Millcreek Township Public and Private Improvements Code
Millcreek Township Public and Private Improvements Code
, seconded by Upon motion by Brian P. McGrath the following Ordinance was duly enacted, __J__ Joseph S. Kujawa voting in favor of enactment, _ o_ voting against·enactment. ORDINANCE 2003-3 An Ordinance of Millcreek Township, entitled the Millcreek Township Public and Private Improvements Code, to establish, amend and restate specifications for and regulations governing the construction of improvements, whether intended to be publicly or privately owned, establishing regulations governing inspection of the construction of improvements and administration and enforcement of such standards; addressing application of such regulations to other Township ordinances; establishing penalties for violation; and including severability and repealor clauses. WHEREAS , specifications for improvements required within subdivisions and land developments have previously been set fo rth as an appendix to the Millcreek Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS , the Millcreek Township Stormwater Management Ordinance, No. 97-4, as may in the future be amended, sets forth various standards governing stormwater management plans and facilities; and WHEREAS , the Millcreek Township Zoning Ordinance establishes various regulations which govern development and use of properties; and WHEREAS , regulation of land development under the 1988 amendments to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and of stormwater management under Lake Erie watershed management standards adopted by Erie County and set forth in the Stormwater Management Ordinance has resulted in regulation of and application of specifications to a wider variety of developments than was the case at the time specifications were adopted as an appendix to the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, specifications governing construction of certain improvements are important and consistent whether the improvement upon completion is to be privately owned and maintained or accepted by the Township as a public improvement; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors determines that common standards and specifications for required stormwater management facilities and other improvements required in a subdivision, a land development or other development of land are essential for protection of the public health, safety and welfare, will assist those developing land by providing common specifications and will ensure consistent administration and enforcement; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors believes that a code establishing and governing specifications for and administration, inspection and enforcement of construction of improvements which applies generally will avoid confusion which might result if specifications for the same improvements are set forth in more than one ordinance; and WHEREAS, the amended and restated Millcreek Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance is not deemed by the Board of Supervisors to be an appropriate vehicle for setting forth such specifications; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has retained a professional engineering firm to review existing Township specifications and has received recommendations regarding updated and new specifications for improvements, which are being incorporated in this Code; and WHEREAS, this Code incorporates various specifications previously adopted by governmental agencies and other entities where deemed appropriate, to adopt more common standards as to certain improvements; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors finds that it is necessary and appropriate to allow for future amendment of specifications so as to address changes in industry or technological standards or as indicated by experience; and WHEREAS, except as set forth in this Code, it is not the intention of the Board of Supervisors to amend other Township ordinances and regulations, but instead to establish common standards for construction of improvements whatever the nature of the development or ownership. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Millcreek, Erie County, Pennsylvania, and it is ordained and enacted, as follows: 2 ARTICLE I TITLE, PURPOSES, APPLICATION AND GENERAL REGULATIONS 1.01 Common Title This Ordinance shall be known as the Millcreek Township Public and Private Improvements Code. 1.02 General Purposes The general purposes of this Ordinance are to: 1.02.1 Establish general construction standards and specifications governing the construction of improvements required in Millcreek Township, whether such improvements ultimately be privately-owned or accepted as public improvements. 1.02.2 Control the construction and installation of public and private improvements in Millcreek Township by developers, utilities and others. 1.02.3 Ensure proper inspection of proposed improvements prior to their completion. 1.02.4 Control the satisfactory completion of public and private improvements. 1.02.5 Control acceptance by the Township of improvements proposed to be public. 1.03 Application of Regulations The regulations of this Ordinance shall apply generally to all improvements constructed in Millcreek Township, whether such improvements will ultimately be privately owned or accepted as public improvements of the Township. 1.04 Construction of Public and Private Improvements All public and/or private improvements constructed by any person or entity shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications and standards set forth in Article V of this Code. 1.05 Control of Construction of Required Improvements All construction of public and private improvements in the Township by Developers shall be conducted in accordance with this Section. 1.05.1 The term “Developer” as defined in this Ordinance shall include the owner or occupant of any property purchased from a Developer who, under the contract of purchase, has assumed responsibility for construction of a sidewalk, driveway, drive access or other required improvement. 1.05.2 In order that the Township may provide proper inspection and emergency services during construction, a Developer shall submit to the Township not less than two (2) days prior to the start of work a notice of intention to start work. A notice of intention to start work shall include: the name, address and telephone number of the owner, contractor, superintendent, subcontractor or other person(s) to be contacted by the Township in the event of an emergency; and 1.01 1.06 a general schedule of construction which is to be updated during construction if changes are made. Notices to Township 1.06.1 If the Township has retained an engineering firm or other entity to review or inspect applications or construction of improvements, notices due to the Township shall be given to that retained firm or entity. 1.06.2 In all other cases, notices due to the Township shall be given to the Township’s Engineering Department. 1.07 Supervision and Superintendance 1.07.1 The Developer shall supervise and direct the work and be responsible for ensuring that the work is done in accordance with construction standards and specifications. 1.07.2 The Developer shall be fully responsible for the acts and omissions of the contractors, subcontractors and others directly or indirectly involved in the work. 1.07.3 The Developer shall have available at all times while construction is continuing a competent superintendent who may be contacted during an emergency. The superintendent will be the Developer’s representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of the Developer. All communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Developer. If the superintendent is replaced, the Developer shall immediately give to the Township notice of the identity of the new superintendent. 1.08 Site Appearance The Developer shall keep the site free from accumulation of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the work. At the completion of the work, the Developer shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the site, as well as all tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials, and shall leave the site clean. 1.09 Parking No construction vehicles, vehicles of construction employees, equipment, materials or supplies shall encroach onto a public street. Where there is a private street or a proposed public street which has not yet been accepted by the Township, the Developer shall maintain at least an 18-foot unobstructed clear path on such street for passage of vehicles. 1.10 Hours of Construction The operation of heavy construction or excavation machinery, including but not limited to bulldozers, high-lifts, backhoes, trucks, power shovels, pumps and jack hammers, and the operation of equipment such as saws, drills and other type of machinery in conjunction with construction of public or private improvements which causes noise sufficient to disturb the peace and general tranquility of the general public shall be prohibited between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday, and all day on Sundays. 1.06 1.11 Dust and Mud Control The Developer shall maintain the site so as to control dust and mud, and shall employ measures necessary to control dust and to protect against accumulation of mud. At the Township’s direction, the Township may require routine maintenance of the site for dust control and/or to remove accumulated mud should the Township Engineer determine that the Developer is not maintaining the site in a reasonable manner. 1.12 Responsibility for Compliance The Developer shall be solely responsible for assuring compliance with all federal, state and local laws. The Township disclaims any duty to enforce any violation of such laws or to inform the Developer of noncompliance. 1.13 Control of Construction of Utilities A Township street occupancy permit is required prior to the installation of any utilities within an existing public street. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS 2.01 General Interpretation Words not specifically defined in this Article shall be given their usual and customary definition. 2.02 Terms Defined in Other Laws Terms not specifically defined in this Article but which are defined in other statutes or Township ordinances shall be interpreted according to such other established definitions. It is not the intention of this Ordinance to establish new definitions for terms expressly defined in other ordinances, except as deemed appropriate for this Code. 2.03 Defined Terms 2.03.1 As-built Plan - a drawing showing the final as-built location, elevation and/or depth, size and materials of all completed public and private improvements, including easements. 2.03.2 Cartway - that portion of a street which shall be improved by surfacing with permanent or semi-permanent material, intended for vehicular traffic. 2.03.3 Code - the Millcreek Township Public and Private Improvements Code, as established by this Ordinance. 2.03.4 Construction Standards - the construction standards for streets, stormwater management facilities, storm sewer systems, sanitary sewer systems, pedestrian circulation, driveways, sidewalks, sump drainage, parking areas, fire hydrants, guide rails, signage, driveways, access to Township streets, cable television and other facilities as set forth in this Code or in other ordinance(s) of Millcreek Township. 2.01 2.03.5 Developer - any landowner not a public utility company, agent of such landowner (including the landowner’s contractor or resident, superintendent or tenant with the permission of the landowner), any other applicant for a subdivision, land development approval or building or other Township permit, any owner or lessee of land or other person who, under contract with the applicant for a Township permit or subdivision or land development approval, has agreed to construct an Improvement, and any other person who otherwise constructs or causes to be constructed any public or private improvement anywhere in the Township. 2.03.6 Driveway - a private area used exclusively for circulation and ingress and egress to a street by the owner(s) or visitor(s) of the lot. All driveways shall meet the requirements of this Code. 2.03.7 Dwelling, Single Family - a residential building containing one (1) dwelling unit occupied by one family and which is the only principal building on the lot. 2.03.8 Engineer - the engineer retained or employed by a Developer or other person who is charged with the design of the work and with determining the quantities of materials and labor to be paid for. This person shall be a certified and licensed professional engineer. 2.03.9 Financial Security - that security tendered to the Township by a Developer to ensure construction of required improvements. General regulations governing financial security shall be as set forth in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and other ordinances and resolutions of the Township. 2.03.10 Landowner - the legal or beneficial owner(s) of a lot, including the holder of any option or of rights under a contract to purchase, a lessee (if authorized under the lease to exercise the rights of the landowner) or other persons having a proprietary interest in the lot. 2.03.11 Parking Area - a public or private garage or a paved, open off-street area other than a driveway or street with adequate means of access, which meets the requirements of this Code and which is used exclusively or primarily for the parking of vehicles of occupants or visitors of the lot; however, a driveway serving a single-family dwelling or which is for the exclusive use of an individual dwelling unit in a residential building may be used as a parking area. 2.03.12 Path/Walkway - a walkway for pedestrians and/or a way for bicyclists which is not entirely or primarily located within or adjacent to the right of way of a State highway or street. 2.03 2.03.13 Private Improvement - a street, sidewalk, path, gutter, waterline, sanitary or storm sewer, waterline, stormwater management facility, street light, sign or other facility which, upon completion, is to be owned, operated and maintained by a individual or private entity. Such improvements must be constructed in accordance with the regulations of this Code. 2.03.14 Public Improvement - a street, sidewalk, path, gutter, waterline, sanitary or storm sewer, waterline, stormwater management facility, street light, sign or other facility which has been dedicated to and, upon completion, will be accepted by the Township as a public facility. Such improvements must be constructed in strict conformity with the regulations of this Code. 2.03.15 Public Utility - a company or entity subject to the jurisdiction of and control by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or a cable television company. 2.03.16 Required Improvement - an improvement, whether private or public, which is required to be constructed under the Township’s approval of a permit or application for subdivision or land development. 2.03.17 Sidewalk - a walkway for pedestrians along or within the right of way of a public street or State highway, which is to be constructed to the standards set forth in this Code. 2.03.18 Specifications - those portions of an application for permit or plan approval consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, Construction Standards and workmanship as applied to the work. 2.03.19 Street - for purposes of this Code, an avenue, boulevard, road, highway, freeway, parkway, lane, viaduct or other way used by vehicular traffic, but not including a driveway, parking area, sidewalk, trail or walkway. The term shall include the entire right of way established therefor. 2.03.20 Street Access - access by a driveway, parking area, drive or street to an existing Millcreek Township public street. Such access shall be subject to the standards of this Ordinance, except for minimum volume access by drives serving one- and two-family dwellings which shall continue to be subject to regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. 2.03.21 Supervisors - the Board of Supervisors of Millcreek Township. 2.03.22 Township - the Township of Millcreek, Erie County, Pennsylvania. 2.03-2 2.03.23 Township Engineer - the engineer employed or retained by the Township to review applications, determine whether applications meet Township regulations, inspect construction of improvements and administer this Code and other Township ordinances regulating development of land. The Millcreek Township Engineer shall generally administer and be responsible for enforcement of this Code. 2.03.24 Utility - a public service, including but not limited to electric service, gas service, telephone service and cable television service. ARTICLE III RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER ORDINANCES 3.01 General Rule of Application Except as specifically set forth in this Code, the regulations of this Code shall not be deemed to modify, amend or alter substantive and procedural provisions of other Millcreek Township ordinances and resolutions, including but not limited to the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, the Stormwater Management Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance and resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors which relate thereto. It is the express intention of the Board of Supervisors that, by enactment of this Code, construction standards previously established by appendix to the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance shall be governed by this Code. To the extent matters relate to approved plan or permit applications and not to minimum construction standards set forth in this Ordinance, violations of approved plans or permits shall be governed by and administered under the Ordinance generally regulating such matters. 3.02 Design Standards Design standards for required improvements as set forth in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance or other ordinance, rule or regulation, as may in the future be amended, shall control, without regard to the nature of a development or the Ordinance under which activity is conducted, unless an Ordinance directly relating such improvement shall expressly provide to the contrary. 3.03 Stormwater Management Ordinance This Code is not intended to amend or modify the stormwater management standards established for the Lake Erie watershed which as are set forth in the Stormwater Management Ordinance, as may in the future be amended. 3.04 Forms and Documents Except as may be specifically established in this Code, forms of the Township which relate to subdivisions, land developments, permits and stormwater management shall be as have been adopted in other ordinances or by Resolution of the Board of Supervisors. Forms generally are not prescribed in this Code so as to allow for amendment of adopted forms by Resolution of the Board of Supervisors as it deems such revisions to be necessary or appropriate. 3.01 ARTICLE IV ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 4.01 Violations Prohibited 4.01.1 It shall be unlawful for any Developer or Public Utility to construct a public or private improvement regulated by this Code, or to cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of any of the provisions of this Code. 4.01.2 It shall be unlawful for any Developer or Public Utility to construct an improvement without prior notice to the Township so as to allow inspection of construction and/or to construct an improvement in conflict with or in violation of an approved plan or permit. 4.02 Failure to Notify No Excuse The failure by a Developer or an agent or representative of a Developer to provide to the Township any notice required under this Code shall not constitute an excuse for failure to comply with the construction standards and other provisions of this Code and/or with the obligation to construct improvements pursuant to specifications of an approved plan or permit. 4.01.1 The Township shall have authority to require that a Developer remove construction, to refuse to accept an offer of dedication of an improvement as public, to refuse a request for reduction or release of financial security, to issue a cease and desist order or notice to stop work and/or to take any other authorized measure in the event a Developer causes or allows a required improvement to be constructed without giving prior notice to the Township to allow for inspection of construction. 4.03 Administration 4.03.1 The Township Engineer shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of this Code to the extent the matters relate to a subdivision, land development, stormwater management activity or other matter generally assigned to the Township Engineer. To the extent not specifically addressed in this Code, the Township Engineer shall administer and enforce this Code in accordance with regulations set forth in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. 4.03.2 The Township’s Zoning Administrator and/or Code Administrator shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of this Code to the extent that matters relate to a building permit or other matter generally assigned to the Zoning Administrator or Code Administrator. To the extent not specifically addressed in this Code, the Zoning Administrator and/or Code Administrator shall administer and enforce this Code in accordance with regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. 4.01 4.04 Reference to and Amendment of General Construction Standards 4.04.1 Where this Code refers to a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation or other adopted publication, general construction standard or specification, such publication, standard or specification shall be deemed to be incorporated in and made a part of this Code without being recited herein. 4.04.2 Where this Code refers to Pennsylvania Department of Transportation or other adopted general construction standards or specifications for an item, it is expressly intended that such standards shall be in accordance with such specified publication, standard or specification in its current edition as then amended and in effect. Any amendment, alteration, modification or re-identification of such referenced standard or specification shall be deemed to be incorporated in and made a part of this Code without the need for further reference or amendment. 4.05 General Enforcement Standards This Code shall be enforced administratively as set forth in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance or Zoning Ordinance, except as specifically otherwise provided in this Code. Enforcement of this Code shall generally be deemed a civil action in accordance with and as provided in Section 1601 of the Second Class Township Code and in Millcreek Township Ordinance 96-8, as the same may in the future be amended. 4.06 Notice of Violation The Township shall serve a notice of violation or order on the Developer or Utility Company responsible for the violation of the provisions of this Code, or of plans or permits approved under this Code or other Ordinances of the Township. Such notice shall include a directive that the illegal action or condition be discontinued immediately or, if applicable, that the violation be remedied or abated. 4.06.1 If a remedy or abatement is directed, the notice shall state the date by which such action is to be remedied or abated. 4.06.2 The imposition of penalties prescribed in this Code shall not preclude the Township from commencing an action to enjoin or prevent unlawful construction, to restrain, correct or abate a violation and/or to stop or enjoin an unlawful act. 4.07 Stop Work Order 4.07.1 Notice to stop work. A notice from the Township directing that work be stopped shall be in writing and shall be given to the Developer or to the person doing the work. The stop work order shall state the conditions upon which the work may be resumed. 4.07.2 Work to stop upon receipt of notice. Upon receipt of the Township’s notice that work on the installation of a public or private improvement is being prosecuted contrary to the provisions of this Code, such work shall be immediately stopped. 4.04 4.07.3 Unlawful continuance. It shall be unlawful for any Developer or other person to continue work on a public or private improvement after receipt of the Township’s stop work order, except for such work as that person is directed by the Township’s stop work order to perform to remove a violation or unsafe conditions. In the event such work necessary to remove a violation or unsafe condition is performed, the Developer shall notify the Township Engineer and allow inspection of such work prior to performance of any further work on a public or private improvement. 4.08 Penalties for Violation 4.08.1 Any person who violates any provision of this Code and fails to remedy the violation recited in a notice of violation issued pursuant to Section 4.06 within the time established in that notice shall, upon determination of violation by the District Justice having jurisdiction, be subject to a fine of $300.00 for each violation. 4.08.2 Any person who fails to comply with a stop work order or who continues work on a public improvement or private improvement following receipt of a stop work order in violation of such order shall, upon determination of a violation by the District Justice having jurisdiction, be subject to a fine of $600.00 for each violation. 4.08.3 In any civil action seeking judgment for fines or other remedy due to violation of this Code, the judgment in favor of the Township shall include, in addition to prescribed fines, all costs and all attorney’s fees reasonably incurred by the Township in enforcement, pursuant to Ordinance 96-9 as the same may in the future be amended. 4.09 Continuing Violations Each day that a violation of this Code continues shall constitute a separate offense and be subject to the same penalties, costs and expenses as the first day of violation. 4.08 ARTICLE V CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE NUMBER 5.01 Streets 5.01 5.02 Drainage and Stormwater Management 5.02 5.03 Sanitary Sewer Facilities 5.03 5.04 Public Water Facilities 5.03 5.05 Pedestrian Circulation 5.05 5.06 Driveways 5.06 5.07 Monuments and Markers 5.07 5.08 Street Trees 5.08 5.09 Signage 5.09 5.10 Figures 5.09 LIST OF FIGURES 5.10 5.00 ARTICLE V CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS 5.01 Streets 5.01.1 Street Classifications The street classification system in Millcreek Township is as follows: Arterial Collector Local 5.01.2 Street Cross Sections The typical cross-sections for grading, paving, underdrains, and sidewalks shall be as shown in the following figures: 80 ft. right-of-way, Figure ST-1 60 ft. right-of-way, Figure ST-2 50 ft. right-of-way, Figure ST-3 Cul-de-sac layouts shall conform with the details shown on Figures ST-4 and ST-5. Streets shall conform to either the “swale street” or “curb street” design as shown on Figures ST-2 and ST-3. Curbs for the “curb street” design shall conform to standards for mountable curbs as set forth on Figure ST-8. The Township will not authorize vertical face concrete curbs except where it is shown that other designs are not feasible, and only subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors. Where vertical face concrete curbs are authorized, they shall conform to the standards in Figure ST-7. 5.01 5.01.3 Grading and Earthwork Clearing and grubbing of the full right-of-way width shall be completed in accordance with Section 201 of PennDOT Publication 408. Excavation shall be completed in accordance with Section 203, 204 and 205 of PennDOT Publication 408. Embankment construction shall be completed in accordance with Section 206 of PennDOT Publication 408. Road subgrade shall be prepared in accordance with Section 210 of PennDOT Publication 408. 5.01.4 Pavement Underdrains and Blind Drains Pavement underdrains and blind drains shall be constructed in accordance with Section 610 of PennDOT Publication 408 except as follows: • Pipe material shall be either corrugated polyethylene (PE) meeting the requirements of Section 610.2(a)(3) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) meeting the requirements of Section 610.2(a)(4). • Pipe shall be supplied in straight lengths; coiled pipe is not acceptable. • Pipe shall have a minimum diameter of 6 inches. Pavement underdrain and blind drain details are shown on Figure ST-9. 5.01.5 Pavement Structure Geotextile fabric shall be placed on prepared and approved subgrade prior to placement of subbase. Geotextile fabric materials and construction shall conform to the requirements of Sections 735 and 212 of PennDOT Publication 408 for Class 4. Subbase shall be constructed in accordance with Section 350 of PennDOT Publication 408. Subbase shall be placed to a minimum compacted depth of 6 inches in the center of the road. The subbase depth will increase away from the center to accommodate the differences in crown on the subbase and subgrade. 5.01-2 Bituminous Concrete Base Course (BCBC) All excavation and embankment work in the area of the pavement, and for a distance of four (4) feet out from the edge of the pavement, shall have been completed and approved by the Township Engineer prior to placement of BCBC. BCBC material and construction shall conform to the requirements of Section 305 of PennDOT Publication 408. BCBC shall be placed to a minimum compacted thickness of 5 inches. Bituminous prime coat shall be placed on subbase prior to BCBC placement, in accordance with the requirements of Section 461 of PennDOT Publication 408. Bituminous Concrete Binder Course ID-2 (Binder) Binder course material and construction shall conform with requirements of Section 421 of PennDOT Publication 408. Bituminous tack coat shall be placed on BCBC prior to construction of bituminous binder course in conformance with Section 460 of PennDOT Publication 408. Bituminous binder course shall be placed to a minimum compacted depth of 2 inches. Bituminous Wearing Course Bituminous wearing course for all streets shall conform with the material and construction requirements of Section 420 of PennDOT Publication 408 (ID-2). Bituminous wearing courses shall be placed to a minimum compacted depth of 1½ inches. Shoulders - Shoulders and berms shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for subbase in Section 350 of PennDOT Publication 408. Utilities in Streets - All utilities crossing streets shall be installed in trenches and backfilled and compacted in accordance with Section 350 of PennDOT Publication 408. 5.01-3 Pavement Restoration - All excavations and restorations in bituminous pavement shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure ST-11. Sawcutting and joint sealing shall be performed in accordance with Section 515 of PennDOT Publication 408. Paving Notch Detail - New bituminous concrete shall be joined to existing bituminous concrete in accordance with the paving notch detail shown on Figure ST-12. 5.01.6 Private Streets Where authorized under the Subdivision and Land Development or Zoning Ordinance, in all cases: The minimum width of paved cartway shall be 20 feet. Sight distance shall be as per standards for public streets. Minimum pavement radius for streets shall be 100 feet and that for cul-de-sacs or turn-arounds shall be 50 feet. Where authorized in mobile home parks, multiple family residential, commercial and industrial developments: Maximum grade of streets shall not exceed three percent (3%) within 150 feet of any intersection and, in all other locations, shall not exceed nine percent (9%). Minimum horizontal curve radius shall be 100 feet. Where authorized in a one- or two-family residential development under the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance: Streets’ right of way width shall be not less than 50 feet. Excepting the provisions of Section, all standards governing public streets shall govern. 5.01.7 Sequence and Schedule All paving operations shall conform to requirements set forth in Section 401 of PennDOT Publication 408, including weather limitations. All paving operations, including wearing course placement, shall be completed within the same construction season, unless an exception is granted by the Township. . 5.01-4 5.02 Drainage and Stormwater Management 5.02.1 Storm Sewer Pipe The following pipes are acceptable for use in the Township: Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCCP) - ASTM C76 Class IV. Joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM C443. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) - AASHTO M294 Type S. HDPE pipe shall have smooth interior with annular corrugations. All pipe and fittings shall utilize gasketed joints meeting the requirements of ASTM D3212. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) - ASTM D3034 for SDR 35 thickness class, Type PSM. All pipe and fittings shall utilize gasketed joints meeting the requirements of ASTM D3212. Storm sewer pipe shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, Section 601 of PennDOT Publication 408 and the details on Figures SD-1 and SD-2. In the event of a conflict between these references, the stricter requirements shall be followed. Storm sewer pipes constructed through detention and retention embankments shall have watertight joints meeting the requirements of ASTM D3212. Bedding shall be AASHTO No. 67 Type C or better coarse aggregate conforming to the requirements of Section 703 of PennDOT Publication 408; provided, however, that within water retaining structures, including detention and retention basins, selection of bedding material shall take into consideration the potential for seepage through the bedding and the need for adequate pipe support, with consideration being given here to rigid pipe materials and/or concrete bedding. At locations not exceeding 100 ft., bedding specified in Section shall be replaced with soil material meeting the following requirements: • • • Clay particles, not less than 20 percent by weight. Silt particles, not less than 60 percent by weight. Sand and gravel particles, not more than 20 percent by weight. The soil material shall be installed the full width of the trench, for a minimum of five (5) feet along the trench. The soil shall be placed in lifts not exceeding eight (8) inches and compacted to not less than 97 percent of the maximum density in accordance with ASTM D698. 5.02 5.02.2 Storm Sewer Service Laterals All storm sewer service laterals shall connect to the main storm sewer pipe at manholes, inlets or other structure locations, or directly to the storm sewer using approved couplings, fittings and saddles. 5.02.3 Storm Inlets Storm inlets in street paving shall conform to the details set forth in Figures SD-3, SD-4 and SD-5. Inlets and top units shall be precast concrete meeting the requirements of Sections 605 and 714 of PennDOT Publication 408, and the details shown on Figures SD-3, SD-4 and SD-5. Manufacturers shall be PennDOT approved or Township approved. Structural steel grates shall be bicycle safe meeting the requirements of Section 605 of PennDOT Publication 408 and Figure SD-7. Whenever available, cast iron grates shall be used and grates shall be bicycle safe and as manufactured by Allegheny Foundry Co., pattern numbers as shown on Figure SD-3, or approved equal. Cast iron vane grates as shown on RC-34 Sheet 4 of 9 of PennDOT Publication 72 shall be installed in locations directed by the Township Engineer. Storm inlets shall be placed at all low points, at street intersections, at grade changes, and at points along both sides of the street as required to ensure adequate interception of surface runoff. Inlets at street intersections shall be placed as shown on Figure SD-2. Additional inlets shall be constructed in locations directed by the Township Engineer to provide for proper control of surface water. Type D-H inlets shown on RC-34 Sheet 9 of 9 of PennDOT Publication 72 shall be installed in locations directed by the Township Engineer. A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) - three (3) inch precast concrete riser rings shall be placed on all inlets to provide for adjustment of grate elevation. Pipe shall be cut flush within 4 inches with the inside face of inlet box and the annular space grouted watertight inside and out using approved non-shrink grout. A six (6) inch sump shall be provided in all inlets. 5.02-2 Steps meeting the requirements of RC-39 Sheet 3 of 5 of PennDOT Publication 72 and Section 605.2(C) of PennDOT Publication 408 shall be installed in all inlets with a depth greater than 5 feet. The spacing of inlets shall not exceed 300 feet. 5.02.4 Storm Manholes All storm manholes shall be precast concrete constructed in accordance with the details on Figure SD-8. Manholes shall be designed for HS-20 loading and shall meet the requirements of Section 605 of PennDOT Publication 408. Manhole frames and solid covers shall be Allegheny Foundry Co. Pattern 650 and 651, respectively, or Township approved equal. Grate covers shall be Allegheny Foundry Co. Pattern 651X, or approved Township equal. Height adjustments shall be made using precast concrete adjustment rings. A minimum of two (2) and a maximum of three (3) - three (3) inch precast concrete riser rings shall be placed on all manholes to provide for adjustment of rim elevations. Pipes shall be cut flush with the inside of manhole face and the annular space grouted watertight inside and out using approved non-shrink grout. Manholes or inlets shall be installed at all changes in grade and alignment of storm sewers and at other locations as directed by the Township Engineer to provide access for maintenance. A six (6) inch sump shall be provided in all manholes. Steps meeting the requirements of RC-39 Sheet 3 of 5 of PennDOT Publication 72 and Section 605.2(C) of PennDOT Publication 408 current edition, as amended shall be installed in all manholes with a depth greater than 5 feet. 5.02.5 Structure Spacing The maximum distance between structures (inlets and manholes) shall be 300 feet unless otherwise approved by the Township Engineer. 5.02-3 5.02.6 Underground Detention Facilities Underground detention facilities shall be constructed of the pipe types listed in Section 5.02.1. Underground detention piping shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Spacing between adjacent pipes shall be sufficient to accommodate placement and compaction of bedding. Bedding material shall conform with requirements of Section Manway access ports or structures shall be provided at locations sufficient to facilitate inspection and maintenance and at such other locations that may be determined by the Township. 5.02.7 Open Detention Facilities Detention facilities in cut and fill (embankment) areas shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on Figures SD-10. Except as provided below, embankment materials shall meet the requirements of Section 206.2(a)(1)(a), of PennDOT Publication 408 and shall be placed and compacted in accordance with the requirements of Section 206.3 of PennDOT Publication 408. In the event the design professional determines that soils meeting Section 206.2(a)(1)(a) are not suitable for the intended embankment, alternative specifications for soil material may be submitted to the Township Engineer for approval. Low flow channels shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure SD-11. Provision shall be made for limiting seepage along the outfall pipe/soil contact surface, including anti-seep collars, internal drainage diaphragm system, etc. Outlet control structures shall be constructed of reinforced concrete as shown in Figure SD-12. Trashrack(s) acceptable to the Township shall be provided to protect orifice and pipe openings. Overflow spillways and exit channels shall be constructed of materials capable of withstanding expected velocities. Riprap material and construction shall conform to the requirements of Section 850 of PennDOT Publication 408 current edition, as amended. A typical riprap lined overflow spillway detail is shown on Figure SD-13. Other spillway lining materials (e.g. concrete) may be acceptable provided they satisfy the design criteria. 5.02-4 5.02.8 Pipe Headwall/Endwall Concrete pipe headwalls and endwalls shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure SD-14, and Section 605 of PennDOT Publication 408. 5.02.9 Pipe Outfall Protection Erosion protection for pipe outfalls shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figures SD-15 and SD-16, and Section 851 of PennDOT Publication 408. Dimensions and sizing of pipe outfall protection shall be based on criteria contained in the PA DEP Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual and FHWA HEC-14. 5.02.10 Sump and Downspout Connections Sump pump and downspout discharges shall be installed in accordance with the details shown on Figures SD-6 and SD-9. Sump pump and downspout piping, fittings, and accessories shall meet the requirements of Section or of this Code. Connections to existing Township storm sewer piping shall be made using approved fittings as manufactured by Inserta Tee, or approved equal. Cleanouts shall be located as shown on Figure SD-6 and as directed by the Township Engineer Downspouts that terminate near the house foundation shall discharge onto concrete splash blocks, prior to conveyance onto vegetated areas. Dry well infiltration system details are shown on Figure SD-18. 5.02.11 Drainage Channels Drainage channels shall be constructed of erosion resistant material capable of withstanding the maximum projected velocities during the design life of the facility. Design velocities shall not exceed the maximum permissible velocities contained in Chapter 4 of the PA DEP Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual. 5.02-5 Side slopes shall not exceed the maximum suitable side slopes contained in the PA DEP Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual for the type of material involved. Vegetated channels shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 804, 805 and 806 of PennDOT Publication 408. All vegetative channels shall receive erosion protection treatment in accordance with Section 806 of PennDOT Publication 408. Riprap lined channels shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 850 of PennDOT Publication 408. 5.02.12 Infiltration Systems Infiltration Trench Provisions shall be made to prevent groundwater contamination from polluted runoff including petroleum, salts, nutrients, etc. Infiltration systems shall not receive runoff until the entire contributing drainage area to the infiltration system has received final surface stabilization. Heavy equipment and traffic shall be restricted from traveling over the proposed location of the infiltration trench to minimize compaction of the soil. Excavate the infiltration trench to the design dimensions. Excavated materials shall be placed away from the trench sides to enhance trench wall stability. Large tree roots shall be trimmed flush with the trench sides in order to prevent fabric puncturing or tearing of the filter fabric during subsequent installation procedures. The side walls of the trench shall be roughed where sheared and sealed by heavy equipment. A Class “2” geotextile meeting the requirements of Section 735 of PennDOT Publication 408 shall be placed at the interface between the trench side walls and between the stone reservoir and gravel filter layers. (This subsection continues on following page) 5.02-6 The width of the geotextile must include sufficient material to conform to trench perimeter irregularities and for a 12 inch minimum top overlap. The filter fabric shall be tucked under the sand layer on the bottom of the infiltration trench for a distance of 6 to 12 inches. Stones or other anchoring objects should be placed on the fabric at the edge of the trench to keep the trench open during windy periods. When overlaps are required between rolls, the uphill roll should lap a minimum of 2 feet over the downhill roll in order to provide a shingled effect. A 6 inch sand filter layer shall be placed on the bottom of the infiltration trench, and shall be compacted to 95% modified proctor density, using plate compactors. The sand for the infiltration trench shall be a washed aggregate meeting the requirements of AASHTO Size No. 9 or No. 10 in Section 703 of PennDOT Publication 408. Any alternative sand gradation must be approved by the Township. The stone aggregate should be placed in a maximum loose lift thickness of 12 inches. The aggregate for the infiltration trench shall be washed aggregate meeting the requirements of AASHTO Size No. 2 or No. 3 in Section 703 of PennDOT Publication 408. Following the stone aggregate placement, the filter fabric shall be folded over the stone aggregate to form a 12 inch minimum longitudinal lap. After the filter fabric has been placed and seamed, a 6 inch minimum layer of clean, washed aggregate meeting the requirements for AASHTO No. 8 in Section 703 of PennDOT Publication 408 shall be placed to the surface to match adjacent ground elevations. Care shall be exercised to prevent natural or fill soils from from intermixing with stone aggregate. All contaminated stone aggregate shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated stone aggregate. Voids between the fabric and the excavation sides shall be avoided. 5.02-7 Vertically excavated walls may be difficult to maintain in areas where soil moisture is high or where soft cohesive or conhesionless soils are dominant. These conditions may require laying back of the side slopes to maintain stability. Over excavation areas shall be replaced with AASHTO No. 57 aggregate, as directed by the Township Engineer. PVC distribution pipes shall be SDR 35 meeting the requirements of ASTM D3034. Perforations shall be 3/8" in diameter. A perforated pipe shall be provided only within the infiltration trench and shall terminate 1' short of the infiltration trench wall. The end of the PVC pipe shall be capped. Pipe shall be oriented with perforations down. The observation well is to consist of 6"-diameter perforated PVC with a cap set 6 inches above ground level and is to be located near the longitudinal center of the infiltration trench. The pipe shall have a plastic collar with ribs to prevent rotation when removing the cap. The screw top lid shall be a cleanout with a locking mechanism or special bolt to discourage vandalism. The depth to invert shall be marked on the lid. The pipe shall be placed vertically within the gravel portion of the infiltration trench and a cap provided at the bottom of the pipe. The bottom of the cap shall rest on the infiltration trench bottom. If a distribution structure is used, the structure shall be precast concrete meeting the requirements of Sections 605 and 714 of PennDOT Publication 408. The distribution structure shall have a manhole frame and cover for access, meeting the requirements fo Section of this Code. Infiltration trenches shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure SD-17. Dry Well Dry wells shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements for Infiltration Trenches specified in Section A typical dry well detail is shown on Figure SD-18. 5.02-8 5.03 Sanitary Sewer Facilities All sanitary sewer facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with design standards and specifications of the Millcreek Township Sewer Authority. 5.04 Public Water Facilities All public water facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with design standards and specifications of the Millcreek Township Water Authority or the Erie City Water Authority, as applicable. 5.03 5.05 Pedestrian Circulation 5.05.1 Concrete sidewalks. All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure PC-1. Materials and construction shall conform with the requirements of Section 676 of PennDOT Publication 408. Steel welded wire fabric (WWF) shall conform to the requirements of Section 709 of PennDOT Publication 408. Sidewalks in areas not subject to vehicular traffic shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick, unreinforced. Sidewalks in areas subject to vehicular traffic, including driveways, shall be a minimum of six (6) inches thick and shall be reinforced with 6 x 6 W2.9 x W2.9 WWF (6 gauge) reinforcing; provided, that sidewalks in such areas which are subject solely to one-family or two family residential dwelling unit traffic shall be a minimum of four (4) inches thick and so reinforced. Sidewalks shall be constructed with a minimum cross slope of 1/4 inch per foot towards the center of the street. Maximum cross slope shall not exceed 3/4 inch per foot. At street intersections, sidewalks shall be extended to the edge of the paved street or curb. Sidewalks at street intersections shall be ramped for accessibility as shown on Figure PC-1. 5.05.2 Walking and Biking Paths All walking and biking paths shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure PC-2. Thickness of compacted base, concrete and asphalt as shown on Figure PC-2 are minimums authorized. Materials and construction for concrete walking and biking paths shall conform with the requirements for sidewalks as set forth in Section 5.05.1. Materials and construction for asphalt walking and biking paths shall conform with requirements of Section 5.01.5 as to the bituminous concrete binder course and bituminous wearing course (the minimum depths of each being as set forth on Figure PC-2). 5.05 Base materials and thickness shown on Figure PC-2 are indicated at minimum depths, compacted. Where poor subsoil conditions exist, the Township may require greater compacted base depth. Soil separator fabric for the specific path type must be installed, in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408 unless the Township approves an alternative. Paths in areas subject to vehicular traffic, including driveways, shall be of greater thickness, concrete paths meeting standards in Section and the minimum wearing course of an asphalt path being increased to 1.5". The width of the path surface may vary depending upon the type of use to be accommodated, but shall in no instance shall the width be less than 5'. Where a path is intended to accommodate both pedestrians and bicyclists, the path width shall be not less than 6'. In addition to the path’s concrete or paved width, shoulders at least 18" in width shall be provided on both sides of the path, and there shall be a 5' area on both sides of the path which is clear of all obstructions. Paths shall have a vertical clearance of not less than 10'. The maximum allowable cross-slope of a path shall be 2 percent. The maximum slope of any path shall be 5 percent. The Township will approve a slope in excess of 5 percent only if handrails are provided along both sides of the path and 5'-long landings are installed every thirty feet (30'). Paths shall conform to current Federal and State regulations regarding Americans with Disabilities. At intersections with streets, paths shall comply with the requirements of Section relating to sidewalk intersections. 5.05.3 Hiking Trails Hiking trails are not a required improvement, and shall not be accepted in lieu of sidewalks or, where authorized by the Board of Supervisors, paths. Illustrative standards for surfaces of privately-owned hiking trails are as shown on Figure PC-5. 5.05-2 5.06 Driveways 5.06.1 Within the Township right-of-way, Minimum Use Driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the details on Figure ST-13 and PC-4. Design and construction details of higher use driveways shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for review. 5.06.2 Materials and construction for driveways within the Township right-of-way shall conform with the following Sections of PennDOT Publication 408: Section 350 - Subbase Section 704, Class AA - Cement Concrete Section 709 - Steel Reinforcement - 6 x 6 - W2.9 x W2.9 WWF (6 gauge) Section 305 - BCBC Section 421 - Bituminous Binder Coarse Section 420 - Bituminous Wearing Coarse 5.06 5.07 Monuments and Markers 5.07.1 Double concrete monuments shall be set at all intersections, points of curve and points of tangent, and shall be required on rear subdivision lines. The top monument shall be constructed of concrete meeting the requirements of Section 704 of PennDOT Publication 408 for Class A. The monument shall be at least 30 inches long and shall have a cross-sectional area of at least 36 square inches. A steel rod with a diameter of ½ inch shall extend through the center of the monument for its entire length. The steel rod shall project ½ inch above the top of the concrete. The monument will be set with the top just flush with or just below the ground immediately surrounding. The top of the lower monument shall be set at least four (4) inches below the bottom of the top monument. The lower monument shall be similar in cross section to the top monument but shall be at least six (6) inches long. The lower monument will be set so that if the top monument is disturbed or destroyed, the lower monument will remain in place. Double monuments shall be labeled as such on the Final Plan. 5.07.2 Concrete monuments located within street, driveways, parking lots or other improved areas shall be protected at the surface with a cast iron frame and cover. The casting shall be “City of Erie Standard” landmark frame and cover as manufactured by Allegheny Foundry Co, or approved equal.. 5.07.3 Monuments located in streets shall be placed prior to placement of wearing course. 5.07.4 Monuments and markers shall be as shown on the details of Figure MM-1. 5.07 5.08 Street Trees. These regulations shall govern whenever trees are placed, maintained or replaced within the right of way of a public street. 5.08.1 Spacing and Location Shade trees intended to grow to 35' in height or greater - minimum spacing of 30' and maximum spacing of 60' (See Figure STT-1). As an alternative, ornamental trees intended to grow to less than 35' in height - minimum spacing of 20' and maximum spacing of 30'. As an option if approved by the Board of Supervisors and subject to approval of a final planting layout, street trees may be clustered at the corner of the property line and right of way, provided that the required density is satisfied and site lines and lighting are considered in the layout (See Figure STT-2). Street trees should be located between the sidewalk and the paved cartway of a street in the “tree lawn,” provided that trees shall not be placed in swales or berm areas beside non-curbed streets. 5.08.2 Branching Standards Street tree branching shall not interfere with clear sight triangles. At intersections, trees shall be located so that their foliage is no closer than 35' from the intersection of the streets’ right of way as measured from a height of 2' to 6' (See Figure STT-3). Typical branching of street trees shall not be within 8' of ground level after ten (10) years (See Figure STT-3). Plantings shall not interfere with clear visibility to pedestrians or with free passage on sidewalks and trails. A 3' clear zone shall be maintained from a height of 3' to 8' (See Figure STT-3). 5.08.3 Tree Quality Control Trees shall be nursery grown in a climate similar to that of the locality of the project. Varieties of trees shall be subject to approval of the Board of Supervisors. All trees shall have a normal habit of growth and shall be sound, healthy and vigorous. They shall be free from disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. 5.08 The trunk diameter of all trees, measured at a height of 6" above finish grade, shall be a minimum of 2" in caliper. Requirements for the measurements, branching, grading, quality, balling and burlapping of trees shall follow the code of standards recommended by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. in the American Standard for Nursery Stock, current edition. 5.08.4 Tree Selection Street trees shall be of a type which will comply with standards of this section, whose root structure is not such as will cause damage to paved streets and/or sidewalks, which are hardy to the local climate and which do not have invasive characteristics. Street trees shall be selected from those recommended from Street Tree Fact Sheets published by the Municipal Tree Restoration Program or the Directory of Landscape Tree Cultivars Project, School of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania State University (1993 or current edition). Unless deleted from said sources’ current editions, suitable tree species shall include: Species Common Name Acer rubrum Acer rubrum “Red Sunset” Acer freemanii “Autumn Flame” Acer freemanii “Celebration” Fraxinus ammericana “Autumn Purple” Fraxinus pennsylvanica “Summit Ash” Gleditsia tricanthos inermis Tilia cordata Zelcova serrata “Green Vase” Red maple Red Sunset maple Autumn Flame Celebration maple Autumn Purple ash Summit Ash Sunburst honeylocust Littleleaf lindon Green Vase zelcova Other tree species may be used, subject to Township approval, provided that information acceptable to the Township is provided which indicates that the species would comply with standards of this Section 5.08. Trees which are known to have invasive characteristics which may escape and spread are to be avoided. No trees included on the list of “Invasive Plants of Pennsylvania” published by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (current edition) are authorized. 5.08-2 Among others, the following species of trees are prohibited (those marked with an asterisk having cultivars not known to be invasive): Species Common Name Acer platanoides Acer pseudoplantanus Ailanthus altissima Paulownia tomentosa Pyrus calleryana Ulmus pumila Norway maple * Sycamore maple Tree-of-heaven Empress tree Callery pear * Siberian Elm 5.08.5 Tree Planting Implementation All planting shall be performed in conformity with good nursery and landscape practices and to the standards established in this section. Planting shall be completed during normal planting seasons of the community. Street trees are to be maintained and guaranteed for a minimum of one (1) year after completion of planting. If, during the guarantee period, more than one-third (1/3) of the tree dies, the tree shall be replaced. Replacement trees shall conform to all requirements of this section and shall be maintained and guaranteed for a minimum of two (2) planting seasons. Excavation. The planting pit shall be excavated so that the bottom of the root ball of the tree will be 6" above the undisturbed soil and the top is approximately 3" to 4" above finished grade. Excavate with sides vertical and scarified and with the bottom flat. The planting pit should be over-excavated to allow for 18" of loose topsoil on either side of the root ball (See Figure LD-1). Backfill. Backfill with native or imported soil that matches the characteristics of the indigenous soil. Imported soil must be free of rocks larger than 2" in diameter and of clay, toxic matter, plants, weeds, roots and/or any other debris deemed disadvantageous to proper plant growth (See Figure LD-1). 5.08-3 Planting. Planting standards generally are as set forth in Figure LD-1 and also include: A 6" layer of planting soil shall be placed and compacted in the bottom of the planting pit. After plant is set in planting pit, retain burlap on the root ball but pull away from the main stem of the plant. Place backfill in layers 4"-6" thick and work each layer by hand to compact the backfill and eliminate voids. Ensure that the plant is plumb. Once backfill is approximately two-thirds (2/3) complete, saturate with water and repeat until no more can be absorbed. Remainder of backfill should then be placed and compacted and watered again. Form a watering saucer around the trunk, and mulch with 2"-3" of double-hammered aged bark mulch. Bark mulch should not be placed against base of tree trunk. Pruning. Dead or broken branches are to be removed. The tree should be pruned to encourage natural growth consistent with the species planted. Staking and Guying. Hardwood stakes shall be driven into firm soil outside of the planting pit, using #12 double-stranded wire with a length of rubber hose to ensure protection of the tree trunk. The wire is to be tightened by wrapping it around a stake (See Figure LD-1). 5.08-4 5.09 Signage 5.09.1 Traffic Signs All required traffic signs shall meet the requirements of PennDOT Publication 236M for Type 3 signs.. 5.09.2 Street Marker Signs. 5.10 Two (2) street markers shall be erected at each intersection of two (2) or more streets. The streets signs shall be of corrosion resistant aluminum and shall measure approximately 22" x 4". They shall have four (4) inch high Scotch Light white letters on green background. The signs shall be furnished from a Township approved source complete with aluminum caps and rustproof fittings necessary for erection. The complete marker shall be four way and shall consist of two double face signs mounted on a 2" galvanized pipe set in a concrete base. The pipe standard shall extend 10 feet out of the ground and at least 2 feet into the concrete base. The concrete base shall be a minimum of 15 inches in diameter and shall extend a minimum of 2 feet deep in the ground. Figures 5.10.1 Figures referenced in this Article and which follow in this Section are hereby incorporated in this Ordinance, and shall have full legal effect as though stated in text form. 5.10.2 The Board of Supervisors by ordinance shall be authorized to amend, add or delete Figures. 5.09 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS CODE 5.10.3 LIST OF FIGURES TITLE FIGURE NO. Streets (ST) Typical Street Cross-Sections 80 ft ROW Typical Street Cross-Sections 60 ft ROW Typical Street Cross-Sections 50 ft ROW Typical and Offset Cul-de-Sac (Curb) Typical and Offset Cul-de-Sac (Swale) Pavement Section Plain Concrete Curb Detail Mountable Curb Detail Underdrain and Blind Drain Details Boulevard Detail Pavement Restoration Details Paving Notch Detail Street Intersections and Driveways ST-1 ST-2 ST-3 ST-4 ST-5 ST-6 ST-7 ST-8 ST-9 ST-10 ST-11 ST-12 ST-13 Drainage and Stormwater Management (SD) Storm Sewer Bedding and Backfill Typical Layout for Storm Sewers and Inlets Storm Inlet Details - 2x3/3x3 PennDOT Type M Inlet PennDOT Type C Inlet Collection System for Sump, Footer and Roof Drains Bicycle Safe Grate Detail Storm Sewer Manhole Detail Sump and Downspout Connection Details Typical Detention Basin Details Low Flow Channel Details Typical Outlet Control Structure Rip-Rap Overflow Spillway Type D-W Endwall/Headwall Pipe Outfall Protection To Channel Pipe Outfall Protection - Unconfined Infiltration Trench Typical Dry Well Cross-Section 5.10 SD-1 SD-2 SD-3 SD-4 SD-5 SD-6 SD-7 SD-8 SD-9 SD-10 SD-11 SD-12 SD-13 SD-14 SD-15 SD-16 SD-17 SD-18 Pedestrian Circulation (PC) Sidewalk Details Pavement and Path/Pathway Details Subdivision Pathway Connections Driveway Details Sample Trail Details PC-1 PC-2 PC-3 PC-4 PC-5 Monuments and Markers (MM) Concrete Monuments and Covers MM-1 Street Tree (STT) Regular Tree Spacing 60' Max On-Center Regular Tree Grouping Typical Subdivision Entrance Planting STT-1 STT-2 STT-3 Landscape Planting Details (LD) Tree Planting Detail LD-1 5.10-2 ~------------------------------------ 40' to ~--------------------------------------1 11. I 9'-0' 4'-0" Min. cone. walk 6'-0" SWALE 14'-0" 6'-0" SHOULDER 114" I FT minimum 0.02'/, 0.04'/, 2A SUBBASE FOR SHOULDER DRAINAGE Q SWALE STREET CROSS-SECTION 80' RIGHT-OF-WAY SEE TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAIL FOR DEPTH OF MATERIALS SEE UNDERDRAIN DETAIL N.T.S. i...f~ ~~ I lr I I I I 20' 2'-6" 1/4" I FT minimum I 2'-6" ... TREE PLANTING ZONE ~~1 10' CURB STREET CROSS-SECTION 80' RIGHT-OF-WAY Note: f 15' 4'-o" Min. cone. walk I I I 40 to ~~ DETAIL o, LSEE TYPICAL STREET FRONT OF WALK ELEVATION TO BE ABOVE TOP OF CURB ELEVATION. 02002 eerlng, Inc. Reserwd Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 I SECTION DETAIL FOR DEPTH OF MATERIALS N.T.S. Millcreek Township J Q.02'L, SEE UNDERDRAIN DETAIL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL STREET CROSSSECTIONS 80Ft R.O.W. t.llllcreek Conatructlon Stondorda\ST-1.dwg 30 to ct_ I 1' I I I ~~ 4'-o" Min. cone. walk 3'-0" 6'-o" SWALE I ~T minimum 12'-o" 4'-0" SHOULDER I 1/4" I ~~~1 I 2'-6" r4" -¥ I 0.02' /, 0.04'/.., . .,Y ..v I J l~EE T2A SUBBASU FOR SHOULDER DRAINAGE o, I SECTION DETAIL FOR DEPTH OF MATERIALS SEE UNDERDRAIN DETAIL SWALE STREET CROSS-SECTION 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY TYPICAL STREET ~------------------30' to ~ I 18' ~~~4'_-~0_"~M~in~·~---------~7-'_ _ _ _ _ _Ji--------~--------~ cone. walk 1/4" 1n 2'-6" 2'-6" minimum • 2' CURB STREET CROSS-SECTION 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY SEE CURB DETAIL Note: FRONT OF WALK ELEVATION TO BE ABOVE TOP OF CURB ELEVATION. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-1111 0.02'/.., SEE TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAIL FOR DEPTH OF MATERIALS 0 SEE UNDERDRAIN DETAIL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL STREET CROSSSECTIONS 60Ft R.O.W. HILL ENGINEERING, INC. I IIIIa llnot - lid w. ...,.... . ST-2 Millcreek Conetructlon Stondords\ST-2.dwg 1' 5' 4'-0" Min. cone. walk 1/4" I 15' FT minimum 0.02'!. 2'-6" SEE TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAIL FOR DEPTH OF MATERIALS 0 SEE UNDERDRAIN DETAIL CURB STREET CROSS-SECTION 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY N.T.S. Note: FRONT OF WALK ELEVATION TO BE ABOVE TOP OF CURB ELEVATION. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16S06 814-833-1111 www mJIIcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL STREET CROSSSECTIONS 50 Ft R.O.W. BILL ENGINEERING, INC. ...................... ST-3 l.tlllcreek Conalructlon Slondords\ST-J .dwo OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC N.T.S. !()()·~ ~7o·1 -...... 0 ~ ·3: . CD - 0 ........._ _ _ (£)CD o:: _ _ (£)0:: 1'0o::=> I _Lj~ - ------------ =>u u To ered 18' to 20' :!f TYPICAL CUL-DE-SAC N.T. S. -...... Mill creek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www m1llcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPI CAL & OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC cu HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ..................... ST-4 OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC N.T.S. SHOULDER SIDEWALK TYPICAL CU L-DE-SAC N.T.S. .,.... SHOULDER SIDEWALK Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-11 11 www m•llcreektownshJp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL & OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC (swale) ffiLL ENGINEERING, INC. ..................... . ST-5 ~Ricreek Conatructlon Stondords\ST- !S.dwo 1 ~.. WEARING COURSE ID-2 SECT 420, PUB. 408 2" BINDER COURSE ID-2 SECT 421, PUB. 408 5" BASE COURSE SECT. 305, PUB. 408 TOWNSHIP STREET PAVEMENT SECTION Not to Scale NOTE: 1. PROVIDE 1/2" PER FOOT SLOPE FOR SUB GRADE, PROVIDE 1/4" PER FOOT SLOPE FOR SUBBASE, BCBC, BINDER & WEARING COURSE. 2. BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WlTH SECTION 461, PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED. 3. BITUMINOUS TACK COAT SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 460, PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED. Millcreek Township CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 8 14-833-11 11 ST-6 Millcreek Construction Stondords\ ST-6.dwg Y.;' MINIMUM DETAIL 'A' CONTRACTlON JOINT SEE DETAIL A (CONTlNUOUS THRU CURB AND GUTTER) X" RADIUS o/." RADIUS I 8" UNIFORM i (2) #5 BARS * 1" PER FT. MIN. 1-----18" - - -- SECTION A- A PLAIN CONCRETE CURB GUTTER PLACE 3 / 4 INCH PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER MATERIAL AT SPACING NOT EXCEEDING 30 Ft., AT STRUClURES AND AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY. DEPRESSED CURB FOR DRIVES Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvan•a 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-11 11 www m•llcreektownsh• CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PLAIN CONCRETE CURB DETAIL ENGINEERING, INC. • ca.. ~not- ... w.,.....,.. ST-7 Mnlcreel< Construction Stondords\st- 7.dwg 3/4" PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER FULL DEPTH MOUNTABLE CURB 1% 4 • .. 4 ;. ., 4 PAVED ISLAND CLASS "AA" CONCRETE ~------------ 12" ~ 24" ------------~ min. TYPE 'A' MOUNTABLE CURB Not to Scale NOTE: REFER TO RC-65, PennDOT PUB. 72 Millcreek Township FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 8 14-833- 1I I I www.mtllcreektownshipcllm Millcreek Construction Standards \ST- 7 A.dwg TYPICAL SECTION -o0 8.5" io a:: r--.. ~ r--.. co -~ .. Bit. Pov't. .. ...·. . L 8.5" ~ -12"~ I 24"---l STANDARD DESIGN MOUNTABLE CURB THICKNESS SAME AS ADJACENT PAVEMENT - 8.5" JOINTS 1. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE CURB OR CURB AND GUTTER IN PROLONGATION OF THE SAME TYPE JOINTS IN ADJACENT P.C.C. OR BASE COURSE. 2. 3 / 4" PREFORMED EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL STREET INTERSECTION AND CUL- DE-SAC RADIUS POINTS. THEY SHALL MATCH THE SURFACE PROFILE OF THE CURB OR CURB AND GUTIER AND EXTEND 1/2" BELOW THE BOTIOM. 3. WHEN CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO FLEXIBLE BASE PAVEMENTS, SAWED CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT 20' INTERVALS. 4. ALL SAWED OR FORMED TRANVERSE JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED WI TH JOINT SEALER IN ACCORDANCE WI TH SECTION 705.4 of PennDOT PUB 408 STANDARDS. FORMS 1. THE CURB OR CURB AND GUTTER MAY BE POURED USING AN APPROVED MECH ANICAL SUP FORM CURB MACHINE. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street En e, PA 16506 81 4-833-1 111 www mlllcreektOwns CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS STA NDARD DESIGN MOUNTA BLE C URB ENGINEElUNG, INC. lllllaiNit - ldliol,,_,.. ST-8 Millcreek Construction Stondords\ST- 8 I z I~a:: I~ I I I 50' MA I I I I PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - V A R I A B L E - - - - - - - - - - --t BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CLASS 1 GEOTEXTlLE FABRIC UNDERDRAIN SECTION A-A SUBBASE SECTION 8-8 Millcreek Township Erie County. Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie,PA 16506 814-833-1 I I I CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS UNDERDRAIN & BLINDDRAIN DETA ILS ENGINEERING, INC. l&.ht - WW,....... ~ill creek ST-9 Coostructron Details\ST- 9.dwg 0:: I..LJ 0.... <( t- EDGE OF PAVEMENT c ~ 0 CONCRETE CURB 0 MOU NTABLE CONCRETE CURB ST-7A 16' Min. EDGE OF PAVEMEN T EDGE OF PAVEMENT BOULEVARD DETAIL N. T.S. NOTES: 1) BOULEVARD TO BE CENTERED IN PAVEMENT. Millcreek Township Ene County. Pennsylvama 3608 West 26th Street En e, PA 16506 814-833-1 I I I www mtllcreektownsht p com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS BOULEVARD DETAIL HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ....... ......,........... _ ST-10 Millcreek Construction Standords\ST- 10.dwg SEAL JOINT WITH RUBBERIZED JOINT SEALING MATERIAL 8" - 2A AGGREGATE 2" - BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE, ID- 2 SEAL JOINT WITH RUBBERIZED JOINT SEALING MATERIAL 1 '."-FJ-1 OR ID-2 WEARING COURSE (Match Existing) BCBC ~WCUT (Uin J? BACKFILL PennDOT No. 2A TO MIN. 97% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY IN 4" - 8" LOOSE LIFTS PIPE BEDDING AASHTO No. 67 COARSE AGGREGATE FLEX IBLE PAV EMENT RESTORATION TAR & CHIP RESTORATION Not to Scale Not to Scale TOWNSHIP STREET RESTORATION Not to Scale Millcreek Township CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www millcreektownsh1p com I ENGINEERING, INC. lnlt - ... w. ...,... ~~!.a ST-11 U UI,-.raM f"l"'l"'•tntl"tlnn ~tl'\nAnr~e\~T-t1 AY~~n Cop)"ight 0 2002 HHI Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved REFERENCE RC- 28 PennDOT PUB. 72 OVERLAY _ _ ORIGI:..:..N;.;.-A=L-----__ PAVEMENT ORIGINAL --P=:"=A':'-:'V"=EMENT - - PLAN OVERLAY TRANSITIONS APPLY TACK COAT, AS INDICATED * RECTANGULAR PAVING NOTCH INCIDENTAL TO THE WEARING COURSE APPLY TACK COAT AS INDICA TED OVERLAY TRANSITION WITH PAVING NOTCH ON CONCRETE AND BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS ~ * TABLE SEE TABLE A FOR DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. SHOULD EQUAL THE THICKNESS OF THE WEARING COURSE. FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION 1. USE HIGHER APPROPRIATE CRITERIA IF A CROSS STREET HAS A FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFlCA TION OF COLLECTORS AND LOCAL ROADS OR HIGHER. 2. USE 85th PERCEN TILE SPEED, IF AVAILABLE. OTHERWISE, USE THE POSTED SPEED. 3. PLACE EDGE FLUSH WI TH EXISTING PAVEMENT AND SEAL AS SPECIFIED IN PUBLICATION 408, CURRENT EDITlON, AS AMENDED, SECTION 401.3(j)3. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene. PA 16506 8 14-833- 111 1 A SLOPE M PAVING NOTCH L ( Maximum) (Minimum) 1" in 50' 50' INTERSTATE AND OTHER U t.IITED ACCESS FREEWAYS ARTERIALS > 45 m ph SEE NOTE 2. ARTERI ALS < 45 mph SEE NOTE 2. 1" in 30' 30' 1" in 10' 10' COLLECTORS AND LOCAL ROADS 1" in 10' 10' CROSS STREETS SEE NOTE 1. 1" in 12 " 1' DRIVEWAYS 1" in 12" NO NOTCH CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PAVING NOTCH DETAIL H IL L E N GIN EERING, IN C. 8 Gibeoo S1rwt • Nol1h £as!.l'ems)+lril (814 )725-8659 - l>ll@heieo1gr.oom ReviSions: Drawing No: ST-12 Matcreek Construction Stondords\ST- 12A.dwg OF SHOULDER 10' MIN. 35' MAX. I'I J: STREETS/DRIVEWAYS IN SWALE AREAS t ------ ~ STREETS/DRIVEWAYS - - - - - t.JI 20'R - LOCAL 30'R - COLLECTOR/ARTERIAL (DIMENSION TO SHOULDER EDGE) -JI J ~: Vll -~ IN CURBED AREAS 1 20'R 30'R 0~ N~ I LOCAL COLLECTOR/ARTERIAL 45· MIN. PREFERRED (CURBED & SWALE STREETS) go· I DRIVEWAY I 10' MIN. 35' MAX. INL£T I !iQIE: DIMENSIONS SHOWN APPLY TO MINIMUM USE DRIVEWAYS ONLY. LINE Cop)4"ight 0 2002 HHI Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-1 I ll www mJIIcreektownshlp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS STREET INTERSECTIONS A ND DRIVEWAYS I ENGINEERING, INC. ca.. llnot- lid W, ,_,... ST-13 Millcreek Construction Stondords\ST- 13.dwg ____ j I •••••••••••••••••••• J ..................... . I I I I )_ __ ____ _ \ y-· ___ / / \ \ \ \ \ \ Millcreek Township CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 8 14-833- lll l REGULAR TREE SPACING 60' MAX ON-CENTER HILL ENGINEERING, INC. Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 We~t 26t h Street Ene, PA 16506 ww" mtllcrecktownshtp com I.._ lnoot - lid W,,..,.... STT-1 lo401creek Conatructloo Stondorda\ STI-1.dwo :-------------------\---------- -T------- --r------ ---r-----------------F : ",, \ I I I // -----~ ', I I " : I ,, ' \ -,, ' i I I I I I i I --l / I I I i , , " ' I I I i~--- ----- I ---- ··················r···················-·· -- _j 1 I I l y-'' ' ' ~------- _.,- / __ _ . . / / _.,- '\ \ \ ~ / ' ''( ' ' , CLUSTERED TREE GROUPINGS SHALL PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED DENSITIES. / \ \ Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 02002 eerlng, Inc. Reserved 814-833-1111 www.mlllcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS EGULAR TREE GROUPING ....... ... HILL ENGINEERING, INC. _ ~~~~~,,....... STI-2 SELE<~r 1two~ ~~A~rwEr10hBf ~~rH: o~1 WR2~~orFo~L~~tfR~Cf. ....,____ _ _ _ _ 8' -3' --6' CLEAR SlGH T TRIANGLE ~~~--2' Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www mtllcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL SUBDIVISION ENTRANCE PLANNING mu.. ENGINEERING, INC. ·-lloot - ldllll, ....... STT-3 PAVEMEN T CROSS SECTION :: :·;: ., .~: ::.:.>:.·~·:.: :..:·>·.~·.: ... ;::.\ : t ·.! • No. 2A SEE NOTE 5. SEE TRENCH WIDTH TABLE (BELOW) ., . ·• COMPACTED TO MIN. 97% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN 4" TO 8" LOOSE LIFTS. COMPACTED TO MIN. 90% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN 4" TO 8" LOOSE LIFTS. TOWNSHIP APPROVED NATIVE MATERIAL SEE TRENCH WIDTH TABLE (BELOW) 6" PIPE BEDDING AASHTO No. 67 AGGREGATE (COMPACTED IN 6" MAX. LIFTS) HAUNCH ZONE HAUNCH 6" MIN. ( 4" Min. for pipe 15"¢ BEDDING SEE NOTE 3. SEE NOTE 3. RO ADWAY/SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY AREAS LAWN AREAS NOTES: 1) REFER TO THE TOWNSHIP'S, MANUFACTURER'S AND ASTM D2321 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMAnON. 2) TYPICAL ROADWAY/SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY AREA DETAIL SHALL BE USED AS FOLLOWS: - WHEN EXCAVAnON DEPTH IS FIVE (5) FEET OR LESS, THIS DETAIL SHALL BE USED WITHIN FIVE (5) HORIZONTAL FEET OF ANY PAVEMENT, BERM, SIDEWALK OR DRIVEWAY - WHEN EXCAVAnON DEPTH IS GREATER THAN FIVE (5) FEET, THIS DETAIL SHALL BE USED WITHIN TEN (10) HORIZONTAL FEET OF ANY PAVEMENT, BERM. SIDEWALK OR DRIVEWAY. 3) UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BELOW THE EXCAVATED TRENCH BOTTOM SHALL BE REMOVED, WHERE DIRECTED. AND REPLACED WITH AASHTO No. 57 AGGREGATE. 4) INSTALLAnON SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321 "STANDING PRACnCE FOR UNDERGROUND INSTALLAnON OF THERMOPLASnC PIPE". 5) IN ADDITION TO THE APPROVED PIPE BACKFILL OF 2A, OTHER GRAVEL SOURCES MAY BE USED, PROVIDED THAT TEST DATA IS SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE TOWNSHIP PRIOR TO USE OF THE ALTERNATE SOURCE. . - - - - - , - -- O.D. MAY VARY DEPfNDING ON PIPE MANUFACTURER HOPE PIPE §!fE MIN.TRENCH WID~ I.D. 0.0 . • PER PIPE SIZE 2" 14. 8" 17. 4 4: 5: .7" Cop)l"lght 0 2002 Hnl Engin eering, Inc. All Rights Reserved Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www millcrecktownsh1p com --1 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS STORM SEWER BEDDING & BACKFILL HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ICIIooolnot · ldloll, ....... SD-1 Millcreek Construction Stondords\S0-1 .dwQ EDGE OF PAVEMENT INLET y X y RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH 50' 60' 80' X y 15' 18' 20' (DtST. TO STORM) 14' 17' 19' (OtST. TO STORM} z n/a 19' 23' (PAVEMENT 'MOTH) I I X X RJ LINE I I Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www nullcreektownsh1p corn CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL LAYOUT for STORM SEWERS & INLETS IDll ENGINEERING, INC. ICJ.W • WIIi.,..,.. SD-2 Millcreek Construction Stondords\S0-2.dwg -HEAVY DUTY/NON-ROCKING -BICYCLE SAFE DIMENSIONS (inches) PATTERN NU MBER FRAME GRATE A 416YS 454 B c D E CLEAR OPENINGS @BOTTOM F 416 8 24 36 31 43 2 ~" 2 634 36 36 41 42 3 2 24 ~ X 33 ~ 34 X DDDDDDD DODD DOD TI 34 L:=~~ u ~ jL ~ ~ t-... F- - E FRAME & GRATE DETAIL PRECAST RISER SECTION(S) 3", 6", 1', 2', 3' ( WHEN 2 ARE REQ'D., USE LARGER THICKNESS. Max. 2) PRECAST RISER SECTION 3' OR AS NEEDED PRECAST INLET SPECIFICATIONS · MONOLITHIC CASTING - DESIGNED FOR HS- 20 LOADING · WALLS: 6" REINFORCED ·KNOCK OUT PANELS - 3" TH ICK OPEN INGS FOR PIPE IN SIDES AND ENDS TO FIELD CUT BY CONTRACTOR. ·BASE 6" REINFORCED ·REINFORCING: 0.12 Sq. ln. / Lin Ft. USE #4 BARS IN CORNERS · CONCRETE: 4000psi 3' PRECAST INLET 2' x 3' or 3' x 3' BASE SECTION TO HAVE 0.5' MIN. SU MP 6" STORM & INLET DETAIL - 2 x 3 I 3 x 3 KNOCKOUT PANELS (TYP.) ~: 1) PROVIDE 1 COURSE OF 3" PRECAST CONCRETE RISER FOR FUTURE GRADE ADJUSTMENT. 2) PROVIDE STEPS IN INLETS EXCEEDING 4 FT IN DEPTH. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-11 11 www.m• CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS STORM INLET DETAIL 2x3 I 3x3 HILL ENGINEERING, INC. •ca.. ... - Jri .... ,_,._ SD-3 Millcreek Construction Stondords\ S0-3.dwg BICYCLE SAFE GRATE TYPE M INLET CONCRETE TOP UNIT INLET BOX l .• l F L~c ------ <.:> •• .. #4 BARS TOP & BOT (TYP.) TYPE 'M' INLET - NOT TO SCALE 1. PROVIDE STEPS ON INLETS EXCEEDING 4 FEET IN DEPTH 2. PROVIDE PennDOT TYPE I MODIFIED BASE AS REQUIRED FOR PIPES GREATER THAN 18" IN DIAMETER 3. LOCATE PIPES AS INDICATED, WITH THE INLET BOTIOM SHAPED TO CHANNEL THE FLOW TOWARD THE OUTLET PIPE. 4. PROVIDE 6" Min. SUMP IN BASE. TYPE PATERN A B c D E F G H I K L M N 0 f-.1 EAVY DUTY 2'x4' 48~" 57~" 27" 36" 9" 4814" 8" 45~" 57~" 27" 8" 24" 36" 5W' Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-111 1"'nshlp com .................... ENGINEERING, INC. S0-4 MQicreek Township Con1truct1on Stondorda\S0--4.dw B .... GRATE (STRUCTURAL STEEL SHOWN) 57 1 ~" I A L : 0'1 I') A J r---- r-------------------------------------------,I I r TYPE C INLET CONCRETE TOP UNIT 6" 3" PRECAST CONCRETE GRADE ADJUSTMENT RING 6" ~-INLET BOX I" N ..____ TYPE C INLET 48 14" NOT TO SCALE B .... l7', 42 ~ " 7' " 6" ~ I l . 'i] v. ~" / ... IN.) . . I 18~" REFERENCE PennDOT PUB. 72 - RC 34 REBAR OMITTED FOR CLARITY I I I I I 2 '"2"J L •,· ~" r1 ~" -r. . . ·. OCl ..... ·~ "------tl_j_ 45 SECTION A-A 3" 3" R ·~ '• ...·,:~ .. . ' . •y :' ' o I .. 1r- 1-1r I 1, ... ·-:. ·. · :' -.-~·; 6" 6" _[ ~ . j.: ~ 9" 2" r. .. .11:. ~. ;. LC ~·-~ . ... 31r 7" 1" t- ~ ..... • . : .. 24"_j (MI 4 ~. .. ' -~ t 1!" SECTION 8-8 Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www mlllcreektownshep com unr,..,. ..,... f'.nn•tructlon Stondorde\S0-5.dwo COLLECTION SYSTEM IN SWALE AREAS t ------ t CONCRETE SIDEWALK J -------------- -- - COLLECTION SYSTEM ____L_- - - - -- ----- CURB LINE - - -- - IN CURBED AREAS CURB LINE -~ ~-C~NCRE;E- - SIDEWALK 1 I I EDGJ OF PAVEMENT Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsytvama 3608 West 26th S~t Ene, PA 16506 814-833-11 11 www mlllcreektownslup com o = CLEAN OUT e:! 0 = INLET C.O. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Collection System for Sump, Footer, and Roof Drains ............ . ,_,.,.... ENGINEERING, INC. S0-6 Millcreek Constrvctlon Stondorda\S0-6.dwg J'-11-J/4. I NQIE.S. 3/4. -~- SEE T\1'1C.II.l CORNER DETAILS I. lHIS SHEET DEPICTS lHE DIMENSIONS REQUIRED FOR UNifORI.tiTY AND INTEROiANGEABIUTY. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE DETAILS REQUIRED fOR fABRICATION OR MANUfACTURING. ONlY GRATES SUP!'UED BY A MANUfACTURER USTEO IN BUUETIN 15 SHALL BE PERI.tiTTEO. FOR A BUU..EliN 15 USTIHG, SUSI.IIT A 22• x 36• REPROOUCISU: SHOP ORA'MNG TO lHE BUREAU Of CONSTRVCTION AND l.tATERIAL$, MATERIALS AND TESTING OI..,SION FOR ~EW AND APPROVAL. 2. 'IIEI..O STRUCTURAL STED. GRATES IN ACCOROAHCE 'MlH lHE REQUIREt.IENTS Of PUBUCATION 408, SECTION 1105.03(R). 3. PRO..,DE TRAN~SE BARS, t.tEEllNG lHE REQUIREt.IENTS Of PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED. 4. PRO..,DE BICYCLE-SAFE, STRUCTURAL STED. OR CAST IRON VANE CRATES FOR INSTALLATION ONLY v.tiERE BICYCLE TRAfflC IS ANllCIPATEO, SUOi AS CURBED ROADWAYS IN URBAN AREAS OR ROADWAYS SPECIFICALLY ESTABUSHED AND SIGHED AS BIKEWAYS OR HAVING BIKE LANES. ALTERNATE BICYCLE-SAFE GRATE DESIGNS SHALL REQUIRE A SHOP ORA'MNG SUBMISSION AS SPECIFIED IN NOTE I, AND SHALL CONFORM TO lHE DIMENSIONAL REQUIREt.IENTS FOR PROPER INSTALlAllON 'MlH lHE CURRENT CONCRETE TOP UNITS. 5. FABRICATE SLOTS BY BURNING. ORIWNG. SHEARING OR PUNCHIIG HAVE lHE BOTTON Of ALL BURNED OR DRILLED SLOTS CONFORW TO lHE SHAPE Of lHE ROO. e. PRO~ STRUCTURAL STED. GRATES 'MlH lHE GRATE SPACERS LOCATED FLUSH ALONG lHE TOP SURFACE Of lHE GRATE. 7. STRUCTURAL STEEL GRATE SHOWN. 1111111111111111111111111111 -j A SECTION A-A 1-1/4. (T\1'.) 81 A _j -if i[ ~ ~ v•· .. '"'' "\1 1/4• l.tiN • II Le TRANS~SE RODS AT 3 5/8• C. TO C. (T\1'.) 3/8• 0 x 4tl 1/4• ROO /e I a.J BEARI~G 8 ARS AT I 3/4 C. TO C. (T\1'.) 1/2• x 2 1/2• x 25• BAR CAST IRON GRATE IS PREFERRED. STRUCTURAL STEEL GRATE BICYLE SAFE fOR SLOT fABRICATION SEE NOTES 5 DETAIL D DETAIL E 3 5/4• C. TO C. BAR & ROD SPACING DETAIL Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 261 h Slrcct Ene, PA 16506 814-833-1111\\nShip com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS BICYCLE SAFE GRATE DETAIL HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ................... SD-7 FRAME & SOLID COVER FOR MANHOLES SHALL BE "ERIE STANDARD" FRAME NO. 650 AND COVER NO. 651 AS MAN'F. BY ALLEGHENY FOUNDRY CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2" RAISED LETTERING ON COVER TO READ "STORM SEWER". PORTLAND CEMENT EXCEPT IN PAVEMENT PRECAST CONCRETE LEVELING RINGS BONDED BETWEEN INSIDE & OUTSIDE 'MTH 1/ 2" MIN. MORTAR. MIN. 1 COURSE, MAX. 3 COURSE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT RIM ELEVATION AS SHOWN ON PLAN PRECAST ECCENTRIC TAPER TOP (ASTM-C478) ADDITIONAL TRANSITION PIECE(S) REQUIRED FOR MANHOLES 5' I.D. AND LARGER THE TOP SECTION HAS BEEN ROTATED 90' FOR CLARITY "0" RING JOINT OR APPROVED ALTERNATE COMPACT BACKFILL TO 97% SID. PROCTOR - - - - Max. DENSITY GROUT INSIDE & OUTSIDE OF JOINT 'MTH NON-SHRINKING MORTAR PRECAST MANHOLE RISERS (ASTM-C478) AS REQUIRED SPIGOT END DOWN PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE MONOBASE (ASTM-C478) BASE SECTION TO HAVE 6" MIN. SUMP ----1 DURA-SEAL Ill REQUIRED FOR PRECAST HOLES; GROUT 'MTH WATERPLUG OR APPROVED EQUAL AROUND OUTSIDE OF SEAL 12" MIN. STRUCTURAL FILL PennDOT 2A TYPE A STORM SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Millcreek Township Ene County. Pennsylvama 3608 Wes1 261h Streel Ene, PA 16506 81 4-833-1111 www mtllcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS STORM SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ICia SINot- 11161111,,_,... SD-8 Millcreek Construction Stondorda\S0- 8.dwg SIDEWALK~ .. ~~--.~-r--------~~r-----------~------------- 1 ' TO 2' STRAP STEEL REBAR TO CLEANOUT t CON NECTION TO ____ HOUSE 6" PVC 'WYE' ----'--/- PARALLEL STORM SEWER. PVC SDR 35- ASTM D3034 PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL SIZE OF PARALLEL STORM SEWER SHALL BE BASED ON THE PEAK DESIGN FLOW RATES AND SLOPE. PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 6 INCHES. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsytvanta 3608 West 26th Street Ene. PA 16506 814-833- 111 1 W\vw JTIJI!ereektownship com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SUMP & DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION DETAILS ENGINEERING, INC. I&.. hi - W W ,_,._. SD-9 Millcreek Coost11.1ction Stondords\SD-9.dwg CONCRETE CUTOFF WALL OVERFLOW SPILL WAY CD ENDWALL OR END SECTION ENERGY DISSIPATER 2% Mi n. FREEBOARD DEFINITION N.T.S. G) 100 YEAR LEVEL ASSUMING OUTLET PIPING SYSTEM IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL. (i.e. NO CLOGGING). @ LE VEL (D PLUS 1.0 FT MINI MUM FREEBOARD. OVERFLOW SPILLWAY CREST MUST BE AT THIS ELEVATION OR HIGHER. G) LEVEL DETERMINED BY ROUTING 100 YEAR INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ASSU MING OUTLET PIPING SYSTEM IS NOT FUNCTI ONAL (i.e. 100% CLOGGED). ALL OUTFLOW THROUGH OVERFLOW SPILLWAY. Millcreek Township 0 2002 eerlng, Inc. Reserved Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www TOP OF EMBANKMENT MUST BE AT THIS LEVEL OR HIGHER. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL DETENTION BASIN DETAILS HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ICIIIlht - llrillll,,..._. SD-10 Mlllcrek Construction Stondords\SD-10.dwo NOTE 1 ROCK RIPRAP TO BE PER CLASS 1 GEOTEXTlLE MATERIAL per SECTION 735 PennDOT PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED 4" PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN BEDDED IN AASHTO NO. 57 AGGREGATE - DISCHARGE UNDERDRAIN TO CONTROL STRUCTURE NOTES: 1. CHANNEL DIMENSIONS (W,D) AND RIPRAP SIZE AND THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON DESIGN FLOW AND VELOCITY. 2. CHANNEL SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO HAVE A MINIMUM LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF 2 % TOWARD CONTROL STRUCTURE. Millcreek Townsh ip Ene County, Pennsylvama 3608 West 26th Street Ene. PA 16506 814-833-1111 www mJJicreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS LOW FLOW CHANNEL DETAILS ENGINEERlNG, INC. • ca. bet - lri .... ,..... SD-11 Millcreek Construction Stondords\SD-11.dwg OVERFLOW GRATE OVERFLOW GRATE INLET '. !TRASH ..' HINGE CONNECTION ., RACK 2 I 11 .. #4 EPOXY COATED REBAR (TYPICAL) 3" TYP. CONCRETE PAD 4" MINIMUM THICKNESS ON 8" GRAVEL BEDDING PERF. PIPE FOR SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM, PVC OR HOPE lOURET PIPE SECTION A-A NOTES: 1. DEBRIS RACK SHALL BE BOLTED TO CONCRETE PAD. MINIMUM 1 (one) 318"0 BOLT PER SIDE. 2 . LOCATE BOLT(s) AND RETAINER WHERE IT CAN BE EASILY ACCESSED FOR REMOVAL NECESSARY FOR MAINTENANCE. 3. PAINT ALL WELDS WITH PR IMER & MATCHING EPOXY PAINT. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE HILL ENGINEERING, INC. I ca. hi - llri W, ,_,... SD-12 Millcreek Townshlo\Conslructlon Stondords\S0-1? dwn (H:V) ~W~ EMBANKMENT CREST EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION D r l I I I I I I I I I L ____ _ --------------;t----------J ROCK RIPRAP CLASS 2 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL per SECTION 735 PennDOT PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED. CONCRETE CUTOFF WALL S ECTION 12" THICK, REINFORCED CONCRETE CUTOFF WALL 3: 1 (H: V) INTERIOR BASIN SLOPE REINFORCEMENT #5 BARS @ 12" c.-c. 1 E.w. PROFILE NOTE: RIPRAP DESIGN DATA AND DIMENSIONS "W'' AND "D" TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvama 3608 West 26th Street Ene. PA 16506 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS RI P-RAP OVERFLOW SPILLWAY 814-1133-1111 www. SD-13 Mlllcreel Construction Standards\SD-13.dwg PIPE DIA. 15" 18" 24" 36" 48" L w A 4.0' 4.0' 12" 4.0' 4.0' 12" 4.5' 4.25 12" 4.5' 4.25' 12" 5.0' 4.25 12" NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "AA" 2. EXPOSED EDGES SHALL BE CHAMFERED ONE (1) INCH. 3. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMAL AND SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO SUIT CONDillONS. ----;r----------------L._ CONC. APRON PLAN L / 3 : 1 SLOPE ~A~ 3- #4 REINF. BARS 12" MIN. SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION REFERENCE RC - 31 - Penn DOT PUBLICATION 72, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Enc. PA 16506 314-833-111 I www mll lcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPE 0-W ENDWALUHEADWALL ENGINEERING, INC. ICIIaiNII - Jid.._,_,... SD-14 !AIIIcreek Construction Stondords\S0-14.dwg NOTE: USE THIS CONFIGURATION FOR ALL RIP-RAP PLACEMENT @ ENDWALLS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED EXAMPLE: R-4 (D50 STONE) 1O'L X 12'W X 12"THICK. (/) w a:: <( > RIP-RAP SHALL MEET REQU IREMENTS OF SECTION 850 OF PennDOT PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITION, AS AMENDED VARIES 0 VARIES---' (THICKNESS PER PLAN) \CLASS 2 GEOTEX11LE MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG ALL INTERFACE AREAS WITH GROUND CONTACT. SECTION NOT TO SCALE NOTE: PIPES DISCHARGING TO UNCONFINED AREAS SHALL BE DESIGNED PER DRAWING SD-16 PROFILE Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania J608 West 26th Street Ene. PA 16506 S 14-8JJ·IIII www mtllcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION TO CHANNEL HIL.I.. ENGIN£;E;RING, INC. aGlbeon Slroel - N<r1h e.. F'ems)Mnia (814)725-8659 - SD-15 Millcreek Construction Stondords\S0-15.dwg ROCK RIPRAP PER SECTION 850 PennDOT PUB. 408, CURRENT EDITlON, AS AMENDED PIPE, DIAM ETER "D" END WALL (DRAWING SD-14) EXTEND TOE TO A DEPTH EQUAL TO 2x RIPRAP THICKNESS PENNDOT CLASS 2 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL PROFILE 3D S = 0-3% MAX w 2: 1 (H: V) SLOPE (TYPICAL) PLAN NOTES: 1. RIPRAP APRON TO BE UTILIZED FOR OUTF ALLS DISCHARGING TO UNCONFINED AREAS. PIPES DISCHARGING TO CHANNELS OR SWALES SHOULD BE DESIGNED PER DRAWING SD- 15. 2. RIPRAP DESIGN DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS, DIMENSIONS " W", AND "L" TO BE SPECIFIED AS PER PADEP CH APTER 102, EROSION AND SEDIMENT POLLUTION CONTROL MANU AL. Millcreek Townsh ip Ene County, Pennsytvama 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 81 4-833- 1111 www mtllcreelctownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIPE OUTFALL PROTECTION - Unconfined HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ICIIoa lnlt - lldllll,,...,.... SD-16 Millcreek ConstnJction Stondords\S0-16.dwg ROOFTOP/ PARKING LOT GRASS CHANNEL (LESS THAN 1% SLOPE) CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER BYPASS_/ (TO DETENTION FACILITY) GRIT & POLLUTANT REMOVAL STRUCTURE INFILTRATION TRENCH WITH PEA GRAVEL FILTER LAYER OVER WASHED BANK RUN GRAVEL AGGREGATE PLAN V IEW OBSERVATlON WELL WITH SCREW TOP LID RUNOFF RLTERS THROUGH GRASS BUFFER STRIP(20' MIN.); GRASS CHANNEL' OR SEDIMENT FOREBAY 2" PEA GRAVEL FILTER LAYER (AASHTO No.8) TRENCH FILLED WITH CLEAN :":~~ri---WASHED AASHTO No. 2 or No. 3 AGGREGATE 4"-6" SAND FILTER 6" DEEP PROFILE Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene. PA 16506 814-833-1 111 RUNOFF EXFIL TRA TES THROUGH UNDISTURBED SUBSOILS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS JNFILTRATI ON TRENCH ENGINEE~ING , INC. lca.IN.t - Jdllll,,_,.. SD-17 Millcreek Construction Stondords\SD-17.dwg ROOF LEADER SURCHARGE PIPE SPLASH BLOCK LOCK OBSERVATION WELL 4-6 INCH. PERFORATED PVC PIPE CLASS 2 ..-::l---- GE0 TEXTILE FABRIC BU ILDING FOUNDATION FOOT PLATE CLEAN, WASHED AASHTO No. 2 OR No. 3 AGGREGATE DRY WELL STORAGE VOLUME SHALL BE BASED ON TRIBUTARY AREA AND SOIL CONDITIONS. Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvama 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 8 14-833-1111 www mtllc reektowns htp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TYPICAL DRY WELL CROSS-SECTI ON HILL ENGINEERING, INC. ........... . ,..,.... SD-18 Millcreek Construction Stondords\SD- 18.dwg CURB TO HAVE 1/2" REVEAL WHERE HANDICAP RAMP MEETS PAVEMENT GRADE. * ** 4" THICK EXCEPT 6" THICK @ DRIVES REINFORCING MESH REQUIRED ONLY THRU DRIVES ·----------------- 4'-0" Min. -----------------1 HANDICAPPED RAMP DETAIL REINFORCING MESH • • 6 X 6 - W2.9 X W2.9 NOT TO SCALE 1/4"/ft MIN. • I I NOTE: 1) HANDICAPPED ACCESS RAMPS TO BE MODIFIED IN THE FIELD AS REQUIRED TO MATCH EACH INTERSECTION CONf iGURATION. 2) CON1RACTlON JOINTS TO BE SPACED EVENLY AT THE SAM E W1DTl1 OF THE WALK. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SPACING TO BE AT 100 FT INTERVALS. '. ... ..' ·. . ." ""· SUBBASE PennDOT CLASS AA CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Millcreek Township Ene County Pennsylvama 3608 W~1 ~6:h Sueet PA 16506 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SIDEWALK DETAILS 814,8B· IIII ~~"''>!Uhlp Cllfll PC-1 WIDTH =s ill I~ 'Ill !=II' ~ !Ill VARIES /v .... •.............;·..• ........• • ..... .• . ..... . . • .. .... .. .. . .. • • -.. ~ ;--••.: • • •• t IE ill ~ m~ ffll ~~~ ·-·~~: ~~.:...· .....• l tl~ ll" •• ~ : ·.~ ·~·-·~:. · ~· ··~· IH llll 1::::Ill 1:::: Ill!::= Ill :::;::: Ill::= Ill 1:::: 1111 ;::::;: Ill:=: m;::::;: 1111 ;::::;: Ill:=: Ill ::::::::Ill =:II I= 1111:: Ill!= !Ill I=: Ill Ill~ 1111 I= Ill~ 1111 Ill I= n:~ 1111 I=: Ill!= Ill~ = = Iill ~ H1 ~ 1~1 ~IT 1:: i=ll If IS Ill SIIIE 111;::::;: II=: rrr §§ rrr Ill ~ 1111:: 1111 1:: Ill ~ I ll ~ IIIII=! II = = 4" CONCRETE REINFORCED AS NEEDED . 4" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE PREPARED SUBGRADE CONCRETE PATH/PATHWAY ON AGGREGATE BASE N.T.S. WIDTH VARIES 1, WEARING COURSE 3" BINDER COURSE 4" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE PREPARED SUBGRADE ASPHALT PATH/PATHWAY ON AGGREGATE BASE VARY TO CONDITIONS N.T.S. Millcreek Township Ene County, Pennsylvanta 3601 w~ 26th Stn...:t Lnc, PA 16506 814 ·833·1111 ""'" m•lkr«ltown~h•p c<>m CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PAVEMENT AND PATH/PATHWAY DETAILS HILL ENGINEERING, INC. _ ....... .... ...,,.... PC-2 t.I UierMk Con•trucUon Stondorde\PC-2.d• o L ----------- Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-1111 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SUBDIVISION PATHWAY CONNECTIONS www.rrullcreektownsh1p com ~lllcreek Con1tructlon Stondords\ PC- 5.dwQ DRIVEWAY APRONS TO BE TRANSITIONED AS REQUIRED TO MATCH PROPOSED CURB OR GUTTER ELEVATIONS. "w" = PLACE 1/2" ASPHALT IMPREGNATED EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL BETWEEN APRON & CURB AND BOTH SIDES OF SIDEWALK 10' Min. 35' Max. . : ~ ~'· , . ~· .... 1*" DEPRESSED CURB 3' TRANSITION FROM FULL DEPTH CURB TO DEPRESSED CURB "W" PLUS 2ft. DRIVE APRON/DEPRESSED CURB TRANSITION NOT TO SCALE Millcreek Township 02002 eering. Inc. Reserved Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie. PA 16506 814-833-1111 www mlllcrecktow~h•p com I.IRicreek Construction Stondorda\PC-4.d wo WIDTH VARIES v = Il l=t"' ,··.~· :,....... ~ ···~···.~~ ·:.l. ;r. -":'"''" ,· ~ .:... . :'"',• •":.7•''!" ~. . .::.~~·-:"""1",·".,..,. .....·~- = IIIi Ill = 1111= 111=: Ill= 1n~ Ill~ Ill~ IliE Ill s IIIi =:1 1111 =:I Ill= Ill~ 1111 .Ill = IIIF= 1111 E II II E 1111E Ill ~ill ~ I= Ill Ill!= Ill= Ill= Ill= Ill= Ill= m~ m~ Ill= 1111 =1111 I= Ill= Ill =1111 I= Ill= Ill = Ill = Jill= llf Ill = II:= Il l= II=: Ill= Ill = Ill= Ill= Ill=: Ill=: m= Ill!== Ill!== 1111 Ill= Ill== Ill! = Ill= Ill= II I= 11r 11::: = = m= = =m=m=m=ul=lll=lll=:lll=lll=lll=lll=:lll=llll~ l llli=lll:=lll=llll:=m=:lll=:lll:=llll=:~~ 4, AGGREGATE WITH FINES, COMPACTED. SOIL SEPARATOR FABRIC AS NEEDED PREPARED SUBGRADE GRAVEL TRAIL WITH FINES N.T.S. WIDTH VARIES 3-4" WOOD CHIPS III J ~ lllr:~·..;, ·~ t"!!l~••~.~~ ...'l..:~:tli'.:•~~~~~;~.; ~~-,._..t ·· ~I t:= ~lllli=lllli=lll:=lll:=lll:=lll:=lll:= lii :=III:= III:= IIEIII'~IIII~IIIi=llll~llli=lll ~lll:=lllli=~i=lll 4, COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE III I EIIE: I lEII 1 E:IIE: II IEIIIEIIi=llli=III~IIE:IIIEIIIEIIIE:IIEIIIIEIIIEIIE:IIIEIIIE:Irr5 ~llll:ll ll ~ll l=lll=:lll=:lll =:lll=:lll=:lll~lll:=ll l ~lll l ~llll~ll l =llll~llll~ I IIE:I II:IIII~llll ~lll PREPARED SUBGRADE WOOD CHIP TRAIL N.T.S. Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16506 814-833- 1111 www.millcreektownshlp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SAMPLE TRAIL DETAILS No tes: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 704 OF PennDOT Pub 408, CURRENT EDITION AS AMENDED TOP MONUMENT 2 . BOTTOM MONUMENT NOT REQUIRED FOR ROADWAY CENTERLI NE MONU MEN TS. 3. MONUMENTS LOCATED IN ROADWAY CENTERLINES SHALL HAVE FRAME PLACED WITHIN CORED BCBC & BINDER PRIOR TO PLACING FINISH COURSE. TOP OF MONUMENT SH ALL BE LOCATED AT SUBBASE WITH }2" f/> STEEL ROD EXTENDING }2" ABOVE CONCRETE. 30" Min. 4. TOPS OF MONUMENTS OTHER THAN THOSE LOCATED IN ROADWAY CENTERLINES SHALL BE 6" BELOW SURROUNDING SURFACES. 4" Min. BOTIOM MONU MENT ~" f/> STEEL ROD CONCRETE MONUMENTS CASTING SHALL BE "CITY OF ERIE STANDARD " LANDMARK FRAM E & COVER. AS MANUFACTURED BY ALLEGHENY FOUNDRY CO.. OR APPROVED EQUAL. CAST IRON FRAME & COVER Millcreek Township Erie County, Pennsylvania 3608 West 26th Street Ene, PA 16506 814-833-11 11 www mallcreektownshtp com CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS CONCRETE MONUMENTS and COVERS ...... . -.......,..,.. ENGINEERING, INC. No: MM-1 ~lllcreek Construction Stondorda\~~-l.dwg (2) HARDWOOD STAKES STAKE STANDARD FORM 2/3 WAY TO CROWN 2" MULCH ---lrt---. RUBBER HOSE #12 WIRE, DOUBLE STRANDED & WRAPPED TO TIGHTEN .r--1-t--- OVER EXCAVATE PLANTING PIT 18" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE ROOT BALL. BACK FILL WITH SOIL MIX. PLANT 3-4" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE TRENCH EDGE AROUND SAUCER EDGE OF MULCH Millcreek Township CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 3608 West 26th Street TREE PLANTING DETAIL Erie County. Pennsylvania Erie, PA 16506 814-833-1111 www.millcreektownsh1p com t.lnlcrettk Cons r 0-. 6.01. Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance or its application to any person, property or circumstances is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court, such holding shall not be construed to affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance or its application, for such portion shall be deemed as a separate, distinct and independent provision from the remaining provisions which shall be and remain in full force and effect. It is hereby declared the legislative intent that this Ordinance would have been adopted had such valid or unconstitutional provision of its application not been included herein. 7. 01. Repealor repealed. All Ordinances or parts of any Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby BE IT ENACTED this 25th day of _...;:;: Ka = r;;;..;c;_ h_ _ , 2003. P&PICODE/MLK/ORDS 6.01