an annual meeting to remember: november 21 fall book sale coming


an annual meeting to remember: november 21 fall book sale coming
Vol. XXXI No. 3
September, 2015
Richard Lederer will be our speaker, and we want to fill the room. What the bio below doesn’t say is that he is delightful,
really loves libraries and Friends of the Library, and is educational and very funny.
Richard Lederer is the author of more than 50 books about language,
history, and humor, including his best-selling Anguished English series and
his current books, Amazing Words, Lederer on Language, and Monsters
Dr. Lederer’s syndicated column, “Lederer on Language,” appears in
newspapers and magazines throughout the United States, including the San
Diego Union-Tribune, and he is a founding co-host of “A Way With Words”
on KPBS Public Radio. He has been named International Punster of the Year
and is a Toastmasters International’s Golden Gavel winner.
Anyone who enjoys reading, books, and/or playing with words will enjoy his presentation and talking with him before or
after the meeting.
Save the morning of Saturday, November 21. Refreshments will be served. Check the late-October newsletter for exact
times and more information.
The 2015 Fall Book Sale will be held Wednesday, November 4 through Saturday, November 7 on the second
floor of the Rancho Bernardo Branch Library. The hours are Wednesday, 5 pm -7:30 pm; Thursday and Friday,
9:30 am to 4:30 pm; and Saturday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Note that we have added Wednesday to provide evening
hours, and that we have weekend hours as well. Books will be displayed in the upper hallway, the Community
Room and the Friends’ workroom across the hall. You’ll find a treasure trove of great reads for all ages.
Would you like to help? Volunteers are always needed to set up on Wednesday afternoon between 1 pm and 5
pm, to act as cashiers or helpers during the sale, and to take down the unsold books and put them away when the
sale closes. Dick Luehring, chair, supplies sodas and water for workers. Please call him at 858-613-3926 or email
him at to offer your services.
You can donate books, CDs and DVDs at the branch’s main desk. All proceeds stay at the RB branch to
support programs and library material for all ages. Children’s books, mysteries, and trade paperback novels are
always in demand and sell well.
Chamber and Jazz
Kudos are coming in for our
recently announced 2015-2016
concert season. Our 17th season kicked off on
August 28th with a performance to a full house by
the Asa String Trio, featuring members of the San
Diego Symphony. On
September 16th, the 3rd
Wednesday instead of
the fourth, enjoy double
bass (and piano), with
San Diego Symphony
bassist Jory Herman.
On October 28th, we will
feature the Camarada
Woodwind Quintet plus
piano, a significant
undertaking with
members of Camarada
and the San Diego
Symphony. On November 18th, the Kensington Trio
(piano/violin/piano) returns.
Our Jazz series kicks off on October 14th with the
Mellotones, playing the music of Duke Ellington
and Billy Strayhorn. On December 2nd, it will be the
Rob Thorsen Jazz Quartet.
Individual Sponsor Program was designed as a
vehicle for a single annual donation (tax deductible)
in place of cash at each concert. So far, 5 families
have responded with $785 in donations. We are
aiming to compensate for the loss of a sponsor who
had donated $6500 over the past two years. Find
details and levels of support at
Matching Funds. We have been encouraging our
performers to register with the City to become
eligible for 100% matching funds. Two groups have
attained that status, making it easier to book groups
that we might otherwise not be able to afford.
Finding Information. Paul Duggan has been
posting concert information on the Friends website.
You can also check our programs and dates by
visiting the website and clicking on CONCERTS. I
had a good meeting with the people at the RB
News-Journal, and we are now getting priority
coverage of our concert events.
Harvey Levine, Concerts Director
In advance of elections to be held at the Annual
Meeting each year, a Nominating Committee comes
up with a slate for those offices whose terms are
expiring. If you are interesting in serving as
Hospitality Chair or Publicity Chair, call or email:
Dick Luehring at or 6133926, John Dean at or 4858355 or Jan Ash at (847) 951-1306 or
A library serving a community the size of Rancho
Bernardo should have greater numbers in the
Friends of the Library (FOL). The FOL provides
support for the library and its services in concrete
ways. We pay all or part of most of its programs,
for many books, the popular leased collection, and
occasional enhancements to the facilities. We could
do more with additional members.
If you are not a member, we’d like you to join, but
most reading the newsletter are already members.
We’d like you to become more involved.
To entice you, our Annual Meeting will feature
Richard Lederer, a dynamic speaker. We hope you
will come and bring a friend or two. You’ll enjoy
refreshments, chat with Richard, hear his
presentation, and perhaps buy one or more of his
books as an early holiday gift. The business meeting
will be over before you know it. I promise.
Judy Levine, President
The Lending Library, next to the desk in the
Book Shop, features mostly fiction, primarily best
sellers. It is for Friends of the Library members
only, and the loan period is two weeks.
New books are added monthly. In September:
Infinite Home by Kathleen Alcott; Badlands by
C.J. Box; Last Bus to Wisdom by Doig Ivan;
Devil’s Bridge by Linda Fairstein; Let Me Tell You
by Shirley Jackson; The Murderer’s Daughter by
Johathon Kellerman; Circling the Sun by Paula
Mclain; Speaking in Bones by Kathy Reiches; All
Dogs Go To Kevin by Jessica Vogelsang; and In a
Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. Enjoy!
Kathy and Bob Luehring,
Lending Library Co-Chairs
Hello Friends!
2015 has just been flying by,
and we are adding many new
programs for the RB
community. However before we
look at the new programs, I
would like to provide a few
statistics from the 2015 Summer Reading
program (SR).
Reading to the Rhythm SRP involved
2,300 local participants who read 17,157 books
during the summer of 2015. All ages had an
opportunity to receive prizes. The number of
books read by age group was; Toddlers-1,946,
Children- 11,224, Teens- 2,285, and Adults1,702 books. In addition, the Summer Program
“Reading to the Rhythm” offered 185 different
programming events for all ages.
This outstanding accomplishment could
never have happened without local support.
The success of the SRP in RB is due to the
commitment and tireless involvement of
several teen volunteers and the financial
support of the Ranch Bernardo Friends of the
Fall and Winter Programs for 2015. There
are 3 Oasis Programs;. The first, scheduled for
September 29th, is “Bring out the Birds” which
will bring out the Bird Watcher in you.
We are also offering a new literacy-based
event lead by a SDPL Librarian on October 24.
Why We Read,” an interactive discussion, is
part of the new Discovery Series beginning
this fall in many SDPL locations
Also on tap are a Halloween Sing-A-Long
on October 28 and a Holiday Favorite SingA-Long on December 16th.
The Rancho Bernardo Book Club is
continuing to meet on the 3rd Wednesday of
each month at 3:00 pm. Please contact the
library for book titles and discussion dates.
In November we will be offering a special
presentation on the Tuskegee Airmen and
their monumental service during WWII. Its
tentative date is November 9th.
Beginning computer classes are now
being taught using new laptops, paid for by the
Friends of the RB Library. We are currently
looking at adding more computer classes in
2016 based upon the needs of the community.
Our ever-popular training on How to Use
eBooks continues twice a week for local
community members who have questions on
downloading the library’s collection of free
electronic books to various devices.
Please contact the Rancho Bernardo
Library for more information on events and
programs or come by and pick up the lasted
program calendar.
All programs at the Library are free.
Nearly 40 volunteers work almost 60 hours in
the Shop every week earning $700 per month
for the Friends’ coffers. Members check out
about 100 Lending Library books each month.
New workers, Theresa Higa and Jane Meiners,
have joined the Shop staff, joined by Helen
Harte, former FOL Board member and
Children’s Book Coordinator.
We have moved the Lending Library next to
the desk. We hope to interact better with FOL
members and make the checkout easier. A cart
with large coffee table books on special sale
sits along the wall near the outside window. At
$5 or $10 each, they’ve been moving! In June
and July we sold 16 each month. More are on
the cart just inside the shop.
Several volunteers also work on the display
shelf outside and to the right of the entrance.
Jan Simpson has been our ideas person, and
other shop volunteers, especially Suellen
Rubinstein and Johanna Korte have helped
Jan assemble displays. In early summer, we
featured mysteries and books for the beach,
followed by Back-to-School specials. Now the
display highlights Young Adult/Teen books.
Bargain prices always go with these items.
Have you more ideas for this display? Email
me at:
Millie Boaz, Book Shop Coordinator
The Friends of the San Diego Public Library
Non-Profit U.S.
17110 Bernardo Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92128
Permit #2325
Return Services Requested
San Diego
A Big Welcome to new members: Bernice Andrews, Jerry Cole, Holly Colt, Rui Ge, Meg Harari, Diane
Harris, Theresa Higa, Barry Humold, Barbara Hunt, Wilda Johnson, Beverly Jones, A. Lyons, Lydia Manangan, Rosalie
Merrick, Jane Morgan, Virginia Orchard, Carol Reese, Sherry Rudrud, Richard Sawyer, Shanna Shshank, and Mary
Marianne Pekala, Membership Chair & John Dean, Chair, Pro Tem
Rancho Bernardo Friends of the Library
17110 Bernardo Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92128
I want to be a member of the Rancho Bernardo Friends of the Library. My tax-deductable check is attached.
 $10 (Individual)  $25 (Family)
 $50
 $100
 Other
Name __________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________State _____________________Zip________________
Telephone _______________________Email: _______________________________________________________Date ______________
Please Print. We won’t share your information with anyone.
I would like to help with Book Sales, the Book Jerry Peterson Shop, sorting books, other projects, or on the Board.
(Circle or underline any of the above that apply)