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Temple Hillel Herald AWARD WINNING BULLETIN Winners of United Synagogue Awards Competition If I am not for myself, who is for me? If I care only for myself, what am I? If not now, when? - Hillel December 2010 Kislev - Tevet 5771 Join us as we light the Menorah, sing songs and celebrate CHANUKAH the Festival of Lights Do a Mitzvah for Chanukah!!! We need volunteers to host the FEGS Chanukah Party. Thursday, December 2nd at Sunday, December 5th at 3:00PM 6:15PM Call Gail Katz: (516) 295-2936 Meet us at the giant Menorah outside the Temple! Inside this issue: B’nai Mitzvah Men’s Club 4 14 Parents Association 9 Rabbi’s Message 2 Religious School 7 Tuesday, December 7th at 7:30 P.M. Joint Chanukah Celebration Sisterhood Youth Group 6 10 At Congregation Sons of Israel Sponsored by Temple Hillel, Congregation Sons of Israel and Temple Beth El “S’madar” Jewish A cappella Group of Barnard College plus Candlelighting and Chanukah Songs With our Clergy Collation to follow Special points of interest: Calendar Page 12 Scrip Form Page 13 Sabbath, Holiday, Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Services Page 11 Sunshine Page 21 Yartzheits Page 22 FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Dear Friends, Temple Hillel’s Chanukah present to you is a schedule packed with exciting programs. Our first Chanukah festivity is on Thursday night at 6:15 pm. That’s the time when Religious School students are dismissed and Hebrew High School students arrive. I invite all of them and all of you to a special Menorah lighting. First, at about six o’clock, we will light the Chanukah (Chanukah Menorah) in the Minyan Chapel. To do the mitzvah right, we want to light real candles. But immediately after, we will reconvene at the Temple entrance where our beautiful menorah stands and light it and sing songs. On Sunday, December 5th, we have a wonderful Chanukah treat. Lorraine Abramson has just written a new book, “My Race: A Jewish Girl Growing Up Under Apartheid in South Africa”. She will be speaking at 10 am. Breakfast will be served. Lorraine is a fascinating woman with a captivating story. Then, at 3 pm, we will host the FEGS Chanukah party. Each year we invite mentally challenged members of group homes to our synagogue for a party. They eat and dance and get entertained. Many of our congregants and their children come to help out. It is a real mitzvah, it is our way of giving others a wonderful Chanukah. If you’ve never seem a part of it, you should come this year and see a mechayeh (something that adds to your life). Each year, we get together with our sister synagogues, Temple Beth El and Congregation Sons of Israel for Chanukah. This year, we will be having an A capella concert with S’madar, the Women’s A capella group of Barnard College. My daughter Jennifer is in the group. I’ve heard them and they are great. The concert is on Tuesday evening, December 7th at 7:30 pm. I recently received an interesting fax from a 12 year old New Jersey boy named Ari Hagler. What caught my attention was the bolded title “Shabbat Gilad.” now we’ve all heard of Shabbat Shirah and Shabbat Shuvah. There are many Shabbatot with special names, dedicated to various ideas. What is Shabbat Gilad? As a bar Mitzvah project, Ari decided he wanted to call attention to the plight of Gilad Shalit, the 24 year old Israeli soldier, who was captured by Hamas on June 25, 2006. that’s almost 4 and a half years. He's asking congregations all over America to remember Gilad Shalit on that day. I thought Ari Hagler had a very good idea. So I added Temple Hillel to the light of participating Congregations. Shabbat morning, December 11th we will learn about and pray for Gilad during our services. Please attend to solve your solidarity. Each of those programs is worthy of your participation. Chanukah takes place at the darkest point of the year, but at Temple Hillel the lights always shine brightly. Come on down and bask in the glow. Happy Chanukah Rabbi Steven M. Graber Page 2 PRESIDENT’S ARTICLE As the first frost has glistened from my grass in my backyard, and I heard the not so delicate crunching of leaves under my dogs paws, I realized it is that time again: winter is coming! I love all the seasons, but winter is probably my favorite. I am not sure exactly why. It could be the fact that I love to ski and spend time with my family in a warm and inviting cabin drinking hot chocolate and making s’mores next to a crackling fire. Thinking about it makes me want to go into my basement and sharpen my skis and get ready for the season. Maybe it’s eating a grilled cheese sandwich with some warm tomato soup at the kitchen table and watching as snowflakes float down in their own unique way to create an unmatched beauty and reminders of everlasting memories. Though these vivid pictures in my mind are part of it, I think the thing that makes me love this season the most is that it is holiday time. Watching my children, as well as all our Temple Hillel children, as they have grown up, and seeing their eyes light up as they light the menorah for the first day of Chanukah is priceless. What adds to this warm and fuzzy feeling I get this time of year, is all the wonderful things we have going on here at Temple Hillel. This adds logs to the fire and helps bring out the child in all of us and makes the start of winter so much fun. We start the month of December off with a bang with our Chanukah Menorah lighting with Rabbi Graber on December 2nd at 6:15 P.M. Then we continue the festivities with our Chai Kiddush on Saturday December 4th. At this time of year, it really makes you feel good to give, and this is a good way to honor a family member or a friend to commemorate a Mitzvah or special occasion. But the festivities and enlightenment continues on Sunday morning December 5th, when our very own congregant, Lorraine Abramson talks to us about her new book "My Race: A Jewish Girl Growing Up Under Apartheid in South Africa." This will no doubt be a book you will want to read and a discussion you will not want to miss. Then on December 7th we have our annual Chanukah concert with Congregation Sons of Israel and Temple Beth El at Sons of Israel at 7:30 p.m. The concert shall feature S’madar, a Jewish a capella group from Barnard College, as well as songs with all the clergy and a candle lighting. It is sure to be a fantastic evening full of ruach that will certainly tie a nice bow around the holidays for all of us. In this time of need for so many, I would be remiss if I did not mention a wonderful idea by a caring young man, Max Drayer. For his Bar Mitzvah he asked that everyone considering bringing a gently used coat that they no longer need for him to give to an organization that helps the needy. I was thrilled to see that there were more coats outside the coat room for collection than there were in the coatroom! I am very proud of Max and all the other BNai Mitzvahs who are doing selfless acts for charity. I thank all of you for making a difference. Please continue thinking about others first and you will continue to be the Menschen that you already are. Here’s wishing you all a Happy Chanukah!!! B’Shalom, Michael S. Feit, President Page 3 MAZEL TOV TO OUR B’NAI MITZVAH ARIEL EISENBERG Ariel is a High Honor Roll student. Her favorite subjects are math, Honors Science and English. Ariel enjoys playing tennis, basketball and softball. She also likes to study and do well in school. Ariel is an 8th grade student at Woodmere Middle School and will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah on December 12. Ariel’s parents are Joy & Stan Eisenberg. She has two brothers, Nathaniel and Ethan. Ariel’s grandparents are Muriel Eisenberg, Selma and Bernard Hudesman. Friday night, December 17th, will be the next Birthday Shabbat. At that time we will celebrate the birthdays of the children who were born in December. Happy birthday to the following children of Temple Hillel: ALEX BRESLAV NATASHA FEIGENBAUM ALANNA LANDIS STEPHANIE COOPER GILLIAN GOLDMINTZ ARIEL EISENBERG BEN JACOBS We hope that most of you will be at services on this special Family Friday Night Service to celebrate with your fellow students and the congregation. Page 4 Greetings from Sisterhood We can’t believe that Chanukah is almost here, the time goes by so quickly. We have some tentative plans for the future: March 24th—Passover Cooking with Chef Gaylann Klonsky April 1st—Sisterhood Shabbat April 23rd—Movie May 5th—Senior Luncheon May 12th—BINGO June—Installation and Dinner These are the dates—please mark them on your calendar. More details will follow. We wish you a happy and healthy holiday and winter! Sheryl Orgel Renee Rothblum Laura Vogel 791-2548 791-6273 791-6876 BECOME A PART OF HISTORY Here is your chance to become a part of Temple Hillel’s History This Sisterhood ceremonial cloth was created in 1981. It was a successful fundraiser that many families participated in. It has been used many times over the years at special events. If you would like to have your name added to our tablecloth the cost is $18.00 per family. Sheryl Orgel 791-2548 Renee Rothblum 791-6273 Laura Vogel 791-6876 Page 6 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCOOP Dear Students and Parents: On behalf of the faculty, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Chanukah. Please join us in the Minyan Chapel at 6pm on Thursday, December 2nd, Tuesday, December 7th and Thursday, December 9th as we light the Chanukiyah together as a school. B’Shalom, Ellen Shifrin COMING UP IN DECEMBER: 1. Sunday, December 6 – Classes – Chanukah program from 9 – 11am 2. Sunday, December 6 – Tallit & Tefillin for Heh boys and adult male at 11am 3. Saturday, December 11 – Family Shabbat and Youth Services 4. Friday, December 17 – School-wide Shabbat Dinner & Family Friday Night Service 5. Sunday, December 19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences from 9:30 – 11 6. Thursday, December 23 through Sunday, January 2 – No school 7. Tuesday, January 4 – School reopens. Page 7 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCOOP mazal tov On behalf of the faculty, I would like to wish a Mazal Tov to ARIEL EISENBERG who will become Bat Mitzvah in December. I hope that we will continue to see you after your Bat Mitzvah as you continue your Jewish education in our Hebrew High School. Mitzvah corps Mazal tov to the following students who fulfilled all of the mitzvot and minhagim associated with the Tishrei Mitzvah Corps: JESSICA REBENSTOCK AUSTIN STERNHELL Page 8 SAMANTHA RUBENSTEIN SAMANTHA WALTER BENJAMIN SHILOAH TYLER WALTER PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Happy Hanukkah to everyone. Can you smell the delicious latkes being made? This is one of our favorite activities to do with the children. We really enjoy having the children help us cook. In keeping with traditions Eli Shiloah has joined us in the kitchen to make the latkes. All the children in the religious school have been given candles, gelt and dreidels in honor of Hanukkah. We are looking forward to our first Friday night dinner which will take place on December 17th. We hope you will join us for this wonderful evening. Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2011. Cheryl COLLEGE STUDENT MAILING LIST During the coming school year, we would like to send the Herald and holiday treats to college students living away from home. Please return this form as soon as possible. We do not carry this listing over from year to year. Student’s Name __________________________________________________________________________________ College Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ College Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name _________________________________________ Telephone # __________________________ PLEASE PRINT Page 9 YOUTH GROUP HOW CAN IT BE HANUKKAH??? It was just summer….HOW CAN IT BE HANUKKAH ALREADY??? Well ready or not I have my Hanukkah list all written out!!! WHO WANTS IT?? Time just seems to be flying by. We had another great month filled with lots of new activities and some tried and true past programs. We made clown cones and our Pre-Kadima kids just loved “Evie and Danny the Clowns” spraying some extra whipped cream on their clown faces. Max and Joel Drayer led an Israeli Education and Parashat program, Cantor David has been “droppin in” from time to time and Echo’s Sweet 16 was a big hit. Everyone wore party hats with paws on them and helped Echo blow out the candles on his ice cream cake. Later in the month DAN GRABER came by and helped us run the activity called “where’s Evie?” Well guess what…I wasn’t there so you never did get to find me! I was busy @ open school night with the rest of our dedicated youth group teacher parents!! USY had a CRAZY game of Pictionary that I heard was hilarious. So sorry I missed that. I love to see our kids get lost in laughter. Oh well, there will be plenty more laughs!! If anyone is looking to get rid of a computer we sure could use a new one in the youth lounge. The computer is slower than Zippy the Wonderslugg (AKA me)!! If you do have one our trusty computer whizz kids will install it in a heartbeat!! Well…I guess that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Again, if your child is not a member of youth group they should be and if they are…drop me a line if they have any suggestions!! Happy Holidays, Evie P.S. Stay tuned for Echo’s Hanukkah pix!! Page 10 Schedule of Sabbath, Holiday & Bar/Bat Mitzvah Services Friday, December 3 Sundown Services ……... 4:15 P.M. Saturday, December 4 Services……………………8:45 A.M. Evening Services………..4:15 P.M. Sunday, December 5 Services…………………...9:00 A.M. Evening Services………..4:15 P.M. Evening Services………..4:15 P.M. Sunday, December 26 Services…………………... 9:00 A.M. Evening Services……….. 4:15 P.M. Friday, December 31 Sundown Services ……... 4:15 P.M. Friday, December 10 Sundown Services ……... 4:15 P.M. Saturday, December 11 Services…………………... 8:45 A.M. Evening Services………...4:15 P.M. Sunday, December 12 Services…………………... 9:00 A.M. Evening Services………...4:15 P.M. Friday, December 17 Sundown Services ……... 4:15 P.M. Saturday, December 18 Services…………………... 8:45 A.M. Evening Services……….. 9:00 A.M. Sunday, December 19 Services…………………... 9:00 A.M. Evening Services………..4:15 P.M. Friday, December 24 Sundown Services ……... 4:15 P.M. Saturday, December 25 Services…………………... 8:45 A.M. Page 11 Page 12 GREETINGS FROM MEN’S CLUB The Men’s Club co-sponsored a delightful evening of entertainment with Hazak on Tuesday, November 16th. Our guest singer, Vito Lombardo, was excellent, singing songs by a number of pop and rock singers, including Elvis and Sinatra. Some congregants took to the dance floor as everyone in attendance had a wonderful time. Look for announcements and fliers for our third annual Sports Memorabilia auction on Sunday December 12th. Our next Men’s Club Speaker series will be on Sunday morning December 19th at 10 AM. Our guest speaker will be Prof. Asher Matathias. Prof. Matathias is an authority on Greek Jewry and will discuss the impact/contributions of Greek Jewry in this country. We will be announcing the date of our next annual Super Bowl party in the next Bulletin. Please plan on joining us for this exciting event. Join our Super Bowl Pool, with its $500 in prizes, as well. Our meetings are scheduled once a month, usually on a Tuesday evening at 7:30 P.M. We encourage all members to come to meetings and events. Remember, this is your Men’s club! If you have any suggestions for Men’s Club activities, please feel free to attend a meeting, chat with me during Shabbat Kiddush or email me at Or, you can talk to our Vice President, Artie Trachtenberg. Our next two fund raisers are the NCAA Bowl games and the Super Bowl lottery. If you would like information about the fund raisers, or you’d like to participate in either or both, see Victor Spetalnick at the morning minyan, or reach him by email at L’Shalom, Jerry Meyer TEMPLE HILLEL HERALD United Synagogue of America Affiliates Temple Office: 791-6344 Fax: 516-791-6344 Steven M. Graber Steven Blitz Irene Nelson Ellen Shifrin Rita Markowitz Evie Berkowitz…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Rabbi……………………………………………………………………………………………… Ritual Director……………………………………………………………………………………....Executive Director…………………………………………………………………………………...…..Education Director……………………………………………………………………………….Executive Assistant……………………………………………………………………………………………..Youth Group Director OFFICERS Michael Feit Robin Laurentz Moshe Bezalel Tracey Drayer Muriel Tannenbaum Victor Spetalnick Murray Blum Stuart Kotler Gaylann Klonsky Sheryl Orgel Cheryl Rubenstein Gerald Meyers……………………………………………………………………………………………..President………………………………………………………………………………………..Executive Vice President……………………………………………………………………………………………….Vice President…………………………………………………………………………………………………...Vice President……………………………………………………………………………………………………Vice President…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Vice President……………………………………………………………………………………………..Financial Secretary……………………………………………………………………………………………………....Treasurer…………………………………………………………………………………………...Recording Secretary….Renee Rothblum, Laura Vogel……………………………………………....Sisterhood Presidents………………………………………………………………..Parents’ Association President……………………………………………………………………………………..Men’s Club President Dr. Morris S. Friedman Z’’L Rabbi Emeritus Page 14 Rabbi’s Study 791-2114 In Memoriam Cantor Chaskele Ritter Z’’L Cantor Emeritus Elaine Popofsky Temple Hillel Bulletin Editor 1978-1985 What’s Happening at Temple Hillel Page 15 What’s Happening at Temple Hillel Page 16 What’s Happening at Temple Hillel Page 17 AM ISRAEL CHAI ISRAELI AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bruce Lindenman and Eli Shiloah, Co-Chairs My travels take me to Mexico and the Caribbean. It was only a few weeks ago that I presided over an event in which the simultaneous translator – who also does work for the President of Mexico – came to me and said I heard such glowing praise of you that it was a fresh breath of air considering the anti-Semitism that exists here. I retorted Madame the history and success of this hemisphere is entwined with Jewish Pirates and Conversos (Jews forced to convert to Catholicism but maintained identity as crypto-Jews) that escaped the brutality of the Inquisition in the 15th and 16th century and navigated the Trade Winds in hope of revenge, treasure, and a safe harbor that ultimately led to intermittent alliances with the Dutch and British against Spanish rule germinating in Mexico’s Independence from Spain in the 19th Century. wealth to their Spanish Inquisitors through annex of their lands. This created a stir among the Jews and embrace of the Dutch by turning their merchant networks into intelligence gathering apparatus using Ladino as a crypto-language. In September 1628, Admiral Piet Heyn, along with Jewish navigators and privateers, led a Dutch force of twenty-five ships that captured the entire Spanish silver fleet and carried back to Amsterdam a vast fortune in precious metals, pearls and rubies worth nearly a billion dollars in today’s currency. The haul was enough to rescue bankrupt Holland and maintain its excursions in the West. Heyn’s spectacular success would inspire generations of Jewish privateers, corsairs, buccaneers and pirates, and eventually lead the Dutch to settle New Amsterdam in which the Jews were It’s a known fact that Jews, especially skilled in cartography and granted religious freedoms. astronomy, accompanied Christopher Columbus on his historic Jewish piracy is a panorama of Jewish history, tracing its roots in voyage of discovery. It’s very conceivable that Columbus - a Europe and Africa as well as the New World - the Diaspora caused Converso himself - had a hidden agenda of finding a new a home by the expulsions, torturing and killings that started in Spain at the for the Jews. Columbus and his offspring claimed Jamaica for Spain end of the fifteenth century. By taking on and defeating their and settled what was to become the first haven for Jews in the oppressors, these ‘pirates’, were heroes who acted in the liberations Western Hemisphere and a beacon for the still many heading for of Mexico, Brazil, and the United States and just as important who the new world looking for religious freedoms. Later on, the Island ‘would win most of the freedoms that Jews in the West enjoy tobecame a harbinger for buccaneers, privateers, and pirates that day.’ provided intelligence to the British on the movements of Spanish Armada, which ultimately led to the surrender of the Jamaica to the British. Conversos - who later on reclaimed their Sephardic roots - accompanied Hernando Cortez in his conquest of Mexico. These secret Jews laid the foundation to the first trading networks of silver, gold, sugar, and chocolate until they were forced to relinquish SNOWBIRDS During the coming year, we would like to send the Herald to members that live out of town. Please return this form as soon as possible. We do not carry this listing over from year to year. Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Winter Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone # _________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT Page 19 Sunshine NORMAN PERNICK Love, Bryan, Marc, Amy, Ira, Sam, The Board of Trustees and the en- Molly tire Congregation wish you a hearty Irene, Gregg, Tori & Jack Mazel Tov on your birthday, anni- RACHEL PUPA versary and/or any simcha that you Mom & Dad, Jeremy, Grandma Laurie, Poppy Eddie, Doug, Lesley & Carson will be celebrating this month. STEPHEN RAND Linda, Alysa, Jack & Ellie, Adam & Contact 603 Flanders Drive Lenore Malamud Julie & Emily Barbara, Haley, Amanda, Valley Stream, NY 11581 791-5025 Alison & David DECEMBER BAT MITZVAH ARIELA ROSSBERG ARIEL EISENBERG Love, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Love, Mom & Dad David & Ethan ARIEL EISENBERG MAXIE SALOMON Love, Nathaniel & Ethan Love, Mommy, Daddy, Gayle, ARIEL EISENBERG Lindsay & Kenny Love, Grandma Selma, Grandpa Grandma Rita & Grandpa Morty Bernie, Grandma Muriel EMILY & DANIEL TAZBIN DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Love, Mom, Grandma Irene Haupt AVRA BEN-ARI Aunt Geri, Uncle Mason, Kendall, Arie, Erika, Joe, Teena, Yigal & Meredith & Davis Brandon JAKE WILLNER STEPHANIE COOPER Mommy, Daddy, Bubby & Pop Nana & Poppa DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES JAYNE MYRON FULTON JULIE & SCOTT COREN Mom, Gerry, Richard, Marie & Julian Marley, Mom, Dad GILLIAN GOLDMINTZ Alison, Dan, Bradley, Sophia & Jacob Mom, Dad & Harrison MELISSA & EVEN GREENSTEIN ARIANNE GREENSTEIN Your loving family Nanny, Grandpa & Your Family TOBY & MICHAEL GROSSMAN GERYL GREENSTEIN Lauren & Brett Love, the Greenstein Family DARA & MICHAEL KASS ELLEN HARRIS Charlie & Hannah, Mom & Dad, Erin, Jeffrey & Andrew Mike & Jake JACK HATTEM ELLIE & JACK KLEIN Alysa, Ellie, Jonah, Linda, Stephan, Love, all the children Adam & Julie & Emily GAYLANN & IRA KLONSKY JACK HATTEM Love, Michael, Staci, Carly & Justin Barbara, Haley, Amanda, Jonathan, Wendy, Eden & Alex Alison & David Ari, Robin & Hannah, Rachel & Josh ANDY HEINE DORIS & GERRY SCHEER Sherry, Mom Renee Nir, Randi, Ron, Lisa, Richard, Jared & Zachary Kerri, Don, DOUG & LESLEY SHEINBERG Lauren, Matthew & Peyton Carson, Mom & Dad Sheinberg, ZACHARY DAVID HORN Mom & Dad Bratten, Wendy, Gary, Mommy & Daddy Rachel & Jeremy Grandma Karen & Grandpa Jack ERIN & MICHAEL WILLNER BONNIE KRINICK Jake, Mom, Dad, Dara, Michael, Bob, Nathan, Andrew & Bryan Stacy & Hannah & Charlie DECEMBER WEDDING DONNA LEVINE Mom & Dad CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SON DONNA LEVINE BRADLEY GLODNY ON HIS Rick, April, Dawn & Brian MARRIAGE TO NOLA WEINSTEIN DEBBIE LISANN Love, Mom & Dad Mom, Neil, Lauren & Max CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR Shari, Chip & Ryan BROTHER BRADLEY GLODNY ON HIS KEN PALEY MARRIAGE TO NOLA WEINSTEIN Mom & Dad Love, Galia & Lauren CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRANDSON BRADLEY GLODNY ON HIS MARRIAGE TO NOLA WEINSTEIN Love, Grandpa & Sally OCTOBER BIRTH MAZEL TOV TO OUR CHILDREN CHERYL & ADAM STERN ON THE BIRTH OF THEIR SON HUNTER ETHAN Love, Myrna & Harvey Green WE WELCOME WITH LOVE UNTER ETHAN STERN Love, Uncle Brian, Aunt Fran, Aunt Kimberly & Uncle Jason, Alana, Jessica, Scott, Paige & Aidan CONDOLENCES The Congregation and Board of Trustees offer their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families of: In memory of our Congregant PHYLLIS RODIN Our long-time congregant and past Sisterhood President, Beloved wife of Philip of blessed memory, dear mother of Leslie & Leonard Blankopf and Jill & Paul Feigenbaum, devoted grandmother of Jonathan, Natalya, Beth, Andrew, Aleksei JEAN SAVODNIK Beloved mother of Susan Nicolas HAROLD BARON Beloved father of Judith Kandler WILLIAM KATZ Beloved father of Howard Katz Beloved father of Steven Katz Page 21 RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND MR. & MRS. ERIC BROWN In honor of the marriage of Staci Fensterman to Alex Leibson In honor of the marriage of Jonathan Kotler to Jackie Bello In honor of Beatrice Bratt’s 90th Birthday In honor of the good health of Steven Epstein MR. & MRS. RAOUL VEGOSEN In honor of the birth of Charlotte Eve Kaplan MR. & MRS. JOE PERL In memory of Harold Baron MR. & MRS. JOE PERL In memory of William Katz MR. & MRS. GARY LAVEMAN In memory of Harold Baron MR. & MRS. MYRON OSHINSKY In memory of Harold Baron In memory of William Katz MR. & MRS. GERALD GREENE In honor of the birth of Justin Asher Klonsky In honor of the birth of Hannah Paige Klonsky In memory of Ralph Lessman In memory of William Katz MR. & MRS. BARRY JACKNOW In memory of William Katz LIBRARY FUND BEATRICE BRATT In memory of Fred Nitkin RITA BASSET In memory of Morris Kobrinetz JERRY & BARBARA MEYER In memory of Gertrude Edzant ELAINE & MERV JACOBS Mazel Tov to Gaylann & Dr. Ira Klonsky on the birth of their grandson MARLENE & DAVID OWEN Mazel Tov to Gaylann & Dr. Ira Klonsky on the birth of their grandson Mazel Tov to Roberta & Allan Greene on the birth of their grandson YOUTH FUND IRVING & SYLVIA KAMINETSKY In memory of Harold Baron ROBERTA GRAINER In Appreciation of Roberta & Allan Greene TORAH RESTORATION MOSHE & RANDI BEZALEL In memory of William Katz In memory of Charles Kandler NORMAN & BRYNA PERNICK In memory of William Katz MARK & AILEEN VIRAG In memory of Harold Baron Page 22 HERBERT & MYRNA GREISSMAN In memory of Harold Baron ALLAN & ROBERTA GREENE In memory of Harold Baron ARTHUR & LAURIE ZAGELBAUM & FAMILY In memory of Harold Baron MARCUS & LAURA VOGEL In memory of Gertrude Edzant YAHRZEITS Donated by: Sylvia Lieberman Bonnie Kotler Ken Bloom Nadine Fladell Evelyn Berman Pearl Brummer Fritzie Fink Philip Levine Joan Vegosen Debra Katz Betty Wilinsky Joan Vegosen Evelyn Schoenholtz Harold Schoenholtz Edward Fischler Murray Nagelberg Howard Liebman Ken Bloom Bonnie Kotler Sylvia Lieberman Etta Lisann Joe Rapp Barbara Murray Doris Scheer Judith Ross Julia Jeuda Paul Landis LilaFishman Barbara Siegel Judy Leeds Stanley Ifcher Gordon Kaplan Ira Lillian Ilene Bronspigel Mitchel Lubman Rudy Fishman Marsha Liebman Lawrence Hutzler Leonard Schiffman Dorothy Wein In Memory of: father, Peter Gach father, Joe Charlop mother, Trudy Bloom brother, Harvey Medwin parents, Ruth & Joseph Medwin mother, Lillian Rosenberg husband, Sidney Brummer mother, Esther Mandel father, Samuel Levine father, Jack Edzant father, Abraham Morgenstern father, Abraham Kuzenof mother, Esther Kuzenof uncle, Herman Gottlieb father, Jack Edzant mother, Mary R. Schneyer sister, G. Eve Schoenholtz father, Harold L. Fischler brother, Abraham Nagelberg mother, Ruth Liebman mother, Trudy Bloom father, Joe Charlop father, Peter Gach mother, Rose Lebensfeld father, Henry Rapp father, Morris Furman mother, Helen Cohen father, William Appel mother-in-law, Sophie Jeuda wife, Jacqueline B. Landis mother, Pauline Sugar father, Arthur Goldenberg father, Rubin Moskowitz father, Morris Ifcher father, Philip Kaplan mother, Bette Lillian mother, Gloria Krivoshey mother, Cele Lubman mother, Anna Fishman mother, Belle Orenstein Lothar Hutzler father, Samuel Schiffman father, Harry Syrkus