Sports Boosters Meeting BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the SS Auditorium PTA Karate Begins (through 4/30) Emergency Early Release Day Sukkot (begins at sundown) 121314 15161718 Columbus Day “Coming together is (offices closed) PSAT Test a beginning. Keeping together is progress. PTA-Sponsored PTA-Sponsored ES After-School Crafts Working together is Halloween Party success.” 192021 22232425 — Henry Ford Junior Class Fundraiser Spirit Cup PTA Meeting, 6 p.m. ES Cafe PTA-Sponsored Roller Skating Event Staff Development Day Music DepartmentSponsored Halloween Dance 262728 293031 Grades K-6 Halloween Parade Halloween www.bkwschools.org November2014 School Closings When there is inclement weather or other emergencies, school closings and delays are broadcast as soon as possible on the following radio stations: WFLY–FLY 92, WRVE– The River 99.5, and WYGB–B 95.5, and on the following television stations: YNN (channel 9 on cable), Channels 6, 10, 13 and 23 (channel 8 on cable.) When school is closed during the day, all afternoon and evening functions are cancelled unless otherwise scheduled by the Superintendent. SUNDAY MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 1 October 2014 December 2014 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 234 5678 Daylight Savings Time Ends Sports Boosters Meeting BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office 91011 12131415 Veterans Day (offices closed) PTA-Sponsored Movie Night Athletics Department Pep Rally & Dance First Day of Winter Sports Practices 161718 19202122 PTA-Sponsored Scholastic Book Fair (through 11/21) BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office Receive the latest news. information and school closings/delays from the district by signing up for our free e-mail service. Log on to www.bkwschools.org and click on the SNN logo. Players Hilltowns . & Sat., ri F Musical, . 3 p.m. n u S 7 p.m., nference Parent Co ismissal D Day Early PTA Meeting, 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe 232425 26272829 Hilltowns Players Musical, 3 p.m. BKWTA Meeting, 2:45 p.m. S.S. Auditorium Clubs & Activities Picture Day Thanksgiving Break (offices closed) Thanksgiving Break (offices closed) Thanksgiving Break (offices closed) 30 www.bkwschools.org December 2014 Emergency Management Plan The BKW Schools have an Emergency Management Plan as required by the Commissioner‘s Regulation. SUNDAY Each year, the school district carries out a practice “Emergency Early Release” drill which tests the emergency communication system of the district and regional schools. TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 12 3456 BOE M e Busines eting, 7 p.m., s Office Junior C Ornam lass Holliday ent Fun draiser Sports Booste rs Mee ting E.S. Winter Concert, 7 p.m. PTA-Sponsored Holiday Shoppe 78910 111213 A copy of this plan is available for public inspection in the District Office. Emergency Early Release drill MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO E.S. Winter Concert Snow Date M.S. Winter Concert 7 p.m. PTA-Sponsored Staff Appreciation Day 141516 17181920 M.S. Winter Concert Snow Date Hanukkah (begins at sundown) PTA-Sponsored After-School Crafts PTA Meeting, 6 p.m., E.S. Cafe H.S. Winter Concert 7 p.m. 212223 24252627 Holiday Break (offices closed) Holiday Break (offices closed) Holiday Break Christmas Eve Christmas Day Kwanzaa Winter Begins 28293031 Holiday Break Holiday Break Holiday Break (offices closed) New Year’s Eve November 2014 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 January 2015 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 www.bkwschools.org January 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY “Education’s purpose 123 December 2014 February 2015 Holiday Break Holiday Break SMTWTFS SMTWTFS is to replace an (offices closed) 123456 1234567 7 8 910111213 8 91011121314 New Year’s Day empty mind with an 14151617181920 15161718192021 21222324252627 22232425262728 open one.” Annual Alumni 28293031 Basketball Game — Malcolm Forbes “Teachers open the door; but you must enter yourself.” — Chinese Proverb 456 78910 Sports Boosters Meeting BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office High School Concert Snow Date 111213 14151617 “An education isn’t how much you Music Departmenthave committed to Sponsored memory, or even how Winter Ball much you know. 181920 21222324 It’s being able to Martin Luther King Jr. Day differentiate between (offices closed) what you know and PTA Meeting, what you don’t.” 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe — Anatole France 252627 28293031 REGENTS EXAMS BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office REGENTS EXAMS REGENTS EXAMS REGENTS EXAMS BKWTA Meeting, 2:45 p.m. S.S. Auditorioum www.bkwschools.org February 2015 Bus safety Please remember that New York State law requires drivers to stop for school buses when their red lights are flashing. Always approach school buses with caution. There is precious cargo on board: OUR FUTURE! SUNDAY MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 123 4567 Sports Boosters Meeting Groundhog Day 8 910 11121314 PTA-Sponsored After-School Crafts PTA Meeting, 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office PTA-Sponsored 6th Grade Valentine Dance Valentine’s Day 151617 18192021 Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break “A good head and (offices closed) Ash Wednesday President’s Day good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to 222324 25262728 that a literate tongue or pen, then you BOE meeting, have something very 7 p.m. in the special.” Business Office — Nelson Mandela January 2015 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 March 2015 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 91011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 www.bkwschools.org March 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 123 4567 “To be persuasive, we Sports Boosters Meet ing must be believable; Sophomore Class Piz za Sale to be believable, we (through 2/16) PTA-Sponsored must be credible; to Purim Jr. Class Easter Cand y Sale Movie Night (begins at sundown) be credible, we must be truthful.” 8 910 11121314 — Edward R. Murrow Daylight Savings Time Begins Spring Sports Practices Begin BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office Youth Council Roller Skating Party “Never give up, for that is just the place 151617 18192021 and time that the tide will turn.” PTA-Sponsored — Harriet Beecher Stowe St. Patrick’s Day “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” Mother/Daughter Event PTA Meeting, 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe Spring Begins 222324 25262728 S.S. Lifetouch Picture Day BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office First Dress Rehearsal for H.S. Musical 29 30 31 — Dale Carnegie H.S. Musical, 3 p.m. Palm Sunday Kindergarten Screening and Registration (through 4/2) BKWTA Meeting 2:45 p.m. S.S. Cafe Final Dress Rehearsal for H.S. Musical H.S. Musical, 7 p.m. H.S. Musical, 7 p.m. February 2015 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 91011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 April 2015 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930 www.bkwschools.org April 2015 Equal Opportunity Employer The Berne-KnoxWesterlo Central School District shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed or religion, marital status, sex, age, or disability. Any person noting or suspecting a violation of this policy is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the Superintendent or the Board of Education. SUNDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2 34 Good Friday (offices closed) Passover (begins at sundown) PTA-Sponsored After-School Crafts PTA-Sponsored R.S. Science Fair April Fool's Day 567 891011 Spring Break BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Easter 121314 15161718 Sports Boosters Meeting 192021 22232425 Sophomore ClassSponsored Pizza Sale (through 5/1) BOE meeting, 7 p.m. in the Business Office PTA-Sponsored Scholastic Book Fair (through 5/1) Grades 3-8 Math Tests through 4/24 PTA Meeting 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe Earth Day 262728 2930 PTA-Sponsored Father/Daughter Dance March 2015 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 91011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 May 2015 SMTWTFS 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31 www.bkwschools.org May 2015 SUNDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 12 April 2015 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930 June 2015 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 282930 345 6789 8th Grade Class Picture Day PTA-Sponsored Sports Boosters “We all live with Mother/Son Dance Cinco de Mayo Meeting the objective of being 101112 13141516 happy; our lives are all different and yet District Budget Hearing, the same.” 6:30 p.m., — Anne Frank S.S. Auditorium E.S. Spring Concert, 7 p.m. Mother's Day 171819 20212223 “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” — Sydney J. Harris Altamont Memorial Day Parade Annual School District Budget Vote S.S. Auditorium 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. NYS Science Performance Test for Grades 4 and 8 (through 5/29) PTA Meeting 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe M.S. Spring Concert, 7 p.m. 242526 27282930 Memorial Day (offices closed) Berne & Knox Parade 31 BKWTA Meeting 2:45 p.m. S.S. Cafe H.S. Spring Concert, 7 p.m. www.bkwschools.org June 2015 Graduation Requirements All students must earn 22 credits and pass five Regents exams—English, math, global history, U.S. History and science—to graduate from Berne-KnoxWesterlo Central School District. What is your senior doing after graduation? Is your graduate off to college or a trade school? The work force? The military? The Guidance Office needs to know. Don’t forget to give the office a call at 872-1483 to let them know your grad’s future plans. SUNDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 12 3456 Grad Scien es 4 & 8 Writt BOE ce Test en M the B eeting ,7 u Spor siness Of p.m. in ts Bo fice Mee ting osters REGENTS EXAMS High School and Jr. High School National Honor Society Induction PTA-Sponsored Father/Daughter Dance 789 10 111213 PTA Sponsored Yard Sale BOE meeting 7 p.m. in the Business Office Sophomore ClassSponsored Final Fling Dance PTA Meeting 6 p.m. E.S. Cafe 141516 17181920 REGENTS EXAMS Flag Day BOE meeting 7 p.m. in the Business Office REGENTS EXAMS REGENTS EXAMS 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony REGENTS EXAMS Ramadan (begins at sundown) 212223 24252627 REGENTS EXAMS REGENTS EXAMS Summer Begins BKW Class of 2015 Graduation Ceremony @ The Egg 10:30 a.m. Graduation Rehearsal Last day of school Father's Day 28 29 30 BKW Bulldog Basketball Camp, Grades 3-8 BKW Bulldog Basketball Camp, Grades 3-8 May 2015 SMTWTFS 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31 July 2015 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 www.bkwschools.org July 2015 Summer Reading Summer is the perfect time for children to engage in leisure reading. BKW students should continue their education on their own by reading as many books as possible during the summer. Students in grades 6-12 are required to read at least two assigned books, but they should try to read more for enjoyment. SUNDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 1 234 June 2015 August 2015 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 282930 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 BKW Bulldog Basketball Camp, Grades 3-8 BKW Bulldog Basketball Camp, Grades 3-8 BKW Bulldog Basketball Camp, Grades 3-8 Independence Day 567 891011 121314 15161718 Eid Al-Fitr (begins at sundown) Summer Reading list 192021 22232425 Our assigned reading lists are available at www.bkwschools.org or in our main offices. 262728 293031 www.bkwschools.org August 2015 Attention residents District residents who are age 55 or older may obtain a senior citizen honorary ticket that entitles them to free entry to all BKW events, except graduation. For more information, please call the District Office at 872-1293. SUNDAY MONDAY BERNE-KNOX- WESTERLO TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 1 July 2015 September 2015 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 SMTWTFS 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282930 234 5678 91011 12131415 “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” 161718 19202122 — Mother Teresa 232425 26272829 30 31 www.bkwschools.org BERNE dR. JOSEPH L. NATALE Superintendent of Schools BOARD of Education - KNOX- WESTERLO CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ECRWSS 1738 Helderberg Trail Berne, NY 12023 JOAN ADRIANCE President gerald larghe Vice President Earl Barcomb Russell Chauvot Vasilios Lefkaditis Produced in cooperation with the Capital Region BOCES Communications Service Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 4 Berne, NY Postal Customer
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