2016-T-02 Addendum 2
2016-T-02 Addendum 2
The Corporation of the City of Nelson Suite 101, 310 Ward Street, Nelson British Columbia V1L 5S4 Office of the Finance and Purchasing Manager Telephone : (250) 352-8204 Fax : (250) 352-6594 March 7/16 Mountain Station Three Phase Extension 2016-T-02 ADDENDUM #2 This Addendum shall be read in conjunction with and be considered part of the Contract Documents. Its intent is to describe additions, deletions and/or clarifications to the original drawings, specifications and/or previously issued addenda. The contents here-in shall be reflected in the Contractors Tender Price and no consideration will be given to requests for extras due to any bidder not being familiar with the contents of this Addendum. Questions and Answers Q1: A1: What training is required by the Contractor? LANGUAGE MODIFICATION TO 3.5.10 (remove language with strike through and replace as indicated) Nelson Hydro has adopted Fortis BC Lockout Procedures and Safety Practice Rules (SPRs). The Contractor will be required to follow these rules and procedures and be, or be able to become, certified with Level 5 Fortis BC Lockout Procedures prior to commencing work. Nelson Hydro has its own PIC Exam which aligns with the Fortis Level 5 Lockout Procedures. Nelson Hydro will require the successful Contractor to write this exam and pass prior to starting work for Nelson Hydro. Q2: Can Pole #1 (with 60kV on top) have the 60kV isolated when working on this structure replacement? Yes, the 60kV on this structure will be isolated when working on this structure, however, the other 25kV three phase circuits and 14.4kV circuits will stay energized. A2: Q3: A3: Is Telus and Shaw available to work with on this as needed? Telus has reviewed the design and asked to be involved with pole #1, #20, #22 when doing the transfer work of their infrastructure. This coordination with Telus will be the Contractor’s responsibility to organize. Nelson Hydro can assist with providing the Telus & Shaw contact information to the Contractors. Q4: A4: Is there a blended seed mix for the construction site after work is done? Yes, Appendix D of the Tender Package. Q5: A5: Where to dispose of the Pole butts? Will they accept Pole Butts? LANGUAGE MODIFICATION 3.5.15 (remove language with strike through and replace as indicated): All wood poles are to be disposed of at a Regional District Transfer Station where the poles will be accepted. Wood poles that are removed can be dropped off in a designated location by 80 Lakeside Drive. This location will be identified to the Contractor. Q6: A6: Shaw Box on Pole #2, will they be powered by generators? Shaw will be contacted in advance of this work and will be notified of the potential outages by Nelson Hydro. It is the Contactor’s responsibility to coordinate when the outage will be happening with Shaw in advance of their work so that the work schedule is not held up. Q7: What to do with the secondary neutral? Should this be removed and only have one common neutral on the pole structure? There should only be one common neutral on the structures once the work has been completed. Where there is open wire bus, this common neutral is part of the open wire bus. A7: Q8: A8: Q9: A9: What about Telus and Shaw transfers on each structure? How to we break these transfers out in the bids? LANGUAGE MODIFICATION 3.5.14 (remove language with strike through and replace as indicated): Where able, all old poles that can have services transferred to new poles will be removed and brought back to the Nelson Hydro yard. Where the communications cannot be transferred, old poles must be secured so that there is no danger of it falling after the Contractor has completed the work. The Contractor must consider these conditions in the project assessment and bid preparation. There shall be no extra work awarded for pole condition or access issues. Old Poles that no longer have any services on them are the responsibility of the Contractor to remove and transport to 80 Lakeside Drive drop off location. Poles #1, #20 & #22 are to have the third party services transferred with assistance from Telus. This work is to be coordinated and scheduled with Telus by the Contractor. All third party services on the remaining poles will be left on these old poles and are not the responsibility of the Contractor to transfer to new structures. These old poles, with services remaining on them, MUST be secured so that there is no danger of the pole falling after the Contractor has completed the work. This work shall be included in the total bid price as per the revised bid sheet (attached). Refer to the Clarification section below for further details. Secondary drops of triplex to each service from new pole locations. What if the existing triplex is too short for the new location? How do we bid on this? The Contractor is responsible to install secondary drops to houses from new pole locations. No splicing of secondary drops is allowed. If new triplex is required to reach from the new pole locations then Nelson Hydro will supply this triplex. The Contractors are responsible for determining if the existing triplex will reach or if new triplex is required from the new pole locations and account for this within their Bid Submissions. Q10: A10: Where are water main locations? Will these be marked out for the Contactors? There are water mains located in the area of this construction. Section 3.8: states that no contact to underground utilities shall be done by the Contactor and it is the Contactor’s responsibility for BC One Calls. Nelson Hydro will get any BC One Call made by the Contractor. Q11: How does the Communications tower above the reservoir get their power? How long can they be out of power for? Have they been notified? A11: It is a Telus mobility tower. The power to this tower is supplied by Nelson Hydro. Outages to this tower require two (2) day notice in advance of the outage. The Contractor will contact the Telus contact person when planning an outage to this tower a minimum of two (2) days before the outage and notify them of the outage and its duration. Nelson Hydro will supply the Telus contact person to the successful Contractor. Q12: A12: Would the City be willing to supply Ampacts for this work? No, as stated in 3.2, all other materials other than poles and conductors will be supplied by Contractor. This includes connector, etc. Q13: From the specification. - 3.5.8 Ten (10) hour work days / Four (4) day work weeks are standard – other variations require Nelson Hydro pre-approval. Other work schedule variations may be acceptable and must be approved Nelson Hydro prior to implementation. Question – Would working outside of this shift be acceptable? What are the constraints if any of working weekends? Yes, Nelson Hydro is open to Contactors working outside of these hours specified in 3.5.8 Nelson Hydro would facilitate a Contract crew working through weekends on this work. Hours of work are limited by the noise bylaw for the City of Nelson which states: “Construction between Monday and Friday (except Statutory Holidays) between 07:00 hours and 22:00 hours and Saturdays (except Statutory Holidays) between 09:00 hours and 17:00 hours.” Normally Sunday work is not allowed however, for this job only, if working Sundays between 9:00 hours 17:00 hours will facilitate getting the work done sooner and at a more affordable cost, the City of Nelson will approve a variance for this project on Sundays. A13: Q14: A14: Q15: A15: Q16: A16: Q17: A17: Section 3.10 “all new primary poles must be grounded in accordance with BC Hydro standards.” Every new pole? Or just new poles that are transformer poles? Poles with transformers will have grounding installed and no more than three spans distance between grounding points. Ground Plate or rods are acceptable. Please clarify the job scope at pole #23 relative to this tender only. (i.e. Who is responsible for install of conduit on the pole?, the materials? etc.) Pole # 23 is a dead end pole and should also be framed to accept future three (3) phase primary dip (this means having an additional cross arm to support future primary cable). No conduit will be installed on this pole by the Contractor; dead end overhead primary only. Poles 1a, 2 and 11 require inline cutouts but the framing is tangent. Will floaters be required for these structures or change the framing to double dead ends? Use floaters at poles 1a, 2 and 11. When transferring transformers will new transformer materials be required or is transferring existing cutouts, stirrups, lightning arresters, etc. acceptable? Existing transformer hardware can be re-used if it is found to be undamaged. Any porcelain cut outs encountered MUST be replaced with poly cut outs. Clarification Refer to the revised project drawing MT-STN-01 REV 5 (attached) for modifications to the descriptions of POLE #10, 23a & pole #6590 to provide further clarification of the requirements to those structures. LANGUAGE MODIFICATION 3.1 (remove language with strike through and replace with highlighted text): The project will involve replacing thirteen (13) fifteen (15) existing poles, installing eight (8) six (6) new poles and reframing eight (8) existing poles, and two (2) poles to be removed and removing one (1) existing pole in the Nelson Hydro electrical distribution area along the route from Cedar Street up to the Reservoir. Poles will be abandoned to Telus third party services, except where unless communications can will be transferred to the new system. If transfers can be accomplished by the Contractor, these poles must also be removed. Refer to the bid sheet to include optional pricing for consideration. This will include transferring of existing conductors and customer drops to new poles and removal of specified poles, installation of new poles and conductors and hardware all as shown on Nelson Hydro design drawings and indicated following. Existing transformers along route will be transferred to new structures with no new transformation being added within this project. All existing transformers and primary connections must be distributed between the three phases as best able by the Contractor to balance the loading across the three phases. The Contractor must be aware of the deteriorated conditions of most poles, with respect to personnel and public safety, and must work accordingly to prevent pole failure or unsafe work practices. Bid Sheet Use the revised bid sheet as attached. If you have any question or concerns, please contact me at the above phone number or email srorick@nelson.ca. Suzanne Rorick Finance & Purchasing Manager, CPA/CMA THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NELSON MOUNTAIN STATION THREE PHASE EXTENSION TENDER NO 2016-T-02 *revised per Addendum 2* Form 2 - Bid Sheet (include in Bid Submission) In accordance with the “Tender Information & Specifications” which I/we have carefully examined, the undersigned hereby submits a firm Tender to perform the work required for the sum of: Description To provide labour, materials and equipment in accordance with 2016-T-02 Specifications and Tender Documents Subtotal Price Taxes Total (Canadian Funds) This RFT will be opened publicly. Company Name ________________________________________________________________ TENDER 2016-T-02 Mountain Station Three Phase Extension Page 52 of 61