Flash Points This Thursday, October 2 at 6:30 At Taix Restaurant we


Flash Points This Thursday, October 2 at 6:30 At Taix Restaurant we
Flash Points
Fleming Flashpaper
Wendy Sobel, Editor
Celebrating the enjoyment &
camaraderie of magic since 1938!
We’re on the Web!
STUFF www.ibmring21.org
October 2 — Banquet
November 6 — Perform and Discuss
December 4 — Catered Dinner,
Holiday Magic, Spark of Love
The Caryl Fleming IBM Ring #21
October 2, 2014 6:30 P.M.
Taix Restaurant
1911 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, 90026
(213) 484-1265
This Thursday, October 2 at 6:30
At Taix Restaurant we will once again have the opportunity to get together for an evening of good food, good magic, good camaraderie and
be witness to a new board getting installed for the coming year, in addition to great raffle prizes and outstanding entertainment, Paul Green.
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Caryl Fleming
Ring #21
The Fleming Flashpaper
News, Information & Current Happenings of IBM Ring 21
Hello To All Fellow Ring 21 Members,
Recap of Meeting
Greats of Magic
Calendar of Events
Prez Message
Flash Pot
Flash Points
Magic Trick
I’d like to thank everyone who attended and participated in last month’s important Ring meeting. We had several items on the agenda and I’m happy to say the
evening flowed seamlessly. We had quite a few new members officially inducted
into the Ring. We also had elections for the new executive board for the upcoming
2014-2015 year.
It was nice to see a large turnout for this meeting. I look forward to working
with the new members and newly elected Board in this coming year to help advance our mutual goal and our love of the art of magic.
It has been my great honor and privilege to serve as your president for the past
three years. I’d like to take this time to thank all the Ring 21 members for your
support, encouragement, input and suggestions throughout my tenure as president.
Our October Installation Banquet is just days away. Martha and I are looking
forward to a fun-filled evening with all the wonderful people who will be attending
the Banquet. As always, there will be fine cuisine, wonderful entertainment, great
raffle prizes and excellent company.
Points of
• Greats of Magic
Glenn Falkenstein
and Frances Willard
• September Recap M
• October 2 —
• November 6 —
Perform and Discuss
Here’s what we have slated for the remainder of the year. For the month of November we will have another round of Perform and Discuss. So if you’re interested in sharing a piece of magic with your fellow ring members and are open to
receiving constructive criticism, positive feedback and some impromptu brainstorming please come prepared to participate at that meeting. And closing out the
year, 2014, at our December meeting we will have our annual chicken dinner, holiday magic get-together and The Spark of Love toy drive.
It’s been my pleasure.
Robert De La Guerra
Page 3
2013-2014 Executive Board
Members at Large
President: Robert de la Guerra (818) 269-8917
Bill Turner (818) 786-5326
Vice-President: Wendy Sobel (310) 859-2989
Jim Richardson (818) 848-1978
Secretary: Gerry Schiller (805) 499-8921
Don Kenney (818) 896-7261
Treasurer: Lois Harmeyer
Nicolas Garcia (818) 242-6992
(626) 358-2637 lharmeyer@dslextreme.com
Sgt.-At-Arms: Matt Fields (951) 318-8618
Bob Thomas (661) 360-3068
Lois Harmeyer Teaching Magic
Tuesday October 7 Lois Harmeyer will be giving
a Magic Lecture to the Orange County Puppetry
Guild at their monthly meeting. They meet at the
Buena Park Moose Lodge at 8651 Knott Avenue,
Buena Park, CA 90621. Lois will have lots of new
and used magic for sale as well as clown costumes
and props.
There is limited parking so carpooling is advised.
No credit cards, please, cash only and no large bills.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Congratulations to all new
Ring 21 Members
September 4, 2014, Ring 21 had the largest
number of new members in one year that I
have been aware of for over ten years. There
were ten new members.
Six of the new people were part of the induction ceremony which was lead by Robert
De La Guerra. And each of the six, I thought,
had dynamic presentations. Magic is alive and
well in these new members.
Thank you all for being a part of Ring 21!!
(Pictured are Roy Ball, Satori Adler, George
Hwang, Elliot Thomas, Rick Fisher and Lituo
The Greats of Magic — Gerald Schiller
Page 4
A Series of Capsule Biographies of Famous Magicians
Glenn Falkenstein and
Frances Willard
Born in Los Angeles on February 3, 1932,
Glenn Falkenstein was raised in Chicago,
where his father owned a nightclub called
the Hi Hat Club. As a child Glenn
(accompanied by his nanny) would often be
taken to see the early dinner shows and it
was here that he had his first experience
watching some very famous magicians.
As a young man he worked in Abbott’s
Magic Shop (in Chicago) and met the famous Harlan Tarbell.
After serving a stint in the U.S. Air Force,
and then getting a degree in education and
later speech pathology, he moved to Los
Angeles in 1965 and decided to pursue a
career in magic — specializing in mentalism.
By the late 1960s he was doing an amazing
mental act, and was noticed by Magic Castle
co-founder Milt Larsen who booked him to
perform at the Castle. Many hundreds of
appearances would follow.
In 1978 Falkenstein teamed up with (and
later married) Frances Willard, daughter of
the famous magician “Willard the Wizard.”
Her father had made her an important part
of his act, especially doing the famous “Spirit
before by the famous Davenport Brothers. In
their version Frances was tied up in a cabinet, but
when the drape was drawn, objects were thrown
out over the top of the enclosure, musical instruments were played, and a spectator’s coat, tossed
into the cabinet was — almost instantly — discovered on Frances. Yet she remained tightly
Falkenstein also did an amazing mental act in
which, after being securely blindfolded, he was
able to answer personal questions written down
by audience members and provide their addresses
and relatives’ names. Falkenstein and Willard were
a sensational act when they appeared in Las Vegas
and on numerous television shows. In 1994 they
were inducted into the Society of American Magicians’ Hall of Fame as Living Legends.
For several years Glenn hosted his own call-in radio show on KGBS and the duo performed their
mental effects before several American presidents.
In addition to Glenn’s career in magic, he was for
many years a speech pathologist for the Los Angeles County Office of Education, using his skills to
help young people overcome speech defects.
Milt Larsen once said of Falkenstein’s act,
“Sometimes magicians do magic and they really do
magic. That’s what that act was. It was a wonderful, baffling
thing. Plus it
was great
After suffering for several years
with Alzheimer’s disease, Glenn
She and Falkenstein soon incorporated the died on July
“Spirit Cabinet” into their act — an effect 4, 2010.
that had originally been done many years
The Flash Pot — a potpourri of news, info, postings, etc.
October Birthdays
Happy Birthday to all Ring 21 members celebrating their birthdays in October, including Lois Harmeyer, Stephen Levine, Mario Seki, Gary Frieden,
Malena Tappan, Roy Ball and Myrna Garcia
Other magical birthdays include: Dante, Roy
Horn, Al Flosso, Marlo, Caryl Stacy Fleming,
Harry Laverne Anderson and Joshua Jay.
Happy Birthday to all (whether on this plane of
action or the next) from Ring 21!!
Page 5
Just a reminder that on the evenings
when we have a lecture there will be NO raffle,
Trick of the Month or Video of the Month.
Westside Wizards Meeting SAM Assembly 291
The next meeting is Tuesday October 14, 2014 7 pm
The Westside Wizards meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Their new meeting place is Stoner Park OPICA Adult Day
Care Facility, 11759 Missouri Avenue, Los Angeles
(If your birthday was missed, tell Wendy)
IBM Ring 280 — The Mark Wilson Ring
October Board Meeting
Ring 280 meets the 2nd Thursday of the month.
7:30 pm at the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clarita.
(The third Tuesday of the month)
October 21, 2014, Valley Village, CA. Scheduled for 7:00 pm, October 21, 2014 at Four ‘n
20 Pies located at 4723 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Valley
The address is: 24909 Newhall Avenue, Newhall, CA
Thursday October 9 is the next meeting.
www.ibmring280.com for info.
Village, Ca. 91607 Phone 818 761-5128
October 2 — Banquet
If you have not already made your plans to
attend the upcoming banquet, you still have
time. If you will even call Lois Harmeyer before
next Thursday, October 2 and give her your dinner order you will still be eligible to get in for
the $30 per person. In addition you will receive
$5 worth of raffle tickets.
And some of the raffle prizes that are being
offered this time around are truly amazing. Be at
the banquet early to see what the prizes are.
You may even think it’s worthwhile to splurge
for another $5 worth of tickets.
In addition we have the remarkable Paul
Green who will not only officiate at the installation but he will also be our entertainment of the
evening. So much to look forward to!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The magic world has lost another incredible person. We have to say good-bye to
Joanie Spina. Condolences to Joanie’s
friends and family from Ring 21.
Calendar of Events
October 2 — Banquet
November 6 — Perform and Discuss
December 4 — Catered Dinner
* Calendar subject to change without notice.
Recently everyone was sent a renewal form for
Ring 21 which also included signing up for the banquet. There is also an already addressed envelope
to make it easier for you to send in your dues and
your payment for the banquet. Before the end of
October dues are $30 (increasing to $35 in November). If your dues are paid in a timely manner
you will receive $5 worth of raffle tickets to be
used at the banquet. It is $30 per person to go to
the banquet if the ticket is bought in advance of the
October meeting.
Please Note
There is NEVER taping of any Ring 21
meeting without prior approval from the
Board. Thank you.
The Caryl Fleming IBM Ring #21
October 2, 2014 6:30 P.M.
Taix Restaurant
1911 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, 90026
(213) 484-1265
Video Library
You can see the list of videos
available at the Ring 21 website.
Facebook is the
newest way to keep in
touch with everything
that’s happening at
Ring 21.
Page 6
September Meeting
Election of Board and Induction of
New Members to Ring 21
Next Rick Fisher had the spectator pushing our of the deck his favorite card, which was the five of
Clubs. Well done, Rick.
Then it was
time for
George Hwang
to perform.
He explained
to us that this
Announcements began by reminding everyone that our
was the first
Installation Banquet will be on October 2 at Taix’s
time he had ever performed magic.
Restaurant. The Board is very pleased to have Paul
He used rubber bands. It reminds
Green as our entertainer. Robert De La Guerra also
me how well Crazy Man’s Handmentioned that there will be some outstanding raffle
cuffs play, even to a large crowd.
Very impressive, George.
Robert also mentioned that the Order of Merlin,
which is 25 years of continuous membership in I.B.M. Lituo Huang had Gerry Schiller
help her. He shuffled the
was conferred on Bill Turner this year. Congratulations Bill!! Another of our members who has reached deck, cut it into four piles. She
instructed him to do the
“Merlin” status is ElRoy Codding.
“down under” deal of some
cards on each pile. When he
For some details of the next meeting, it will begin at
6:30, dinner’s 7:30 then the President’s Message, our finished she had him turn over
the top card on each pile. It
Installation, Entertainment and the Raffle.
turned out to be the year he
The Swap Meet at the Magic Castle will be on Septem- was born! Lituo, amazing!!
ber 13 beginning at 9 am.
The meeting got off with a dedication to both Caryl
Fleming and Everett Morgan who were instrumental in
establishing I.B.M. Ring 21. (Of course, we are known
as the Caryl Fleming Ring).
Each new member presented
some magic. First up was Elliot
Evans who truly performed
“Alchemy” with coins. We also
were shown his new “table” that
he recently had made. It is truly
a work of art.
Satori Adler did an amazing
card trick with a picked card,
all the cards in that suit ended
up face up in a face down
deck, except for the selected
card. Bravo, Satori!
Last came Roy Ball who
used a borrowed deck
and had the help of
Myrna Garcia. He was
able to read her mind
and figure out the four
cards involved in the
trick. Well done, Roy!!
Then Robert De La Guerra
began the Induction Ceremony for the new members.
There is definitely something to be said for tradition,
it links us together through
time and there is something
very moving when we realize we really are not alone.
Robert got the ceremony
from the International IBM.
As you can see Robert had different symbols of magic
gathered together, each with their own symbolism.
The Cups and Balls are ancient tools which are synonymous with our craft. The Wand has special powers we see and possess. The Silk represents the bond
which holds us together. And the Linking Rings represent the worldwide network of I.B.M.
Then the election was held for the Members at
Large. Because there were six people for five positions we had to have a written ballot. A committee
counted the ballots. The top five people were: Don
Kenney, Bill Turner, Nicolas Garcia, Lois Harmeyer
and Rick Checansky. The Executive Board was accepted as presented: President: Wendy Sobel; VicePresident: Bob Thomas; Secretary: Gerry Schiller;
Treasurer: Robert De La Guerra and Sergeant-AtArms Jim Richardson.
Then it was Raffle time. Lituo Huang won the
Shanghai Shackle; Matt Savin chose some DVD’s from
Matthew Louber, Million Dollar Monte. Next Roy Ball
picked the DVD’s Scripted Insanity and It’s About Time
by David Ginn. Matt Savin won again and very graciously declined so another person present could get
a raffle prize. Bob Thomas selected the Card Castle
and Gerry Schiller won Al Lampkin’s Notes.
Then Bob Thomas did the trick of the month, from
a previous Fleming Flashpaper which is called “My Favorite Card.” From a DVD entitled Punishment by Patrick McCulagh Bob showed a trick called Sweet
Dreams of You. He did a great job, and there was
good feedback for performing the trick. There was
discussion of a utility sleight called “the mercury
move.” Gerry Schiller was going to borrow it, but
Bob had left it at home in his DVD player.
We then began the
Perform and Discuss part
of the evening. This is
where a member can
bring a magic effect they
are working on and get
first. She had a stage version of the 3
Card Monte. She got some valuable
information about how to turn the
cards so that every move is uniform.
What a great routine that is.
Nicolas Garcia then went onto a
very clever rope routine with many
ropes of different colors and after
Page 7
“shuffling the ropes” he offered
them to different spectators allowing people to pick whatever
color rope they want. He was
able to figure out who had what
rope. Then he tied two ropes
together which other people
could not undo but he separated the
ropes instantaneously.
Elliot Evans then had Lituo
help him with a very clever
switch of a 50 cent piece and his
car keys and a bag.
Last was Rhoel Garcia with a
cell phone air conditioner 1.0.
He explained how this wonderful
new invention needs
some assembly, but it is worth
all the time and effort. Then he
demonstrated how easily this
works and how it is a must for
every household. Nice selling
job, Rhoel.
All in all it was a most exciting
and enjoyable evening.
A Message from the Treasurer andMembership Chairman
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
To all the members who took a minute to fill
out the membership form for IBM Ring 21. This is
one of the tools that is used to keep track of membership and the Banquet. If you do not fill in the
form, I have to do it. When there are ten people
handing you checks or just cash at the same time,
it is not easy to keep track of everything.
It has been my pleasure to serve in this capacity. Please help the new Treasurer/Membership
chairman, Robert De La Guerra, next year in the
way you helped me this year.
Best wishes for feeling better
soon from Ring 21 to:
Bob Smillie, Woody Pittman,
Darlene Johnson.
And a very special wish to see
you again soon Lee Delano.
Page 8
Impromptu Card Magic
compiled by Aldo Colombini
Comedy Spelling
by Aldo Colombini
This is my approach to a trick published by Karl Fulves in his Self-working Close-up Card Magic (“This is
Not the Card”). I have added something and changed the basic phrase to find the card. It is amusing and intriguing at the same time. (Aldo Colombini)
EFFECT: The deck is cut into three piles. You leave a card face up in the middle packet. A
card is selected from one of the piles and the piles assembled. The deck is cut several times.
You remove your card and say to the audience, “This is not your card — but this is.” At the
same time you spell the phrase by placing a card for each letter. The last card of the spelling is
the selected one!
PERFORMANCE: Have the deck shuffled and returned — be sure it is a fifty-two card
deck, remove the Joker(s). Have the spectator cut the deck into three piles, the top third goes
face down to the right, the middle third is in the middle and the bottom third to the left.
Pick up the top pile (at the right) and spread it with the faces toward you, as if you are looking
for a card. Really you count the cards in that pile. Remember the number, say you have
counted eighteen cards. Replace the pile face down on the right as if you did not find the card
you were looking for.
Pick up the middle pile and spread it with the faces toward you and reverse count into your
hand the cards, taking them singly from the face of the deck and moving them with your right
thumb onto the left hand one on top of another (so reversing their order). Resume counting
from the final number of the first pile, in this case the first card you’ll take from the middle
pile will be number nineteen. Proceed to count until you reach twenty-six.
Turn the twenty-sixth card face down onto the right-hand cards and then drop onto that card
the face-up cards remaining in the left hand. Turn the pile over and drop it onto the table in the
middle. You have simply reversed a card twenty-sixth from the top of the deck and this card is
in the middle section.
Have the right tabled pile shuffled. Drop it onto the middle section. Have a card selected from
the left pile and dropped onto the middle pile. Then have all the cards of the left pile dropped
onto the tabled pile. Have the spectator(s) cut the deck as many times as they want. If you
want, you may give the deck several Charlier Shuffles.
Spread the deck face down between the hands until you reach the reversed card. Cut all the
cards above the reversed card to the bottom of the deck. The selected card is now twentyseventh from the top. It is automatic and it will work no matter how the spectator cuts the piles
at the beginning of the trick.
Point to the reversed card and place it on the table saying, “This is not your card.” Spell the
phrase by placing a card for each letter for the words, taking cards from the top of the deck
(excluding the reversed card) and placing them in a pile on the table (you will deal seventeen
cards). Continue saying, “But this is.” Deal a card for each letter of the phrase and turn over
the card that falls on the final “S” of the word “is,” revealing the selected card.