May 19 2016-Principal`s Pad - Salem Lutheran Church and School
May 19 2016-Principal`s Pad - Salem Lutheran Church and School
Principal’s Pad Volume 5 Issue 38 School (314) 353-9242 Fax (314) 353-9328 We R.O.C.K. - We Rely On Christ the King Church (314) 352-4454 / Preschool (314) 675-7056 Psalm 18:2 Wildcat Club (314) 675-7059 / (314) 675-7057 WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Saturday - May 21 Worship Service 5pm Sunday - May 22 Worship 8am Bible Classes & Sunday School - 9:20am *Worship Service - 10:30am* HAVE A WONDERFUL AND SAFE SUMMER! SCHOOL OFFICE SUMMER HOURS will be MondayThursday 9am 2pm CONGRATULATIONS TO FOLLOWING STUDENTS: Valedictorian: Anthony S. / Salutatorians: Brandon M. & Sarah S. 8th Grade Awards Math – Brandon, Sebree Language - Kelly Art – Cody Bells - Rachel Doering - Cody Grossheider - Kelly, Anthony Science - Abby Social Studies - Cody Literature - Raegan PE – Sam Computers - BrandonChoir - Kelly Band - Aleina Religion - James/Jordan Eggerding - Sarah Brink-Weseman – Sarah, Anthony Pres. - Sam, James, Abby, Aleina, Brandon, Anthony, Sarah On Behalf of the Faculty and Staff of Salem Lutheran Church and School I want to wish you all a safe and happy summer break. We are grateful for the opportunity to teach your child(ren) here at Salem this year. Congratulations to the Class of 2016 Graduates! Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you move on to high school. May God Bless you and keep you. Mr. Rob Kellar, Principal Jump into a VBS that's all about Jesus! JUNE 6-10 / 9:00AM - 12:00PM Welcome to Barnyard Roundup, where Jesus gathers us together, picks us out, calls us by name, and loves us now and forever, no matter what! Children learn Psalm 23 through memory verses, songs, and activities. Potty-trained children 3 years old - students entering 6th grade-REGISTER ONLINE: CAMP FUN IN THE SONSHINE! May 31 - August 12 Register on-line @ or contact Marie Pivirotto @ FINANCIAL AID NOTIFICATIONS will be sent directly from LESA Building Blocks next week. Salem Grant in Aid will meet the first full week of June. 20162017 REGISTRATION OPEN Don’t forget about registering your child for the 2016-2017 School Year. Remember you were sent an e-mail with your log-in information. Early Registration Deadlines are now over. if you are having trouble logging in or have questions please contact the office. Registration MUST BE DONE ON LINE. Parents and Teachers for Salem - PATS is very involved working behind the scenes by providing many opportunities for you and your children throughout the year. TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER Together We're Better Distributions - The distributions for Together We're Better gift cards were finalized as of May 1, 2016. If you signed up to have distributions go toward your tuition and your child(ren) will be going to Salem next year, the money will be credited toward your tuition over the summer. This year Parents And Teachers of Salem (PATS) gave approximately $1,600.00 back to families in tuition reimbursements. We'd like to thank everyone who supported us by purchasing their gift cards from Salem!! During the summer break, TWB gift cards will not be sold in the atrium on Sunday mornings. You can stop by the school office during regular business hours Monday - Thursday 9am-2pm and the school staff can help you. You may want to call before going to be sure someone is there (314) 353-9242. "Thanks, Target Shoppers" T hanks to all who supported Salem School through Target's "Take Charge of Education" program. Although the program recently ended, over the years Target has donated almost $13,000 to our school! A huge thank you to the following volunteers who helped at May Madness last Friday: Dana Buscher, Christine Mattson, Jen Pickens, Laurie King, Marilyn Burns, Carrie Albrecht, David Schumate, Jay'ne Harper, Rich Miller, Eric Clever, Sherry Piller, Deb Schulze, Carol Effan, and Colleen and Cooper Carney. They helped make it a fun day for the students!! Dear K8 Parents, Please take the time to complete our annual survey, by May 23rd. Each year, we meet and go over the results and feedback we receive. It helps us to see what we are doing right and what we can do to improve. We truly value you input. Thank you in advance for your time. If you have a preschooler, please complete this survey Salem Board of Education SUMMER READING CLUB at the St. Louis County Library begins May 23rd. Don’t forget to READ this SUMMER!! DON’T FORGET TO KEEP SAVING BOX TOPS & CAMPBELL’S LABELS!! Helping the Distracted, Disorganized or Chaotic Child: Bringing Peace and Success to the New School Year Flyer is online @ Thursday August 4th 6:30 p.m.—8:30p.m. Registration: 6:006:30 p.m. *Due to limited seating the presentation seating is limited to 100. FEE: $25 per person, $30 per couple To register email: Or call the LASE office: 3142681234 SCHOOL SUPPLY PACKS FROM EPI for next school year Save time & money with quality products Teacher Approved and Custom Packed for Each Student Avoid shopping hassles. No Crowds. No Traffic. No Guesswork. Every Grade Level is a different price because of the differences in items needed. Preschool packets are a little high due to the fact that there are a lot of household products that are needed. This is only being offered as a service to you. Order forms have been sent home soon. If you would like to see a sample packet it is in the office for your viewing. You may also order online at Our school code is SAL135. You have until June 17th to order in the office or Online until June 19th. Packs will be ready for pick up starting August 10th. Order Form IS ONLINE @ Class Supply lists are posted on the website and will be mailed in the Summer Mailing. A copy was sent to you via FastDirect. All Items in BOLD are provided in the School Supply Pack. There are only a few items that you need to purchase yourself and are NOT in Bold and are marked with **. EVERYTHING IS PROVIDED EXCEPT PLANNERPE CLOTHESPAINT SHIRT. Great job to the following track athletes on their successful season: 5th grade - Cole, Eric, Jonah and Laney 6th grade - Matthew B., Maggie, Josh and Jonathon 7th grade - Skyler, Andrew, Gabby, Anna and Melisa 8th grade - Sam, Brandon, James and Anthony Practices were hard but fun with fitness relays in the gym and games of Ultimate and Capture the Footballs. Many athletes improved over the season and got PR's at the meets! Congratulations to these athletes who qualified for the State Meet: Cole B. - 800 and 1600 / Maggie H. - 800 (2nd place finish), 1600 (4th place finish) and Triple jump Gabby G. - Discus / Melisa M. - Discus (7th place finish) / Sam B. - 1600, Triple jump and 4X400 Relay James D. - Discus (5th place finish) and 4X400 Relay / Brandon M. - 4X400 Relay Anthony S. - 100, Discus and 4X400 Relay BACK TO SCHOOL BBQ - AUGUST 14 AFTER THE 10:30AM CHURCH SERVICE. Blessing of the backpacks - August 13th-14th weekend worship services. Watch for the Summer Mailing the week of July 4th - LOTS OF NEWS and more information! A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL I have again been given the opportunity and privilege to serve on a Teacher Training Mission Trip to Nepal this summer. At the last minute, the Administrator who was attending the conference had to cancel and I was asked to fill in. In addition my youngest daughter, Anna, who is a Junior in college studying Social Work, will also be participating in the mission trip. The trip is July 1324. We are asking for your prayers and support. The website is Get involved support a friends trip. This year in addition to presenting to the teachers, I am planning on bringing items to the two children's homes in Nepal. I'll be able to bring an additional suitcase with items for the homes. Items they are asking for are: Crayons, coloring books, DVD cartoons,stickers, UNO cards, big balloons, paddle balls, puzzles, candy and chocolate, balls and pump. SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWS MAY FOOD DRIVE for AFFTON CHRISTIAN FOOD PANTRY This month, we are seeking donations for the ACFP of baking items, such as: FLOUR, SUGAR, SHORTENING, CAKE & BROWNIE MIXES, CANNED FROSTING, VANILLA, BAKING SODA/POWDER, CINNAMON, SPRINKLES, CHOCOLATE CHIPS, and the like. Please note that donations of other food items and personal items are always welcome, and we ask that you place your items in or around the ACFP bin located at the bottom of the atrium stairs at church. If you wish to donate other fresh, refrigerated or frozen items, please contact Mary Wolfram at (314) 781-0778 and she will make arrangements to pick up those items and deliver directly to ACFP. VBS IS COMING SOON (June 6-10)! J oin us on Wednesday, June 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for a VBS Volunteer Preview. We will preview this year's theme: Barnyard Roundup - Jesus Gathers Us Together, review information about serving at VBS, and enjoy pizza together as a thank you for your service. Youth helpers can also sign up to help decorated the church and received additional service hours for their time. ART BY MARGUERITE MEYER Long-time Salem member and talented artist, Marguerite Meyer is having an ARTIST ESTATE SALE at her home here in Affton at 441 Tiffany Drive the weekend of June 11-12, 2016, from 12 noon - 5 pm. Come and explore several rooms of her creations, ranging from large framed works to matted pieces and unframed art. A portion of her proceeds will be donated to Salem Lutheran School. If you'd like to help with pre-sale activities or the day of the sale, contact Jenny Gastler (Salem's art teacher) at 314-832-7696. MINISTRIES ON MISSION - A Film-Screening Celebration Twenty-for area Lutheran churches and organizations, including Salem, have been working with Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis, Send Me St. Louis and the Nine Network of Public Media to produce their own videos highlighting how they are impacting their communities. You are invited on Tuesday, June 7th from 6:00-8:45 pm in the Outdoor Commons at Nine Network, located at 3655 Olive Street (63108) to view these videos. You must register to attend and space is limited: MENS CLUB NEWS Men's Club BBQ is the second Saturday of each month. The next BBQ is June 11th! Join us for the Men’s Club BBQ on Saturday, June 11th at 10:00 a.m. (until sold out) on the corner of Gravois and Lakewood. The guys will be cookin’ up some smoked ribs, pork steaks, burgers, brats and hot dogs and some delicious side dishes will be available, including cole slaw, baked beans, French fries, and homemade potato salads.