Funeral Mass Booklet – Print - Sisters of Notre Dame, Chardon, Ohio


Funeral Mass Booklet – Print - Sisters of Notre Dame, Chardon, Ohio
Mass of the Resurrection
A Celebration of Life in Loving Memory of
Reverend Leonard J. Zamborsky
JUNE 9, 1950 – JUNE 11, 2015
Celebrated Monday, June 22, 2015
at the
Regina Mundi Chapel
Notre Dame Provincial Center
Rev. William Zamborsky
Rev. Mr. Richard Woods
Rev. Stephen Dohner
Steve Byko
Dan Dellenbaugh
Matt French
Wayne French
Steve Zamborsky
Michael Hathaway
Craig Heimbuch
Ed Killeen
Kevin Turner
Torrance Baker
Donna Lalewicz
Sr. Seton Schlather
Pia Alesci, Roseann Ciliberti, Kathy Hazelton,
Therese Conkey, Bernadette Erokwu,
Lou Brodnik, John Houdek, Sr. Patricia Griesmar,
Sr. Kathleen Hine, Sr. Susan Clark,
Sr. Marie Manning, Karen Kilbane
Kathy Byko, Angie French, Barb Hathaway
Steve Zamborsky, Maryann Killeen
Beth Greisl
“You Are Mine”
I will come to you in the silence,
I will lift you from all your fear.
You will hear My voice,
I claim you as My choice.
Be still, and know I am here.
I am hope for all who are hopeless,
I am eyes for all who long to see.
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light.
Come and rest in Me.
Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow Me,
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine.
I am strength for all the despairing,
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame.
All the blind will see, the lame will all run free;
And all will know My name.
I am the Word that leads all to freedom,
I am the peace the world cannot give.
I will call your name, embracing all your pain;
Stand up, now, walk, and live!
© 1991, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under, License #A-702522.
“Servant Song”
What do you want of me, Lord? Where do you want me to serve
you? Where can I sing your praises. I am your song.
Jesus, Jesus, you are the Lord. Jesus, Jesus, you are the way.
I hear you call my name, Lord, and I am moved within me. Your
Spirit stirs my deepest self. Sing your songs in me.
Jesus, Jesus, you are my Lord. Jesus, Jesus, you are the way.
Above, below, and around me. Before, behind and all through me,
your Spirit burns deep within me. Fire my life with your love.
Jesus, Jesus, be the warmth of my heart. Jesus, Jesus, you are the way.
You are the light in my darkness. You are my strength when I’m
weary. You give me sight when I’m blinded. Come see for me.
Jesus, Jesus, you are my light. Jesus, Jesus, you are the way.
I am your song and servant, singing your praise like Mary.
Surrendered to your spirit, "Let it be done unto me."
Jesus, Jesus, "Let it be done unto me." Jesus, Jesus, you are the way.
© 1984, OCP, 5536 Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213-3638. All rights reserved. Used with
permission. License #620889.
Lisa Colbert
Therefore God dealt well with the midwives. The people, too,
increased and grew strong. And because the midwives feared
God, He built up families for them.
“Holy Is His Name” (Magnificat)
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
And my spirit exalts in God my Savior.
For He has looked with mercy on my lowliness,
And my name will be forever exalted.
For the mighty God has done great things for me,
And His mercy will reach from age to age.
And holy, holy, holy is His name.
He has mercy in every generation,
He has revealed His power and His glory.
He has cast down the mighty in their arrogance,
And has lifted up the meek and the lowly.
He has come to help His servant Israel;
He remembered His promise to our fathers.
And holy, holy, holy is His name.
And holy, holy, holy is His name.
Text: Magnificat; based on Luke I :46-55. Text and music © 1980, Birdwing Music/BMG
Songs, Inc. All rights reserved. Administered at All rights
reserved. Used with permission. License #620889.
Brian Hathaway
Through the gift God in his goodness bestowed on me by the exercise
of his power, I became a minister of the gospel. To me, the least of all
believers, was given the grace to preach to the Gentiles the
unfathomable riches of Christ and to enlighten all men on the
mysterious design which for ages was hidden in God, the Creator of all.
Now, therefore, through the church, God's-manifold wisdom is made
known to the principalities and powers of heaven, in accord with his
ageold purpose, carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord. In Christ and
through faith in him we can speak freely to God, drawing near him
with confidence. Hence, I beg you not to be disheartened by the trials I
endure for you; they are your glory. That is why I kneel before the
Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name;
and I pray that he will bestow on you gifts in keeping with the riches of
his glory. May he strengthen you inwardly through the working of his
Spirit. May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, and may charity
be the root and foundation of y0ur life. Thus you will be able to grasp
fully, with all the holy ones, the breadth and length and height and
depth of Christ's love, and experience this love which surpasses all
knowledge, so that you may attain to the fullness of God himself. To
him whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more than
we ask or imagine — to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
through all generations, world without end. Amen.
He called a little child over and stood him in their midst and said:
"I assure you, unless you change and become like little children,
you will not enter the kingdom of God.
Rev. Stephen Dohner
Claire Byko, Dan French, Christy Wolanin
Please respond, Lord hear our prayer.
For Father Lenny, beloved child of God, that he be held securely in
God’s loving embrace for all eternity, reaping the rewards of a life
completely given in service to others, we pray to the Lord.
For Father Lenny’s family, that in the midst of the darkness of their
pain, sadness, and grief they be touched and consoled by the healing
love of friends and the healing power of Christ, we pray to the Lord.
For all of us here gathered as family, friends, and community, that we
keep close at heart the beauty of Father Lenny’s life, and live out his
legacy by remembering, celebrating, and living the lessons of Christ
that he taught us, we pray to the Lord.
For all who grieve, all who mourn, and all who have known
emptiness, loss, and dark despair, that they may be strengthened and
truly able to feel the love, support, and solace of a loving God through
His people here on earth, we pray to the Lord.
For all who bear the cross of pain in mind or body, that they may find
deep peace and gentle comfort in the love and understanding of Jesus
Christ, who walks with us on our journey and has borne the heavy
burden of brokenness and agony, we pray to the Lord.
For the children and the elderly, the weak and the helpless, the
homeless and the forgotten, and all who have no voice, that they may
discover in us persons with helping hands and loving hearts, we pray
to the Lord.
For peace in our world and peace in our hearts, we pray to the Lord.
“Song of Thanksgiving”
Love that's freely given
Wants to freely be received.
All the love you've poured on us
Can hardly be believed.
And all that we can offer you is thanks.
All that we can offer you is thanks.
Creation tells a story
That began so long ago,
Of love that longed to share its life,
In hope that love would grow.
The sun repeats each morning;
The story is retold.
And just in love’s retelling,
New chapters yet unfold.
Your care called out a people;
Your love made them your own.
You freed their hearts and calmed their fears;
And finally brought them home.
It's when our trials are ended,
We most easily forget;
But your friendship never ceases,
Your love shows no regret.
So now we stand in wonder
Of all your love has done,
To hear your tale and offer thanks,
That we are not alone.
Just fill us with your spirit
To make your people one,
So we can join our story,
To the one told through your son.
© 1973 by Damean Music. Published exclusively by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Used with permission. Reprinted under, License #A-702522.
Claire Byko, Dan French, and Christy Wolanin
Sr. Barbara Morscher
Sr. Patricia Sylvester
Sr. Johnica D’Amico
Sr. Sharon Kovalcik
Carolyn Jablonski
Connie Contenza
Beth Greisl
Teri Johnson
Sr. Barbara Klodt
Sr. Maureen Spellane
Sr. Mary Jean Strathern
Sr. Jean Hoelke
Liz Rudibaugh
Martha Stewart
Sue Simmons
“I Am the Bread of Life”
I am the Bread of Life.
You who come to me shall not hunger;
And who believe in me shall not thirst.
No one can come to me unless the Father beckons.
And I will raise you up,
And I will raise you up,
And I will raise you up on the last day.
The bread that I will give
Is my flesh for the life if the world,
And if you eat of this bread,
You shall live forever, you shall live forever.
Unless you eat
Of the flesh of the Son of Man
And drink of His blood,
And drink of His blood, you shall not have life within you.
I am the Resurrection,
I am the life.
If you believe in me,
Even though you die, you shall live forever.
Yes Lord, we believe
That You are the Christ,
The Son of God,
Who has come into the world.
Text: John 6:35, 44, 51, 53-54; 11: 25-27; English, Suzanne Toolan, RSM; Text and music ©
1966, 1970, 1986, 1993, 2005, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with
permission. Reprinted under, License #A-702522.
“We Are Called”
Come! Live in the light!
Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the kingdom,
to live in the freedom of the city of God!
We are called to act with justice.
We are called to love tenderly.
We are called to serve one another,
to walk humbly with God.
Come! Open your heart!
Show your mercy to all those in fear!
We are called to be hope for the hopeless,
so all hatred and blindness will be no more!
Sing! Sing a new song!
Sing of that great day when all will be one!
God will reign and we'll walk with each other as sisters
and brothers united in love!
Text: Based on Micah 6:8. Text and music © 1988, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Used with permission. Reprinted under, License #A-702522.
Written and Sung by Maria Hernandez
“My Prayer”
I pray you'll walk close to me;
When my life is in such obscurity,
Oh, I pray you'll walk with me.
I pray you'll help me believe;
When my blinded heart can't see,
Oh, I pray you'll see for me.
When the rain falls,
When the bird sings,
When a child plays,
For eternity,
In the sunrise,
When the sun sets.
Oh, I hope you'll let me see
The beauty of life you give to me;
During much uncertainty,
Lord, walk with me.
I pray you'll help me heal
When my soul can no longer feel,
Oh, I pray I feel you are near.
Oh, I hope you'll let me see
The beauty of life you give to me;
During much uncertainty,
Lord walk with me. (x2)
“Jesus, Remember Me”
Jesus, remember me,
when you come into your kingdom.
Jesus, remember me,
when you come into your kingdom.
Text: Based on Luke 23:42; Jacques Berthier, 1934-1994. Text and music © 1981, Ateliers et
Presses de Taize (France). All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used with
permission of GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive US agent. All rights reserved. Used with
permission. Reprinted under, License #A-702522.
“His Name Is Wonderful”
His name is wonderful!
His name is wonderful!
His name is wonderful,
Jesus my Lord!
He is the mighty King!
Master of everything;
His name is wonderful,
Jesus my Lord!
He’s the great Shepherd;
The rock of all ages,
Almighty God is He!
Bow down before Him,
Love and adore Him.
His name is wonderful,
Jesus my Lord!
© Copyright 1959, Renewed 1987. Manna Music, Inc./ASCAP (admin. By ClearBox Rights).
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
To all the clergy, deacons, religious brothers and
sisters, and lay members of Father Lenny’s extended
family throughout the Diocese, as well as his friends
and “family ” of so many other faiths and
congregations: You have simply overwhelmed us with
your outpouring of compassion, support, and love for
our dear, dear, departed brother. We thank you.
To the wonderful Sisters of Notre Dame: For sharing
your home with us, offering us a holy place for this
beautiful celebration of Father Lenny's life, and for so
graciously feeding our bodies and our souls, We thank
To all of you with us today: For your gifts of love and
friendship, and for the gift of your presence here to
celebrate Father Lenny, We thank you.
We know Father Lenny has touched each of us in some
special way. Thank you for keeping his spirit alive by touching
those in your lives the same way.
May God bless us all.
Kathy, Angie, Barbie, Steve, Bill, and Maryann “Z”
Please join us all for a light supper after the ceremony offered by
the Sisters of Notre Dame, and continue our celebration of Father
Lenny's life with stories, remembrances, and fellowship.
“Song In Our Hearts”
Thoughts expressed, shared, put to music, and sung
by the St. Louis Church Community.
Here I am, standing strong
As the Lord holds my hand.
Change pinches, fear smothers,
Love will make it whole.
Can we climb the mountain?
Faith awaits for me.
Can we hear the music?
It’s the song in our hearts.
Come to me.
Lord, stay with me.
Be…my everything.
I surrender myself to You.
You are all I need.
Lead the way, Lord. Be my rock.
The symphony of my heart
That will sing Your melody,
A love that never drifts apart.
Through the seasons of our lives
The Lord walks by our side.
And the tears of the heart
Become the water of life.
A quiet prayer.
Little church.
Gather together around His table
In peace and harmony.
As we have been blessed, may we
always be blessings unto each other;
our children and grandchildren, and all
people whose lives we touch.