November Newsletter - Elkhorn Public Schools


November Newsletter - Elkhorn Public Schools
November 2013
Elkhorn South High School
20303 Blue Sage Parkway
Omaha, Nebraska 68130
Volume 4, Issue 3
From the High School Principal
From time to time, I am asked to respond to rumors in the community regarding varying topics. The most recent topics
that seem to be swirling deal with changing boundaries and moving to Class A in all activities. In recent weeks, I have had
no less than 20 community members and parents ask me if it was true that the ESHS/EHS boundary was moving from
Dodge Street to Pacific Street. I can tell you unequivocally that there are no plans to change the boundary.
There have been no discussions about a boundary change for the high schools. With regards to moving to Class A
in activities, I can state confidently that Elkhorn South will be Class A in the near future. Each year schools submit their
official enrollment number in September for the upcoming school year. Then in January, the NSAA classifies schools based
upon these official enrollment numbers. ESHS is very near the top of the Class B and our enrollment is growing, thus we
will be in Class A sooner than later. I would hate to speculate exactly when, but I think it is safe to say that we will move
to Class A before our current freshmen graduate in 2017.
As we start the second quarter and move close to the Thanksgiving holiday, I have reflected upon how much we have to
be thankful for in the Elkhorn Public School District. My reflections lead down many paths, but all centered on the pride
I have in this school district, this high school and our students. I am continually impressed by the character and determination of our students as well as their involvement in many activities, managing a challenging curriculum, and the many
hours spent working or volunteering outside of school. Specifically, I was extremely proud of our students’ response to
the recent tragedy involving the death of an Elkhorn Mount Michael student. The accident occurred Friday evening and
by mid-afternoon Sunday, I had received a couple dozen emails from students asking how Elkhorn South could help the
school and the family. It is experiences like this that make me feel thankful to not only work and live in the Elkhorn
community, but also have my own children attend the Elkhorn Public Schools.
Fall parent-teacher conferences were greatly attended. Overall, 73% of our parents attended, which is a tremendous
statistic for a high school. To our staff, the parent-teacher conferences are symbolic of the ideal partnership and support
needed for our students’ success. Your attendance and consistent communication display the love and care that you have
for your students and provide a bond with other vested stakeholders- his/her teachers. Undoubtedly, the Elkhorn
Community places the highest priority on education and your efforts only further affirm this belief to our staff. We
appreciate you encouraging your students to have perfect attendance, to work hard, to cooperate with teachers, to take
rigorous classes and to make the most of the abundant opportunities here at Elkhorn South High School.
On behalf of the staff at ESHS, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the parents who volunteered their service
by providing two outstanding meals for parent-teacher conferences. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are greatly
appreciated by all here at ESHS. Thank you!
The topic of rigor and college preparedness has been frequently discussed this quarter. Periodically, I hear the
conversation framed in a manner of “what students will need for college”. When engaged in this conversation with
students, parents or colleagues, I often respond with some questions, “Can the student honestly state that he/she has
done everything possible to be prepared for college? Have they taken advantage of rigorous levels of curriculum in order
to prepare for college?” Clearly, I want our students to be successful in college and in life and have a vested interest in their
future. Thus, I would contend it is far better for students to be challenged to their utmost potential in high school, where
they have built-in support systems of caring parents and educators at their side. I believe that as educators, we are morally
obligated to ensure that our students are prepared for life after high school. I fear that if students leave here without being
challenged and find their first real academic challenges in college, they will struggle in isolation, away from caring adults,
to succeed. This conversation is not new and will be discussed again as we near the end of the first semester and begin
looking at class offerings for the 2014-15 school year. Our guidance department, teachers and administrators will continue
to encourage our students to take the rigorous coursework in preparation for college. We look forward to continued
conversations with our parents and students regarding college preparedness. I would encourage all of our parents to
thoughtfully encourage their students to take the most rigorous courses possible during all four years of their high school
career in order to fully prepare themselves for the ACT, SAT, college and beyond.
(continued on page 2…)
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9th and 10th grade students took standardized tests on Tuesday, October 29th during periods 1, 2, 3. The Freshmen and
Sophomores annually take the EXPLORE(9th) and PLAN(10th) tests. Both tests are precursors to the ACT test that most
students take as the college entrance exam. The tests have many similarities to the ACT format. Students will be assessed in
math, reading, English and science. The EXPLORE and PLAN tests are important as they project a range score for the ACT
and also feature a career component. Our guidance department uses the standardized tests’ scores and career results during
their conversations with students for course registration. Our counselors then send the report home with students and we
will alert you via email to check for those results.
11th Grade students took the NeSA-W Fall Writing test on the morning of October 29th. These scores are reported at the
district level and help gauge readiness for upcoming NeSA Spring Writing Assessment. During this assessment students
write a five-paragraph essay and are scored by high school language arts teachers based upon the six traits of writing.
Elkhorn South will utilize this test as a predictor for NeSA- W success and structure interventions for students who fail to
meet proficiency.
Again, thank you for all your support so far in this year at ESHS. I have enjoyed getting to meet many of you at activity events,
parent-teacher conferences and school functions. I look forward to future conversations about your students’ experiences
and education here at Elkhorn South High School.
Please feel free to call my office at 289-0616 ext 3007 or email me at if you have any questions or
Mark Kalvoda
NHS Blood Drive
The Elkhorn South National Honor Society is sponsoring a blood drive with
the American Red Cross on Friday, November 22nd in the ESHS main gym.
Students age 16 and up and any adults in the community may donate;
appointments are available from 7:00 am to 12:45 pm. Students will be
scheduled to donate after they submit an application form to Ms. Muir or
Mrs. Preble. Adults who wish to participate should go online to and enter the sponsor code 0092652 to make an
Target / Take Charge of
ESHS School ID # 152114
See attached flyer
HyVee: Cash for Students:
Save those receipts and send to
Ms. Vandergriend in the office!
See attached flyer
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...From the Nurse’s Desk...
Health screening will be held on November 19th at ESHS.
Screenings being done are measuring height, weight, vision, and hearing.
Twenty-five volunteers will be needed to get this accomplished in a short
period of time. The success of this screening will depend on the volunteers so
please consider helping.
Please call Kathy Vandergriend at 402-289-0616 ext 3008to sign up to help. You will need to
arrive at 8:15 am (or as close as possible to that time) and the goal is to be finished by 11:00
am. Please do not bring small children to the screening.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
SENIOR PARENTS! Don't miss out on the opportunity to purchase a senior/parent ad for your
son or daughter! Ads are due by Friday, December 13th and can be delivered to school or
emailed to Check your email for more information or visit our website
at and click on "Yearbook" and "Senior Ads" for copies
of the ad contract and design options.
YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW! Go to to order your yearbook now
for $50! Prices will go up to $60 during Thanksgiving break, so buy now and save!
As students are completing their college applications for admissions they will receive
admissions and scholarship notification letters. Please have students keep these letters,
even if they are not going to attend the institution, as verification for our counseling center.
Our counselors keep a record of all scholarship offers that our senior class receives and
publish this information in our graduation booklet. Students can begin turning in their
scholarship letters to the counseling center after winter break.
Please contact Jason Gosnell in you have any questions.
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Using Safe Search
Chances are, your student uses search engines like Google or Bing to look up information on the Internet. You can help filter out
inappropriate material by using the “Safe Search” settings. Activating this tool on a search engine takes only a few minutes and is
usually one click within the “preferences” or “settings” page. It is important to note that no filter is 100 percent accurate 100 percent of the time. Safe Search will help filter most inappropriate material, but students should still use caution when searching the
Popular Apps—What is is social networking website, but it also available as an app through the Apple App Store and on Google Play. It can be
linked to a Facebook or Twitter account and allows users to anonymously ask one another questions. Users may also choose to answer questions from others anonymously. While claims it is a platform for those who may be too shy to ask questions to
friends face-to-face, the optional anonymity has reduced inhibitions among users and led to cyberbullying in some cases. Users do
have the ability to change their settings to disable anonymous questions/answers from followers. The site’s terms of use state that
users must be at least 13 years old to operate an account on
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November Newsletter
HALE is Elkhorn Public Schools’ High Ability Learner Education. Visit the HALE Activity link from
the Elkhorn High School website to learn more about services and to keep track of upcoming
opportunities via the online HALE calendar.
National History Day
Students interested in History are encouraged to participate in the National History Day competition
in April 12. Topic selection begins now. This year’s theme is Rights and Responsibilities. Stop by
the HALE room or check out for more information.
Robotic teams will begin league play this month at Mount Michael to test their designs in a
competitive environment. Work sessions are on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:30.
UNL Math Day
35 math students have signed up to attend the 24 th annual UNL Math Day and take the PROBE
(Problems Requiring Original and Brilliant Effort) exam in both individual and team competitions
held on the UNL campus, November 21. For information see:
Academic Decathlon
The Academic Decathlon Team will travel to Lincoln Pius X for its first scrimmage of the year on
November 9th. Study sessions are Monday and Wednesday after school in room E145 with Mrs.
Quiz Bowl
Teams competed in the Ralston and Seward quiz bowls. The next quiz bowl is at Omaha Bryan
Saturday, November 16th. The annual Elkhorn Quiz Bowl is being held Saturday, January 11 th.
Olympus Club
Elkhorn South High School Olympus Club members shared test taking tips and pizza at their now
annual PSAT Practice Pizza session. There is an opportunity for Olympus Club members to mentor
a 5th grader from Fire Ridge Elementary. Watch for a sign up meeting during TA.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, November 9 – Lincoln Pius X Academic Decathlon
Saturday, November 9 – Robotics League Match, Mt. Michael
Saturday, November 16 – Bryan Quiz Bowl
Thursday, November 21 – UNL Math Day
Saturday, November 30 – Robotics League Match, Mt. Michael
Saturday, December 7 – Lincoln Northeast Academic Decathlon
Saturday, December 7 – Robotics League Match, Mt. Michael
Saturday, December 14 – Omaha North Robotics
Saturday, January 11 – Elkhorn South Quiz Bowl
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National French Week is November 4-8, 2013
This week is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French to celebrate the study of the
French language in the United States. Each day of National French Week has a theme:
Day 1: Cuisine; Day 2: Science, Technology, and Careers; Day 3: Arts; Day 4: Sports, Games
and Traditions; and Day 5: Music and Dance. French, along with English, is an official language
of the United Nations, UNESCO, NATO, the International Labor Bureau, the International Olympic
Committee, the Council of Europe, the European Community, and the International Red Cross. French
provides a base for more than 35% of modern English vocabulary (an estimated 10,000 words were
incorporated into English). The French classes at both ESHS and EHS will be participating in many
activities during their classes to celebrate the French language. There will be a teach-a-phrase day, food
sampling, dancing, singing and other activities to focus on French culture.
Parlez-vous français? This would be a great time to start!
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For the Health of It
Elkhorn South Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Chapter
members attended the FCCLA District III Leadership Conference on October 9, 2013.
“For the Health of It” was the conference theme so the speakers throughout the day
encouraged the student leaders to make educated, healthy decisions. The Keynote
was given by Todd and Jaimi Calfee the parents of Alexis Calfee, a young woman killed
by a drunk driver. Their heart touching story reminded the youth to make healthy
lifestyle choices and to take care of each other. Trooper Keith Bell from the Nebraska
State Patrol spoke about how to be safe on the highway and demonstrated the effects
of not wearing a seat beat with the rollover simulator. Angie Roth, from the Lakeside
Wellness Center, led a yoga session focusing on mental and physical health. An
enlightening nutritional workshop was conducted by Megan Hecker, a Hy-Vee dietician.
Evann Vranna, FCCLA State Officer also conducted an interactive leadership
development session.
Ginny Chochon was installed as a District III secretary and coordinated the District
Charity Challenge. The District Charity Challenge this year focused on fighting hunger.
The Elkhorn South FCCLA chapter conducted a coin drive to raise funds for Kids
Against Hunger last spring. They raised enough money for chapter members to
package dehydrated meals for over 2400 people.
During the conference, a FCCLA Quiz Bowl was held. The Elkhorn South Quiz Bowl
Members earned third place honors after edging out the Elkhorn High Team in overtime.
The Leadership Conference was held at the Bellevue Berry Patch in the Western Barn.
This unique setting allowed the members to enjoy a hayrack ride after a day of
leadership and educational workshops. The FCCLA Chapter members returned home
with many ideas to promote healthy decision making in their schools and families.
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DECA, FBLA, and FCCLA Team Up to Fight Hunger
Twenty-seven DECA, FBLA, and FCCLA members joined forces on October 30, 2013 to “Trick or Treat so
Others Can Eat.” They found generous donors in the neighborhoods of Elkhorn collecting over 400 cans in
just an hour.
This pre-halloween event was an effort to kick off a school wide can drive to benefit the Western
Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Food bank. Beginning October 31st through November 7th,
the Career Student Organization members will be collecting canned and boxed food as students
enter school each morning. A competition between the classes is being held with the winning class
that collects over 1000 cans earning pizza for the entire class!
Think of it this way. If every student in our school brought one can each day of the food drive,
Elkhorn South High School could collect around 6,000 cans of food for those in need. What a
great way to give back to our community!
Second in
Region at
Taylor Jenney and Sydney Childers recently learned that they earned more than just a gold medal at the
National Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America Leadership Conference this summer. Their
Entrepreneurship Project describing the family oriented sports bar “Points Place”, also earned them the
distinction of second place in the Central Region. In addition to their second place finish, they were each
offered $8,000 scholarships to Sullivan University. Sydney and Taylor impressed the judges with their
thorough market analysis, thoughtful business plan and superb website development! Congratulations!
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FCCLA Members Treat West Bay Elementary Students
FCCLA members held a Halloween Party for the Kids Campus students at West Bay Elementary
on October 28, 2013. Kindergarten through second grade students enjoyed pin the nose on the
pumpkin, Halloween bingo, haunted musical chairs, a pumpkin race and creating their own owl
cupcake. Students in third through fifth grade enjoyed mummy races, a leaf race, pumpkin head
(see picture), identifying terrifying objects, and creating owl cupcakes. The eighteen FCCLA
members had just as much fun as the West Bay elementary students (and have a new appreciation
for the energy it takes to be an elementary teacher!)
Counseling Center Newsletter
November 2013
Senior Reminders:
College visits can be set up by visiting the admissions website of the college. Pick up a college visit
form from Mrs. Krusemark and be sure to turn it in
to Mrs. Carlson BEFORE you go for it to count as a
college day.
Watch college application and scholarship deadlines: Many deadlines are on or before February 1.
Note to Seniors about December ACT: For seniors
interested in improving an ACT score for scholarship purposes, the December ACT is the last date to
do this. Seniors can take the ACT later in the year
for admission purposes only. November 8 is the
deadline to register for the December 14 ACT.
Also, if the score does improve, be sure to contact
the college the student plans on attending to let
them know of the improved score.
Junior Parent Night Info
Counselors will host Junior Parent Night on Monday,
December 2 at 6:00 in the ESHS auditorium. Topics
covered include beginning the college search process,
using Naviance, ACT/SAT testing, and the importance
of grades junior year. See you there!
Jason Gosnell A-G
Meggan Coghill H-N
Steve Patras O-Z
College Entrance Testing:
For Juniors
A common question from junior parents this time of year
centers around when juniors should take the ACT. Most
students test twice—-once junior year and once senior
year. Most juniors wait to take the test until spring of
their junior year. As the test is content based, being further along in classes helps improve the chances for a
higher score. Additionally, in the spring, many junior
teachers provide some strategies and refresher work in
preparing for the exam.
ACT spring test dates are: Feb. 8, April 12 (most popular
test date for juniors nationwide), and June 14. Register
online at Registration deadlines are
approximately one month prior to the test date and are
found at ACT’s website.
Important note about score reporting: It is the
student’s responsibility to submit test scores to their college of choice. Upon registration for the test, students can
select up to 4 colleges to receive their test scores. To avoid
paying to send your scores at a later date, please ensure
that you have selected 4 colleges of your choice at the time
of registration.
Test Prep Resources
Full length practice tests can be picked up in the counseling center. Visit the Counseling Center website
(, click on Elkhorn South High
School, Counseling Center, Testing, Test Prep Resources)
or see your counselor for more information on test prep
Grades not where you want them?: After School Academy (ASA) is available for all students Monday-Friday from 3:304:30 in the library. ASA is staffed by a teacher and student tutors are available. Students can use this time for homework
completion, makeup tests, group projects, research, etc. Come check it out! Also, our National Honor Society students serve
as free 1-on-1 peer-tutors. Contact the counseling center to request a tutor.
Naviance, Naviance, Naviance
Juniors: Use Naviance to begin to narrow college
Seniors: Scholarships are being added all the time.
If you don’t apply, you can’t get any money. for counseling
center weekly bulletin for personality
inventories, career information, college search tools, and
EducationQuest is a free college planning service
provided to all students in Nebraska. They have a
monthly email service that offers tips and advice to high
school students and parents. To sign up to receive these
emails, visit
EducationQuest Financial Planning January 16
6 pm ESHS auditorium. This free, hour-long
program will discuss: college admission and financial aid,
scholarships, and FAFSA completion. All parents of junior
and senior students are encouraged to attend.
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“The person on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” - Anonymous
As the squads wind up their seasons in November with District and State level play, the Girls
Basketball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling and Swimming teams will soon begin practices for their upcoming seasons. Students and parents are reminded that all athletes beginning a new season
MUST HAVE a current physical on hand PRIOR TO any athlete being allowed to start practices or a
conditioning program.
WINTER SPORTS PARENT MEETING – November 12th in ESHS Auditorium
6:30PM *NEW* Concussion Management Presentation – (Please attend if
you have not been to this in the past or if you have any questions).
7PM in ESHS Auditorium - Intro and breakout to individual team parent
WINTER SPORTS PRACTICES officially begin on Monday, November 18th.
HIGH SCHOOL LETTER JACKET INFORMATIONThe Elkhorn South E-Club has made available school letter jackets at a discounted price. Students may pick up a letter jacket order form in the A.D. office, and follow the simple ordering procedure listed. Simply take this form to the vendor you choose, and order as needed. Please call Mr.
Ortmeier if you have any questions at 289-0616.
Sometimes the need to contact a coach occurs during the school year.
The correct sequence we request you take is:
Level-1. Each Head Coach/Sponsor will have a parents meeting during the pre-season to establish guidelines and expectations for their student-athletes, with parents invited to ask questions at this time.
Level-2. During the season, please contact your son/daughter's Head Coach/sponsor if you
have questions or concerns. Please wait 24hrs.after a contest to contact your son/daughter’s
Teachable moment- Have your son/daughter visit with their Hd. Coach first. If we are
preparing students for life’s lessons, this is a critical piece of education.
Level-3. If you have contacted the Head Coach, and wish to also have the Activities Director
involved, please contact the Head Coach, and request that I am involved. (The Head Coach
may also request that I sit in on a parent/athlete meeting.)
Level-4. If you are interested, the HS Principal or Asst. Principal’s are also available to sit in
on a parent/athlete meeting if #1., #2., and #3. do not work out. The administration also has
several Parent Communication Meetings during the school year, and may be available either
during or after one of these meetings.
Level-5. If the above are not satisfactory, please contact the A.D. office, and I will contact the
Supt. of Schools if there are still concerns.
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The Activities Office is continuing to sell both student ($30) and adult ($50) activity passes.
These passes are good for ALL YEAR-ALL SPORTS and will permit the bearer to attend all home
regular season contests free of charge. The only exception is EMC Conference and DISTRICT level
games. Please call or stop by the Activities Offices to get your pass (289-0616).
Football Playoffs – Fridays in November with the Class B Championship Game Nov. 25 th
District Volleyball- Schools will be divided into eight districts. District Finals this year are
Nov.7th hosted by the highest seed.
State Volleyball- NOVEMBER 14th-16th
Thursday – 1st Round in Grand Island TBA
Friday – Semi-Finals @ Heartland Events Center (Fonner Park)
Saturday – Championship Finals @ Heartland Event Center (Fonner Park)
All-State Band and Choir – November 23rd
Sportsmanship Education
What is sportsmanship?
Good sportsmanship is viewed by the National Federation of State High School Associations as a commitment
to fair play, ethical behavior and integrity. In perception and practice, sportsmanship is defined as those qualities which are characterized by generosity and genuine concern for others:
Play fair, take loss or defeat without complaint, or victory without gloating
Treat others as you wish to be treated
Respect others and one's self
Impose self-control, be courteous, and gracefully accept results of one's actions
Display ethical behavior by being good (character) and doing right (action)
Be a good citizen.
Sportsmanship is the right thing to do!
Results of Fall Sports State Competitions
Girls Golf – Congrats to Mimi Ramsbottom as her team finished State Runner-up! Nicolle
Barmettler (2nd) and Lindsey Thompson (4th).
Boys Tennis – Coach Bischof and the boys tennis team also finished State Runner-up! Patrick Thomas (1st Place #2 Singles).
Cross Country – Coach Ebers boys and girls both finished 8th overall! Ash Gandul (4th).
Marching Band – Band received a “1” rating and finished 9th at State Competition at Millard
Congratulations to all!
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A message from your community-minded Omaha-Council Bluffs Hy-Vee Food Stores to our valued
customers…At Hy-Vee, we’ve always recognized your commitment and the importance of education. In the
last nine years, our partnership in our CASH FOR STUDENTS fund raising program has been a huge success.
Over $400,000 in much needed funds has been donated to area schools as a result of this program. Hy-Vee is
again asking for your help and support to make this year the largest one yet!
Our CASH FOR STUDENTS program begins September 1, 2013 and continues through December 31, 2013,
which includes all thirteen Omaha and Council Bluffs Hy-Vee Food Stores. Here’s how it works:
Each school selects a representative to act as a “contact” person between the particular school and the
Hy-Vee of your choice. This liaison contacts the Hy-Vee you have chosen and agrees to make regular
contact (preferably weekly) with that store in order
to keep a running “tally” of the school’s receipts and resulting award amount.
Parents, grandparents, friends, staff, and administrators shop at any of the thirteen Omaha and Council
Bluffs Hy-Vees. Receipts simply need to be collected and saved by the participating school. Once the
receipts are tallied for the week, the established contact person reports the total to the store and saves the
receipts (they will be forwarded to the store upon completion of the CASH FOR STUDENTS
Hy-Vee records the weekly shopping totals and agrees to donate $1.00 for every $200.00 spent. The
maximum award to be donated per school is $2,000.00
At the end of the promotion, each school’s records will be balanced and the contact person will be
notified with the dollar amount his or her particular school will be receiving.
All schools (public and private) in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area are invited to participate.
Everyone’s a winner! School awards are based solely on shopping dollars spent. Every school can qualify for
the maximum award of $2,000.00!
Hy-Vee is proud to be able to assist the community. We look forward to your participation and, as always, we
thank you for your patronage at Hy-Vee.
ESHS ID 152114