Issue 57 - Pagan Federation Devon and Cornwall
Issue 57 - Pagan Federation Devon and Cornwall
Rumtopf Revival PF Picnics Pagan camps Holiday Wordsearch Fur Tor, Queen of Dartmoor Welcome friend! drawings, paintings, music that you may have created, crafts you have done. Pictures of your activities are more than welcome as it makes this thing bright and colourful. Email address below. To another edition of ‘Dark Mirror’! It’s nice to feel warm again and for me there’s nothing better than summer rain! What is it about summer rain that makes me want to strip off and run around in the nip, it kinda makes me wild! But hey, I would not want to scare people so I’ll keep my shorts on. Kind folks, I really need your help, I’ve been having trouble trying to fill this magazine and this one is a bit lighter than the last and I would love us to have the best local Pagan mag in the country. So what about it, please share with me your thoughts, experiences, poems and anything you can think of. Even Next mag will be for Autumn Equinox but you can send me things any time, forget the cut-off date I don’t care just get it to me and I’ll give you a virtual hug. Big thanks to those who have contributed to this issue. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the summer, rain or shine it does not matter. God Bless, Editor - Graham. ( PF Devon & Cornwall District Officers District Manager (DM) : VACANCY Regional Co-ordinators (RC) Devon : Sowelu (01392) 433909 email : Cornwall : Nigel Fenlon - 07971 854917 Channel Isles : Oak Leaf – email: The RC’s deal with day to day contact with members. Contact them (and not the District Manager) about membership enquiries or other matters you wish to discuss, by phone, email or letter to the regional address. If you want to run a Moot or Study Group, contact your RC. District Administrator : Community Officer : Conference Organiser : Sowelu Cassandra Latham Levannah Morgan The Local Organisers run moots, events and groups. Contact them for details of local events. Exeter : South West Devon & Plymouth : North Devon : South Devon & Torbay : North Cornwall : Penwith : Channel Islands : Oak Leaf - email : Viannah - 07742 142066 Patrick - 01752 562769 Trudy - 07988 410815 VACANCY Sarah - 01736 787522 For all the latest news and updates around the Region, try the new look Regional PF Website at: Dark Mirror is printed by Ian Jamison and distributed by the Regional Council. The opinions expressed in letters and articles in this magazine, do not necessarily represent the views of the Pagan Federation. Caretaker District Managers bit absolutely no queries from anyone about the job! That’s all very depressing, but hardly an unusual situation! I KNOW that there are people out there in this District who can do the job – so come on folks, get in touch with me & let’s talk about it! There’s a strong District team to support you, you wouldn’t be taking on the job in a vacuum, you’d have all sorts of peoples advise & experience (not to mention mine of course) to draw upon. So come on – don’t let this strange alien from Essex keep on acting as your caretaker DM, step up to the plate and take on the job! If you don’t step forward – who’s to say that someone else will! Your District needs YOU! the PF needs you! So get your volunteering fingers typing and contact me (Keith) at Greetings oh PF members in Devon, Cornwall & the Channel Isles! It’s Keith Tovey – your caretaker District manager writing to you in this the bright & shiny new edition of Dark Mirror. So, welcome to another edition of the wonderful newsletter. By the time that you get this edition I suspect that the Solstice will, have come & past. I trust that you all had an enjoyable & spiritually fulfilling time? As ever, a District newsletter is as good as the content that its District members provide! It would be brilliant if we could get some reports back from memBright Blessings bers of the District about what they got up to celeKeith brate the Solstice! I’m sure that the editor would back me up in this – there is nothing quite as eye opening as seeing how others celebrate. It’s one of the best ways I know Chalkwell Sunset of to celebrate Pagan diversity! I’ve just realised that I have used the Diversity word! Not one that I tend to use often I promise – clearly one supports it – but like health & safety it seem to attract poor reactions from some and to those I say sorry! Perhaps the spiritual variety of the Pagan community is a far better way of saying things than to simply use the word diversity? Anyway, in the spirit of sharing, here’s what I’m up to for the Solstice. I’m heading for a local beach at a place called Chalkwell on the Thames Estuary. I’m going to be there for the sunset & the sunrise and we’ll celebrate in whatever manner comes to mind! IN previous years, our local moot has hosted events on this beach but there’s so many people doing their own thing this year that it’s only us hardliners who are making for the beach instead of gathering round a bonfire in a woods somewhere. I’m sure that many of the members of this District especially will know what I mean when I say that there is just something so uplifting about the sunrise across the sea that almost leaves on breathless – you can feel the spirits at work & they become a solid part of your celebration. Well - that was all very pretty – but as caretaker DM, one does have certain duties to fulfil. The highest one on that list is to report back to you about the hunt for a new DM for the District. I regret to say that I have had Nuin Fearn Saille Ogham By Michele Collins Hawthorn Moon (Huath) (9th May-9th June) Bird: Crow Stone: Topaz, Lapis Lazuli. (Battle goddesses and strong magic. Uathshape shifting horror. Uathach-spectre. Skathi/scathe-harm). Hawthorn is associated with shape shifting witches and faeries. Sleeping beneath a solitary Thorn especially on May eve brings the possibility of being taken by the fey into the Otherworld. It is dangerous to destroy a Hawthorn the result of which may be loss of family or livestock. Huath is the May tree; May is the marriage of the gods, a time of growth and fertility, and the turning of the wheel into summer. The scent of a Hawthorn is reminiscent of female sexuality and the flowering of the Goddess. Thorns that grow near Wells are still venerated as holy, strips of cloth and other offerings are left to ask for healing, these wishes are carried on the wind. Sacred to the goddess who lives beyond the North Wind and looks backwards and forwards in time, the Hawthorn Branch wand has the power to open what is closed and conceal what is open. Correspondingly the festival of Beltane is when we move from the dark half into the light half of the year. The flowering of the Thorn signals the start of Beltane the bright fire festival of life and fertility and the sacred marriage of the gods. Huath opens doorways to the Otherworld and potent magic, and to the mysteries of the goddess and her sexual expression. Performing sympathetic magic people take on the roles of the greening vegetation spirit and the flowering of the goddess. This takes the form of love chases, dancing round the phallic maypole and conducting greenwood marriages in this time of sexual licence. The children of these alliances were named for the God as Robinson or Hodson. Hawthorn Berry infusions are a balancing tonic for high blood pressure and angina. Oak Moon (Duir) (10th June-7th July) Bird: Wren, Eagle, Nightjar. Animal: Bull. Stone: Moonstone, Amethyst, White Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli. Long lived, the King of the Forest stands firmly at the turning of the year at the Sun God’s peak of power. The Royal Oak is emblematic of many Gods, Herne, Zeus, Dagda, Odin and the Dartmoor God Dewer. Under the Oaks in the Grove of the Gods, branches reach high into the sky above; the roots extend down into the rich earth below. The protective Oak marks boundaries both physically and spiritually. It is an axis mundi tree spreading out in fruitful directions, allowing access between the realms and a doorway to the Otherworld. Duir is the door to knowledge, opening to admit good and empowering things. Traditionally midsummer fires are lit in a hollowed out oak log, then the fire is fed with oak. Druidic infusions of midsummer oak flowers purified the body, water found in hollows of an oak was used as a ritual cleanser for midsummer rites. The Oak is also associated with Thunder Gods, a lighting struck oak was divinely infused with the phallic stroke of the Sun God; a primal source of energy, strength, virility, persistence and endurance. Duir brings the power of discernment, to see and become invisible, to allow entry into the inner realms and exclude those who are not ready for self knowledge. Duir teaches us true strength comes though joy. Holly Moon (Tinne 8th July-4th August) Bird: Robin. Animal: Dog. Stone: Topaz, Red Carnelian. Holly is the ancient Ever-Green Knight of continuing life in dark times though thorny and difficult. As the year waxes and wanes the twins of Oak and Holly battle over the hand of the Goddess, they freely sacrifice to each other and trust in the ever turning cycle of death and rebirth. Holly flowers in the summer and fruits in winter the blood red berries that represent the sacrifice of the Sun God and the promise of returning light and warmth. It is sacred to the Gods of storm and thunder such as Tannus, Taran (Pictish) and Thor, and offers protection against evil, poison, fire and lightning. Tinne is the strength of the Lord in the depths of winter and the waning year. It is the ogham of magic and spiritual strength, of balance and oneness, and the value of personal sacrifice. The spiritual warrior makes a spear shaft from this potent strength and life-force to use in spiritual battles. Bring Holly branches into the home between Yule and Imbolc as a dwelling for the nature spirits for when the weather is at its worst. The winter Robin brings humankind the gift of fire as a flaming branch from the Sun and burns his own breast in the process. The slang ‘Cock Robin’ refers to the phallic qualities of the Gods, the Sun, fire and virility. To ensure good luck for the coming year leave offering outside for the Robin. (Varied Sources) Devon Lammas Picnic After the success of last years Devon picnic you will find this years again at the wonderful location of Hound Tor on Dartmoor. Saturday 1st August 12 noon at Hound Tor Dark Mirror Correspondence Course The Dark Mirror Correspondence course is available free to all Devon, Cornwall, Isles of Scilly and Channel Islands members. It is suitable for complete beginners or for more experienced Pagans looking to add structure to their spiritual journey. There is a Wiccan or Druid version. Please contact Sowelu for more information at : or via the PO Box address. The Devon Handfasting Network If you would like to find out more, or arrange a Handfasting, then please contact Levannah Morgan, the coordinator. Email or tel 07778 304687 or write via the PO Box address. Cornwall Lammas Picnic From the IT Officer And the Cornish Lammas picnic will be at the beautiful St Clether. Our News page on the web site has been somewhat 'moribund' over the last few months. The original idea was that it would only be used for news specifically *about* the PF but discussions have been held about widening the scope of the page. To this end, I'm looking to recruit a small team of 'newshounds' to sniff out the latest, worldwide, stories of pagan relevance and bring them to a wider audience. Sunday 2nd August at St Clether at 12 noon. This exercise would require any stories to be precis'd, for reasons of copyright they cannot just be simple cut/ paste jobs from other web sites - some thought and effort is involved. So if you have a hour or so to spend on-line each week, and would like to help the PF with news dissemination, please contact me at familiarity with Wordpress would be useful but is by no means essential. For Sale Hand-held frame drums made with ethically sourced deer or horseskin. or tel. Sam on 07971 179086 Inter Faith The Pagan Federation are represented on the Devon Faiths Forum, who as you may have heard are undertaking some research into the experience of discrimination on the grounds of religion and belief in Devon. If you would like to contribute to this research then please get in touch!. Investigating Discrimination. The DFF are trying to undertake an investigation into incidents of Discrimination based upon Religion and Belief in Devon. This will be used to help inform Local Government policy in Devon over the next few years. Please contact us with your stories so that your voice is heard! We would like to hear from anyone who has suffered (or believed that they have suffered, or feared) discrimination on the grounds of Religion or Belief in Devon. Whether this is a major incident that led to police involvement, assault, harassment, name-calling or abuse, workplace or school bullying, workplace or school regulations, attitudes expressed in the (local) media or in conversation, access to goods and services, vandalism, we would like to know about it. All contributions will remain anonymous unless you specifically state otherwise. We would like you to contact us with; The name of the person sending the information. (Please indicate if anonymity is not required) & some contact information. The Religion or Belief. An outline of the events. A description of how this made the person feel. A notification if any agencies (Police, Social Services, Schools etc) were informed. Any following events or outcome. Please send this information to us at or by post to: DFF, c/o The Old Deanery, Exeter EX1 1HS Many thanks for your contributions – please pass this information onto anyone else that you think might like to contribute. The Museum of Witchcraft Phone 01840 250111 Educational, Entertaining, Enlightening The Museum of Witchcraft, The Harbour, Boscastle, Cornwall. PL35 OH Exmoor Pagan Camps 2009 Wonderful weekends of community workshops, crafts, music, feasting, friendship, healing and ritual, all centred around a private stone circle and communal fire pit. Camping in a private field bordered by woods and streams in the midst of some of the most beautiful countryside in Exmoor. May Camp Arrive midday Saturday 23rd May Depart midday Tuesday 26th May Midsummer Camp Summer Solstice Incense By The Happy Hedgewitch 'Blessing' The Solstice is: Sweet rain and green grass, Hot sun and growing crops, Birdsong and flowers, Fertility and growth, The scent of herbs and the taste of strawberries, The swelling of fruits and the spreading of leaves, Warmth and strength, passion and love, The fulfilment of wishes and the beginnings of dreams. May your dreams come true this Solstice Night. Blessed be. Arrive midday Friday 26th June Depart midday Monday 29th June Harvest Camp Arrive midday Friday 21st August Depart midday Monday 24th August Ticket only events. Only 50 tickets available for each camp. Book early to secure your place. Cost per Camp £20.00 per adult £10.00 per school age child. Free entry for preschool children. Well behaved dogs kept on a lead welcome. Ticket price includes all workshops, events, crafts, healing and readings along with a communal meal during the weekend. Information and booking forms available from: Yarrow on or telephone 01823 283742 or pick one up at Taunton Pagan Moot This Summer Solstice incense is a blend of the following ingredients: Camomile (symbolising the Sun's power of regeneration, healing and protection) Calendula (representing the Sun's passage through the Wheel of the Year) Lavender (a sacred aromatic Midsummer herb) Frankincense (traditionally used to greet the Sun Gods at sunrise) Oak (a primary power plant of the Summer Solstice, standing at the turning point of the Year) Fennel (another herb sacred to Midsummer, symbolising the purifiying and protective element of fire) Rosemary Orange oil Benzoin ('Blessing' taken from The Wheel Of The Wiccan Year by Gail Duff) Fur Tor, Queen of Dartmoor By Peter Jeffery This poem is basically a true story. My brother passed awy in 1998, aged 52. In the heart of Dartmoor, looms Fur Tor, Queen of all those ancient tors; And we had encountered her, We, the merry Dartmoor walkers. And with my brother and fellow walkers, We had planned to picnic there; Eat cakes and drink red wine To celebrate the summertime. But my brother sadly passed away. Suddenly taken away. Sad victim of life’s reckless pace: Yet why should it happen this way? And I wandered again on Dartmoor, As in days of those merry walkers; Then I heard a voice, which I obeyed, That cried, “Come away! Come away!” I had passed Mary Tavy, North-west of Peter Tavy: Like sister and brother they sttod, Guarding the darkening moor. Then I heard a vixen scream In deepening Tavy Cleave; And I wandered through that clattering cleave: I knew just where it would lead. To Fur Tor, Queen of Dartmoor, Queen of all those ancient tors: Where the Goddess had long time been, Earth Mother still, she would seem. So under pale moonlight’s gleam, I asked my beautiful Queen: Why we are born on one special day And then suddenly snatched away. And I heard that in ancient times, Death called us to rest between lives: But today, we seem restless actors; Lost, merely strange attractors. Now I felt at peace with the Goddess. She seemed kind,never heartless. And I heard the wind sighing, Or was the Goddess crying? DEVONPAGANS Is an egroup for all pagans in Devon or nearby. Http:// We hold regular moots (in a house not a pub!), on the first Monday of every month. All paths are welcome. These are mainly social occasions but we do discuss serious things and have had some visiting speakers on particular topics. We always end by sharing food and drink that we have brought. Good fun! All paths are welcome. The moots take place in Bradninch near Exeter, please contact Sophie ( for directions. NB : It is always wise to contact the Moot Organiser prior to attending a Moot. Whilst details are correct at the time of going to press, these are subject to change with very short notice. EXETER PF MOOT Meets at the White Hart on South Street from 8pm. 1st wednesday monthly. FFI contact Viannah on 077421 42066 or SOUTH WEST DEVON MOOT NORTH DEVON MOOT Meet the first wednesday of each month at the Olive Branch, Boutport Street, Barnstaple 7.30pm - 10.30pm. For further information contact Trudie on 07988 410815 or Or have a look at the website If you would like to amend or add a moot please email me (address below) Meets in the Stoke area of Plymouth, held on 2nd wed of the month 7pm. FFI contact Patrick on 01752 562769 or Michele at SOUTH DEVON PAGAN COMMUNITY MOOT On every 1st Tuesday of the month there will be a moot held at 'The Lime Tree' pub in the centre of Paignton, South Devon. It's an easy social occasion with an open forum. FFI see TAVISTOCK WEST MOOR MOOT Meets on 2nd Thursday of the month. A place to share Pagan news and events, topical discussions and simple ritual. During warmer months we plan visits to the nearby moor and sacred sites to connect with the Spirits of Place. Contact Michele on 01822 617903 or email Dark Mirror submissions Dark Mirror is read by 100’s of Pagans & anything to do with Paganism is most welcome. Please share your thoughts, poems, stories, views opinions. Send your submissions in any format to : Dark Mirror, PF Devon & Cornwall, PO Box314 Exeter, EX4 6YR Or email me at: & put “Dark Mirror” in the subject line. Issue deadlines are:- 10th May; 10th Aug; 9th Nov & 7th Feb Advertising Rates: Small lineage ads from individual PF members are free! We can also display ad space at the following rates:Full Page = £10, Half Page = £5, Quarter Page = £3 All display ads are run for 4 consecutive issues Chicken Tikka Masala, for example, has a very high s value, while the s value of water is zero. t(c) and t(t) indicate the tone of the carpet and topping - the value of p being strongly related to the relationship between the colour of the carpet and topping, as even chicken tikka masala won't cause a permanent and obvious stain if the carpet is the same colour. So it is obvious that the probability of carpet impact is maximised if you use chicken tikka masala and a white carpet - in fact this combination gives a p value of one, which is the same as the probability of a cat landing on its feet. Cat / Toast By Charles Weaver When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands buttered side down. Therefore, if a slice of toast is strapped to a cat's back, buttered side up, and the animal is then dropped, the two opposing forces will cause it to hover, spinning inches above the ground. If enough toast-laden felines were used, they could form basis of a high-speed monorail system. This train of thought should be followed to its logical conclusion. In the buttered toast case, it's the butter that causes it to land buttered side down - it doesn't have to be toast, the theory works equally well with Jacob's crackers. So to save money you just miss out the toast and butter the cats. Also, should there be an imbalance between the effects of cat and butter, there are other substances that have a stronger affinity for carpet. Probability of carpet impact is determined by the following simple formula: p = s * t(t) / t(c) Where p is the probability of carpet impact s is the "stain" value of the toast-covering substance - an indicator of the effectiveness of the toast topping in permanently staining the carpet. Therefore a cat with chicken tikka masala on its back will be certain to hover in mid air, while there could be problems with buttered toast as the toast may fall off the cat, causing a terrible monorail crash resulting in nauseating images of members of the royal family visiting accident victims in hospital, and politicians saying it wouldn't have happened if their party was in power as there would have been more investment in cat-toast glue research. Therefore it is in the interests not only of public safety but also public sanity if the buttered toast on cats idea is scrapped, to be replaced by a monorail powered by cats smeared with chicken tikka masala floating above a rail made from white shag pile carpet Holiday Word Search D I A H J H H L L A M M A S D K A I R Y R M Z L F A T H E N A Q P P Z T E P C G I B M W I D D E R S H I N S E S B A T K T O A T U W P A G A N I S M H F A U T H U L B R U R W T P G M N A T A H A S F K A C O A M G I W R B I Q X N D B A S K W L T N N D N T L R R N J M D E X C F I M L G H S E E C P C O E O V S S A H L S X K B E F M O H S P D R H V T V V C O X F I X Q O E P C H O I V O S T A R A Y B Z N R U R T A R I S N A O F Y X A I I R H B A I M E G A V E S J S O L S T I C E B K G N A R A F A I C U Z P F I R E Y U F U N O T O N T H D I N F W E Q H R I W U S A X I O I E E O R O E A A K A L I P S X R Y O Q S E C N C Z D T W J R I C G L D O S N T M F A H L E C E G F F A W I G A K T K W R N T C E U K R R V K R N Q E H C Z H R X U E J C S A M O Z A T Y L I C N E Q W I O R K V W J R M A X N W F J Word list demeter witchcraft ritual transformation circle hades juno widdershins air odin minerva athena paganism zeus fire mabon equinox esbat neopaganism lammas water ragnarok poseidon ostara shiva kali hecate solstice Imbolc Taken from BellaOnline Taunton Pagan Moot is just one of many meetings, groups and Moots run by volunteers for Pagans and the spiritually minded in Somerset. All are welcome whatever your path or experience: Exmoor Pagan Camps – weekend camping events organised by Yarrow. Fun and very family friendly. May, Midsummer and Harvest Camps now fixed for 2009. Workshops, ritual, crafts, drumming, healing, divination. Contact Yarrow for more information and to book tickets. All welcome. Wiccan Study Group – monthly meeting starting Feb 2009. Basic intro to Wicca and working with the wheel of the year. Limited places. Contact Yarrow on 01823 283742/ to apply. Free Email/Correspondence Course in Wicca/ Natural Magic - for info contact Oak The Taunton Moot We meet every second Monday of the month from 7.30pm onwards in the upstairs meeting room at Mambo Wine Bar (formerly Millers), Mill Lane, just off North Street (near Debenhams and opposite the old main Post Office) Taunton TA1 1LN. Free admittance to all with a small donation for speaker’s expenses encouraged. Moot details available to view on the Wessex Research Group Network website and the Wessex Pagan Federation website : Consider joining the Pagan Federation to find out more about local Pagan events, groups and moots and meet other Pagans in your area. For further info on the Pagan Federation's work contact Yarrow or Oak on Rumtopf Revival By Rayne Mathews Now that summers here why not start your own Rumtopf. They are really simple to make. Originally from Germany, the pots come in many beautiful designs and sizes. Check in the garage or behind the shed as many lay unforgotten. If you don’t have one you can pick them up at a boot sale or on line very cheaply. But don’t worry, any lidded glazed pot will do it and you can even use a large Kilner jar and keep it in a dark place. As your fruits come into season, wash them carefully, weigh and place in a layer in the pot. Cover with the same weight in sugar followed by a covering of dark rum. The rum should come a cm or two above the fruit. Berries can be left whole but plums, apples etc are better cut into bite sized pieces. Pop a plate on top and put the lid on. Keep adding layers as the fruit comes into season until the pot is full. When the last layer has gone in leave the pot untouched in a cool, dark place for 6 weeks to mature, then it’s ready to eat in time for Christmas. Taunton Pagan Moot Programme of talks and workshops for 2009/2010: January 12th 2009 - “An Introduction to the Western Mystery Tradition” - a talk by our friend Levannah Morgan, local Witch and Priestess, including a beginner's introduction to the Cabbalah. Levannah has been working in the Craft for many years and organises the annual Devon and Cornwall Pagan Fed Conference. IMBOLC OPEN CIRCLE RITUAL – details to be advised. February 9th 2009 - “Meeting Birds of Prey” - Richard and Addy will be bringing in a Barn Owl, a Falcon and a Harris Hawk. We will hear all about these beautiful birds, their training habits and how they are viewed spiritually around the world. March 9th 2009 - “The Twelve Spoke Wheel” - an inspired talk by Kevin Saunders, Wiccan High Priest, lecturer and author of both “Wiccan Spirituality” and “Advanced Wiccan Spirituality” on how a revision of the wheel of the year could bring us greater connection with the energies of the seasonal sabbats. April 13th 2009 - "An Introduction to Chaos Magick” - discover the origins and techniques developed by this modern approach to sorcery. Julian Vayne will share some practical examples of 'empty handed magick' for us to take away and try for ourselves. May 11th 2009 - “Messages From Water” - a very inspiring audiovisual presentation by Michael Chamberlain to deepen our awareness of the magical and vibrational world of sound and water, as seen in the film “What the Bleep do we Know?” MAY CAMP, EXMOOR - 23rd - 26th May – WORKSHOPS, RITUAL, DRUMMING, HEALING, CRAFTS, NATURE WALKS, COMMUNAL MEALS AND MUSIC. CONTACT YARROW FOR INFO AND BOOKING FORMS – 01823 283742. June 8th 2009 - “The Wessex Astrum – Sacred Hexagram on the Goddess Landscape” - Pagan author, Peter Knight, will guide us through a presentation of his sixth book, having discovered a huge hexagram on the landscape surrounding Glastonbury, Avebury, Stonehenge and many other sites in the South West. July 13th 2009 – Professor Ronald Hutton – a talk by the popular lecturer and author of Pagan classics “The Triumph of the Moon” and “The Stations of the Sun”. Ronald is a leading authority on ancient and medieval Paganism and magic. August 10th 2009 – “Healing Workshop” - a popular workshop run by Oak enabling all in the room to participate in both giving and receiving healing. HARVEST CAMP, EXMOOR – 21ST – 24TH AUGUST – WORKSHOPS, RITUAL, DRUMMING, HEALING, CRAFTS, NATURE WALKS, MUSIC ETC.....BOOK NOW!! September 14th 2009 - “Crystals – Some History and Uses for Humans and Animals” - Mechelle has a great deal of history and family involvement with witchcraft and speaks regularly on many associated subjects as well as running an excellent Pagan herbs/oils/ incenses etc stall locally, see October 12th 2009 - “Brigid – Goddess, Druidess and Saint” - a talk by local author, lecturer and folklore researcher, Brian Wright, on one of our most loved Celtic Goddesses. Brian is currently writing a book on this subject and, if publishing goes according to plan, will bring copies to the Moot. November 9th 2009 - “Aspects of Druidry: Ancient and Modern” - a talk by Penny Billington, OBOD Druid, author and editor of “Touchstone” magazine, on the few recognised sources of Druidic knowledge available and which of these have been adopted as relevant to modern spirituality. December 14th 2009 - “Yule Folk Night and Stampede Raffle” - calling all musicians and singers! An open floor evening of cheering traditional music, along with our now traditional “stampede raffle”. As usual, bring along as many gift wrapped prizes as you can (small or large, useful or useless) - all proceeds will go to charity. January 11th 2010 - “Reincarnation” - a workshop with Roy Snelling, Taunton Moot regular and Reiki Master, covering aspects of reincarnation, progression of the soul and the collective consciousness (with audience participation encouraged!). February 8th 2010 - details to be confirmed. MIDSUMMER CAMP, EXMOOR – 26TH – 29TH JUNE – WORKSHOPS, RITUAL, DRUMMING, HEALING, CRAFTS, NATURE WALKS, MUSIC ETC....BOOK NOW! March 8th 2010 – details to be confirmed. HUNDREDS OF BRAND NEW BOOKS AT UP TO 70% OFF! Also… Tarot and Oracle Sets and Decks Crystal Runes Dowsing Pendulums 10% Discount on first online order. Subjects Include: Wicca, Witchcraft, Druidry, Celtic, Occultism, Shamanism, Divination, Nature, Ecology, Crystals, Faeries, Angels, Astrology, Novels, Spirituality, Reincarnation, Ley Lines Authors include: Ted Andrews, Kit Berry, Rae Beth, Scott Cunningham, Nevill Drury, Cassandra Eason, Brian Froud, Dion Fortune, Marian Green, Glennie Kindred, John & Caitlin Matthews, Kenneth Meadows, Doreen Virtue Buy Online or Telephone 01409 254144 Barnstaple Pannier Market every Tuesday Devon & Cornwall Pagan Federation Conference Mind, Body Spirit Fayres (see website for Calendar of Events) All major credit/debit cards and Paypal accepted Prices shown exclude postage and packaging
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