The Good News - Fishersville Baptist Church
The Good News - Fishersville Baptist Church
The Good News Fishersville Baptist Church 1518 Jefferson Highway, P.O. Box 82, Fishersville, VA 22939 Phone: (540) 942-1058 Website: Email: Volume 1, Issue 1 Volume 1, Issue 8 August 2014 2014 August Fishersville Baptist Church 1518 Jefferson Highway P.O. Box 82 Fishersville, VA 22939 Phone: 540-942-1058 FAX: 540-942-8980 Weather and Events Line: 540-946-5591 Business Email: Inside this issue: Monthly Events Meetings Ministry List for July Clifton Hamilton Children’s Ministry AT 2 Bring a friend to the 3 11:00 AM Worship Service Youth Ministry The Neighborhood Church 4 Invite them back for the Picnic! The Neighborhood Church (continued) 4:00 pm Games & Fellowship 5 5:00 pm Dinner* 6:00 pm Entertainment Music Ministry News Staff Members Prayer List Updates 6 *Please bring a covered dish meal, beverage and dessert to share; AND PLEASE BRING LAWN CHAIRS Remember to Pray! Monthly Scriptures Birthdays Anniversaries 7 VBS Thank you 8 Splash Party Tax Free Weekend Augusta County Fair Valley Women Connections Back to School Dates “Music From the Heart” Sundays 9:30 AM Women on Mission News FISHERSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH 9 11:00 AM 6:30 PM Sunday School for all ages Morning Worship Service “Lessons From Mayberry” Discipleship Training (Rm. 310) Evening Worship Service Adult Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) “Improv” Youth In the Sending Zone “Team F.R.O.G.” Children In the Activity Center 6:30 PM Wednesdays Adult Bible Study “Connect” Youth S.O.U.L. Patrol Children (Note: Youth & Children’s Wednesday Activities will resume August 20th.) 7:30 PM Choir Practice (Will resume on September 3rd) Y.E.S. Choir: Breaking during the Summer Women on Mission: 3rd Tuesday of each month Women’s Bible Study: Every other Monday The Good News Page 2 LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING Meetings in August will be announced at a later time DEACONS MEETING Sunday, August 3rd 5:00 PM; Room 208 Saturday, August 9th 8 AM; Meet at COUNTRY COOKIN’ All men are encouraged to join us for prayer and fellowship! WOMEN ON MISSION Tuesday, August 19th 10:30 AM Fellowship Hall ANGELS AMONG US (FORMERLY CALLED THE F’VILLE COMMUNITY SENIORS) NO MEETINGS IN AUGUST! Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 9th Guest Speaker: Leon Coleman “Tribute to Elvis” Lunch: Catered meal, $8 each MONDAYS, AUGUST 11th & 25th 10:00 AM, Fellowship Hall Study: GROWING OLDER & WISER by Dale & Sandy Larsen All Women Welcome! Lessons from Mayberry The Y.E.S. Choir will be taking a Sunday Evenings at 6:30 PM, Room 310 SUMMER BREAK Next Rehearsal: Sept. 11th MINISTRY Sunday, August 3 Sunday, August 10 Sunday, August 17 Sunday, August 24 Sunday, August 31 PULPIT SUPPLY John Sullivan Keith Harris The Gideons Joe McGugan Joe McGugan Nelson Carter 649-1405 Bob Weller 885-1982 Otis Feaganes 294-3908 Clifton Hamilton 942-3508 John Sullivan 886-1137 USHERS Donnie Taylor Bob Hunt Cecil Campbell Nelson Carter Tommy Cash David Cash Andy White Gene Cash, Sr. Art Thorn Donnie Taylor Clarence Wilkins Ted Davis Clay Hamilton Danny Blackard Jerry Sholes David Cash COUNTERS Nelson Carter Ted Davis Clarence Wilkins Otis Feaganes Sallie Feaganes Bob Hunt Brenda Taylor Tommy Cash Karen Dameron Kay Gum Art Thorn Mickey Edwards Gene Cash, Sr. Debbie Rinker Tammy Wilkins Nursery Bea Parker Angie White Marie Blackard Julie Lawhorne Debbie Henderson Kay Gum Jennifer Shy Robin Feaganes Emily Gum Brenda Mawyer Sound Room Raymond Hensley Steve Mesimer Clifton Hamilton Kevin Lawhorne Heather Carter Steve Mesimer Kevin Lawhorne DEACON OF THE WEEK Page 3 The Good News CROWDING OUT GOD? I am currently reading Hiking Through by Paul Stutzman. He lost his wife to cancer, quit his job of 25 years, left his adult children and drove to Georgia to start hiking the Appalachian Trail. His goal was to be a “pure thru” hiker which means that he did not divert from the white trail markings nor cut miles by using transportation. The hiker shares how the solitude allowed him to enjoy God’s handiwork. He had opportunities to really get to know other people as he encountered them and hiked for a period of time with them on the trail. One man he hiked with had a smart phone and kept up with the news of the day. When they stopped at a shelter for the night Paul would be informed of the latest news. When they parted company Paul missed the news and other information. At the next town Paul had to go into town for a mail pick-up. While there he bought a radio and ear buds. Upon leaving town Paul left plugged in to oldies and the news. After a few days on the trail Paul noticed a difference in the experience. He had lost the joy of the hike. He missed the music of the birds, the wind in the trees and the silence. One night he decided to put the radio in the bottom of his pack. The joy of the experience returned. As he hikes Paul recalls the time he was too busy to do the things that really count in life: time with family, growing closer to God; etc. The hike drew him closer to God as he contemplated the power of God, and other hikers and Paul had time to talk about the value of a relationship with God. Perhaps we need to be more vigilant in our personal journey with God and other people. Are we taking time to grow or are we seeking distractions that won’t last? Are we seeking to hear from God or spending all our time telling Him of our expectations? Do we let the noise of the world distract us? In His Service, Clifton Hamilton Chairman of Deacons Children’s News Many blessings from the Children’s Department! Thank you to everyone that came out for Vacation Bible School. We had an awesome time! Many seeds were planted for God’s Kingdom. It’s hard to believe, but school will be starting in just a few short weeks. Please keep our children in your prayers as they embark on a new school year and that God will use them in a mighty way! We will be having a Summer Splash Party on Sunday night, August 17th from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. There will be water balloons, a water slide, and make sure to bring those water guns!! Don’t forget towels and bathing suits as well. It should be a great time! Bring your Friends!!! In His name, Shawn McLain Youth News The Mission trip was a great success! The youth painted the interior of the home of a Fishersville Baptist Church member, and did a spectacular job! At the home of a Fishersville, VA couple, they built a roof over a deck. The camp, worksites, and VBS were exciting and very upbeat. ONE OF OUR YOUTH ACCEPTED CHRIST DURING VBS AND MADE A PUBLIC PROFESSION OF HIS FAITH. A special thanks to Brent Pirkey for leading the worship and praise for the youth. We could not have asked for a better musician or singer to lead our youth in praising God! His ministry was especially uplifting, and moving. We hope to continue with the momentum through the rest of the summer break! God bless! Tony Shifflett Page 4 The Good News Ronnie is currently leading a Mission Team in Syracuse at the time of the August Newsletter publication. As he was unable to participate in the August Newsletter, he gave permission to include this article from the website for The Neighborhood Church. Reaching Our World Info God has delivered "THE WORLD" to us!! Of all of the states, I would have never dreamed that God would call us to plant a church in NY! On top of that, if it had been NY, then probably New York City… never Syracuse. I guess it is because God knew a whole lot more about Syracuse than I did. Who would have thought that you could really live out “Go into ALL the world…” from Syracuse? I have been doing some research that I would like to share with you. First, let me say that there is a difference between Immigrants and Refugees. That is important for what God has called us to do. This is over simplifying it, but the best way to look at it is an Immigrant is a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. This is done most often to pursue a “better life”. Whereas a refugee is a person who leaves his or her country of origin because they have suffered (or fear) persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted 'social group' or because they are fleeing a war or natural disaster. That means that immigrants predominately come to the USA with hopes and dreams. While refugees enter in through chaos, fear and with very little hope. Over 7,300 refugees have come to call Syracuse home since 2001. Currently the five largest refugee populations in Syracuse are, in order: Burma, Bhutan, Somalia, South Sudan and Iraq. Of the 21,000 students in the Syracuse Public Schools, around 12 percent are of refugee families, who speak a total of 74 different languages and represent 80 countries. These are just a few of the countries and their different languages: Afghanistan (Farsi) Bosnia (Bosnian/Serbo-Croatian) Bhutan (Nepali, Dzongkha) Burma/Myanmar (Burmese, Chin, Karen, Karenni) Burundi (Kirundi, Swahili) Cambodia (Khmer / Cambodian) Congo (French, Lingala, Kiswahili) Cuba (Spanish) Eritrea (Tigrinya) Ethiopia (Amharic) Former USSR: Russia (Russian), Ukraine (Ukrainian), Moldova (Turkish) Haiti (Creole, French) Iran (Farsi) Iraq (Arabic) Korea (Korean) Kosovo (Albanian) Kurdistan (Kurdish) Laos (Lao, Hmong) Liberia (English, Krahn, Grebo) Poland (Polish) Rwanda (Kinyarwanda, French) Somalia (Somali, Mai Mai, Mushuguli) Sudan (Dinka, Ddinga, Arbic, Fur) Vietnam (Vietnamese) And many more!! That blows my mind! What an awesome place God has brought us to!! We are so blessed to join Him in His work. We have made some great contacts that specialize in working with these precious Refugees. Page 5 The Good News Matthew 28:18-20 says, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” Our plan is to start a church. The purpose of that church is to not only reach “The Neighborhood” but to reach the world. We chose the name “The Neighborhood Church” for a specific reason. We are aware that we are in a very tough neighborhood that needs hope and Jesus. We want them to know that we are there for them regardless of who they are, how bad they have been, and no matter what they have been through. Ever since we began this journey we have been warned about “the neighborhood”. We were told, “don’t live in the neighborhood”, “be careful of the neighborhood”, “stay away from the neighborhood”. We believe with all of our heart that God is going to do a miracle and make this neighborhood a shinning light for HIM! My great desire is to be able to stand before those that God brings to us and say, “Welcome to the neighborhood!” Which brings us to “The World” part. As you can tell, our neighborhood is greatly diverse! Our vision is that as God begins to break down walls and people of different nationalities turn to Jesus, they will sense that need for “their people” to know the Savior as well. They will want to reach back into their community to reach their families and friends AND get a burden for their home country!!! Creating Missionary 2.0 to reach the world! This will only happen if we learn to love these refugees. It will only happen if we learn to help, befriend, serve and care for these hurting, scared people who feel they have no hope. We will serve them, help them and share Jesus with them. Ronnie Wyatt "As He approached and saw the city, He wept over it" - Luke 19:41 The Neighborhood Church: Phone: 315-876-0558 1012 Oak St Syracuse, NY 1012 Oak Stre et Music News & Events By H. Keith Harris, Minister of Music Fishersville Baptist Church heads into August with our heads held high. We just had a great VBS. Joan and Laura did a wonderful job directing and getting the right people in the right places. It was so good to see the church full of smiles, people come to the Lord, others renew their faith and a supernatural team come together to serve Jesus. We had no major problems this year, which Joan credits to our VBS Prayer Team and we raised over $600 for Pastor Ronnie Wyatt and the Neighborhood Church of Syracuse, NY. Our guest speakers have been wonderful, yet in early August we will have some homegrown talent in the pulpit. Pastor John Sullivan will bring the Word on Aug. 3rd and we will have a baptism class for our candidates after the service. I have been asked to speak on August 10th which is also the day of our summer Baptism and church picnic. The Gideons will be leading the service on August 17th. If you are a member of the Worship Leadership Council, we are planning our next meeting on Sunday, August 31st right after the morning worship service. Keep me in your prayers as I write the drama for the Christmas Pageant and plan the Cantata; it will be a mystery this year! These “feel good” services help us get through the tough times. They are among God’s greatest gifts to us; they make life bearable and the worship of God more exciting and glorious! A PRAYER... Lord of Heaven and Earth, I thank You for the many gifts that You have given to us. I thank you for salvation, for music, and for loving us enough for give us a foretaste of Your glory and praise. May we cherish every moment and learn to praise You without ceasing. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. The Good News Page 6 Clifton Hamilton, Chairman Home: 540-942-3508 Cell: 540-256-1758 Nelson Carter 540-649-1405 Otis Feaganes Home: 949-0837 Cell: 540-294-3908 Dan & Carmen Hale of Elam Ministries as they share the Gospel in Istanbul, Turkey Ronnie & Michelle Wyatt as they share the Gospel in Syracuse, New York Brad & Bethany Mullenax as they share the Gospel in Madison Heights, Virginia Love INC (In the Name of Christ) Comfort Care Women’s Health Spirit FM Radio, WNLR Radio and K-Love Radio ministries WARM Shelter ministries John Sullivan 540-886-1137 Donnie Taylor 540-241-0885 Bob Weller Home: 540-885-1982 Cell: 540-448-1940 Please feel free to contact your Deacon, or any Deacon, if you have any needs. Leadership Team Chairman Cecil Campbell Deacon Chairman Clifton Hamilton Minister of Music H. Keith Harris Youth Director Children’s Director Tony Shifflett Shawn McLain The Prayer List is updated each week on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. If you have any changes (additions, Ministry Assistant Debbie Hendricks Church Treasurer Sallie Feaganes corrections or Pianist Margie Fretwell updates) please Organist Sunday School Director Nursery Coordinator Kay Sholes Joan Campbell Jennifer Sharpe-Mesimer deletions, call the Church Office at 540-942-1058. Thank you! Page 7 The Good News August Scripture Reading August Scriptures August Scriptures 1 Isaiah 18 — 22 17 Jeremiah 18 — 22 2 Isaiah 23 — 27 18 Jeremiah 23 — 25 3 Isaiah 28 — 30 19 Jeremiah 26 — 29 4 Isaiah 31 — 35 20 Jeremiah 30 — 31 5 Isaiah 36 — 41 6 Isaiah 42 — 44 7 Isaiah 45 — 48 21 Jeremiah 32 — 34 22 Jeremiah 35 — 37 23 Jeremiah 38 — 41 8 Isaiah 49 — 53 9 Isaiah 54 — 58 24 Jeremiah 42 — 45 10 Isaiah 59 — 63 25 Jeremiah 46 — 48 11 Isaiah 64 — 66 26 Jeremiah 49 — 50 12 Jeremiah 1 — 3 27 Jeremiah 51 — 52 13 Jeremiah 4 — 6 28 Lamentations 1 — 3:36 14 Jeremiah 7 — 9 29 Lamentations 3:37 — 5 15 Jeremiah 10 — 13 30 Ezekiel 1 — 4 16 Jeremiah 14 — 17 31 Ezekiel 5 — 8 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Tyler Shifflett Flookey Holmes Wednesday Thursday 6 7 13 Lucille Herron John Strickler Tony Simonetti 14 19 Virginia Reid (Wife of former FBC Pastor) 20 Andrew Conley (Tommy & Delores Rodgers) 21 Laura Harris 26 27 Mickey Edwards Jim Feaganes Charlotte Patterson 28 Max Allen Brian & Victoria Lam 10 11 Jenny Cash 12 Claire Parker Sue Hensley Painter 17 18 Dale Clark Dustin Henderson 24 25 Gracie Campbell (Sidney Cross) Jim & Betty Johns Art & Mamie Thorn 31 Kaiden Shiflett (Helen Mooneyham) Max & Pearl Allen Jeremy & Sarah Wilcher Keith & Laura Harris Harvey & Dorothy Hamilton Friday Saturday 1 Kathleen Rubin Jerry Nottingham 2 8 9 Tina Stewart Nelson & Heather Carter 15 Kim Parker Judi Patterson 22 Eli Fortune (Tony & Rhonda Fortune) John Shifflett 29 Sara Gum Victoria Lam (Brenda Mawyer) 16 Annie Collier Andrew Wilkins John Sullivan 23 Gavin Fortune (Tony & Rhonda Fortune) 30 Danny & Marie Blackard Bill & Betty Cummings The Good News Impact Virginia! Many youth came to Staunton July 21st—26th to participate in the Impact Virginia! Staunton Mission team. The ladies from Women on Missions provided lunch and water to the team. Thank you to everyone who prayed for our Women on Missions and for the youth on the Missions team. Page 8 Vision Virginia State Missions Offering Goal: $600 Week of Prayer: September 7th – 14th Vision Virginia Presentation Sunday Sunday, September 21st 11:00 AM Worship Service Bring your Vision Virginia offering! Guest Speaker: Don Cockes SBCV Regional Missionary for the Shenandoah Valley Children’s Splash Party Sunday, August 17th 6:30 PM, Activity Center Wear your swimsuit and bring your water guns! Activities include a water balloon fight, water games, water slide, and a campfire with hotdogs and roasted marshmallows. Contact Shawn McLain for more information! THANK YOU to EVERYONE who helped with the SonTreasure VBS! Thank you to everyone who participated in VBS in any capacity! And special thanks to John Shy for hosting the adult VBS. A special thanks to the Sunday School Classes who provided dinners for the V.B.S. workers during the week! Thank you to everyone who gave offerings to The Neighborhood Church Ministry. We Received to date $641.00 to give to Ronnie Wyatt. Joan Campbell Laura Harris 2015 BUDGET REQUESTS are due THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th. Page 9 The Good News Valley Women’s Connection Wednesday, August 13th 11:30 A.M. — 1:00 PM Friday, August 1st Thru Sunday, August 3rd During this three-day period, purchases of qualifying school supplies selling for $20 or less per item, and purchases of qualifying clothing and footwear selling for $100 or less per item will be exempt from sales tax. Augusta County F a I r August 5th — 9th At the Expo in Fishersville Gospel Night Thursday, August 7th Gospel Harmony Boys Time: TBD Gypsy Hill Place Winter Garden Room 300 Churchville Ave., Staunton Cost: $17 per person Reservations on or before Friday, August 8th Call 540-886-7259 or email Childcare available upon request Shuttle service from parking area available Guest Speaker: Karen Knight From Sight & Sound Theatre (Lancaster, PA) Professional Actress & Vocalist Join us for Karen’s musical performance “Broadway Moments” followed by her life story, “ A day in the life of a drama queen” Gate Admission: $5 (13 yrs—Adult) $3 (Kids 7—12 yrs old) More information: First Day of School Augusta County: August 18th Waynesboro: August 20th Staunton (PK/1st—12th): August 20th Staunton (Kindergarten): August 25th Mental Health America of Augusta presents “Music From the Heart” An evening of Blue Grass Gospel & Gospel Music High Ground Faithful Men Saturday, August 16th at 7 PM White Hill Church of the Brethren 749 Old White Hill Road, Stuarts Draft A free will offering will be received Info: 886-7181 or 255-4746