March 2015 - St. Sophia Cathedral
March 2015 - St. Sophia Cathedral
March 2015 Page Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral HERALD MARCH 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dean’s Message 2 President’s Message 3 Philoptochos News 4 Stewardship 5 Announcements 11 Ministries List 12 Sacraments/Memorials 13 Philoptochos VIP 13 Philanthropia News 13 Community News 14 Feast Day Article 18 Orthodox Calendar 19 V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas Dean Rev. Fr. Allan Boyd Assistant Priest 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323-737-2424 Fax. 323-737-7029 March 8, Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas March 15, Sunday of the Holy Cross March 22, Sunday of Saint John Climacus March 25, Annunciation of the Theotokos The Ladder of Divine Ascent Icon, 12th Century A.D. Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai March 2015 Page 2 DEAN’S MESSAGE Fasting and Feasting Our culture does not know what to do with fasting and lent. We do a pretty good job with the feasting right before lent, mind you - more and more people even outside of New Orleans celebrate Mardi Grass with beads and floats, and more and more people devour sausages, pancakes and waffles at pre-lenten celebrations. Any excuse for a feast is welcome! But what to do with the subdued penitential meaning of lent. A few years ago I saw a restaurant sign that summed up our cultural uncertainty about this 40 day season on the Christian calendar: Lent Seafood Buffet: All You Can Eat! We as Orthodox Christians who come out of a highly developed theology of fasting are confused by the rules and guidelines of what we should or should not eat during the fast of Great Lent. Orthodox calendars and resource guides indicate all the days for fasting with symbols for appropriate foods permitted. It never fails. Every year in anticipation of lent the same people ask the same questions about food. "May I eat veggie burgers?" "Do I use cremora or cream in my coffee?" "I'm told I can eat olives but not olive oil." "I can eat shrimp, oysters and lobster, but not fish." What's the difference and why? I chuckle to myself when I hear parishioners wishing each other "kali dymani" as a way to really encourage each other in the sacrifices of lent and then down two bowls of lentils and half a loaf of french bread smothered with tarama and finished off by "nistisimo baklava or karidopita." There is no "dynami" required when all we have is food substitutions and not real fasting where the stomach is disciplined and subdued with less, so that our higher spiritual nature can be fed. True fasting is not substituting one food for another only. It is not just replacing pork chops with platefuls of spaghetti or teaching our children to gorge themselves on french fries and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Fasting is marked by bodily sacrifices, a taming of our passions for the purpose of purifying and sanctifying our souls. If fasting was marked just by food contents, then vegetarians and vegans especially, would have it made according to our rules. A person needs to experience God and God's love first. Fasting and other ascetic practices is the response that naturally follows. Fasting should not be a public "show of piety" but rather a personal experience that is filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us in the Gospel of Matthew, "Moreover when you fast, do not be like the Hypocrites, with a sad continence. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you they have their reward but you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your father who is in the secret place; and your Father will reward you openly." Matt. 6:18 It is not my intent to make this message a full commentary on the discipline of our Orthodox fasting, but rather to encourage the reader to seek a deeper meaning that transcends just the recognizable formulas. The paradox of Great Lent is that we also take on other particular spiritual disciplines in addition to fasting. Prayer and service are crucial in conforming ourselves more closely to the life and death of Christ, all the while recognizing that Christ has already come to us before we sought Him. This is the paradox of the baptized life. We have been joined to Christ once, but we spend the rest of our lives trying to live into that union. St. John Chrysostom says: "This is the rule of the most perfect Christianity ... CARING FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR. Indeed, even though you fast, or sleep on hard ground, or even suffer unto death, yet take no thought for your neighbor, you have done nothing great; despite what you have done, you will still stand far from this model of a perfect Christian." Several businessmen in our parish put St. John's words into practice by missing one meal a day during their fasting periods and giving the money they would have paid for the meals to the local centers feeding the hungry and homeless. Imagine what a regular 40 day fast and Holy Week fast of missing one meal a day can do for those who are hungry not by choice but by circumstance. If more and more of us would do this as well, imagine how much good we can do for ourselves and for the needy around us. So fasting and feasting can be harnessed as enhanced spiritual disciplines that once again transcend just what goes in and out of the stomach. Consider the following as well: Fast from criticism, and feast on praise. Fast from self-pity, and feast on joy. Fast from ill-temper, and feast on peace. Fast from resentment, and feast on contentment. Fast from jealousy, and feast on humility. Fast from selfishness, and feast on service. Fast from fear, and feast on faith. Fast from bitterness and feast on forgiveness. Fast from discontent and feast on gratitude. Delight in fasting and feasting for the right reasons. Have a truly spiritual Lent in Christ V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean March 2015 Page 3 PARISH COUNCIL MESSAGE The Mission of the Parish Council On our recent trip to Saint Nicholas Ranch and Monastery, Father John, Parish Council Members and I discussed the best practices for Parish Council Governance, being, making and growing disciples, entering a journey as Christ’s disciples and immersing ourselves in His teachings and in His Church as we become participants in His miraculous works. Through discussions, prayers, meditation using the Jesus Prayer and participation (individually and collectively), we became transformed in experiencing joy, even in difficult circumstances; our eyes were opened to an eternal perspective of things on earth; our hearts were healed from past wounds; we became freed from the things in life that enslave us; our families and other relationships became healed, stronger and more loving; and we were shown and given the tools to equip our children to deal with the difficulties of life. All in all, we experienced the blessing of living Heaven on Earth. Our lessons and practices are now a vital part of everything we do! Our Parish Council Members are utilizing the eight successful purposes: 1. Adhering to the teaching and mission of the Church 2. Advocating for the mission of the parish 3. Supporting the work of the priest 4. Always in the process of board development 5. Formulateing policy 6. Strategically plans 7. Oversees finances 8. Fundraises. As active and participating members in the Church, we accept responsibility for the maintenance of our own spiritual condition, Worship and sacramental life, personal prayer life, Relationship with God and others. Our Parish Council focuses on the mission of the Church and advocates for the mission of the parish, periodically reviews the mission, vision and values statements, and maintain consistency with the mission in decisions, values, policies and actions. We should always relate the vision to the mission which is derived from the life and teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore we must articulate and explain the vision of the future of the parish to the community and during our terms of service, seek to implement the vision. Our Community members and Parish Council members must support our Priests. We need to respect the sacrament of ordination and the efforts of the priests to fulfill their calling despite human limitations. We understand that the priest manages the parish office and sometimes needs help. We need to accept the Priests’ role to lead the community and lead our Parish Council. In turn, we need to attend to the wellbeing of the priests and their families to avoid burnout. We must continually ask “What do we wish to become?” What will that look like in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? We will strive for trustworthiness. We will develop a culture of transparency. Ensure that parishioners have access to appropriate and accurate information regarding finances, operations and results. Follow through on commitments. Accept accountability. Willing to be accountable, Hold ourselves accountable to one another. Report on accomplishments and short-comings to the parish. We will be results-oriented by continuously measuring progress toward mission fulfillment, together with the Priests, evaluate efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of major programs and services, and monitor strategic plan goals and objectives on calendar with areas of responsibility. We continue to manage fiduciary oversight. We accept responsibility for financial oversight, link bold visions and ambitious plans to financial support, approve activities that can be realistically financed with existing or attainable resources, have financials audited by an independent accounting CPA firm while utilizing independent committee to assist our Treasurer in monitoring expenditures and income. We will begin background checks on all those who have hands on responsibility for funds and who work with our children. Our last, but not least direction is to formulate policy always in light of the gospel, aligned with the mission of the Church, consistent with the parish’s strategic plan, thoughtful implementation, ideally, with strong parish council consensus and sensitive consideration of parishioners’ response. As we enter Lent and leading up to the Great and Holy Pascha, I encourage our parents to teach and reflect to our children what the Lenten period means. I believe that the first place where we teach our children about the ways of life is in the home. If you never discuss faith or teachings of our Lord continued in page 3 March 2015 Page 4 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Mother’s Day: We are happy to announce that TINA VASILA CALLAS has been selected as the Philoptochos Mother of the Year! Please join us on Saturday, May 9th here at our Saint Sophia Maniatakos Hall as we honor Tina for all her work in Philoptohos and in the Saint Sophia community. Chairmen Christina Peratsakis and Maria Toczek are working very hard with their committee to plan a lovely afternoon. Save the date! all bring a spiritual awakening to us. For those who are suffering and need to feel that hope and that life again, Philoptochos is here to help. We help the sick, the poor, the lonely and anyone else who may need us. This is why we work so hard to raise funds that we need to fulfill our mission. We can always use donations of gift cards to Target, WalMart, and even drug stores, to use in our Outreach program. Truly our work is the work that God sent us to do. Membership: If you have not yet sent in your Philoptochos dues, we hope you will do so. If you have misplaced your membership form that went out in the mail, just send your dues to Philoptochos in care of the Cathedral, Attention: Olga Jordan. Dues are $50 per person. With love in Christ’s service, Virginia Noyes and the Philoptochos Board of Directors March meeting: Please join us at our next general assembly meeting on March 22nd after liturgy. We are pleased to have Dr. John Anastasatos, M.D. FACS as our guest speaker. Dr. Anastasatos is a graduate of Brown University and Medical School. He is a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has a private practice in Beverly Hills. Dr. Anastasatos performs both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. He was awarded a Certificate of Congressional Recognition in April 2014 for his work in philanthropy and plastic surgery. We are also starting our collection of NEW plain t-shirts, socks, pajamas and under garments for the women and children who are in safe houses provided by the Domestic Violence Agency. Items must be NEW and unopened in their store packages. Please bring your donation to our March meeting or bring it to church and leave it in the Narthex marked for “Philoptochos”. The items will be delivered just before Easter so the donations should be at church no later than Palm Sunday. Easter is Sunday, April 12! Jan Pastras is signing up volunteers to work in the Pastry booth at the Easter Picnic! You may sign up in the church hall at coffee hour with Jan or contact her at 323-848-9988. Please consider donating a couple of hours out of your day to help us in the booth. You still have plenty of time to visit and eat with your family and friends. As we approach the season of Easter, we remember the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, who came into the world to save us. The renewal of life, the changing of the seasons, The Mission Statement of Philoptochos “ To aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the church through fund raising efforts…” this is what we do and this is why we put on fundraisers throughout the years. “For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me” John 12:8 continued from page 2 in the home, you are teaching your children it isn’t important, or that doesn’t apply to your home life. As parents, we have that responsibility to educate our children, about our Church, our faith, about prayer, fasting, and most of all to bring them closer to God, so that they can feel His presence and compassion. Have a Blessed Lenten period and come to Church with your family during the many services that our Church provides throughout the Great Lenten season. Please remember Fasting, Prayer, Repentance, and Almsgiving which constitutes the recipe for Eternal Life. March 2015 Page 5 Parish Council Retreat at Saint Nicholas Ranch Believe and Belong through Christian Stewardship STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES 2014 $25,000+ Marcus, Mr. & Mrs. George $15,000 To $19,999 Dameris, Mr. & Mrs. Peter $10,000 - $14,999 Ambatielos, Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos* Demetriou, Mr. & +Mrs. Anthony* Hanks, Mr. Tom and Wilson, Mrs. Rita* Rallis, Mr. & Mrs. John* Anonymous (1) $8,000 To $9,999 Caras, Chris W. & Joan* Papalexis, +Mr. & Mrs. Bill* $6,000 To $7,999 Doumakes, Mr. Robert* Holcomb, Mr. & Mrs. James Soteropulos, Mr. & Mrs. Gust * Life Members Endowment Fund $4,000 To $5,999 Antholis, Mr. & Mrs. Kary Bakas, Fr. John and Presbytera Maria Bartzokis, Drs. +George & Kelly Boltinghouse, Mr. & Mrs. James Duncan, Dr. & Mrs. Jan Evangelatos, Dr. & Mrs. Dennis* Gallanis, Mr. & Mrs. Andreas* Harkis, Dr. Sam* +Blessed Memory When making out your will, please include our Saint Sophia Cathedral in you estate and financial planning Page 6 STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES 2014 Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence In Loving Memory of Sophia Dagres Palomares+ Kolokotrones, Mr. & Mrs. James* Kolokotrones, Mr. & Mrs. Theo Kolovos, Mr. & Mrs. George* Lambros, Mrs. Helen* Maniatakos, Mr. & Mrs. Ted* Marakas, Mr. & Mrs. John* Patzakis, Dr. & Mrs. Michael* Poulos, Mrs. Rena Poulos-Watson, Mrs. Irene and Poulos, Mr. John Preonas, Mr. & Mrs. George* Smyslov, Mr. & Mrs. Boris Stathes, Nick & Sonia* Vasila, Mrs. Georgia Wardy, Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul* Warner, Mr. Michael Webster, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Zaferis, Mr. & Mrs. James* Anonymous (2) $2,000 To $3,999 Ananias, Mr. & Mrs. James Aronis, Dr. & Mrs. Constantine* Balamaci, Mr. Thomas Beach, Mr. & Mrs. John Bosten, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Boukidis, Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Callas, Mr. & Mrs. Greg Callas, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Christopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Daglas, Mr. & Mrs. Chris* Demetriou, Dr. & Mrs. James* Evangelatos, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew* Evangelis, Ms. Theane Flatos, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Flokas, Mrs. Constance* Freshman, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gilman, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Haidos, Mr. & Mrs. Alek* Halikis, Mrs. Rosalind* Hanna, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Helm, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kallins, Dr. & Mrs. James* Kirages, Mr. & Mrs. John Kollias, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Korbakis, Dr. & Mrs. John* Kyriacou, Mr. & Mrs. Gig* Lambros, Ms. Eleni Lapa, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Manolopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mastor, Dr. & Mrs. Anthony* Mellos, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mohr, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nakata, Drs. Kouji & Mary Natsis, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Nikias, Mr. & Mrs. Chrysostomos O’Connor, Mrs. Fotine O’Regan, Mrs. Melanie Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. John T.* Schwalm, Mr. & Mrs. James Settelmayer, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Siafaris, Mr. & Mrs. George Siafaris, Mr. & Mrs. Harry* Theodore, Mr. Steve Toczek, Dr. Ariadne Toolen, Mrs. Mary Roskam Yallourakis, Drs. Stephen & Anna Zarocostas, Mr. Peter Zinelis, Mr. Panagiotis Anonymous (12) $1,000 To $1,999 Achilles, Mr. Achilles Anast, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anastassiou, Mr. Thomas, Sr. Andrei, Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. George Arkoumanis, Mr. & Mrs. Leontios Arvanitis, Mr. & Mrs. Danny Athans, Ms. Artie Attyah, Mr. Paul Auerbach, Drs. Arthur & Maria Axume, Mr. & Mrs. Roel Balanos, Mr. & Mrs. John Bargeliotes, Mr. & Mrs. Costa Begakis, Mr. & Mrs. Niko Berk, Mr. & Mrs. Aristid Bicos, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Billis, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Boghosian, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn * Life Members Endowment Fund March 2015 Boller, Mrs. Jeannette McDemas Boltinghouse, Mrs. Helen* Bouras, Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Camaras, Mr. & Mrs. Tykye Caras, +Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tom* Cazacus, Mr. Pete Chiochios, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chistolini, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Chrys, Mrs. Annie Columbus, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Contois, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cosfol, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Courlas, Ms. Marianna Dalis, Mr. John* Daoud, Mr. & Mrs. Emad Dean, Ms. Orania Defterios, Mrs. Georgia* Dembegiotes, Mr. Pantele Diamantidis, Dr. Thomas Dousis, Mr. Athanasios Dres, Mr. & Mrs. William Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Eliopulos, Ms. Georgia Fenady, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew* Fettis, Mrs. Patricia* Flokas, Ms. Dena Flores, Mr. & Mrs. Eloy Fossati, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fouad, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Galanakis, Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Galanakis, Mr. Michael Garrity, Mr. Thomas & Baek, Ms. Eunice Georgeson, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Georgiou, Mr. Nicholas Gialketsis, Mrs. Lola* Gianakouros, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Glavas, Mr. & Mrs. George Gregg, Ms. Karla Greitzer, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Halekakis, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hanberg, Mr. Julian Hondas, Ms. Alida Judge, Mrs. Julia June, Mr. & Mrs. Rod Kakoyiannis, Mr. & Mrs. Jason +Blessed Memory When making out your will, please include our Saint Sophia Cathedral in you estate and financial planning STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES 2014 March 2015 Kalban, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kalkanis, Dr. & Mrs. James Kallis, Mr. Larry Karagianis, Mr. & Mrs. Lou Karavas, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Karavedas, Ms. Frances Karides Suchy, Prof. Gregoria Kiapos, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kirages, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Konidaris, Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kostos, Mrs. Virginia Koukis, Mr. & Mrs. Pandelis Kouros, Dr. & Mrs. Philip Koutsoukos, Mrs. A. Electra Kyprianides, Hon. & Mrs. Andreas Lambros, Mr. & Mrs. Damian Landers, Mr. & Mrs. Jay Ledbetter, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lianos, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Liappas, Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Ligar, Ms. Mary Livingston, Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Lolonis, Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Manders, Ms. Constance Marcopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George Marentes, Mr. James McDemas Family Mihalas, Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mitsinikos, Mr. & Mrs. John Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Morris, Mrs. Stella* Nehme, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nichols, Mrs. Dina Noyes, Mr. & Mrs. Brent O’Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Papadakis, Mr. & Mrs. Evan Papademetropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Lazaros Papanicolaou, Mr. & Mrs. John Papanikolaou, Mr. & Mrs. Antonios Papanikolaou, Mr. & Mrs. John Pappas, Mrs. Angelo Patzakis Prappas, Ms. Michele Pelargos, Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Pentheroudakis, Mr. & Mrs. Panos Peratis, Mrs. Christine* Perris, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. John* Politis, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Powell, Mr. Andrew & Tsapatsaris, Ms. Melinda Pruett, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Rebiga, Mr. & Mrs. Julian Ragias, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Reiley, Ms. Joyce Rizkalla, Mr. George Roussos, Mr. & Mrs. Theodosios Sakalis, +Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sandstrom, Mr. and Mrs. William Sarames, Ms. Karen Sehremelis, Mr. & Mrs. Andy Sotos, Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Stamatiades, Mr. & Mrs. John Stavaridis, Mr. & Mrs. Chris Stephaneou, Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Stevens, Mr. Robert Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Thimakis, Mr. Stanley Tombros, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Travlos, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Tsimahides, Mr. & Mrs. Zafiris Tsircou, Mr. & Mrs. Kyriacos Valaskantjis, Mr. & Mrs. George Valaskantjis, Mr. & Mrs. Nikiforos Valaskantjis, Mr. & Mrs. Perry Venetos, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vourakis, Mr. & Mrs. Aki Waldron, Mr. William & Stone, Ms. Deborah Ward, Mr. Thomas Wellington, Ms. Dinah Wellington, Mrs. Shelmadine Zaferis, Mrs. Eugenia* Zalavras, Dr. Charalampos Zinelis, Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Zonos, Mr. & Mrs. Ted* Anonymous (11) $650 To $999 Abramson, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Adamopoulos, +Mr. & Mrs. Peter Adib, Mr. Alfred Anastassiou Jr., Mr. Thomas * Life Members Endowment Fund Page 7 Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Pavlos Apergis, Ms. Irene Apostle, Mr. & Mrs. James Aronis, Mr. & Mrs. Athan Boudouvas, Mr. & Mrs. John Boukidis, Mr. George Brice, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Brotsis, Ms. Vera Caiopoulos, +Mrs. Ann Caras, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Chris W.* Chester, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chrys, Ms. Annie Chrysanthopoulos, Dr. Andreas Defterios, Mr. & Mrs. Christo Demetrius, Ms. Dina Demopoulos, Peter & Vivi Deryiades, Mrs. Vickie Doukas, +Mr. & Mrs. Konstandinos Doulamis, Ms. Theodora Ellis, Ms. Helen Ellis, Mrs.Vasiliki Eliopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Etchepare, Ms. Maria Frankos, Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Ganriel, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gianoukakis, Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Guirguis, Mr. Alexander Haraden, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Harrison, Mr. Nicholas and Quezada, Mrs. Diana Harros, Mr. & Mrs. George Houndalas, Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris Hronis, Mrs. Soteria Iatropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Nikos James, Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Kalivas, +Mr. & Mrs. George Katsaras, Mr. A.G. Kezios, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kitchens, Mr. & +Mrs. Russell Konnari, Mr. & Mrs. George Kontes, Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Kontogiannis, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kourafas, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kousoulas, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Lellios, Ms. Fay Efrosini +Blessed Memory When making out your will, please include our Saint Sophia Cathedral in you estate and financial planning STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES 2014 Page 8 Londos, Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Maniatis, Ms. Mary Manolelis, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Marenzi, Mr. & Mrs. Ludovico Markham, Mr. Joseph Masouras, Ms. Catherine Mickelopoulos, Ms. Ruth Mike, Mr. Michael Miserlis, Mr. George Morrison, Mr. & Mrs. Chase Nauman, Mr. Kyle Isaris Noyes, Ms. Alexis Katherine Noyes, Mr. Christopher Oxyzolou, Dr. Alexandros & Tillou, Dr. Areti Pallas, Mr. Peter Panagiotopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Papachristos, Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Papadopoulos, Mr. Alek Papadopoulos Mr. Aristides & Rock, Dr. Terri Papanikolas, Mr. George Papoutsis, Mr. & Mrs. Vasilis Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. Harry* Pappas, Mr. Louis M. Pappas, Mr. Milton A Pelargos, Mr. & Mrs. Panayiotis Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Protopappas, Ms. Ifigenia Psounis, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Rhodes, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rico, Mr. Carlos Rizopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. John Sabatakos, Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Saltmar, Mr. James and Stavropoulou, Mrs. Georgia Sarantes, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Savas, Dr. Diana Scofield, Mrs. Frances Serras, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Shults, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Sophie Smith, Ms. Andrea Smith-Wellington, Mr. Kenyatta Sogas, Mrs. Constance Spanos, Mr. & Mrs. George Spears, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Spirus, Mr. & Mrs. Kosta Stamatis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stamos, Mr. & Mrs. Andy Stathes, Christina & Charlie Stathes, Mr. & Mrs. Margus Stumpus, Mr. Jack Stumpus, Mrs. Elizabeth Tangalakis, Mrs. Mary Louise Tassop, Ms. Mary Varentges, Mr. & Mrs. George Vasilion, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Warren, Mr. & Mrs. William Wellington, Mr. Isaiah Wellington, Mr. Joshua Wellington, Mr. Tony Withers, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Woloschinowisch, Mrs. Mary Xeniotis, Mr. George Zagorianos, Ms. Kathleen Zagorianos, Ms. Marsha Anonymous (21) OTHER Alexandrakis, Mr. George and Gavrilis, Dr. Bessie Alexopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Alway, Ms. Sheryl Anastas, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Andreadis, Ms. Irene Andreas, Ms. Cynthia Aronis, Mr. & Mrs. Vas Arvanitis, Mr. & Mrs. Komnas Athans, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Athans, Mr. & Mrs. Dean Axiotis, Mr. & Mrs. James Ballas, Ms. Helene Baln, Mr. George Baltazzi, Ms. Maria Baramily, Mrs. Fadia Barsoum, Ms. Gigi Batsakis, Mrs. Eleni J. Batsakis, Mr. Perry J. Berry, Mr. & Mrs. James Beyruti, Mr. Antuan Bolaris, Mr. John Bonduris, Mr. Sam Bougioukos, +Mrs. Maria * Life Members Endowment Fund March 2015 Boussalis, Drs. Constantine & Helen Bozonelis, Ms. Lia Braswell, Mr. & Mrs. John Camperos, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Canelake, Mr. Nicholas Cappos, +Mr. George Chapralis, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Chapralis, Ms. Tula Chialtas, Mr. George Chistolini, Ms. Sarah Christofi, Ms. Eleni Christofides, Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Christy, Mrs. Constance Colovos, Dr. Christos Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Coroneus, Mrs. Thalia Cosfol, +Mrs. Ero Dalkas, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Daring, Ms. Nancy Dascalu, Mr. & Mrs. George Della Corna, Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Dialynas, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Dimtsios, Ms. Nicole Diorio, Mr. Carl Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. James Eagar, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elias, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Emery, Mr. & Mrs. Jon Erwin, Mrs. Catherine Estock, Mr. Paul Fara, Mr. George Fenady, Mr. Clayton Ryan Fenady, Mr. John Fenady, Mr. Shamus Fenady, Mrs. Katherine Fenady, Ms. Georgea Fovos, Ms. Zoi Fuller, Mrs. Fred Gallanis, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Garrity, Mrs. Sophia Giannoulis, Mr. & Mrs. Chris Habib, Mr. Matthew Hagianakes, Mrs. Chrysoula Hagianakes-Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth Haidos, Mrs. Alexia Hannallah, Dr. Hoda +Blessed Memory When making out your will, please include our Saint Sophia Cathedral in you estate and financial planning STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES 2014 March 2015 Issaevitch, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Jankosky, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jones, Ms. Mary Kabel, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kades, Ms. Christine Kades, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kaplanis, Mr. & Mrs. George Kappos, Mrs. Barbara Katsoulis, Mr. John Keramidas, Mr. & Mrs. George Kezios, Ms. Georgia Kokkinides, Ms. Joyce* Kominos, Mrs. Grigoria Kontogiannis, Mr. Alexandros Kostas, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kostoulas, Dr. Katina Koufoudakis, Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Koukos, Mr. & Mrs. Aristides Kousoulis, Dr. Nick Kourafas, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kremer, Ms. Tricia Ballas Kruger, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kyriacou, Mr. & Mrs. Charalambos Kyriacou, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kyriacou, Mr. Michael John Kyriacou, Ms. Christianna Latinopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Latsis, Mrs. Lillian Libaridian, Mr. Joseph and Kolibabchuk, Mrs. Natalia Linardos, Mrs. Rose Litchfield, Ms. Jodi Livanis, Mr. & Mrs. John Loisides, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lou, Mr. & Mrs. Bo-Yuen Loukaris, Mrs. Mersy Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Barry Mallios, Ms. Konstantina Manikas, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Manikas, Mr. Michael Maniskas, Ms. Anastasia Markos, Mrs. Alexandria Markos, Mr. & Mrs. George Mars, Mrs. Irene Mavrakis, Mr. & Mrs. George Mavros, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Melko, Ms. Eugenia Metzidis, Mr. Joe Michaels, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Middleton, Mr. Andrew Miller, Ms. Stephanie & Jones, Mr. Aaron Mitropetros, Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Nahmoulis, Ms. Vida Naoumovitch, Mrs. Theodora Nicandros, Mr. Constantine Nicholas, Ms. Marlene Nicolaidis, Mr. Nicolas Nicolaou, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Nikkos, Mr. Peter & Tingley, Mrs. Eva Opffer, Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Padron, Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Panayi, Mrs. Rena Panayi, Ms. Eleni Papadeas, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Yianni Papagiannis, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Papavasiliou, Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Papavasiliou, Mr. Anthony Papoulias, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. Harry James Pappas, Mr. James & Valentine, Mrs. Leila Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. John* Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Pappatheodorou, Dr. Sofia Patsouras, Ms. Sevasti Pavlidou-Daher, Mrs. Alexandra Paziouros, Mrs. Petroula Pelargos, Mr. Eraclis Peterson, Mr. Christopher Peterson, Ms. Constance Petros, Mr. & Mrs. John Petrou, Mr. & Mrs. Nicos Pilichos, Mrs. Efrossini Poullos, Ms. Jayne Price, Mr. & Mrs. Ben Pruett, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Psaltiras, Mr. & Mrs. Eftychios Rangel, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Reeves, Ms. Lily Revels, Mr. Angelo* * Life Members Endowment Fund Page 9 Rodinos, Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Romm, Dr. & Mrs. John* Royce, Mr. Nicholas Russos, Mr. Emmanuel & Russos, Mrs. Asimina Saigh, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Scourkes, Mr. Dimitri Simich, Ms. Gabriela Sinanis, Mrs. Virginia Skarpelos, Mr. & Mrs. George Solomonides, Mrs. Pochana Spence, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Speliopoulos, Ms. Stephanie Spiropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy* Spiropoulos, Ms. Pauline Staikos, Mr. Alexandros Stamus, Mr. Panayiotis Stergiou, Mr. Paul Strull, Ms. Christianne Szekely, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Tangalakis, Mr. Philip Teixeira-Stavaridis, Ms. Anna Themelis, +Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. George Tongotea, Ms. Ilaisaane Topetzes, Ms. Joanna Travassaros, Ms. Frances Treantafelles, Mrs. Nicholas Tsambunieris, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Tsarouchas, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tsoutsas, Ms. Tina & Nissley, Mr. Gary Uliantzeff, Ms. Sinaida Varentges, Ms. Kalli Vera, Ms. Kukla Veracka, Mrs. Virginia Vidalis, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Webster, Mr. & Mrs. John Wojtyla, Ms. Bea Wright, Mr. Trevor Xilas, Ms. Sophie Yokas, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Zanetos, Mr. & Mrs. John Zarras, Dr. & Mrs. Peter Zoolakis, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Anonymous (30) +Blessed Memory When making out your will, please include our Saint Sophia Cathedral in you estate and financial planning March 2015 Page 10 YOUNG ADULT STEWARDS (16 to 26) Only $1 A Day Μηδείς σου τῆς νεότητος καταφρονείτω, ἀλλὰ τύπος γίνου τῶν πιστῶν ἐν λόγῳ, ἐν ἀναστροφῇ, ἐν ἀγάπῃ, ἐν πίστει, ἐν ἁγνείᾳ. Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1Timothy 4:12 With these words, Saint Paul admonished his disciple Timothy to stand firm as a leader in his church; not letting youth diminish his standing in the community. The Lord Himself urges all to full participation in life of the Kingdom of God. Consider when He chastised the Disciples who chided the children that approached Christ to touch Him, saying, “Allow the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such as these belongs the kingdom of heaven." The Lord accepts the youth, the mature adults, and the elderly all the same. Saint Sophia Cathedral carries this tradition forward, fully including our youth in the ministry of the Church. Our children learn the depths of the Orthodox faith in Sunday school, our youth dance in praise of the Lord as they celebrate the tradition of their forefathers, the young adults have built a thriving community in the Forum; each person, regardless of age has been given many opportunities to offer their time and talent to the Lord. In recognition of these facts, Saint Sophia Cathedral is introducing the Young Adult Stewardship Program for youth ages 16 to 26 at only $365 a year - yes, that's a simple dollar a day! The participating young adults will enjoy benefits tailored and structured for them: Free use of the Basketball court anytime that is not in use for the Basketball tournament or booked for other events 25% discount for adult Greek dance classes 25% discount for adult Greek language classes 25% discount of any events sponsored by the Parish Council (New Year’s Eve party, Apokries etc.) $1,000 discount for personal events Huffington Center rentals; and much, much more. Young adults may sign up online for automatic monthly contributions at and become members instantly upon the first contribution. Young adults are not the "future of the Church", they are the Church right now! Join up and be a part of it! Saint Sophia Cathedral supports the youth and seeks to serve their spiritual development into mature, whole, and holy disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. March 2015 Page 11 Announcements Easter Flowers. If you are interested donating to underwrite any flower arrangements for Easter in memory of a loved one, please contact Ann Pappas at 323-737-2424 for available Easter Week dates and arrangements. volunteer. Please arrive at church at 9:45 a.m. so you may be trained. Upcoming date: December 7. Get involved! We look forward to seeing you! Two English and Two Bilingual Liturgies. As it was announced at the last General Assembly meeting on Sunday, November 9th that beginning January 2015 the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in English every first and third Sunday of the month. The second and fourth Sundays, the Divine Liturgy will be bilingual. The intent is to draw more people into participating in the Divine Liturgy. We must remember that the value of language is to transmit the message of Christ and the gospel in ways that are understandable by all. Joy of Parenting Class is back. Join your fellow parishioners in a lively discussion of parenting of children of all ages, from toddlers to teens and beyond, every Sunday in January, following Holy Communion. We conclude at 12:15 p.m. It’s a wonderful way to get acquainted with other parents. There is no fee to attend. Classes are held in the Work/Study Room, upstairs near the left-hand side staircase, in the Huffington Center. The Joy of Parenting Ministry is facilitated by Barbara Kappos, LCSW and Nikolaos Stefanidis, Ph.D. To be added to the Joy of Parenting email list or to suggest a topic, send an email to: The Hellenic Entertainment Cooperative, a ministry of Saint Sophia Cathedral, presents the reading of Louis Anastas' original screenplay "Heaven" at the Huffington Center, Saturday, March 28 from 1pm to 4 pm. Hors d'oeuvres will be served and a good will offering will be accepted. To RSVP contact Attention Middle and High School Students! The first Sunday of each month has been officially named Youth Sunday. In addition to a Sunday School student reading the Epistle, the Parish Council of St. Sophia Cathedral invites middle and high school students to volunteer in the Narthex during Divine Liturgy and assist in passing the baskets to the parishioners to collect monetary donations. You'll be paired with a seasoned Parish Council member to train you. Please email, if you would like to “Whatever you have done for the least of these you have done for Me” Jesus Lenten Love begins with offering to those in need. As usual, Saint Sophia Cathedral is teaming up with Saint Thomas Catholic Church to help fill their food pantry for those in need. We’re asking you to bring a grocery bag back on Holy Friday, filled with all the items listed below (about $50-$60 worth). Otherwise, simply use your credit card and call Jessica in our office 323-737-2424 to offer a $50 donation, or see Pres Danita Boyd or Eleni Yokas during Coffee Hour before Lazarus Saturday (April 4th), so that we have time to shop on your behalf. We will deliver these items to our neighbors on Holy Friday, April 10th. Dry Rice Dry Beans (pinto, black) Dry Lentils Dry Pastas Oat Meal (old fashioned, or quick cooking) Cereal (cornflakes, Cheerios, etc) Top Ramen noodles (or Cup of Noodles) Dry Boxes of Macaroni & Cheese Cooking Oil Sugar Coffee Laundry Detergent Tooth Paste Bath Soap Disposable Diapers (assorted sizes are needed) March 2015 Page 12 MINISTRIES Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Very Reverend Father John S. Bakas, Dean Reverend Father Allan (Gabriel) Boyd Jim Kollias, Choir Director Dimitris Liogris , Protopsaltis Michael Kontaxis, Assistant Psaltis Christopher Yokas, Organist James Karatsikis, Sexton FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Officers George E. Preonas, President Dr. James A. Demetriou, Vice President & C.F.O. Constantine M. Boukidis, Secretary Tina Callas, Treasurer Members V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas , Timi Loomos Freshman , Alek Haidos, Steve Hanna , Gig Kyriacou , Brent Noyes , John T. Pappas, Jim Zaferis Presidential Appointments Anthony A. Demetriou, Presidential Assistant John G. Marakas III, Sr. Advisor to the Board Andrew J. Demetriou, Foundation General Counsel PHILOPTOHOS SOCIETY Executive Officers Virginia Noyes, President Helene Ballas, 1st Vice President Marianna Politis, 2nd Vice President Mary Gallanis, Recording Secretary Lola Gialketsis, Corresponding Secretary Scarlett Billis, Treasurer Honorary Life Members Jennie Doumak Christine Peratis Members Allison Stavaridis Frances Bissias Judith Christopoulos Pauline Evangelatos Olga Jordan Tricia Kremer Coni Manders Sophie Mastor Jan Pastras Christina Peratsakis Jayne Poullos Sonia Stathes Mary Tassop Maria Toczek ADMINISTRATIVE AND CUSTODIAL STAFF John Kopatsis, Huffington Center Executive Director Helen Ellis, Office Administrator • Jessica Benitez, Admin. Assist. Noah Johnson, Events Coordinator Oscar Castro, Mauricio Mira, Miguel Rosales, Custodians PARISH COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Officers Brent Noyes, President Dean Peratsakis, Vice President Glenn Lianos, 2nd Vice President Tom Ward, Treasurer Irene Andreadis, Recording Secretary Jeanine Hanna, Corresponding Secretary Members Bertha Angels, Costa Bargeliotis, Peter Cosfol, Mauro Metini, George Rizkalla, Karen Sarames, Dorothy Spirus, Bill Striglos, Anna Yallourakis, Associate Member: Diana Wellington Auditing Committee James Ananias Anthony Demetriou ALTAR BOYS Chris Halekakis BASKETBALL Gig Kyriacou & Paul Cooper BIBLE STUDY Very Rev. Father John Bakas Rev. Father Allan Boyd BOOK STORE William Striglos CHILD CARE Kathy & Marsha Zagorianos CHOIR Jim Kollias COFFEE HOUR Ann Pappas Georgia Vasila DOCENTS Faye Demetriou EASTER PICNIC Ted Pappas GREEK DANCE GROUPS Barbara Kappos Eleni Constantine Manolelis Demitra Koutsos HELLENIC ENTERTAINMENT COOPERATIVE Dina Demetrius Tom Moore HELLENIC ACADEMY Alex Oxyzoglou HOSPITALITY Niki Korbakis Maria Pelargos L.A. GREEK FEST Parish Council Executive Board MR. & MRS. CLUB Dean & Christine Peratsakis ODOS “The Way” Helen Lambros PARENTING Nick Stefanidis Barbara Kappos PHILANTHROPIA Rev. Father Peter Lambert PHILOPTOHOS V.I.P. Athina Lolonis, President SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O’Regan Jack Stumpus (Golf Event) Tony Mastor (Tennis Event) Mary-Kay Demetriou (Tennis Event) SUNDAY SCHOOL Eleni Yokas YOUTH Rev. Father Allan Boyd March 2015 Page 13 SACRAMENTS AND MEMORIALS MEMORIALS March 1 John Doumakes Ted Pastras (2 years) Katherine Drulias Roumeliotis Bill Papalexis (40 days) Dean Roumeliotis Diane B. Morphos (9 years) Sofia Pamboukidou Melas Stavroula Pappas (49 years) Amed Gerard Delong Pete Brotsis (34 years) Liberty Kavalis (3 years) George Kavalis (13 years) March 22 Tom Kezas Vasilios S. Lambros (4 years) Judy Kezas Marigo Stamatiades Antigone Economides Alexander Fedon Chappel James Economides Mary Otis Richard Economides Joseph Don G. Metevelis Shirley Paul C. A. Balafas John Andreas Vakis (9 years) William George Gialketsis (11 years) March 8 Panayiota Zagorianos (3 years) Ero Cosfol (1 year) Anthony Xenopoulou (76 years) Yolanda Evangelia Katsoulis March 29 Elpida H. Peters (1 year) Christina Athans Hartley (1 year) Bea Papadopoulos (9 years) Christine Xenopoulou Helen Nicholas Jenny Xenopoulou John P. Nicholas Stanley Funk Dorothoy Munoz (2 years) Angela Karavedas (4 years) Effie Doumakes PHILOPTOCHOS VIP Thursday, March 26: The Reagan Presidential Library, Event Chairman: Angela Ananias, 562-695-7234, Co-Chair Mary Morrison: 818-500-0904. Reservations are a must. The cost is $26, it covers the bus transportation and entrance to the library. Lunch will be on your own. Please make your check payable to Philoptohos VIP and mail to Angela Ananias at 4017 Overcrest Drive, Whittier, CA 90601. Details will follow soon. In His Service, Athina Lolonis, VIP President PHILANTHROPIA NEWS Used Clothing and Canned Goods: Thank you for all the generous donation of used clothing. Please label all clothing donations on the outside of the bags by indicating whether they are for men, women or children. Thank you! Street Outreach: Dr. Nikos Stefanidis, Ph.D. a Staff Psychologist at Children’s Hospital, L.A., is the Clinical Director of this High Risk Program. Your continued help will assure that these children are cared for year round by purchasing new items such as the following: T-Shirts (M-L); Boxers (M-L); White Socks; Blankets; Sleeping Bags; Sweatshirts; Snacks; Water/Juices; Bus Tokens; Sneakers; Hygiene Items (Travel Size); Tooth Brushes & Toothpaste; Shampoo; Deodorant; Sun Screen - be sure to label them for Dr. Nikos Stefanidis and leave them by the clothing bins. God bless you! Father Peter EPISTLE READERS March 1 James Kopatsis March 8 Marina Christofides March 15 Danita Boyd March 22 Jeanine Hanna March 29 Michael Vlahos March 2015 Page 14 COMMUNITY NEWS Five Saint Sophia Cathedral Teens were presented at the Philoptochos Society of Saint Sophia Cathedral’s 51st Debutante Ball, Los Angeles On Sunday January 18, 2015, the Greek Orthodox Christian community and the Saint Sophia Philoptohos Society (SSPS) of Los Angeles honored seventeen Debutantes from Southern California at their 51st Bi-Annual Debutante Ball which was held at the Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. Among the seventeen debutantes, five teens from Saint Sophia Cathedral were honored. Miss Christina Evie Boghosian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boghosian of Beverly Hills; Miss Jessica James Louise Haraden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Haraden of Westlake Village; Miss Eleni Sophia Maglaris, daughter of Ms. Constantina Maglaris of Chatsworth; Miss Marianna Elizabeth Politis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Politis of Arcadia; and Miss Sophia Constantina Spirus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kosta Spirus were presented as debutantes of the Greek Orthodox Christian community. The spectacular gala was hosted by actor and Days of Our Lives star, Thaao Penghlis, who eloquently reminded the guests that they were there to reaffirm their commitment to charity and to this wonderful organization. The Ball is the largest fundraiser for the SSPS and raises funds to benefit the Philoptohos Society’s sponsored local and national charities, such as Los Angeles Mission, Kids‘n’ Cancer and International Orthodox Christian Charities. The highlight of the ball was the debutantes’ dance performance which culminated in a beautifully choreographed waltz with their fathers and escorts. disadvantaged children within their communities as well as one youth who travelled to Tanzania to volunteer as a teacher to underprivileged children. The Ball recognizes these young ladies as a symbol of the next generation of women who will dedicate their lives to philanthropy. These young ladies are active members and have participated in St Sophia’s Sunday school, St. Sophia Camp, and the Greek dance programs and strive to practice their faith daily. These high school students are not only devoted to their church and faith, but are accomplished students. Please join the St. Sophia Philoptohos Society in congratulating them on their accomplishment. We are so proud of the 2015 St. Sophia Debutantes. Faith, Dance, Fellowship FDF: Saint Sophia's youth dance groups along with their families and Directors celebrated their faith and love of Greek culture this past President's weekend in Anaheim. Saint Sophia had 4 groups participating: Trikimia, Sinefakia, Keravnos, & Kymata. They attended opening ceremony prayers presided over by His Eminence Gerasimos and 24 Priests as well spiritual workshops and celebrating the Divine Liturgy with a special guest, Archbishop Dimitrios. During the dance competition we had the privilege and pleasure of having or own Father Bakas there to pray with the groups before they performed. All of the groups did well and had great fellowship with each other and with friends we they have made at other parishes. We are also proud to announce that both Kymata and Synefakia won 1st place in their categories and Director Nick Manolelis was chosen Director of the year for Division II. Being a debutante is more than just being presented into society; it is a demarcation that these young ladies have embarked on a life-long journey to give back to society and their faith. As part of their journey, these St. Sophia youths volunteered their time and services to such worthy organizations as Mattel Children’s Hospital, Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, the Special Olympics, Pasadena Independent School Foundation, Club 21, and have worked with March 2015 Page 15 Greek Independence Day Celebration The flag of Athanasios Diakos The Hellenic Academy at Saint Sophia Cathedral cordially invites you on Delacroix, The Combat of the Giaour and Hassan Sunday, the 22nd of March 2015 to commemorate the Greek Revolution against the Ottoman Empire Join us right after the Sunday Service in the Maniatakos Fellowship Hall For a delicious lunch featuring: Baked fillet of salmon and the Academy’s program Cash, checks, or credit cards Adults: $20 Children $12 Theodore Vryzakis, Epanastasi Delacroix, Massacre of Chios Page 16 March 2015 March 2015 Page 17 It is not necessary to cover the entire amount of a single item. You may make a partial donation towards the total dollar amount of the item. Please call Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian (909.860.4333) to reserve your item and for a mailing address, priorto mailing your check.. Please do not send your check to church... Thank you in advance for your generosity.. DONATION ITEM Beer - Greek Beer - Keg Bottled Water Coffee / Coffee Makers / Coffee supplies Snapple - Juice Soda Wine - Greek Wine - Red Wine - White Cinnamon and Walnuts Frying Oil Gyro meat Honey Loukoumades dough Olive Oil Pita Bread Tzatziki Balloons and Decorations Children's Rides and Games Easter Bunny Easter Flowers Electrical Generator Fences Greek Band Table and Chair rentals Large Tent rentals Small Tent rentals Booth rentals Baklava Galatobouriko Kataifi Koulourakia Kourambiedes Melomakarona Tsourekia (Easter Bread) Armored Courier Clean-up Labor Ice with Freezer Paper Products (cups, plates, napkins, etc) Parmedics and Ambulance Printing & Signs Refrigerated Truck Security Guards $ AMOUNT NEEDED DONOR(S) Beverages and Liquor $325 $300 $200 donated Elaine & Diane Bissias / Zeli Coffee $125 $200 $300 $250 $250 Food Items $100 $100 $500 $100 $300 $100 $125 $125 Park Amenities $400 $1,750 $250 $200 $750 $1,000 $1,900 $2,000 $1,200 $750 $750 Pastries - Greek donated Jim Zaferis & Van Ambatielos / Pegasus Foods TBD donated Jim Zaferis & Van Ambatielos / Pegasus Foods TBD TBD TBD TBD Miscellaneous Non-Food $270 $350 $275 $400 $595 $215 donated Jim Zaferis & Van Ambatielos / Pegasus Foods $750 We thank you for supporting the Easter Picnic !!! March 2015 Page 18 THE LADDER OF DIVINE ASCENT ICON By John Kopatsis Among the very important icons on the walls of many churches is "The Ladder of Divine Ascent." It is connected with the well-known spiritual classic book entitled The Ladder of Divine Ascent by Saint John Climacus (Greek: Ἰωάννης τῆς Κλίμακος) (ca. 579 – 649), one of the most important devotional texts of the Middle Ages. His memory is celebrated on March 30 and on the 4th Sunday of the Great Lent, and the icon is usually venerated in churches on the same days. He came to the Saint Catherine’s monastery in the base of Mount Sinai and became a novice when he was about 16 years old. After three years he withdrew to a hermitage about five miles from the Monastery and lived there for forty years. Around 600 John became the abbot of the monastery. It was then that he wrote The Ladder, which anatomizes the eternal conflict between the lure of temptation and the pursuit of spiritual perfection. In the book, he describes thirty stages of spiritual development, which he likens to thirty steps upward on a ladder. The steps lead the spiritual striver to Theosis, union with God, the ultimate goal of askesis or spiritual struggle. The Ladder of Divine Ascent icon of Saint Catherine’s Monastery dates to the 12th century. In the icon, the ladder stands at an angle on the earth and reaches Heaven, symbolized by a vault from which emerges Christ." Over the top of the ladder is Christ, emerging from Heaven. With His right hand He blesses the monk who has climbed to the top of the ladder. The scroll in His left hand is symbolic of His Gospel. Below, there are other monks at various stages of ascent. Some stand on the ladder firmly, and are about to rise to the next rung. Others, however, are barely retaining their hold, as they are drawn by demons. The latter are flying at the left of the ladder. One of the monks has fallen off the ladder and is being swallowed below by a great black dragon, a symbol of Hell, with wide open jaws. At the right side of the ladder holy Angels are portrayed encouraging and helping the ascending monks. This is in accord with the statement made by Saint John Climacus and other Church Fathers, that those persons who struggle for the acquisition of the virtues are helped both by God and by His Angels. The Angels are shown with halos, clothed with light-colored garments and large, strong wings. The demons, on the other hand, are depicted without halos, without garments, with small, weak wings. Their bodies are of black color, and they tails. The latter symbolize the fallen state of the demons, their animalistic state. The rational faculty, with which God endowed them when He created them, and which distinguishes both the angelic nature and human nature from that of the animals, has been corrupted by their rebellion against God. The demons are depicted in order to remind the beholder that according to Saint John, there exist such evil incorporeal beings, who act upon us through mental suggestion and assaults, and also to symbolize various "passions" in us, namely, pride, gluttony, lust, anger, despondency, malice, and so on. Positive qualities, the opposites of the "passions"—e.g., humility, temperance, chastity, gentleness, hope, love, etc.—are symbolized by the holy Angels, who are also to be viewed as real beings. Saint John’s Ladder (Greek: Κλίμαξ) was inspired by the Ladder that the righteous Jacob saw in a dream. Jacob saw a ladder which rose from earth to Heaven, on which some angels were ascending and others were descending. expresses the Orthodox view that spiritual The Ladder of Divine Ascent Icon perfection is not Detail something attained all at once, as by a leap, but comes after a long arduous process of spiritual striving. In this process, with sustained effort one rises gradually from lower to higher and higher levels of spiritual development. It is a battle which cannot be won without liberating oneself entirely from the world. For this reason the Christian must at all costs abhor flatterers. “Defeat and shame,” Saint John Climacus held, “should fall on all who say: ‘Well done.” Notwithstanding the years which Saint John spent in his hermitage, he came to believe that it is easier to attain virtue in a community. “As galloping horses race one another,” he wrote, “so a good community excites mutual fervor.” Devotion, by contrast, must be essentially private. “Those who have learned true prayer,” John reflected, “converse with the Lord face to face, as if speaking into the ear of an emperor.” In stark contrast to modern psychiatrists, John held that guilt and the fear of damnation were essential starting points for spiritual progress. The soul proceeds from the dread of hell into the grace of hope. This journey must of necessity be a harsh experience. He believed that prayer, “is the mother and daughter of tears, the expiation of sin, a bridge across temptation, a bulwark against affliction”.Yet those who persevere to the Ladder’s topmost rung will be rewarded by the experience of a divine love which wholly transcends all earthly delight. Such love, The Ladder assures us, “grants prophecy and miracles. It is an abyss of illumination, a fountain of fire, bubbling up to inflame the thirsty soul. It is the condition of angels and the progress of eternity.” March 2015 Page 19 MARCH 2015 Sun Mon 1 Tue 8 15 16 Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt 8:15am Orthros 9:15am Faith Studies 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 24 18 25 6 7 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 9:30 am 2nd Salutations to the Theotokos 7:30 pm 12 13 14 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 9:30 am 3rdSalutations to the Theotokos 7:30 pm 19 20 21 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 9:30 am 4th Salutations to the Theotokos 7:30 pm 26 27 28 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 9:30 am 5th Salutations to the Theotokos 7:30 pm Feast of the Annunciation 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Young Adult Forum 30 11 Sat 5 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 7:30 pm 7:00 pm Young Adult Forum Sunday of Saint John Climacus 8:15am Orthros 9:15am Faith Studies 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 29 17 23 4 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 7:30 pm 7:00 pm Young Adult Forum Sunday of the Holy Cross 8:15am Orthros 9:15am Faith Studies 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 22 10 9 Fri Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 7:30 pm 7:00 pm Young Adult Forum Sunday of Gregory Palamas 8:15am Orthros 9:15am Faith Studies 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy Thu 3 2 Sunday of Orthodoxy 8:15am Orthros 9:15am Faith Studies 9:45am Memorials Wed 31 7:00 pm Young Adult Forum Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Fast Free March 2015 Page 20 Greek Cathedral Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Community 1324 South Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, California 90006 VE NS E I IT SE M TI Place address label here Phone 323 737 2424 Fax 323 737 7029 E-mail We’re on the Web! "Understand through the stillness. Act out of the stillness. Conquer in the stillness." Dag Hammarskjold , General Secretary of the United Nations (1953-1961), and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1961)