TEPSA Brochure
TEPSA Brochure
MEMBER INSTITUTES Austrian Institute for International Affairs Groupe européen/ Europese Groep, Brussels Bulgarian European Community Studies Association Cyprus Institute of Mediterranean European and International Studies Institute of International Relations, Prague Danish Institute for International Studies Estonian Foreign Policy Institute Finnish Institute of International Affairs Centre d'études européennes (Sciences Po), Paris Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin Greek Centre of European Studies and Research Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of European Affairs, Dublin Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome Latvian Institute of International Affairs Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Européennes Robert Schuman, Luxembourg Netherlands Institute for International Relations, Clingendael Foundation for European Studies - European Institute, Lodz Instituto de Estudos Estrategicos e Internacionais, Lisbon Centre of International Relations, Ljubljana Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos, Madrid Swedish Institute of International Affairs Federal Trust for Education and Research, London ASSOCIATE MEMBERS College of Europe, Bruges College of Europe, Natolin European Institute of Public Administration Institute for International Relations, Croatia BOARD MEMBERS · Prof. Wolfgang Wessels, Chairperson, University of Cologne · Mr Graham Avery, Secretary General, University of Oxford · Prof. Iain Begg, LSE, London · Prof. Gianni Bonvicini, IAI, Rome · Mr Andrew Duff, MEP · Mr Nikos Frangakis, EKEME, Athens · Dr. Gunilla Herolf, SIPRI, Stockholm · Prof. Jean-Victor Louis, Brussels · Dr. Hanna Ojanen, FIIA, Helsinki · Prof. Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, MEP BECOME A TEPSA FRIEND! T RANS E UROPEAN P OLICY S TUDIES A SSOCIATION As a TEPSA friend you profit from a number of exclusive advantages: · Take part in TEPSA Friends Meetings · Receive the TEPSA Newsletter · Receive invitations to TEPSA conferences · Participate actively in current debates Join the circle of TEPSA Friends by returning this form to us. Name Title/Function Address Phone TEPSA: E-Mail EUROPE’S RESEARCH NETWORK I wish to become member of TEPSA Friends and pay the membership fee of 30 ¤ (individual subscription) 150 ¤(corporate subscription) Student concession to the TEPSA account n° 310-1355102-01 at the ING Bank · Avenue Marnix 24 · 1000 Brussels (with mention of "TEPSA-Friends") IBAN: BE43 3101 3551 0201 · SWIFT Code: BBRU BE BB 100 Analysis Assessment Advice Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) 11, Rue d’Egmont 1000 Bruxelles +32-2-511-3470 www.tepsa.be · tepsa@tepsa.be “We are not uniting states, we are uniting human beings” · Jean Monnet, 1952 WHAT IS TEPSA? ACTIVITIES - AIMS ANALYSIS - ASSESSMENT - ADVICE TEPSA, established in 1974 as a Belgian International Association under Belgian Law and the first transeuropean research network, comprises leading research institutes in the field of European affairs throughout Europe, with an office in Brussels. Pre-Presidency Conferences TEPSA organizes a Pre-Presidency Conference every six months in the country taking over the Presidency of the EU. This contributes to a multidisciplinary, transeuropean and informed debate on key issues and provides the opportunity to interact with EU policy makers in defining priorities. TEPSA is occupied with a wide range of research topics. Our main focus is clustered along two lines: TEPSA’s aim is to provide high quality research on European integration in order to stimulate discussion on policies and political options for Europe. This is achieved by interaction between the European and national institutions as well as the academic a n d r e s e a rc h c o m m u n i t y. “Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which create a de facto solidarity.” Robert Schuman, 1950 With its decentralized approach, TEPSA combines the strengths of its members and enriches the results of their work. TEPSA exemplifies the ‘bottom-up’ approach to European governance, and contributes to the EU’s dialogue with citizens. RESEARCH FOR A BETTER EUROPE TEPSA Friends TEPSA Friends meetings take place on various topics. This Brussels forum is designed to encourage in-depth debate, stimulated by a key speaker or panel. Input to the European agenda TEPSA contributes to main events in the European agenda with the goal to give its own input and have an impact on the debate. European expertise With its transnational network, TEPSA is able to guarantee expertise on a variety of topics. Its potential is exploited at many levels – including briefings made for the European Institutions by TEPSA’s member institutes and coordinated by our Brussels office. With the enlargements of 2004 and 2007, the European Union has altered its dimension and faces new challenges. The Lisbon Treaty will bring institutional improvements to ensure a better functioning of the European Institutions and enhance its capacity to act. Cooperation in research projects TEPSA, continuing its research activities of FORNET and GOVCOR, is the initiator of EU-CONSENT, a Network of Excellence within the Commission’s 6th Framework Programme. It also participates in THESEUS, which promotes mutual understanding of societies in Europe, as well as other transeuropean research initiatives. TEPSA’s concern is to accompany this process and to take a position on the most important features of the European Union’s ‘deepening’ and ‘widening’. To have the maximum impact in enhancing European integration, TEPSA has developed various instruments to promote dialogue between researchers and with key actors in the process. General Assembly TEPSA members meet regularly in its constitutive bodies to discuss current topics and common issues. Sharing ideas in this way helps to enhance the European approach. · Deepening: The future of the European Union with a special emphasis on the institutional architecture Here the subjects of TEPSA’s work concern the functioning of the EU and its development towards a closer Union. Among the main topics are Economic and Monetary Union, Foreign Policy, and Justice and Home Affairs. · Widening: The past and forthcoming enlargement rounds and the European Neighbourhood Policy Here relations with the Balkans and Turkey, the recently created European Neighbourhood Policy and relations with Russia also figure among TEPSA’s topics. The TEPSA network thus serves as a catalyst for advancing European solutions. TEPSA benefits from the support of the European Commission. It takes an active part in the “Europe for citizens” programme for dialogue between the European Union and the people. More information on our activities can be found at www.tepsa.be.