listings - Stepstone
listings - Stepstone StepStone Price List Listings | Employer Branding | DirectSearch 2014 StepStone – the online careers website for qualified personnel StepStone is Germany‘s leading careers website. With more than nine million visits per month on average, the StepStone website is by far the most visited in the careers website segment. (Source: IVW 2014) StepStone has more than 1,200 employees and, in addition to, operates online careers websites in several European countries. The company was founded in 1996 and is majority owned by Axel Springer SE. STEPSTONE PRODUCTS Listings, Employer Branding and DirectSearch Regardless of whether you would like to address qualified applicants with an online ad, boost awareness for your company through an employer branding campaign, or contact candidates in our DirectSearch database that meet your specific criteria, StepStone can always offer your company the right solution for efficient e-recruiting. The following pages contain an overview with comprehensive information about our products and prices. Please use this catalogue as a guide and a basis on which to enter into a personal dialogue with your StepStone contact representatives. After all, providing our customers with tailored advice is extremely important to us. Discover the merits of our services for yourself and recruit the very best employees both now and in the future with StepStone. 3 CONTENTS LISTINGS STEPSTONE LISTINGS Individual Listing6 Listing Plus8 Standard Listing10 Intern Listing12 Box Number Service for Ads 13 Print Ads in Hamburger Abendblatt14 ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS StepStone Job Ad Refresher16 StepStone Job Plugin 17 Premium Jobs 18 Company Videos 20 StepStone JobFeed 21 EMPLOYER BRANDING TARGET GROUP-ORIENTED EMPLOYER BRANDING StepStone FOLLOW AD 22 BANNER PRODUCTS ON THE STEPSTONE WEBSITE Skyscraper24 Company Ad 26 Company of the week 28 4 BANNER PRODUCTS NEXT TO / BELOW THE JOB RESULTS LISTS Skyscraper30 Company Ad 32 BANNER PRODUCTS ON THE STEPSTONE TARGET GROUP CHANNELS Channel Package 34 EMAIL PRODUCTS StepStone Job Agent Ad and Job Agent Ad Selection StepStone Newsletter Banner Ad and Newsletter Logo Ad StepStone Direct Mail 36 38 46 PRESENTATION OF YOUR COMPANY StepStone Company Portrait42 DIRECTSEARCH StepStone DirectSearch Database 44 STEPSTONE INTERNATIONAL International Recruitment International Products International Reach (Europe and worldwide) 46 47 48 Click on this button to return to the Contents page. 5 LISTINGS INDIVIDUAL LISTING The listing with recognition value For an individual company advertisement, we recommend a StepStone listing in line with your company’s corporate design. The StepStone Individual Listing offers you plenty of scope for designing an appealing ad with high recognition value. Simply send us your text and the StepStone Service team will create your individual advert within 48 hours. Create an ad template for use in the StepStone Recruiter Space Alternatively, we can create an ad template in your individual design, which you can use to post multiple listings at the same time in the StepStone Recruiter Space. All you have to do is enter your text. This option offers the benefit that you can post your ad at any time. 6 Every StepStone ad includes the following services: ›Listing designed within 48 hours (working days) ›Manual check of your wording to ensure compliance with the German Anti-Discrimination Act (AGG) ›Multiple publications on the websites of up to 300 business partners and in one of the StepStone target group channels ›Notification of suitable candidates via email (StepStone JobAgent) LISTINGS MUSTERFIRMA Central Customer Service Manager (m/w) MUSTERMANN KAFFEE GETRUNKEN KUNDEN BEGEISTERT GLETSCHER GERETTET EINE AUFGABE MIT SINN: CENTRAL CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER (M/W) Jobnummer A-B-123, Standort: Musterstadt Mit diesem Job verändern Sie die Welt. Arbeiten Sie im Bereich Sales bei Musterfirma, einem weltweit führenden Unternehmen der Solarindustrie, an einer großen Vision: Saubere Energie für alle. Mit Sitz im Solar Valley in Musterstadt (Wirtschaftsregion Beispiel) und derzeit 2200 Mitarbeitern machen wir die Photovoltaik zu einer der wichtigsten Energiequellen. Ihre Aufgaben: einen zentralen konzernweiten Bereich Customer Service aufbauen / Prozesse einführen und KPIs definieren / Mitarbeiterschulungen in Customer Service, sowohl national als auch international, durchführen / die Vertriebsmitarbeiter durch Bearbeitung aller eingehenden Anfragen von Kunden und Partnern unterstützen / eine Kundenserviceleitung, die für die Bearbeitung sämtlicher Anfragen zuständig ist, einrichten / alle Anfragen priorisieren und an die zuständigen Mitarbeiter weiterleiten sowie eine Erfolgskontrolle durchführen / eng mit dem Vorstand sowie den Bereichen Marketing und Vertrieb, Produktmanagement und SCM zusammenarbeiten Ihr Profil: erfolgreich abgeschlossenes, betriebswirtschaftlich oder technisch ausgerichtetes Studium / grundlegende Erfahrungen im Aufbau und der Weiterentwicklung eines Customer Service-Bereiches im B2B-Umfeld / einschlägige Führungserfahrung sowie Kenntnisse in der Mitarbeiterentwicklung und Training im Customer Service-Bereich / Kenntnisse in SAP oder anderen CRM-Tools wünschenswert Sie wollen mit uns Großes bewegen? Dann bewerben Sie sich bevorzugt online. MUSTERFIRMA MUSTERMANN StepStone Individual Listing PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Cost for 30 days: € 995* Cost for 60 days: € 1,250* Cost for 90 days: € 1,375* Creation of an individual ad template for use in the StepStone Recruiter Space: from € 220* (one-off charge per layout) 7 LISTINGS LISTING PLUS The listing to strengthen your employer brand If you’re looking to find the best applicants, you should opt for our premium product. StepStone Listing Plus offers you more space for providing a comprehensive introduction to your company in an online ad. In addition to the job description, StepStone Listing Plus also gives you the opportunity to communicate the benefits of your company to applicants using four additional navigation tabs built into the ad. For more content, more employer branding and more suitable candidates. Create an ad template for StepStone Listing Plus We program an individual ad template in line with your corporate design, which is available to you free of charge for each additional publication. This template contains five tabs. 8 The first tab (position) is predefined and therefore compulsory. You can also choose four additional tabs from a total of twelve. Every StepStone ad includes the following services: ›Listing designed within 48 hours (working days) ›Manual check of wording to ensure compliance with the German Anti-Discrimination Act (AGG) ›Multiple publications on the websites of up to 300 business partners and in one of the StepStone target group channels ›Notification of suitable candidates via email (StepStone JobAgent) LISTINGS Account Media Manager (m/w) Position Über uns Karriere & Entwicklung Bewerbungsprozess Wir bieten Account Media Manager (m/w) Seit 15 Jahren gehört Company zu den internationalen Top-Playern im Bereich Recruitment. In Deutschland setzen wir Maßstäbe hinsichtlich Reichweite, Service und Qualität. Seit 2008 werden wir jährlich zur „Karriere-Website des Jahres“ gewählt – ein Votum, das zeigt: Unser Weg ist richtig! Welche Aufgaben erwarten Sie bei uns? Sie überzeugen Personalmarketingagenturen und Mediaagenturen in Ihrem Vertriebsgebiet von einer Zusammenarbeit mit StepStone Ihre bedarfsgerechten Angebotslösungen präsentieren Sie vor Ort auf höchster Entscheidungsebene Sie beraten Ihre Kunden bei der Markteinführung neuer Produkte Sie sorgen für eine langfristige und nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit mit Ihren Accounts • • • • Position Was erwarten wir von Ihnen? Über uns Karriere & Entwicklung Bewerbung Account Media Manager (m/w) • Relevante Berufserfahrung im Außendienst eines indirekten Vertriebsumfeldes ist Voraussetzung • Hervorragende kommunikative Fähigkeiten: Sie erzielen Abschlüsse • Business Englisch und MS-Office-Kenntnisse sind selbstverständlich Seit 15 Jahren gehört Company zu den internationalen Top-Playern im B land setzen wir Maßstäbe hinsichtlich Reichweite, Service und Qualität. S „Karriere-Website Musterstraße 123 | 54321 Musterstadt des Jahres“ gewählt - ein Votum, das zeigt: Unser Weg Jetzt bewerben! Ihr Kontakt: Company GmbH | Martin Mustermann, Recruiting Manager | Telefon 0221 9876-321 Welche Aufgaben erwarten Sie bei uns? Sie überzeugen Personalmarketingagenturen und Mediaagenturen in Zusammenarbeit mit StepStone Ihre bedarfsgerechten Angebotslösungen präsentieren Sie vor Ort auf Sie beraten Ihre Kunden bei der Markteinführung neuer Produkte Sie sorgen für eine langfristige und nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit mit I • StepStone Listing Plus with up to five navigation tabs • • • Was erwarten wir von Ihnen? PRICING INFORMATION • Relevante Berufserfahrung im Außendienst eines indirekten Vertriebsu Sie erzielen Abschlüsse • Hervorragende kommunikative Fähigkeiten: *plussind VAT Business Englisch und MS-Office-Kenntnisse selbstverständlich • Cost for 30 days: € 1,395* Cost for 60 days: € 1,695* Cost for 90 days: € 1,895* Creation of an ad template for repeated use: € 395* (one-off charge per layout) Ihr Kontakt: Company GmbH | Musterstraße 123 | 5 Martin Mustermann, Recruiting Manager | Telefon 9 LISTINGS STANDARD LISTING Your online ad in the web-optimised standard layout The StepStone Standard Listing provides you with plenty of room for presenting your ad text clearly. In a specially designed web-optimised template, potential applicants gain an overview of all the key information about the vacancy in question. Prominent positioning of your company logo rounds off the overall presentation of your ad to perfection. Every StepStone ad includes the following services: ›Listing designed within 48 hours (working days) ›Manual check of wording to ensure compliance with the German Anti-Discrimination Act (AGG) ›Multiple publications on the websites of up to 300 business partners and in one of the StepStone target group channels ›Notification of suitable candidates via email (StepStone JobAgent) 10 LISTINGS Marketing Manager Lifestyle (w/m) Marketing Manager Lifestyle (w/m) Company Group liefert in über 90 Länder der Welt und leistet mit 1.100 Mitarbeitern am Stammsitz in Musterstadt einen maßgeblichen Beitrag zum Therapieerfolg von Patienten. Im Rahmen unseres Wachstums suchen wir Verstärkung. Ihre Aufgaben: · · · · Koordinieren der kommunikativen Schnittstelle zu Produktmanagement, Sales, Marketing Eigenverantwortlicher und effektiver Einsatz des zugeteilten Budgets Ausarbeiten produktbezogener Text/Bild-Module Planen, Erstellen und Umsetzen der Produktkommunikation für die jeweiligen Zielgruppen Ihr Profil: · · · · · · · Abgeschlossenes wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium mit Schwerpunkt Marketing/Kommunikation Mind. 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Werbung bzw. Kommunikation Berufserfahrung im Bereich Sport, Lifestyle oder Beauty Kenntnisse im Umgang mit neuen Medien Kenntnisse im Bereich Nutzenargumentation GER-Level Englisch B2 Fundierte MS Office Kenntnisse (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Wir bieten: · Ein hoch motiviertes Team mit großer Freude an der täglichen Herausforderung · Raum für Ihre Ideen und Ihre persönliche Entwicklung · Lösungskultur für ein angenehmes Betriebsklima Für Fragen vorab steht Ihnen gerne Frau Martina Mustermann (Tel. 0124/98765-32 oder zur Verfügung. Company Group Herrn Martin Mustermann Musterstraße 123 54321 Musterstadt Telefon 0987 6543-21 Telefax 0987 6543-22 StepStone Standard Listing PRICING INFORMATION Cost for 30 days: Cost for 60 days: Cost for 90 days: *plus VAT € 725* € 775* € 850* 11 LISTINGS INTERN LISTING Successful recruitment of interns and young professionals To aid you in your search for interns, student assistants and trainees, we offer a reduced fee for your listing. Listing in the StepStone Standard layout You can integrate your ad text and company logo into the Web-optimised StepStone Standard layout in the StepStone Recruiter Space in just a few steps. You will gain access from our Customer Services within two working days. Listing in your individual layout If requested, we can provide you with an ad template in line with your company’s corporate design, which you can use to post any number of ads in your individual layout within the contract period. There is a one-off set-up charge. StepStone Intern Listings include the same services like StepStone listings for professionals. PRICING INFORMATION StepStone standard layout, cost for 30 days: € 49* (StepStone self-service listing) Individual layout, cost for 30 days: € 95* (StepStone self-service listing) Creation of an individual ad template for repeated use in the StepStone Recruiter Space: € 220* (one-off charge per layout) 12 *plus VAT LISTINGS BOX NUMBER SERVICE FOR ADS The discreet method of searching for staff Discretion and anonymity often play a key role in the search for new employees. Consequently, StepStone offers the box number service, which allows you to search for suitable candidates with an anonymous listing. StepStone manages initial contact on your behalf, thus preserving your anonymity. AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS Preserve anonymity: discreetly and successfully advertise vacancies. Take advantage of communication channels: the StepStone service enables discreet communication. Bundle resources: as a StepStone customer, you have designated contact representatives who will provide you with expert, flexible and prompt advice. PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Cost for 30 days: € 875* (incl. box number service) 13 LISTINGS PRINT ADS IN HAMBURGER ABENDBLATT The print addition to your online listing with regional reach The extensive reach of a StepStone listing can be increased with additional publication in the classified ads section of Hamburger Abend blatt, our renowned print partner. Your ad will appear there as a reference or a teaser listing. Reference listing The reference listing contains the key information of your advertised vacancy. Candidates can access the full job description online at StepStone using the printed online ID number. 14 Teaser listing The teaser listing is prominently positioned in the classified ads section of Hamburger Abendblatt with the job title highlighted. The job vacancy can be accessed online using the printed ID number. LISTINGS StepStone reference listing StepStone teaser listing PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Reference: cost per issue: € 80* (one column, 160 mm wide) Teaser: cost per issue: € 250* (H x W: 30 mm x 75 mm) 15 ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR AD STEPSTONE JOB AD REFRESHER We recommend this service for all online listings To ensure your StepStone ad is still easy to find after the first two weeks, we recommend updating the date after 15 days. Refreshing your ad will ensure that it appears near the top of the StepStone results lists again and is thus easier to find by job hunters. AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Your ad is still easy to find after 15 days. ›The StepStone Job Ad Refresher can be booked for any type of ad for a small fee. StepStone Job Ad Refresher can be booked for any type of ad for a small fee. PRICING INFORMATION Job Ad Refresher: € 65* 16 *plus VAT ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR AD STEPSTONE JOB PLUGIN Your listing on StepStone – automatically on your company website too The StepStone Job Plugin automatically displays your StepStone job listing on your website too. Use this opportunity to easily inform prospective employees who visit your company website about your vacancies. All that, without any additional effort from you. AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Simple: your StepStone listing is integrated into your company’s own website, without any further maintenance. ›Professional: the listing is presented professionally, just as you expect from StepStone. ›Efficient: the job listing display is extremely efficient – you don’t have to make the extra effort to create your own listing. ›Practical: many potential candidates will visit your website – take advantage of this practical opportunity. PRODUKTVARIANTEN UND PREISE PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Cost for 12 months: € 495* 17 ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR AD PREMIUM JOBS For greater visibility of your listings within your target group StepStone Premium Jobs ensures your presence on the homepage of one of our target group channels, allowing you to increase the visibility of your listings for potential applicants in the career fields and target groups relevant to you. Your Premium Job will appear in the top lefthand section of the channel homepage of your choice and will be easy to find thanks to prominent positioning of your company logo, the job title and the location.. Exclusive and effective: limited space on our target group channels: ›Management staff ›Pharmaceuticals, chemistry and biotechnology, ›IT and telecommunications ›Engineering ›Doctors and nursing staff ›Sales and marketing ›Human resources ›Finance and consulting ›University graduates and young professionals 18 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Make your listing easier to find: prominent positioning of your vacancy on the homepage of any StepStone target group channel you choose. ›Ensure targeted communication: directly and effectively address your target group. ›Boost your image: increase the awareness of your employer brand. ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR AD StepStone Premium Jobs PRICING INFORMATION We use the logo and text found in your online listing. *plus VAT Cost for 7 days: € 195* 19 ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR AD COMPANY VIDEOS Attract potential applicants with an individual image video If you’d like to attract the most talented people, you can opt to show a film highlighting the benefits of your company. For a small fee, we will incorporate your existing company video or, if requested, a newly produced company video in your StepStone company portrait or StepStone ad (Listing Individual or Listing Plus). Video production Are you looking to create an appealing company video for professional employer branding? MovingIMAGE24, one of the leading suppliers in Germany, produces professional company videos for StepStone customers at reduced rates. AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Boost your employer brand: a company film provides you with the opportunity to position yourself as an attractive employer and differentiate your company from the competition. ›Generate emotions: positive resonance among potential employees is the ideal motivation to apply. PRICING INFORMATION Incorporation into an ad: € 200* Incorporation into a company portrait: € 2,000*/ 12 Monate Costs for filming (1 day): € 8,950* (plus €950 for catering) 20 *plus VAT ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR AD STEPSTONE JOBFEED The most convenient method of publishing an ad We recommend StepStone JobFeed to companies which regularly publish a larger number of ads in order to take advantage of synergies and streamline coordination processes. An automated interface is used to transfer ads from your database into the StepStone job database and publish them on stepstone. de in a very short period of time. Any changes you make to your ads in the job database are automatically applied to your StepStone job vacancies. AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Our experienced team will ensure your ads are transferred fully automatically, whilst preserving the integrity of the text. ›JobFeed is integrated into your own talent management system, simplifying database updates. The StepStone JobFeed is exceptionally userfriendly: installation must be coordinated with your IT department just once, after which ads will be transferred fully automatically. PRODUKTVARIANTEN UND PREISE PRICING INFORMATION Prices on request 21 EMPLOYER BRANDING STEPSTONE FOLLOW AD Effective and efficient target group-oriented employer branding Are you looking to boost your employer brand within a selected professional group using an online employer branding campaign? Is it important to you that you efficiently and specifically address your target group? Then the StepStone FOLLOW AD is just the right product for you. The FOLLOW AD is the innovative employer branding product. Guaranteed weekly impressions* AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Maximum efficiency: Your employer branding campaign will only be shown to your desired target group. ›Unrivalled reach: Your advertising media appears on up to 2,000 websites, including,, and YouTube. Ad bundle (skyscraper, rectangle and super banner) Wallpaper IT 600,000 400,000 Engineering and technical professions 800,000 530,000 Sales and marketing 560,000 360,000 Finance 380,00 250,000 CPM standard** €12 €22 CPM “Powered by StepStone”*** €10 €20 * If the guaranteed number of ad impressions is not achieved within the campaign period, the campaign will continue until the number has been reached. ** Price per 1,000 impressions, minimum booking volume €15,000. *** The advertising media will feature the “Powered by StepStone” watermark. 22 Video Reaches and pricing information on request EMPLOYER BRANDING How does the StepStone FOLLOW AD work? 1 Every month, millions of young professionals, specialists and people with management experience visit our website to see what kind of jobs are available. 2 StepStone analyses user behaviour and in this way can create professional group-specific profiles such as IT specialists, engineers and technology experts. 3 With the StepStone FOLLOW AD, you can specifically target these professional-group profiles for the first time with your employer branding campaign. We insert your advertising media such as skyscraper, super banner, wallpaper and video on up to 2,000 websites. Thanks to our FOLLOW AD technology, your advertising medium is shown only to the target group specified by you in advance, thus ensuring that your message only reaches the intended audience and that your budget is applied with maximum efficiency. StepStone FOLLOW AD PRICING INFORMATION See overview on page 20 23 BANNER PRODUCTS ON THE STEPSTONE WEBSITE SKYSCRAPER Prominent positioning of your banner on the StepStone homepage This service will allow your company to take centre stage. The large-scale Skyscraper banner in your individual design appears directly on the StepStone homepage. Almost no other additional option is as effective as Skyscraper, which allows you to expand the reach of your job vacancies and successfully position and emphasise your employer brand. This service includes a direct link to: ›Your current job vacancies on ›Your StepStone company portrait ›Your recruiting events advertised on your website 24 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Take advantage of exclusivity: there is only space for one banner per week. ›Cultivate your brand: the banner appears in your individual layout and thus corresponds with your company’s corporate design. ›Maximise your reach: the secondary presence of your vacancy significantly improves people’s perception of your employer brand. EMPLOYER BRANDING UnternehmenderWoche INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. JETZT BEWERBEN! COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine „Ich neue suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Herausforderung“ COMPANY Company Company COMPANY GROUP GROUP Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN! Company COMPANY GROUP Company COMPANY GROUP JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION StepStone Skyscraper Homepage PRICING INFORMATION Banner: 160 x 600 px (max. 100 kB) *plus VAT Cost for 7 days: € 5,495* 25 BANNER PRODUCTS ON THE STEPSTONE WEBSITE COMPANY AD Your listing in the spotlight You will attract additional visitors to your listings with the eye-catching StepStone Company Ad. A click on your banner leads interested candidates to an overview of your current job vacancies or directly to a selected ad on 26 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Prominent positioning on the StepStone homepage ›Direct link to your listings on, your StepStone company portrait or recruiting events advertised on your website EMPLOYER BRANDING Unternehmen der Woche INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. JETZT BEWERBEN! COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine „Ich neue suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Herausforderung“ COMPANY Company Company COMPANY GROUP GROUP Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN! Company COMPANY GROUP Company COMPANY GROUP JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION StepStone Company Ad Homepage PRICING INFORMATION Banner: 120 x 90 px (max. 30 kB) *plus VAT Cost for 7 days: € 1,350* 27 BANNER PRODUCTS ON THE STEPSTONE WEBSITE COMPANY OF THE WEEK Your company takes centre stage for a week Are you looking to increase the visibility of and response to your job vacancies? The eyecatching Company of the Week banner on the StepStone homepage is sure to attract the attention of job hunters – for an entire week. 28 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Prominent positioning on the StepStone homepage ›Direct link to your listings on, your StepStone company portrait or recruiting events advertised on your website EMPLOYER BRANDING Unternehmen der Woche INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. JETZT BEWERBEN! COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine „Ich neue suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Herausforderung“ COMPANY COMPANY GROUP Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING Company COMPANY GROUP Company Company GROUP Jobs im Bereich IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN! Company COMPANY GROUP JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION Karrierechance! StepStone Company of the Week PRICING INFORMATION Banner: 180 x 150 px (max. 50 kB) *plus VAT Cost for 7 days: € 1,350* 29 BANNER PRODUCTS NEXT TO / BELOW THE JOB RESULTS LISTS SKYSCRAPER Prominent positioning of your banner on the most-frequented pages on This eye-catching image banner guarantees that your company will be in the spotlight for seven days. The large-scale Skyscraper banner prominently appears in your individual design alongside every job results list following every search conducted by a candidate. Skyscraper is the perfect addition to your listings published on StepStone. Expand the reach of your listings and boost your employer brand. This service includes a direct link to: ›Your current job vacancies on ›Your StepStone company portrait ›Your recruiting events advertised on your website 30 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Take advantage of exclusivity: there is only space for one banner per week. ›Cultivate your brand: the Skyscraper appears in your individual layout and thus corresponds with your company’s corporate design. ›Maximise your reach: the additional presence of your banner attracts additional visitors to your job vacancy. EMPLOYER BRANDING UnternehmenderWoche INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. JETZT BEWERBEN! JETZT BEWERBEN! COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine „Ich neue suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Herausforderung“ COMPANY COMPANY GROUP Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING Company COMPANY GROUP StepStone Results List Skyscraper PRICING INFORMATION Company Company GROUP Jobs im Bereich IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN Company COMPANY GROUP JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION Banner: 160 x 600 px (max. 100 kB) *plus VAT Cost for 7 days: € 7,995* 31 BANNER PRODUCTS NEXT TO / BELOW THE JOB RESULTS LISTS COMPANY AD Your ad in the spotlight The eye-catching StepStone Company Ad is sure to attract additional visitors to your ad. A click on your banner leads interested candidates to an overview of your current job listings or directly to a selected ad on 32 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Prominent positioning below the results list displayed to job hunters on ›Direct link to your listings on, your StepStone company portrait or recruiting events advertised on your website EMPLOYER BRANDING Unternehmen der Woche INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. INNOVATION BRAUCHT INGENIEURE & IT-CONSULTANTS. JETZT BEWERBEN! JETZT BEWERBEN! COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ „Ich suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Jobs im Bereich Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING COMPANY GROUP COMPANY GROUP „Ich suche eine „Ich neue suche eine neue Herausforderung“ Herausforderung“ COMPANY COMPANY GROUP Jobs im Bereich ONLINE MARKETING ONLINE MARKETING Company COMPANY GROUP StepStone Results List Company Ad IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION JETZT BEWERBEN Company COMPANY GROUP JETZT BEWERBEN JETZT BEWERBEN IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION IT & TELEKOMMUNIKATION PRICING INFORMATION Company Company GROUP Jobs im Bereich Banner: 120 × 90 px (max. 30 kB) *plus VAT Cost for 7 days: € 1,350* 33 BANNER PRODUCTS ON THE STEPSTONE TARGET GROUP CHANNELS CHANNEL PACKAGE For greater reach within a target group Simultaneous use of both the eye-catching Skyscraper image banner on the homepage and all the subpages of a target group channel as well as the Company of the Week banner in the top section of the channel homepage is sure to capture the attention of the candidates in your target group. 34 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›For a greater reach within a specified target group ›Direct link to your listings on, your StepStone company portrait or recruiting events advertised on your website EMPLOYER BRANDING StepStone Channel Package: Company of the week: 180 x 150 px (max. 50 kB) Skyscraper: 160 x 600 px (max. 100 kB) PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Price group 1, cost for 7 days: € 2,995* (University graduates and young professionals, engineering, IT and telecommunications) Price group 2, cost for 7 days: € 1,995* (Management staff, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and biotechnology, doctors and nursing staff, sales and marketing, human resources, finance and consulting) 35 EMAIL PRODUCTS STEPSTONE JOBAGENT AD AND JOBAGENT AD SELECTION Target candidates looking for a job StepStone JobAgent regularly informs more than 3 million users about current and suitable job vacancies via email. A text and logo listing in the JobAgent ensures maximum exposure among candidates looking for a job. Addressing candidates with the StepStone JobAgent Ad Selection Limiting the group of recipients helps you to specifically address your desired target group. The JobAgent Ad Selection offers you a variety of selection criteria: ›Career field ›industry ›country and region ›type of contract ›employment basis ›level of job experience 36 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Positioning: your ad appears in a prominent location in the JobAgents. ›Reach: you will reach more than 3 million JobAgent recipients. ›Target group focus: use JobAgent Ad Selection to choose the group of recipients intended to receive your listing. EMPLOYER BRANDING Anzeige StepStone JobAgent Ad and JobAgent Ad Selection PRICING INFORMATION Text ad: max. 300 characters (incl. spaces) Logo/Image Ad: 180 x 50 px (max. 30 kB) *plus VAT StepStone JobAgent Ad, cost for 1 day: € 1,495* StepStone JobAgent Ad, cost for 7 days: € 7,495* StepStone JobAgent Ad Selection, cost for 1 day: € 495* StepStone JobAgent Ad Selection, cost for 7 days: € 2,495* 37 EMAIL PRODUCTS STEPSTONE NEWSLETTER BANNER AD AND NEWSLETTER LOGO AD Your ad in the StepStone candidate newsletter The StepStone candidate newsletter reaches more than 280,000 subscribers interested in career opportunities every month. A prominently positioned ad in the StepStone candidate newsletter will enable you to extend the reach of your StepStone ad or advertise a career-related event in an eye-catching way. Your ad comprises up to 200 characters of text and your company logo. With StepStone Newsletter Logo Ad, we also offer you the opportunity to publish a selected StepStone ad in an editorial environment. Your ad is directly linked to your job vacancy published on S tepStone. 38 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Take advantage of the spotlight: benefit from an ideal placement in an editorial environment. ›Achieve efficiency: the StepStone newsletter is sent to more than 280,000 recipients every month. EMPLOYER BRANDING StepStone Newsletter Banner Ad and Newsletter Logo Ad Newsletter Logo Ad: image: 320 x 160 pixels; format: JPG, GIF, PNG; link to a listing or the listing overview for your company Newsletter Banner Ad: image 320 x 200 pixels; text: max. 200 characters (incl. heading and spaces); format: JPG, GIF, PNG PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Newsletter Logo Ad, cost per issue: € 995* Newsletter Banner Ad, cost per issue: € 1,995* 39 EMAIL PRODUCTS STEPSTONE DIRECT MAIL Contact suitable candidates immediately – with StepStone Direct Mail Direct Mail is a digital mailshot in your individual design sent by StepStone to a group of registered candidates defined by you. You can design the content of your mailshot as you wish, for example with the announcement of a career-related company event, a link to a special job offer or to your listings published on StepStone. If requested, we can compile a report on the opening and click statistics of your Direct Mail. StepStone Direct Mail offers you a wide range of selection criteria, including: › › › › 40 Career experience Industry experience Career field Region AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Professional form of contact: We design your Direct Mail in line with your requirements and in your company’s corporate design. ›Efficient targeting: You can directly address suitable candidates in your target group. ›High acceptance: Only those candidates who have expressly requested to receive Direct Mail may be contacted. EMPLOYER BRANDING Die Muster AG ist ein international tätiges Unternehmen mit über 15.000 Beschäftigten in mehr als 40 Ländern. Seit fast 30 Jahren sind wir erfolgreich im Markt. Wir sind spezialisiert auf Softwarelösungen für Anwendungen in ausgesuchten Branchen und bieten unseren Kunden komplette Produktentwicklungen auf höchstem Niveau. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams am Standort Musterstadt suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Termin eine/n Software-Ingenieur (m/w) Ihre Aufgaben: ■ Softwareerstellung für komplexe Automatisierungssysteme ■ Entwicklung von anwenderorientierter PC Software ■ Inbetriebnahme und Schulung bei unseren Kunden vor Ort ■ Erstellen von Funktionsablaufbeschreibungen ■ Definition und Beschreibung der resultierenden Schnittstellen ■ Erarbeiten und Bewerten von technischen Konzeptstudien und Analysen Ihr Profil: abgeschlossenes Studium mit Fachrichtung Informatik, Elektrotechnik oder Physik ■ einschlägige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Softwareentwicklung ■ sehr gute Kenntnisse in der Softwaresprache C++ ■ gute Kenntnisse in der Programmierung von Microcontroller-Systemen ■ Hohes Analysevermögen, systematisches und methodisch orientiertes Vorgehen ■ gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift ■ Referenzcode: ABCD012-34-567 Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Online-Bewerbung unter Ihre Karriere. Ihre Zukunft. Muster AG StepStone Direct Mail PRICING INFORMATION *plus VAT Production costs: €1,000* (plus invoicing based on contact volume, minimum number of contacts: 500) Total: from €1,500* 41 PRESENTATION OF YOUR COMPANY STEPSTONE COMPANY PORTRAIT First impressions count – also for companies A company portrait at StepStone will enable you to give potential applicants insight into your company philosophy and thus promote targeted applications. The company portrait contains a link to an overview of your listings published on StepStone, allowing you to attract additional visitors to your online listings. If you decide in favour of a StepStone company portrait, you can choose either the StepStone Standard or the Individual, based on your corporate design. 42 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Optimise your employer profile: introduce yourself to potential applicants as an attractive employer. ›Make your listing easier to find: an additional link in your company portrait will attract more visitors to your job vacancies. EMPLOYER BRANDING StepStone Standard Company Portrait Unternehmensporträt Company GmbH Telefon: +49 123 345 456-67 Musterstraße 123 12345 Musterstadt Fax: Website: +49 123 345 456-68 ALLE STELLENANGEBOTE Unternehmensporträt/Tätigkeitsbeschreibung Details Die Company GmbH betreibt seit dem Markteintritt 2009 mit 40 Millionen Besuchern* pro Monat eines der erfolgreichsten Online und Mobile Werbenetzwerke im deutschen Raum. Das Unternehmen bietet innovative Werbeformate in den Bereichen Text/Bild, Video und Display/IAB. So können Branding- und Performance-Kampagnen gleichermaßen realisiert werden. Darüber hinaus bietet Company GmbH eine leistungsfähige Whitelabel SelfBooking-Plattform. Mit der 2010 eingeführten SaaS-Lösung erhalten Webseitenbetreiber, Verlage, Vermarkter und Agenturen ein umfassendes Werkzeug zur Erschließung der mehr als 600.000 Werbetreibenden im KMU-Segment auf regionaler/lokaler Ebene. Branche Musterbranche Die Company GmbH wurde im Juli 2008 von Martin Mustermann gegründet. Derzeit beschäftigt das Unternehmen 70 Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen IT, Marketing, HR und Management. Der Standort befindet sich in Berlin-Mitte. Die Company GmbH betreibt seit dem Markteintritt 2009 mit 40 Millionen Besuchern* pro Monat eines der erfolgreichsten Online und Mobile Werbenetzwerke im deutschen Raum. Das Unternehmen bietet innovative Werbeformate in den Bereichen Text/Bild, Video und Display/IAB. So können Branding- und Performance-Kampagnen gleichermaßen realisiert werden. Darüber hinaus bietet Company GmbH eine leistungsfähige Whitelabel SelfBooking-Plattform. Mit der 2010 eingeführten SaaS-Lösung erhalten Webseitenbetreiber, Verlage, Vermarkter und Agenturen ein umfassendes Werkzeug zur Erschließung der mehr als 600.000 Werbetreibenden im KMU-Segment auf regionaler/lokaler Ebene. Die Company GmbH wurde im Juli 2008 von Martin Mustermann gegründet. Derzeit beschäftigt das Unternehmen 70 Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen IT, Marketing, HR und Management. Der Standort befindet sich in Berlin-Mitte. Die Company GmbH wurde im Juli 2008 von Martin Mustermann gegründet. Der Standort befindet sich in Berlin-Mitte. Die Company GmbH betreibt seit dem Markteintritt 2009 mit 40 Millionen Besuchern* pro Monat eines der erfolgreichsten Online und Mobile Werbenetzwerke im deutschen Raum. Mitarbeiter (Gesamtanzahl) 70 (Gesamt) Umsatzklasse 20 Mio EUR (Vorjahr) Unternehmensporträt Stellenanzeigen dieses Unternehmens Aktuelle Stellenanzeigen 5 Anzahl Absolventen ca. 6 Anzahl Praktikanten 70 (Gesamt) Einstiegsprogramme Internationales Trainee Programm, Direkteinstiege Mitarbeiter erzählen Wer wir sind Das Unternehmen Mitarbeiter erzählen Kontakt Jobs bei IT Company Bei der IT Company arbeiten offene und interessante Menschen, die sich in einer unkonventionellen Arbeitsumgebung wohl fühlen. Sie sind mit Spaß und hoch motiviert bei der Arbeit. Sie setzen sich für Ihre Ziele ein und feiern gemeinsam ihre Erfolge. Kurz: Es sind die IT-Company-Mitarbeiter, die unser Unternehmen zu etwas Besonderen machen. Hier erzählen Sie Ihnen, wie es sich anfühlt bei der IT Company zu arbeiten. Broschüre IT Company „Ich bin bei der IT Company, weil ich hier spannende Projekte finde!“ mehr … „Ich bin bei der IT Company, weil ich Herausforderungen suche!“ mehr … „Ich bin bei der IT Company, weil mein Know-how gebraucht wird!“ mehr … „Ich bin bei der IT Company, weil es einfach zu mir passt!“ mehr … StepStone Individual Company Portrait PRICING INFORMATION IT Company – One Company – One Spirit *plus VAT Standard layout, cost for 30 days: € 600* Individual layout, cost for 30 days: € 860* 43 DIRECTSEARCH STEPSTONE DIRECTSEARCH DATABASE The perfect addition to your recruiting activities Thanks to innovative technology, you can now find your desired candidates quickly and easily, you enter your search criteria into a s ingle field and immediately receive an overview of relevant, brief profiles. Contact the candidates of your choice and take advantage of the profile agent, which automatically emails you new profiles that match your search. Access candidate profiles easily using your computer or via the iPhone app. Your chances for success are exceptional, thanks mainly to the high number of new job seeker profiles added to our database every day. Direct Search DATABASE 44 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Simple to enter: You enter your search criteria into a single field. ›Fast selection: Based on an overview of brief profiles, you quickly obtain a preliminary selection of potential suitable candidates. ›Precise results: Thanks to exceptional matching technology, relevant profiles are shown immediately. ›Current profiles: You have access to a list of new job seeker profiles that grows every day. ›Convenient applicant management: With the profile manager, you maintain a detailed overview of your candidates at all times. And the profile agent regularly emails you new profiles that match your search. DIRECTSEARCH Einfach und Free test account schnell: for 7 days: Nur ein Suchfeld und directsearch intelligente Unterstützung StepStone DirectSearch Database PRICING INFORMATION * All prices apply per user, excl. VAT 1 month:€795* 3 months:€1,995* 6 months:€3,495* 12 months:€4,995* To prevent misuse of the StepStone DirectSearch database and protect registered candidates, the number of profile views within the period booked is limited:1 month/2,000 profile views, 3 months/6,000 profile views, 6 months/12,000 profile views, 12 months/24,000 profile views 45 STEPSTONE INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT Find the right employees for your company anywhere in the world with StepStone Would you like to look beyond Germany in your search for the most suitable staff? Or are you looking to fill positions in your overseas offices? Then use StepStone’s expertise to your advantage! We have over ten years’ experience in the global recruitment of specialist and managerial staff. We are a founding member of THE NETWORK, making us part of the world‘s largest careers network. THE NETWORK is a joint project by several leading careers websites, which provides access to over 240 million registered candidates in more than 130 countries. In addition to the broad reach of our services, StepStone also offers another decisive advantage: we assign you a permanent team in Germany, who you can contact directly, to help you manage the entire international recruiting process. 46 AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR BENEFITS ›Simple processing: A permanent team of dedicated contacts in Germany offers individual advice and a professional service. ›Unbeatable reach: We give you access to more than 240 million registered candidates in over 130 countries, including all 28 EU member states. ›Sound market knowledge: Benefit from the expertise of market-leading careers websites in our partner countries. STEPSTONE INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS Individual products and packages International job listings International CV database Choose between Web-optimised Standard Listings or Individual Listings that represent your own corporate design. It is also possible to buy listings in great-value bundles (Global Flex Packs) in order to achieve the most efficient exposure in the countries you are interested in recruiting from. Search for candidates who fit your profile quickly and easily with direct access to registered users on selected websites belonging to our international partners. This service allows you to benefit from our unbeatable reach, with over 240 million registered candidates in more than 130 countries all over the world. In most countries, the CV database is available in the national language and, in selected countries, also in English. International employer branding products Increase employer brand awareness using a variety of banners on selected international partner websites. Buy adverts (e.g. banners, skyscrapers, videos, company profiles, direct mailing) individually or in great-value bundles depending on the range and availability of our international partners‘ services. Book the “Western Europe” package and contact qualified candidates easily on at least three selected partner websites in twelve European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain and the UK). PRICING INFORMATION Prices on request 47 STEPSTONE INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL REACH With StepStone and THE NETWORK, you can reach qualified candidates in more than 130 countries all over the world REACH WITHIN EUROPE Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, 48 Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Ukraine. STEPSTONE INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL REACH OUTSIDE OF EUROPE Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Azerbaijan, the Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Benin, Bermuda, Brazil, the British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, the Cayman Islands, the Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, the Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauretania, Mauritius, Mexico, Montserrat, Morocco, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, the Philippines, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Taiwan, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia. Pakistan’s #1 Job Website naukri com Coverage - 2013 49 Contact StepStone Deutschland GmbH Phone: +49 (0)211 93493-5802
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