folder wizerunkowy2011cmyk angielski 02


folder wizerunkowy2011cmyk angielski 02
Leaders of Business Improvement
Analyses and consulting
Practical workshops and trainings
Publishing house
Scientific research
Lean Management Conference knowledge portal
We increase enterprise competitiveness
through Lean Management
Why Lean? ............................................................................................................ 4–5
We are leaders in Lean Management implementation in Poland ......................... 7
Mission and history of Lean Enterprise Institute Polska ....................................... 8
Consulting in Lean Management implementation ............................................... 10
Business analyses .................................................................................................. 11
Practical workshops and trainings ..................................................................12–13
Annual Lean Management Conference ......................................................... 14–15
Publications of Lean Enterprise Institute Polska................................................... 16
Best workbooks on Lean Management for practitioners ..................................... 17
Selected partners of our research projects .......................................................... 18
Research projects ................................................................................................... 19
Our team .......................................................................................................... 20–21
Lean Global Network .............................................................................................. 22
We cooperate with................................................................................................... 23
Our references .................................................................................................. 24–25
Our awards .............................................................................................................. 26
Knowledge portal .................................................................................................... 27
Why Lean?
Lean Management is an action concept based
on conviction that customer is not willing to accept
a waste that is ingrained in bureaucracy, wrong
organization of processes, unacceptable quality
level, waiting for decisions or inflated stock which
is impossible to sell.
This concept was born on the rising tide of research
initiatives which were undertaken in the 1980s
when competitive advantage of Japanese
automotive industry became an undisputable fact.
Ever since then the term Lean Management
has been used to define the management
direction of manufacturing and service enterprises
which is based on a set of business practices
started by Toyota in the 1950s.
In the mid of 1990s Lean Thinking by James
Womack and Daniel Jones won worldly renown
and recognition. In this book the philosophy
of production focusing on customer needs and
economical management of resources (especially
human work and capital) was called “lean”.
Authors proved, using many examples, that
practices initiated in Japanese automotive industry
can be successfully transferred to another fields
of economy regardless of their country of origin.
Wave of interest in management based on Lean
Management, popularized mainly by Womack’s
and Jones’s work, initiated the research
on possibilities of application of this idea
in other areas of our lives.
Nowadays Lean Management concept is
the most effective management model for:
Production (Lean Production, Lean Manufacturing)
Administration and office (Lean Administration
and Lean Office)
Logistics and supply chains (Lean Logistics
and Lean Supply Chain)
Healthcare (Lean Healthcare)
Accounting (Lean Accounting)
Activities connected with process and product development
(Lean Product and Process Development)
Government (Lean Government)
Building supplier – customer relations (Lean Solutions)
Car service stations (Lean Dealership)
Development of organizational culture and supervisors’
competences (Lean Culture, TWI Program, A3)
In 1997 worldwide initiator and popularizer of this
concept, Dr. James Womack founded first Lean
Enterprise Institute. Institute’s activities stimulated
transformation movement of thousands of organizations
in the whole world. Up to date, the Institute determines
the directions of development and improvement
of organizations implementing Lean Management ideas.
Visit our website:
– we will gladly answer all your questions.
We are leaders
in Lean Management
implementation in Poland
We invite you to acquaint with the contents of this folder in which
we present the scope of activities of Lean Enterprise Institute Polska.
We are the first and biggest organization in Poland offering
complex support for industry, administration of services sector
and healthcare in the scope of Lean Management.
As a team we are characterized by:
the biggest practical experience in Poland,
wide range of services: trainings, consulting,
business analyses, seminars, conferences,
offer of the latest solutions from the scope
of Lean Management,
regular cooperation with world best experts,
the biggest knowledge portal in Poland dedicated
to Lean Management issues (
On the next pages of the catalogue we present
the scope of our activities and our competences.
Mission and history
of Lean Enterprise Institute Polska
Lean Enterprise Institute Polska (LEI Polska) was founded in October 2006. Our activity,
which had been first initiated as a part of the Lean Management Program at the Wroclaw
University of Technology in 1999, gained a completely new dimension when in 2006 we
founded the Lean Enterprise Institute Polska. We have been promoting Lean Management
rules among business community in Poland and actively supporting organizations which
undertake the challenge of Lean philosophy implementation for 12 years.
Our mission is increasing effectiveness and competitiveness of enterprises through
knowledge transfer and development of Lean Management skills. We promote and
develop the latest knowledge regarding lean approach and help organizations with
transformation and continuous improvement.
Activities in compliance with our mission are possible due to competences we acquired
in many business areas, especially in both discrete and repetitive manufacturing (where
Lean approach was born). Our competences also include service processes in the
immediate surrounding of production, such as internal logistics, warehouse management,
maintenance, supply chain management or Lean Accounting. We are also experienced
in slimming down administration, office and service processes. We are also widening our
competences in application of Lean rules in processes connected with product
development, healthcare and car dealers. Our experiences prove that Lean philosophy
can be virtually applied in every process and bring unexpected results. These benefits
can be achieved and sustained only with appropriate style, system and
culture of management which is called Lean Culture or Lean Leadership.
We acquired appropriate competences in this field as well. We gladly accept
challenges of implementationof Lean rules in new areas of business activities.
Important events:
We initiate Lean program in cooperation with University of Kentucky.
Cooperation with American Lean Enterprise Institute, founded by world Lean
authority, James Womack.
We found Lean Enterprise Institute Polska and join Global Lean Network managed
by James Womack and Daniel Jones.
We found Lean Enterprise Institute Publishing House.
Tenth Jubilee Lean Management Conference.
We are awarded with:
– Dolnośląski Gryf (Lower Silesia Griffin),
– Dolnośląski Certyfikat Gospodarczy (Lower Silesia Economical Certificate),
– Medal Europejski (European Medal).
and trainings
Annual Lean
in Lean Management implementation
We have the biggest experience in Poland in consulting
in implementation of Lean Management concept:
we apply the latest methods of consulting projects
management due to cooperation with world class
Lean Global Network experts,
we built the most experienced team consisting
of former industry managers and renowned scientists
who mostly acquired their experience in Lean
Manufacturing in the late ‘90s.
we have competencies in application of Lean
approach in all main industry branches in Poland
as well as in administration and services area,
we can lead projects comprehensively, involving
several departments of the company (manufacturing,
logistics or administration) and offering development
programs for employees, supervisors, managers
and directors,
we focus on practical knowledge transfer in such
a way that a company will not need external
consultants in the future.
Success of Lean projects depends on many
factors so company transformation project must
include workers, production supervisors,
managers as well as management board and
human resources department. Thanks to big
team of experts we can support companies
at each level of Lean Management implementation process.
During enterprise transformation we not only
consult but provide trainings, practical
workshops and coaching as well. Thus
we support the development of internal
competencies in Lean activities and further
realization of continuous improvement
Business analyses
We find undiscovered potentials,
we reduce the risk of wrong decisions
Making business decisions, especially those connected with considerable investments or influencing
company effectiveness in the long run, must be based on solid analysis and rational premises.
Effective analytical tools and expertise in the latest management trends allow us to perform an
efficient analysis and comparison of different options of enterprise development or transformation.
Business analyses enable finding undiscovered potentials of effectiveness improvement or unbiased
evaluation of influence of planned changes on the company (which leads to risk reduction of wrong
strategic decisions). Our team consists of experts in several trades and several aspects of business
activities so we can offer solutions adjusted to the specifics of the project.
Examples of analyses conducted by Institute:
Investment profitability analyses.
Discovering potentials and possibilities of effectiveness improvement.
Warehouse logistics.
External logistics and supply chains.
Management system and Lean culture.
Lean management accounting project supporting decisions in regards to Lean changes.
We evaluate companies paying special
attention to improvement potential and
degree of Lean implementation both
on production and production-related
processes level and also management
processes (including strategic management
and organizational culture). Thus we can
offer a roadmap of long term transformation. We apply the latest methods
of evaluation created based on experiences
gathered in many companies and results
of international scientific researches
in which our Institute actively participates.
Practical workshops and trainings
We are a leading training and consulting organization dealing with Lean Management. For over
12 years our team has been developing the widest training program in Poland, cooperating with
leading centers and experts form all over the world. Up to date we have already trained over
30 000 practitioners from industry and services.
Our practical trainings
We earned trust
of over 500 Polish
and international companies.
conducted in manufacturing
cover 27 different training
dedicated for both
production and office
deal with aspects connected
with culture and tools
conducted by practitioners
with many years of experience
always conducted
as a workshop
taking place in the real
environment of your company
improving competences
of your employees (their
knowledge and skills)
dedicated for employees
at all levels of the organization
conducted by practitioners
with many years of experience
more details at
Why are we special?
the most extensive Lean Management
training offer in Poland (several dozens
of training themes regarding management
system based on Lean Management
our trainings take on a practical dimension:
- open trainings are conducted exclusively
in manufacturing companies
(27 trainings are carried out
in a dozen or so different companies)
- customized trainings are always
conducted in the real environment
of your company
our training and consulting activities are
supported by the most extensive offer
of publications popularizing Lean
Management know-how in Poland
we employ a team of specialists continuously
improving their skills and knowledge
we are a member of prestigious Lean Global
Network which enables international
exchange or knowledge and experiences
our open trainings program was awarded with
European Medal and LEI Polska team efforts
were awarded with prestigious Dolnośląski
Gryf (Lower Silesia Griffin)
Our trainings provide
knowledge and
develop skills
Our trainings are designed
to provide their participants with
practical skills and knowledge
that are ready to apply right after
going back to work.
Practical workshops
in companies™
GM Manufacturing
Classes are carried out only
as workshops using innovative
training techniques which
guarantee effective process
of learning and acquiring skills
necessary in professional life.
Logos are presented only for object purposes,
partner companies are their sole rightful owners.
Ian Glanday
Annual Lean Management
Organized since 2000, annual Lean Management Conference (up to 2010 known
as Lean manufacturing Conference) is the biggest and the most prestigious event
of this sort in Poland. It is the most reckoned with forum of Lean Management
knowledge and experience exchange in Poland. Each year hundreds
of practitioners from Polish and international companies and business
organizations participate in this event. From the very beginning the formula
of conference is based on presentations of achievements in the field of Lean
Managementas well as lectures and workshops conducted by world leading
Each edition is distinguished by:
presentation of fully practical aspects of manufacturing and service
companies activities,
presence of special guests who are acknowledged authorities (up to date
we played host to: Jim Womack, Daniel Jones, John Shook, Art Smalley,
Brian Maskell, Jose Ferro, Michael Ballé, Marek Piątkowski, Beau Keyte,
Ian Glenday, David Verble, Robert Martichenko and many others),
broad thematic spectrum and presentation of the latest trends
in management based on Lean Management principles applicable
to production, services, logistics, management accounting,
organizational culture etc.,
detailed case studies bringing forward the secret knowledge
of enterprises experienced in Lean Management implementation,
field trips to manufacturing companies including Toyota,
numerous seminars and workshops for beginners and advanced
Conference is held each year in June in Wroclaw.
of Lean Enterprise Institute Polska
Institute’s publishing activities focus on books and workbooks
supporting understanding of theoretical and practical aspects
of Lean Manufacturing. Our activities in this area are based
on long-year experience and cooperation with many companies
and institutions in Poland and abroad. We are continuously trying
to meet new trends in management based on Lean Manufacturing
philosophy, putting on offer reliable books in English and in Polish.
We are befriended with many authors of books published by our
Institute. Thanks to cooperation with Poland and world leading
practitioners and continuously gathered experiences we are
trying to properly recognize the needs of business organizations
by selecting new publishing areas and improving our offer.
We carefully choose translators possessing vast both linguistic and
factual experience. New terms which we create successfully catch
on in Polish.
We continuously widen our publishing offer, adding new titles from
manufacturing, services, administration, product and service
development, healthcare, employee relations etc. We are sole
publisher and distributor of Polish editions of US Lean Enterprise
Institute’s workbooks for practitioners. We cooperate with
prestigious publishing houses, such as Productivity Press and
Simon&Shuster. Our books subjects are backed up by professional
trainings, workshops and consulting. We continuously expand
our products portfolio which is available at our online store
Excerptions from our books
are available at our online store.
Best workbooks
on Lean Management for practitioners
Toyota Kata
The art
of improvement
and coaching
to Toyota
Managing to
of employee
by A3 report
Lean Solutions
How to minimize
yours and your
wasted time
Creating Level
Pull system
for production
Lean Manager
What makes
boss a real
Lean Manager
Materials Flow
Material supply
to Lean
Lean Lexicon
of Lean
entries and
Learning to See
Value stream
Seeing the
Extended value
stream mapping
Breaking Through
to Flow
method in
The Birth of Lean
Specifics of
based on Lean
rules told by
authors of this
The TWI Workbook.
Essential Skills for
How to teach
employees, how
to improve working
methods and how
to manage employee
Full offer of our publications is available at
Selected partners
of our research projects
Research projects
Lean Enterprise Institute Polska is acknowledged in Europe center for research on new methods
in organization and management. That is why we are invited to participate in large international
research projects.
Future SME
Currently Institute is one of the main coordinators of big Future SME project which
is co-funded by European Commission.
26 partners are participants of this project.
Another coordinators are British University
of Strathclyde Glasgow, Irish Galway-Mayo
Institute of Technology, University of Ostrava and
Swedish Chalmers University of Technology.
The purpose of this project is speeding
up development and improvement of competitiveness of European SMEs through innovative
strategy deployment methods, improvement
of organization and management. Lean
Enterprise Institute Polska was in charge
of coordination of the first phase of the project
which aimed at the identification of main
problems and weak points of manufacturing
SMEs in European Union. Next phases,
coordinated by Strathclyde University, consist
of creating a new concept of management
called Adaptive Enterprise. This concept lets
the companies analyze changes in technological and business environment much
faster than before and adapt to them in terms
of both business and operations.
TARGET is a project aiming at developing virtual
educational environment based on so called
serious games through using the latest
educational methodologies and the latest
available IT tools. An interactive educational
platform will be created as an outcome
of activities led by consortium of 15 European
partners (including SIEMENS and NOKIA).
It will enable fast (virtual) development
of skillsin project management, innovations
and Global Sustainable Manufacturing.
Our team
We are a group of specialists in Lean Management know-how and skills practical transfer. Our team
consists of experienced coaches and consultants with many years of managerial, coaching,
teaching and consulting experience. Continuous professional improvement, exchange
of experiences and passion for our work make us a team which supports implementation
efforts of enterprises and service organizations with commitment and success.
We have competences in Lean implementation in all key industries as well as in the office,
services, supply chains and product development. Every year we train approximately 2500
managers and specialists and we help several dozens of companies with Lean implementation
by practical workshops, consulting projects and business analyses. We cooperate with the best
Lean Management specialists, bestsellers authors, Dr. James Womack and Prof. Daniel Jones
and a group of former Toyota managers in US and Canada. In reward for our achievements in Lean
popularization we became a member of global prestigious Lean Global Network gathering
leading Lean Management specialists.
We all
are Lean
in our
Great Britain
Republic of South Africa
Lean Global Network
Lean Enterprise Institute Polska is a member of an international Lean Global Network which currently consists
of 17 institutes located on 6 continents.
LGN is led by global authorities: Prof. Daniel Jones and Dr. James
Womack. LGN is a non-profit organization founded by its member
Institutes and registered in Cambridge, MA, USA. Mission of the
network is speeding up the creation and popularization of Lean
all over the world and supporting the leaders who practically
implement this knowledge. Thanks to cooperation with world
leading Lean centers we have access to the latest knowledge,
research results, implementation methodology and training
materials. Uniform approach towards Lean philosophy
among fellow Institutes predestines LGN to consistent support
of international corporation’s plants located in different
countries and on different continents where not only
the mother tongue but also cultural background knowledge
is essential.
We cooperate with
James Womack
The world Lean Management movement initiator. Co-author of Lean concept
adaptation model in any given organization. Co-author of world bestsellers:
Lean Management, The Machine that Changed the World, Lean Thinking,
Seeing the Whole and Lean Solutions. Founder and the first Chairman
of American Lean Enterprise Institute.
Daniel Jones
Founder and Chairman of Lean Enterprise Academy (LEA) in Great Britain, Board
Member of Lean Enterprise Institute in USA, world-class authority in popularization
and implementation of Lean concept. Together with Dr. Womack he co-authored
bestsellers The Machine That Changed the World, Lean Thinking, Seeing the Whole
John Shook
Chairman of Lean Enterprise Institute, eminent sensei who with enthusiasm shares
his knowledge with Lean community and those who have just started their journey
towards continuous improvement. Co-author of Learning to See which popularized
value stream mapping method all over the world. In his latest book Managing
to Learn he described management process based on A3 method which
is an essence of Lean Management and Leadership.
Marek Piątkowski
Consultant working for manufacturing industry. He specializes in overall
effectiveness improvement through Lean Manufacturing and Toyota Production
System implementation. He gained his knowledge and experience while working
for Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC), Ontario, Canada. He cooperates
with Jim Womack’s Lean Enterprise Institute and Lean Transformations Group.
Mike Rother
Engineer, scientist, teacher and consultant on management, leadership
and improvement in organizations. Co-author of two key workbooks on Lean
Management awarded with Shingo Prize: Learning to See and Creating Continuous
Flow. He also authored a renowned Toyota Kata (2010), defining the essence
of the art of improvement and coaching according to Toyota philosophy.
Robert Martichenko
World leading expert in Lean Management implementation in logistics, former
logistics manager at Toyota, currently Chairman of LeanCor LLC, co-author of Lean
Six Sigma Logistics and Building a Lean Fulfillment Stream. Lecturer at Saint Louis
University’s John Cook School of Business.
Bohdan Oppenheim
Expert in Lean Systems Engineering and member of Steering Committee
of Lean Education Academic Network. Professor at Loyola Marymount University
in Los Angeles. Author of Lean Product Development Flow management concept.
Our references
Automotive industry
Food industry
Autocam Poland
Autoliv Poland
Beijing West Industries
Boart Longyear Poland
Bridgestone Poznań
Calsonic Kansei Poland
Daicel Safety Systems Europe
Delphi Poland
EATON Automotive Polska
EBCC Poland
Farmtrac Tractors Europe
Fastek Fitting Polska
Fomar Borg Automotive
Gates Polska
Gedia Poland Assembly
General Motors Manufacturing
GKN Driveline Polska
Hoerbiger Automotive
Huf Polska
International Quick Service Polska
Isuzu Motors Polska
Keiper Polska
Kongsberg Automotive
Mahle Polska
Magna Automotive Poland
Magneti Marelli Suspension Systems
MAN STAR Truck&Buses
Metzeler Automotive Polska
Nidec Motors & Actuators
Remy Automotive Poland
Rieter Automotive Poland
Sanden Manufacturing Poland
Scania Polska
Simoldes Plasticos Polska
Takata Petri Parts Polska
Tenneco Automotive Polska
TI Poland
Timken Polska
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland
TRW Automotive
Valeo Electric and Electronic Systems
Vibracoustic Polska
Visteon Poland
Volkswagen Polska
Volkswagen Poznań
Volvo Maszyny Budowlane Polska
Volvo Polska
VOSS Automotive Polska
Wabco Polska
Agrana Fruit Polska
Cereal Partners Poland Toruń-Pacifik
Destylarnia Sobieski Ferrero Polska
HJ Heinz Polska
Hochland Polska
LU Polska
MARS Polska
Nestlé Polska
The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World
Carlsberg Polska
Zakład Przetwórstwa Mięsnego
Zakłady Przemysłu Tłuszczowego
w Warszawie (Kruszwica S.A.)
Żywiec Zdrój
Distribution and sercives
G4S Cash Centres
Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.
TNT Automotive Logistics Poland
Brink's C.L. Polska
Machine industry
and industrial goods
Avio Polska
Bombardier Transportation Polska
CMC Zawiercie
DeLaval Operations
GATX Rail Poland
Genfer Lloyd
Kiel Polska
Legrand Polska
Logstor Polska
Parker Hannifin
Pett & Pett Donako
PKP Cargo Wagon
Pratt & Whitney
PZL Hydral
Rolls-Royce Marine Poland
Rosti Polska
Sapa Aluminium
Sauer Danfoss
SKF Polska
Śrubena Unia
Wagony Świdnica
Winkelmann Polska
Wood-Mizer Industries
Victaulic Polska
Furniture industry
Beskidzkie Fabryki Mebli
Black Red White
Bydgoskie Fabryki Mebli
C+P Systemy Meblowe
Fabryka Mebli BALMA
FS Favorit Furniture Szczytno
IKEA Polska
Czerska Fabryka Mebli (Klose)
Gościcińska Fabryka Mebli (Klose)
Pomorska Fabryka Mebli (Klose)
Norco Polska
Nowy Styl
Swedwood Poland
Zakłady Produkcyjno-Usługowe
and medical industry
3M Medical Systems
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
LiNA Medical Polska
Maco Productions Polonia
Medana Pharma Terpol Group
US Pharmacia
Our references
and electronics industry
Corning Cable Systems Polska
E.G.O. Polska
Elda Eltra Elektrotechnika
Electrical Components International
Fideltronik IMEL
GE Power Controls
Halogen Light Tech
Jabil Circuit Poland
Kimball Electronics Poland
Lacroix Electronics
LG Electronics Wrocław
Moltech Polska
PartnerTech Sieradz
Philips Lighting Poland
Phoenix Contact Wielkopolska
Sonion Polska
Tewa Termico
Home appliances industry
Amica Wronki
BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa
Electrolux Poland
Thomson Polska
Whirlpool Polska
Other products
3M Poland
Akzo Nobel Decorative Paints
AluTeam Polska
Apator Mining
Backer OBR
Black Point
British-American Tobacco Polska
BZK Group
CCL Label
Chore-Time Europe
Constantia Teich Poland
Dovista Polska Holding
Duni Poland
Eurovia Kruszywa
FKSiM Spomasz
FLSmidth MAAG Gear
Fud-Men Jarosław Fudała,
Lucjan Fudała, Leszek Fudała
Gillette Poland
Gonvarri Polska
Graham Packaging Poland
Heraeus Electro-Nite Polska
HT Lancet
Huta Szkła Jedlice
JTI Polska
Kampmann Polska
KGHM Polska Miedź
Landster Business Development
Lankwitzer Polska
LG Chem Poland
Limatherm Components
Lincoln Electric Bester
MAZEL M.H. Mazurkiewicz
Mennica Polska
Mondi Świecie
NB Polska
Oberthur Technologies Poland
Okna Rąbień
Perfecta Centrum Reklamy
Philip Morris Polska
PHP Mercus
Polifarb Cieszyn-Wrocław
Politechnika Poznańska
Porta KMI Poland
PPG Deco Polska
PPHU Solo Sobota Marcin
Przedsiębiorstwo Materiałów
R.R. Donnelley Starachowice
Rationel Polska
Rockwool Polska
Saint-Gobain Polska
Sapa Aluminium
SCA Hygiene Products
Schumacher Packaging
Senator Polska
SHL Production
Sonoco Poland Packaging Services
Stanley Fastening Systems Poland
Stomil Sanok
Suominen Polska
ThyssenKrupp System Engineering
Toshiba Television Central Europe
UPM Raflatac
VF Polska
Vorwerk Dichtungssysteme Polska
Wienerberger Ceramika Budowlana
Wika Polska
Wrocławski Park Technologiczny
Wrocławskie Centrum Transferu
Technologii Politechnika
Our awards
Lower Silesia Griffin (Dolnośląski Gryf)
Lean Enterprise Institute Polska is a laureate of the most
prestigious economical contest in Lower Silesia “Lower
Silesia Griffin – Economical Award” in 2010. Among over
120 companies and self-governments we were awarded
as one of eight prizewinners with Griffin statuette
for innovation and resourcefulness supporting
organization. The award was granted by West Chamber
of Commerce, “Polish Copper” Employers’ Union and
Marshal’s Office of Lower Silesia Voivodeship.
The aim of this contest is awarding of enterprises, local
governments, institutions and organizations supporting
economical growth of Lower Silesia region and setting
the example in particular categories.
Lower Silesia Economical
Certificate (Dolnośląski Certyfikat
Lean Enterprise Institute Polska acquired
a certificate of reliability and quality awarded
by Lower Silesia Voivodeship.
Prizewinners of this award make considerable
contribution to region development, labour market
creation and are a model of innovation, modernity
and solidity of work.
2010 European Medal
We are proud to present European Medal granted
by Business Centre Club and European Economic
and Social Committee form Brussels. We were awarded
with this honourable award for Open Trainings Program
conducted in companies.
Receiving European Medal is a result of our dynamic
growth and highest quality of our products. This award
strengthens our continuous pursuit of our offer
improvement and maintaining leader position among
institutions supporting companies in Lean
implementation programs.
Knowledge portal
Lean Enterprise Institute Polska Sp. z o.o.
POLAND, ul. Muchoborska 18, 53-424 Wrocław
tel. +48 71 798 57 33, fax: + 48 71 798 57 34