Beckman Coulter Cytomics FC500 Flow Cytometry
Beckman Coulter Cytomics FC500 Flow Cytometry
Beckman Coulter Cytomics FC500 Flow Cytometry 自動化五色螢光流式細胞分析儀 Training Course 美商貝克曼庫爾特公司台灣分公司 Principle and Concept of Cytomics FC500 Flow Cytometer 產品專員 李明純 Sabrina Lee 美商貝克曼庫爾特公司台灣分公司 生物醫學部 0800211283 Watching the Cell: Microscopy • True Profile of the Cell • Labor-intensive • Arbitrary results Why use Flow Cytometry • More fast, >100 events per second date rate • With the capability to acquire large amount of cell numbers to improve the accuracy of statistics. • More objectively between you and me • More sensitively than eyes • Analyze with multi-parameters of cell information That’s Why we use Flow Cytometry, FCM, or FACS (Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter) 1 Basics of Flow cytometry Sample Single cell suspend (2×105~107 / mL) (12 × 75 mm tube) Flow Cell Light Scatter Sheath Forward Scatter (FS、FSC) Side Scatter (SS、SSC) 488 nm Argon Ion Laser Fluorescence (FL) FL1 : 525 nm FL2 : 575 nm Cross Section FL3 : 620 nm sample FL4 : 675 nm Waste Flow cell Orifice sheath FL5 : 755 nm Forward Scatter (FS) v.s. Side Scatter (SS) Larger side scatter Larger forward scatter LASER Smaller side scatter Smaller forward scatter LASER Forward scatter ∝ size of cells Side scatter ∝ granularity of cells Example: Whole blood sample RBC lysed FS Size 3 2 Grans 1 Monos Lymphs SS granularity Size: Grans > Monos > Lymphs Granularity: Grans > Monos > Lymphs 2 What kinds of light source used in Flow • Laser (more power but expensive) – 488 nm Blue (Could cover > 90% applications) – 633 nm Red (For APC dye) – 405/407/408 nm Violet – 532 nm Green – 325 nm UV or ML UV (For DAPI, Hoechst 33342) Common Fluorochromes used in Flow FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 ˇ ˇ 3 Flow Cytometry Is Made Of 1. Fluid System 2. Optical System 3. Electronic System 4. Computer System 5. Sorting System 自動化五色流式細胞分析儀 自動化五色流式細胞分析儀 1. Fluid System: Hydrodynamic Focusing (流體動力聚焦) Flow Cell 1. Fluid System: Hydrodynamic Focusing (流體動力聚焦) Sheath 100 – 500 events/ sec Sample 4 2. Cytomics FC 500 Optical System: HeNe Laser Argon Laser SSC detector 光電倍增管(PMT) Flow Cell FSC detector 2. Optical System: Filter Set SP LP 55 0 0 71 LP LP 525 BP 575 BP 620 BP 5 61 0 60 500 LP FL1 FL3 675 BP Side Scatter FL4 755 BP FL5 FL2 • BandPass (BP) • Dichroic LongPass (DL) • Dichroic ShortPass (DS) 3. Electronic System: 光電倍增管 (Photomultipliers, PMT) & 放大訊號(High Voltage) 5 3. Electronic System: Discrimination or Threshold (排除雜訊) FS < 100 FS > 100 FS = 60 ~ 100 3. Electronic System: 將線性訊號轉換成Log訊號 FS、 FS、SS Lin FL1 – FL5 Log Parameter Selection: Lin & Log signal 6 Flow Raw Data 4. Computer System: Data Display Dot Plot 4. Computer System: Data Display Histogram Plot 7 4. Computer System: Gating & Analysis 4. Computer System : 多色實驗、多層次Gating 5. Sorting System: Electronic Sorting (電子式細胞分選系統) 調整: Frequency Drive Amplifier Deflection Plate 設定三條水柱 計算 Time Delay • Sorting Rate: up to 70,000 cells/sec • Purity: > 99% at all speed • Cell recovery: > 95% • Cell viability: > 95% • Time efficient 8 5. Sorting System: Result Important Issues Instrument Components: • • • • • Fluid System Optical System Electronic System Computer System Sorting System Concepts: • • • • • • • • Hydrodynamics Focusing Filter Set PMT & High Voltage Lin & Log Data Discriminator or Threshold List Mode Data Gating and Analysis Sorting Take a Break !! 9 Data Analysis: Plot & Statistics Plots 1. Single parameter histogram 1. Single parameter histogram overlap 10 2. Dual parameter histogram – (1) Dot plot 2. Dual parameter histogram – (2) Contour plot (等高線圖) 2. Dual parameter histogram – (3) Density plot 11 2. Dual parameter histogram – (4) Isometric plot ( Surface plot ) 3. Three parameter histogram (Tomogram) Statistics 1. Percentage : % Total & %Gate 12 2. Mean : X-mean and Y-mean 3. Coefficient of Variant : CV (變異係數) Compensation (螢光補償) 525 575 620 675 755 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 13 FITC + PE 雙染實驗 FL1 PMT:92=90+2 FL2 PMT:100=85+15 FITC + PE 雙染實驗 1. 單染FITC檢體:調整 FL2-%FL1 FITC + PE 雙染實驗 2. 單染PE檢體:調整 FL1-%FL2 QuickCOMP QuickCOMP 14 Compensation (螢光補償) QuickCOMP ˇ Protocol Setting 實驗的必要步驟) ) Flow Setting (設定一個Flow 設定一個Flow實驗的必要步驟 上樣前: 1. Choice Parameter (Lin or Log) 2. Create Displaying Plot 3. Setting Discrimination 上檢體: 4. 利用Control cells 調整偵測器訊號放大程度 (Voltage and Gain) 5. 利用單染檢體調整螢光補償值 (Compensation) All of the setting save in the Protocol 利用調整好的條件正式上檢體 15 1. Parameter Choice (選擇想要收取的參數) 2. Create Plot (利用已選定的參數來做圖) 3. Discrimination(設定雜訊排除的條件) FS (size) = 60 - 100 16 4. 利用Negative Control 調整Voltage and Gain QuickSET 5. 利用單染檢體調整 Compensation (螢光補償) 525 575 620 675 755 Compensation(螢光補償) QuickCOMP 1. 單染FITC:調整 FL2-%FL1 17 Compensation(螢光補償) QuickCOMP 2. 單染PE:調整 FL1-%FL2 利用調整好的條件正式上檢體 Lymph Beckman Coulter Cytomics FC500 簡介 1. 配備488nm (藍色) 及633nm (紅色) 兩種雷射激發波長 2. 可同時偵測 5 種螢光訊號,偵測範圍及相關染劑如下表: 偵測波長 使用488 雷射 使用633 雷射 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 525 nm 575 nm 620 nm 675 nm >755 nm FITC, Alexa Fluor 488 GFP AO PE YFP ECD PE-Texas Red, PI AO PE-Cy5、 PE-Cy5.5、 PerCP、 PerCP-Cy5.5、 7-AAD PE-Cy7、 PerCP-Cy7 Cy5、 APC、 Alexa Fluor 647 APC-Cy7 18 3. 外觀及相關部件 4. 可使用的參數 5. CXP Software CXP Cytometer:儀器操控軟體,可與機器連線,收取List Mode Data,進 行簡單的數據分析。 CXP Analysis:離線分析軟體,可進行較繁複的數據分析,疊圖繪製,多檔 案分析與批次分析。 Thanks for Your Attention !! 19 Flow Cytometry Lesson: Section II: Current Applications of Flow Beckman Coulter Taiwan Branch 技術支援經理 楊人泰 Tim Yang Current Applications of Flow Cytometry: • DNA analysis: cell cycle analysis, tumor monitoring, detection of ploidy, • Understanding Apoptosis: • Cell- surface marker immunofluoresecnce analysis: Stem cells tracking and enumeration; Analysis of platelets; Leukocyte Immunophenotyping; HIV infection Tim Yang Applications of Flow Cytometry: Overview • Cell function assays: • calcium kinetic studies:Ca++ Con., Ca++ kinetic • mitochondria membrane potential:DioC6, JC1 • cellular protein content measurements:GFP, YFP…. • cell proliferation:CFSE • analysis of intracellular proteins:intracellular cytokine • cellular RNA and DNA content:reticulocyte, SCSA • intracellular pH, proton pump activity Tim Yang 1 Cell Function : Calcium kinetic studies Calcium Tracer: Indo-1 Fluo-3 Fluo-4 Fluo-5F Tim Yang Cell Function : Mitochondria Membrane Potential (Dym) DioC6: Dym Stainer Tim Yang Cell Function : cellular protein content measurements EGFP & EYFP Tim Yang 2 Using CFSE to track proliferation Divisions: 3 2 1 0 Divisions: 3 2 1 0 Lyons and Parish, 1994 JIM, 171;131 CFSE Tim Yang Applications of Flow Cytometry: • Detection of soluble protein: beads based multiplex assay • Enzyme kinetics • Detection of intracellular virus and viral products • Environmental microrganism detection, aquatic-organism studies • Chromosomes analysis and sorting • Sex specific sperm sorting Tim Yang Beads-based multiplexed cytokine assay (Multiplex ELISA) 1. 置備檢體 2. 上機及收取數據 3. 利用自動化分析 軟體繪製標準曲 線,並計算未知 檢體的濃度 Tim Yang 3 Typical Data Standard Curves Tim Yang Flow analysis of bacteria Mixed culture (1:1) of M. luteus (gram-positive cocci) and E. coli (gram-negative rods) Isometric flow-cytometric plots. (A) E. coli; (B) M. luteus; (C) mixed culture (1:1) of E. coli and M. luteus. Tim Yang Cell Surface Marker Tim Yang 4 Surface Markers: Tim Yang Surface Markers: • Surface molecular is useful to identify cell type, differential stage and cell function. • Researchers used different names for these molecular. • CD (Cluster designation) numbers are assigned from International workshop on Human Leucocyte Differentiation Antigens (HLDA) • The first workshop was held in 1982. • HLDA-8 was held in 2005 and assigned CD number to CD 339. Tim Yang Surface Marker: How to identify different surface marker: Using monoclonal antibodies Tim Yang 5 Surface Marker: Background Fewer Binding sites Larger Number of Binding sites FL Intensity Tim Yang Surface Marker: Tim Yang 範例一:Double stain surface marker WBC 以 CD3-FITC (T 細胞), CD19-PE (B 細胞)染色 概念:先在 FS /SS Dot Plot上抓到淋巴球,再以FL1 Log/FL2 Log Dot Plot 觀察這兩種 Marker 的染色狀況 必須收取的參數:FS Lin, SS Lin, FL1 Log, FL2 Log 調整機器必須準備的檢體: • Tube 1: Negative control (unstain or isotypic stain)(用以調整 FS, SS, FL1, FL2 的電壓值) • Tube 2:單染CD3-FITC (用以調整 螢光補償) • Tube 3:單染CD19-PE Tim Yang • Tube 4:雙染 CD3-FIT / CD19-PE (用以確認條件的正確與否 ) 6 Parameter Choice (選擇想要收取的參數) Tim Yang Create Plot (利用已選定的參數來做圖) Tim Yang Discrimination or Threshold(設定雜訊排除的條件) FS (size) = 100 Tim Yang 7 利用Negative Control 調整Voltage and Gain (調整PMT將訊號放大的程度) Tim Yang Compensation(設定螢光補償) 單染FITC:調整 FL2-%FL1 Tim Yang Compensation(設定螢光補償) 單染PE:調整 FL1-%FL2 Tim Yang 8 利用調整好的設定值正式上檢體 Lymph Tim Yang 範例二:5 colors surface marker (FITC / PE / ECD / PC5 / PC7) 1. 需要的參數( FS Lin, SS Lin, FL1 ~5 Log) 2. 調整機器需準備的檢體: • Tube 1: Negative control (unstain or isotypic stain)(用以調整 FS, SS, FL1~FL5 的電壓值) • Tube 2:單染 FITC • Tube 3:單染 PE • Tube 4:單染 ECD (用以調整螢光補償) • Tube 5:單染 PC5 • Tube 6:單染 PC7 • Tube 7:5 種螢光色同時染色(用以確認條件的正確與否 ) Tim Yang Critical Issues: 1. Negative Control: Blank (unstain) vs. Isotypic Control Un-Stain Auto-Fluorescence only(0) Isotypic Control Auto Fluorescence(0) + Ab non-Specific Binding(3) Positive Cell Auto Fluorescence(0) + non-Specific Binding(3) + Specific Binding(99) Tim Yang 9 Critical Issues: 1. Negative Control: Blank (unstain) vs. Isotypic Control • non-specific binding 取決於抗體的種類 (Isotype) • 如何選擇 Isotypic Control • 能否不要使用 Isotypic stain 最為 Negative Control ??? Tim Yang Critical Issues: 2. Dye Choice A. Light Source and Emission Channel B. Fluorochromes Excited by different Laser: 488nm:FITC, Alexa 488, PE, PE-Texas Red, PE-Cy5, PE-Cy7 633/536 nm:Cy5, APC, Alexa 647, Alexa 700, Alexa 750, APC-Cy7 405/407/408 nm:Alexa 405, Pacific Blue, Pacific Orange Invetrogen Fluorescence Spectra Viewer: Tim Yang Critical Issues: 2. Dye Choice D. Dye Sensitivity: Tim Yang CD8-FITC CD8-PE CD8-ECD CD8-PC5 CD8-PerCP CD8-APC PerCP < APC < FITC < ECD < PC5 < PE 10 Critical Issues: 3. Manually vs. Auto Compensation partially compensated fully compensated FL2 uncompensated FL1 • Manual Compensation 使用肉眼判斷螢光補償值是否合適 • 通常可使用平均值或中位數輔助判斷 • 當進行多色實驗時,因染劑光譜重疊複雜,常不易執行人工螢光補償 Tim Yang Critical Issues: 3. Manually vs. Auto Compensation • 在沒有設定任何螢光補償的情況下,量測每種染劑進入個別螢光通道的強度 • 軟體綜合量測結果,計算出完整的 Compensation Matrix Tim Yang DNA content Analysis (Cell cycle & Apoptosis) Tim Yang 11 DNA Content Analysis-common sense • DNA content analysis is one of the oldest Flow applications. • Using appropriate dye to label DNA and then measuring the fluorescence by flow cytometry • DNA dyes using on flow cytometry: - Propidium Iodide (PI) - DAPI - 7-AAD - Hoechst 33342, 33258 - Acridine Orange (AO) - Vybrant DyeCycle • Familiar applications using this technology: - Cell cycle analysis - Ploidy analysis - DNA index analysis - Apoptosis sub-G1 analysis Tim Yang Application 1: cell cycle analysis Cells contain different DNA content through cell cycle 4C 4C G2 M 2C G1 2C~4C S 2C G0 Quiescent cells Tim Yang Application 1: cell cycle analysis Tim Yang 12 Application 1: cell cycle analysis 4C 4C G2 M G1 S 2C G0 Cell Numbers 2C~4C Stained with PI, analyzed by Flow 2C 2C 4C 2C~4C Tim Yang DNA content or FL intensity Application 1: cell cycle analysis G2-M % # of Events G0-G1 % Tim Yang S % Fluorescence Intensity Application 1: cell cycle analysis Cell cycle (PI stained) + mataphase specific protein (phospho-histon-H3) Tim Yang 13 Application 1: cell cycle analysis BromodeoxyUridine (BrdU) Incorporation Control (left) versus drug treated (right) effect on cell cycle Tim Yang Application 2: ploidy analysis • • • Hyperdiploid: greater than the normal 2n number of chromosomes Hypodiploid: Less than the normal 2n number of chromosomes Tetraploidy: Containing double the number of chromosomes Tim Yang Application 3: DNA index analysis Tim Yang 14 Application 4: apoptosis (sub-G0/G1) analysis DNA Content Measurement : Sub-G0/G1 Control Drug treated Tim Yang The process: cell stained with PI, gating the major population from SS/FS plot and display gated cell on fluorescent (FL2 or FL3) histogram But………PI usually bring the doublet problem…….. Doublet Problem SS ? FL2 or FL3 FS How to gate out the doublet cell before FL plot display?? Tim Yang The signaling process by Flow There are 3 kinds of signals could be measured (H) A (A) B C Time of Flight (W) In FACSan and FACSCalibur, we used to used ‘H’ as the major parameter In FC500, XL, and FACSCanto, we used to used ‘A’ as the major parameter Tim Yang 15 To measure the signals between singlet and doublet : Peak (H) 1 2 1 Integral (A) 1 2 2 TOF (W) 1 1 2 Tim Yang Doublet discrimination: method 1, using H and A Peak (H) 1 2 1 Integral (A) 1 2 2 Tim Yang Doublet discrimination: method 1, using H and A You could use this method on XL, FC500, FACSCanto, Cyan……. Tim Yang 16 Doublet discrimination: method 2, using H, A and H/A Peak (H) 1 2 1 Integral (A) 1 2 2 Ratio (H/A) 1 1 ½ or <1 Tim Yang Doublet discrimination: method 2, using H, A and H/A You could use this method on XL, FC500…….. Tim Yang Doublet discrimination: method 3, using A and W Integral (A) 1 2 2 Tim of Flight (W) 1 1 2 Tim Yang 17 Doublet discrimination: method 3, using A and W You could use this method on FACScan, FACSCalibur, FACSCanto……. Tim Yang SS So… the real process are………………. FS FL2 or FL3 Tim Yang Cell cycle analysis: real practice on FC500 1. Parameters selection Tim Yang 18 2. Plots Creation 3. Instrument Setup: Run Control Cell Staining with PI: 調整 FS、SS、FL3 Lin(Int)、FL3 Peak Voltage & Gain Tim Yang Final Result Tim Yang Other critical issues: 1. The proficiency of sample preparation: the CV of G0G1 phase Good resolution Bad resolution Solution: Tim Yang 19 Other critical issues: 2. How to resolve GoG1 / S / G2M phase? Manually G2-M % # of Events G0-G1 % By Software: Phoenix MultiCycle or Verity Mofit S% Tim Yang Fluorescence Intensity Some Flow relative web-sites: Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories‘ E-mail Archive 陽明大學儀器中心及 Flow 討論區 NCI ETI Branch Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory Invitrogen’s Fluorescence Spectra Viewer Tim Yang 20
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