VIsIOn FAuLT FInDER Automatic location of faults
VIsIOn FAuLT FInDER Automatic location of faults
vision fault finder Automatic location of faults in MV cable networks Vision Fault Finder is an application that identifies the fault location using the measured voltages and currents wave forms of a fault. The application can pin point two and three phase faults within 100 meters. Single phase faults in earthed networks can be located with an accuracy of 500 meters. Introduction Most of the outage time for power systems is caused by faults in the MV network. The usual way of manually finding the fault location by checking short circuit indicators is time consuming. Utilities want to improve the network performance and one of their goals is to decrease the time to locate the faults. Together with grid operator Alliander Phase to Phase developed a fault location system. Fault analysis The developed fault location system uses the sinusoidal measurement of currents and voltages during the fault that is provided by the substation digital vision power range / vision fault finder Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806) protection system. Then the measured signals are processed. In the second stage short circuit calculations are performed on a model of the network. The results of these calculations are compared with the results of the first stage, in order to find a location giving the same fault impedance. ‘Artist impression’ in Vision Grid Navigator of a fault in MV cable network phase to phase vision fault finder From raw data in substation to fault location in control centre in 4 steps Step 1 Communication Following an interruption in an MV cable network, all recorded voltage and current measurements are uploaded to the control centre from the substation. This recording also includes pre- and postfault data. The Vision Fault Finder application, installed at the control centre, is triggered and starts processing the received data. 1 Measured currents and voltages during a fault Step 2 Signal processing and Analysis A Fourier transform (FFT) and symmetrical components transform are carried out to determine the absolute voltages and currents as functions of time. The signals are analysed and it is decided whether this is a real fault or other event. In case of a real fault the calculation moment for the impedance is chosen such that most of the transients have disappeared. The expert system applies fuzzy logic rules to identify the type of fault involved and the fault impedance. The results are automatically passed to the Vision Network Analysis application. 2 vision power range / vision fault finder FFT transformation and determined calculation moment Step 3 Simulation Vision Network Analysis selects the correct network model and performs a number of short circuit analyses corresponding to the found fault type. The pre-fault values for the load and switches are used to adjust the network model. For all short circuit calculations the simulated reactances, as ‘seen’ from the substation into the direction of the feeder, are calculated. After this it should be possible to match the measured reactance with the simulated reactances. 3 Simulated short circuit impedances in a cable section phase to phase Step 4 Visualisation Once the location has been calculated, the results will be presented to the operator graphically. The location will be visible in both the schematic and geographic network view. Also a report with all the details of the fault is sent to the printer. With all this information the short circuits will be located efficiently. Finally the supply can be restored by rerouting the distribution feeders. 4 Schematic visualisation in Vision Network Analysis vision power range / vision fault finder Geographic visualisation in Vision Grid Navigator phase to phase vision fault finder Overview • Accuracy: two and three phase faults within 100 meters. Single phase faults in earthed networks 500 meters. • Processing time less than 20 seconds. • Compatible with Comtrade format. • Read Digital Fault Recorder (DFR) files directly from a SASensor™ webserver. • Fast Fourier algorithm implementation for signal processing. • Fuzzy Logic expert rules to determine the fault type. • The algorithm is able to distinguish between a real fault and other events. • Automatic archiving on hard disk of fault analysis results. • Automatic generation and printing of a report after a fault analysis. • User configurable colors of charts. • Configuration of substation locations with DFR. • Zooming and panning of charts. • Export results to ASCII or Microsoft Excel files. Vision Fault Finder application Phase to Phase The fulfilment of this vision is supported by the Phase to Phase BV Phase to Phase focuses on software development growing sense of cost in planning, development Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 ar Arnhem for transmission and distribution network analy- and management of the electrical infrastructure. Postbus 100, 6800 ac Arnhem, sis. The vision is to introduce and enhance the The products are used by electricity companies, The Netherlands network analysis for a broad range of engineers industry and consultants for network develop- t: +31(0)26 352 37 00 by means of innovative products. ment and analysis. vision power range / vision fault finder phase to phase