April 2015 - Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
April 2015 - Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Salem LIFE NEWSLETTER OF SALEM EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH SANDWICH, ILLINOIS April 20, 2015 VOL. 42, NO. 4 “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’” – John 20:19 PEACE BE WITH YOU Dear Friend, A few days ago I attended the funeral for my mother-in-law. Although her death was expected, a death of a loved one is always a shock. Melody and I miss her very much. A death of a loved one brings us into what I call the “fog of grief.” This is a time when one’s mind seems foggy and one just mechanically goes through the motions of what needs to be done. A fog of grief is what those women must have been going through as they made their way to a garden tomb on that first Easter morning. They planned to anoint the dead body of Jesus. In their fog of grief, they were just doing what they thought needed to be done. But Jesus had risen from the dead on that first Easter morning! And when he appeared to his followers, our risen Lord often told them “peace be with you.” I’m sure that he told his followers this because peace was precisely what was lacking in their lives. As he did for his first followers, so the risen Lord also comes to us in our foggy times of grief and gives us his peace. Jesus gives us the peace of love, hope, and the assurance of eternal life in heaven. We have peace believing that he is with us always. “Peace be with you.” On Sunday mornings we share with one another the peace of the Lord. This is a very important act that we do. Many of those with whom we share this blessing are very much in need of the peace of the Lord. I know I am. Perhaps you are as well. “Peace be with you.” Your Friend in Christ, Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Serving Christ! 1022 North Main Street—PO Box 105; Sandwich, IL 60548 Phone: 815-786-9308 email: salemlc@comcast.net web site: wearesalemlutheran.org Pastor Reverend Wayne Derber Home phone: 815-570-2088 Cell phone: 815-508-3435 email: salem-pastor@comcast.net Office hours: MORNINGS TUES. - SAT. or by appointment Staff Administrative Staff Shelly Claxton Michele Farley Bookkeeper Karen Wesson Traditional Worship Coordinator Nancy Rex Director of Contemporary Worship Libby Welsch Organists/Pianists Gloria Gilbertson Connie Hanson Maintenance Nancy Hayes salem-shelly@comcast.net salem-mickey@comcast.net salem-karen@comcast.net salem-rex@comcast.net salem-libby@comcast.net Staff Office Hours: TUES.—THURS: 9 am - 4 pm closed for lunch noon—1pm BAPTISM: We rejoice with the family of LINCOLN DENNIS BROWN who was baptized on Sunday, March 22. Lincoln is the child of Phillip and Ashley (Kupp) Brown. His sponsors are Abby and Justin Lahman. MEMORIAL SERVICE: There will be a Memorial Service for Dorothy Hjort at Salem on Saturday, May 2 at 2:00 pm. Dorothy was a long-time Salem member who had resided in Wisconsin for the past several years. She died on February 9, 2015. DEATH: We extend our sincere sympathy to the Derber family on the death of Melody’s mother. Corrine Roys died last week in Iowa. CONGRATULATIONS to Fred and Nancy Hayes as they celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Donna Kimmey*, Ben Burkett*, Irene Klotz*, Mick Kimmey*, Beverly Mayer*, Shelly Claxton*, Happy Bingham*, Ione Bennett*, Laura Allen*, Gloria Mikyska*, Jackie Cline*, Robert Abbey Jr.*, June Gorecki*, Virgil Cork, Jim Moore, Ethel Merkel, G.L. Hartman, Kathy Needo, Tom Hill, Mike Hill, Shirley Guthmueller, Cecile Earnest, Claudia Krause, John Meek, Tanya Kimmey, Tom Wysoglad, Anna Wilkinson, Anna Kissel, Larry Lunn, Marty and Claudia Kux, Nancy Niles, Florence Gudmunson, Jeanine Buller, Shawn Gilley, Hans Fladung, Karl and Kandi Bingham, Mike Guzzardo, and all people serving in the military, especially: Joseph Kimmey*, Brian Chester, Stephen Clark, Matt Claxton, Michelle Cunz, C.J. Goodin, Jesse Hayden, Chris King, David Minton, Tyler Pellegrini, Colin Stahl, and Joel Watson *indicates Salem member Do you see names on our prayer list that should be updated? Please notify the office. GRADUATION INFORMATION: Please notify the church office if you have any graduations coming up in your family—middle school, high school, college or beyond. We plan to honor them in a future issue of the LIFE. APRIL HIGHLIGHTS: The April 14th council meeting opened with devotions. Pastor Wayne gave his report. The minutes of the previous council meeting were approved. For old business, the council: 1) discussed the Congregational Resourcing Event at Kishwaukee College; and 2) decided to get involved with Valley West Hospital’s program “Community Health Network”; and 3) discussed Salem’s website and Facebook. For new business, discussed was the possibility of having a blood drive at our church on a Sunday rather than on a weekday. The calendar and worship attendance were reviewed. Reports from committees were given. The financial report was approved. For last month the General Fund had an income of $17,077 and expenses of $16,764, and the Capital Fund had an income of $6,183 and expenses of $6,191. The meeting was adjourned. Getting to know your Congregation Council members….. Throughout 2015 we will profile one of Salem’s Congregation Council members in each issue of the Salem LIFE. JONI KNOX Hi! My name is Joni Knox. I have been a member of Salem for many, many years. My husband Jim and I were married for 50 years, and we had Knox Jewelers for 30 years before retiring. We have four children— Julie Pearson, Jerri Kuhn, Jill Gentile, and Jay Knox. We have ten grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren (soon to be 6). They call me “GG”. Jim passed away 7 1/2 years ago very suddenly. I really love my church family. They are really important to me. I am on the Fellowship Committee, Member Support Committee and Contemporary Planning Committee. I sing with the Praise Team for Contemporary Worship, play chimes and volunteer where needed, I enjoy taking part in the church services and playing the piano when needed. I have been on the Council on and off for several years. My term will be up at the end of 2015. My hobbies are playing bridge several times a month and being around my family . I love to cook and have my family for special dinners. I also love to can the vegetables from the garden and dry my herbs for future use. God bless this church and everyone in it. APRIL MEMORY VERSE (4th Commandment): “Honor your father and your mother.” - Exodus 20:12 MAY MEMORY VERSE (5th Commandment): “You shall not kill.” - Exodus 20:13 Featuring Salem’s Standing Committees…... What do our committees do? Who is on the committees? We will feature a different committee each month to help keep members informed about the various areas of congregational ministry. FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE Salem’s Fellowship Committee plans and hosts fellowship events that aim to involve everyone in the congregation. They try to plan an activity for most months. In addition to the ongoing participation in the Fourth Tuesday Community Fellowship Feast, the committee sponsors the annual Garden Walk and such “family friendly” events as Game Night and the Annual Softball Game and Picnic. The Fellowship Committee meets on the first Sunday of each month during the Education Hour. Committee members are Marilyn Wouda, Durk Hellinga, Pam Pescitelli, Laura Caupert, Libby Welsch, Brent Pearson, Brenda Pearson, Sandy Martens and Joni Knox. Any of these members would welcome input and suggestions from the congregation. Salem Sunday School students and their families participated in Big Brothers Big Sisters of DeKalb County “Bowl for Kids Sake” on March 15th. As a group they raised $354 for BB/BS. Thanks to all of our bowlers and their supporters! FVOAS SERVANT EVENT PAINT DAY Ten Salem members painted several rooms at FVOAS on March 21. We accomplished a great deal of work in a short time, and the FVOAS staff was extremely grateful for our services. Pictured in the front row are painters Leigh Kossman, Mickey Farley, and Bonnie Guyer. In the back row are Scott Kossman, Pam Pescitelli, Steve Pescitelli, Sharon Adkins, Pastor Wayne Derber and Ron Cunz. Not pictured is Dale White. FUNERAL LUNCHES: The Member Support Committee has accepted with regret the resignation of Lisa Vandermeer as Funeral Lunch Coordinator. We thank Lisa for her faithful service in this capacity during the past few years. The committee is seeking several persons who would be able to help with this important service to bereaved families. The thought is to have several leaders who would each gather a team of volunteers to be responsible for coordinating luncheons as needed. There is no promise as to how often these services would be needed, as funerals are not predictable. But during the past several years there have been an average of only two luncheons per year. Please prayerfully consider how you might help. Contact Laura Caupert (815-786-8955) or the church office to volunteer or to have questions answered. MAY MEALS-ON-WHEELS: The Member Support Committee is also responsible for Salem’s participation in the Meals-on-Wheels program. We are assigned for the month of May. The schedule of drivers is complete, but Laura Caupert, Salem’s coordinator could use a few substitutes. If you are available, please contact Laura. CRADLE ROLL: The Christian Education Committee is looking for a volunteer for an “at home” task which requires about an hour per month. We maintain a “roll” of children up to age three. This ministry is a very personal way to keep in touch with our younger families. Children are sent a greeting card upon baptism and on their baptismal anniversary up to the age of three. On their third birthday they are sent an invitation to Sunday School. The list is made, and cards and postage stamps are supplied. If you are interested, please contact Bonnie Guyer or the church office. NORTHERN ILLINOIS FOOD BANK: Twelve volunteers traveled to the Northern Illinois Food Bank in Geneva for Salem’s first official work day on Thursday, April 9. During their three hour shift from 9:00 am—noon they packed 10,930 pounds (or over 5 tons) of potatoes. The next work day is tentatively scheduled for the second Thursday morning of the month, May 14. We must commit to a number of workers two weeks in advance, so please speak with Walt Farley ASAP if you are interested in being a part of the group. FOURTH TUESDAY COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP FEAST— All are welcome at the April feast which will be held on Tuesday, April 28, 4:30-6:00 pm, at Union Congregational Church, 305 South Gage Street, Somonauk. Salem is scheduled to provide salads. Please sign-up at the narthex sign-up table if you can help in this way. BOOK DISCUSSION—Our book discussion group is currently meeting at 5:30 pm on Thursdays now through May 13. The book we are discussing is Radical Forgiveness: God’s Call to Unconditional Love written by Brian Zahnd. This book refers to teachings of Jesus that can help us forgive people who have deeply hurt us. Pastor Wayne is leading the discussions. NURSING HOME MINISTRY—Pastor Wayne is scheduled to lead devotions at the local nursing homes on Tuesday afternoon, April 28. Anyone who is interested may join him at Sandwich Rehab at 2:00 pm and/or at Willow Crest at 2:30 pm. MAY FRIENDSHIP DAY—Church Women United May Friendship Day will be held at Union Congregational Church in Somonauk on Friday, May 1. Registration begins at 9:15 am. A continental breakfast will be served, followed by the program “Journey of a Caregiver”. Rev. Michelle Prentice-Leslie of Union Congregational will present the message. “The Fellowship of the Least Coin” offering will be taken at this gathering. All women who plan to attend are asked to set aside a penny each time they pray and bring the pennies on May 1. This offering is used to help programs aimed at women and children around the world. MONTHLY FORUM—A new monthly forum has been started by area pastors. This developed out of the success of the Lenten Breakfasts at the Federated Church. A different topic will be presented from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. We will be meeting at the Federated Church of Sandwich. On Wednesday, May 6th. Pastor Terry Jensen will lead a discussion on the topic of “Anticipatory Grief.” All are welcome to attend. PLANO/SANDWICH/SOMONAUK RELAY FOR LIFE will be held at Plano High School on Saturday, June 6, 2015 from noon to midnight. Anyone interested in being on the Salem Team may sign-up on the Pennies for Hope table. Salem’s only fundraising for 2015 will be through the Pennies for Hope banks which are now available in the narthex. You are also invited to contribute by sponsoring individual walkers. Mick and Donna Kimmey will be retiring as Salem’s team captains after this year, their 10th year. OAKS MISSION TRIP—A mission trip to Oaks Indian Mission in Oaks, Oklahoma is planned for July 27 through August 1. This trip is primarily for confirmation students, but others may go if there is room. Please see Pastor Wayne if you are interested or have any questions. IN-KIND DONATION FOR NI SYNOD ASSEMBLY—Food pantries supported by congregations throughout our synod do provide food to the hungry of our communities. Unfortunately other basic needs of “the least of these” often go unmet. Imagine not brushing your teeth because you have no toothbrush or not being able to wash your hands because you have no soap. A director of a pantry hosted by a Northern Illinois Synod congregation often hears requests for toiletry items that are not covered by state subsidy programs yet are just as vital to the health and well-being of the people they serve. In an effort to provide for those needs, the Northern Illinois Synod Social Ministry Committee will be collecting basic toiletries at the Synod Assembly, June 19 & 20. Items to be collected include toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, deodorant and feminine hygiene products. Items collected will be distributed to food pantries through each of the conferences in the synod. Watch for collection baskets for these items all through the month of May. In the Wind May 15—Lifeline Screening May 24—Summer Worship Schedule Begins—9am Single Service July 15-19—ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit July 20-23—VBS: “Christmas In July—Stars! Angels! Shepherds! Kings!” August 16—Rally Day In 2008 six members of Salem attended a Green Congregation Training Workshop at LOMC. From that workshop, Salem’s Green Team was born. The group adopted a mission statement: “Caring for God’s creation through education, action and commitment.” In the ensuing years, the Green Team has worked to live up to that mission statement. At one of the early meetings the team drew up a list of ideas for action. It is interesting to look back and see how many of these ideas have become common practice in our congregation. Here is the list: 1. Purchase reusable canvas bags in two sizes with picture and name of Salem Lutheran Church. 2. Recycle bins in kitchen. 3. Inquire about recycling by disposal provider. 4. Request that parishioners bring in rinsed, crushed cans for recycling. 5. Share “green” ideas in LIFE and Good News. 6. Have receptacle for safe disposal of fluorescent bulbs, batteries and cell phones. 7. Become active in “Adopt-a-Ditch” Program. 8. Fair Trade Products Sales—already done in many churches. 9. Sponsor a “Clean-Up Sandwich Day”. 10. NO MORE STYRFOAM! 11. Explore option of e-mailing The LIFE. 12. During Earth Day Sunday worship share “Covenant of Creation”. 13. More plants in new building. In addition to most of the above, the Green Team: 1. has established Salem’s Prayer Garden. Additional pavers to memorialize or honor loved ones are available at any time. Please inquire in the church office. 2. has begun the “Cans for a Cause” program. Aluminum cans are collected and sold to a recycler. There are containers near the outer kitchen stairwell where clean aluminum cans ONLY may be deposited. Proceeds have benefitted a number of causes. Local causes which will benefit in the future are Our Sharing Pantry, FVOAS, The Open Door, Good Samaritan Fund, Safe Passage, Hesed House, Hope Haven, and Northern Illinois Food Bank. 3. together with the Property Committee has organized and overseen the care of the church grounds. 4. is planning to create a Monarch Butterfly Garden in the west lot this spring. 5. has scheduled “Adopt-a-Road” walks for 2015. The dates are Saturdays, April 25, June 27, August 29 and October 24. We will meet at Prairie View School at 8:30 am. Mark your calendars. Walkers of all ages are welcome to join in. 6. will meet on the first Monday of each month at 5:30 pm. Green Team members are Ron Cunz, Jan Dunn, Mickey Farley, Walt Farley, Nancy Hayes, Becky O’Hanlon and Pam Pescitelli. Anyone who is interested in joining the Green Team is welcome at any meeting. You do not have to be an official member of the Green Team to participate in any activity. All are welcome at any event. Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church 1022 North Main Street P.O. Box 105 Sandwich IL 60548 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Sandwich, IL Permit No. 41 SERVANT AUCTION—APRIL 26 How would you like to help SERVE from your pew and in return have dinner cooked for you or go for a canoe ride or have someone work on your lawn? SAY WHAAAAAT????!!!! Yep, you can! Salem will be having a Servant Auction on Sunday, April 26, 2015, in the Sanctuary, during the 9:15 Education Hour. At this time Salem members who have gone on mission trips in the past will be auctioning-off themselves to serve YOU! The funds raised at this auction benefit the Servant Events Fund, which helps many of us go on mission trips and serve OTHERS. What you’re doing is, as the popular saying goes, “paying it forward.” Services auctioned off in the past have included babysitting, lawn care, chopped firewood, seats at a dinner party, house cleaning or organizing, a canoe ride down the Fox River, and monthly brownie baking!! If you’ve been on a mission trip in the past, please be thinking of YOUR auction item. If you’re planning on going on a Salem mission trip in the future, please share your talents in this auction. OR if you just want to help-out, we welcome your services to be auctioned-off…THANK YOU!!