2016 July UPbeat Newsletter - University Presbyterian Church


2016 July UPbeat Newsletter - University Presbyterian Church
O Sing God a New Song!
In This Issue
July Birthdays
page 2
A Note from Ara
Bruce’s Blog
page 2
page 3
VBS Snapshot
page 3
page 4
Welcome to Our SPM Intern!
Manos de Cristo Back to School
page 6
page 6
Supper & Substance Movie Lineup
Feeding of the Five Thousand
page 7
page 8
UPC Youth Mission Trip Blog
Highlights & Commendations
page 8
page 8
VBS 2016
During the week of June 13-17, UPC
was filled with the sights and sounds
of VBS students and leaders living out this year’s theme –
O Sing God a New Song. Our three classes—the Chimes,
Bells and Trumpets—spent each morning singing praise
to God, studying a Bible story, participating in a service
project, using some of their prodigious energy for games,
and sharing snacks.
We learned two new songs to sing with the Summer Choir
during worship on June 19. Our shared Introit was Praise,
Praise, Praise the Lord, and the Benediction was You Shall
Go Out with Joy. And of course we sang favorites like Deep
and Wide, This Little Light of Mine, and The Lord is Good
to Me as our daily blessing at snack time.
The oldest class met with Ms. Linda Rutherford on
three of our mornings to learn how to ring handbells.
Even though they had never played handbells before,
they had a great teacher and were quick studies –
ready to ring Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
in worship on Sunday morning.
In keeping with our theme of praising and serving
God, we concluded our VBS experience by leading
worship for the congregation on Sunday, June 19.
The students and leaders sang and spoke and rang
and prayed. It was a wonderful, moving, joyful worship
service, and a fitting expression of our VBS theme.
See page 4 for
more about VBS 2016!
After our marvelous Mary Ann Parker retired last year from her two
decades of leading UPC’s children in making music, research was
begun to find the impossible, her replacement. The first task was to
determine cost since Mary Ann had, for all those years, contributed
her great leadership gifts.
After researching what other churches were doing for their children, a Children’s Choir Task Force was
formed to identify our specific needs for a new Director. Kim Vitray is the Chair, and two other members
are children’s choir parents: Sara Sheerin and Amy Toulouse.
A job description was created; it is now available for perusal on the UPC website and can be viewed at
However, because of UPC’s current budget restraints, taking action on seeking a Director was
postponed by our Session. Eventually, I realized that there were some non-budget music funds
available which could fund our new position for at least a year, after which it is hoped the Session
and congregation will support including the cost of our Children’s Choir in the UPC operating budget.
This position opening is now being widely distributed in the Austin area. We will keep you apprised
of progress; we hope to have a Children’s Choir Director on board by this year’s Rally Day.
Ara Carapetyan
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My Friends,
An old-time preacher was just getting warmed up in the midst
of his annual stewardship sermon:
“This church has got to get up and fly…”
And the people shouted “AMEN!”
“This church has got to rise up and run…”
And the people shouted “AMEN!”
“If this church is going to run and fly,
it’s got to have money!”
And the people shouted “LET’S WALK!”
UPcoming in July
Independence Day
office closed
Supper & Substance
Inside Out
Happy Hour @ Trudy’s
UPC Young Adults
Faith & Grief Gathering
@ Wesminster Pres
UPC @ the Ballpark
Summer Game Night
Parenting & Faith
Potluck Breakfast
Supper & Substance
Supper & Substance
Symphony Under the Stars
UPC Young Adults
UPcoming in August
Rally Day!!!
Choir Retreat
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I want to say “Thank You” to those of
you who have followed through on the
“Amen” for UPC to ‘run and fly.’ Some of you have increased
your pledge for 2016; some of you have prepaid your 2016
pledge; but we still have a long way to go as we monitor our
Operating Fund and improve our finances for 2016.
Summer at UPC is not a vacation time for the ongoing ministries
and missions of this great church. We continue to provide
for many people in many ways during the summer months, and
we also use this time to begin planning budgets for the new
program year.
We are asking that you
 Keep up to date with your pledge during the summer months,
so that we remain steady in meeting our income expectations
and budgeted expenses.
 Prayerfully consider giving above what you have pledged.
I like what someone said to those who were willing to
walk instead of run and fly, “Don’t let your pledge limit
your giving!”
 If there are changes in what you can give toward your
pledge, please call the Financial Manager of the Church,
and we can make the adjustments to our estimated income.
University Presbyterian Church is filled with generous people,
and we are grateful for all that you do so that together we can do
great things as a community of disciples of Jesus Christ.
Thanks and blessings,
Page 3
VBS 2016—O Sing God a New Song!
This year, Vacation Bible School met for five days: Monday through Friday, June 13-19.
Here’s a snapshot of how the week went.
Monday: Creation
Genesis 1:1 – 2:3
Pastor Krystal led drumming sessions on Monday for
the Bible study, so the VBS students can help you
find the beat of the Creation story. We baked cookies
in the big kitchen.
Tuesday: Jesus Blesses the Children
Mark 10: 13-16
The oldest class wrote blessings for the younger class
(see side bar). We served the cookies we had baked
to our neighbors at UPLift and measured out beans
for soup mixes.
Wednesday: Solomon Dedicates the Temple
David Plays Music for Saul
2 Chron. 5: 11-14 (younger classes)
1 Sam. 16: 14-23 (oldest class)
We worked together filling brownie mix bag for new
visitors to UPC.
Thursday: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
Colossians 3: 12-17
We had lots of fun making sensory toys for an
orphanage in Vietnam. Session helped with this
service project in their meeting Wednesday night.
Friday: Jesus Calls the Disciples
Luke 5: 1-11
We baked all the bread (both regular and glutenfree) for worship on June 19.
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And then we wrapped up on Friday with…
a Magic Show! UPC’s very own James Feng dazzled
the students with coin and card tricks. James is
available to entertain at other events; call him at
512-484-1376. And if you’d like a recommendation,
just ask any of the VBS kids. They loved the show!
Bless the Little Children
Written for Cory by Camille:
May the Lord walk with you
in times of hardship,
and in times of sorrow.
May good fortune come your way,
and may you prosper in God’s light.
Written for Craig by William and Zach:
May the Lord be with you.
May the Lord watch over you
with lots of love.
May you walk the road of peace
and fill the world with justice.
May you never walk alone.
Many, Many,
Many Thanks!
VBS is always a lot of fun – and a lot of work.
What makes it successful is the investment of time,
energy, and love by the youth and adults who
volunteer. This year’s stellar cast of VBS volunteers:
Jessica Chavez
Michelle Habibnia
James Feng
Stephanie Houghton
Lilli Reynolds
Kellie Martini
Frank Adkins
Karen Miller
Jennifer Bradford
Stephanie Morris
Jennie Chao
Suzi Parker
Robin Dennis
Bobbie Sanders
Suzanne Freeman
Debbie Warden
The children of UPC are blessed indeed to have
these adults in their lives.
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Written for Lily and Grace by Natalie:
May God go with you
through your darkest hour
to brightest day
and fill you with hope and light. Amen.
Written for Ben by Edith:
May the eyes of God be watching you,
May the hands of God protect you,
May happiness fill your heart,
And may God be with you in times of sorrow.
Written for Cate by Madison:
God always loves you.
God watches over you.
One day you will have happiness
because of God.
You shall not ever be alone.
Written for Addy by Serina:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy
and peace in believing.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and rains fall soft on your face.
Page 5
Welcome (back) Austin Weaver!
UPC welcomes Austin Weaver as our
Supervised Practice of Ministry (SPM) intern.
Austin grew up in Waco, Texas. He’s been a
Presbyterian for life, attending First Presbyterian
Church in Waco since he was a child. He was active in
youth group, serving as youth elder his junior year.
While he attended college at the University of Tulsa,
Austin spent his summers working as youth intern at his
home church in Waco, and shortly after graduating realized
his passion and call to youth ministry. Though he
understands that his call extends beyond youth ministry,
he realized his next decision should be to find a seminary
home. Austin began attending Austin Presbyterian
Theological Seminary in 2014, and is on track to graduate
in the summer of 2017. During his time at the seminary,
Austin has been working, first as a volunteer and then parttime, with the youth group here at University Presbyterian
Church and enjoyed (mostly) every minute of it! When he
isn’t at work, Austin enjoys watching sports, catching up
on TV shows, spending time with friends, and staying close
with his family.
Manos De Cristo
Manos de Cristo is gearing up for its annual Back-to-School Program. Last year
BTS provided more than 2,000 pre-K through 5th graders with two sets of clothing,
backpacks, supplies, and books. To help serve more children this year, please
donate through UPC! Just make the check out to UPC, and indicate “Manos de
Cristo Back to School Drive” on the check or envelope, and place it in the offering
by Sunday, July 10. Please also consider volunteering – you will be glad you did!
Donations needed by Sunday, July 10.
to sort and distribute supplies July 18-22.
Please contact Lily Lombardi at 512-477-7454 or
llombardi@manosdecristo.org to volunteer.
Want to learn more about how Manos de Cristo serves our community?
Contact Sarah French to learn more or take a tour: sbradbur@alum.trinity.edu
or 210-882-6400.
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It’s Time for Supper & Substance at UPC!!
Join your friends for dinner and a movie discussion on Monday evenings in July and
August. The dinners are modestly priced, always delicious, and prepared by various
committees of UPC. The movies are selected to illuminate the themes of life and faith, and
to serve as visual parables to help viewers develop “eyes that see and ears that hear”
how God’s messages of hope and love are revealed through contemporary films.
Because of time limitations (we have 90 minutes!) and copyright issues, short clips of
the movie will be used to facilitate discussion. All of the movies are available on DVD,
and it is highly recommended that you view the movie before the discussion.
Caution: Not all of the movies are suitable for children.
Inside Out – PG
Growing up is a bumpy road for 11-year-old Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life
when her
father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions—Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust
and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley's mind, where they help advise her
through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues
in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions
conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.
Spotlight – R
Academy Award - Best Picture 2016
When the Boston Globe's tenacious “Spotlight” team of reporters delves into allegations of abuse in the Catholic
Church, their year-long investigation uncovers a decades-long cover-up at the highest levels of Boston's religious,
legal, and government establishment, touching off a wave of revelations around the world.
The Good Lie – PG-13
Four Sudanese children, orphaned in the Sudanese Civil War, make an arduous and dangerous trek through
the plains, enduring hardship until they reach safety in a refugee camp in Kenya. Later, they are selected for
resettlement in America. The three boys must make a new life in Kansas City, while the young woman is sent
to Boston. Together, the young men adjust to an alien culture even as their past haunts them. The newcomers,
and their new friends like employment counselor Carrie Davis, strive to understand each other, as they make
peace with their histories in a challenge that changes all their lives.
Selma – PG-13
The unforgettable true story chronicles the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition. The epic march from
Selma to Montgomery culminated in President Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most
significant victories for the civil rights movement. Director Ava DuVernay's "Selma" tells the story of how the revered
leader and visionary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and his brothers and sisters in the movement prompted change that
forever altered history.
Do The Right Thing – R
This film, released in 1989, looks at life in the Bedford-Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn on a hot summer Sunday.
As he does everyday, Sal Fragione opens the pizza parlor he’s owned for 25 years. His neighborhood has changed
considerably and is now composed primarily of African-Americans and Hispanics. His son Pino hates it there and
would like to relocate the eatery to their own neighborhood. But for Sal, the restaurant represents a part of his life
and a part of the community. What begins as a simple complaint by one of his customers disintegrates into violence
as frustration seemingly brings out the worst in everyone.
You must sign up for dinner in advance! Our cooks need to know how many to prepare for!
So look for the sign-up table in the courtyard after church beginning July 3!
Schedule & Cost
Mondays, July 11 through August 8, Fellowship Hall
5:30 pm – dinner
6:30 pm – movie discussion begins
$7.00 for adults, $3.00 kids ages 3-12.
(And remember that the money goes toward a special project for the group/committee preparing the meal!)
See you at the movies!
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Specific dates and discussion leaders will be announced soon in the weekly UPDate.
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Approved session minutes
Approved a joint meeting of the Session
and Deacons for July 27
Approved Mission and Service Task
Force Proposal
Approved the proposal that the ministry
team/committee chairs for the 2016-17
Session be tabled for one month and a
task force be appointed to review the number, title and
mandate for each committee for the purpose of reviewing,
updating and possibly consolidating the ministry
team/committee structure
Approved Ministry Information Form
submitted by the Pastoral Nominating
“And taking the five loaves and the two
fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed
and broke them, and gave them to the
disciples to set before the crowd.”
Luke 9:16
Approved Micah 6 food pantry be renamed
The Dan Robertson Food Pantry with plaque
to recognize his service
Have you seen panel five of
The Feeding of the Five Thousand?
Now hung in the Great Hall. Check it out!
Hector Saravia for his performance of duties as
Moderator of the Deacons for the past year
Debbie Russ for her performance of duties with
the Deacons in organizing and coordinating the
receptions following funerals and memorial
services during the past two years
Posthumous commendation to Dan Robertson
for his service to the Board of Deacons and how
impossible it would be to fill his shoes
VBS Volunteers: Stephanie Morris, Debbie Warden,
Suzanne Freeman, Jennie Chao, Jennifer Bradford,
Stephanie Houghton, Michelle Habibnia,
Karen Miller, Frank Adkins, Suzi Parker,
Jessica Chavez, Lilli Reynolds, James Feng
Follow the UPC Youth Mission Trip
to Pine Ridge, South Dakota
People who helped with IHN: Betsy Brown,
Rosemary Moore, Bill Moore, Craig Deats,
Deborah Warden, Doug Brown Jennie Elliott,
John Leedy and the Youth, John Parker, Suzi Parker, Lee
Helms, Randal Whittington, Scott and Sarah Jenkins,
Jenny Whitten, Mark Baxter
Richard Gibson for his work in chairing the Mission and
Service Committee and his passion in serving the poor and
oppressed populations of Texas and beyond
Chancel Choir for their leadership in worship
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Bruce Lancaster, Interim Senior Pastor
Kathy Escandell, Associate Pastor for Christian Formation
John Leedy, Associate Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries
Krystal Leedy, Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry
Ara Carapetyan, Director of Music
Meg McReynolds, Director of Joyful Noise Handbells
Scott McNulty, Organist
Jan Hames, Office Manager
Sandie McGee, Financial Manager
Trudi Capotosto, Financial Assistant
Danny Dennis, Facilities Manager
Barbara Litchford, Building Monitor