Characteristics of U6 Soccer Players
Characteristics of U6 Soccer Players
Characteristics of U6 Soccer Players \) Pre-K, Kindergarten, I st Grade psychomotor Development - Cognitive Development - Psychosocial Development Psychomotor D eveloPment o Movement Education APProach o Body segments grow at different rates r o Differences between boys & girls are minimal lbs. o Weight range approximant.30-50 o Eeight range approximanl 35-37". o Motor development starts with the head and moves downwrrd to the feet ,. o o o and from the center of the body outn'ard. Easy fatigue, rapid recovery. EIR around 90 bpm. Increased use of all bodY Parts. Need to explore qualities of rolling and bouncing ball. Notable Quotes - Michael Ellis, American Educational Psychologist. !'iewed play as arousal seeking. This is caused by a need to initiate inieraction with the environment which elevates arousal and level of interest. o o o o Emphasis on fundamental movement skills Locomotor: n'alking running,leaping, jumping and hopping. Nonlocomotor: bending, sfretching, twisting, pulling and pushing. Basic Manipulative: throwing, catching, striking kicking. ( ) Cognitive Development o o o o o o o o o o o Preoperational stage (Piaget) Play consists of a high degree of imagination and pretend activities. Beginning use of symbols to represent objects in their environment. Tend to only one task at a time in problem-solving situations. Process small bits of information at a time. Long sequential instructions are not processed. Immature understanding of time and space relationships. Rules must be simple. Short aftention span Most individualiy oriented (me' my, mine) Constanfly in motion NO SENSE OF PACE (_) Psychosocial o o o o o o o o D evelopment Development of self-concept, body alvareness, self-image through movement. Egocentric, see world only from their perspective. Demonstrated through parallel play. Need generous praise. Play rvithout pressure. Influential person in their tife is moit likely their mother or significant parenL May verbalize team, but does not understand group or collective play. Ps1'chologically easily bruised !" Little or no concern for team activities Do believe in Santa Claus, but will not discuss with peers Typical U6 Training Session ,/ / '/ / ,/ Should not exceed 60 miuutes Every child shoulil have a ball Warm-up includes movement education problems & soccernastics (approx. 20 min.) Games Activities, mostly of a body a$'areness t5'pe along with some ma;ze games (approx.20 min.) Finish rvith 3r,3 grme to small goals, NO GK's (approx.20 inh.) v |//svwn o Author: F. Trovato Alaska State DOC 2003 rSnEEEn- Players Stand near a cone 1. Zen Master Warm-Up Periodic Stretching and Calming Moments Give players a funny team mantra to quietly recite at calming moments Topic: lndividual activities, National Youth Ceftificate Course - relaxation activities, balancing and coordination activities Lesson Plan cone seryes as point of Aoe Grorrn g Stretching, Relaxation, reference. Activities Without Ball 1 foot balance, other foot balance,l foot hop, other foot hop, 2 foot hop, bear crawl, crab crawl Coordination i.r lr {}Yl , g-f Fun ,$ 1.. Field Size: Cones should be 10 .' yards apart. tJ!) j'',$ Introduce ball Figure 8's around legs with hands, Round the Waist, Ball Tap on Forehead, Thigh Catch, Throw Catch, Head Catch, Ball Taps, Body Part Dribble, Ask Player Balance, g. Coach is the Master. Coach demonstrates skill and on command players peform skill repeatedly (10 sec.) and then move to new cone. Repeat. Ertra laughs after team mantra ,t Water Breakl to Pick Combine Two Activities - Random select two activities Stretching, Relaxation, Balance, Coordination, Enjoy, Fun Groups ofTwo, one Master, one Student 2. Zen Master Follow the Master, Grasshopper Body Control, Balance Replication Practice l16 Master leads Student around and through the cones. When Masters reaches an open cone, they choose and perform a soccer skill (the activities we did in the Zen Master Warm-up or new ones) that must be replicated by the Student. Master chants Team or Individual Mantra (players can make up their own new individual chant) Periodic Stretching and Calming Moments - Team Mantra 20 sec. then sdtch Master and Student. Repeat. Activities stat without ball and then with ball after a few rounds. Encourage creativity of new soccer skills and new chants. a .l1l ,.r,) 'l 4.lg dl b<tra laughs for new individual chants Field Size: Cones should be 10 yards apart. 4 'l ,sJn'*'' ^l '-t a National Youth Certificate Course Lesson Plan 3. Freeze Games - Red Light - Green Light s Age: U6 Stretching, Relaxation, Balance, Red Light Green Light Coordination, EnjoY, Fun Players move across area on command of Green Light. Coach announces Red Light and PlaYers must stop. Any players caught moving or with ball far awaY from them must restart 10 stePs back toward starting line. When all players reach end line game is Extra Laughs for funny frozen forms complete. Repeat. Field Size: - Freeze Tag +s sec. games Coach is "It." Players move in olt" Red Light - Green Light 20 x 40 yards area. When touches a player, player must freeze in that position. Teammates can unfreeze player by standing next to frozen player and stand on one foot balanced for count of 4' - Freeze Tag w/ ball Freeze Tag ffi"f 25 x 25 yards H',,8f'#Water Break! Players have ball. When PlaYer frozen, teammates must nutmeg frozen player to is .t unfreeze. 4. jtra 3v3 without keepers Coach serues balls in. If ball goes out of play, have players leave it and coach restarts PlaY with a new ball. Throw-ins can be added. Games to two or three and reshuff'le players on teams if teams are lopsided. Celebrate Goals with Team Mantra! Stretching, Relaxation, Balance, Coordination, EnjoY, Fun Field Size: 20 x 30 yards BIG RNISH - Thank You and congratulations to all! o Author: Tom Goodman Free Movement with the Ball. tY *Y{ff[n_ Coach then asks players to move freely Free Movement with the Ball at their with the ball at their feet. Feet. ,S/iEEEN- X. Movement education; repetition in ball touches; balance; eye-foot coordination; change of speed; change of direction; decision making. X. X. X. .X x. l5 yds. Gooff Stop and Go All PlaYers dribble their ball in the grid. When coach says, "STOP!" Players must stop coordination Movement l,$ VIWU-- Ase: U6 Lesson Plan Every player has a ball in a 15 x 20 yd grid. Coach asks all players to move freely with their ball around the grid. ToPic: & National Youth Certificate Course Same set up as above. .X their ball and freeze in a goofu position. X. X. X. X. 15 yds. X. Author: Tom Goodman Topic: National Youth Certificate Course Lesson Plan coordination Movement Age: U6 Body Part Dribbling Same set up as above. All players dribble their ball in the grid. When the coach yells out a body part, the players must stop the ball with that body part. Same as above. Hit the Ball Players line up shoulder to shoulder on one end of the grid. Place 2 balls in the middle of the grid. One at a time players kick their ball and try to hit one of the balls in the middle. Rest from previous activities. The challenge (Relaxation Activity) X. X. X. of hitting atarget. X. X. X. The minnows, the players with a ball, line up shoulder to shoulder on one end of the grid. Two players are designated as sharks and are positioned inside of the grid without soccer balls. On the coach's command, the minnows must dribble their ball through the grid and get to the other side without getting their ball stolen or kicked away by the sharks. If a player loses their ball while crossing the grid, he/she becomes a shark. FLN...Dribbling under M. M. M. M. S pressure; decision making; change ofspeed; change of direction; defending. This is an inclusive game...the players are either dribbling a ball or trying to get one back. Author: Tom Goodman National Youth Ceftificate Course TOpiC: Lesson Plan End Line Soccer Age: U6 FI-IN. . .Directional play. Dribbling under pressure; kicking; receiving; decision making; change of speed; change of direction; defending. grid. Divide the players into two teams. Play 3v3 with no goalkeepers on the field. A team Set up a 15 yd x 20 yd scores by dribbling the ball or kicking the ball over their designated end line. Balls are served in one at a time by the coach who is positioned outside the field at midfield. 3v3 Soccer Match Set up a20 ydx25 yd field with goals at each end. Divide the players into two teams. Play 3v3 with no goalkeepers on the field. Balls are served in one at a time by the coach who is positioned outside the field at midfield. Coordination Movement oX o XO X FUN. . .Directional play. Dribbling under pressure; kicking; receiving; shooting; decision making; change ofspeed; change of direction; defending. Author: Tom Goodman National Youth Ceftificate Course Lesson Plan Cool Down Juggling Every player starts with a ball in his or her hands. They drop the ball on their thigh and catch it. They progress to dropping the ball on one thigh and juggling it to the other thigh, then catch it. Eventually, they can try "thighthigh- foot-catch", etc. TOpiC: Coordination Movement U6 FtlN...challenging; balance; coordination.