Newsletter - October 2012 - Verdala International School


Newsletter - October 2012 - Verdala International School
Fort Pembroke, Pembroke, PBK 1641, Malta +365 21375133
October 2012 Newsletter
Welcome to the Verdala International School Newsletter! If you would like to contribute to future
issues, or have any comments or suggestions, please email either Jill Kirkstadt at or
Jess Droscher at Do you have some exciting family news? Do you know of a
past (or present!) student or staff member who has had an achievement that should be recognised?
Do you have an interesting hobby that you would like to introduce to the Verdala community?
Please email us with any news from inside or outside Verdala, so we can share it with our readers.
Many thanks from the JQ Newsletter team (Jill Kirkstadt, Jess Droscher, Jesmond Navarro, and Joseph
Inside this issue:
Elementary News
Middle School News
High School News
IB News
All-School News
Booster Club News
This month’s highlighted event:
Spirit Week!
Page 2
Elementary News
Pre-Kindergarten News
The class of Pre-K 1 have settled down nicely and they are all
enjoying their first experience of coming to a big school! There are
so many wonderful things for them to play with, it's just hard to
decide "What Next?!"
Page 3
Elementary Playground Update
Many thanks go out to the parents who helped re-paint the
lines in the Elementary Playground, ensuring a bright
welcome to the students on their return to school after the
summer holidays.
Grade 3 – Junior Achievement Young Enterprise
Our two Grade 3 classes have been working with Junior
Achievement Young Enterprise to coincide with their IPC unit of Our
Community. They have had great fun with Ms. Juanita, learning
about what makes a community, how to build a community,
government, and taxes. Ask any Grade 3 student about the fun,
interesting activities that they have been taking part in.
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Middle School News
MS Student Council
Recently the Middle School Students elected the members of the student Council body for this
academic year.
A lot of work was put in preparing for this election with a lot of campaigning. Posters were put all
along the hallway and speeches were delivered during an assembly.
The elected members are Sean Mahon, Ita Nudelman, Michelle Ellul, Heidi Cao and Anagat Sharma.
Clearly, these committed individuals will be representing their fellow students while striving to make
Middle School a better place for education. Congratulations to all contestants.
One Goal For Peace
International Peace Day is now a regular event in the
Middle School calendar. For the past six years students
have been exposed to the idea behind this day
celebrated all over the world on the 21st of September.
As members of Peace One Day Organisation, the school
joined in celebrating this day through music and sports.
Spread over two days, Hannah Brown, Holly White and
Heather Smith entertained the students with peace-related
music during break and lunch. The students also played a
football match in line with this year's slogan ' One Goal For
The school's mission statement states that VIS aims to
develop ethical contributors to our world. This event should
also be seen in this light. It is interesting how students
coming from such diverse backgrounds can still coexist
harmoniously amid all the challenges we constantly hear
about in the media.
Mr Noel Buttigieg
MS Principal
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High School News
High School Guatemala Project
It is a tradition here in High School that each Homeroom organizes fundraising activities to support
charities of their choice. Last year the Homeroom teachers together with Ms Brincat decided to do
something slightly different, and focus on helping one common charity. After a lot of deliberation it
was decided to help raise funds for a school in Guatemala. We wanted to choose a charity where
we have a trustworthy contact person to ensure that all the money we collect will reach the charity
we would like to help. During the summer of 2011 Ms Brincat visited Guatemala and met Fr Anton
Grech, a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala. He started a school called “Collegio Mader Teresa”,
named after Mother Theresa. “The idea and objective was to offer a different system of education to
the poorest of the poor, who generally start working at a very tender age. The concept was to
introduce Christian values marked by good opportunities in sports and science. It was not an easy
task, in fact first year (2001) we had just 30 kids in 3 classrooms. But the idea developed quickly and
the number reached over 300 in the following years. “
The students raised €1100 last year for the school, and during our first High School assembly we
presented Fr Grech with a cheque. The money will go towards purchasing sports equipment and
improving classroom facilities.
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Our High School Fundraising initiative for 2012-21013 will be for the Voluntary Organization: Emerging
Voices. We hope to raise some funds for the Institute for Blind Children. These are the items we will be
fundraising for:
1. a new computer (with screen, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc.)
2. a computer program for recording and music making: Adobe AUDITION (Spanish version)
3. Braille machines
Carolyne Cassar-George
Simone Brincat
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College Counsellor’s Corner
Students in High School tap into a rich field of choices. There is such an array of study programmes,
universities and locations that choices may overwhelm students. The process itself proves to be rather
complex, however with the right planning, taking a sequence of steps that must begin well in
advance of our youngster’s anticipated start of university, I am very confident that our students do
make the best possible choices. My experience of guiding our High School students through the
journey of preparing for university study is an exciting one. Their motivation and sheer determination
to succeed is highly commendable!
By now Grade 12 students have researched as many study programmes as possible to find the ones
that suit them. Whilst some are still narrowing their search down, yet others have sent in their university
application, and are waiting for conditional offers, particularly from UK universities. Application
deadlines, both in the UK as well as the USA ones, are fast approaching. Reference letters are at
present thoughtfully being drafted to highlight the best qualities, skills and attributes in each of our
students, while students are working on their personal statements.
Universities use admission tests to assist them in choosing between applicants in a way that is fair,
consistent and predictive of their future academic success. Some of our senior students have already
taken the BMAT and UKCAT to apply to Medicine and Biomedical courses in the UK. Others are taking
the PSAT and SAT tests in preparation for an American university programme. Since few universities still
conduct interviews as part of their selection process, students may choose to schedule appointments
for pre-interview counselling sessions and mock interviews.
I am currently working closely with Grade 11 students to set up an individualised action plan, going
through credits earned so far (which go towards the American High School Diploma), planning their
CAS activities, and discussing career prospects of various tertiary level study programmes. Few
students have had to make changes in their IB subject choice as an outcome of such one-to-one
sessions where university entry requirements were matched against one’s IB subjects.
Career planning, which is an ongoing process allowing students to rethink and reevaluate themselves
whilst explore career options, is given attention during the high school years. Our programme for
Grade 9 and 10 students differs from the individual career coaching, given to our Grade 11 and 12
Activities that were organized in the past, included:
1. College Counsellor’s presentation “Enhancing your CV”: Grade 10.
2. IGCSE Coordinator/ College Counsellor’s presentation “The value of Academic Certification” –
IGCSE and IB as University entry criteria: Grade 10.
3. IB Coordinator/ College Counsellor’s IB/ Career Orientation meeting with students and
parents: Grades 10 and 11.
4. “A day in the life of a professional” series of presentations by volunteer parents who shared
their personal work experience, skills and academic qualifications required, and job prospects
for the changing world of work: Grade 11 and 12.
5. College Counsellor’s interactive presentation on “Health and Wellbeing at the Workplace” the concept of future workers choosing work places, which support emotional, social and
psychological wellbeing, was discussed: Grade 9 Health Week.
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In addition to these activities, new ones are planned for the year 2012-2013, including:
1. College Counsellor’s presentation on “Stages of Career Planning” – with particular reference to
looking at one’s future career as a series of jobs rather than a single occupation: Grade 10.
2. Plans for making a career assessment tool available to our students are underway. Such
assessment instruments, designed to support one’s thinking in the areas of career exploration, help
students better understand their interests, skills, personality style and values. This, together with
personal career coaching, and discussions with people in various occupations, as well as student
internships, are conducive to supporting career choices.
For more information, you may contact me via my e-mail address at
Ms Rose-Ann Trapani
College Counsellor
CAS Coordinator & SAT Administrator
Page 9
IB News
May 2012 IB Examination Session
IB Results for May 2012 were presented to the board at their September meeting. There had been 122
subject entries. The results showed a distribution curve weighted towards the grades of 4 – 6 (see
below). While results were less than spectacular at the top end of the scale, the percentage of
diploma passes was still very good. One of our objectives is to maintain an 80% diploma pass rate,
and we easily achieved that.
Grade Earned
Of the 18 candidates registered for the full diploma, 15 passed the diploma, about 83%. The highest
mark scored (out of a possible 45) was 38. Average total of points obtained by candidates who
earned the diploma was 31.
Congratulations to all those candidates who sat the examinations. Many of those who did not aim for
the diploma still produced very good results. Our special congratulations go to the following who
earned the full diploma / bilingual diploma.
Zaira Abdulleava
Katja Warrington
Alexandros Katsidonis
Astrid Gustafson
Matilda Sjobergl
Rebecca Pisani
Knarik Arutyunyan
Bolton White
Omar Liverani
Francesca Imm
Lize-Mari Van der Linden
Jessica Schulz
Alessandra Baldacchino
Zhan Ziyang
Annemique Moazed
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Parents of Grade 12 students:
During the month of October IB candidates will be registering for the examinations in May 2013. Your
child will be given a form to fill in, and a schedule of examination fees, which should be settled by the
27th of October. Note that once a student is registered there can be no refund of fees.
Here are deadlines for 12th Grade students over the next three months.
(Candidates that are behind on deadlines cannot be registered until they are up to date. Please not
that this can involve an extra expense as it will be considered a late enrolment after the 15th of
MSP = Maths Studies Project, BMP = Business & Management Project, MPF= Mathematics Portfolio
Question, EE = Extended Essay, TOK = Theory of Knowledge
A1 ST topic summary, quotations,
MSP data analysis (Sept-Oct)
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) first presentations
BMP: Hand in work for review
EE Revised draft
BMP: Feedback and meetings
MSP: Oct-17-24 Individual appointments to discuss first draft of project
First French Orals
Start 1st HL/SL Mathematics Portfolio question (MPF)
EE Final copy (early Nov)
A1 ST first draft (early Nov)
MSP: Deadline for first draft (Meet with supervisor to discuss)
English B orals
A1 ST final draft (Mid-November)
TOK presentations
MPF question due
Our new 11th Grade students are adjusting to their busy schedules, which, by now, should be finalised.
They recently had a meeting to discuss CAS options and possibilities, college planning procedures
and have been issued with the first draft of IB internal deadlines (dates by which certain assignments
and tasks must be completed).
Lawrence Simpson
IB Coordinator
Page 11
All-School News
The Accreditation process is well underway now. The
planning team has met, the surveys are being analyzed and
a very important part of the process will be completed by
the end of November. This process is allowing the ‘Standards
Teams’- made up of teachers, students, parents and board
representatives – to look at every aspect of the school and
identify what is working and what can be improved. While
this process is a great opportunity to reflect on what we can
do to make our school better, it is also important to
celebrate the great things we do!
The Planning Team and MSA
representative Jacqueline Gilbert
I would like to share with the Verdala Community some positive comments that came out of the
My teachers exceed my expectations. They make learning fun for me. I enjoy coming to
school because of them. (Student)
The School is great in creating close knit relationships. (Parent)
It focuses on the holistic development of the students and not solely focused on academic
achievements. (Parent)
The community feel at Verdala is amazing and very welcoming and the teachers are truly
outstanding. (Parent)
Academically I have found Verdala to be extremely satisfactory, and it surpasses my
expectations in this regard.(Student)
Social events and opportunities by far exceed any reasonable expectation. (Parent)
The school provides both opportunity and location for strong bonds to be formed within the
school community and many of the relationships formed by parents and families continue
outside of the school.(Parent)
The majority of the faculty is not only dedicated, but also very qualified and enthusiastic which
results in a good atmosphere at school.(Parent)
There is total commitment from all. (Teacher)
The aim of sharing these comments is definitely not to forget that there are quite a number of things
that need improvement. However as a coordinator I can assure you all of one thing: the majority of
us in the VIS community want things to improve, and we are committed to giving the necessary time
and energy to make this a successful Accreditation process. At the end of it all, our common goal is
to create a better school - a school that is led by the school mission statement…
Developing knowledgeable, inquisitive and ethical contributors to our world.
If you believe that you can contribute in any way …. Please do come forward … now is your chance
to make a difference!
Daphne Said
Page 12
US Embassy Presentation
On Friday 28th September, David Brown, a representative from the US Embassy in Malta came to
speak to the High School students about Voter Rights and Responsibilities. This is a Presidential
Election year in the United States, and we have a number of US students and teachers who are
eligible to vote. Mr Brown spoke specifically about the history of voting and current voting
procedures in the US, but he also broadened the talk to encompass the wider issue of voting
responsibilities in any democratic society. Our students will someday live and work in many parts of
the world, and their opinions and votes can make a difference. And as our mission statement
says…we are ‘developing knowledgeable, inquisitive and ethical contributors to our world.’
Young Enterprise
Middle School
On Thursday and Friday, the 27th and 28th of September, the Grade 8 students took part in the
Workshop: Enterprise in Action. This program consisted of six sessions where they were instructed in the
basics of what it takes to run a business. Ms Lorna, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Tonio lead the sessions, and
the sessions covered marketing, costing/pricing, and advertising/promotion. All students had the
opportunity to lead their respective groups during one of the breakout sessions. The final
presentations are scheduled for October 8th during lunch and 6th period. This program was
sponsored by a EU grant to promote Entrepreneurship through Education Scheme. Another program
sponsored by the same scheme was carried out in the Elementary section.
High School
The popular Young Enterprise Program has also kicked-off in High School. This means that this year we
have an Entrepreneurship drive in all three sections of the school. Last year’s program was a short
program (up to December) and our two teams could only get as far as presenting a business plan
and a prototype. In July, there were no Young Enterprise Finals as we had in previous years. This
year’s program is quite different and flexible. It includes 3 modules and the students can decide
whether to proceed from one module to the next. For two consecutive years, it seems like we will be
having two teams of Grade 11 students representing our school. The first activity on October 20th is an
Page 13
event that gives the teams what they need to get ready for the first phase – the business plan. The
students are already meeting in their free time to get to know each other better, to decide on their
main product, to decide on their company name, to decide on their key roles and to decide on
various other exciting decisions. We cannot wait to see what products or services they have for
us…are you ready to invest in their potential?? Good luck to all the Grade 11’s who are up for the
For more information visit:
Scott Hofstetter, MS and HS YE Link Teacher
Elaine Gili, HS IB Business Teacher
After School Activities
Age Group
Gr 3,4 &5
Football pitch
K, 1 & 2
Football pitch
Football pitch
Football pitch
Softball & Baseball
9 to 16 year olds
Football pitch
Guitar Group
Guitar Group
Last year’s group
Room 3 Elem
Verdala Choir
Middle & High
Music Room
4-6 years
7-11 years
Staff Fitness
Volley ball
Parents, Staff, Middle & High
German Lessons
Room 2 Elem
Literature Classes
Grade 10
MS Room 34
Homework Club
Grade 5
Room 11 Elem
IB & IGCSE students
HS Room 11
Page 14
Math Help
IB & IGCSE students
Middle & High
MS Room 33
Kids Art
Room 3 Elem
All school
HS Room 11
8-12 year olds
Drama room
Grade 11, 12, teachers &
8-12 year olds
Drama room
Drama room
Grade 11, 12, teachers &
Drama room
* SSA – still spaces available
* CF – class full
There are still spaces available in some of the activities.
Please contact Lydia Portelli ( with any comments or queries.
Summer Upgrades
Below is a summary of all of the upgrade and maintenance work that took place over the summer
holidays 2012.
Elementary Library: New wiring for all computers, the 18 “dumb” terminals were replaced by Prestigio
computers and monitors, a printer and a projector, an additional new computer..
Elementary Classrooms: 8 new computers
Elementary Office: Old computer replaced
Middle School Computer Lab: New network structure with 23 network points, together with new
network switch and network trunking.
Middle School Staff Room computer changed.
Middle School Classrooms: 7 new projectors .
High School Classrooms: 7 new computers
High School Bio Lab: 4 new monitors
High School Staff Room: New computer
High School Classrooms: 3 new projectors
Upgrades to software and hardware for school servers.
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Library and Textbooks
New textbooks were purchased for:
English Language: Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
English Literature: Grades 10, 11
Spanish: Grade 9
French: Grade 10
Italian: Grade 9
Drama: Grades 6, 7, 8 (used in class but not signed out to individual users)
Geography: Grade 9
Computer studies: Grade 11
Mathematics: Grades 7 (not arrived yet), 11 (IB HL, SL and Studies)
Maintenance Works
High school:
Scraping & Plastering of girls’ toilets & shower
Scraping / Plastering & re-painting of gym walls / gym store /behind the gym
Scraping & Plastering of Biology & Physics labs
Removal of planter near gym for installation of canopy
Clearing of art material from artroom
Transfer of stationary items from Booster room to main office
New A/C in front office
Repairs on roof of Counsellor office
New Main switches in Staffroom, Office, Library, IB co-ordinator office & classroom
New netting where required
Changing of burnt / broken socket outlets
Sorting out of classrooms after departure of E.F
Middle school:
Painting of lower corridor
Plastering where neccessary in classrooms
Sorting out of classrooms after departure of E.F
Cleaning of lower corridor glasspanes ( where there are the bannisters )
Clearing of garbage and unwanted teachers’ materials
Repair of damages to toilets caused by E.F in most classrooms
MS I.T Lab:
Total dismantle of all electrical system
Removal of metal pipes and metal bars
Scraping & plastering of whole lab (including the ceiling)
Painting of walls / ceiling & beams
New electrical installation ( including new wall fans instead of ceiling fan )
New installment of projector
New assemble of computer desks
Page 16
Hooks on classroom doors to prevent slamming
Repaired lights in principal’s office
Removal of false ceilings in all top floor classrooms ( including toilets & kitchenettes ) + Repairs
required to the ceilings & painting of ceilings
New lights where false ceilings were removed
Repair of electrical lighting in grade 5 classroom
Scraping & painting of ESL classroom / toilet / small corridor
Removal of old cables / broken ceiling fan / cooker unit from ESL room and installed new light
Shifting of room 2 desks with room 10 desks
Repairs of curtain rails in Pre-k 1 & 2
Repairs on kitchen cupboards and gates in all classrooms
Cleaning & painting of red landings in top floor corridors
New netting on drainpipes in upper level corridors
Clearing of garbage and teachers’ unwanted materials
Special Thanks to the Boosters for:
Gazebo in HS
Table Tennis table
Wooden benches
And in the Science Labs:
New computer equipment (monitors, keyboards, mice)
Physics Equipment
Electronic balance and hazardous storage cabinet
Booster club news
On the 14th of September the back to school BBQ was organised by the booster club.
Even though a storm was expected, we
were really lucky and the event went on
without even a drop of rain.
This year there was a fabulous array of
entertainment, which was enjoyed by all
and expertly managed by Sam Brown. The evening was
rounded off by a disco of international songs, celebrating
the unique nature of our very special school. This was the
first time the new sound system and cordless microphones
were used. These were fully paid for by booster funds and
the new improved sound quality could really be
appreciated by all the listeners and the entertainers.
Page 17
Fiona Ambery made a short introduction directed at all new parents about the Booster club. We
would like to welcome any new members to our regular meetings. Some of you may have been
involved at previous schools, we would welcome any input as we thrive on fresh ideas.
Four high school students came and helped to set up for
the BBQ for which they received CAS hours (IB
Community-Action-Service hours).
Hopefully in the
future this opportunity will be taken up by more
students, as their help it is extremely welcomed at every
booster event.
The next booster event will be held on Friday 19th
October at 6.30pm. This is the Halloween party which is
always great fun with a large variety of traditional
games and fancy dress. Anyone who wishes to help
please email:
Rosie Hollingsworth
Page 18
Page 19
Announcements, School News and Congratulations
Wednesday, October 17
Pajama/Pyjama Day
* ‘Jammies’, slippers, bathrobes, teddy bears…
Thursday, October 18
“Class Theme” Day
*As a group, each class can choose what they want to dress up as!
Cowboys/Cowgirls? Sea Creatures? Fashion Disasters? Roman Gods and
Godesses? Disney Characters? Superheros?
*This will be a competition – to see which class has the MOST school spirit???
Wednesday, October 19
Supernatural Day
*in honor of Halloween… Angel, Demon, Werewolf, Wizard, Witch…
It’s that time of year again!! “Spirit Week” is scheduled for the 3rd week of
October. We will be celebrating our unity as a school community and having a
little fun! Use your creativity and your wardrobe (or your parents’ wardrobe!) to
dress up according to the theme for each day of the week. It’s only three days
this year, so be sure to show your school spirit & make the most of every day!!
Page 20
Groovy Man! Can you dig it??!!!
The High School Play – 23 & 24 November
Snow White in the 70s – Panto Style!
Written by Wade Bradford, adapted by VIS IB Theater
Travel back in time with Snow White in this classic fable
now set in the strange and magical land of the discocrazed 1970s.
The theme for this year's High School Play is the 70s... if you have any 70s clothing, fabric, items,
accessories that you would like to donate/lend to us we would gladly accept!
Thanks! (Leave at Front office or the Drama Room (Middle/High School).
There was an announcement in the May ECIS Newsletter about a project called “Voices Around the
Voices Around the World is “an exciting new project aimed at young people all over the world to
learn and participate in a global recording of a song called Building Our Own Future. The song has
been written by UK singer/songwriter Howard Jones. Schools and youth choirs are being encouraged
to create their own recording of the song so that it can then be included in a mass world-wide
recording which will be released as a single in December. Vocals, choir parts and backing music is all
available free of charge and easily accessible to schools and groups on the Voices Around the
World website page at”
I sent the announcement to Sam Brown to see if it might be something that our wonderful Glee Choir
could participate in…and they did! AND…they were chosen to feature in the recording. I’ve posted
the recording on MySchool, but if anyone was unable to access it and would like to have a listen, just
send an email to
Participants: Pauline Verges, India Raniolo, Holly White, Hannah Brown, Francesca Camilleri, Alanna
Duprez, Neimat El Karib, Quinn Kirk, Heather Smith, Leelu Zitsman, Heidi Cao.
Page 21
Hannah and Arlo Brown (aka Heavenly Blue)
performed at Notte Bianca on September 29th
in St George’s Square!
School Year 2012 – 2013
1st day of school (All students) – Monday 3rd September 2012
Last school day before Christmas holidays – Wednesday 19th December 2012
First day back to school after Christmas holidays – Monday 07th January 2013
Last day before Easter holidays – Friday 22nd March 2013
First day back to school after Easter holidays – Wednesday 3rd April 2013
Last day of the scholastic year
–Elementary and Middle School - Wednesday 19th June 2013
- High School -Thursday 20th June 2013
There are 2 mid-terms :a) Monday 22nd October 2012 – Friday 26th October 2012
b) Monday 11th February 2013 – Tuesday 12th February 2013
Page 22
If any member of the
school community would
like a ‘small ad’ in the
newsletter please send
the details to the JQ
Newsletter Team at either or

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