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New York Post, Thursday, June 9, 2016 nypost.com 38 12: +,5,1* +LULQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ SOXPELQJ HOHFWULFDO ERLOHU HOHYDWRU DQG KRLVW ULJJLQJ LQVSHFWRUV # " !$ $$$ $$ ! 7R UHJLVWHU VHQG UHVXPH WR GRELQVSHFWRUV#EXLOGLQJVQ\FJRY QR ODWHU WKDQ -XQH WK %ULQJ WZR FRSLHV RI \RXU UHVXPH DQG D YDOLG JRYHUQPHQWLVVXHG SKRWR ,' 5HJLVWUDQWV ZLOO UHFHLYH ƮUVW SULRULW\ :DONLQV VKRXOG H[SHFW ORQJ ZDLW WLPHV IRU LQWHUYLHZV $OVR ZH DUH QRZ KLULQJ $UFKLWHFWV DQG (QJLQHHUV IRU YDULRXV SRVLWLRQV HQIRUFLQJ VDIH FRQVWUXFWLRQ SUDFWLFHV HYDOXDWLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ SODQV DQG YHULI\LQJ FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK EXLOGLQJ FRGHV « 7R EH FRQVLGHUHG SOHDVH VHQG \RXU UHVXPH WR GREHQJLQHHUV#EXLOGLQJVQ\FJRY RU GREDUFKLWHFWV#EXLOGLQJVQ\FJRY 39 NOTICES FINANCE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICES PSYCHICS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LEGAL SERVICES ElderCareResources® ECR NYC Business Opportunity. Massive Client Base, Exceptional ROI, Multiple Income Streams, No Franchise Fees initial training, ongoing support $15,000. Reply in confidence ECRmd1@gmail.com BUSINESSES FOR SALE Neighborhood bar for saleBayridge/ Sunset Park. Asking $100,000. Contact zastty@aol.com Leave name and number PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has received a Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) application from One Flushing MM LLC for a site known as One Flushing, site ID #C241185. This site is located in the neighborhood of Flushing, within the County of Queens, and is located at 133-45 41st Avenue. Comments regarding this application must be submitted no later than July 15, 2016. A copy of the application and other relevant documents are available at the document repository located at Queens Public Library- Flushing, 41-17 Main Street, Flushing. Information regarding the site and how to submit comments can be found at http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/60058.html or send comments to Michael MacCabe, Project Manager, NYSDEC, DER – Bureau B, 625 Broadway, 12th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-7016; or call 518-4029687. To have information such as this notice sent right to your email, sign up with the county email listservs available at www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/61092.html FORECLOSURE NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT SECURITY BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT CAREER TRAINING In a Loan Security Agreement dated April 3, 2007 executed by Stacey Williams debtor to IndyMac Bank, F.S.B., a federally charted savings bank, which was thereafter modified then assigned to DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY as Trustee for INDYMAC INDX MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007AR13, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES Series 2007-AR13 secured party via assignment in accordance with its rights as holder of Security, William Mannion, Auctioneer # 0796322 or Ronald DeBoer, Auctioneer # 0864698 will conduct a public sale of the security consisting of 48 shares of stock of 745 Owners Corp. all right title and interest in and to a Proprietary Lease between said Corporation and debtor for Apartment #2F in the building known as 745 East 31st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210 together with all fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with said apartment on June 30, 2016 at 11:15am at the "foot" of the Kings County Courthouse steps facing Adams Street, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY, in satisfaction of an indebtedness. Apartment is sold “AS IS” AND POSSESSION IS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE PURCHASER. Said sale is subject to: payment of all sums due, if any, to 745 Owners Corp. c/o American Heritage Corp., and the consent if necessary, of said corporation; any existing tenancy; payment of all expenses and fees of the secured party with respect thereto; terms of sale and auctioneers fees; flip tax; State, City and County transfer tax. The secured party reserves the right to bid. Terms: an official bank or certified check made payable to RAS BORISKIN, LLC., for ten (10%) percent of the price bid. No cash accepted. RAS BORISKIN, LLC. (Escrowee) (516) 280-7675 Extension 1108. William Mannion, Auctioneer 0796322 RAS BORISKIN, LLC. ATTORNEYS FOR DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY as Trustee for INDYMAC INDX MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007AR13, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES Series 2007-AR13 900 MERCHANTS CONCOURSE SUITE 106WESTBURY, NEW YORK 11590 (516) 280-7675 X 1108 NOTICE OF SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT SECURITY BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT under the terms of a Security Agreement dated June 29, 1988 executed by Betty J. Morrison, debtor(s), to The Dime Saving Bank of New York, FSB, secured party, in accordance with its rights as holder of the Security, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. by Jessica PrinceClateman, DCA #1097640 and/or Vincent DeAngelis, DCA # 1127571 and/or Karen Loiacano, DCA #1435601 will conduct a public foreclosure sale of the security consisting of 300 shares of stock of 1818 Newkirk Owners Corp., all right, title and interest in and to a Proprietary Lease between said Corporation and debtor for apartment Apt 1W, in building known as 1818 Newkirk Avenue, Apt. 1W, Brooklyn, NY 11226 together with all fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with said apartment on June 30, 2016, at 1:30PM On the front steps of the Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY11201 in satisfaction of an indebtedness in the principal amount of $9,164.04 plus interest, late fees, attorney fees, maintenance in arrears and all other advanced charges. Apartment is sold "AS IS" and possession to be obtained by the purchaser. Said sale is subject to: payment of all sums due, if any, to 1818 Newkirk Owners Corp. and the consent if necessary, of said corporation; any existing tenancy; payment of all expenses and fees of the secured party with respect thereto; terms of the sale and auctioneer’s fees. The secured party reserves the right to bid. A 10% down payment in certified funds or bank check payable to Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC is required at sale with a balance of bid due within thirty (30) days. SHAPIRO, DICARO & BARAK, LLC (escrowee) 585-2479000. Ashley Legal Advertising Corp. 516-767-5155 #88687 Sell your car online! Place your ad on vehicles.classifieds.nypost.com Find Your Next Career in the &ODVVLÀHG Employment Listings NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION FORECLOSURE SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT in a Security Agreement dated September 22, 1989, executed by Mary Jane Cooper and American Savings Bank, FSB, as assigned, and in accordance with its rights as holder of the security, Will iam Mannion, DCA 796322 and/or Ronald DeBoer, DCA 086498, Auctioneers, will conduct a public sale of the security consisting of 340 shares of stock of Riverdale House Owners Corp., and all right, title and interest in and to a proprietary lease to Unit 1E in a building known as and by the street address 474 West 238th Street, Riverdale, New York 10463 together with fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection Unit 1E, on June 16, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., held on the front steps facing the Grand Concourse of the Bronx County Courthouse, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx , New York, in satisfaction of an indebtedness in the principal amount of $13,620.50 plus interest, late fees, attorney fees, maintenance in arrears and all other advanced charges. The secured party reserves the right to bid. The purchase price for the Lease and Shares of the Apartment shall be payable by certified or bank check, as follows: A ten percent (10%) deposit is required with a successful bid, payable to Schiller, Knapp, Lefkowitz & Hertzel, LLP. Cash will not be accepted and the balance of the purchase price shall be payable within thirty (30) days. SCHILLER, KNAPP, LEFKOWITZ & HERTZEL, LLP (Attorneys for Secured Creditor), 950 New Loudon Road, Suite 109, Latham, New York 12110. Phone: 518-786-9069. Fax: 518-786-1246. nypost.com NOTICES Notice Of Sale of Taxi Medallions Notice is hereby given that Alma Bank shall sell at public auction the following taxi medallions in accordance with the terms and conditions provided herein. Auction Sale 1 ALMA BANK (the “Secured Party”), claims a true and valid security interest pursuant to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York against certain collateral owned by Kaisu Taxi Corp. (“Kaisu”), consisting of New York City Taxicab Medallion(s) number(s) 9V12 and 9V13 (the “Kaisu Medallions” and/or the “Kaisu Collateral”), by virtue of a certain promissory note (the “Kaisu Promissory Note”) and commercial security agreement (the “Kaisu Security Agreement”) both dated July 26, 2013 (the documents together being hereinafter referred to as the “Kaisu Loan Documents”). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a default under the Kaisu Loan Documents, the Secured Party will sell the Kaisu Collateral consisting of all right, title and interest of Kaisu in and to NYC Taxi Medallions 9V12 and 9V13, and together with all of the Kaisu’s rights, title and interest in, to and arising under said property, at a public security agreement sale and auction June 13, 2016 at 2 PM, to be conducted by William E. Mannion, licensed auctioneer, NYC DCA License No. 796322, at the offices of Platzer, Swergold, Levine, Goldberg, Katz & Jaslow, LLP, 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, or such adjourned date thereafter as may be announced at the auction. There is an outstanding balance of approximately $1,323,175.80, plus additional charges as may be incurred pursuant to the Kaisu Loan Documents, including but not limited to per diem interest and attorney’s fees and costs and other costs and expenses of the sale. Auction Sale 2 ALMA BANK, claims a true and valid security interest pursuant to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York against certain collateral owned by Philip Taxi Inc. (“Philip”), consisting of New York City Taxicab Medallion(s) number(s) 6K14 and 6K15 (the “Philip Medallions” and/or the “Philip Collateral”), by virtue of a certain promissory note (the “Philip Promissory Note”) and commercial security agreement (the “Philip Security Agreement”) both dated June 28, 2013 (the documents together being hereinafter referred to as the “Philip Loan Documents”). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a default under the Philip Loan Documents, the Secured Party will sell the Philip Collateral consisting of all right, title and interest of Philip in and to NYC Taxi Medallions 6K14 and 6K15, and together with all of Philip’s rights, title and interest in, to and arising under said property, at a public security agreement sale and auction June 15, 2016 at 2 PM, to be conducted by William E. Mannion, licensed auctioneer, NYC DCA License No. 796322, at the offices of Platzer, Swergold, Levine, Goldberg, Katz & Jaslow, LLP, 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, or such adjourned date thereafter as may be announced at the auction. There is an outstanding balance of approximately $1,319,334.26, plus additional charges as may be incurred pursuant to the Philip Loan Documents, including but not limited to per diem interest and attorney’s fees and costs and other costs and expenses of the sale. Auction Sale 3 ALMA BANK claims a true and valid security interest pursuant to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York against certain collateral owned by Marboro Hacking Corp. (“Marboro”), consisting of New York City Taxicab Medallion(s) number(s) 8L30 and 8L31 (the “Marboro Medallions” and/or the “Marboro Collateral”), by virtue of a certain promissory note (the “Marboro Promissory Note”) and commercial security agreement (the “Marboro Security Agreement”) both dated June 28, 2013 (the documents together being hereinafter referred to as the “Marboro Loan Documents”). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a default under the Marboro Loan Documents, the Secured Party will sell the Marboro Collateral consisting of all right, title and interest of Marboro in and to NYC Taxi Medallions 8L30 and 8L31, and together with all of the Marboro’s rights, title and interest in, to and arising under said property, at a public security agreement sale and auction June 17, 2016 at 2 PM, to be conducted by William E. Mannion, licensed auctioneer, NYC DCA License No. 796322, at the offices of Platzer, Swergold, Levine, Goldberg, Katz & Jaslow, LLP, 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, or such adjourned date thereafter as may be announced at the auction. There is an outstanding balance of approximately $1,319,324.05, plus additional charges as may be incurred pursuant to the Marboro Loan Documents, including but not limited to per diem interest and attorney’s fees and costs and other costs and expenses of the sale. The Secured Party further claims an additional security interest for costs, charges expenses and legal services incurred in enforcing its security interests herein described. The Medallions will be sold “as is”, without representation or warranty of any kind and without recourse against the Secured Party. This sale is subject to the approval of the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (“TLC”) allowing a transfer of the Medallions to take place in favor of the successful bidder (the “Purchaser(s)”). In connection therewith, Purchaser agrees to fully cooperate and use its best efforts to complete and deliver all documents reasonably requested by the Secured Party, or the TLC that are customarily delivered to the TLC in connection with a medallion transfer. All such documents shall be completed, executed and delivered by the Purchaser within ten (10) days from the date of the conclusion of the auction sale. The sale and bidding procedures are subject to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale available upon request from the undersigned and such revisions thereto as may be announced at the start of the auction. However, such terms of sale include but are not limited to, the determination of a bidder as a “qualified bidder” which require a bidder to comply with the Terms of Sale, provide its name, address and telephone number to the auctioneer and the Secured Party prior to the auction sale and provide a deposit in the amount of $50,000 by bank or certified check to the auctioneer prior to the auction sale. The requirement of posting a deposit may be increased, decreased, or waived at the sole option of the Secured Party, in their sole and absolute discretion. The deposit, as well as the balance of the purchase price, must be paid by certified or bank check or wire. In the event of a default by the Purchaser, by submitting its bid the Purchaser agrees to be unconditionally liable to the Secured Party for an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the purchase price as liquidated damages for its default hereunder. Such amount is deemed reasonable and liquidated damages and is not subject to interpretation or adjustment by a Court or other judicial tribunal. The sale cannot be subject to financing. The sale is subject to confirmation by the Secured Party. A qualified winning bidder may be eligible for financing from the Secured Party, however this is at the sole and absolute discretion of the Secured Party and not a condition of sale. Note: Only bona fide bidders who exhibit a check for the initial deposit, lien holders and the debtor(s) will be permitted to participate in the auction. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event the proceeds of said sale are not sufficient to satisfy the indebtedness secured by the Loan Documents, the Debtor(s) will be liable for the deficiency. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT the aforementioned and debtors, specifically; Marboro, Philip and Kaisu are entitled to an accounting of the obligations and indebtedness due Alma Bank without charge. These companies may request an accounting of their indebtedness by contacting Alma Bank at (347) 706-4138. Platzer, Swergold, Levine, Goldberg, Katz and Jaslow, LLP By: Clifford A. Katz, Esq. Attorneys for Secured Party 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 593-3000 Sell your car today Sell your home in the NYP Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 to place your ad on vehicles.classifieds.nypost.com! LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a cancellation by 6515 Alderton Owners Corp. ("Apartment Corporation") of a certain proprietary lease (“Lease”) and the 190 cooperative shares of the Apartment Corporation (“Shares”) allocated to Apartment 3E at 65-15 Alderton Street, Rego Park, New York 11374 (the "Unit") presently held in the name of Mary Lou Kusel (“Shareholder”) and Shareholder’s default in the payment of cooperative maintenance and the issuance of a final judgment of possession and warrant of eviction by a Judge of the Civil Court of the City of New York, County of New York in a summary nonpayment proceeding entitled 6515 Alderton Owners Corp. v. Mary Lou Kusel, Index No. L&T 63355/15 and upon the Shareholder’s eviction from the unit, I, William Mannion, Auctioneer, DCA #796322 will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder on the front steps of the Queens County Supreme Court at 8811 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, New York on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 12:00 p.m., in the afternoon of that day, the Shares and Lease allocated to the Unit. The sale is subject to any prior liens of record, any outstanding maintenance charges, additional charges, legal fees of the Apartment Corporation and expenses of the auction, approval of the Board of Directors of the Apartment Corporation and such other terms of sale which will be available for review prior to the start of the auction. The above sale was originally held on February 3, 2016. However the successful bidder was not approved by the Apartment Corporation. The Apartment Corporation reserves the right to bid and to become the purchaser at the sale and, without deposit credit against the purchase price all sums due to it pursuant to the Lease, and to adjourn, delay or terminate the sale. The purchase price for the Shares and Lease allocated to the Unit shall be payable by certified or bank check, as follows: a ten (10%) percent deposit is required with the successful bid, payable to “Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins & Goidel, P.C. as Attorneys”. Cash will not be accepted, and the balance of the purchase price shall be payable within thirty (30) days. The Unit will be sold AS IS. Dated: May 25, 2016 Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins & Goidel, P.C. Attorneys for Apartment Corporation 377 Broadway New York, New York 10013 (212) 431-1300, ext. 479 Contact: Eric M. Goidel, Esq. New York Post, Thursday, June 9, 2016 FORECLOSURE NOTICES New York Post, Thursday, June 9, 2016 nypost.com 40 NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT SECURITY BY VIRTUE OF DEFAULT on the terms of a Note and Loan Security Agreement dated April 24, 2006 and executed by Mark S. Cotal to BNY Mortgage Company, LLC, a New York banking corporation, which is now currently held by The Bank of New York Mellon, and in accordance with its rights as holder of the security, The Bank of New York Mellon, by William Mannion, DCA#796322, Auctioneer, will conduct a public sale of the security consisting of 346 shares of capital stock of 2187 Holland Avenue Apartment Corp. and all right, title and interest in and to a Proprietary Lease to Unit 4G in a building known as the street address, 2187 Holland Ave., 4G, Bronx, NY 10462, together with fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with Apartment 4G on June 16, 2016 at 11:15 a.m. on the front steps facing the Grand Concourse of the Bronx County Courthouse, located at 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York: The Bank of New York Mellon reserves the right to bid on the security interest, to set the minimum sale amount, and to reject any and all bids. The Bank of New York Mellon makes no warranties or representations. Each bidder must make his/her own inquiry regarding the apartment and any liens or debts in connection therewith. The sale is subject to the Terms of Sale, including a ten (10%) percent deposit by cash or certified check at the auction; the balance due upon closing within thirty (30) days; the payment of all sums due to the cooperative corporation; the consent of the cooperative corporation; and any existing tenancy. The ten (10%) percent deposit shall be considered liquidated damages for the Successful Bidder’s failure to pay the balance of the purchase price on the Closing Date for any reason whatsoever, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FAILING OR REFUSING TO PAY THE BALANCE OF THE PURCHASE PRICE DUE TO THE FAILURE OR REFUSAL OF THE COOPERATIVE CORPORATION TO APPROVE THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE STOCK AND PROPRIETARY LEASE. The apartment will be sold AS IS. Possession is to be obtained by purchaser(s). DATED: May 20, 2016 William Mannion, Auctioneer BARCLAY DAMON, LLP J. Eric Charlton Attorney for Plaintiff One Park Place 300 South State Street Syracuse, New York 13202-2078 Direct all inquiries to: Beth A. Ceparski, Paralegal Phone No. (315) 425-2714 PET PLACE DOGS Champion Bloodline Purebreed Bullmaster Puppies For Sale $850 Serious Inquiries only. Call 908-342-9532 MALTESE PUPPIES Adorable males and females, toy or teacup sizes, shots and papers. Call 718-234-6628 SHIH-TZU PUPPIES Beautiful Males & Females Price to $ell Call 718-236-7847 YORKIE PUPPIES ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 Want it sold? Sell it in the New York Post Classifieds Every day in the Call 212-930-8100 &RQWUDFWRUV ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR FRPSO\ ZLWK ((2 '0:%( DQG RWKHU IHGHUDO DQG VWDWH SURFXUHPHQW ODZV UHJXODWLRQV DQG ([HFXWLYH 2UGHUV 0RUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DYDLODEOH DW ZZZPWDLQIR 07$ +($'48$57(56 07$ +4 5)3 '(6& 07$ LV LQYLWLQJ SURSRVDOV WR SURYLGH 0HGLFDO %LOO 5HYLHZ DQG 3D\PHQW 6HUYLFHV 0HGLFDUH 6HFRQGDU\ 5HSRUWLQJ 6HUYLFHV 063 DQG &RPSOLDQFH DQG 7KLUG 3DUW\ &ODLP $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 6HUYLFHV 07$ ZLOO EH FRQGXFWLQJ WKLV SUR FXUHPHQW WKURXJK D VHFXUH RQOLQH SRUWDO PDQDJHG E\ WKH *RYHUQPHQW 6RXUFLQJ *URXS *6* ,Q RUGHU IRU D ILUP WR DFFHVV WKH *6* SODWIRUP DQG EH HOLJLEOH WR VXEPLW DQ HOHFWURQLF SURSRVDO SULRU WR WKH VSHFLILHG GXH GDWH D ILUP PXVW UHJLVWHU ZLWK *6* $ ILUP WKDW UHJLVWHUV LV HQFRXUDJHG WR VXEPLW D SURSRVDO EXW LV QRW REOLJDWHG WR GR VR 7KHUH DUH QR *6* IHHV DSSOLFDEOH IRU WKLV SURFXUHPHQW 7R REWDLQ LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW DQG UHJLVWHU IRU WKLV SURFXUHPHQW D SURVSHFWLYH 3URSRVHUV PXVW FRQWDFW 0U $GDP (OOVZRUWK RI *6* 7HO [ RU HPDLO DHOOVZRU#PWDEVFRUJ 'XH 'DWH 7LPH DW 30 $YDLODEOH 'DWH 07$ 1(: <25. &,7< 75$16,7 1<&7 5)4 'XH 'DWH 7LWOH 0DLQWHQDQFH DQG 5HSDLU DQGRU 8SJUDGH RI WKH 5 7UDLQ 6LPXODWRU 7\SH 5), 5)4 'XH 'DWH 7LWOH &UDQH (OHFWULILFDWLRQ 5HWURILW IRU )RXU ,QGRRU %ULGJH &UDQHV DW WKH 1<&7 &RQH\ ,VODQG 2YHUKDXO 6KRS %,'6 2SHQLQJ 'DWH 2IILFH WUDLOHU 2SHQLQJ 'DWH $UP DVV\ ZLSHU 0RUH GHWDLOHG LQIR WKH 07$1<&7 FRQWDFW IRU WKH DERYH VROLFLWDWLRQV FDQ EH IRXQG DW KWWSZHEPWDLQIRQ\FWSURFXUHQ\FWSURFKWP 1<&7 LQWHQGV WR SXUFKDVH WKH IROORZLQJ LWHPV ZLWKRXW FRPSHWLWLYH ELGGLQJ IURP WKH RQO\ NQRZQ VRXUFHV $Q\ RWKHU ILUP PD\ DVVHUW LWV SRWHQWLDO WR VXSSO\ WKH LWHPV E\ QRWLI\LQJ WKH GHVLJQDWHG 1<&7 &RQWDFW LQ ZULWLQJ ZLWKLQ EXVLQHVV GD\V RI WKLV QRWLFH &RQWUDFW 'HVF $UF KRUQ 1<&7 0IJ6XSSOLHU 3DUW :HVWLQJKRXVH %+ &RQWDFW & (LODQG 07$ ±1<&7 %URDGZD\ WK )O 1HZ <RUN 1< (DUOLHVW $ZDUG 'DWH 07$ 5($/ (67$7( 07$ 5( 5HTXHVW IRU 3URSRVDOV ² /HDVH DQG /LFHQVH RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU 5HWDLO 3DUNLQJ DQG 2WKHU 8VHV DW 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%LGV ZLOO EH RSHQHG DW /,55 0DGLVRQ $YH WK )OU 1HZ <RUN 1< 5)3 ± 'HVLJQ)XUQLVK'HOLYHU 6ZLWFK 0DFKLQH .LWV DQG (TXLSPHQW IRU /,55 :HVW 6LGH <DUG 'XH 30 &RQWDFW $GULDQQH 7DUW DW IRU SLFNXS LQIRUPDWLRQ GRFXPHQW DYDLODELOLW\ $ 3URSRVDO &RQIHUHQFH6LWH7RXU LV VFKHG XOHG IRU DW $0 DW WKH HQWUDQFH RI 2QH 3HQQ 3OD]D 1HZ <RUN 1< /,55 /HYHO 6DIHW\ DWWLUH UHTXLUHG &RQWDFW -RVHSK )DPLJOLHWWL DW RU MIDPLJO#OLUURUJ WR FRQILUP UHVHUYDWLRQ E\ 30 Need a tax deduction? Donate your car! Place an ad or check out your options daily in the Classified Autos Wanted Listings LEGAL NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICES REQUEST FOR GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION FORECLOSURE SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT The Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp. – Weatherization Assistance Program is seeking Contractors and Suppliers to supply installation and materials; including women & minorities for the contract year 2016/2017. The Workscopes for the buildings are based on an EA-QUIP Audit, Targeted Investment Protocol System (TIPS), and include but are not limited to the following: Heating system repairs and/or replacement, window repairs and/or replacement, weather-stripping, caulking, door repairs, and/or replacement, pipe insulation, blown cellulose insulation (roof cavity & side-wall), ventilation/venting system, chimney repairs, storage tanks & water heater repair and/or replacement, refrigerator replacement, window & sleeve air conditioners, and oscillating fans. All Contractors interested in bidding on boiler installation work must complete the CLEAN BOILERS PROGRAM sponsored by New York State Homes and Community Renewal and the Association for Energy Affordability, Inc (AEA). Also, Contractors must be certified to work in a lead safe environment. Requests to be placed on the bidders list should be received by June 15, 2016. All bidders will be notified of results. Funds for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) are provided by United States Department of Energy (USDOE), Health and Human Services (HHS), and through the low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). WAP is administered by the NYS Homes and Community RenewalEnergy and Rehabilitation Services Bureau (HCR). The agency serves the Bedford Stuyvesant, Brownsville, Ocean Hill, Crown Heights, Clinton Hill, and Flatbush areas. Information is available at: BEDFORD STUYVESANT RESTORATION CORPORATION WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 1360 FULTON STREET, 2nd Floor BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11216 PHONE # (718) 638-5705 FAX # (718) 857-1198 BARGOLD STORAGE SYSTEMS, LLC 41-41 38th STREET, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 Tel: (212) or (718) BARGOLD (2274653) Fax: (718) 247-7007 Absolute Auctions & Realty, Inc. -Will Sell Under the N.Y. Self Storage Lien Law On 6/15/2016 11:00 AM & On Such Succeeding Days As May be Necessary, For Bargold Storage Systems, LLC At: 41-41 38th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101. Personal Property belonging to: Marion Koerner #051-A09-05; Adrian Willis #071-C69-01; Lesley Barrera #079RB12-02; Phyllis White #090-B63-01; Reginald Jones #090E27-02; Fanheen Husain #100-A0202; Fanheen Husain #100-A17-02; Marco Peralta #152-A03-03; Antoinetta Grillo #166-B23-01; Jannette Abel #169-A07-02; Jeffrey Zarnow #228-A06-04; Michell Mateo #241-A03-01; Janice Davis #373-A30-02; Barbara Engram #373-D29-02; Nilsa Rodriguez #438-A02-02; Kevin Hill #478-A0301; Claudio Yanes #480-A03-01; Yvette Klinkenberg #492-E23-04; Agripina Pizarro #528PA06-04; Alanna Kreisler #589-A01-02; Andre Walker #655-F03-01;. Stuart L. Medow Auctioneer CAIDCA #0821057 LIEN HOLDER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID AT AUCTION, REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS AND CANCEL OR ADJOURN THE SALE. REAL ESTATE QUEENS HOUSES FOR SALE FOREST HILLS & GARDENS See our website for our listings including a complete schedule of OPEN HOUSES this weekend 718-268-1045 On Site-Pvt Pking 16 Station Square "At the Gardens’ Gate" www.foresthillsrealestate.com COOPS CONDOS NEW YORK STATE 50 West Luxury Condos For Sale in NYC. 1BR: $1,960,000. 2BR: $3,230,000, 3BR: $5,220,000. 4BR: $6,815,000. Call Jahangir Alom 917-774-2828 NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA HORSE RANCH For Sale. 84 Acres, 2 Homes (1st home: 3 BD, 2 Bath & 2nd home: 1BD, 1BT). 8 Andalusian Horses. $495K. Call Alvin 434-770-2660 alygencontractor@yahoo.com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oho District Manufacturing Space For lease. Ideal for service, industrial. No retail or office users. Only uses permitted under zoning district MI-5B. 34 Howard Street: 2,700SF gnd+ 2,300SF cellar call Jack Albert @ 212-431-7500 Soho District Manufacturing Space For lease. Ideal for service, industrial & other uses permitted in M1-5B zoning district. No retail or office users. 449 Broadway: 8,130SF gnd+cellar; 357 Canal Street: 2,200SF gnd+cellar; 359 Canal Street: 2,600SF gnd+cellar; 361 Canal Street: 2,400SF gnd+cellar call Jack Albert @ 212-431-7500 MANHATTAN APTS FURNISHED Kitchenettes & Studio Apartments Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Single $800m /up Couple $900m /up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 MANHATTAN FURNISHED ROOMS A1 All Areas - Rooms & Studios Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Rooms $125wk/up; Studios $800mo/up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 Find your next job on jobs.classifieds.nypost.com/careers BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT in a Security Agreement dated February 28, 1995, executed by Ann Ingram and Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, as assigned, and in accordance with its rights as holder of the security, William Mannion, DCA 796322 and/or Ronald DeBoer, DCA 086498, Auctioneers, will conduct a public sale of the security consisting of 137.10 shares of stock of Willoughby Walk Cooperative Apartments, Inc. and all right, title and interest in and to a proprietary lease to Unit 811 in a building known as and by the street address, 195 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205 together with fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with Unit 811 on June 30, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., held at the “foot” of the Kings County Courthouse steps facing Adams Street, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, in satisfaction of an indebtedness in the principal amount of $15,564.46 plus interest, late fees, attorney fees, maintenance in arrears and all other advanced charges. The secured party reserves the right to bid. The purchase price for the Lease and Shares of the Apartment shall be payable by certified or bank check, as follows: A ten percent (10%) deposit is required with a successful bid, payable to Schiller, Knapp, Lefkowitz & Hertzel, LLP. Cash will not be accepted and the balance of the purchase price shall be payable within thirty (30) days. SCHILLER, KNAPP, LEFKOWITZ & HERTZEL, LLP (Attorneys for Secured Creditor), 950 New Loudon Road, Suite 109, Latham, New York 12110. Phone: 518-786-9069. Fax: 518-786-1246. REAL ESTATE LOTS & ACREAGE PA. OWNER RETIRING ! UPTO 1ACRE FULLY ENGINEERED. 0% INT, $200/MO. $500 DOWN, $6,900 BALANCE, LEVEL, MT VIEWS ON PAVED ROADS .JUST OFF ROUTE 80 . NEAR QUAINT VILLAGE LOWEST TAXES IN THE NORTHEAST CALL HIM DIRECT. 973-222-1803 BRONX FURNISHED ROOMS Single Occupancy, Near #2, #5 Subways, Call 646-438-2645 QUEENS UNFURNISHED APTS FLUSHING 158th St. - Near Northern Blvd & LIRR. New 1 BR -$1,350. 4th flr. walkup. No Pets. No brokers. No Fee. 718-358-3564; 718-575-9600 PENNSYLVANIA POCONO MTS. PA- 93 Acre Subdivion .50 Approved Building Lots. 1 to 1 & 1/2 acre in sign. $925,000 reduced to $695,000. Financing available. Ask for Tony 800-662-1210 Home Gimme Shelter By JENNIFER GOULD KEIL SKINNY DIPPING Douglas Elliman Real Estate 11 N. Moore St. B ethenny Frankel may be a skinny rich girl, but her new beau is even richer, (although not as thin). This week, Frankel, the Skinnygirl mogul who’s back starring in “The Real Housewives of New York City,” has been spotted house hunting with Dennis Shields, the CEO of an outfit called LawCash. Shields had been married since AP New York Post, Thursday, June 9, 2016 nypost.com 44 1990 to Frankel’s high school pal Jill Schwartzberg, though the pair is now reportedly separated. This week, Shields and Frankel were photographed house-hunting with “Million Bethenny Dollar Listing New York” star Frankel Fredrik eklund. One of the units they scoped out was a $29.99 million penthouse at 11 North Moore St. Dribbler on the roof RETIRED hoops star Jason Williams (inset), who lives in Tribeca with his wife, Denika Kisty and their three kids, has rented a modern new-construction home in East Hampton for $65,000 for the month of August. Williams, who was a point guard throughout his NBA career, was nicknamed “White Chocolate” and he is still killing it on the court recreationally — shaming players half his age with his flashy behind-the-back passes. The five-bedroom Hamptons home boasts a master suite with doors that open to the pool. The listing brokers were Christopher Covert and Sarah Minara, of Saunders. Douglas Elliman’s Ariel Cohen repped Williams. We hear… Snap chat PARISIAN-born fashion photographer Antoine Verglas — whose famed naked shot of Melania trump landed on the cover of British GQ in 2000, when America’s next potential first lady was just dating The Donald — made his name shooting 1990s supermodels like Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and Stephanie Seymour. Now his former Tribeca home at the landmarked Roebling Building — named after Brooklyn Bridge designer John August Roebling — just went into contract. The second-floor loft at 169 Hudson St., between Laight and Vestry streets, was asking $5.5 million. The three/four-bedroom, 3½-bathroom loft unit is 4,203 square feet. The listing brokers are Brian Meier, Matthew Pucker and Jamie heinlein of The Corcoran Group. Gangster’s paradise SteVe Schirripa (inset), who played Bobby Baccalieri on “The Sopranos,” and who was also in “Jersey Boys” and “The Secret Life of the American Teenager,” is renting a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment at 75 Wall St., where Ariel Cohen is handling sales. The corner unit runs 1,411 square feet. The apartment features wideplank oak floors along with a chef’s kitchen, marbled bathrooms and a soaking tub in the master bath. The condos are above the Andaz Wall Street hotel and offer hotel amenities like housekeeping, and valet laundry services along with cold storage for groceries and flowers, billiards room, screening room and a rooftop deck with a kitchen, bar, grill, fireplace and lounge. THAT Wise Matchmaking, an NYC- and Miami-based company for those seeking romantic connections, is partnering with 135 W. 52nd St. — where the five-bedroom penthouse asks $16.8 million — for a high-end “singles mingle” cocktail party in the building’s 38th-floor model unit.