Disembarkation Day
Disembarkation Day
Monday,December22nd,2014 Sunrise: 7:04am Sunset: 5:34pm Celebrity Farewell Mantzavinos andtheentirecrewwish TheMasterof Celebrity Equinox, CaptainPanagiotis you. lt hasbeena pleasure serving allof ourguestsa safeanivalto yourfinaldestjnations. youbackon boardoneof Webida fondadieuto youall,andlookforwardto welcoming trip home. ourCelebrity Cruises'vesselsin the verynearfuture.Havea pleasant Equinox" Disembarkation Florida FortLauderdale. the major deep-water Incorporated 27, 1911, the Pod Everglades, on |\,4arch general cargo and seapori, handles is situatedon the Announcements will be madebeginningCityof FortLauderdale petroleum The cruiseterminal oroducts. at 8:00am during the disembarkationsouiheastcoast of Florida.lt is centrally liners,serving caters to numerous luxury located approximately 23 miles north of process. Please remain in the public as a viable alternative to the massive N4iami and 42 miles south of Pdm Beach. your loungesuntilthe time indicatedon cruiseindustryin lvliami. morethan33 squaremiles Caribbean personalizedletter Please have your Encompassing 6 cardIn handas youdisembark with a population of nearly180,000,Fort FoftLauderdale SeaPass alsooffersan outstanding Lauderdaleis the seventhlargestcity qualityof life,highlighted the vessel. bya semi-tropica in Florida. climate,rich naturalbeautyand arrayof The Cityof FortLauderdale is namedfor cultural,entedainmentand educationa Blessedwith over3,000hours a SecondSeminole War fortiflcation built amenities. BreakfastService of sunshine eachyearand pleasantyearon the banksof New Riverin 1838. In round ocean breezes, world-famous year, that l\4ajor William Lauderdale led OceanviewCaf6 . oect< r+ Fort Lauderdale Beach offers premier a detachment of Tennessee Volunteers BreaKastBuffet 5:30am B:00am southalongthe east coast of Floridato oppoftunitiesfor recreation,relaxation . oecx lands and andenjoyment. SilhouetteRestaurant s captureSeminoleagricultural OpenSeatingBreaKast6:30am- 8:00am battleIndianwaffiors.Threeforts named l--linhlinhtc afterMajorLauderdale wereconstructed: Blu . Aquaclass,Deck5 Embracedby the AtlanticOcean, New AquaolassBreakfast 6i30am- 8:00am the first at the fork of New River;the River and a myriad of scenic inland secondat TarponBend;andthelargeston Pleasenote: Room Serviceclosesat 12 Midnighton thebeachat thesiteof Bahialvar.Noneof waterways,Fod Lauderdaletruly lives tho l.ct .1rw ^f lha.i, ' co up to its designation as the "Veniceof iho f^rte e, r^/i\/a t^d.\/ America."A key componentof Florida's Riviera, the cityofferssomeof the Eastern TheBestof BothWorlds Through thecooperative effortsofresidents, Seaboard's mosi popular beaches, In Celebrity'sconi'nuedeffod to Save businessesand local government,Fort completewith a moderate75'F yearly the Waves,we are no longerdelivering Lauderdale remperarure. has evolvedinto a City that average the Guest Questionnaire to staterooms. offersthebestof bothworlds- anattractive The oicturesoue RiveMalkservesas the All sailedguestsoverthe age of 18 who business environment andan outstanding cornerstoneof the City's arts, science, haveprovidedus withtheiremailaddress qualityof life. culturaland historicdistrictwhichfeatures will now receivean email invitationto the BrowardCenterfor the Performing An advantageous economic climale participate in an onlinesurveyon the day Arts, Museumof Discoveryand Science, of deoarture.Youwill haveone weekto is helpingthe City of Fod Lauderdale lvluseumof Art and Old Fort Lauderdale establish itself as a world-class international completethe survey, afterleavingtheship. center.Onceknownstrictlyas a Villageand Museum.Las OlasBoulevard Thesurveyworkson smadphones, tablets, business acclaimas Fort tourism-based economy,FortLauderdale has gainedinternational laptopsand other computersand takes Lauderdale's centerpieceof fashion,fine now supports a diverse range industries, o{ approximately 10-15 minutesto answer. dining and entertainment.In addition, including marine, manufacturing, finance, insurance,real estate, high the City's downtownarea is home to libraries,and severalfederal technology, avionics/aerospace, film and universities, and county offices. production. television Delights Culinary GuestQuestionnaire ImportantDisembarkation Information Distance Traveled Settlement of PortsVisited Distance (Nautical M les) Accounts no announcements will be made during disembarkation. Wekindlyaskthatyoufollowtheinstructions letter on your individualdisembarkation FonLauderdale, FloridaUSA Witha CreditCardthatwas receivedin your slateroomwith your Charlotte Amalie,St.Thomas 982 luggagetags. Pleaseproceedto your at embarkation: Basseterre, St. Kitts 151.6 Validated assembiyloungeat the time mentioned in Bridgetown, Barbados 315.5 Guest are not requiredto contact the yourdisembarkation letter. Roseau, Dominica 179 GuestRelationsDesk,as chargeshave to your credit Pleaseremaincomfodablyseatedin the Philipsburg, 195.5 been billedautomalically St.Maarten publicloungeyouwereassigned. Ourstaff FortLauderdale, FloridaUSA 1075 cardcompany. memberwillescodyouto the gangway. At 2898.6 WithCashor Travelers CruiseTotal Checks: you your the terminal will collect luggage 1 Nautical Mile= 1.15land miles Guestswillreceive a noieintheirstateroom from your designatedterminaland then requesting themto settletheiraccountat proceed with your airport transfer or travelplans. theGuestRelatjons Desk,Deck3, theday individual Thankyou from the Housekeeping and priorto disembarkation by8:00pm,Please Allowances RestaurantService personnel.lt has note that you may conijnueusingyour Customs beena greatpleasureservingyouandwe SeaPassrM cardduringlateeveninghours, Please take note of the following US hopeto havethisopportunity againin the andsettleyouraccountagainby cashand Customsallowances: nearfuture. travelers checks(bothonlyin U.S.Dollars) . Purchases up to $800 per person, includingpurchasesmade on the ship on the rhorningof disembarkation from 6:00am- 8:3Oam.Dueto end of cruise and in foreignport of call (fora combined procedures, Celebrity iLoungeinternetservices willend accounting allaccountsmust total of $800 per person can be taken at 7:00amthismorning, be closedby 8:30amthe morningof your back duty free into the UnitedStates.) youhaveanyinquiries. 200 cigarettes(1 package). debarkation. Should afteryouhavesettledyouraccount,please . 4L of wineor I L of alcoholand alcoholic UNOTETXCUTSIONS Guestsparticipating in a shoreexcursion ensureto contact the Guest Belations beverages of an alcoholic strength exceeding 22o/ovol. todayareaskedto referto departure time Deskno laterthan8:30amthe morningo{ Afterthistimewe arenot . Guestcan carrya maximumof $10,000 in the locationindicatedon thetourticket, yourdebarkation. priorto ablelo makeanychangesinyouraccount. or equivalentin cash. They must declare Weadvise to assemble 15minutes total amount if it is more than time.No announcements willbe lmportant departure Assistance Notification the this quantity. made,so pleasebe promp'tandremember Due to stringentimmigrationregulations, to bring your tickets with you. Shore shipboard personnel are only able Excursion staffwillguideyouto appropriate to provide assistance to guests with transportation. Enjoyyourexcursion. / 27ClLow:71F/ 22C accessibleneeds. Carryingof luggage is High:81F Sunshine with cioudyperiods prohibited strictly and transportation of Gratuities Internet Service Weather uuaranlrne on Transitof Food an individualfurther than the end of the gangway is not permitted by the local authorities.Once reaching the gangway In accordance with local agriculturalyou will be placed in the care ot shoreside regulations,no person shall remove representatives, with authorisationto work from the vessel and bring ashore nor on the pier,who will ensureyou meet up bringaboard,food productsof any kind, with your luggage and transpodation including,but not limitedto: Liveplants, as scheduled. We thank you tor your flowers,plant productssuch as seeds, understandingand cooperation. Wheelchairs For guests who require wheelchai please assistance duringdisembarkation, proceedto the Bistroon 5, Deck5. Staterooms In orderfor our roomsto be readyfor our guests,we kindlyrequest newlyembarking sugarcane,coconuts,truits,vegetables, gueststo vacatethe staterooms tor all meatsor otheranimalproducts,livebirds, by 8:00am. Youmay wait in any of our or sandwiches. Due to regulationsspecified by the publicloungesduringthe disembarkatio Customsauthorities, we regretthat no process.We do ask for you to proceed guests will be permittedto disembark to your disembarkation lounge at your Pleaserememberthe following: beforeallformalities havebeencompleted assigned time. Returnallbooksto GuestRelations. and once your luggageis availablein Checkallclosetsanddrawersto make theterminal. sureyouhaveleftnothingbehind. willbesortedintheterminalhall Pleaseremoveall items from vour Allbaggage yournumbered according to luggage tags. stateroomsafe. ForLastminuteFutureCruisebookingsthe Guests requested are also to avoid lf youhavelostanythingpleaseinquire cruise salesteam\Villassislfrom 7:30am gathering leaving or baggage of any type at the GuestRelations Desk. to 9:00am. lobbies. All casinochips or tokensmust be aroundtheelevator redeemedbeforethe end of the cruise. In order to make the disembarkationIt is neverto late to secureup to $500 Theseitemsarenotredeemable bymajl. procedure morecomfortable andefficient, onboardcredit plus the amazing12390 offeron yournextcruise. Disembarkation Reminder: LastMinuteFuture CruiseBookings
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