ALLELUIA! GIVE Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel
ALLELUIA! GIVE Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel
WINGS T H E F A L L 2 0 0 7 S T. S C H O L A S T I C A AC A D E M Y ’ S M A G A Z I N E P A R E N T S S T . A N D F O R A L U M N A E , F R I E N D S S C H O L A S T I C A O F A C A D E M Y Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel ALLELUIA! GIVE GLORY TO GOD! INSIDE T H I S 3 4 5-7 I S S U E PRESIDENT’S LETTER SSA CHAPEL . . . Page 34 - 36 PRINCIPAL’S LETTER STRATEGIC PLAN 2007 - 2012 ALUMNA OF THE YEAR Page 42 - 43 INNOVATION, PURPOSE AND PROMISE CLASS OF 2007 GRADUATION . . . Page 10 - 11 10 - 11 CLASS OF 2007 12 29 ENCORE MOMS SPRING ATHLETIC AWARDS 29 30 BABY DOVES WINTER ATHLETIC AWARDS ALUMNA PROFILE ALUMNA PROFILE Page 30 34 - 36 SSA CHAPEL 42 - 43 ALUMNA OF THE 57 2 D O V Marguerite S. Celestin, President • Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal Elaine Simmons, Advancement Director • Nicole Jemison Siverd ‘95, Fund Development Director • Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85, Communications Assistant • Eleanore Krentel ‘98, Publications Assistant • Yvette Cardinale and Tara Huguet, Advancement Assistants FALAYA FLING TEACHER PROFILE E W I N G ENCORE MOMS . . . Page 12 Dove WINGS is a St. Scholastica Academy publication of the Advancement Department designed for the school’s many constituents including parents, alumnae, grandparents, alumnae parents, and friends in the business community. Designated a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education in 1998, SSA is an all-girls Catholic school with 776 students in grades 8-12. YEAR 51 STRATEGIC PLAN 2007-2012 INNOVATION, PURPOSE AND PROMISE Page 5 - 7 FALAYA FLING . . . Page 51 24 - 27 CLASS NOTES 28 TEACHER PROFILE Page 57 P.O. Box 1210 Covington, LA 70434-1210 Tel: 985-892-2540 ext. 132 • Fax: 985-892-5921 • S F Letter FROM THE INALLY! This word is my mantra as we begin this new year! Standing on the horizon of this new school year we are filled with enthusiasm and excitement. So many things that have been in the works for the last two years are “finally” coming to fruition. 1. “Innovation, Purpose, and Promise— SSA 2012” The Strategic Plan that has been so long in the making is off the presses and we have hit the ground running to begin implementing the goals, objectives, and action steps that will guide and direct us for the next five years. This highly visionary plan is a working document that will guide SSA in the next five years and beyond toward being the best school in the Gulf South. Incorporated into this plan are goals and strategies based on research and best practices as well as the expertise and expectations of our stakeholders. The foundation of this plan is grounded in the philosophy of continuous improvement that is highly valued here at SSA. The Goals and Strategies include such steps as: implementing a comprehensive curriculum renewal; utilizing data management; creating opportunities for academic learning beyond the classroom; incorporating a faculty career ladder for compensation based on achievement and professional growth; achieving greater operational efficiency; enhancing college and career counseling; creating community partnerships through service projects that are mission driven; integrating faith into learning across disciplines through the Catholic value standards; developing a new interactive website; establishing more active communications systems and opportunities for dialogue; integrating technologically innovative systems into the fabric of our instructional system; prioritizing and completing vital components of the Master Site Plan that are essential to continued excellence; identifying and implementing a fund development plan to secure the resources necessary to fulfill the various components of this Strategic Plan. The title of our plan: “Innovation, Purpose, and Promise” was deliberately chosen as we felt it best reflected the intentions we have for our endeavors now and in the future. We are not content to stay static. We have always taken great pride in employing concepts that are in the forefront of educational research such as the 4 x 4 schedule and standards-based education. PRESIDENT’S PEN Marguerite S. Celestin Imbedded in this set of goals and objectives are strategies and action steps that are highly innovative and forward looking, full of purpose and meaning, specifically targeted and results oriented. In particular this can be seen in the integration of 1:1 technology into our learning process. The use of data to inform instruction and counseling will enhance student growth and development in a more personal, resultsoriented approach. The career ladder offers great incentives to faculty for advancement and professional growth. All this and more holds a promise of excellence for our students. More information on these initiatives can be found in other pages in this issue of Wings. We have held several meetings with various groups to impart a more complete understanding of the particulars of the plan. A series of small group gatherings were held to allow for greater interaction. Your continued input and support are essential to the success of these goals. Many people have devoted a great deal of time and effort to craft the nuts and bolts of this plan. I am deeply grateful to all those who worked on this plan that will further SSA’s growth and development. It is up to everyone to make these plans happen. We cannot stand still. 2. The second “Finally” is for the Chapel! Over 20 years ago we began to envision a separate space solely dedicated to God. It always seemed like-a-dream, an impossibility, as other needs always seemed greater, and the chapel, unfortunately, took a backseat. In 2000 when our Master Site Plan was designed, the idea of a chapel “finally” became a possibility. Our plans were to begin construction in the fall of 2005. This time the fulfillment of the dream took a backseat to Katrina. But we never gave up! Now it becomes a reality! On Tuesday, October 23, we broke ground for this chapel dedicated to our Blessed Mother under the title of “Our Mother of Perpetual Help.” We have chosen this title for several reasons. One, she is “Our Mother” and an important image for our young women for whom motherhood is highly valued. Also, she is always there for us, thus “Perpetual Help.” Thirdly, in the New Orleans area and across the country/world there is a great devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. I grew up in a parish staffed by the Redemptorist Fathers and the School Sisters of Notre Dame. We participated in weekly devotions to Mary under this title. Our Blessed Mother is a wonderful role model for our young women to emulate. What a blessing it will be to have a consecrated, sacred space for our SSA family to pray, worship, and meditate in order to establish a personal spirituality and relationship with God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The chapel is going to be an architectural beauty and a symbolic icon of the very core and purpose of our existence as a Catholic educational institution. I thank those of you who have generously supported this project through your contributions and your prayers. This issue of Wings also functions as a “transition” issue: a bridge from the school year ’06-’07 to the school year ’07-’08. We are proud of the many accomplishments of last year as noted in the column by our principal, Mary Kathryn Villere. Our teachers and students have proven themselves in continuously striving for excellence. We congratulate our Seniors of 2007 and wish them well as they join the ranks of alumnae. Our constant challenge to them is “Never underestimate the power of an SSA graduate.” We know they have what it takes to be successful in whatever they attempt. Our support and prayers are with them as well as their parents to whom we are most grateful for joining us in a partnership over the years for the benefit of these outstanding young women. We take great pride in our accomplishments and invite you to participate with us in making our dreams happen. This is an exciting time for us as we take the first steps toward implementation of our Strategic Plan and as we break ground on the “Mother of Perpetual Help” chapel. We invite you to work with us as we approach the future with great confidence and deep gratitude. In the last year I have learned that “nothing happens by accident” and “nothing is impossible for those who love God.” It has been said of St. Scholastica our patroness that “she could do more because she loved more.” If we live this philosophy, our world will be a much better place. It begins here, in our classrooms, on our campus, in our homes. May we all continue to grow in love of God and love of each other through the intercession of our Blessed Mother under her special title, Our Mother of Perpetual Help. May God bless each of you as we join together to further our renewed efforts towards excellence and make great things happen for the young women we serve. D O V E W I N G S 3 Letter FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S SSA Year In Review 9. SSA soccer team ranked 8th in the nation for girls When we look back over the 2006-07 school year, we realize the most incredible thing about this year is the myriad of accomplishments. Let's look at some of these things in the measure of our Benedictine tradition of Prayer, Work, Study and Community: 10. One of our teachers earned National Teacher Certification PRAYER 1. 25 SSA & 15 SPS students participated in Pep Rally for God, hosted by SSA STUDY 1. One national merit finalist; one national merit scholar; one national merit commended student 2. Class of ‘07 earned over $3.0 million in scholarships (not including TOPS) 2. 12 students went to Notre Dame Vision this summer 3. 123 ’07 seniors accepted to 58 colleges and universities in 19 states 3. 8 students from the 120 Hearts of Purity members went to the Governor’s Conference on Abstinence 4. 353 students made spring midterm honor roll (this is very similar to other honor roll times this year) 4. 9 total school Masses (add Ring Mass and Graduation) 5. 51 honor graduates (26 high honors- 4.0/ 25 honors3.7) 5. 20 prayer services 6. 6. Morning prayer is student led 7. 16 teachers in the SSA Fellows program (Program of study was technology) 7. Adoration, Reconciliation, Praise and Worship, Communion service opportunities were extended 9. One teacher attending Notre Dame’s Vision and Values conference this summer 10. 24 Eucharistic Ministers for 07-08 11. About 65 new student ministers for 07-08 1. One student selected governor of both Key Club and Girls State 2. Two seniors were selected by LSU to attend an allexpense trip to China this summer (They are 2 of 10 incoming freshmen selected for this initiative). 3. One student went to Washington as a Sagihura awardee. 4. Two students put together a video piece that was very well received at the film festival in Shreveport, LA. (First time we have entered anything in a festival of this type) 5. Spanish classes placed second in the foreign language festival. 6. 84% of ’07 students earned TOPS and/or scholarships. 7. State championships in cross country, soccer, and tennis (for the 6th straight year; 7th in eight years); playoffs in nine out of the 10 sports we offer 8. Third place in the Ford Cup for 4A (given to the best all around sports programs in each division in the state) V 8. Principal in two Fellows programs 10. Three teachers went to AP conferences during the summer (national presenters) 11. One teacher went to an assessment conference (national presenters) 12. One teacher went to a Six-Trait Writing conference (national presenters) WORK O Three valedictorians 9. Academic Dean working within the NSDC Academy program for staff developers 8. A student Bible study was begun 4 D PEN Mary Kathryn Villere E W I N G S 13. Principal went to a learning community’s conference (national presenters) COMMUNITY 1. We again hosted the school community of Mater Dei during the Easter break. Our students, parents, teachers, and administrators worked side-by-side with Them on community needs brought about because of Hurricane Katrina (second year experience) 2. Sr. Marina took students to New Mexico on a mission trip repairing a needy family’s home 3. 65 new student ministers for next year 4. 42,138 total service hours to the community These are just the highlights. Our school community has done amazing work this year. SSA STRATEGIC PLAN 2007 - 2012 Innovation, Purpose and Promise S S A L O N G R A N G E P L A N N I N G St. Scholastica Academy began work on a new five-year Strategic Plan in early 2006 after achieving the major goals outlined in the previous strategic plan. During 1999-2005, SSA implemented a Standards Based Education Program; finalized the campus master site plan; completed the new front entrance with the Four Pillars reflecting the Benedictine tradition of Prayer, Work, Study, and Community; completed a new eight classroom building, LaSalle Hall; added wrought iron fencing surrounding most of the campus; renovated the library; enhanced the visual, arts, music and drama programs; created the Student Ministry Program; initiated the college tour; established endowed scholarships; initiated an online ACT program; expanded technology opportunities and built the athletic complex. Under the leadership of Marguerite Celestin, President of SSA, Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal of SSA and Sue Zaunbrecher, the Strategic Planning Committee Chair and School Board Executive Officer, a group of 105 people attended the SSA Strategic Planning Convocation in January 2006. This group represented many different constituencies interested in the future of SSA. Current parents, past parents, faculty, staff, administration, alumnae, students, and community leaders came together to brainstorm ideas needed to continue to strive for excellence for the future of the Academy, now in its second century. The synthesis of the comments received from this group of constituents developed into seven strategic goals. These goals and related strategic objectives were defined and approved by a two-tier Strategic Planning Committee guided by the mission statement and beliefs of SSA. The Four Pillars of Prayer, Work, Study, and Community along with the foundation of institutional resources were used to frame the issues and to develop the goals and objectives. This draft plan was then approved by the School Board and presented to other school organizations at the annual fall retreat. Work groups were identified and met on September 20, 2006 to begin developing strategies, action plans, measurable results/outcomes and detailed timelines and to identify the resources needed to achieve the Strategic Objectives. In March 2007 these work groups made final recommendations to the Strategic Plan Core Team, who were charged with implementation, for review and approval. The work of this final phase was accomplished by summer 2007. Members of the St. Scholastica Academy 2007-2008 School, Alumnae, Athletic and Parent Boards as well as the SSA Administration gathered August 18, 2007 for a retreat and workshop. Cindy Harlan, chair of the School Board welcomed everyone after a buffet breakfast was served. The purpose of the day was to roll out SSA’s new five year Strategic Plan 2007-2012, “Innovation, Purpose, and Promise”, and review each Board’s mission on how they were going to contribute to the school and the plan. Marguerite Celestin, president of SSA, introduced the SSA ambitious plan and was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the parents, alumnae, community, school staff, and outside resources to get the plan accomplished. SSA Principal, Mary Kathryn Villere, enthusiastically informed all of the Boards that some of the goals and action plans have already begun to be implemented and encouraged all to be a part of this endeavor. The Retreat was facilitated by Ashley Villere Chitwood’89, interim dean at Delgado College. The retreat focused on each group’s work in preparing their assigned goal. They discussed how SSA is rooted in tradition and looking to the future. Each Board was then asked to pick one goal to focus on and come up with an action plan to accomplish that goal through their committee. At the end of the session, each board targeted goals and strategies for the school year and felt a sense of pride in being a part of the next five-year plan. In October, small gatherings of current parents met at host homes for informational sessions followed by questions and answers about the Strategic Plan. As the action plans are implemented over the next few years, SSA expects that the educational experience of all of our students will be enhanced and become a model for the region. D O V E W I N G S 5 SSA STRATEGIC PLAN 2007 - 2012 Innovation, Purpose and Promise G O A L S A N D Goal 1: A continuously-improving exemplary academic program, grounded in our Catholic faith serves the needs of all students and incorporates best practices and learning beyond the classroom. A) Evaluate and communicate the effectiveness of the 4x4 system. B) Develop and implement a comprehensive annual curriculum renewal process to prepare students for the next level. C) Utilize data management system for coordinated learning outcomes. D) Promote and support opportunities for academic learning beyond the classroom. E) Integrate technology into the classroom and implement innovative systems. S T R A T E G I E S Goal 5: Dynamic stakeholder relationships are fostered by strong communications. A) Streamline internal communications. B) Develop and implement a public relations and marketing plan. C) Launch website as center of internal and external communications. D) Promote ongoing dialogue with parents, students and all constituents. Goal 6: Appropriate facilities and technology infrastructure are essential to the school’s sustained excellence. A) Attract, retain, and reward excellent faculty through career ladder faculty professional development structure. B) Provide professional development for non-teaching staff. C) Achieve operational efficiency for the overall school structure. A) Create and systematically maintain inventory of technology infrastructure and resources. B) Formalize short and long term planning for technology acquisitions and maintenance. C) Update existing master site plan for short-term needs. D) Complete revision of master site plan, including evaluation, prioritization and cost effectiveness of identified needs. E) Develop timeline for implementation of intermediate and longterm needs for master site plan. Goal 3: A vibrant learning culture equips strong, independent, confident women of faith to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Goal 7: A comprehensive fund development plan supports the goals identified in the Strategic Plan, which is the most ambitious financial undertaking ever initiated by SSA. A) Enhance college and career counseling. B) Lead students in discovering their talents, passions and abilities. C) Enhance culture that celebrates perseverance and diligence to promote a strong work ethic. D) Promote and support extra-curricular activities as a means of student development. A) Implement a comprehensive development plan which includes specific, targeted fund-raising efforts: annual giving, capital campaign, planned giving, endowment giving, grants, corporate/community partnerships, alumnae events, special events, and an effective annual review process. B) Establish a program of “Youth in Philanthropy” which incorporates elements of Catholic stewardship and social responsibility. C) Assess and implement staffing needs of the Advancement Office. Goal 2: Excellent faculty and staff function within interconnected systems for efficiency and effectiveness. Goal 4: A living faith permeates the culture of the entire SSA school community. A) Redefine the campus ministry program to engage all students and enrich spiritual development. B) Integrate faith into learning across disciplines. C) Religious instruction in the classroom imparts an understanding of and commitment to the values necessary to live a Catholic life as women of God. D) Service projects are mission driven, effectively utilize SSA student time and talent and have a measurable impact on the outside community. 6 D O V E W I N G S Strategic Plan Team Participants: Core Team: Marguerite Celestin, Mary Kathryn Villere, Eileen Depreo, Jennifer Grimley, Carol Pool, Elaine Simmons, Harold Aucoin, Jerry Delahoussaye, Cindy Harlan, Sue Zaunbrecher. (Members of the Core Team also participated in Steering Committee meetings.) Steering Committee: Mark Bowen, Kelly Carite Boyd ‘83, Joie Campeaux 2006, Dorothy Garcia, Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85, Bobbie Landry, Melissa Landry 2007, Clif St. Germain, Sarah Stewart 2006, Liz Tocco, Paul Vorenkamp, Cindy Williamson. Work Group: Pam Angelle, Bruce Authement, Karen Baker, Nancy Baldwin, Melody Morse Barousse ‘78, Kim Bartlett, Denise Bordelon, Cindy Braud, Rick Brocato, Ted Bruning, Karen Bucksbarg, Larry Bucksbarg, Bryan Burns, Calvin Campeaux, Lee Caston, Betty Champagne, Jean Champagne, Ashley Villere Chitwood ‘89, Kevin Cleveland, Ellen Fischer Cole ‘86, Rebecca Simpson Dougherty ‘83, Susanne Cambre Dwyer ‘80, Sue Gutierrez, Jane Harvey, Susanne Hepburn, Yvette Jemison, Louisette Kidd, Barbara Link, Aimee Boudreaux MacIver ‘96, Marty Mayer, Rich McConnell, Lori Murphy, Bonnie Paille, Manny Perez de la Mesa, Toni Pettavino, Julie Raines, Jewel Reuter, Carmen Riedlinger, Collins Rossi, Sybil Roussell, Amanda Schneidau, Kim Simpson, Gordon Stewart, Frank Stritzinger, Ryan Trosclair, Matt Voelkel, Greg Ware, and Mary Beth Willem. Special thanks to the participants in the January, 2006 convocation. SSA STRATEGIC PLAN 2007 - 2012 Innovation, Purpose and Promise V I S I O N We believe that the quality of life in our society is greatly improved when young women are educated to succeed, stand confident, and lead Christian lives of service and responsibility. We are committed to providing the best education for our young women in an institution that is ever forwardlooking and innovative. We continuously explore possibilities and potential by incorporating the best educational practices research has to offer. We strive to be the best high school in the Gulf South as measured by student achievement, community partnerships and organizational strength. V A L U E S • Continuous improvement in all areas is fundamental. • Our Catholic faith frames all of our actions. • Quality teaching should be rewarded. • A rigorous and relevant curriculum prepares our graduates to succeed in a global information-based society. • Community outreach and social responsibility are hallmarks of the program. • Perseverance and diligence are expected and rewarded. • Clear, two-way communication is essential. • Technology improves the quality and delivery of instruction, access to student information, communications with constituents and administrative systems and processes. • Careful planning and expansion of facilities results in a superior learning environment. • We cherish and celebrate our century plus history, one that is rich in tradition and opportunity for women. • Philanthropy is a tradition of joyful giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of our SSA community. It has transformational power, both for the giver and the receiver. The SSA Strategic Plan for 2007-2012 Innovation, Purpose and Promise is the final result of a process that spanned 18 months and represents the input of all of our stakeholders. It is intended to be a working document to guide SSA in the next five years and beyond, toward the implementation and fulfillment of being the best school in the Gulf South. The plan is grounded in the four pillars of prayer, work, study and community. The vision and desired outcomes elicit high expectations, goals we believe are attainable. The plan promotes an interconnected, measurable systems approach and is focused on student achievement and growth. Part of this bold initiative includes a comprehensive fund development plan, which will enable us to achieve the ambitious goals shaped by Innovation, Purpose and Promise. At its core, this fund-raising plan will help underwrite the quality of the SSA experience by providing students and faculty with the programs and facilities to make SSA the best all girls school in the Gulf South. We are grateful for the input and hard work contributed by the many volunteers in the process. The goals, strategies and action plans were developed based on research of other model schools, the expertise of group members, and the expectations of stakeholders. The real work is now beginning. We intend to use this plan as the framework to assure continued improvement at SSA. It is up to the Administrative Team, School Board members, faculty and staff, parents, students, alumnae and our friends in the community to come together to collaborate and make the plans in this document a reality for current and future generations of students at SSA. We welcome continued input and support from all of you. This document highlights the key elements of the plan. Action plans, resources and timelines related to the strategies outlined will be available in the complete document on the SSA website. D O V E W I N G S 7 2007 - 2008SSA Faculty Joe Adragna - American History H, Sociology Barbara Link - Religion IV Anne Arbo - Art I, Studio Art Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ‘68 -Computer Lit David Arbo - Physics H, Computer Science, Biology II H Aimee Boudreaux MacIver ‘96 - Religion III, IV, Journalism Kim Bartlett - Physical Science, Chemistry Colin MacIver - Religion I, II Kristi Becerra - Health & PE I,II,III Meg McCourtney - Speech I, World History Pete Bertucci - Video Production, Health & PE I Emily Meyer 2000 - Biology Brad Bessetti - Biology H, AP Biology II, Physical Science H Courtney Milanese - Physics, Chemistry Denise Bordelon - Intermediate Composition, English 8, English I Bonnie Paille -Religion 8 Donna Brown - Spanish IV H, Spanish III Rachel Peak - Physics Lee Caston - Civics Kitty Pellissier - Algebra II H, Calculus AP, Calculus H Patrice Cedor - English V, English IV H Doreen Picone - English III, English III H, World History Tracey Couret - American History Audrey Pool - Algebra II, Geometry Wayne Cruthirds - Latin I,II, Humanities H Chris Pool - Psychology, AP Psychology Danny Davis - Health & PE II Julie Raines - Fine Arts Survey, Fine Arts Survey AP, Art III, IV Micki Delaney - Health & PE II, Speech I Marcelle McGoey Delaune ‘97 - Art II, Visual Art Jodi Drane - Speech I Suzie Duplantier - Chemistry, Chemistry H Charles Richard - Health & PE 8, Free Enterprise Colleen Robertson - Algebra I H, II Sr. Enedina Rodriguez, S.T.J.- Religion III Sybil Roussell - Advanced Math, Advanced Math H Bill Gallop - Film Study, Religion II Melanie Saladino - English I, Int. Comp, World History John Harty - Holocaust, Civics Patricia Schaff - English I H, English Lang AP, Speech IIT, III, IV Kathleen Craig Holmes ‘98 - American History, World History Paige Holtgreve - French II, III, IV H, V H Corrie Boudreaux Ibarra ‘98 - Spanish II, III Steven Kraus - Algebra I, Intro to Algebra Eleanore Krentel ‘98 - Studio Art O Francie Rich - Fine Arts Survey Bernadette Galatas ‘62 - LA History, World Geography Dollie Heinz - Advanced Math, Pre-Calculus, Calculus H 8 D Terry O’Mara - English III, IV Sharon Scharmer - Beg Choir I, II, III, IV Adv. Choir I, II, III, IV Katie Schimmeck - English II, English IIH Holly St. Germain - Spanish I, Spanish II Margie St. Pierre - Intermediate Comp, English II Elizabeth Tocco - English IV, English IV H Kristen LaGraize -Geometry, Geometry H Gina Villar - American History, World History, Civics H, Civics AP Erika LaBiche Lehmann 2000 - French I Nageeha Zaghloul Yazbeck ‘93 - Religion I V E W I N G S Faculty St. Scholastica Academy Administration President Principal Dean of Academics Assistant Principal Dean of Students Director of Guidance Advancement Director Business Manager FEATS Marguerite Celestin Mary Kathryn Villere Jennifer Grimley Eileen Depreo Carol Pool Elaine Simmons Mary Beth Willem Doreen Picone English teacher, achieved National Teacher Certification. She received her award in June 2007. Bill Gallop attended the National Catholic Educational Association conference, “Wisdom & Witness,” for religion teachers at Notre Dame University. The NCEA is the biggest and most respected Catholic association in the country. More than 75 teachers and administrators from 50 plus schools from across the nation were represented. Over 15 workshops were offered in addition to three main speakers. The focus was on the wisdom contained in our faith and the giving of witness to that wisdom. St. Scholastica AcademyNew Teachers 07-08 St. Scholastica Academy recently welcomed new teachers for the 2007-08 school year: The SSA Faculty is also comprised of nine Alumnae. (L to R) Jodi Drane, Rachel Peak, Kathleen Craig Holmes’98, Erika LaBiche Lehmann 2000, Eleanore Krentel ‘98, Melanie Saladino, Meg McCourtney, Katie Schimmeck, Terry O’Mara, Holly St. Germain, Colleen Robertson, Courtney Milanese, Colin MacIver. Other alumnae teachers on staff are: Aimee Boudreaux Maciver’96, Corrie Boudreaux Ibarra’98, Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ’68, Bernadette Galatas ’62, Emily Meyer 2000, and Nageeha Zaghoul Yazbeck ’93 D O V E W I N G S 9 St. Scholastica Academy Graduation 2007 O ne hundred twenty-three students received diplomas from Principal Mary Kathryn Villere in ceremonies marking the 104th graduation of St. Scholastica Academy, an all girl’s college preparatory school located in Covington, on May 19 in St. Paul’s Student Center, Covington, Louisiana. Reverend Charles Benoit, O.S.B. celebrated the graduation Mass that preceded the graduation ceremonies. The concelebrant of the Mass was Reverend Matthew Clark, O.S.B. and Deacon Harold Burke (grandfather to Brittany Burke, a graduating senior) was the assisting deacon. Byrd Scholarship, Louisiana State University Centennial Scholarship, and E.J. Ourso College of Business Scholarship and plans to major in Finance. She is a National Merit Semifinalist and also received additional scholarships from Kiwanis District Foundation Scholarship, Robert H. Burns American Legion Auxiliary Unit 16 Scholarship, and Lowe’s Community Scholarship. Landry was elected Student Council Executive President, Louisiana Girls State Governor, Girls National Senator, Key Club Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District Governor, Key Club International Convention Representative, and served as Key Club Lieutenant Governor for Division 13, Louisiana Girls State Outstanding City Citizen, and Louisiana Girls State Outstanding Parish Citizen. She was selected to the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta National Math Honor Society, and Excalibur National Science Honor Society. She served as a SSA Eucharistic Minister, Student Minister and Color Guard. Her club memberships include Key Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish Club, World Culture Society, Hearts of Purity Abstinence Club, and Students Against Destructive Decisions Club (S.A.D.D.). The Class of 2007 has received more than $3.0 million in scholarship offers and has been accepted to 58 different universities and colleges in 17 states and the District of Columbia. The scholarship offers do not include TOPS money, which is to be awarded at a later date. This graduating class is distinguished with three valedictorians: Melissa M. Landry, Allison E. Lloyd, and Meghan E. Spell. Co-valedictorian Landry, the daughter of Begona and Stephen Landry of Covington, will attend Louisiana State University Honors College where she received the Louisiana State University National Merit LSU Scholarship, Robert 10 D O V E Landry has been on SSA Sweetheart Court, Tennis Team, Swim Team, a Hurricane Katrina Shelter Volunteer, District Academic Rally Qualifier, Math Tournament Member winning second place, Foreign Language Festival winner three years, YMCA Youth Legislature Supreme Court Chief Justice, Conference Delegate, and a 2006 YMCA Model United Nations Participant. Her senior academic awards include: Outstanding Student First Place Spanish V Honors, Outstanding Student First Place Calculus AB, AP, Outstanding Student Second Place English Language AP. She completed 706.5 service hours while at SSA. Co-valedictorian Lloyd, daughter of Susan and Ronnie Kluchen of Covington and Peter and Colleen Lloyd of River Ridge, will attend Southern Methodist University. Lloyd received the Southern Methodist University Dedman College Godbey Scholarship, Mustang Scholar, and SMU Distinguished Scholar Award and plans to major in Psychology. She also received additional scholarships from the University of South Carolina and Louisiana State University. She served as the vice-president of the Excalibur National Science Honor Society, member SSA Doves Graduates 2007 reaching for the stars with their graduation hats. W I N G S St. Scholastica Academy of the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society and the National Honor Society for three years. She served as a sergeant-atarms and delegate for Model United Nations and vice-president of Student Ministry. Her club memberships include Art Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish Club, and Key Club. She has been a participant in the District Literary Rally in math, algebra, chemistry, chemistry honors, and trigonometry and the State Rally for trigonometry and geometry. Lloyd continued her ministries from SSA to the community by attending a mission trip to Ateaga, Mexico and volunteered at local non-profit organizations. Graduation 2007 Meghan was also a SSA Eucharistic Minister. Her senior academic awards include: Outstanding Student Second Place Religion IV, Outstanding Student First Place Civics Honors, and Scholastic Achievement Biology II Honors. High Honors: Brittni D. Blankenship, Jorda N. Box, Ellen A. Fargason, Lynne M. Fritscher, Allyse C. Gillen, Erin C. Jordan, Marguerite A. Kidd, Caroline E. Landry, Caroline E. Lee, Ashley E. Loga, Holly V. Martin, Alyson K. Neel. Marie K. Perret, Kristin E. Petry, Aubrey Her senior academic awards include: D. Rector, Nancy E. Rossi, Kathryn E. Outstanding Student Second Place Schneider, Samantha M. Schott, Mignon Calculus BC, AP, and Outstanding Student G.Sicard, Blakeley R. Simpson, Roxenne Yi, Afton E. Zaunbrecher. First Place Biology II Honors. Co-valedictorian Spell, daughter of Todd and Mary Spell of Covington, will attend LSU Honors College where she received the Louisiana State University Centennial Scholarship and plans to major in Political Science. She served as co-vice-president of Key Club for two years, vice-president of the Hearts of Purity Abstinence Club for two years and vice-president Library Club. She has been a member of the Mu Alpha Theta National Math Honor Society, Excalibur National Science Honor Society and the National Honor Society. Her club memberships include Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.), Student Council, Marian Ministry, Science Club, Spanish Club, and World Culture Society. Honors: Emily P. Abide, Lauren A. Baiamonte, Rebekah C. Block, Kimberly L. Broadbridge, Taylor M.Campbell, Kasey L. Coote, Katherine M. Couret, Jolie F. Currow, Ashlee E. Daigle, Jessica R. Fawer, Alissa M. Fontana. Annette C. Golemi, Gabrielle R. Klein, Casey E. Kramer, Sarah A. LaRocca, Meghan M. Maestri, Emily F. McCulla, McCade G. McDaniel, Kelly M. Mullins, Caroline D. Nunmaker, Caitlin P. Periou, Leah E. Persons, Emily E. Robin, Gabrielle J. Sicard, Jillian N. Stevens, and Ashley M. Summers. Graduates: Paige H. Barnett, Rebecca C. Bechac, Kelly Mullins, Leigha Beth Seal and Catherine Parker Victoria Clark bringing the Gifts to the altar. Catherine C. Billeaud, Lauren A. Blossman, Kathryn E. Bogantes, Amanda M. Borne, Adrianna E. Boyd, Vesta L. Burk, Brittany L. Burke, Kayla L. Campo, Marianne M. Cardwell, Sarah E. Chambless, Jayne M. Champagne, Alexa J. Chaney, Leah L. Chaney, Lauren A. Chierici. Victoria L. Clark, Brittany N. Cookmeyer, Morgan A. Davis, Kylen A. DeBrock, Brittany L. Decareaux, Ashley M. Dutel, Sarah M. Early, Averell B. Ellis, Margaret S. Ellis, Elizabeth E. Evans, Bridget L. Faucheux, Nicole E. Fekete, Jennifer A. Flato, Sarah R. Forman, Camille R. Forstall, Zetta M. Gagliano, Brittany Y. Godfrey, Brittany P. Gondolfi. Karri L. Greenberg, Stephanie L. Hartman, Carolyn M. Haworth, Ashley S. Hoffstadt, Nicole C. Johnson, Sydney N. Knight, Katherine E. Landry, Kristin M. Lanoix, Blaire M. Levy, Alison O. Lipps, Jessica C. Madden, Cody M. Malloy, Heather A. Michaelis, Michelle M. Mouton. Rachel E. Murray, Anna E. Olinde, Jacquelyn A. Olsen, Catherine C. Parker, Kelseay D. Reed, Madeline C. Rice, Sarah M. Risher, Catherine M. Robin, Emily B. Rodriguez, Amelia M. Rusbar, Gabrielle M. Sabadie. Leigha B. Seal, Casey M. Seiler, Courtney A. Smith, Stephanie A. Stains, Simone S. Sterck, Kathryn A. Sunseri, Kristen B. Sutton, Allison D. Tassin, Elise D. Taylor, Jennifer E. Tresvik, Alana E. Viola, Lauren R. Williams, and Alexa A. Younger. SSA Doves in the procession to graduate: Sarah Early, Ashley Dutel, and Stephanie Hartman D O V E W I N G S 11 Encore Moms ´ DARLING & ANN JEMISON ANGELE A By: Katie Shimmeck ngéle deGruy Darling and Ann deGruy Jemison are always eager to lend a helping hand to St. Scholastica Academy, and that’s why they are being named Encore Moms. Angéle and Ann are sisters, business partners, and, above all, best friends. They are founders of Coffee Rani and own two locations on the north shore, in Covington and Mandeville, and a franchised location on the south shore. Their brother, Glenn deGruy, serves as their franchisee. He is the father of SSA alumna Jeanne Clair deGruy 2000, who attended Springhill College and is currently working at the Covington Coffee Rani location. As proud supporters of SSA, where their daughters graduated, the restaurateurs continue to supply food and refreshments for SSA events. Ann has been married to David Jemison, a retired entrepreneur, for thirtyone years. The couple has two children, SSA alumna Nicole, 30, ’95 and St. Paul’s alumnus Jarrod, 25, and resides in Covington. The Jemisons are parishioners of St. Peter Catholic Church. The moms stay active supporting St. Paul’s, as well as SSA, and enjoy anything “fitness,” which includes running and playing tennis. They also enjoy spending down time at their newly purchased beach cottage in Destin, Florida. Ann has recently funded a reading program to prepare third graders with below-average reading skills for success in the fourth grade. Angéle has worked for the past several years with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and has co-chaired its annual “For The Cure” summer dinner. "We still feel very involved even though our children are grown. SSA is a vital part of our community as well as being close to our heart,” said Angéle. “SSA students comprise a large portion of our customer base as well as employment staff. It is through these young women that we stay involved in the school and feel such a sense of pride. This truly makes me happy and keeps me involved with young people.” The sisters encourage SSA to call them for support. “That’s just our nature,” added Ann. The Coffee Rani concept developed after Ann commented to Angéle that a comfortable and familyoriented lunch spot was needed in Covington. They developed a business plan and the first location opened sixteen years ago. The sisters continue to run their business with excitement and rebounding energy. The purchase of their Covington building on Lee Lane has opened new possibilities for the two, and they have recently leased the second floor to a hair salon. They stay active promoting business development for downtown Covington and are members of the St. Tammany West Chamber of Commerce. Angéle has been married to Gary Darling, coowner of Zéa and Semolina’s restaurants, for thirty years. The couple has four children, SSA alumnae Rani, 29, ‘95 and Lindsay, 25, 2000 and St. Paul’s School alumni Trevor, 23, and Evan, 20, and resides in Covington. With a strong connection to Benedictine spirituality, Angéle and her family are parishioners of St. Benedict Catholic Church parish and often attend Mass at St. Joseph Abbey. 12 D O V E W I N G S Angéle deGruy Darling, third from left, and Ann deGruy Jemison, in back, with their daughters, SSA alumnae Lindsay Darling 2000, Rani Darling ‘95, and Nicole Jemison Siverd ‘95 Both women are involved in fundraising for the Metairie Cenacle, St. Joseph Abbey, the Carmelites and various community organizations. They feel great pride in the things they have built together as sisters and spread that message to their children. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think our daughters got the full 100 percent from SSA,” said Ann. Their daughters have continued their education after graduating from SSA and have gone on to enjoy much success. Rani Darling earned prerequisites at the University of Georgia and graduated from the University of Alabama Birmingham with a degree as a registered nurse. She is employed by Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans in pediatric cardiology. Lindsey Darling graduated from the Western Culinary Institute in Portland, Oregon, and recently completed an apprenticeship at a Portland bistro.Nicole Jemison Siverd graduated from Louisiana State University with a bachelor’s degree in business management and a minor in sociology. In October, Nicole joined the SSA Advancement Office as Director of Fund Development. Nicole was married in 2002 to Justin Siverd SPS ‘96. The couple resides in Covington just blocks from SSA. Continuing the family tradition by attending SSA are Angéle and Ann’s nieces, Adrienne 2011 and Christine Jemison 2008. LSU Honors College Seniors Travel China Melissa Landry and Ashlee Daigle, 2007 graduates, were chosen by the LSU Melissa Landry and Ashlee Daigle, SSA 2007 graduates, traveled to China with the LSU Honors College Program Honors College and attended an allexpense paid trip to China this summer. Landry and Daigle were two of ten SSA College Forum 2006 Graduates Back Row: Courtney Laborde, Alicia Dardenne, Kristen Coote, Lindsey LaPorte, Bette Burns, Joie Campeux. Front Row: Carli Bordelon, Whitney St. Pe’, Leah Nuss, Kaitlin Dastugue, Jennifer Lee, Kelsey Daigle LSU VisitsAutism To Teach About incoming LSU freshmen who participated in the academic initiative designed to educate students on the political and economic impact of China as an emerging economic power in the world. Both girls spent time at Tongji University in Shanghai with local students, tasting China’s cuisine, learning the basics of China’s culture, and experiencing the urban energy of Shanghai. They also traveled to Beijing to visit the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall of China. SSA alumna Sarah Delahoussaye 2005 was also selected to attend the trip as a current LSU student in the LSU Honors program. MAY CROWNING St. Scholastica T Back Row: SSA teacher Emily Meyer 2000, Lauren Lauter (LSU student), Marc Matraunga, (LSU Student), Courtney Fontenot, Maegan Hebert, Sarah Jarrett, Kim Craddock, Catie Crawford, Emily Beau, Tristan Doyle, Elie Schoen, Rachael Stanton, Shelby Hemelt, Amanda Speirer, Hannah Boyer Middle Row: Brandy Poche (LSU Student), Casey Fekete, Allie Domingues, Taylor Denaburg, Caroline Rausch, Camille Glorioso, Lesley Bodenheimer, Michelle LeBlanc Front Row: Mary Ann Talley, Sarah Rodriguez, Amanda Cosgriff St. Scholastica Academy hosted a college forum for the 2007 Senior class in January 2007. Twelve 2006 SSA graduates returned to SSA to give information first hand discussion on college life to the seniors. The recent graduates shared their experiences ranging from suggestions for good study habits to roommate advice. Every year SSA hosts a college forum and invites recent graduates back to the Academy, knowing their experiences are such valuable advice for members of the senior class. he Marian Ministry of St. Scholastica Academy along with Ministry copresidents, Jessica Walther and Jessie Sumpter, planned a beautiful May Crowning event on May 1. May Crowning is a Catholic tradition of honoring Mary as the Mother of Jesus and the Queen of Heaven. Mary, who is a symbol of womanhood in the Catholic faith, is celebrated every year on this day. The SSA students, faculty and staff gathered around the Grotto which was adorned with a variety of cut flowers and the statue of Mary was crowned with light pink roses and blessed through song and prayer. The Hail Mary was led by Lauren Fereday, Elizabeth Nuss led the Hail Holy Queen prayer and the SSA family finished with a song of praise. The moderator for the Ministry is Bonnie Paille. The Grotto, built in 1911, stands as a symbol of SSA’s rich and ever-growing tradition. SSA Historical Grotto after the May Crowning. D O V E W I N G S 13 Incoming 2007-2008 Students Gather Dove Experience Day at SSA St. Scholastica Academy hosted the Dove Experience Day on April 8 to welcome all the new students who will attend the Academy in the 2007-2008 school year. This day gets its name from the white dove mascot, extending the olive branch from current students to our new incoming students. The SSA Student Ministry planned an exciting afternoon for the students. The activities included performances by the SSA Royalettes and the SSA Cheerleaders. The girls also participated in games to help everyone get to know each other and learn what the school has to offer each individual student. By the end of the day students met new friends, enjoyed pizza, and shared their excitement for belonging to St. Scholastica Academy. A new event, the Dove Experience for Parents, was added for the first time this year. The parents were invited to refreshments and fellowship with current parents in the cafeteria while their girls were meeting new friends. This reception gave the parents another opportunity to get New 2007 - 2008 students enojoy games and fellowship Parent Club Board Members 07-08 Alica Nolan, Cindy Fekete, Theresa Elie, Milissa Block, Beth Lambert & Ginny Kamath President Cindy Fekete Vice-President Ginny Kamath Corresponding Secretary Beth Lambert Treasurer Milissa Block Recording Secretary Theresa Elie President Ex-officio Alicia Nolan The Parent Club presented Alumnae Association President Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85 with a check for $300 to the Alumnae Association. They also dedicated $1,000 to the Marguerite Celestin Endowed Scholarship Fund. “The Parent Club has truly made its mark and has extended themselves to the other people and organizations working to make SSA the best high school on the North shore,” stated Principal Villere. 14 D O V E W I N Parents at Dove Experience Day L to R Holly Jarrett, Alicia Nolan, Cindy Fekete, and Molly Colburn G S to know more about the school and what it has to offer their daughters as well as the opportunity to meet fellow parents, present and future. The event was hosted by the SSA Parent Club and was chaired by Molly Colburn and Holly Jarrett. SSA Volunteers Honored with a Mexican Fiesta St. Scholastica Academy volunteers were honored at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner held at the Abbey in Covington on May 2. The theme was “Honeymoon in Mexico” to coincide with the SSA Spring Choir Concert held that evening, “Falling All Over Again” (songs of love and romance). The buffet (from La Casa Gomez, Alaina Gomez Blett ‘94) consisted of fajitas, stuffed potato balls, Cuban sandwiches, guacamole, chips and salsa, and candied Hot Tamales and was served by the appreciative faculty and staff to the parent volunteers that attended. SSA’s volunteers are a vital part of Karen Redd, Larry Bucksbarg, Marguerite Celestin the continued success of SSA and they are valued greatly at the school. The group contributed approximately 4,000 volunteer hours during the 2006-2007 school year. Marguerite Celestin, President, Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal, and Elaine Simmons, Advancement Director, welcomed volunteers and thanked them for their continued support and hard work. SSA Faculty & Staff Honored T Years of Service SSA Attends High School Mock Trial Regional Competition he presentation of the Emile Navarre Years of Service Award was made by Jean Miller, sister of photographer Emile Navarre. St. Scholastica Academy Principal Mary Kathryn Villere assisted with the presentation which was held in conjunction with the celebration of St. Scholastica’s Feast Day. Each honoree was given an SSA Crest lapel pin, which signifies service with a different precious stone indicating five-year increments. Navarre, who had long been associated with the Academy, started the program three years before his death. He had expressed a desire to commemorate continuous years of service by the SSA faculty and staff. Sr. Marina Aranzabal S.T.J., Anne Arbo, Pete Bertucci, Suzie Duplantier, Steven Kraus, Kitty Pellissier, Clarence Saltalmachia, Dale Stogner received their first Years of Service Pin for completing 5 years at SSA. Patricia Schaff received recognition for completing 10 years of service. Rick Brocato and David Arbo received recognition for completing 15 years of service and Bernadette Galatas ‘62 received recognition for completing 20 years of service to SSA. SSA Faculty and Staff (L to R): Steven Kraus, Sr. Marina Aranzabal S.T.J., Kitty Pellisier, Jean Miller (Navarre’s sister) Suzie Duplantier, Anne Arbo, Clarence Saltalmachia, Pete Bertucci L to R: Jean Miller, SSA Faculty, Patricia Schaff, Bernadette Galatas ‘62, Rick Brocato, David Arbo L to R: Judge Rosenow, Lauren Fereday, Camille Olson, Maggie Murphy, Ellen Rosenow and Front Row: Sara Broussard, Karen Rosenow St. Scholasica Academy’s new mock trial team competed on February 24 in the High School Mock Trial Regional Competition held at the Eastern District Courthouse in New Orleans. This was the first time for the team to enter the competition. The SSA team members were Lauren Fereday, Camille Olson, Sara Broussard, Maggie Murphy, Karen Rosenow and Ellen Rosenow. The team, coached by SSA parents Judge Patrick Rosenow and Victoria Olson competed in the first two rounds. The head of the event, Lesli Harris congratulated each team and their sponsors saying, “These students could out-argue many practicing attorneys.” Cinco De Mayo Celebration Celebrating Cinco de Mayo are Class of 2007 students: L to R: Jolie Currow, Melissa Landry, Holly Martin, Afton Zaunbrecher, Blakeley Simpson, Blaire Levy, Allyse Gillen, SSA Teacher Donna Brown, and Aly Neel. In the background is the band, The Froggies. D O V E W I N G S 15 SSA SENIOR PINS 2007 - 2008 SSA religion teacher Barbara Link pins her granddaughter Haley Costa at the Senior Pinning Ceremony. St. Scholastica Academy Juniors were pinned as the incoming seniors for the 2007-2008 school year. This is a SSA tradition performed at the end of the year with senior pins to remind those girls they are now the leaders and the mentors of the school. The SSA pillars of work, study, prayer and community are encouraged and referred to throughout the girls time at the Academy. These principles are instilled through the legacy of administrators, staff, and alumnae. St. Scholastica 07 - 08 FISH FRY 06 - 07 (L to R) Alum and current dads join in the preparation of the “best fish in town”: Tom Heidingsfelder, Joe Campbell, Jimmy Vinson, Mike Schexnayder, Hubert Daigle, David Fitzpatrick, Steve Vallet, and Terry Garcia. Student Ministry Front Row (L to R) Tori Ruiz, Cristi Perez de la Mesa, Taylor Hutti, Margaux Dastugue, Chelsea Gandolfi, Amberleigh Carter, Lauren Fereday, Caroline Crawford, Rachel Alley, Caroline Murley, Elizabeth Clay, Rachel Roberts, Kate Harlan, Leah Clanton, Lauren Gonzales, Kassidy Crabtree, Amanda Daigle, Jessica Ramirez. 2nd Row (L to R) Michele Seippel, Mallory Morse, Sarah Williamson, Laine Thomas, Bonnie Paille ( SSA Moderator), Mollie Burke, Brittney Thompson, Katie Daigle, Marybelle Bates, Christina Gutierrez, Molly Cox, Erin Loveland, Chantelle Ferrari, Erica Salley, Kori Lutenbacher, Alli Vallette, Katie Schembre, Sarah Baggett, Andrea D’Aquin, Kori Runfalo, Susan Frichter, Margaret Chatry, Laure’ Candies, Bridget Hepburn, Barbara Link (SSA Moderator). 3rd Row (Lto R) Kayla Modicut, Ashley Voorenkamp, Hilary Frances, Megan Thibodaux, Kaitlin Nickelotte, Michelle Senner, Emily Caffarel, Amy Goff, Haley Costa, Kay Warner, Kendi Murungi, Juliette Dixon, Courtney Glasgow, Abby Delahoussaye. Prayer Pillar (L to R) Eileen Depreo (Assistant Principal), Brandi Giarrusso, Megan Price. Work Pillar (L to R) Jolie Helm, Jessica Walther, Toni Pettavino (SSA Moderator) The purpose of St. Scholastica Academy’s Student Ministry Team, made up of seniors, is to strengthen and encourage Christian morals and beliefs within the SSA community and involve students more directly in the spiritual ministry of the church. peer support for those experiencing difficulties in social and spiritual aspects, enhancing spiritual growth through prayer and scripture, and initiating means to accomplish social justice. Students apply to be selected based on the following characteristics and qualities: dedication to Christian beliefs and moral standards, a continued desire to develop one’s personal relationship with God, the ability to lead others in prayer and service, to work with others as a team, to They assist in planning and implementing school liturgies, forming younger students in the Christian community of the school, planning and leading retreats and days of reflection for underclassmen, providing 16 D O V E W I N G S communicate with adults and peers, to guide younger students, dependability, and a sense of justice. During the summer, the students were commissioned as student ministers at a ceremony held in Hammond. They participated in a three-day workshop with other student ministers and learned about ways to bring prayer, music, role model skills and scripture to their school. The girls received student ministry pins at a ceremony at the end of the retreat. S ST. SCHOLASTICA 2006 2007 Sweetheart Court t. Scholastica Academy held its 2007 Sweetheart Dance on February 3. The SSA student body selected two queens for its 2007 Sweetheart Court: Jolie Currow and Kristin Petry. The returning 2006 SSA Queen, Jennifer Lee, crowned the two queens. Lynne Fritscher was the Senior Maid of Honor and Callie Keiffer was the Junior Maid of Honor. The student council members along with SSA teachers and moderators Liz Tocco and Denise Bordelon organized the event. Members of the court were chosen for their ideals, school spirit, volunteerism, Queen Jolie Currow 2007 is the daughter of Maribel Currow and the late Frank Currow. She was a four year member of the State Champion Tennis Team. She maintained honor roll status throughout her years at SSA. Jolie was secretary of the Spanish Club and an active member of the Art Club, World Culture Society, Tri-Hi-Y club, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society and a student minister. city. She served as the District II vice president of the Louisiana Association of Student Councils (LASC). Senior Maid of Honor Lynne Fritscher 2007 is the daughter of Michael and Donna Fritscher. She was active in the Student Council for five years, presently holding the position of executive treasurer. She was also the Science Club president and was involved with various clubs including Student Ministry, Tri-Hi-Y club, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She was a member of the State Champion Tennis Team. Queen Kristin Petry 2007 is the daughter of Brett and Cindy Petry. She was a member of the Student Council for the past five years and currently serves as executive vice-president. Kristin was also a captain SSA 2006 Sweetheart Court: Back Row (L to R): Angela LaBorde, Jennifer Drivon, Jessie Sumpter, Leah Clanton, Mignon Sicard, Gabrielle Sicard, Kayla Modicut, Maggie Helm, Katie Schembre, Lisa Brady. Front Row (L to R): Catherine Schroeder, Marie Perret, Alexa Younger, Queen - Kristin Petry, Queen Jolie Currow, Senior Maid-of-Honor - Lynne Fritscher, Junior Maid-of-Honor - Callie Keiffer, Shelby Fritscher. courtesy, sincerity and respect for others. Other students selected to receive this honor were Catherine Schroeder, Maggie Helm, Angela LaBorde, Lisa Brady, Jennifer Drivon, Shelby Fritscher, Leah Clanton, Kayla Modicut, Catherine Schembre, Jessica Sumpter, Marie Perret, Gabrielle Sicard, Mignon Sicard, and Alexa Younger. for the state champion swim team and a member for the past five years. She served as co-president for the Key Club and the sergeant-at-arms for the French Club. She was an active member of Hearts of Purity, World Culture Society, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society and the Marian Ministry. Kristin attended Louisiana Girl’s State and was named “Outstanding City Citizen” of her Junior Maid of Honor Callie Keiffer 2008 is the daughter of Thomas Keiffer and Andrea Difranco. She is an active member in the National Honor Society, Excalibur Science Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She was also a junior class executive officer and a member of the Art Club. She maintained honor roll status throughout her years at SSA. D O V E W I N G S 17 ST. SCHOLASTICA 2006 2007 Sweetheart Court Junior Court 2008: Jennifer Drivon is the daughter of Ed and and Lisa Perret. She was a member of Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, Excalibur Science Honor Society, and the National Honor Society. She was an officer in the French Club and serves as a student minister. Marie was also involved with St. Peter’s Church School of Religion. Chima Clanton. She was a member of Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. Leah was also involved with SADD and Hearts of Purity. Janet Drivon. Jennifer maintained honor roll status at SSA. She was a member in Hearts of Purity and the Marian Ministry. She was a member and co-captain of the SSA Royalettes and the St. Paul’s Golden Blues Dance Team. Stephen and Jeannine Sicard. She was an Alpha Honor Roll student and was involved in the French Club, Key Club, Hearts of Purity, Eucharistic Ministry, Student Ministry and the SSA musicals. She was a United States Achievement Academy National Leader and Service Award Winner. She participated in the St. Tammany Parish Hospital Youth Volunteer Program and received a service pin for her achievements. Katie Schembre is the daughter of John and Karen Schembre. Katie was a member of the National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She was involved with the Spanish Club and the Art Club. Senior Court 2007: Leah Clanton is the daughter of Buzz and Marie Perret is the daughter of Jeffrey Kayla Modicut is the daughter of Todd and Tammy Modicut. Kayla was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, the Spanish Club and Hearts of Purity. Gabrielle Sicard is the daughter of Jessie Sumpter is the daughter of James Sumpter and Suzie Curtis. Jessie has been on the Student Council for the past four years and served as vice-president of the junior class. She was a member of the Spanish Club, Art Club and co-president of the Marian Ministry. Mignon Sicard is also the daughter of Stephen and Jeannine Sicard. She was an Alpha Honor Roll student and involved with Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD), Hearts of Purity, French Club, Key Club, Art Club and Student Ministry. She worked with Catholic Charities’ Helping Hands Program, lending to the rebuilding process in New Orleans. She was a United States Achievement Academy All American Scholar. Sophomore Court 2009: Lisa Brady is the daughter of Claude and Rose Brady. Lisa was involved with the Student Council for the last three years and served as sophomore class vice-president. She was a member of the National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She was involved in the Hearts of Purity, SADD, and the Spanish Club. Lisa was a member of the SSA Royalettes and the St. Paul’s Golden Blues. Alexa Younger is the daughter of Philip and Crystal Younger. She was involved at SSA during her high school years and was the Art Club president. She enjoys painting, playing the guitar, singing and video editing. SCrSaAwfSiEshNIBOoRil 18 D O V E Shelby Fritscher is the daughter of Michael and Donna Fritscher. She was a member of the Varsity Volleyball and Tennis teams. Shelby was involved in the Tri-Hi-Y Club, Key Club, and Science Club. She served as president of the sophomore class. Freshman Court 2010: Maggie Helm is the daughter of Kellie and Mike Helm. Maggie was involved in SSA sports. She was a member of the volleyball and basketball teams. Angela LaBorde is the daughter of Kenneth and Lisa LaBorde. She maintained Alpha honor roll status and was involved in the Hearts of Purity. Angela was a member on the SSA Swim team and received the MVP award. She was the 2006 State Champion in the 200 IM and placed second in the 100 backstroke. She swims year round. Eighth Grade Court 2011: Catherine Schroeder is the daughter of Richard and Cathy Schroeder. She was the only representative from eighth grade selected for this honor on the Sweetheart Court. She served as the eighth grade class president and was a member of the SSA eighth grade soccer team. St. Scholastica Academy Class of 2007 enjoyed their annual Crawfish Boil with the SSA faculty and staff on May14 at the beautiful home of William and Kim Simpson. The annual crawfish boil is one of the many graduation activities held at the end of the year for the seniors. Jennifer Flato, Ellen Fargason, Marguerite Kidd W I N G S SSA Cheerleanders S t. Scholastica Academy Cheerleaders gathered this summer to prepare for the 20072008 school year. The cheerleaders were awarded a grant from Chevron Corporation to purchase reusable spirit signs and replace old pompoms used weekly by the team. Julie Autin, cheerleading moderator, and the squad were so excited they took the signs to camp at Southeastern Louisiana University. This camp was sponsored by the Universal Cheerleaders Association June 18-21. The girls received first place in their Home Pom routine, first place in the camp champ competition for X-treme routine, and second place in the camp champ for the cheer competition. The SSA team received the Superior team Freshen Up SSA Attends Notre Dame Vision Catholic Convention trophy for receiving superior ribbons throughout camp and the Excellence award. Three of the girls were named UCA All Stars: Bailey Sellen, Kayla Jacomine, and Courtney Boudreaux. Sellen, Boudreaux, and Maddie Saltalmachia participated in the Jump Off with five hundred plus girls, Sellen made it to the semi-finals and Saltalmachia made it to the finals with only two other campers. The third day was spirit day where UCA held a “Rockin’ Rally”. SSA’s Captains Lexie Bordelon and Courtney Boudreaux performed the cheer, Kayla Jacomine and Kelsey Quarls rocked in the air guitar contest and Christy Arthur, Boudreaux, Danielle Gonzales, Jacomine, Sellen, Jordan Walkenford, performed the X’treme routine. Twelve St. Scholastica Academy students participated in Notre Dame Vision which was held at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana during the summer. “ND Vision” is a Catholic convention which allowed students from Catholic High SSA Students at Notre Dame Vision on the Notre Dame campus in Indiana. Molly Cox, Alissa Durr, Katie Tyrney, Chelsea Gandolfi, Jessica Allen, Michelle Preau, and Kayla Modicut Schools to interact with other students from all around the United States. SSA students Michelle Duplantier, Alissa Durr, Lauren Fereday, Molly Molloy Gambel, Michelle Preau, Chelsea Gandolfi, Molly Cox, Rachel Roberts, Katie Tyrney, Jessica Allen, Kayla Modicut and Kay Warner attended along with SSA Guidance Counselor Toni Pettavino. The week long convention included reconciliation, Mass in the Basilica, Adoration, praise and worship, musicals, and numerous speakers. Top standing: Madelyn Toupes, Courtney Boudreaux, Lexie Bordelon, Savanna Cole, Kamie Stephens, Lizzie McCulla, Faith Baggett, Maddie Saltalamacchia, Lindsey Silva. Middle Row: Bailey Sellen, Breeyn Lewis, Christy Arthur, Taylor Harvey, Danielle Gonzales, Ellen Boyelas, Katie Bergeron, Laxi Patterson. Bottom Row: Kelsey Quarls, Kayla Jacomine, Allie Domingues SSA Students attend LASC Leadership Workshop St. Scholastica Academy’s Student Council Officers for 2007-2008 attended the Louisiana Association Student Council (LASC) Workshop in Natchitoches in June. Students from the entire state of Louisiana represented their schools. The workshop included leadership and team building activities. The SSA officers were also able to share ideas with students from other schools. The SSA moderators are teachers, Liz Tocco and Denise Bordelon. (Back) Annie Redd, Gabrielle Braud, Christy Grishman, Gabrielle Campo, Shelby Fritscher, Abby Delahoussaye, Marybelle Bates, Elizabeth Clay. (Front) Maggie Stewart, Jessie Sumpter. Not pictured: Sarah Landry, Mackenzie Schott, Molly Molloy Gambel D O V E W I N G S 19 2007 Spring Athletic Awards T E N N I S Sixth consecutive State Championship VA R S I T Y S O F T B A L L Most Valuable Players Jolie Currow, Lynne Fritscher and Kellie Gutterman Coach’s Award Madeline Commander V A R I S T Y T R A C K Outstanding Player Lauren Fereday Track Most Valuable Player Lauren Salles Most Valuable Player Holly Martin J V Track Coach’s Award 4A All State Track Team Kimberly Broadbridge S O F T B A L L Outstanding Defensive Player Laurie Esquinance Track Most Improved Rachel Roberts Outstanding Offensive Player Kristen McDaniel Field Most Valuable Player Maury Williams Most Improved Courtney Fontenot Field Coach’s Award Abby Delahoussaye 8 T H G R A D E S O F T B A L L J V Track Coach’s Award Nicole Robles Most Improved Sarah Kuebel Field Most Improved Julia Champagne SUMMER CAMP COMPETITION SPS Cheerleaders L to R Front Row: Chelsea Block, Becky Songy, Elizabeth Clay, Haley Costa, Jordan Shepherd, Ashley Elie, Mary Simoneaux, Casey Scheib, Stevie Bankston Middle Row: Kera Aparicio, Jessica Esquivel, Chelsea Main, Sara Allain, Laine Bordelon, Jennifer Palpallatoc, Abby Delahoussaye, Lauren Beauvais, Jessica Ramirez. Kneeling: Charlotte Voelkel, Meredith Nolan, Bridget Hepburn, Amberleigh Carter, Laure’ Candies The 2007-08 St. Paul's Cheerleaders, comprised of St. Scholastica Academy students, returned from Southwestern Cheerleading Association camp in Sandestin, Florida. They won first place in Dance Competition. This was their first trophy from SCA elite camp. Casey Schieb and Jennifer Palpallatoc made it to the finals for the jump off and Jessica Esquivel and Charlotte Voelkel made it to the dance off. Jordan Shepherd, Bridget Hepburn and Jennifer Palpallatoc were named All-Americans. 20 D O V E W I N G S Outstanding Track Performer Catherine Schroeder Coach’s Award Sarah Thiel B O W L I N G Finished eighth in the State tournament High Average Kaitlyn Ladner Most Points Scored Tori Powers Most Improved Elise Prete Most Valuable Player Monica Caire T R A C K Coach’s Award Devin Hyver Most Improved Rachel Despeaux G O L F Field Most Improved Ashley Vorenkamp Most Valuable Player Natalie Childress 8 T H G R A D E T R AC K Coach’s Award Shelby Thompson St. Scholastica Bowling Team The bowling team went to the playoffs for the second year in a row coached by Pete Bertucci. They finished eighth in the State tournament. SSASenior Retreat SSA Student Attends NASC Leadership Workshop SSA’s Mackenzie Schott was elected the State Parliamentarian for the Louisiana Association of Student Councils for 2007-2008. This position sent her to the 72nd annual National Association of the Student Councils Convention held, June 2007 in Overland Park, Kansas. The event brings together over 1600 students from around the world to gain new perspectives and insights on student leadership issues. The SSA senior class took time out of their busy schedule for a senior retreat on January 10-12 in Robert, LA. The seniors, along with some faculty members, enjoyed being together to The St. Scholastica Academy Class of 2007 surround a bonfire celebrate blessings during their senior retreat. and friendship. SSA principal Mary Kathryn Villere commented “This senior retreat was truly in the hands of the Holy Spirit and one of the most deeply spiritual retreats I have been privileged to experience in my 19 years on the senior retreat team. As retreat team members we have been truly blessed by the Class of 2007. May God continue to bless them with His peace in each moment of their lives not only at SSA but in the future.” SSA religion teacher Barbara Link said “The seniors always look forward to the senior retreat. It is a time when all the years of bonding as a class come together for the girls. The Class of 2007 shared and celebrated their uniqueness and their spiritual journey in love, fun and sisterhood.” 2007 SSA Dove Classic Golf Tournament S t. Scholastica Academy held its ninth annual Dove Classic Golf Tournament at Beau Chene Golf and Country Club on April 23. There were 20 teams who supported SSA and enjoyed a beautiful day of golf. A box lunch was provided for all the golfers. In the evening, a Louisiana - themed dinner was served as tournament awards and door prizes were given out. More than $10,200 was raised at the event. The proceeds will go to the SSA athletic program and athletic complex. First place team for the tournament was Max Foote, Rick Murphy, Roy Thompson, and Glenn Weller. Second place was Richard Martin, Dale Castro, Steve Irwin, and Forrest Mills. Third place was Quinn Boylan, Steve Cumbaa, Barry Lacy, and Fred Leffingwell. The winners of the events; Closest to the Hole – Steve Irwin; Longest Drive – Billy Leto; and Putt for a Prize – Brian Bertucci. Silent auction items were an autographed Saints NFL helmet and three Bill Harper, Brophy Boudreaux, Paul Giffin autographed Saints hats. The 50/50 raffle was won by Danny Smith. The 2007 SSA Dove Classic Golf Committee members were: Mike Colburn, Keith Ladner, Coach Art Lyons, Bob Pool, Owen Seiler, Cindy Sutton, and Al Zahn. Now accepting registration for the 2008 Dove Classic Golf Tournament on May 5, 2008. Contact the Advancement House 985-892-2540 ext. 132 or Bob Pool, Bryan Burns, Curt Hebert, Keith Jarrett D O V E W I N G S 21 St. Scholastica Academy D OV E G O L F C L A S S I C Monday, May 5, 2008 Beau Chene Country Club T O U R N A M E N T PA C K A G E Green and Cart Fees Survival Cart Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Teams Closest to the Hole and Longest Drive Contests Lunch and Drinks Dinner and Drinks Two Course Hospitality Stations Door Prizes Tournament Awards Ditty Bags Hole-In-One and Putting Contests Four-Man Scramble, Shotgun Start If golf isn’t your game, join us for food and drinks. $25.00/person 22 D O V E W I N G S S t . S ch olastica Academy D O V E G O L F C L A S S I C Monday, May 5, 2008 Beau Chene Country Club Sponsorship Levels Double Eagle $5,000 2 foursomes/Tournament packages TOP billboard recognition Individual sponsor sign Listing in Wings magazine 8 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner 8 gifts Birdie $2,000 1 foursome/Tournament package Individual sponsor sign Listing in Wings magazine Eagle $3,000 1 foursome/Tournament package Individual sponsor sign Billboard recognition Listing in Wings magazine 4 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner 4 gifts Par $1,000 1 foursome/Tournament package Individual sponsor sign Listing in Wings magazine 2 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner 2 gifts 4 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner 4 gifts Foursome with sign 1 foursome with SIGN $800 Foursome 1 foursome $700 104 Year Sponsorship - $104 Listing in Wings magazine. Dove C e n t e n n ia l G o l f C l a s s i c R e g i s t ra t io n Fo rm Monday, May 5, 2008 10:30 a.m. Registration Beau Chene Country Club 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start Payment must accompany form to reserve a spot. Please check level of sponsorship ___ Double Eagle $5000 ___ Eagle $3000 ___ Birdie $2000 ___ Par $1000 ___ Foursome $700 ___ Single Player $175 ___ Sponsor Sign $150 ___ 104 Year Sponsor $104 ___ Foursome $800 with Sign* ___ Scoreboard Sponsor $50 ___ Banquet Only $25 ___ Donation Only Make checks payable to: SSA Dove Classic, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434 Visa/MasterCard #_______________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Amt. Chg. $_______________Signature:____________________________________________________________________ Name Full Address Phone Avg./Handicap Score _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions? Call SSA Advancement Office, (985) 892-2540, x 130 D O V E W I N G S 23 WeT Celebrate H E I R L I V E S Joan Belle Alkire passed away on April 21, 2007; mother of Leslie Alkire Michaelis ’78. Don Michael Arata passed away on March 9, 2007; father of Anne Arata Spell ’83 and Etta “Missie” Arata Noel ’84. Ronald G. Hand passed away on May 3, 2007; father-in-law of Vaunne Blossman Hand ’81. Lt. Col. Roy Ponthier passed away on May 3, 2007; Grandfather of Jennifer Miguez 2001. Ladner “Pat” Barberot Jr. passed away on April 5, 2007; stepfather of Christy Stiefelmeyer Martiny ’85. John Michael “Jack” Holahan passed away on April 30, 2007; beloved husband of 52 years of Paulette Heldner Holahan ’53. Mrs. John Delahoussaye passed away in June 2007; grandmother of Casey Crawford 2005 and Catie Crawfored 2010. Maria Kieffer, passed away on August 24, 2007, grandmother of Emily Kieffer 2009. Judge Adrian G. Duplantier passed away on August 15, 2007; father-in-law of current SSA teacher, Suzie Duplantier and grandfather of Michelle Duplantier 2009. Charles T. Eromon passed away on March 8, 2007; grandfather of Kristen Meyer Sunde ‘98 and Emily Meyer 2000. Ray Finley III, grandfather of Ellie Dorsey 2009 passed away on August 26, 2007. Jane and served at St. Scholastica. Clare Zaeringer Persons passed away on May 26, 2007; grandmother of Lauren Persons 2006 and Leah Persons 2007. Vera Tennent Plaswirth passed away on December 27, 2005; mother of Kelly Plaswirth. Rev. Marian Edward Larmann, O.S.B., monk of St. Joseph Abbey passed away on June 6, 2007. Robert John Rathe “Sonny” passed away on March 25, 2007; father of Susan Rathe Illing ’80, Jan Rathe Tilly ’75, Lynne Rathe Laibe ’87; grandfather of Leslie Rathe ‘98 and Lindsey Rathe Quick ‘99. Rosalie Lazaro, passed away on September 9, 2007, grandmother of Sarah Lazaro 2003. David H. Smith passed away on March 5, 2007; father of Shelly Smith Scoggins ’83 and Melissa Smith Ellis ’90. Deacon Joseph Lazo, passed away on September 16, 2007, grandfather of Christina Grishman 2010. Elizabeth Marlar Vreeland passed away on May 26, 2007; grandmother of Elizabeth Marlar 2005 and Katherine Marlar 2006. George P. Marse Sr. passed away on November 28, 2006; grandfather of Amie Boudreaux Post ’97 and Kelly Boudreaux 2001. Nereus Rose Miller ‘54 passed away on March 29, 2007. Sharon Keller-Wooldridge ’77, passed away on July 26, 2007; mother of Remy Marshall 2003; sister of Jennifer Keller Walkenford’82 and Jody Keller Birotte’83; aunt of Jordan Walkenford 2010 and sisterin-law of Wendy Wilson Keller ‘85. Lena Frosina Golemi passed away on July 29, 2007; grandmother of Annette Golemi 2007. Norma Mary Moser passed away on February 7, 2007. She was a former Benedictine Sister known as Sister Mary Ruby Zaeringer, grandmother of Kim Colle Reagan ‘93 passed away on September 5, 2007. 1963 Dianne Dessens deLeaumont is currently living in Douglasville, Georgia with her husband. They relocated there after Hurricane Katrina and are anxious to move back but open to whatever God has in store for them. continuing to do better and her youngest daughter Sarah is in her third year at LSU. Faye Marie Geraci ‘63 passed away on May 17, 2007. She was a member of the Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Priory and a mathematics and religion teacher at SSA. 1976 Georgina Chaplin Bouquet and family traveled from Vermont to the New Orleans/Covington area and stopped by to visit the SSA campus during the summer. 1971 Aimee Birdsong is currently living in Westport, New York while working at a Box Office Theater. 1977 Deborah Terribile Stewart lives in London, England with her husband and new son, Jackson. She is doing well and enjoys it very much in her new country. 1974 Debbie Taylor Kilborn moved back home to Mandeville after 30 years just before Katrina hit but in March 2006 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Debbie has been recovering from cancer treatment and was blessed in May 2007 with her first grandchild, a baby girl. Debbie is 24 D O V E W I N G 1978 Gail Delaughter has resided in Houston, Texas since 1998 where she is an anchor for an afternoon news radio station and also does freelance radio major league sports. S Notes CLASS ALUMNAE NEWS 1980 Annette Lewis Bakay has been living in Montague, Michigan since June 2005 with her husband Richard and two sons, Emmit, 4, and Devin Rand, 2. Annette is employed with American Airlines as a flight attendant, flying to Tokyo and Europe. The family is doing great but Richard has spent the last two winters in Slidell helping his family and friends rebuild after the hurricane. Notes CLASS ALUMNAE NEWS 1982 Gabrielle Cazayoux Allade completed her masters with a focus on technology integration this past year and that was followed by the birth of her daughter, Julia Philomena Allade. Gabrielle, her husband and Julia are currently living in Tianjin, China where she is teaching at an international school. Gabrielle taught at public schools in Louisiana and has also lived in Greece and Czech Republic teaching Humanities, English, French, Art and ESL. She truly enjoys her life experiences in these different cultures and has said that it truly opened her eyes to what a great education she received at SSA. It might be several years until they move back to the States (Picture taken on the Great Wall of China.) Tina Crawford White is a partner at the New Orleans law firm of Gordon, Arata, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan, L.L.P., practicing in the area of commercial litigation with an emphasis on construction law, antitrust law and business disputes in general. Before graduating from Tulane Law School in 1994, she was a CPA with the firm of Ernst & Young. She graduated from Loyola University with a B.B.A. in accounting in 1986. Tina married Bill White four years ago and they have two daughters, Isabella (3) and Olivia (seven months). 1984 Ali Evers Arroyo and her family had their home in Lake Vista, New Orleans severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina. After evacuating to Texas, they finally settled in McKinney, Texas. Her two children, Will (16) and Victoria (11) have adjusted great as they all try to enjoy their new home for a while. Her husband started a new Export business in McKinney due to the loss in New Orleans of his business. As they have struggled through the affects of Katrina, Bridget Brister Degioanni and husband Geoff have three children: Ashley, 12, Blake, 9 and Hunter, 3. She is a hair stylist at Salon Vivante and volunteers at her kids’ schools. They reside in Mandeville, LA. they have stayed strong in their faith to God and thank all of their family, friends and community, for love, support and prayers. Alyce Fuselier Cazayoux and husband Ross moved back to Covington during the summer 2007. Their oldest of four, Mary Claire, is attending SSA as a freshman. She is the 7th girl in the Cazayoux family to attend SSA. Alyce has jumped in with both feet working to set up Ross’s medical practice and serving on the SSA School Board. 1985 Monica Terrell Leach won the 2004 John R. Larkin’s Award, one of North Carolina’s highest honors for human service. She is living in North Carolina where she is assistant dean for academic affairs and director of diversity programs in North Carolina State University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Becky Castagna works at Barrister Global Networking Systems doing IT dispatching for HP and IBM and resides in Hammond, LA. Susie Champagne Cooksey and husband Brett reside in Madisonville, LA. Danielle Chopp is nationally certified in massage therapy, and is currently studying to teach not only the physical practice of Yoga, but the philosophy of Yoga as well. Over the years Danielle has had lots of adventures...rock climbing, downhill single track biking, hang gliding, sky diving, scuba diving, hiking, cliff jumping, sailing in storms, etc. She also does Pilates and Meditation and lives in South Lake Tahoe, CA. 1987 Whitney Greene Ligon resides in Birmingham, Alabama with husband Shawn where she is the corporate sales manager for Integrated Medical Systems, Inc. Tina Colette Wrecenyar and husband Kevin reside in Montgomery, IL with sons: Parker, 3 and Carson, 8 months old. She is working at ADP as a Project Manager. 1992 Cissy Rowley spent her last summer in Paris and is now residing in New Orleans where she is the director/principal of Ecole Bilingue/ Ecole Maternelle, a small French immersion school. Cori Cox Nelson and husband Roy have a daughter Presli, 5. They live in Madisonville, LA. She is a stay-at-home mom. Dana Duet Champagne and husband Randy live in Madisonville, LA with children Emery, 5 & Ellie, 18 months. She is getting her masters degree in Counseling. Kristen Anastasio Dear and husband Eddie have three sons: Taylor, 13, Brandon, 5 and Joseph, 1. She has been teaching 4th grade for eight years at Harper McCaughan Elementary in Long Beach, MS. Susannah Graham Bardo and husband Matthew live in Richmond, VA with sons: Brandon Matthew, 5 and Joshua Bennett, 3. She is a stay-at-home mom and also volunteers at women’s shelters and children’s charities. Stephanie Artell Marshall and husband Sam live in Austin, TX. She graduated from UT as an Art Director, and works for USAA doing brand marketing. Danielle Baker Cooper and husband Paul welcomed son Jackson Patrick in February, 2007. She is an Assistant Professor in OB/GYN at LSUHSC. As a new mom, she decided to start working three days a week. She also loves to scuba dive and snow ski. She resides in Shreveport, LA. Summer Green Ellwood and husband Brad live in Baton Rouge with their four daughters: Carleigh, 12, Danielle, 11, Zoe, 4 and Tatum, 2. Elizabeth Hummel Brownlie and husband Scott have two children, daughter Sydney, 7 and son, Benjamin, 5. They reside in Covington and she is a stay-athome mom. Leah Barker Lee and her husband Scott have three sons: Chasse, 15, Zach, 13 and Hayden, 10. She manages a photography company and resides in Covington, LA Erika Beckendorf Pierce and husband Erin have a son Patrick, 2. She works for University Montessori School in Hammond. Milo Hurst Bertrand and husband, Erick are expecting their first child, due in November. They live in Slidell. She works as an Interior Designer. D Kelly Johnson Nelson and husband Chris, O V E W I N G S 25 Notes CLASS Pattie Nunez Lobdell and husband JW have two sons: Walker, 3 and Alex, 1. They reside in Covington and she is a stay-athome mom. Lesa Paille-Seal and husband Lon live in Mandeville with daughters: Summer, 7 and Amber 2. She teaches 4th grade. ALUMNAE NEWS Stacey Penick Standridge resides in Madisonville with husband Linn and daughter, Amelia, 5. She is a registered nurse with GENEX services. along with son Luke, 16 months, live in Marietta, GA. She is a Lead Systems Analyst in the Technology Group for Hewitt Associates. She works on designing software packages to work with a client’s pension administration program. She is also pregnant with her second child, due in December. Carey Penton Vorholt and husband Michael have three sons: Alan, 12 and 3 yr. old twins Matt and Nick, and two daughters: Emma, 9 and Jessi, 5. Carey is a seafood research technician with the University of Alaska Fairbanks and is finishing her masters degree in seafood science and nutrition. She and Michael live in Kodiak with their five children; the youngest three are adopted. They enjoy all Alaska has to offer, and plan to retire outside of Anchorage- near Denali National Park. Carey and her family treasure being able to watch the Northern Lights, eagles in the trees, or going down to the harbor to watch orcas and sea lions. Anne Kyte Thiel and husband Kiley reside in Madisonville. She is a Registered Nurse working in the PACU at Fairway Medical Center. Carrie Landry Boltin and husband Rob have two children, a son, Cash Landry, 9 months and daughter, Annie Jo, 9 months. They live in Studio City, CA. For the past 3 years, Carrie has been the Senior Producer on the “Travel a la Mode” inflight destination show, which airs on American Airlines and US Airways each month. Andree Perque Ward and husband Grayson live in Mandeville. She is a realtor at Keller Williams Realty Services. Alexis Pons is living in Nashville, TN. Mary Beth Lomasney Dugas and husband Paul live in Mandeville with their son, Beau, 6 and daughters, Bailey, 3 and Emma, 10 months. She is a stay-at-home mom. Melissa Roth Caserta and husband Joey have a daughter, Camryn, 7 and a son, Scott, 5. She is a speech therapist at Covington Elementary. Jennifer Loyd Hunley and husband Charles live in Covington with their son, Nathan, 2. She is working on her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Southeastern University. Jennifer Sartele Faust and husband Brian live in Frisco, TX. She works as a Court Reporter and is pregnant with her first child, a boy, due in December. Jamey Savoie-Benton and husband George live in Nashville, TN. After graduating from Tulane University with a MSW, Jamey is an LCSW specializing in addiction and women. She and George are expecting their first child in August- a girl they will name Skye Savoie Benton. Kendall Mack is a Sales Representative for Iron Mountain in Atlanta, GA. Kelly Mayberry Clark and husband Pen reside in Madisonville with daughters: Kayla, 12 & Kaitlyn, 7. She is a Physical Therapist Technician for Kinetics Physical Therapy. Kristen Schonberg Blackburn and husband Dale live in Covington with daughter, Emily, 6 and son, Thomas, 4. She is a stay-at-home mom. Kristin Muse Vogt and husband Mike live in Covington with daughters: Mickala, 3 and Haley, 1 and son: Grayson, born April 2007. She works as a Registered Nurse at St. Tammany Parish Hospital. Beth Schroeder Fields and husband Blaine live in Baton Rouge with son, Fred, 1. She works for Chase Bank as a Senior Training Specialist in the Retail Training Department. Michele Nedoma Kehoe and husband Michael live in Biloxi, MS with son, Justin, 14 and daughter, Mia, 2. Michelle works as an Accountant. 26 D O V E W I N G Greta Schwing Bourgeois and husband Sage live in Covington with daughters: Rhenan, 9, Merrick, 7 and Landen, 5 and S son: Sutter, 2. She is a stay-at-home mom. Shelley Skal Garrido and husband Gabe live in Baton Rouge with their son, Brandan, 6. She has been a mortgage loan officer for the past 10 years. Debbie Thyre Annino resides in Austin, TX with husband Chris and daughter, Audrey, 1. She is a stay-at-home mom, and a part-time bookkeeper for a small software development firm. Paula Vizzini Lowe and husband Brian live in Madisonville with their son Seth, 1 She is a general contractor, building houses in Madisonville and is pregnant with her second child, due in January. Jenny Volz Adams and husband Doug and their daughter Molly, 2 live in Seattle, WA. She is a registered dietitian. Jami Willis is a pharmaceutical representative. She lives in Baton Rouge. Jennifer Yancey Champagne and husband Joey live in Covington with their daughters: Barrett, 6, Addison, 4 and son Trent, 7 months. She is a stay-at-home mom. 1993 Erin Lalor Adrian and husband Adam, son Thomas and daughter Téa reside in Birmingham, Alabama. 1994 Christina Ramirez Allmer graduated with a B.S. in Elementary Education from the University of South Alabama in May 2007. She is teaching at an all girls elementary school (K-8) in Long Beach, CA. Christina’s husband, Jason, is in the Coast Guard and they have two daughters Madelyn 4 and Gwendolyn 1. 1995 Miriam Moore returned to the United States this past fall after spending two years in Paris working on her masters in international diplomacy. She is now working as an editor in Washington, D.C. 1996 Jennifer Bonneau Oncale resides in Madisonville with her husband Byron and their two sons, Jaxon and Rhett. She and her mother Patsy have just recently started a general law practice Bonneau and Oncale Law Group, LLC. 1997 Courtney Pablovich Dodson and husband Daniel have two sons Connor (2) and Grant (newborn). Notes CLASS ALUMNAE NEWS Sarah Moore Philips graduated summa cum laude from the School of Law of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received a juris doctor degree and was also the editor of the Law Review while attending there. She now lives in Chapel Hill with her husband, Chad, and son, Paul. Sarah works for the law firm of Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey and Leonard in Greensboro, N.C. 1998 Erin Crawford Kessler and her husband Kris reside in Mandeville and Erin is the Director of Marketing and Media Relations for Vitality Juice, Java & Smoothie Bars / The Nutrition Company. 1999 Ryan Dill is the Assistant CAD/ Graphic Designer for American Eagle Outfitters and is currently living in New York City. 2000 Natalie Landry traveled to Querataro, Mexico in July where she helped build a sanctuary and went on an evangelistic crusade to help reach the community. Kristen Dugas graduated from UNO with a B.A. in English Literature and Theater. Kristen is a pre-K teacher and has been busy playing the part of Mary Warren in the Crucible at the Slidell Little Theater. She will be studying at the Academy of Music and Drama Arts in New York for one year. 2001 Mary Penton graduated from LSU School of Business in 2006 and is now a second year law student at Mississippi College School of Law in Jackson, MS. Christel Cary Malinski and husband John live in Metairie. She is attending LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. Frances Cashion is doing well, living in Florida and working in Marketing. Kelly Kasischke attended the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She started a new venture with a modeling and acting academy - John Robert Powers in Metairie. 2002 Reve’ Link married John Pounds on July 7, 2007. She graduated from SLU, summa cum laude, with a B.S. in early childhood education. Revé is a pre-K teacher at Christ Episcopal. 2005 Danielle Depreo is attending LSU School of Nursing. Jamia Bolton is attending Pearl River Community College and will attend nursing school in January 2008. Erin McKnight graduated from LSU in December with a degree in Accounting. She now works as an external auditor for KPMG, a public accounting firm, and has relocated to Houston, Texas. Amber Foster is attending Midland Techs for Nursing in Columbia, SC. Adele Labrador is pursuing a degree in psychology at the University of New Orleans. Maria Ramirez graduated from LSU in May 2006 with a degree in mass communications with a focus on journalism. She traveled to Lima Peru to become more affluent in Spanish. Maria will return to Lima to work and live for at least one year. 2006 Heather Chauvin stays busy being active in Phi Eta Sigma, NHS for scholastic achievement of college freshman, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, National Society of Collegiate Scholars and Gamma Beta Phi. She has joined the Delta Zeta sorority and is pursuing a degree in mass communication. Molly Dugger is doing well and still enjoys running as she was the overall female winner of the Ozone Spring Run, hosted by the St. Paul’s Alumni Association in May 2007. Margee Jardine is a sophomore at Mercer University majoring in business and was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. She pledged Alpha Delta Pi. 2003 Brittany Carter graduated from the University of Richmond with a B.A. in rhetoric and communication studies and double minored in dance and law and the liberal arts. While at Richmond, she received the Elizabeth Hodkins Scholarship and was the captain of the Spinnurs dance team. Rachel Montreuil will be working in Ireland for one year as a Regnum Christi co-worker. She will be working with the Church to help form young Christians in the faith. 2007 Samantha Schott was Mary (a lead) in the Playmakers play, Babes in Toyland. Sam also won the Alvin Award, which is voted on by the audience. Kimberly DeBrock graduated from the University of Mississippi with a B.A. in English in May. She graduated cum laude and was recognized as a Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College Scholar. Kim is attending Loyola School of Law in New Orleans. WEDDING Bells Katie Jardine graduated from Rhodes in May 2007 and is teaching English at Shiga Prefecture, a junior high school, in Nagahama, Japan. 2004 Jessica Cardinale traveled to Antiago, Mexico during the summer where she served as a leader for a youth group missionary trip to help the people in that region. Kara Klein released two new CD’s. “I Am Home” is dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and Rita, who are so close to the hearts of those of us who call New Orleans home. The second release is entitled “A Rosary for Chastity.” It features special meditations for all twenty mysteries of the Rosary. Kara has received nine 2007 Unity Award nominations for the two CDs. Her website is 1991 Mandy Mendoza married Michael Gagliardi in June in New Orleans. The couple resides in Mandeville where Mandy is employed as an attorney with Elkins,P.L.C. in New Orleans. 1997 Brydie Burke married Patrick Himel on April 28, 2007. D O V E W I N G S 27 WEDDING Bells Virginia Lanson married Seann Patrick Halligan on May 19, 2007 at Ursaline Chapel in New Orleans. They reside in Metairie where Virginia works in labor and delivery at East Jefferson General Hospital. 2002 Stephanie Simeon married Chad Reilly in August 2007. Stephanie graduated from University of Southern Mississippi with a degree in Fine Arts with an emphasis in performance and choreography. The couple will reside in Los Angeles. Classmates in her wedding were bridesmaids Katie Maher ‘02, Kelly Marino ‘02, and Nicole Martinez ‘02. 1998 Courtney Greenwell married Jeff Utecht in New Orleans on May 26, 2007. Joanna Artell Harvey ‘98 was a bridesmaid. 1999 Renee Hebert married William Clements on June 16, 2007 in New Orleans. The couple resides in Birmingham, Alabama where Renee is employed with Bruno Event Team, LLC. Rachael Delahoussaye married William Shields III on January 13, 2007 in New Orleans. Lindsay Vinson married Andrew Baier on March 31, 2007 in Mandeville. Best Wishes 2002 Ashley LeCorgne is engaged to Madison Burris. The wedding will be held on October 20, 2007. Lauren Mesman is engaged to Jeffrey Cardinale (SPS). The wedding will be held on October 18, 2008. 2001 Jennifer Sentilles married Blaine Bonaventure on October 21, 2006. Jennifer now works for Campaign Associate at Capital Area United Way. The couple resides in Baton Rouge. Lauren Campo married Michael DiVincenti Jr. on January 12, 2007. Lauren is working at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center and they reside in the Baton Rouge area. Baby DOVES Lindsay Vinson & Andrew Baier’s Wedding Back Row: Jessica Cardinale’04, Mary Katherine Taylor’02, Lindsay Vinson Baier’02, Emily Heidingsfelder’02, Sarah Garcia ’04, Ashlee Landry’04, Lauren Fitpatrick’02, Nicole Waguespack’04, Kelly Garcia’02, Colleen Fitpatrick’02, Ainsley Nolan’02, Lauren Mesman’02 Front Row: Clancey Powell Lemoine ’02, Kim Smith Vinson ‘81 (Mother of Bride), Alex Landry’05, Lauren Vinson’04 and Alicia Baier’96. Andrew Carter Clark on November 11, 2006. Melissa Meagher Holman and husband Bob welcomed their first child Madeline Ramsey in September 2006. They reside in Alpharetta, Georgia where Melissa was working in sales for over ten years but now stays at home full time to be with her daughter. 1985 Marla Pizzolato Parker and husband Wayne, along with son Hunter, welcomed their second son Kanyon Kit on March 6, 2007. The family is residing in Mechanicsville, Virginia. 1990 Aleta Jacobs Spears, husband James and daughter Isabella welcomed Sophia on June 28, 2007. 1996 Brooke Dugger Paulin and husband Jason welcomed their first child Ty Michael Paulin on August 19, 2007. 1988 Raquel Jumonville Murphy and husband Ryan welcomed their son Liam Edward Murphy on October 2, 2006. Raquel and Ryan currently live in New Orleans. 1989 Yves Rougelot Clark and husband Darrell, along with their two daughters Julia and Elizabeth, welcomed their son 28 D O V E W I N G 1997 Cathy-Anne Delaune Prieto and husband Jason welcomed their first child Emma Catherine on September 25, 2007. S 1998 Erin Crawford Kessler and her husband Kris welcomed their new daughter Kendall Elizabeth on September 11, 2006. Amanda Penton welcomed her baby girl in April, 2007 and named her Caroline. 2000 Erika LaBiche Lehmann and husband Drew welcomed their daughter Audrey Grace Lehmann on February 2, 2007. Erin LeCorgne Joyner and her husband Jay welcomed their son Michael Riley in July 2007. Courtney Rowzee Holcombe and husband Jay announced the birth of their son Noah Christopher on June 27, 2007. His godmother is Lindsay Quick 2002. 2001 Lauren Harvey Cothran and husband Steven welcomed their new daughter Emily Joyce in January 2007. 2007 Winter Athletic Awards Tennis Team B A S K E T B A L L S O C C E R All District Awards Second Team Kayleigh Chiasson 2007 Division II District 7 State Champions MVP All District Offense players Kelly Gautreaux and Lindsey Schwaner Honorable Mention Maury Williams All District players Danielle Beatty, Kim Belmont, Caroline Crawford, Tricia Johnson All District Honorable Mention Michelle Duplantier and Sally St. Germain Honorable Mention All State Simone Sterck Eighth grade Most Improved Player Peggy Faucheux All State MVP Kelly Gautreaux Top Defensive Award Caroline Broussard All State First Team Caroline Crawford, Kelly Gautreaux and Lindsey Schwaner Coach’s Award Rachel Despeaux The tennis team coached by Barbara Fisher and Susan Brown Loesberg has won its sixth consecutive State Championship. All State Second Team Danielle Beatty, Kim Belmont and Caitlyn Kinchen Junior Varsity Most Improved Joanna Thomas Soccer Team Defensive Award Kayla Bosarge Eighth Grade Top Offense Ashley Martinez Coach’s Award Maggie Helm Top Defense Natalie Childress Varsity Top Defender Simone Sterck Coach’s Award Sarah Gaudet Most Improved Brittany Godfrey Junior Varsity Captain’s Award Erin Loveland and Katie Daigle Coach’s Award Nicole Fekete Varsity State MVP Kimberly Belmont I N D O O R T R A C K Soccer won State Championship and was also recognized as one of the top 10 school soccer teams in the nation by the National Soccer Coaches Association. Captain’s Award Caroline Nunmaker Most Improved Kate Harlan Defensive MVP Lindsey Schwaner Outstanding Performers Lauren Salles and Kim Broadbridge Offensive MVP Kelly Gautreaux Coach’s Award Catherine Pereira S S A R O Y A L E T T E S S S A C H E E R L E A D E R S Coach’s Award Katie Pecot All Smiles Taylor Harvey Most Improved Marcy Carmouche Best All Around Laine Bordelon Teamwork Award Lane Hebert Most Improved Allie Domingues D O V E W I N G S 29 Spotlight on SSA ‘76 Alumna Susan Heintz Blanchard F By: Katie Shimmeck amily ties the heartstrings of St. Scholastica Academy Class of 1976 alumna Susan Heintz Blanchard. She is the third generation to graduate from SSA, following the footsteps of her maternal grandmother, Gladys Durel Frederick ‘23, and her mother, Lucie Frederick Heintz ‘51. She met her husband, Mark Blanchard, Executive Vice President of New Orleans Cold Storage, in junior high and he later served as her escort to the SSA Senior Prom. They have been married for 27 years, have two sons, Ben, 25, and Chris, 20, both alumni of St. Paul’s School, and reside in Covington. As an SSA student, Susan created the Concerned Christian Club, which visited area nursing homes and orphanages, and assisted in the creation of the school’s popular “Dove Day,” the annual intramural event held on campus. She was also a member of the National Honor Society. Self-described as a tomboy, Susan focused on her studies and trained two hours a day as a competitive water-skier, ranked third in the nation. She had many close friends at SSA, including her sister, Cindy Heintz ;75, and good friends, Vicky Kitchen ‘76 and Charlsey Juen ‘76. After graduation, Susan decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy. She finished three years of prerequisites at Northwestern Louisiana University in Natchitoches and went on to continue her studies at the School of Allied Health at the LSU Medical Center in New Orleans. It wasn’t until her first year at LSUMC that Susan was diagnosed with a rare form of dyslexia. She credits the varied instructional methods and individual attention that her teachers at SSA provided for her ability to understand the coursework. “The teachers were phenomenal; they went the extra mile,” exclaimed Susan. “If I hadn’t gone to SSA, I wouldn’t have had the courage to believe in myself academically that I could do it.” During her residency at Highland Park Hospital in Covington, Susan worked with hospice, assisted in home health care, and worked in geriatrics and neurology. In 1997, she opened Rehab Dynamics, Inc. in Covington, and has a staff of three physical therapists and a licensed physical therapist assistant. While working with patients, Susan takes the opportunity to reach out and minister to those in need. “One of my most prized moments happened when a patient told me ‘Susan, I want you to know I’m going to be baptized and receive my First Communion on Easter Sunday,’ and she was raised atheist,” said Susan, who added that she allows Christ to work through her so she can minister to her patients. The busy entrepreneur also takes time to serve as “the family’s medical care provider” and, after working ten hour days, she will give therapy to her family members, both young and old. “Susan is a good person. She’s very supportive and a pleasure to have as a sister,” said Cindy. “She is a fine example of a SSA graduate and has a truly big heart.” The alumna stays active in school affairs by supporting the Falaya Fling and doing an annual presentation at Career Day. She also recruits SSA students to work or volunteer part-time in her office. In her free time, Susan enjoys trout, redfish and fly fishing with her family at their camp in Grand Isle, and has traveled to the Bahamas and northwestern water streams to pursue the sport. She also enjoys cycling, boating, gardening and world traveling. Her world travels have included trips to the Caribbean, Prague, Vienna, Holland, Spain, London and Switzerland. SPLISH SPLASH Seniors Last Day St. Scholastica Academy 2006-07 Seniors celebrated their last day on May 11, wet and wild. At lunch, senior dads grilled hamburgers for the class. When the final bell rang, the seniors rushed into the middle of campus to find inflatable waterslides, water guns, and a huge mud pit from the day of rain. The girls were slippin’ and slidin’ with their lifelong friends and the faculty, and some parents even joined in the festivities. 30 D O V E W I N G S Left: Lizzy Evans, Katie Sunseri, Casey Seiler Above: Lynne Fritscher, Caroline Lee, Megan Spell St. Scholastica Academy Two Exciting Raffles announces Falaya Fling 2008 for D O V E W I N G S 31 32 D O V E W I N G S SSA SPRING Choir Concert St. Scholastica Academy Concert Choir, Advanced Choir, Handbell Choir and Guest Choir held their Spring Concert on May 4 in Benet Hall at St. Joseph’s Abbey. Under the direction of the SSA Music Director Sharon Scharmer, the combined choirs hosted a night of “Falling All Over Again” (songs of romance and love). It was a full house as the choirs sang and played melodiously. Part of the evening’s program included short videos of SSA staff and their significant others. They were interviewed on the love of their life, how they fell in love and what keeps their love alive. The room was full of warmth and gratitude as they reminisced through the beautiful songs presented to them by the SSA choirs. Handbell Choir, Back Row(L to R): Katherine Couret, Carolyn Haworth, Courtney Calato, Casey Kramer. Middle Row: Jorda Box, Cassi Breaux, Megan Larmann, Karen Rosenow. Front Row: Diamond Moses, Victoria D’Antonio, Kathleen Harmon, Maria D’Antonio Guest Choir, Back Row (L to R): Allyse Gillen, Laura Ballard, Ashley Osbourn, Rachel Rees, Maile Binion, Carly Palazzo, Courtney Calato, Karen Rosenow. Middle Row: Merritt Parsons, Lauren Baiamonte, Sarah Baggett, Catherine Cardwell, Kate Baker, Collette Pellissier, Ellen Rosenow Front Row: Paige Scamardo, Victoria D’Antonio, Olivia Simoneaux, Marybelle Bates, Emmy Bennett, Lauren Richard Advanced Choir, Back Row (L to R): Lauren Williams, Gaby Klein, Haley Costa, Carolyn Haworth. Middle Row: Marianne Cardwell, Samantha Schott, Sarah Early, Meagan Robert, Lee Ann Prisk, Nicole Johnson. Front Row: Jennifer Palpallatoc, Candice Marie, Chelsea Ford, Casey Seiler, Leah Clanton CLASS OF 2006 Party YEARBOOK SIGNING Jennifer Lee yearbook signing in January 2007. Concert Choir, Back Row (L to R): Katherine Couret, Kristyn Guzman, Camille Walther, Lauren McDaniel. Middle Row: Elise Taylor, Brittney Rowzee, Lydia Robin, Nicole Fekete, Michele Seippel, Haley Hughes, Jennifer Rees. Front Row: Megan Larmann, Rachel Studley, Rachel Gautier, Sarah Rodriguez, Mary Ann Talley, Marley Stubbs D O V E W I N G S 33 THE DREAM BECOME F Our Mother of Perp or 100 years parents have sent their daughters to St. We realized that there was a need for the return of a true Scholastica Academy because of the superior chapel to the SSA campus; a formal place where our students education and the Catholic-based principles it will be able to gather and share and nurture their faith. provides. SSA is a school where Christian values and We wanted a building that could accommodate the present teachings are at the center of each student’s educational while providing for the future. We needed a place to call our experience. own. The worship space should be a place where our students God is calling us to be more than just an assembly of would feel a sense of permanence in a very transitional time young women who come together for teaching and learning. in their lives. The importance of our chapel is that it is He’s calling us to be sensitive to our a faith community, a students’ needs; people connected by allowing for prayer His love and and meditation committed to each throughout the day other. Our Mother within liturgical of Perpetual Help norms and Chapel will foster guidelines. community through An important prayer. The students component at SSA is will begin to put our holistic approach their faith into to education. The action and expand integration of the their relationship intellectual, with God, with one e m o t i o n a l , another and their psychological, and community. spiritual well being The first 60 of an individual is a years, our students life-long process. shared their faith in The need for the a beautiful chapel presence of S T. S C H O L A S T I C A A C A D E M Y ’ S located in the first Christian values in school building. The the development of next 40 years, the young women as students gathered in various settings sharing their faith. they appropriate an adult life of faith is critical. It is Many of our alumnae have returned to their home involvement during these years, which strengthens their faith. communities and many have established themselves in new Construction of the new chapel on campus communities as mature, loving Catholic Christians -competent, responsible citizens, capable and willing to serve has begun. The groundbreaking ceremony was God, their family, their parish and the local and global October 23, 2007. communities. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel ALLELUIA! GIVE MES A REALITY . . . rpetual Help Chapel The chapel is designed to meet the spiritual, emotional and inspirational needs of the SSA family. The modern missionary-style building will be located at the end of a paved promenade leading from the new main entrance to the front entrance of the chapel. The chapel will reflect the traditional character and architectural motif of the original school building. The old school bell from the original school building, which is inscribed with various signatures of brave students who climbed to the third floor to put their marks on the legendary bell and currently on display in the SSA lobby, will hang from the arched entryway of the chapel. A side entrance will be another focal point, which will face the interior campus. A prayer garden and paved walkways will frame the chapel. People will find a welcoming and warm environment of a small Catholic church. The seating will be for approximately 200 people and serve as a quiet prayer and adoration chapel. Entire grade levels and faculty will be able to gather for liturgies, prayer services, prayer groups and retreats. The students can put their faith into action and expand their relationship with God and their relationship with one another and their community. It will also be open for alumnae wedding ceremonies. The chapel is part of the next phase of SSA’s master site plan. During the creation of the school’s strategic plan in 2000, administrators included the master site plan as an opportunity for growth and advancement. Phase one of the plan has already been completed and includes the construction of LaSalle Hall -- an eight-classroom building, new parking lots, and the establishment of a front entrance at the corner of Boston and Massachusetts streets and the installation of the academy’s four pillars, which are based on the Benedictine tradition of prayer, work, study, and community. Now, SSA is proud to begin work on the next phase of the plan. The chapel is projected to cost $1.8 million. The chapel’s design was created by Holly and Smith Architects in Hammond. Serving as contractor is Core Construction. St. Scholastica Academy is honored to offer giving opportunities to the faithful to help support the construction of the SSA Chapel (please see Chapel Commemorative Opportunities sheet in this issue). “It is a dream come true for many people, and we can finally make it a reality,” said SSA President Marguerite Celestin. We want to continue “lighting a fire” within each student so that she is prepared to go forward, as our alumnae have done – to make her way in the world as a beacon, shining with faith, service and hope. The fires we light now will burn brightly into the next century. 2007-2008 Chapel Campaign Levels of Giving Chapel Tower Sanctuary Rosary Choir Angels Grotto Devotional Bell $500,000 $250,000 $100,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ 1,000 E GLORY TO GOD! THE DREAM BECOMES A REALITY . . . S Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel t. Scholastica Academy is pleased to present a number of commemorative opportunities to help support construction of the Chapel. These giving opportunities include dedicating key elements and spaces within the new structure. Commemorative gifts afford the faithful a chance to forever link their own family name with this great undertaking or to honor and perpetuate the name of a loved one, living or deceased. All commemoratives committed by May 1, 2008 will be recognized on one beautiful recognition display piece in the foyer of the Chapel. Because of the timing of this publication, some of these may have already been donated. These are limited opportunities for a limited time. Commemorative Items Donated Amount Chapel Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250,000 Chapel Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100,000 Entry Gate with Bell Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50,000 Foyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40,000 Side Plaza - Outdoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 Entry Courtyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 Altar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 Sound System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 Chapel Crucifix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 Blessed Mother Icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,500 Donated Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,500 Dove Emblem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,000 Donated Outdoor Prayer Garden Crucifix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,000 Outdoor Prayer Garden Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,000 Hymnals (200 imprinted/hardbound) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,500 Songbooks (200 softbound) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,500 Lectern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Donated Vestments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Sanctuary Furnishings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Altar Cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 500 Donated Chairs (limited to 200 chairs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 500/chair This opportunity sheet will be updated as other commemorative gifts become available. You are invited to join us at the Celebration of Gratitude for the building of the SSA Chapel to be held some time during Fall 2008. Details, date and time will be announced when they are set and confirmed. *Gift amount does not reflect actual cost of items. Chapel Memorial Fund Donors who have designated gifts to the Chapel Memorial Fund by May 1, 2008 for less than $1,000 will be permanently recognized by a framed wall hanging displayed in the foyer of the Chapel. Tribute Gifts made to the Chapel Perpetual Memorial Fund An initial gift or bequest of $100 or more will enroll the honoree or individual memorialized in the records of the SSA Chapel Perpetual Memorial. Several individuals may pool their gifts to achieve the Fund’s initial gift minimum. Subsequent to the initial enrollment, additional gifts of any amount may be given in honor of the same person. The honoree or individual memorialized will be recognized in the Perpetual Memorial Book on permanent display in the Chapel. This book will be updated annually. It is the school’s desire to keep the names of those individuals so lovingly remembered available for viewing for generations to come. Periodically, names will be archived and available for viewing by special appointment. Named Endowed Chapel Fund A named endowed chapel fund is a fund established to allow a benefactor to annually support the operations and maintenance of the SSA Chapel from the earnings generated by the fund in perpetuity. The minimum amount required to establish a named endowed chapel fund is $10,000. Persons interested in establishing a named endowment fund are encouraged to consult with the President or Director of Advancement of SSA so that the donor’s intentions may be appropriately established in writing. 36 D O V E W I N G S SSA Keepsake Order Form SSA HISTORY BOOK The SSA Centennial book celebrates SSA’s History through this depiction of our 100 years. Cost - $38.95 SSA ORNAMENT The collectible ornament was created to commemorate SSA’s 100th anniversary. This exquisitely-crafted, limited edition captures the true beginnings of the Academy. The Century of Sisterhood Seal is embellished on the back of the custom-designed brass ornament finished in 24-karat gold. Cost - $12.00 SSA SWEATSHIRT The SSA Plaid Monogrammed Sweatshirt is a wonderful way to show your SSA spirit and benefit the new chapel fund. The monogram is made from skirt material that our current students wear as their uniform. The proceeds earned from the sale of the sweatshirt will go to the chapel. Sizes available: S M L XL XXL Cost - $35.00 K E E P S A K E O R D E R F O R M Student’s Name: Grade: Parent’s Name: E-mail: Address: City: State: Zip: Ornament Quantity: Total Enclosed: ($12.00 Each) Book Quantity: Total Enclosed: ($38.95 Each) Sweatshirt Quantity Size(s) Subtotal: $ Shipping: $ Total Enclosed: ($35.00 Each) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Visa or MasterCard # Expiration Date: Signature: Please make checks payable to SSA. Return form to the front office in an envelope marked “Keepsake Order”. FOR SHIPPING ONLY Please allow four-six weeks for delivery and add $2.00 for shipping of ornament. • Add $4.00 shipping for book, plaque and sweatshirt. D O V E W I N G S 37 SSA END OF THE YEAR Awards Ceremony N ine St. Scholastica Academy students received partial SSA tuition-based scholarships at an Awards Assembly held on May 29. Principal Mary Kathryn Villere announced the special awards while Jennifer Grimley, Dean of Academics, assisted in the distribution of certificates. partial tuition scholarships to two students who have exhibited leadership qualities, demonstrated the ability to help her classmates and has a true devotion and dedication to St. Scholastica Academy. Savanna Cole received the Cheryl Smith Scholarship. This is given in memory of Cheryl Smith, a 1980 SSA graduate, to a current SSA 8th grader who exemplifies spirit, leadership, and service to others. Bridget Hepburn and Shelby Fritscher receive the Christina Buonagura Givens Scholarship award from Marguerite Celestin. Erin Loveland received the Benedictine Sisters Memorial Scholarship from Mary Kathryn Villere Shelby Fritscher and Bridget Hepburn received the Christina Buonagura Givens Scholarship awards. Christina Givens is a 1991 St. Scholastica Academy graduate who is committed to giving back to her community and her alma mater. Her spirit of philanthropy is founded on the four pillars of the Benedictine tradition of prayer, work, study, and community. Christina has succeeded in her career as a dentist, wife and mother by offering these 38 D Lauren Elizabeth Fereday received the Emile Navarre Scholarship from Marguerite Celestin Lauren Fereday was awarded the Emile Navarre Scholarship. This award is given to a student that represents qualities of scholarship, ambition and devotion that make her an asset to SSA. The family of the late Emile Navarre continues the scholarship established by Navarre. Molly Cox received the Hillary Lanaux Greve Memorial Scholarship from Marguerite Celestin. Savanna Cole received the Cheryl Smith Scholarship from Mary Kathryn Villere. O V E W I N G Molly Cox received the Hillary Lanaux Greve Memorial Endowed Scholarship. Molly has demonstrated leadership and devotion to her school. Hillary, a 1999 SSA graduate, died from a rare type of cancer on January 28, 2001. Through the diligent efforts of the HLG committee, the funds were raised for an endowed scholarship in Hillary’s memory. S Erin Loveland was awarded the Benedictine Sisters Memorial Scholarship. This was originally funded by donations for scholarships in honor of Sister Eugenia Simoneaux, OSB, and Sister Jeanne D’Arc Kernion, OSB, two who served as administrators of the Academy. It is maintained as a lasting memorial to the Benedictine Sisters’ belief in, contribution to, and hope for their vision of Catholic education, which they gave to and named St. Scholastica Academy. This scholarship is awarded annually at the end of the school year to a junior who through her respect for others, involvement in school life, and concern for her studies, shows a belief in and appreciation for all that St. Scholastica embodies. Marybelle Bates received the Pure Dove Scholarship for spiritual achievement. This is the second year in which this scholarship is being offered by Memorare Ministries and Kara Klein Productions. This $500 scholarship is awarded to a SSA Junior SSA END OF THE YEAR Awards Ceremony Biology H, and Religion I; Camille Walther- Beginning Choir. Sophomores: Lisa Brady- Spanish I; Michelle Duplantier- American Histroy H, English III H, and Chemistry H; Jeanette Feinberg- English III; Kelly GautreauxFrench I; Elizabeth Lambert- Art II; Emily Matthew- Probability and Statistics; Sarah Nielsen- Algebra II; Elise Prete- Algebra II H; Marley Stubbs- American History. Marybelle Bates receives the Pure Dove Scholarship from SSA Principal Mary Kathryn Villere. Callie Keiffer receives the St. Scholastica Alumnae Association Endowed Scholarship from Mary Kathryn Villere who strives to live a life of chastity and other Christian values. She must seek the Lord and live her life with God at the center. Callie Keiffer received the St. Scholastica Academy Alumnae Association Endowed Scholarship. The SSA Alumnae realized a need to extend their school spirit and the wonderful academics and experiences they received at their alma mater to a deserving student. The other component of the scholarship is to enhance the rich legacy of a generational connection through family members attending SSA. Juniors: Margaux Dastugue- AP Biology and French II; Chantelle Ferrari- Spanish II, Fine Art Survey, and English IV H; Hannah Hale- French III; Erin LovelandAP Psychology; Kori LutenbacherAdvanced Math H; Elise Muller- Art III; Christina Perez de la Mesa- Spanish III; Catherine Perino- Advanced Math; Rachel Roberts- Physics H; Kay WarnerChemistry. Outstanding Students 2nd Place awards are: Eighth Graders: Caroline AcquistapacePhysical Science; Cheryl Cole- English I; Emily Deas- English I H; Sophia GibergaStudio Art; Jessica Houte- Algebra I; Laura Iverson- Louisiana History; Kaitlin Martin- World Geography; Kristen McDanielAlgebra I; Catherine Schroeder- Computer Literacy and Intermediate Composition; Payton SpellPhysical Science H and Religion 8 Additional awards are: Outstanding Students 1st Place award for the following are: Andrea D’Aquin receives the Marguerite S. Celestin Scholarship from SSA President Marguerite Celestin. Andrea D’Aquin received the Marguerite S. Celestin Scholarship for her strong academics, involvement in school activities, and generosity of spirit, friendliness, and love of SSA. In 2005, in recognition of 28 years of service as principal of St. Scholastica Academy, the Parent Club honored Marguerite Celestin by creating an endowed scholarship in her name to be given to a junior. Eighth Graders: Leah BaumgartnerStudio Art; Natalie Borges- English 8; Emily Deas- Religion 8; Elizabeth Holzenthal- Intermediate Composition; Cara Lee- Intro to Algebra; Carly Loveland- Physical Science H and Louisiana History; Elizabeth McCullaAlgebra I; Griffin Murphy- Physical Science and English I; Rachel ReesIntermediate Choir I; Lauren SallesEnglish I H, Algebra I H, and World Geography; Payton Spell- Computer Literacy. Freshman: Courtney Calato- Biology; Christina Grishman- World History; Elizabeth Guarisco- Geometry and English II H; Michelle Limbaugh- Latin I and Latin II; Bristie Smith- Geometry H, Freshman: Gabrielle Braud- World History; Sara Killgore- Intro to Algebra; Michelle Limbaugh- Algebra II H and Chemistry H; Hannah LomzenskiGeometry H and English II H; Amnah Rahman- Latin I; Nicole Roberts- Biology; Alexis Scheuermann- Biology H and Religion I; Bristie Smith- Latin II Sophomores: Elinor Dorsey- Algebra II; Claire Gaudet- American History; Elizabeth Hughs- French I; Caroline Mitchell- Geometry; Meagan RobertBeginning Choir; Marley StubbsIntermediate Choir I; Joanna Thomas- Art II and English III; Charlotte VoelkelD O V E W I N G S 39 SSA END OF THE YEAR Awards Ceremony Advanced Chorus I; Elizabeth VolpiAmerican History H; Jennifer WeintrittEnglish III H. Religion 8; Rachel Solley- Religion 8; Payton Spell- Algebra I H; Michelle St. Romain- Physical Science H and Religion 8; Rachel Traylor- Religion 8; Ashley Vicari- Religion 8; Amanda WintersPhysical Science H. Juniors: Mollie Burke- French III; Elizabeth Clay- Physics H; Katie DaigleChemistry; Susan Frichter- English III H; Chelsea Gandolfi- Spanish I, Spanish II, and Fine Art Survey; Christina GutierrezPsychology; Taylor Hutti- AP Psychology; Ashley Luke- English IV; Monica LukeProbability and Statistics; Kori Lutenbacher- Spanish III; Rachel RobertsAdvanced Math H, AP Biology, and English IV H; Allison Vallette- Speech III; Jessica Walther- Art III and French II. Freshman: Meghan Bel- Biology; Kimberly Belmont- Art I; Hannah BoyerArt I; Gabrielle Braud- Latin II and Religion I; Courtney Calato- Religion I; Kourtney Cleveland- Biology H; Melissa Darce- Latin I and Religion I; Elizabeth Downey- Biology H; Eloise Early- Art I; Elizabeth Guarisco- Latin II; Shelby Hemelt- Art I; Sarah Jarrett- Religion I; Angela LaBorde- Religion I; Margaret Murphy- English II H; Karen Nelson- Art I; Merritt Parsons- Beginning Choir; Brooke Patterson- Geometry; Colette Pellissier- Religion I; Mei-Lin RoussellArt I; Alexis Scheuermann- Latin I; Bristie Smith- World History; Kelsey StritzingerReligion I; Holly Toups- Religion I; Elizabeth Winkler- Religion I. Scholastic Achievement awards are: Eighth Graders: Caroline AcquistapaceReligion 8; Faith Baggett- Religion 8; Lauren Barattini- Religion 8; Leah Baumgartner- Religion 8; Emily BennettStudio Art; Kaley Campeaux- Religion 8; Victoria D’Antonio- Religion 8; Margaret Day- Physical Science H; Bailey Gutierrez- World Geography and English 8; Elizabeth Holzenthal- Studio Art and Religion 8; Olivia Illing- Studio Art; Amanda Krause- Studio Art; Kaitlin Martin- Physical Science H; Remi MyersWorld Geography; Natalie Phillips- Studio Art; Lauren Salles- Studio Art and Sophomores: Laura Ballard- Advance Chorus II; Caroline Barousse- Art II; Megan Bickham- Advance Chorus I; Brooke Boyd- Spanish II; Lisa BradyChemistry H; Mary-Martin Frances- Art II; Molly Gambel- Spanish II; Kathleen Harmon- Spanish II; Heather Lewis- PEP RALLY for God Spanish II and Geometry; Laura Popp- Art II; Lindsey Prisk- American History; Jennifer Rees- Religion 8; Cameron Savell- Art II; Lauren Schell- Art II; Nathalie Schell- American History; Megan Seals- American History II; Nicole St.Romain- Spanish I; Rachael StantonSpanish I; Sarah Thompson- Algebra II; Rachael Zibilich- Art II. Juniors: Marybelle BatesAP Psychology; Kristina Buchholz- Utopian Fiction and Holocaust; Emily CaffarelFine Art Survey; Virginia Cairns- Utopian Fiction; Madeline CommanderPsychology; Stacey Farnet- Art III; Lauren Fereday- Fine Art Survey; Brandi Giarrusso- Psychology; Amy Goff- AP Psychology and Art I; Hannah Hale- Fine Art Survey; Jolie Helm- Art III; Callie Keiffer- Art III; Monica Luke- Holocaust; Kori Lutenbacher- Fine Art Survey; Danielle Musso- Holocaust; Catherine Perino- Art III; Jessica RamirezIntermediate Choir II; Amberlee RoadenSpanish III; Rachel Roberts- Fine Art Survey; Mallory Rogers- Art III; Victoria Ruiz- Speech II; Erica Salley- Spanish III; Delilah Stuart-Blossman- Utopian Fiction; Ashley Vorenkamp- Fine Art Survey and Physics H. St. Scholastica Academy held its third “Pep Rally for God” during Catholic Schools Week on January 29 for the student body, faculty, and administration. Rev. Msgr. Frank J. Giroir and Deacon Butch Shartle presided over Adoration of the Eucharist. SSA junior Chantelle Ferrari, daughter of Debbie Glockner Ferrari ‘68 wanted to plan a Pep Rally for God as a way to praise God together as a school. Ferrari’s desire came to reality and now the pep rallies have become a part of SSA. The theme for this pep rally was “Behold Your King”. A recently formed Christian band called In His Name performed at the SSA Pep Rally and entertained the students who sang along with the band. Some students from St. Paul’s School attended and participated in the rally. A special part of the program included testimonials from SSA and SPS students about their faith. The SSA “Pep Rally for God” Planning committee, comprised of SSA students, helped plan the rally with the help of SSA religion teacher Amanda Schneidau. As a special highlight, Colin MacIver, a Jesuit High School teacher was the featured speaker. Ferrari hopes that more Catholic Schools in the New Orleans area will be interested in holding a “Pep Rally for God”. 40 D O V E W I N G S 156 Eighth Graders Receive Their Formal Induction into SSA O n February 9, 156 eighth graders were formally inducted into the family of St. Scholastica Academy. The ceremony began with a prayer and welcome speech given by Mrs. Barbara Link, Campus Minister. Five members of the Class of 2007 shared memories of their years at SSA. Allyse Gillen reflected on 8th grade, Ashley Dutel on 9th, Blair Levy on 10th, Emily Rodriguez on 11th and Afton Zaunbrecher, the Senior Class President, on 12th grade. Principal Mary Kathryn Villere impressed upon the eighth graders the significance of their induction into the Academy. Afton Zaunbrecher used their senior class candle to light the eighth grade candle to symbolize their passing of the traditions of SSA on to their younger sisters. Each of the eighth graders received the SSA pin, which was presented by Principal Villere, Assistant Principal Eileen Depreo, and Dean of Academics Jennifer Grimley. Catherine Schroeder, Eighth Grade Class President, gave the acceptance speech for the eighth grade class. The ceremony concluded with the 8th Grade Class reciting the Induction Pledge and all of the assembly singing the SSA Alma Mater written by Darcell Bickham and Kara Klein of the SSA Class of 2004. Members of the SSA Class of 2011 are: Caroline Acquistapace, Amanda Ajubita, Christy Arthur, Ashley Authement, Faith Baggett, Kate Baker, Lauren Barattini, Leigh Barrosse, Leah Baumgartner, Emmy Bennett, Katie Bergeron, Kathryn Billiot, Amber Blossman, Samantha Bopp Lexie Bordelon, Natalie Borges, Courtney Boudreaux, Sarah Bourgeois, Ellen Bouyelas, Alexa Boyer, Laura Brady, Blakely Brennan, Susan Broadbridge Caroline Broussard, Lindsey Campbell, Kaley Campeaux, Caitlin Canatella, Catherine Cardwell, Theresa Carollo, Maggy Case, Natalie Childress, Cheryl Cole, Savanna Cole, Kristen Crawford, Madeline Cristina, Victoria D’Antonio, Rebecca Danigole, Allison Dastugue, Margaret Day, Emily Deas Emily Descant, Rachel Despeaux, Jenna Dodge, Caroline Dussom, Melanie Dutel, Allison Eckert, Betsy Eppling, Emily Estopinal, Ariane Fabre, Amy Fairbanks, Peggy Faucheux Meagan Fontana, Madeline Forstall, Alaina Foudriat, Anna-Kate France, Jamie Frantz, Judy Franzen, Ashley Frosch, Nicole Funchess, Sarah Gaudet, Sophie Giberga, Audrey Gitz, Robin Glasgow, Rebecca Golden, Danielle Gonzales, Bailey Gutierrez, Savanna Guzzardo Caitlin Hand, Lindsey Hartman, Katherine Henson, Elizabeth Holzenthal, Catherine Housey, Jessica Houte, Nicole Huguley, Stefanie Hummel, Caroline Hymel, Devin Hyver, Olivia Illing, Laura Iverson, Kayla Jacomine Adrienne Jemison, Taylor Jenkins, Gabrielle Jordano, Amanda Krause, Sara Kuebel, Emily Lambert, Hannah Langston, Blaire Levy’07 pins little sister, Leigh Barrosse 2011 Liz Larmann, Arlette Lauber, Cara Lee, Catherine Lee, Breeyn Lewis, Heidi Lombardo, Carly Loveland, Ashley Lyon, Melanie Mahlstedt, Marissa Marriott, Kaitlin Martin, Ashley Martinez Emily Mayer, Lizzie McCulla, Kristen McDaniel, Laura McGinn, Ashley Meeks, Elise Michaelis, Savannah Miller, Elizabeth Mire, Paige Mitchell, Diamond Moses, Griffin Murphy, Lauren Murphy, Maddie Myers, Remi Myers, Carley Nelson, Alicia Nuccio, Sarah O'Malley, Rebecca Ottesen, Catherine Pereira Peyton Perez, Natalie Phillips, Jennifer Preau, Kelsey Quarls, Rachel Rees, Megan Richardson, Christine Richaud, Isabelle Rossi, Maddie Ruiz, Katy Ryan, Lauren Salles, Dominique Saltalmachia, Loren Schouest, Catherine Schroeder, Lorin Scott, Bobbie Siren, Rachel Solley, Payton Spell, Kelsey St. Romain, Michelle St. Romain, Mallory Stubbs, Sarah Thiel, Christina Torres Alyssa Trapani, Rachel Traylor, Elizabeth Trosclair, Madeline Varnado, Ashley Vicari, Caroline Vorenkamp, Allison Warwick, Alexa Watson, Emma Wellmeyer, Sarah Wells, Jaynee Williams, Emily Williamson, Amanda Winters, Christina Wurm. KEY CLUB LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Dvision 13 SSA freshman Sarah Landry was elected as Lieutenant Governor of Key Club for Division 13. She resides over 14 Key Clubs in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The Key Club is a high school service club started by the Kiwanis Club to integrate high school students into a service atmosphere. Landry will be a part of an elected board that will coordinate the efforts of individual clubs and recognize outstanding Key Clubs or individuals with appropriate awards. D O V E W I N G S 41 SSA Alumna of the Year & Alumnae Luncheon L isa Mott Dugger’73 was named the Alumna of the Year at the St. Scholastica Academy Alumnae Luncheon held at Benedict’s Plantation in April. Mott graduated from SSA in 1973 and married high school sweetheart, Mike Dugger, SPS graduate, in 1976. She and Mike traveled with the Air Force and finally moved back to Covington in 1988. Their three girls Brooke Dugger Paulin’96, Kristin Dugger Kingrea’99, and Molly Dugger’02 attended SSA. Dugger became active with the SSA Athletic Association and served on the board of directors. Along with her dedication to the athletic program, she worked with the Parent Club chairing the Mother/Daughter Tea, the Father/Daughter Dinner and the Feast Day of St. Scholastica. She has been the program chair for the Christian Women’s Club and a sustainer in the Junior League of Greater Covington. Alumnae of the Year recipient 2007, Lisa Mott Dugger ‘73 and daughter, SSA alumna Kristin Dugger Kingrea ‘99 Dugger fondly remembers her years at SSA and the strong spiritual background she received. She knows her girls came away from SSA with the same spirituality and love for the school as she did. According to her children, she always gave unselfishly, supported her girls and everyone at SSA. She never expected recognition and was always willing to chauffeur athletic teams, cook for bake sales, call fellow alums, and plan her class reunions. She taught her girls values and morals and made them write them down in order to remember the things that are truly important. Alumnae Association Vice-President, Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ’57 welcomed everyone. Alumnae board member Missie Arata Noel ’84 led the guests with an opening prayer. The state of the school report was given by President Marguerite Celestin. Celestin also expressed her gratitude for the prayers offered for her during her illness. The “joining together” was a true example of the sisterhood that exists at SSA. Daigle informed the guests of the progress the Alumnae Association has made in contacting more alums and offering more activities. Lisa Hernandez Pellegrini ’87 introduced the 1957 class and 1982 honorees. On behalf of the class of 1957, Beryl Brady Byles ’57 presented President Celestin and SSA with a gift earmarked for the new chapel, which will be constructed on the SSA campus early Fall. The Alumna of the Year was presented by 2005 recipient and board member Susan Boudreaux Loesberg’68, and the closing prayer was given by Amie Boudreaux Post ’97, alumnae board member. Senior class president and member of the graduating class of 2007, Afton Zaunbrecher, was called upon to share her SSA experience, and tell of the excitement she and her classmates feel about the new challenges that await them upon graduation. SSA 2007 Student Council Treasurer, Lynne Fritscher, also attended the luncheon. Board members Meg Williams ’79 and Elise LaFrance Schell ’79 chaired the luncheon. Other Alumnae Association Board members are Right - SSA Class of 1957 Back Row (Lto R): Jane Ellen Clerc Mayo, Sheila Fry HornBostel, Isabel Hansbrough, Judith Blanchard Roberts, Beryl Brady Byles, Olga Ann Casadaban Clifton, Luci Ann Hebert Comenge, Gayle Galatas Frere, Lorraine Jenkins Pounds, D’Wana Marcotte Naquin. Front Row: Jeanne Livaudais Daigle, Barbara von Schneidau Stafford, Carolyn Sambola Fesenbek. Kneeling: Barbara Payne Starr Patricia Morris Robichaux 42 D O V E W I N G S Attendees at the SSA Alumnae Luncheon from the Class of 1982: Rhonda Scheuermann Simmons, Melissa Piazza Mannino, and Beth Bradford Favrot. SSA Alumnae Board Members: Aimee Boudreaux Post ‘97, Meg Williams ‘79, Amy Simmons ’93, and Elise Lafrance Schell ‘79. SSA Alumna of the Year & Alumnae Luncheon Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ’76, Joanna Brandt Case ’90, President Jennifer Ballard Gitz ’85, Secretary Eileen Buchholz Huval ’77, and Amy Simmons ’93. Past SSA Alumna of the Year recipients: Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57, June Fortier Seeger ‘56, Patricia Clerc Jackson ‘61, Winnie Heintz Jordan‘46, Paulette Heldner Holahan ‘53, Dianne Murray Vasquez ‘58, Anita Sierra Nuss ‘38, Frances Canale Werther ‘59, Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ’68. Guests graduating in 1957 and celebrating their 50th anniversary including Byles and Daigle were: Sheila Fry Horn-Bostel, Olga Ann Casadaban Clifton, Lucie Ann Hebert Comenge, Mary Prieto Golden, Carolyn Sambola Fesenbek, Gayle Galatas Frere, Isabel Hansbrough, Jane Ellen Clerc Mayo, D’wana Marcotte Naquin, Lorraine Jenkins Pounds, Judith Blanchard Roberts, Patricia Morris Robichaux, Barbara von Schneidau Stafford, and Barbara Payne Starr. The majority of the 1957 class was in attendance, and provided fun with a baby picture contest, a second line with SSA royal blue umbrellas and their class theme of Mickey Mouse ears. Graduating in 1982 and celebrating their 25th anniversary were Beth Bradford Favrot, Melissa Piazza Mannino, Candy Morse Modeen, Rae Martinez Motahari, and Rhonda Scheuermann Simmons. SSA Class of 1958 celebrate at the SSA Alumnae Luncheon Back Row (L to R) Jerrye Brady St. Martin, Patricia Serio Mathews, Marilyn Jeanne Turner, Dianne Murray Vasquez. Front Row: Patsy Healy Kyte, Sybil Hector Pfeffer, Patricia Hebert Huval, Sara Lewis Taber Edith Whelpley Echanique ‘47, Anita Sierra Nuss ’38, Winnie Heintz Jordan ‘46 The alums from 1938 to 1956 in attendance were Anita Sierra Nuss ’38, Yvonne Cornibe Decker ’43, Winnie Heintz Jordan ’46, Edith Whelpley Echanique ’47, Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Kernion O.S.B.’53, Mary Ann Gilmore ’53. Paulette Heldner Holahan ’53, Lucille Capo Castine ‘54, Ellen Barnett Comeaux ’56, Irma Brown Dearie ’56, Rosalie Peters Phillips ’56, June Fortier Seeger ’56, and Calla Hansbrough Walker ’56. Guests graduating in 1958 came to visit with their sisters from 1957 and get ideas for their 50th in 2008; in attendance were Patricia Hebert Huval, Patsy Healy Kyte, Patricia Serio Matthews, Sybil Hector Pfeffer, Jerrye Brady St. Martin, Sarah Lewis Taber, Marilyn Jeanne Turner, and Dianne Murray Vasquez. Continuing in years 1959 to 1969 alums attending were: Ann Fonti Eustis ’59, Zula Heintz Clairain ’59, Meredith Lyon Ramke ’59, Joann Poncet Tarantino ’59, Frances Canale Werther ’59, Aline Bull Wetta ’59, Lynne Becker Wheeler ’59, Allison Litoloff Wicker ’59, Ann Elizardi Bocskov ’60, Chris Cosse Crutcher ’60, Janice Morris Sharp ’60, Patricia Clerc Jackson ’61, Sr. Benita Peters, O.S.B. ’61, Jane Mott Guidry ’63, Mary Frederick Blust ’68, Sue Wiedeman Murley ’69, and Patricia Decker Scogin ’69. The guests from 1970-1981 were rejuvenated by the energy of 1957 class. Those in attendance were: Saundra Alessi ’71, Shelley Engelhardt Tolson ’73, and Desiree Waguespack Maestri ’73.The bicentennial year attending were Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ’76, Geralyn Jordan Barnett ’76, Carolyn Chassee ’76, and Lizby Morse Eustis ’76. Alums from 1983-2002, Nageeha Zaghloul Yazbeck ’93, Kristin Dugger Kingrea ’99, Molly Dugger ’02, Elaine Simmons, Advancement Director also attended. Left - Class of 1957 Back Row with Umbrellas (L to R): Carolyn Sambola, Jane Ellen Clerc, Barbara von Schneider. Alumnae Board Members (seated): Meg Williams ‘79, Elise Lafrance Schell ‘79 and Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ‘76 D O V E W I N G S 43 S SSA SENIORS RECEIVE AWARDS AT Class Night t. Scholastica Academy 2007 graduating seniors received awards at Class Night held in their honor. The evening opened with a prayer led by senior class secretary, Emily Rodriguez. Senior class vice-president Aubrey Rector gave the welcome address to the family, friends, alumnae, and faculty who attended the ceremony. A reflection of the Class of 2007 was given by senior class president Afton Zaunbrecher with graduating senior mom Mary Pechon Robin ’76 and SSA Alumnae leading the pledge inducting seniors as alumnae. Eileen Depreo, Assistant Principal, served as the mistress of ceremonies and presented awards, while Jennifer Grimley, Dean of Academics and Carol Pool, Director of Guidance, assisted with the awards presentations. Janet and Bob Leslie of the JL Foundation awarded two $500 scholarships in honor of their daughter Jennifer Leslie, a 1987 SSA alumna, who lost her valiant struggle against leukemia. The recipients of these scholarships were Alissa Fontana and Blakeley Simpson, who have demonstrated spirit, leadership, and perseverance in the face of difficulty. Lynne Fritscher receives the Benedictine Legacy Award from Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal. attain wisdom. She serves by being with others and for others. She grows and discovers who she is, especially as a child of God. SSA senior Melissa Landry is presented the American Legion Scholarship Award; the highest honor awarded American Youth by the American Legion. Past Commander John Clarke of American Legion Post 16 presented this award. Melissa Landry received the Sedes Sapientiae Award (Seat of Wisdom). The Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal of SSA presented the Class of 2003 Recognition Award to Holly Martin. The Class of 2003 Recognition Award was given to Holly Martin, who is a graduating senior with the following qualities: genuinely friendly, respects classmates and teachers, cares about herself and the feelings of others, realizes the value of coming to SSA, has benefited her class by her presence and has made an impact on others. Mary Kathryn Villere awarded Melissa Landry with the Sedes Sapientaie Award (Seat of Wisdom), the highest award that can be bestowed on a graduating senior of SSA. award is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a graduating senior of SSA who best exemplifies wisdom, which is the goal of Christian education, and finds its expression through service, leadership, courage, scholarship and concern for others. The Benedictine Legacy Award was presented to Lynne Marie Fritscher, who is a graduating senior that best exemplifies the spirit of the Benedictine tradition. She balances the four pillars of Benedictine spirituality: prayer, work, study, and community. She prays as if everything depends on God and studies in order to 44 D O V E W I N G Alissa Fontana and Blakeley Simpson receive the Jennifer Leslie Memorial Scholarships presented by Janet and Bob Leslie. S Past Commander John Clarke of the American Legion Post No. 16 awarded Alyson Neel with the American Legion Citizenship Award, the highest award bestowed on a civilian. Past Commander John Clarke of the American Legion Post No. 16 awarded Melissa Landry with the American Legion Scholarship for $500. Clarke also awarded Alyson Neel the American Legion Citizenship Award, the highest award bestowed on a civilian. Martha Dutsch, President of the Robert H. Burns American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 16 in Covington presented Melissa Landry with a scholarship given to a descendant of a veteran that is based on character, Americanism, leadership, and scholarship. SSA SENIORS RECEIVE AWARDS AT Class Night Jerry Aldrich, Mary Ann Kasischke Koon ‘63, and Kathy Fielding Smith ’63, presented Melissa Landry, Kristen Petry, and Meghan Spell with the Key Club Scholarships. Each recipient will receive $1000 in scholarship rewards. Landry, Petry and Spell represented strength of character and service to their community. Melissa Landry receives the American Legion Scholarship Award from Martha Dutsch, President of the Robert H. Burns American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 16. Judy Klein presented Alyson Neel with the Pure Dove Scholarship. The Pure Dove Scholarship for Spiritual Achievement was offered by Memorare Ministries and Kara Klein Productions. Judy Klein, mother of Kara Klein, 2004, and founder of Memorare Ministries presented the $500 scholarship to Alyson Neel, who strives to live a life of chastity and other Christian values. She sees the Lord and lives her life with God as the center. Allyse Gillen receives the University of Alabama Theatre Scholarship Awards from Rick Funk. Rick Funk with the University of Alabama presented Allyse Gillen with multiple awards. These awards are Theatre Scholarship; Capstone Scholars Scholarship; Arts and Sciences Scholarship and ACM Scholarship. Afton Zaunbrecher received the District Attorney’s Good Citizenship Award from Jack Hoffstadt of the District Attorney’s office. Jack Hoffstadt of the District Attorney’s office presented the District Attorney’s Good Citizenship Award to Afton Zaunbrecher for promoting good citizenship at SSA and the greater community. Alyson Neel receives the St. Tammany Home Builders Association Award from Mary Kathryn Villere Alyson Neel received $1,000 from the St. Tammany Home Builders Association. This is awarded to a student for her scholastic aptitude and relation to a HBA member. Marguerite Celestin presents Jorda Box with the Emile Navarre Service Award. Jorda Box received the Emile Navarre Service Award and a $200 scholarship from Marguerite Celestin. The family of Emile Navarre made a contribution for the same amount to the St. Scholastica Scholarship Fund in Box’s name. One student has been recognized as a National Merit Commended Student. Jorda Box placed among the top five percent of over one million students who entered the 2007 National Merit Scholarship Competition. Melissa Landry is one of 15,000 students who met all the requirements to advance to the Finalist standing in the competition for Merit Scholarships to be awarded in 2007. Landry is a National Merit Semifinalist and was further recognized as a National Merit Louisiana State University Scholar. She is in the top 1% of high school students nationwide and is recognized for her academic promise and distinguished performance. Additional awards were: Kathy Fielding Smith ‘63, Kristin Petry, Meghan Spell, Mary Ann Kasischke Koon ‘63, Melissa Landry, and Jerry Aldrich receive the Key Club Scholarship Award. D Outstanding student 1st place awards were: Lauren Baiamonte – Advanced Chorus II; Jorda Box – French IV Honors, Calculus BC AP, and English Language AP; Kimberly Broadbridge – Art IV; Sarah O V E W I N G S 45 SSAClass SENIORSNight Alyson Neel, Ellen Fargason, Marguerite Celestin, President of SSA, Wayne Cruthirds, SSA teacher, and Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal of SSA. Participate in the candle ceremony at SSA Class Night. Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ’57 and Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ’76 SSA Alumnae Board members join in inducting the Class of 2007 into the SSA Alumnae Association. Early – Advanced Chorus IV; Averell Ellis – Physics; Elizabeth Evans – Environmental Science; Ellen Fargason – Calculus Honors; Bridget Faucheux – Physics; Nicole Fekete – Intermediate Choir III; Zetta Gagliano – Video Production; Allyse Gillen – Speech II and Spanish IV Honors; Stephanie Hartman – Free Enterprise; Carolyn Haworth – Advanced Chorus III; Erin Jordan – Art I; Caroline Landry – Probability and Statistics; Melissa Landry – Spanish V Honors and Calculus AB AP; Alison Lipps – English IV; Allison Lloyd – Biology II Honors; Ashley Loga – French V Honors; Holly Martin – Civics; Kelly Mullins – English V; Rachel Murray – Speech IV; Alyson Neel – American Government/Civics AP; Caroline Nunmaker – Pre-Calculus; Marie Perret – Humanities Honors and Religion IV; Emily Rodriguez – Utopian Fiction; Samantha Schott – Advanced Chorus I; Meghan Spell – Civics Honors; Elise Taylor – Intermediate Choir II; Lauren Williams – Holocaust; Alexa Younger – Art V and Video Production. Caroline Landry – Calculus H; Melissa Landry – English Language AP; Kristin Lanoix – Environmental Science; Caroline Lee – Biology II H; Allison Lloyd – Calculus BC AP; Holly Martin – Spanish V H; Alyson Neel – Humanities H; Marie Perret – French IV H; Leah Persons – PreCalculus; Gabrielle Sabadie – Free Enterprise; Kathryn Schneider – French V H; Blakeley Simpson – Spanish IV H; Meghan Spell – Religion IV; Stephanie Stains – Art IV; Kathryn Sunseri – Civics; Lauren Williams Advanced Chorus IV; Alexa Younger – Physics. Scholastic Achievement awards were: Catherine Billeaud – Civics; Brittni Blankenship – Art I; Vesta Burk – Art I; Taylor Campbell – Physics; Marianne Cardwell – Holocaust; Alexa Chaney – Utopian Fiction and Religion IV; Kasey Coote – Sociology; Katherine Couret – Sociology; Jolie Currow – Religion IV and Holocaust; Ashley Dutel – Civics; Elizabeth Evans – Civics; Lynne Fritscher – Art I; Brittany Godfrey – English IV; Caroline Landry – Civics; Katherine Landry – Free Enterprise; Alison Lipps – Holocaust; Jessica Madden – Sociology; McCade McDaniel – Holocaust; Kelly Mullins – Physics; Rachel Murray – Civics and Sociology; Alyson Neel – Art I; Catherine Parker – Holocaust; Marie Perret – Art I; Leah Persons – Holocaust; Aubrey Rector – Art I; Sarah Risher – Religion IV; Meghan Spell – Biology II H; Jillian Stevens – Religion IV; Kathryn Sunseri – Advanced Chorus III; Elise Taylor – English IV; Alana Viola – Advance Math; Students receiving Outstanding Student 2nd place awards were: Rebekah Block – English V; Jorda Box – Calculus AB AP; Katherine Couret – Intermediate Choir II; Ashlee Daigle – Utopian Fiction and Civics H; Elizabeth Evans – Holocaust; Nicole Fekete – Speech IV; Lynne Fritscher – American Government / Civics AP; Nicole Johnson – Advanced Chorus III; Gabrielle Klein – Advanced Chorus II and Sociology; 46 D O V Collins Rossi, SSA Dad and School Board Member and daughter Nancy Rossi, enjoying her senior class night reception. E W I N G S Lauren Williams – Civics; Roxenne Yi – Biology II H; Alexa Younger – Civics; Afton Zaunbrecher – Art I. The following 52 seniors were honored for having received scholarships to local and national universities and colleges: Lauren Baiamonte, Brittni Blankenship, Jorda Box, Kimberly Broadbridge, Sarah Chambless, Jayne Champagne, Leah Chaney, Kasey Coote, Ashlee Daigle, Brittany Decareaux, Ashley Dutel, Sarah Early, Averell Ellis, Elizabeth Evans, Ellen Fargason, Lynne Fritscher, Allyse Gillen, Brittany Gondolfi, Erin Jordan, Marguerite Kidd, Gabrielle Klein, Sydney Knight, Casey Kramer, Melissa Landry, Sarah LaRocca, Caroline Lee, Allison Lloyd, Ashley Loga, Meghan Maestri, Holly Martin, Kelly Mullins, Rachel Murray, Alyson Neel, Catherine Parker, Marie Perret, Kristin Petry, Aubrey Rector, Madeline Rice, Nancy Rossi, Kathryn Schneider, Samantha Schott, Leigha Seal, Gabrielle Sicard, Mignon Sicard, Blakeley Simpson, Meghan Spell, Jillian Stevens, Kathryn Sunseri, Elise Taylor, Roxenne Yi, Alexa Younger, Afton Zaunbrecher. The 2007 seniors have been accepted to 58 universities in 17 states and the District of Columbia have been offered over $3.0 million in scholarships. The evening closed with a candle ceremony and the class, faculty and Alumnae reciting the Alma Mater. The seniors recessed and the Freshman Class, in keeping with tradition, hosted a reception. M I S S I N GAlumnae 1939 . . . . . . .Flavia Engerran Lenahan, Meridith Landry 1944 . . . . . . .Bernadine Holley Beeman, Betty Ramon Kimball, Caroline Thacher 1949 . . . . . . .Elida Cabrera, Vilma Fajardo, Gloria Fasquelle, Norma Fasquelle 1949 . . . . . . .Frances Whelpley Evers 1954 . . . . . . .Amanda Blanco, Marilu Calderone, Martha Chavarria, Bonnie Lindsay, . . . . . . . . . . .Claudia Prator, Yolanda Re, Rosario Velasco, Lesbia Venegas, Nathalie Wills 1959 . . . . . . .Stella Barrios, Mary Jane Bennaton, Vilma Canahuati, Lelia Dorta. Maria Elena Galindo, Rosario Lacayo, Diane Rutter Hattier, Barbara Turner 1964 . . . . . . .Susan Blalock, Marie Chenel, Mary Drouant Jafkolka, Cheryl Edgeton, Lu Ann Ellis White, Maria Fradera, Elizabeth Guidry Killilea, Linda Hamilton Bridges, Linda Hanemann McPherson, Thelma Hernandez, Margie Hogg Hunter, Mary Kelley, Doris Mae Kingston Amster, Janet LeBlanc Wilkinson, Donna Legaux Doublet, Shirley Motichek Achee, Peggy Robinson Reed, Barbara Root, Bobbie Shaner Jones, Joylyn Slaton Defrances, Susan Todd 1969 . . . . . . .Rebecca Bridges, Adele Buono, Barbara Ann Burns Guy, Rosa Maria Castellon, Kathryn Mary Clark, Doris Holcombe, Margaret Kinkade Sargent, Annette LeBlan, Brigitte Lecour Grandmaison, Sandra Matamoros Padgett, Carol Morris Todd, Reyna Munguia, Patti Redfield Rowan, Martha Scott Gruning, Shellye Werner De Vallette 1974 . . . . . . .Patrica Donahue, Phyllis Ducote Mc Clelland, Cathy Harrison Henshaw, Lise Jane Illingsworth, Vanessa Keys, Jennifer Lynn Lathem Davis, Lisa Lorentz Carriere, Holly Ann Moore, Susan Moore, Peggy Stein Woolley, Pamela Story, Eileen Swingle 1979 . . . . . . .Anita Baham, Paula Ann Carlos, Renee Epling, Valerie Marino 1984 . . . . . . .Catherine Clark, Jacqueline Evans Segura 1989 . . . . . . .Patricia Apraiz, Vicki Lynn Champagne, Miki Kasaoka 1994 . . . . . . .Heather Ann Hedrick, Marion Laborde, Colleen Mc Donald, Shea Shurbutt, Emily Ward Bivens, Hilangela Webb 1999 . . . . . . .Diana Anderson, Amy Duncan, Mai Hagiwara, Lauren Suarez, Shannon VonHoven, Katherine Wilson 2004 . . . . . . .Hannah Wood Thanks to those of you who helped find those listed as“lost” in the past. Here is a list for you to work on, some old names, some new. Please call the Advancement Office at (985) 892-2540, ext. 132 or e-mail if you have information.) D O V E W I N G S 47 48 D O V E W I N G S ALUMNA OF THE YEAR RECIPIENTS 1992 Paulette Heldner Holahan ‘53 1993 Patricia Clerc Jackson ‘61 1994 June Fortier Seeger ‘56 1995 Wilma Simoneaux ‘39 1996 Olive Champagne Hendry ‘37 1997 Frances Canale Werther ‘59 1998 Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57 1999 Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Kernion O.S.B. ‘53 2000 Sr. Juanita Federico O.S.B. ‘37 2001 Anita Sierra Nuss ‘38 2002 Dianne Murray Vasquez ‘58 2003 Winnie Heintz Jordan ‘46 2004 Lisa Hernandez Pellegrini ‘87 2005 Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ‘68 2006 Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85 2007 Lisa Mott Dugger ‘73 Students currently attending SSA and their Alumnae Moms 2008 Kelly Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cathy Lemoine Bruce 1986 Haley Costa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tara Link Millet 1986 Chantelle Ferrari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deborah Glockner Ferrari 1968 Maggie Glynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lori Latino- Glynn 1981 Anna Grundmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gabrielle Ramirez Grundmann 1980 Callie Keiffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Andrea DiFranco 1985 Caroline Murley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sue Ann Wiedeman Murley 1969 Lydia Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mary Pechon Robin 1976 Delilah Stuart-Blossman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vaunne Blossman Hand 1981 Jessie Sumpter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Suzie Curtis Sumpter 1979 2009 Caroline Barousse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Melody Morse Barousse 1978 Brooke Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kelly Carite Boyd 1983 Janell Dupepe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lynell Manning Dupepe 1978 Allison Lozes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Christine O’ Brien Lozes 1970 Alexandra Mikelonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cherie La Place Mikelonis 1981 Elizabeth Nuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Melanie Patterson Nuss 1980 Meagan Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Caroll Amond Robert 1983 Lauren Schell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elise LaFrance Schell 1979 Molly Severson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marian Daly Severson 1976 Taylor Timphony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carol Campo - Kellum 1984 2010 Kera Aparicio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shannon Fresh Aparicio 1987 Taylor Billeaud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Desiree Taylor Billeaud 1976 Emily Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cathy Lemoine Bruce 1986 Alexandra Bruner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Victoria Villars Lucas 1980 Meredith Dwyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Susanne Cambre Dwyer 1980 Brooke Dwyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Myia Dwyer 1976 Elise Gagnon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. Parrish McMichael Tadlock 1989 Rachel Keiffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Andrea DiFranco 1985 Lauren McDaniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Claire Roques McDaniel 1978 Grace Noel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Catherine Timothy Noel 1980 Jordan Walkenford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jennifer Keller Walkenford 1982 2011 Mary Claire Cazayoux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alyce Fuselier Cazayoux 1984 Savanna Cole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ellen Fisher Cole 1986 Margaret Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Theresa Schech Day 1975 Caroline Dussom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ann Zehender Dussom 1980 Audrey Gitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jennifer Ballard Gitz 1985 Olivia Illing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Susan Rathe Illling 1980 Taylor Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Carite Jenkins 1982 Sara Kuebel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Janie Daly Kuebel 1978 Elise Michaelis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leslie Alkire Michaelis 1978 Peyton Perez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lane Blossman Perez 1982 2012 Madison Aucoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Heidi Schmitz Aucoin 1978 Blair Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kelly Carite Boyd 1983 Lindsey Gagnon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. Parrish McMichael Tadlock 1989 Caity Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gina Latino 1980 Anna Hoz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cynthia Deboisblanc Hoz 1978 Emma Larmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Davey Henderson Larmann 1982 McCayn McDaniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shan Simpson McDaniel 1975 Hadley Modeen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Candy Morse Modeen 1982 Olivia Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Casie Yemelos 1988 Casen Stubbs & Shaenen Stubbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shelly Simpson Stubbs 1981 Alexis Welliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leslie Blitch Welliver 1979 D O V E W I N G S 49 SSA Alumnae Lifetime Dues 1962 . . . . .Clay Latimer . . . . . . . . .Joan Prieto Doolittle 1963 . . . . .Kathryn Diamond Lynch . . . . . . . . .Nancy Mauldin Gallagher 1965 . . . . .Rosemary Hughston Osterling . . . . . . . . .M'adele Read Irvin 1968 . . . . .June Norman 1969 . . . . .Olga Yvonne Mora . . . . . . . . .Carol Morris Todd 1971 . . . . .Sr. Elizabeth Hebert SLW . . . . . . . . . Jenny Quintanilla Burns 1972 . . . . . Pamela St. Amand Meier 1973 . . . . .Carolyn Schech Rolling 1974 . . . . .Jane Canik Short 1975 . . . . .Judith Ferry, MD . . . . . . . . .Shan Simpson Mc Daniel 1976 . . . . .Carolyn Chassee, CFRE . . . . . . . . .Tammie Hendry Smith 1978 . . . . .Julie Gement Andries Don’t Forget to “DUE” It !!! When Alumnae think of SSA, it is important that we think not only of the past but also of the present and the future. One way to provide for a strong Alumnae Association both today and tomorrow is for each alumna to pay their Association dues. The SSA Alumnae Association is here to represent you. Association Dues are: Blue and White ….$10/ year Doves ………… $25/ 3 years Wings ………… $100/ Lifetime Funds raised through the Alumnae Association Dues are used solely to fund alumnae services and programming. They help defray the costs of printing, postage, supplies, equipment, software, maintenance, senior gifts, scholarships and other related costs of running the Association and their events. Your continued support of the Alumnae Association is deeply appreciated. We thank you…. For sending your DUES! So don’t forget to “DUE” It, if you haven’t yet!! Credit Card payment call… 985-892-2540 ext. 132 St. Scholastica Academy Alumnae Association Advancement House PO Box 1210 Covington, LA 70434-1210 50 D O V E W I N G S 1980 . . . . .Annette Lewis Bakay 1982 . . . . .Stephanie Jacob Triplett . . . . . . . . .Donna Woolley Smith 1985 . . . . .Jennifer Ballard Gitz . . . . . . . . .Lorrie Favret Anderson . . . . . . . . .Kylan Reeves Bodin . . . . . . . . . Monica Terrell Leach, Ed.D. 1987 . . . . .Julie Bradford Weldon . . . . . . . . .Stephanie Daigle Gaitan . . . . . . . . .Kelly Mc Closkey Duffy 1989 . . . . .Kristy Reeves 1993 . . . . .Carrie Griffis Chargois . . . . . . . . .Amy Simmons 1995 . . . . .Laurie Weeser Reinagel 1997 . . . . .Amie Boudreaux Post . . . . . . . . .Kellie Price Rothman 1999 . . . . .Kelli Bucksbarg 2001 . . . . .Jennifer Hart 2002 . . . . .Meredith Matthews 3-Year Dove Dues 2006-07 A L U M N A E A S S O C I AT I O N D U E S 0 6 - 0 7 1933 . . . . .Rosemary Vincke Klaus 1941 . . . . .Berneda Augustine Birdsong 1943 . . . . .Gladys Augustine Day 1944 . . . . .Bernadine Holley Beeman 1945 . . . . .Carrie Lee Dawsey Bennett 1952 . . . . .Annette Sonnier 1953 . . . . .Katy Angelo Evans . . . . . . . . .Paulette Heldner Holahan 1954 . . . . .Lucille Capo Castine . . . . . . . . .Julia Verheugen Rozas 1955 . . . . .Marsha Fernandez Reichle 1956 . . . . .Ellen Barnett Comeaux . . . . . . . . .Irma Brown Dearie . . . . . . . . .June Fortier Seeger 1957 . . . . .Isabel Hansbrough . . . . . . . . .Jeanne Livaudais Daigle . . . . . . . . .Barbara Payne Starr 1959 . . . . .Aline Bull Wetta . . . . . . . . .Frances Canale Werther . . . . . . . . .Zula Heintz Clairain 1937 1946 1950 1957 1958 1961 1971 1979 1981 1984 1987 1988 Claire Ragan Cieslinski Ann Hebert Wolf Blanca Murillo Bogran Lucie Ann Hebert Comenge Patricia Serio Matthews Patricia Clerc Jackson Saundra Alessi Elise Lafrance Schell Michelle Martin Yeauger Missie Arata Noel Pam Bitterwolf Brechtel Monique O’ Brien Weiner Yearly Blue & White Dues 2006-07 1938 1946 1953 1957 1958 1959 1961 1979 Anita Sierra Nuss Winnie Heintz Jordan Mary Claire Theriot Wadenpfuhl Claylia Nunez LeBlanc Mary Anne Gilmore Janice Mire Sharp Beryl Brady Byles Jane Ellen Clerc Mayo Sheila Fry Horn-Bostel Patricia Morris Robichaux Carolyn Sambola Fesenbek Patsy Healy Kyte Patricia Hebert Huval Sybil Hector Pfeffer Lynne Becker Wheeler Aline Bull Wetta Catherine Cabibi Ann Fonti Eustis Sr. Benita Peters, O.S.B. Meg Williams FALAYA S Fling 2 By: Katie Shimmeck 0 0 7 t. Scholastica Academy’s 23rd annual Falaya Fling was held on March 25, 2007, and provided fun and raised funds for the school. Falaya Fling, SSA’s major fundraiser, attracted local and regional sponsors and entertained SSA parents, faculty, staff members, and friends with an elegant evening, including a buffet-dinner dance and extraordinary silent and live auctions. There were over 750 guests who attended Falaya Fling and helped SSA raise more than $120,000. The gala’s 2007 proceeds were designated to purchasing interior furnishings for the upcoming chapel, a Universal Ceiling Mount LCD projector and a video format big screen, and installing iron fencing along Rutland Street as part of the continuation of enhancing SSA’s campus. A portion of the proceeds went toward SSA’s endowment fund, and, in keeping with the school’s Benedictine tradition of community, a direct donation from the Falaya Fling was given to the JL (Jennifer Leslie) Foundation. Leslie, a 1987 SSA graduate, died on September 4, 2001, from complications after undergoing bone marrow transplant surgery. Jennifer’s parents, Janet and Bob Leslie, started the JL Foundation in her memory. The Foundation’s commitment is that every dollar raised is used to assist leukemia patients and their families during treatment and recovery. SSA President Marguerite Celestin and Principal Mary Kathryn Villere welcomed guests to the gala event held at the Castine Center at Pelican Park in Mandeville. Tom Fitzmorris, local cuisine aficionado, radio host, and author, served as both the celebrity guest and auctioneer for the event. He enticed bidders with some magnificent live auction items, including a pair of black and gold Nike game shoes autographed by Drew Brees, a pair of Adidas game shoes autographed by Reggie Bush, a New York Giants football helmet autographed by Eli Manning, two LSU football helmets autographed by its players, dinner for six at Drago’s hosted by Tom Fitzmorris, a toy-poodle puppy, fleur-delis artwork by Leslie Domingues and Ines Thomas, an SSA administration progressive dinner, and a private performance by the SSA Advanced Choir. by Peyton Manning. The $5,000 tuition raffle was won by current parent Vickie Guarisco; the $5,000 cash raffle by Myra Landry, a friend of faculty member Sr. Enedina; and, the Blingtini quarter-carat diamond donated by Boudreaux’s Jewelers was won by Guelda and Bob Clark, grandparents of Catherine Schroeder, SSA Class of 2011. Over 800 items donated by SSA alumnae, students, and parents were featured in the silent auction, which also included a large selection of art created by SSA students. Guests enjoyed cuisine from over 50 local restaurants and danced to live music by The Distractions. SSA Advancement Director Elaine Simmons along with Falaya Fling Co-chairs Desiree Taylor Billeaud ‘76, Leslie Ellinghausen, and Sharon Landry made sure all the guests enjoyed being together on behalf of SSA. Committee Chairpersons were Julie Authement, Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ‘76, Rhonda Baumgartner, Milissa Block, Karen Bucksbarg, Alicia Byrne, Laurie Candies, Meg Charbonnet, Sunny Cruthirds, Kim Durr, Theresa Elie, Janie Ellis, Anne Marie Fargason, Sandi Forman, Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85, Nancy Golemi, Vickie Guarisco, Mamie Henry, Ginny Kamath, Karen Landry, Susan Loveland, Mathilde Lyon, Ana Perez de la Mesa, Karen Redd, Dannie Salles, Dorothy Schouest, Darci Senner, Karen Seiler, Dan Simmons, Mimi Voelkel, Cathy Williams, and Susan Williams. The Falaya Fling Patron Party was held prior to the Fling at the Castine Center, where patrons were treated to fine wine, champagne, and cuisine from eight local specialty restaurants. Join us for the 24th Falaya Fling which will be held on March 8, 2008. Friends of SSA are also invited to join in on the fun with the online auction, which will begin on January 1, 2008. Charlene Shelton and Jane Harvey pose for the camera at Falaya Fling. Class of 2010: Ashley Giambelluca, Karen Nelson and Lane Hebert serving at Falaya Fling The Falaya Fling also rolled out its new online auction. Bidding at the end was fast and furious, and included vacation and leisure trips, a Saints jacket, SSA memorabilia, a Mignon Faget Katrina amulet, and many more exciting items. The Pick-A-Live raffle, which made its debut at the 2007 Falaya Fling, was won by Brent Silva, who selected the top live auction item – the Indianapolis Colts football helmet autographed (L toR): Chuck & Desireé Billeaud, John & Leslie Ellinghausen and Sharon & David Landry enjoying the festivities. D O V E W I N G S 51 SPS GOLDEN BLUESAll Stars Members of the St. Paul’s School Golden Blues Dance Team, comprised of St. Scholastica Academy students, returned from American All-Star summer dance camp held at Southeastern Louisiana University. The team learned creative performance routines that they plan on using at pep rallies, basketball and football games, and other school events. The team also participated in team building activities, learning the importance of a positive attitude and team spirit. The following awards were given to the 35 member team: Home Routine: Superior Rating and an invitation to 2008 American All-Star National Competition to be held in Orlando, Florida; Competition Routine: Second Place, Superior Top Row: Casey Ragan, Katie Tyrney, Elizabeth Hughs, Sarah Jarrett, Laura Ballard, Danielle Rating and an invitation to 2008 American All-Star LeBlanc, Katie Pecot, Cali Spell, Marcy Carmouche, Claire Gaudet, and Mrs. LaGraize. 3rd National Competition to be held in Orlando, Row: Mrs. Pool, Victoria Henry, Elizabeth Lambert, Meghan Price, Emily Beau, Hillary Talley, Sarah Nielsen, Caroline Murley, Bianca Day, Lane Hebert, and Taylor Billeaud. 2nd Row: Kori Florida; Overall Camp Performance: Second Place. Lutenbacher, Michelle Preau, Lauren Royerre, Ashley Giambelluca, Elise Ganucheau, Anna As if the award ceremony couldn’t get any better, Grundmann, and Jennifer Drivon. Bottom Row: Melissa Fairbank (Lieutenant), Lisa Brady (Junior Co-Captain), Amber Ardoin (Senior Co-Captain), Caroline Mitchell (Junior Cothe girls were thrilled to hear their name called over Captain), Monica Luke (Captain), Amanda Beau (Senior Co-Captain), Kelly Bruce (Lead Choreographer), and Andi Neal (Choreographer). the microphone as the recipient of the Most Admired Team Award, an award voted on by the other dance teams at the camp. The All-Star team was selected from over 8,000 girls on the basis of positive attitude, exemplary character and excellent dancing ability; 18 Golden Blues were given this honor! These young women have the opportunity to participate in American All-Star’s Annual Goodwill Performance in November in Rome! Chosen as members of the American All-Star Dance Team were: Ardoin, Ballard, Beau, Brady, Bruce, Day, Drivon, Ganucheau, Henry, LeBlanc, Luke, Lutenbacher, Mitchell, Murley, Neal, Pecot, Price, and Royerre. The Golden Blues moderators are Kristen LaGraize and Audrey Pool. PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH! Let us know about your family, job, honors/awards, volunteer work and hobbies or recreational activities. Class of _______________ Today’s date _______________ Is this a new address? _____________ Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________ First Preferred Name Middle Maiden Married Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Home Phone __________________________ E-mail __________________________ Work Phone ___________________________ Fax ____________________________ College ______________________________________________ Degree ____________________________ Occupation ______________________________ Employer __________________________ Title __________________ Husband’s full name ______________________________ Children __________________________________________ Grandchildren ________________________________________________________________________________________ Parents’ Name _________________________________________________ Parents’ Phone ________________________ Parents’ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ News to share ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Would you be interested in speaking at Career Day? (Usually held in March) ___________________________________ Please return to: Elaine Simmons • SSA Advancement Office • P.O. Box 1210 • Covington, LA 70434-1210 • 985.892.2540 x. 132 • • Fax: 985.892.5921 52 D O V E W I N G S SSACareer Day S t. Scholastica Academy held its annual Career Day on February 2, 2007. The SSA Alumnae Association sponsored the event and invited 24 women professionals to discuss their careers with the juniors and seniors. Career Day at SSA is one of the most anticipated events for the students because the alumnae return and offer their guidance, advice and real world experience. Joanna Brandt Case ’90, a SSA Alumnae Board member, helped organize the event. Jennifer Ballard Gitz ’85, President of the SSA Alumnae Board, welcomed the speakers and thanked them for their participation. Anna-Maria Blake Toker, M.D. ’85 was the keynote speaker and panelist for Career Day. Toker received her doctorate of medicine in 1997 at LSU Medical Center in Shreveport. She completed her internship in general surgery at the Methodist Hospital in Dallas and did her residency in colon and rectal surgery at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center. She is a member of the teaching staff at the University of Texas and has established her private practice in colon and rectal surgery in Dallas. Dr. Toker elaborated on her career and discussed that everyone can expect adversity in their own career path but that experience should only give you strength to move forward. She also gave many inspirational comments and believes “faith makes all things possible.” Her closing remark to the students was to remember “when one door closes, God always opens a window --- always look for that open window!” The alumnae speakers were Leslie Alkire Michaelis, D.V.M. ’78, Nicole Baute Honoree ‘85 – Technology Transfer, Nicole Bergeron 2002 – store owner, Anna Blake Toker, M.D. ’85, Rebecca Boudreaux Delaune ‘95 – owner/CPA, Jessica Brown Ulmer, D.D.S ’94, Marian Daly G E T St. Scholastica Academy’s Career Day keynote speaker was Anna-Maria Blake-Toker, M.D. ’85, a SSA alumna, who now resides in Dallas, Texas. Severson ’76 – Co-Owner/Landscape Architect, Barbara Dufour Wright ’85 – FDA Investigator, Kristin Dugger Kingrea ’99 - Interior Designer, Polly Eustis Carr, R.N. 2000 – Nurse, Lauren Fajoni Bartlett ’91 – Defense Attorney, Susan Heintz Blanchard ’76 – Physical Therapist, Dana Hladky ’86 – Elementary Teacher, Leanne McBurney Truehart, M.D. ’86, Lizby Morse Eustis ’76 – Associate Broker Commercial Real Estate, Cali O’Brien Petitt ’94 – Child Life Specialist, Claudia Seligman ’70 – Architect, Desiree Taylor Billeaud ’76 – Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, Ashley Villere Chitwood ’89 – Assistant Dean of Students, Dawn Viosca Skinner ’81 – Speech Therapist, Meg Williams ’79 – Mortgage Originator, Christine Young Woodard ’89 – Mental Health Specialist, and Anne Marie Zima ’98 – Assistant Vice-President Commercial Lending. Also speaking to the students was Nancy Lee, an alum parent, who is a construction company owner. C O N N E C T E D We would love to hear from you, SSA Alumnae. The Alumnae Association Board has been working hard to find you. We would be so thrilled if you could call or e-mail to update your personal information, join a committee, or participate in a school activity such as Career Day, Treat Day, Cajun Christmas Party, Easter Egg Hunt, Alumnae Luncheon, and the Alumnae Breakfast for the Senior Class. You can be the judge, as much or as little suits you! Getting connected offers so many opportunities to provide a better Alumnae Association for our present doves to join when they graduate, rekindle or make new friendships with other Alumnae and present staff at SSA, and to find pride in the place where you graduated. SSA is steadfastly growing and to be a part of the advancement is a great privilege. Please join us! Get Connected and Discover SSA. Sincerely, Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85 Alumnae Board President St. Scholastica Alumnae Association • Advancement House • 985-892-2540 ext. 132 • D O V E W I N G S 53 SSA BOARDS 2007 - 2008 SSA SCHOOL BOARD OFFICERS PARENT CLUB COMMITTEE CHAIRS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AFFINITY PROGRAM CHAIR Shannon Aparicio Paul Vorenkamp President Matt Voelkel 1st Vice Chair BALLOON SHOP CHAIRS Milissa Block • Theresa Elie Renee Silva David Broadbridge Vice President Cindy Braud 2nd Vice Chair CAMPUS BEAUTIFICATION CHAIRS Adrienne Laborde • Karen Redd Collins Rossi Secretary DOVE MINISTRIES CHAIRS Mary Chatry • Gina Scheuermann Sue Zaunbrecher Treasurer FALAYA FLING AUCTION CHAIRS Leslie Ellinghausen • Licy Gagnet Ann Rosenow Jerry Delahoussaye Immediate Past Chair FAMILY PICNIC CHAIRS Natalie Allain • Sheryl Cross Sharon Hebert Cindy Harlan Chair SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS FATHER-DAUGHTER CHAIRS Maria Campeaux • Leslie Domingues Robin Gutierrez • Shannon Trosclair Mary Vorenkamp Jim Bradford Calvin Campeaux Alyce Fuselier Cazayoux ‘84 John Ellinghausen Louisette Kidd Susan Loveland Marty Mayer Lori Murphy Pat Rosenow Paul Vorenkamp Beth Lambert Corresponding Secretary Milissa Block Treasurer 54 D O V E W HOSPITALITY CHAIRS Suzanne Andrews • Davey Larmann Eileen Buchholz Huval ‘77 Secretary I SSA FEAST DAY CHAIRS Julie Authement • Rebecca Cole Karen Saltalamacchia • Cindy Smith STUDENT SOCIALS Donna Neel ALUMNAE BOARD EVENT CHAIRS TEACHER APPRECIATION CHAIRS Robin Eckert • Mary Ellen Jordan Debby Royerre • Shelly Wells N G S ALUMNAE BOARD MEMBERS Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ‘76 Polly Eustis Carr 2000 Joanna Brandt Case ‘90 Lisa Mott Dugger ‘73 Patricia Clerc Jackson ‘61 Karen Carite Jenkins ‘82 Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ‘68 Emily Meyer 2000 Missie Arata Noel ‘84 Lisa Hernandez Pellegrini ‘87 Amie Boudreaux Post ‘97 Elise Lafrance Schell ‘79 Amy Simmons ‘93 SWEET TREATS CHAIR Susan Loveland Alicia Nolan President Ex-Officio ALUMNAE BOARD OFFICERS Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57 Vice President PARENT EDUCATION CHAIR Karen Spell Theresa Elie Recording Secretary Bruce Crawford Sharon Delahoussaye Donna Fritscher Mike Loveland Susan Loveland Margie Strong Joy Thompson Art Lyons, Athletic Director HISTORIAN/PUBLICITY CHAIR Andrea Arceneaux OFFICE VOLUNTEER CHAIRS Susan Carollo • Ann Rosenow Ginny Kamath Vice President ATHLETIC BOARD MEMBERS Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85 President NEW PARENT EXPERIENCE CHAIRS Desiree Taylor Billeaud ‘76 Bambi Pichon Cindy Fekete President Jerry Kennedy Treasurer GRANDPARENTS DAY CHAIRS Sydney Cooley • Vickie Guarisco MOTHER-DAUGHTER CHAIRS Ginny Kamath • Shaheen Rahman Dorothy Schouest PARENT CLUB OFFICERS Carole Wilks Secretary Peggy Gement Benit ‘83 Lynette Farrell Blossman ‘83 Kelly Carite Boyd ‘83 Stephanie Hendry ‘99 Louise Farrell Ingram ‘83 Catherine Lanaux 2000 Summer REUNIONS Class of 1987 Class of 1982 Standing from left to right: Kellie Ory Gagliano, Dawn Brunner McManus, Stephanie Jacob Triplett, Rae Martinez Motahari, Dana Dent Bryan, Anne Waguespack Berteau. Sitting from left to right: Tina Crawford White, Davey Henderson Larmann, Candy Morse Modeen, Rhonda Scheuermann Simmons, Cherie Settle, Jennifer Keller Walkenford The class of 1987 celebrated their 20 year reunion June 15 and 16. The class officers planned a “girls night out” at the SSA Advancement House with a catered meal. Everyone looked at old pictures and reminisced about their days at the Academy. Saturday everyone congregated with their families for an old fashioned BBQ meal and a spacewalk for the kids. Saturday evening the 1987 class and spouses joined the St. Paul’s alumnae at a restaurant in Mandeville. Class of 1997 St. Scholastica Academy Class of 1982 celebrated their 25th reunion on June 9 in Covington. Twelve alumnae were able to attend dinner at a local Covington restaurant with a special menu prepared by Chef Kevin Ayestas for the class. SSA Campus Visit Miriam Villagram Diaz McBride ‘66 (right) and her mother (left) visit the SSA campus. Front row (L to R): Shelly Graziano Conlin, Lisa Hernandez Pellegrini, Shawn Murphy Curley, Karen Bailey Biever 2nd Row: Trina Cowart Guzan, Jennifer Jennings Bassin, Kim Vizzini Hernandez, Kim Hughes Ripps. 3rd Row: Trisha Larsen Scalia, Whitney Greene Ligon, Loren Legendre, Suzanne Paille Slade. 4th Row: Jennifer Grob Jackson, Julie Ibos Malone, Kelley ballas Armstrong, Dana Blossman Quinlan, Rebecca Koon Walker Front Row (L toR): Jennifer Duncan, Simone Derouen Buras, Elise Charbonnet Angelette, Cecile Charbonnet Kerber, Kristen Chetta Collura, Jenny Schaff Mutter, Elizabeth Cromwell. 2nd Row: Amie Boudreaux Post, Ashley Huffine Grubbs, Nicole Bragg Thibaut, Noelle Lehmann Courtney Pablovich Dodson, Melissa Byrne Ayers. 3rd Row: Amy Glass Piedmont, Marcelle McGoey Delaune, Jeanette Suarez Huber, Ashley Vonhadnagy, Becky Brocato, Virginia Allen. 4th Row: Eva Mogabgab, Melissa Alford, Kristen Nedoma, Cathy Ann Delaune Prieto, Stephanie Hopkins, Heather Hadley, Kathleen Aertker SSA class of 1997 enjoy the “Girls Night Out” to celebrate their 10 year reunion. Alumnae Senior Breakfast Alumnae Senior Breakfast (L to R): Amie Boudreax Post ‘97, Joanna Brandt Case ‘90 & daughter Julia, Jennfer Ballard Gitz ‘85, Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ‘68 and Meg Willams ‘79. D O V E W I N G S 55 Basketball Summer League Back Row (L to R): Kayla Bosarge, Maury Williams, Calyn Wilks, Caroline Broussard, Audrey Gitz, Emily Williamson, Peggy Faucheaux, Maggie Helm, Allison Dastugue. Front Row: Emily Mayer, Joanna Thomas, Paige Long, Meg Brett St. Scholastica Academy Support the Athletic Association by Advertising your Business at SSA’s Athletic Complex. The ten-acre facility houses a softball and soccer field with a press box. Outfield Fencing has been reserved for the 4 x 8 foot all weather Sponsorship signs. Signs have a white background with one color lettering. (Any custom logo and artwork will cost extra). Sponsorship Levels Advertising Term Cost One Year $350 Two Years $600 Three Years $750 We are currently the only all-girls school with its own athletic complex. Athletic Complex Advertising Business Name ___________________________ Advertising Term _________ Contact Name ________________________ Phone No. ________________ Address_______________________ City/State Zip _____________________ Check # ________(Checks made payable to SSA) Check Amount $____________ Visa/MasterCard ______________________ Exp. Date _________________ Amount Charge $ ______________________ Signature _________________ 56 D SSA, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434 * Phone: 985-892-2540, ext. 132 * Fax: 985--892-5921 O V E W I N G S L Spotlight on Teacher Wayne Cruthirds atin and Humanities Teacher Wayne Cruthirds (“Mr. C”) has inspired St. Scholastica Academy staff and students since he was hired in 1979. Besides teaching at SSA, Mr. C also oversees the school’s weekly news report published in The Times Picayune newspaper and the school’s contributions to the Clarion Herald’s annual supplement, Youth, Ink.,” and serves as a Class Moderator for the Junior Class. He received a “My Special Teacher” award in 1992 and also received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship to attend a program at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. The program focused on the works of Chaucer and their relation to humanities in medieval England. “He is a magnificent teacher and will do anything for anyone,” said SSA Drama Department Chair Trisha Schaff. “No one has ever said anything negative about Mr. C. He is a brilliant man.” Well-versed in five languages, Cruthirds earned a bachelor’s degree in classical philology, which is Greek and Latin language and literature, from Loyola University in New Orleans in 1965. He also received a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, which helped fund his studies at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., where he earned a master’s degree in classical philology in 1967. During the 1960’s, he wanted to do something “relevant.” “I did some really hard soul searching,” said Mr. C, before deciding to join the Peace Corps, a government-sponsored program created by President John F. Kennedy that places American volunteers abroad for two years to share their talents with underdeveloped countries. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, Mr. C taught English as a second language to elementary students at two schools in The Republic of Belau, formerly called the Palau Islands, in Micronesia. He stayed with a large family in a 25-foot by 15-foot tin shack, and paddled in an outrigger canoe two miles and walked four miles a day to and from the elementary schools. Mr. C was amazed that despite being very poor, the islanders were very happy. “I learned how to be happy,” said Cruthirds. “The people there had virtually nothing, but they were happy; they enjoyed being together with family.” His own family includes his wife, Sundra, known across campus as Sunny, who as SSA’s bookkeeper for fourteen years and continues to serve as an active volunteer as one of the committee chairs of the Falaya Fling; two children, Wayne Jr., 29, and Sarah Elizabeth, 22, Class of 2003; and, an eleven-year-old cat named Amber. The couple owns a home on seven acres in Bush, where Cruthirds enjoys vegetable gardening and grows tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants. He also enjoys reading “novels of intrigue” by Frederick Forsyth and Nelson Demille, and the popular Harry Potter book series by J.K. Rowling. Knowing he enjoyed the Potter books, his students gifted him with a Latin edition of the first book in the series a few years ago. Mr. C takes great pleasure in teaching and engaging his students and working with the friendly and supportive administration at SSA. His “Elation Number 67” came recently when a former student, visiting SSA, ran across the gym and gave him “a huge hug.” She told him that she was taking Humanities in college and was the only student who was not struggling in the course. Marguerite Celestin, SSA President adds, “School had already started in August of 1979 when Wayne Cruthirds responded to our ad in the paper for an English teacher, due to the unexpected vacancy left when a new teacher left for another position. That proved to be an extraordinary blessing. When I contacted his Mr. C poses with students in Latin class. reference in Massachusetts the administrator suggested I do whatever possible to acquire this outstanding teacher. Through the years he has demonstrated that he is the consummate professional: doing whatever it takes to be there for his students, going the extra mile to assist any student in need. “Mr. C” as his students affectionately call him, is a gifted teacher with a wealth of knowledge and passion for whatever subject he is teaching, is always well-planned, and challenges his students to think creatively. Students refer to him as one of the best teachers they have ever had. We are proud to have him on our staff and continually thank God for his many years of service at SSA.” D O V E W I N G S 57 ST. SCHOLASTICA LEGACY SOCIETY Recognition Event List of Charter Members of Scholastica Legacy Society Anonymous (2) J Elizabeth Baldwin Barkerding ‘63 Larry and Karen Bucksbarg ennifer Ballard Gtiz ’85 and Ronnie Gitz hosted the first Legacy Society Recognition Event at their home, catered by Calypso (owned by SSA alum Jennifer Duncan ’97) on Thursday evening, May 3, 2007. The Scholastica Legacy Society, launched in the fall of 2006, now has 15 Charter members. Those attending the event included Larry and Karen Bucksbarg, SSA President Marguerite S. Celestin and Richard Celestin, Carolyn Chassee ‘76 and Mark Richards, Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ’57, Elizabeth Baldwin Barkerding ‘63, Pat Clerc Jackson ’61 and James Jackson, Owen and Karen Seiler, Dan and Elaine Simmons. Marguerite Celestin welcomed and thanked everyone for attending and shared her thoughts and feeling regarding the SSA Community. Leah Graves Caballero ‘85 Richard and Marguerite Celestin Carolyn A. Chassee ‘76 Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57 Bill Gallop Patricia Clerc Jackson ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Landry Owen and Karen Seiler Dan and Elaine Simmons Elaine Simmons led guests in the invocation. Shortly after dinner, Audrey Gitz, SSA class of 2011, read an essay of “Gratitude”. Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ’57, Legacy Society Chairwoman, shared how important the Society is to SSA’s future, and the opportunity for every alumna and friend to leave a lasting legacy to the School. Owen and Karen Seiler offered a testimony regarding their deeply held beliefs in giving back to their community. “We believe in giving back to God’s work, and sharing the blessings the Lord has provided to us. It is with great joy that we are able and willing to remember SSA in such a thoughtful and personal way.” Pat Clerc Jackson ’61 was an SSA resident student. Pat shared, “SSA was my extended family, and the boarders all shared a very special bond with the school.” The Society recognizes and thanks those individuals who have named or notified SSA of their intent to make the School, a beneficiary of their will, trust, or other planned gift arrangement. Members of this special group of benefactors: alumnae, faculty, parents, grandparents and friends, have at least one thing in common, a lasting commitment to Catholic education for young women. Marguerite Celestin introduced and thanked each member of the Society, adding special gratitude and appreciation to each individual. All members of the Society were given a beautifully framed certificate of appreciation. Scholastica Legacy Society pins of appreciation will also be awarded to each member of the Society. A future gift so personal demonstrates a deep and lasting commitment to our mission and to future generations of young women of our SSA community. Through April 2008, individuals who join the Society will be recognized as “Charter” members. Barbara Payne Starr ‘57 Ann Hebert Wolf ‘46 SSA Participates in LASC Convention St. Scholastica Academy student council members participated in the Louisiana Association of Student Councils (LASC) in Houma January 13-15. SSA won the office of State Parliamentarian and the student representative elected for that position was sophomore Mackenzie Schott. SSA was elected as District II President and sophomore Gabrielle Campo was elected as SSA’s student representative. The Dale D. Hawley Award, a highly prestigious and coveted national award, was given to SSA senior Melissa Landry. This award recognizes outstanding service and leadership. The Academy was also given the $1000 Club Award for donating over $2,000 from the SSA Student Council Penny Drive held recently. The grand total from all participating schools at the LASC Convention totaled over 58 D O V E W I N G S $51,000 which was donated to St. Jude’s Children Hospital. St. Scholastica Academy student council co-moderators are SSA teachers Liz Tocco and Denise Bordelon. The St. Scholastica Academy delegates to the LASC Convention were: Shelby Fritscher, Aly Neel, Kristin Petry, Melissa Landry, Ashley Dutel, Lynne Fritscher, Brittni Blankenship and Mackenzie Schott. SSA CELEBRATES Feast Day The St. Scholastica Academy celebration of St. Scholastica’s Feast Day on February 9 began with a Mass officiated by Abbot Justin Brown O.S.B. The SSA Choir and students sang, the 50 and 25 year alumnae were honored, and the 8th graders were pinned by their big sisters in honor of their induction to St. Scholastica Academy. Sr. Enedina Rodriguez, S.T.J. and guest Sr. Gina Gerici, S.T.J. The luncheon was organized by the SSA Parent Club. The cochairs of the luncheon were Julie Authement and Cindy Smith. The decorations chair Paulette Crawford transformed the cafeteria into a magnificent seashore for the students. The common theme expressed throughout the day was “Sisters by the Sea.” SSA moms served lunch to the students, faculty, honored alumnae and staff. The SSA cafeteria staff prepared a delicious meal of caesar salad, roasted chicken breast, shells by the sea pasta, fruit salad, lemonade, and cheesecake with whipped topping. C O L L E G E Louisiana State University Chancellor’s Honor Roll, Spring 2007 Katie Faust, 2004 Jennifer Ribbeck, 2005 Amanda Villarrubia, 2003 Marley Lanson, 2004 Kristina Dickson, 2005 Katie Hamel, 2006 Dean’s List, Spring 2007 Elizabeth Caire, 2004 Keely Gillen, 2003 Megan Colwart, 2003 Jolie Drouant, 2005 Christina Phillips, 2005 Danielle Mollere, 2004 Ashley Byrne, 2004 Caroline Hodgins, 2004 Anna Smith, 2004 Sherri Spranley, 2004 Jessica Wendel, 2005 Jenny Amaraneni, 2002 Avery Cootes, 2005 Tiffany Cunningham, 2005 SSA Moms: Paulette Crawford, Kim Viola and Julie Authement As an added touch, the Parent Club did a bulletin board with a “Surf’s Up at SSA and displayed numerous students’ pictures playing on the beach. This year was also the first year that our 50 and 25 year alumnae were invited to the luncheon. The day was filled with many events and smiles were seen on every face that attended. St. Scholastica lived in the fifth century and with her brother St. Benedict founded two religious orders one for men and one for women. The school has a special saying about their patron who said, “St. Scholastica could do more because she loved more.” SSA was established in Covington by the Benedictine Sisters in 1903 and has been in its same location for 103 years. 50 year alumnae: Top (L to R) Beryl Brady Byles’57, Lucy Ann Comenge, Jeanne Livaudais Daigle’57 Bottom: Jane Ellen Clerc Mayo’57, Barbara Payne Starr’57,Patricia Morris Robichaux’57 H O N O R S Sarah Delahoussaye, 2005 Margaret Lynch, 2004 Jennifer Seiler, 2005 Jennifer Davis, 2005 Charlotte Abide, 2006 Kate Champagne, 2005 Heather Chauvin, 2006 Marissa Mederos, 2006 Sarah Stewart, 2006 Dean’s List Amanda Matthew, 2006 Caitlin Rutter, 2004 Amy Seal, 2005 Alicia Dardenne, 2006 Blakely Brown, 2000 Honor Roll Jennifer Cardinale, 2004 Lindsey Bertucci, 2005 Ashley Klebba, 2003 Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Spring Semester 2007 Ashley Gautreaux, 2004 Kate Glover, 2005 Megan Kingsmill, 2002 Holly Laizer, 2004 Katherine Price, 2003 Nicole Waguespack, 2004 Christa Lemoine, 1997 Jennifer Richaud, 2003 Ashley Kent, 2004 Miaja Ceips, 1999 Erin Freeman, 2003 Megan Picou, 2006 Vanderbilt Dean’s List, Spring Semester 2007 Carrie Cushman, 2005 Miranda Rector, 2004 Southeastern Louisiana University Spring Commencement – May 12, 2007 Lynn Frisard 2002, general business Reve Link 2002, early childhood education Elizabeth Powell Lemoine 2002, nursing D O V E W I N G S 59 SSA Alumna of the Year Nomination The purpose of the SSA Alumna of the Year award is to recognize an SSA alumna who has distinguished herself personally and/or professionally. The Alumna of the Year Award is the most significant honor St. Scholastica Academy and the Alumnae Association can bestow on an alumna. Candidates will be recognized for living up to the ideals of St. Scholastica Academy, demonstrating SSA values in their lives, and representing SSA with distinction and dedication. Any St. Scholastica graduate is eligible for the award. Selection is made by the SSA Alumnae Association Alumna of the Year Committee. Name____________________________________________________________Class of__________________ (First) (Middle) (Last) Address___________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone (H)___________________________(O)______________________Email_____________________ Education_________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation________________________________________Employer_______________________________ If married, spouse’s name____________________________________________________________________ Children__________________________________________________________________________________ Grandchildren_____________________________________________________________________________ Please tell us about the nominee’s service to SSA, volunteer work, church work, organizations, career achievements, honors, hobbies and interests. You may use a second sheet. A resume of the nominee and letters of recommendation may be included. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ NOMINATED BY________________________________________________CLASS___________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________ PHONE______________________ (NOMINATIONS MAY BE ANONYMOUS) Return to: SSA Development Office, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434 Please return this Nomination Form by March 15, 2008 60 D O V E W I N G S SSA SERVICE HOURRecognition 06 - 07 S t. Scholastica Academy students are required to fulfill a certain amount of service hours in a school year. This policy has been very successful in the young ladies learning to participate in their community and to give back to people, community and their school. Although the girls have individual requirements the clubs and classes also accumulate hours of service. The Marian Ministry hosted a Christmas party for Alpha House and supplied a tree and gifts for the seniors, Key club did a Christmas and Easter party for Head Start in Covington, Spanish Club visited Lacombe Nursing Home Center, the choirs did numerous service performances: Christmas programs, nursing homes, funerals, the Student Ministers took about 20 girls to gut houses twice in St. Bernard and New Orleans, and the SSA Cheerleaders visited Forest Manor Nursing Home. These hours of service are over and above the regular service hours. Each class had an accumulated total of hours for the year; the total approximate hours for seniors, 5,544, Juniors, 16,647, Sophomores, 8,456, Freshman, 7,226, and Eighth Graders, 4,720, the total school individual hours were 42,593. Some of these hours are reflective of some SSA students going above and beyond to serve the community with over 100 service hours. Starting with the senior class, those who accumulated 100-199 service hours were: Kylan DeBrock, Ellen Fargason, Jessica Fawer, Nicole Johnson, Casey Kramer, Rachel Murray, and Amelia Rusbar. Seniors with 200-300 service hours were: Margaret Ellis, Blaire Levy, Alyson Neel, and Alexa Younger. Melissa Landry finished her SSA career with 706.5 service hours. The Junior class with 100-199 service hours were: Alexandra Arceneaux, Elizabeth Clay, Molly Cox, Margaux Dastugue, Abigail Delahoussaye, Lauren Fereday, Brittany Gandolfi, Anna Grundmann, Callie Keiffer, Ashley Luke, Jennifer Palpallatoc, Jessica Ramirez, Brittany Thompson, Ashley Trudeau, and Jade Younger. Juniors with 200-299 service hours were Chantelle Ferrari, Hillary Frances, and Amberlee Roaden. Juniors who had 300-400 hours were: Leah Clanton, Michele Crosby, and Megan McCarty. The Sophomore class with 100-199 service hours were: Meredith Algero, Brooke Boyd, Jenny Bravo, Sara Broussard, Jennifer Drivon, Alissa Durr, Kathleen Harmon, Eden Johnson, Caroline Knight, Jessica Neel, Caitlin Parker, Jennifer Rees, Caroline Ruiz, Cameron Savell, Gabrielle St. Germain, Joanna Thomas, Sarah Thompson, and Jennifer Weintritt. Sophomores with 200-299 service hours were: Lisa Brady, Gabrielle Campo, Allison Cobb, Melissa Fairbank, Sarah Neilsen, Corinne Rapier, Lauren Schembre, and Courtney Thees. The sophomores with 300-399 service hours were: Danielle Ayers and Maury Williams. The freshman with 100-199 service hours were: Alysse Arceneaux, Alexandra Bruner, Katelyn Campo, Allison Domingues, Casey Fekete, Christina Grishman, Elizabeth Guarisco, Lyndsey Neel, Camille Olsen, Margaret Stewart, and Katherine Welty. The freshmen with 200-299 service hours were: Anna Parsons and Kelsey Stritzinger. Jessica Kileen completed 316.25 hours and Hannah Boyer completed 510 service hours. Eighth Graders with 100-199 service hours were: Caitlin Cannatella, Katherine Henson, Elizabeth Holzenthal and Shelby Thompson. SSA Choir Concert Season 2007 - 2008 Christmas Concert 2007 December 12, 2007 Spring Cconcert 2008 May 1, 2008 St. Joseph Abbey - Benet Hall For Ticket Information Contact the Advancement Office (985) 892-2540 ext. 104 D O V E W I N G S 61 SSA DISTRICT LITERARY RALLY State Literary Rally 07 Maria D’Antonio, Jessica Walther, Elise Prete attend the District Literary Rally on March 17 at Southeastern Louisiana University. Each student was given an objective test in their respective subjects in which they competed. The students from SSA competed in the second largest division (Division II) with the results as follows: First Place, Jessica Walther – Sociology, Second places: Gaby Klein – Sociology, Maury Williams – Spanish I, Kaitlyn Landry - Art Exhibit Category 2, Alexa Younger – Art Exhibit, Category 3. Third place, Maria D’Antonio – American History: Fifth place Marie Perret – Civics: Sixth Place, Elise Prete – Algebra II. Jessica Walther, Maury Williams, Maria D’ Antonio, Marie Perret, Elise Prete also qualified to compete at the Louisiana State Rally on April 21 at Louisiana State University Campus. Jessica Walther was awarded Third place in Sociology and Elise Prete was awarded Fourth place in Algebra II. SSA ATTENDS LouisianaYouth Seminar Teachers at Saint Scholastica Academy were allowed to choose two students from each subject taught as SSA to Louisiana Youth Seminar (LYS) was held the week of July 15-20 at Louisiana State University. This conference was for Louisiana high school students in grades 10 through 12. The goal of LYS is to expand students' leadership skills and to assist them to succeed in being leaders in their school as well as through life. LYS delegates meet other students from all parts of the state to learn how to compete in challenging games and to set life goals. LYS participants from St. Scholastica Academy: Kera Aparicio, Shelby Fritscher, Ellie Dorsey, Charlotte Voelkel, Aubree Lacour, Molly Molloy Gambel, Caroline Murley, and Yvette Guilbeau was very active in the Leadership conference. SSA students show their wings at Louisiana Youth Seminar in Baton Rouge. Aubree Lacour, Yvette Guilbeau, Caroline Murley, Molly Molloy Gambel, Ellie Dorsey, Charlotte Voelkel, Shelby Fritscher. Front: Kera Aparicio Caroline Murley was chosen by her group members as an outstanding leader who was most spirited, organized, and kept the group together. They were split in political groups, the Tories and the Whigs. On the Tory side Shelby Fritscher, Ellie Dorsey, Caroline Murley, Charlotte Voelkel, and Kera Aparicio were elected to present their speeches. Murley, Voelkel, and 62 D O V E W I N G S Aparicio went to the primaries on the Tory campaign with Voelkel going to Caucus. On the Whig side Gabrielle Campo, Aubree Lacour, Molly Molloy Gambel, and Yvette Guilbeau presented their speeches and Campo made it to the primaries and went to Caucus. Year ending June 2007 Thank You! Alumnae Class Challenge 2007 1938 Anita Sierra Nuss 1943 Yvonne Cornibe Decker 1946 Winnie Heintz Jordan Esther Shiell Collins 1952 Jeanne Marie Smith Kauffman 1953 Paulette Heldner Holahan 1954 Lucille Capo Castine Carol Fontan Gottfried Marie Morgan Taylor 1956 June Fortier Seeger 1957 Lucille Bourgeois Pollok In honor of SSA’s 104th year Jeanne Livaudais Daigle In memory of Beth Allen McGann ‘57, Jacqueleine Heintz Viener ‘57, and Martha Osorio Wentzell ‘57 1958 Jerrye Ann Brady St. Martin Mary Simoneaux Francis 1959 Lynne Becker Wheeler Aline Bull Wetta Catherine Cabibi 1960 Lynn Franz Ott In honor of SSA’s 104th year 1961 Michelle St Raymond 1962 Janet Bienert Higgins, M. D. Clay Latimer and Joan Prieto Doolittle 1963 Dianne Dessens de Leaumont In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dessens Kathryn Diamond Lynch 1964 Janet Somerlott In honor of SSA’s 104th year 1965 Johnette Garnett Champagne In honor of SSA’s 104th year Rosemary Hughston Osterling 1968 Pam Fielding Voelkel June Norman In memory of Marion Peters ‘68 1969 Patricia Decker Scogin 1970 Christine O’ Brien Lozes In memory of Denise Villere Centola ‘67 and Ann O’Brien Preble ‘69 1971 Saundra Alessi Margaret Alford Loomis Carolyn Rapier 1972 Lynette Foster Westmoreland In memory of Sylvia Loyd Foster ’48 Renee Leveque Alterman In memory of Ann O’Brien Preble ‘69 Elizabeth O' Brien Pam St Amand Meier 1974 Vicki Crochet Kathleen Davenport Gaudin Kathlene Richardson Carr 1975 Maureen Buchholz Judice Stacy Crochet Judith Ferry, M.D. In honor of Sister Jeanne d’Arc Kernion Elizabeth Jackson Ford Jan Rathe Tilly 1976 Marian Daly Severson Mary Pechon Robin Kathy Schoultz Balsamico Julie Sirera Desiree Taylor Billeaud Charleen Walsh Galloway 1977 Elizabeth Battalora Eileen Buchholz Huval Jill Vasterling Ogden 1978 Jane Daly Kuebel In honor of SSA’s 104th year 1979 Leslie Blitch Welliver Donna Perrone Blossman Cynthia Fulton Duke Beth Lott Coffey In honor of SSA’s 104th year Kathi Ross Zenor Mary Ann Schmidt Owens Meg Williams 1980 Suzanne Cambre Dwyer In honor of SSA’s 104th Year Lyndell Maniscalco Wilson Ann Zehender Dussom In memory of Mrs. Frank Zehender 1981 Kim Dent Karrick Mari Feurtado Robinson Dawn Viosca Skinner 1982 Jennifer Keller Walkenford Quinn Pearson Kristie Shopf Helfand In honor of Marguerite Celestin Christine Wilczynski Vogel 1983 Susan Dawson Livaudais Danielle Dufour Daigle Peggy Gement Benit Tara Ingram Hunter In honor of SSA’s 104th year Mary Kyte Duet Melinda Myers Breaux 1985 Jennifer Ballard Gitz Leah Graves Caballero Kelly Healy Carden Lorraine Yeomans Faust 1986 Suzan Hogan Raycroft In honor of SSA’s 104th year 1987 Karen Bailey Biever In honor of SSA’s 104th year Kelley Ballas Armstrong In honor of SSA’s 104th year Michelle Biermann Treschwig Pam Bitterwolf Brechtel Trina Cowart Guzan In memory of Lilly Catherine Guzan and in honor of SSA’s 104th year Stephanie Daigle Gaitan In memory of Susanne Theresa Daigle Shannon Fresh Aparicio Michelle Marcotte Stalter In honor of SSA’s 104th year D 1988 Deborah Jackson Thomas Melinda Koon Monique O’Brien Weiner In memory of Sylvia Perkins Angie Rose Smith Jean Erinn Wilczynski Neyrey 1989 Andrea Comenge Durey Julianna Goodyear Walker Katherine McCloskey To Marguerite S. Celestin Endowed Scholarship 1990 Deborah Philips Close In memory of Agnes, Dudley and Stephen Philips 1991 Christina Buonagura Givens Camille Cazayoux Jenman Jill Grieshaber Graff Kim Morris Witherspoon Michelle Taucer 1992 Beth Schroeder Fields Jennifer Volz Adams In honor of SSA’s 104th year 1994 Jennifer Poissot Taylor Rebecca Vasquez Harrison 1996 Kelly Crimmins Talbot 1997 Amie Boudreaux Post Courtney Pablovich Dodson 2000 Lydia Schaefer 2001 Kimberly Dottolo In memory of Scott Alan Dottolo Rebecca Johnson 2002 Elizabeth Fischer In memory of Ruby Messmer 2003 Adrienne Alterman In memory of Ann O’Brien Preble ‘69 2004 Ashley Byrne Elizabeth Caire Jessica Cardinale Betsy Champagne Jordan Doty Danielle Mollere Katie Sciortino Emily Swift Caroline Voelkel 2005 Elizabeth Braud Katherine Champagne Jolie Drouant Christie Drury In memory of Robert A. Nunmaker Megan Huval Katelyn O’ Neil Ana Maria Pechon Jennifer Seiler 2006 Jessica Bladholm Katie Burckel Joie Campeaux Kathleen Finger Molly Glasgow Lauren Gutterman In honor of SSA’s 104th year and in memory of Cynthia Ann Maone Holly Harris Lisa Kazunas Brannon Scorsone Megan Suffern O V E W I N G S 63 SSA Mother-Daughter Tea Passage to India T he St. Scholastica Academy’s MotherDaughter Mass and Passage to India Tea Party was held on Sunday, March 11. Father Matthew Clark, O.S.B. celebrated the Mass at St. Peter’s Church in Covington for SSA’s mothers and daughters. Before Mass, each senior read a personal speech prepared as a tribute to her mother. Everyone entering the tea received a scroll with a poem titled “A Journey of Growth” written by Ariyal Fabre, sister of freshman Ariane Fabre. The SSA gym was transformed into an Indian oasis. The Passage to India theme for the Tea Party was complimented with elaborate colored material, brightly colored flowered centerpieces, and timelines and artwork of Elizabeth Schneider, Kathryn Schneider, Casey Seiler, Karen Seiler, Diane Couret, Katherine India adorned the walls. Beaded bags, colored Couret, Lauren Baiamonte, Becky Baiamonte, Janice LaRocca, Sarah LaRocca sand, bangles, and animal statues were visible throughout the décor. There was also a special painting of food and beverages. the Taj Mahal showcased in the front entrance by Denise The chairs of the event were Ginny Kamath and Dorothy Dunham, aunt of senior Addie Boyd. Schouest. Committee chairs included decorations: Pam Mothers and daughters wore brightly colored outfits and Boyd, Shaheen Rahman and Cheryl Murphy. Food: Ginny visited with friends while enjoying finger sandwiches, Kamath. Nametags: Susan Loveland. Programs: Heather spiced nuts, artichoke cheese puffs, chicken salad in phyllo Klechak and Dorothy Schouest. Scrolls: Alicia Nolan and shells and tea. Tea desserts included ginger scones, fruit Sharon Fabre. Senior showcase: Cindy Fekete, Pam Boyd, tarts, mini lemon curd tarts, and chocolate éclairs. Delicious and Anne Marie Fargason. Flowers: Lisa Bopp. Music: strawberries and other fruits were dipped into a chocolate Ginny Kamath. And volunteer: Kim Viola. fountain as a special treat. SSA senior dads helped serve the SSA StudentsATTEND NYLC CONFERENCE St. Scholastica Academy students Maggie Murphy, Colette Pellissier, and Elizabeth Guarisco attended the National Young Leaders Conference this summer in Washington, D.C. The conference is an opportunity for juniors and seniors in high school to see history in the making. This is a six day trip where 350 students from all around the country came SSA students returning from together and the NYLC participated in a Conference in Washington, variety of D.C.. simulation to Colette Pellissier, help them learn Maggie Murphy, and more about how Elizabeth A m erican Guarisco 64 D O V E W I N G S government works. These include a simulation of the Executive Branch (If I Were President), the Judicial Branch and a Model Congress. In addition, students visited the floor of the House of Representatives and met with their Senators and/or Representatives. They got an opportunity to visit the Smithsonian, and many other famous sites in the city. On the last day of the conference Murphy, Pellissier, and Guarisco were nominated to participate in the GYLC (Global Young Leaders Conference) which will take place in the United States and Europe in 2008. This conference draws high-achievers from over 100 countries and emphasizes international leadership, cultural diversity, and foreign affairs as scholars explore the realities of our everglobalizing world. SSACollege Tour The 2007-08 juniors and seniors of St. Scholastica Academy recently enjoyed a whirlwind tour of colleges throughout the southeastern United States. The students visited a total of eight universities varying in size and atmosphere during their five-day bus tour. The diverse campuses that they visited included: the University of Southern Mississippi, the University of Alabama, the University of Georgia, Brevard College, Appalachian State University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and the University of the South (Sewanee). Pictured are students who participated in this summer’s college tour. SSA College Tour on the campus of University of Alabama Front Row (L to R): Andrew Tucker (University of Alabama Guide), Taylor Hutti, Mallory Morse, Jessica Ramirez, Abby Delahoussaye, Calyn Wilks, Bridget Hepburn, Amanda Daigle, Amanda Beau, Monica Luke, and Pete Silliman (University of Alabama Guide). Second Row: Kayla Bosarge, Sarah Williamson, Michelle Senner, Michele Seippel, Tori Ruiz, Katie Daigle. Third Row: Maury Williams, Meghan Price, Chelsea Main, Caroline Crawford, Molly Cox. Fourth Row: Brooke Boyd, Chelsea Champagne, Alyssa Durr, Meredith Nolan, Bobbie Delahoussaye, Kendi Murungi, Alexandra Arceneaux, Laure’ Candies, Courtney Lizana. Fifth Row: Grace McKnight, Amberleigh Carter, Erin Culver, Care Bach, Cassidy Crabtree. Sixth Row: Amanda Gottfried, Kristin Parr. SSARoyalettes The SSA Royalettes recently attended Universal Dance Associations Elite Camp at Southeastern June 12th - 15th. The team received a Superior Trophy for their home routine and 1st place in the Junior Varsity category. The Royalettes also received the highest ranking Superior for the evaluation of their B and C routines learned at camp. The last night the girls performed a team routine in which they received a superior rating and the UDA full out award which qualifies them for National Competition in Orlando, Florida. St. Thomas More High School also awarded them the Rock Star Award for the day and Laurell M. Szczepanski, Royalette Director, received the UDA Coaches Leadership Award which is voted on by all the directors attending the camp. Pictured Front Row Layne Neitzschman, Anna-Kate France, Caroline Acquistapace(Lieutenant), Amy Fairbank(Captain), Emily Lambert(Captain), Taylor Hebert, Blair Boyd Middle Row Anna Hoz, Erin Caruso, Emily Estopinal, Delaney Olister, Kayli Beth La Garde, Madeline Varnado, Olivia Gallego, Monica Bravo Back Row Cristen Quick, Camille Cooley, Kathryn Nastasi, Megan Richardson, Courtney Farnet, Paige Lindemann, Caroline Leighton, Megan Zimmerman, Sadie Nielsen. D O V E W I N G S 65 Play Cast ‘07 Thoroughly Modern Millie THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE Cast (in order of appearance) Allyse Gillen(Millie Dillmount), Adam Hostler(Jimmy Smith), Priscilla Girls: Olivia Simoneaux (Ruth), Ashley Giambelluca (Alice), Meagan Robert (Gloria), Katherine Couret (Lucille), Megan Bickham (Rita), Charlotte Voelkel (Cora), Marybelle Bates (Mary B), Alexis Bruning (Alex, )Kirsten Lapuyade (Kirstie), Diamond Moses (Di), Courtney Calato (CC), Casey Seiler (Mathilde). Ellen Fargason(Ethel Peas), Ashley Osbourn (Mrs. Meers), Laura Ballard (Mrs. Dorothy Brown), Brennan Lowery (Ching Ho), Charles Early (Bun Foo), Marianne Cardwell (Ms. Flannery), Gabrielle Sicard/Mignon Sicard (Muzzy’s Assistants), (Mr. Trevor Graydon)Stewart Shields. Speed Tappists:Amber Ardoin, Gary Gillen, Kelly Bruce, Alexis Bruning, Kortney Cleveland, Katherine Couret, Ashley Giambelluca, Stephanie Hummel, Emily Lambert, Kirsten Lapuyade, Grace McConnell, Diamond Moses, Dominique Turner, Theresa Schiro, Olivia Simoneaux, Erin Weller, Charlotte Voelkel. Kelly Bruce (Pearl Lady), D.J. Phillips (Policeman), Sarah Early (Muzzy Van Hossmere), Gary Gillen (George Gershwin ), Kathryn Schneider (Dorothy Parker), Dominique Turner (Rodney), Gary Gillen/D.J. Phillips (Muzzy’s Boys), Patrice Cedor, SSA Faculty (Daphne) Bill Gallop, SSA Faculty(Dexter), Courtney Calato(New Modern), Casey Seiler(Mama). SSA Girls Participates in State St. Scholastica Academy students (L to R) Molly Cox and Lauren Fereday attended Girls State at Louisiana State University in July. Girls State is an educational program of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each student becomes a part of the operation of her local, county, and state government. SSASummer Hosts Camp St. Scholastica Academy hosted a variety of summer camps in the month of June. The camps offered at SSA this summer were Volleyball, Royalettes Dance Camp, Movie Making, Science Camp, Scrapbooking, Basic Drawing, Dove Craft Camp and Color Exploration. The camps were open to grades 2-12. Students were also on hand as counselor assistants to help with the campers. SSA also offered a computer course for parents. For more than 50 years, the American Legion has provided Citizenship education for America’s female high school juniors. Approximately 20,000 participate annually. Cox and Fereday were selected by the local American Legion Posts to attend the program. Volleyball Camp: Back Row L to R Rose Tusa, Mary Grace Gitz, Audrey Gitz, Nicole Huguley, Griffin Murphy, Krislyn Lafitteau, Haley Steibing, Marissa Martinez. Middle Row L to R Lindsey Chaix, Morgan, Kayla, Chantel Menard Front Row L to R Ava Zimmerman, Chandler Burkenstock, Kaitlyn Perez. 66 D O V E W I N G S What will be your legacy? Will you do more because you love more? Think about your needs, those of your loved ones, and your commitment to the many young women who will pray, work, study, and give back to their community while attending St. Scholastica Academy. Thoughtfully planned, any of the following gifts may bring important personal benefits while providing a future gift to SSA: A bequest, in your will or living trust, is a flexible and easy way to establish a lasting legacy. Simply state in your will directly or in a codicil to your will. A gift of retirement assets may allow you to give more than you thought possible, while reducing taxes that may otherwise dramatically reduce them. A life income gift, such as a charitable remainder trust or gift annuity, can give you and/or a loved one fixed payments for life, increased income, and reduced taxes. Charitable Gift Annuity – an agreement which enables you to make a gift now, secure an annual income for life and receive a tax deduction. Income is based on the length of the annuity and the size of the gift. Charitable Remainder Trust – provides income for yourself or loved ones while making a gift to SSA. You can establish the trust during your lifetime, receive a tax deduction, and the remaining goes to SSA at the end of the term of the trust. Gifts of life insurance policies provide wonderful benefits. Many people own insurance policies that are no longer needed for their original purposes. In general, you will be entitled to an income tax deduction for the cash surrender value, and can also deduct the amount of future premiums paid on an annual basis. A thorough review of your assets, income needs, and charitable interests will identify the most beneficial way for you to make a gift to SSA. Taking the time to plan your estate, review your financial circumstances, and plan a future gift for St. Scholastica Academy allows you to plan for your future while helping to build one for others. We encourage you to take the initiative to plan for your future and to consider the planned giving options available to benefit St. Scholastica Academy. We also hope you will allow us to recognize your generosity through the Scholastica Legacy Society Why Give to St. Scholastica Academy through the Scholastica Legacy Society? Show your confidence in St. Scholastica Academy as an educational institution worthy of your support. Provide income for you and your family through a life income gift. Improve your financial situation by increasing your income and reducing taxes. Provide a gift to the School that otherwise would not be possible. Enables a student to enroll at SSA who may otherwise be unable to attend for financial reasons. Honor or remember a loved one or teacher. SSA Benedictine Players Presents St. Joseph Abbey Benet Hall 75376 River Road Covington, LA g n i K e Th nd I a For more information call or email 985-892-2540 ext. 132 April 10, 11,12, 2008 • 7:00 p.m. Sunday April 13, 2008 • 1:00 p.m. matinee D O V E W I N G S 67 Calendar 2 0 0 8 November 4, 2007 OPEN HOUSE January 16-18, 2008 S E N I O R R E T R E AT November 29, 2007 F AT H E R / D A U G H T E R January 26, 2008 A L U M N A E M A R D I G R A S PA R T Y November 30, 2007 CHRISTMAS DANCE February 13, 2008 F E A S T D AY 8TH GRADE INDUCTION December 1, 2007 A L U M N A E A S S O C I AT I O N B R E A K F A S T W I T H S A N TA February 15, 2008 C A R E E R D AY December 12, 2007 CHRISTMAS CONCERT February 16, 2008 SWEETHEART DANCE December 13, 2007 FA L L S P O R T S R E C O G N I T I O N March 8, 2008 F A L AYA F L I N G December 17, 2007 A D O P T - A - F A M I LY A S S E M B LY March 15, 2008 EASTER EGG HUNT December 19-20, 2007 END TERM EXAMS 11 : 3 0 A M D I S M I S S A L March 17, 2008 DOVE EXPERIENCE January 8, 2008 COLLEGE FORUM & MINI-SCHEDULE January 12, 2008 A P P L I C AT I O N D AY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID COVINGTON, LA 70434 PERMIT NO. 34 - April 10-13, 2008 SPRING MUSICAL April 18, 2008 JR/SR PROM April 19, 2008 ALUMNAE LUNCHEON May 1, 2008 SPRING CONCERT May 5, 2008 DOVE CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT May 16, 2008 CLASS NIGHT May 17, 2008 S E N I O R G R A D U AT D I OON V E ST. SCHOLASTICA ACADEMY P.O. BOX 1210 COVINGTON, LA 70434-1210 2 0 0 7
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