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MacDougall's Soviet and Post-Soviet Art 12 October 2015 London 12 October 2015 London Soviet and Post-Soviet Art 12 October 2015 London Soviet and Post-Soviet Art Auction Monday, 12 October, 14:30 Viewing Monday–Friday, 11 September–09 October, 11:00–18:00 Saturday–Sunday, 10–11 October, 11:00–18:00 MacDougall Arts Ltd 30A Charles II St London, SW1Y 4AE, England London Tel: Moscow Tel: Kiev Tel: Paris Tel: +44-20-7389-8160 +7-495-799-4683 +38-044-466-2006 +33-1-5345-5418 E-mail: Fax: russian@macdougallauction.com +44-20-7389-8170 www.MacDougallauction.com For G. MacDougall Arts Ltd. William MacDougall Dr Catherine MacDougall Director Director and Russian Art Expert Dr Vladimir Petrov Alexander Kuznetsov Irina Minervino Russian Art Expert Russian Art Expert Associate Director Dr Olga Vaigatcheva Associate Director, Head of Works of Art, Faberge' and Icons Tatiana Sapegina Associate Director Catherine Marshall Nadia McInroy Helen McIldowie-Jenkins Senior Russian Art Cataloguer Senior Russian Art Specialist Icon Cataloguer Jacob Gildor Olga Glebova Lev Wolfson Ecole de Paris Expert Russian Works on Paper Expert Icon Expert Nikita Lobanov-Rostovsky Robert Bowman Charles Ross Russian Theatre Design Expert Bronze Expert Auctioneer Nina Sorensen Senior Russian Art Specialist Daria Sitnina Svetlana Djelalian Accounts Manager Icons and Works of Art Cataloguer Anastasia Johnston Russian Art Cataloguer Maria Garmaeva Shipping Manager © 2015 MacDougall Arts Ltd ISSN 1745–3429, MacDougall Arts Ltd, 30A Charles II St, London Registered Company № 5175060 in England and Wales Catalogue design by chaykadesign studio, photography by Todd-White, printed by “ATG Printers” and “Buki-Vedi”, Moscow Soviet and Post-Soviet Art Lots 1–145 * 1. Sidorov, Valentin (B. 1928) 2. Night Roses, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated dedication, titled and dated 1965 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, laid on cardboard, 50 by 69.5 cm (cardboard size). 1984 on the reverse, also further signed and titled on the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 100.5 by 80.5 cm. Provenance: A gift from the artist to Dr Stanislav (Stasa) Zivkovic, an art historian, in Belgrade, 3 September 1991 (inscription on the reverse). Acquired from the above by the present owner in Belgrade, 29 February 2012. Private collection, Serbia. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by Cees Hogendoorn, a prominent collector of Soviet art, in Moscow, early 1990s. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, December 1993. Private collection, the Netherlands. Authenticity certificate from Dr Stanislav Zivkovic. The work is accompanied by a signed photograph of the artist with the painting. Exhibited: Possibly, Four Seasons. Paintings by Valentin M. Sidorov, SASA Gallery, Belgrade, 1991. £15,000–20,000 £15,000–20,000 ( 10 ) Maksimov, Konstantin (1913–1994) First Thaw, signed, also further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic with a signed www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 11 ) 3. Stozharov, Vladimir (1926–1973) 4. Nissky, Georgy (1903–1987) Malyi Theatre, Leningrad, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1953 On a Sailing Boat. Evening, signed. on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 61.5 by 92 cm. Oil on canvas, 60.5 by 81 cm. Provenance: With the salon of the E. Vuchetich All-USSR Art and Production Association (VKhPO), Moscow (label on the reverse). Acquired at the above by a previous owner, 1980s. Acquired from the above by a previous owner, 1990s. Private collection, Europe. Private collection, France. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by Cees Hogendoorn, a prominent collector of Soviet art, in Moscow, early 1990s. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, December 1993. Private collection, the Netherlands. Literature: Vladimir Fedorovich Stozharov, 1926–1973, Zhivopis, Risunok, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1977, p. 64, listed. £30,000–50,000 £15,000–20,000 ( 12 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 13 ) Lots 5–9. Important Private Collection of Severe Style Art, UK 5. Popkov, Viktor (1932–1974) 6. Popkov, Viktor (1932–1974) Ailing Artist, signed and dated 1972, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic Church in Velegozha, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1964 on the reverse. and dated “Mai 72/Zakonchil Mart 73” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 81 by 101 cm. Oil on cardboard, 70 by 100 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by the present owner. Private collection, UK. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by the present owner. Private collection, UK. Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. Literature: Viktor Popkov, A Russian Painter of Genius, London, Unicorn Press, 2013, p. 224, illustrated. Literature: Viktor Popkov, A Russian Painter of Genius, London, Unicorn Press, 2013, p. 304, illustrated and listed with incorrect size. £15,000–20,000 £25,000–30,000 ( 14 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 15 ) 7. Popkov, Viktor (1932–1974) Field Station, signed and titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Pencil and gouache on paper, laid on canvas, 60.5 by 84 cm. Executed in 1960. Provenance: With the Art Fund of the USSR (label on the backing board). Acquired directly from the artist’s family by the present owner. Private collection, UK. Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. Literature: Viktor Popkov, A Russian Painter of Genius, London, Unicorn Press, 2013, p. 129, illustrated and listed with incorrect size. £8,000–12,000 8. Popkov, Viktor (1932–1974) Churchyard in Oshevenskoe, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1966 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 69.5 by 99.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by the present owner. Private collection, UK. Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. Literature: Viktor Popkov, A Russian Painter of Genius, London, Unicorn Press, 2013, p. 216, illustrated. £15,000–20,000 9. Popkov, Viktor (1932–1974) Sunny Day in Zhigalovo, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1970 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 69.5 by 99.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by the present owner. Private collection, UK. Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. Literature: Viktor Popkov, A Russian Painter of Genius, London, Unicorn Press, 2013, p. 282, illustrated. £15,000–20,000 ( 16 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 17 ) * 10. * 11. Plastov, Arkady (1893–1972) Gritsai, Alexei (1914–1998) Autumn Sun. Pine Trees, stamped with the artist’s initials, also further signed, Pokrovsky Cathedral with a Bell Tower. Suzdal, signed. stamped with the artist’s initials and titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 52 by 62 cm. Oil on paper, laid on cardboard, 57.5 by 77 cm. Executed c. 1984–1990. Executed in the first half of the 1960s. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Collection of Nikolai Plastov, the artist’s grandson (stamp on the reverse). Acquired directly from the above by the present owner in Moscow, c. 2000. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Alla Gritsai, the artist’s daughter-in-law. Authenticity certificate from Nikolai Plastov. £15,000–20,000 £12,000–18,000 ( 18 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 19 ) 12. * 13. Gerasimov, Sergei (1885–1964) Gritsai, Alexei (1914–1998) The Last Snow, signed and dated 1954. Mushrooms, signed. Oil on canvasboard, 50 by 69.5 cm. Oil on canvasboard, 50 by 69.5 cm. Provenance: Private collection, France. Executed in the mid-1960s. Exhibited: Vsesoyuznaya khudozhestvennaya vystavka, Zhivopis, Skulptura, Grafika, Plakat, Dekoratsionnaya zhivopis, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, 1954. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Literature: Exhibiton catalogue, Vsesoyuznaya khudozhestvennaya vystavka, Zhivopis, Skulptura, Grafika, Plakat, Dekoratsionnaya zhivopis, Moscow, The State Tretyakov Gallery, 1954, p. 21, listed under works from 1954. Authenticity certificate from Alla Gritsai, the artist’s daughter-in-law. £15,000–20,000 £10,000–15,000 ( 20 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 21 ) An Important Work by Konstantin Maksimov Lotuses 14. Maksimov, Konstantin (1913–1994) Lotuses, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1956 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 100 by 150 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. £100,000–150,000 Константин Максимов был одним из первых советских художников, поновому интерпретировавших строгие академические традиции сталинских времен, основываясь на стилистических принципах импрессионизма. Живописец представлен на торгах тремя работами (лоты 2, 14 и 70), две из которых так или иначе связаны с чрезвычайно важным, переломным периодом его творческой биографии — работой в Китае в 1954– 1957 годах, во многом преобразившим как духовный мир, так и художественную манеру живописца. В полотнах «Лотосы» и «Ночные розы» (лот 2), являющих собой уголки природы с живыми цветами, ощущается влияние древней китайской философии даосизма, оказавшей воздействие на мировоззрение художника. В китайском классическом искусстве не было места натюрморту — под кистью мастеров рождались только образы растений в природном окружении, символизировавшие отражение великого мирового разума даже в крошечной части мироздания. Максимов очень чутко воспринял и воплотил в своем искусстве эту традицию, повлиявшую на все его творчество и после китайского периода: работы «Лотосы» и «Ночные розы», отдавшие ей дань, разделяет почти 30 лет. Ощущение вселенной в малом особенно явно присутствует в полотне «Лотосы», датированном 1956 годом. Работа была выполнена непосредственно во время командировки художника от Министерства культуры СССР в Пекин, где он почти три года вел мастер-класс в Китайской академии искусств. Пребывание художника в Китае было настолько успешным, что он по праву до сих пор считается в этой стране основателем современной реалистической школы китайской живописи европейского направления. Однако работа «Лотосы» свидетельствует о том, что обмен творческим опытом имел двусторонний характер: художник много дал культуре Китая и чрезвычайно много почерпнул из нее. Картина «Лотосы» раскрывает талант Максимова как утонченного колориста, в то же время подчеркивая его мастерство в плане композиционного построения. Скромный уголок пруда с лотосами — одним из основных символов восточной философии — превращен кистью мастера в гимн красоте мироздания. Изящные цветы выступают как главные герои полотна и явно запечатлены художником поутру, когда они, раскрываясь после ночного сна, символизируют собой возрождение жизненных сил, возвращение молодости, бессмертие. Konstantin Maksimov was amongst the first Soviet artists to reinterpret the rigorous academic canons of the Stalinist era through the stylistic principles of Impressionism. Three of his works are offered at auction (lots 2, 14 and 70). Two of them are associated with the years 1954–1957, which Maksimov spent in China and which were a defining period in the artist’s creative and spiritual life. The canvasses Lotuses and Night Roses (lot 2) — both of them scenes with natural, living flowers — show the influence of the ancient Chinese philosophical system of Taoism on the artist’s world view. The genre of still life had no place in Chinese classical art; but from the masters’ brushes were born images of plants in their natural environment, where as only a tiny part of the world fabric they still symbolised a reflection of the great Universal Mind. This was a tradition to which Maksimov was highly sensitive and which continued to play a role in his art long after his sojourn in China — as seen in Lotuses and Night Roses, which are separated by a period of almost 30 years. The sense of the universal present in the particular is especially evident in Lotuses, which was painted in 1956, during the artist’s delegation by the USSR Ministry of Culture to Beijing, where he led a master class at the Chinese Academy of Arts for nearly three years. The artist’s stay in China was so successful, that he is still viewed as the founder of the Chinese realist school of painting in the European tradition. However, Lotuses clearly shows that the cultural exchange was mutual: if Maksimov gave much to China, he also received much from it. Lotuses reveals Maksimov’s talent as a refined colourist whilst at the same time displaying his mastery of composition. A humble pond with lotus flowers — one of the main symbols of Eastern philosophy — is transformed by the master’s brush into a hymn to the beauty of creation. The main focus of the picture are the graceful flowers, shown by the artist at morning time when they have reopened after the night, symbolising rebirth and renewal, the return of youth and immortality. This outstanding painting, undoubtedly among the best of Maksimov’s works from his Chinese period, is being offered on the art market for the first time. Это выдающееся полотно, несомненно относящееся к числу важнейших работ Максимова его китайского периода, впервые предлагается на художественном рынке. K. Maksimov, Chinese Girl, 1956 ( 24 ) K. Maksimov, Chinese Lanterns, 1956 K. Maksimov, Portrait of the Artist Qi Baishi, 1958 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 25 ) 15. Tkachev, Sergei and Tkachev, Aleksei (B. 1922 and B. 1925) * 16. Tkachev, Sergei (B. 1922) * 17. Tkachev, Sergei and Tkachev, Aleksei (B. 1922 and B. 1925) Young Family, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1961 on the reverse. Windy Day, signed, also further signed, Oil on canvas, laid on cardboard, 48.5 by 83 cm. titled in Cyrillic and dated 1990 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 31 by 49.5 cm. First Snow, signed and dated 1986, also further Literature: Aleksej e Sergej Tkacev, Turin, Galleria Pirra, 1996, p. 65, No. T/35, illustrated; p. 166, listed. Exhibition catalogue, La figura femminile, Deiva Marina, Torre Saracena, 2010, illustrated. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artists by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. £15,000–20,000 Authenticity certificate from the artist. Provenance: Galleria Pirra, Turin (label on the reverse). Exhibited: La figura femminile, Torre Saracena, Deiva Marina, Italy, 17 July–20 September 2010. signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 66 by 91.5 cm. Authenticity certificate from the artists. £15,000–20,000 £6,000–9,000 * 18. Tkachev, Sergei and Tkachev, Aleksei (B. 1922 and B. 1925) Rainbow, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1989 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 41 by 41 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artists by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from the artists. £5,000–7,000 ( 26 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 27 ) * 19. * 20. Gritsai, Alexei (1914–1998) Road to Posega Village, stamped with the artist’s initials, also further signed, Oil on cardboard, 44.5 by 68 cm. stamped with the artist’s initials, titled in Cyrillic and dated “1948–52 gg.” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 57 by 68 cm. Executed c. 1983. Provenance: Acquired directly from Alla Gritsai, the artist's daughter-in-law, in Moscow, 2005. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Collection of Nikolai Plastov, the artist’s grandson (stamp on the reverse). Acquired directly from the above by the present owner in Moscow, c. 2000. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Alla Gritsai. Authenticity certificate from Nikolai Plastov. £12,000–18,000 ( 28 ) Plastov, Arkady (1893–1972) Summer Stroll, signed. £15,000–20,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 29 ) 21. Nizovaya, Sofia (1918–1993) Design for the Poster “Ty trud drugogo uvazhai, sam nasoril, sam ubirai!”, signed and dated 1954. Pencil, ink and gouache on paper, laid on card, 80.5 by 51.5 cm (card size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s studio by Roy Miles, Soviet art collector and art dealer, in Kharkov (label on the backing board). Roy Miles Gallery, London (label on the backing board). Acquired from the above by the present owner, c. 1990. Private collection, UK. * 22. * 23. Pakhomov, Alexei (1900–1973) Traffic Controller, signed twice, once with a monogram, Pimenov, Yuri (1903–1977) Poster Design for the S. Gerasimov Film “Dochkimateri”, signed and dated 1974. and dated 1946, also further signed and dated on the reverse. Pencil and watercolour, heightened with white, on paper, 64 by 44 cm. Pencil and gouache on paper, 127.5 by 104 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. Authenticity certificate from Tatiana Pimenova, the artist’s daughter. Authenticity certificate from the expert L. Lapteva. £4,000–6,000 £70,000–90,000 £3,000–5,000 ( 30 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 31 ) * 24. * 25. Kustodiev, Boris (1878–1927) Sailor with His Sweetheart and Sketch for the Aforementioned Composition, from the series “Russian Types”, double-sided work, one side signed and dated 1925. Kustodiev, Boris (1878–1927) Lovers, signed with initials. Pencil and watercolour on paper, 13 by 21.5 cm. Each side pencil and ink on paper, 26 by 20.5 cm (image size). Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. The present lot comprises the preparatory studies for the 1926 linocut Sailor with His Sweetheart, currently in the collection of the State Russian Museum. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert E. Zhukova. Authenticity certificate from the expert E. Zhukova. Provenance: Collection of Vsevolod Voinov, an artist, art historian and Kustodiev’s close friend (stamp on the work). Important private collection, Europe. £35,000–40,000 Authenticity certificate from the expert E. Zhukova. £30,000–40,000 ( 32 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 33 ) An Important Work by Aleksandr Deineka Behind the Curtain * 26. Deineka, Aleksandr (1899–1969) Behind the Curtain, signed and dated 1933. Oil on canvas, 75 by 54.5 cm. Provenance: A gift from the artist to his friend Fedor Bogorodsky (1895–1959), a Soviet artist (inscription on the work). Collection of the Bogorodsky family. Important private collection, Europe. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert T. Zelyukina. £2,000,000–3,000,000 Александр Дейнека, признанный мастер отечественной школы живописи советского периода, представлен уникальным живописным полотном «За занавеской». Картина написана в 1933 году, в самый расцвет творчества знаменитого художника. Широкой публике Александр Дейнека известен как неустанный пропагандист своей социалистической родины, прославивший ее прежде всего великолепными, запоминающимися образами на военнопатриотическую, трудовую и спортивную тематику. Такие шедевры мастера, как «Оборона Петрограда» (1927), «Мать» (1932), «Будущие летчики» (1937), «Оборона Севастополя» (1942) и «На юге» (1966), стали неотъемлемой классикой для нескольких поколений российских граждан. Трудно привести в пример более яркого и запоминающегося живописца советской эпохи. Его полными оптимизма образами пропитана вся наша «прошлая» жизнь, в чем-то, быть может, выдуманная, часто радостно возвышенная или трагичная, но, безусловно, уникальная и яркая. Искусство Александра Дейнеки – это больше чем свидетельство ее существования, это драгоценный, подтверждающий ее сущность артефакт. Представленная на настоящих торгах работа по своей тематике и настроению чрезвычайно редка не только для Дейнеки, но и для основной массы художников его времени. Конечно же, работы с эротической составляющей в той или иной степени производились во все, даже самые тяжелые для свободного искусства времена (возьмем, к примеру, графику Сергея Эйзенштейна или Ивана Ефимова). Однако преобладающее большинство подобных произведений получило широкую огласку только после распада тоталитарного строя. A. Deineka, Mother, 1932, The State Tretyakov Gallery ( 36 ) Некоторые более «спокойные» ню Александра Самохвалова и Владимира Лебедева в свое время так и не были экспонированы. Что же касается Александра Дейнеки, то тут вообще случай особый. Его работы занимали главенствующие места на ведущих вернисажах страны, и если предположить, что «За занавеской» и могла каким-то образом быть включена в экспозицию выставки, то вызвала бы неминуемый скандал. Времена чуждой строю «декадентской» эротики Константина Сомова и Бориса Кустодиева давно канули в лету, а тотализированная мораль не терпела отклонений. Эта уникальная работа была подарена художником предположительно в 1933–1935 годах своему собрату по кисти Федору Богородскому, а затем долгие годы хранилась в семье живописца (надпись на холсте «Дейнека Ф. Богородскому» служит лучшим тому подтверждением). В те годы Александра Дейнеку и Федора Богородского связывала тесная дружба и совместные творческие командировки. Известно, например, что вместе они посетили Крым. Живописно-художественные достоинства этого, в общем, камерного произведения не вызывают никаких сомнений. Сочный, пульсирующий мазок, изысканный серебристо-умбристый колорит, безошибочно определяющий раннее рассветное утро, экспрессия модели, безмолвно, но точно повествующая о происходящем, – всем этим наполнена живая, искренняя и, быть может, даже в чем-то лихая работа Дейнеки. Курьезность немногочисленных, но метко схваченных деталей пронзительно напоминает нам о том, что кроме «Стихов о советском паспорте», станков, комбайнов и шахтерских забоев в нас всегда оставался простой, человеческий гедонизм, существовавший и существующий независимо от выдуманной фальшивой морали. A. Deineka, In the South, 1966 A. Deineka, Future Pilots, 1937, The State Tretyakov Gallery www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction Aleksandr Deineka, the recognised master of official Soviet art, is represented by a unique canvas, Behind the Curtain. The painting dates from 1933, when the artist was at the height of his creative career. Deineka is best known as a tireless proselytiser of his socialist homeland, which he glorified in awe-inspiring images of war, patriotism, labour, and sport. Deineka’s masterpieces, such as The Defence of Petrograd (1927), Mother (1932), Future Pilots (1937), The Defence of Sevastopol (1942) and In the South (1966) have become essential classics for generations of Russians. It would be hard to point to an artist who was more recognisable or definitive of the Soviet era. His images, full of optimism, have become fused with the Soviet past, as remembered by those who lived through it – a past that may be partly fictitious, which varies from the sublime to the tragic, but which is undoubtedly unique and vibrant. The art of Aleksandr Deineka is much more than evidence that such a way of life once existed: it is a precious artefact and one which affirms the essence of that life. The theme and mood of the work, which is offered at auction, is extremely rare, not only for Deineka, but for most artists of the time. Of course, works with an erotic component continued to be produced, even in the darkest days of artistic restriction (for example, the works of Sergei Eisenstein or Ivan Yefimov). However, most of such works were only brought to the public gaze after the collapse of the totalitarian system. Other “subdued” nudes by Alexander Samokhvalov and Vladimir Lebedev were never exhibited at the time. Deineka, however, is a special case. His paintings used to headline the most prestigious Soviet art exhibitions, and the inclusion of Behind the Curtain in an exhibition would have inevitably caused scandal. The decadent eroticism of Konstantin Somov and Boris Kustodiev was no longer tolerated, and totalitarian morality allowed no deviations. Deineka donated this unique work, presumably in 1933–1935, to his fellow artist Fedor Bogorodsky, in whose family it remained for many years (as confirmed by the inscription on the canvas, “Deineka to F. Bogorodsky”). The two artists were firm friends at the time and travelled together on painting expeditions. It is known, for example, that they visited the Crimea together. The painterly and artistic merits of this chamber work are in no doubt. The rich, pulsating brush strokes, the exquisite silver-ombré colouration expressive of the early morning, the model’s expression – that speaks wordlessly but unmistakably of the circumstances – all of these elements give Deineka’s painting a lively, sincere, even frisky aura. The quirky character of the details of the work – few in number yet skilfully captured – reminds us that simple human hedonism lived on, underlying Verses on My Soviet Passport, factory machinery, combine harvesters and coal mines – with no regard for an artificial and false morality. ( 38 ) 27. Gladkiy, Mikhail (B. 1923) Iordansky, Boris (1903–1983) 29. Kotov, Petr (1889–1953) Seated Nude, signed, also further signed, titled Young Athlete, signed and dated 1954, also Laundry Day, signed on the reverse. in Cyrillic and dated 1951 on the reverse. Pencil and watercolour on paper, 59.5 by 42 cm. further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse, also further signed and titled on the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 90.5 by 50 cm. Oil on canvas, 84 by 119 cm. Provenance: Private collection, USA. Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. £5,000–7,000 £15,000–20,000 Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Lviv, c. 2006. Private collection, the Netherlands. £2,000–3,000 ( 40 ) * 28. www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction Executed c. 1935. Provenance: Private collection, UK. MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 41 ) Lots 30‒38. Important Private Collection of Nikolai Terpsikhorov Works, USA П оявление на рынке столь обширной подборки произведений Николая Терпсихорова, объединившей его важные работы 1930–1950-х годов, предоставляет коллекционерам уникальную возможность пополнить свои собрания выдающимися произведениями одного из классиков русского искусства середины XX века. Николай Терпсихоров (1890–1960), один из основоположников социалистического реализма, безусловно, принадлежит к плеяде самых ярких советских мастеров 1920–1950-х годов. Художник был убежденным последователем живописной эстетики и идеологии объединения АХРР (Ассоциация художников революционной России), действовавшего в 1922–1932 годах и ставшего предтечей Союза художников СССР. Участник Гражданской войны Терпсихоров приобрел известность в 1920-х годах благодаря своим тематическим картинам, пронизанным революционной героикой и романтикой и напоенным искренним оптимизмом участника созидания новой социалистической действительности. В предлагаемую на торги коллекцию вошли жанровые полотна, пейзажи и портреты Терпсихорова 1930–1950-х годов — периода его высших достижений как живописца. Представленные на торги среднеазиатские работы знаменуют новую веху в развитии Терпсихорова как колориста, произошедшую благодаря его поездкам в Узбекистан и Туркмению. Терпсихоров посещал Среднюю Азию несколько раз: в 1929 году, когда он побывал в Узбекистане, и в 1935 году в Туркмении. Творческий подъем, пережитый Терпсихоровым в те годы, явственно ощущается в работах туркменского цикла, вошедших в экспозицию. Помимо изначального стремления художника выполнить социальный заказ на демонстрацию нового советского образа жизни в азиатских республиках T he appearance on the market of such a representative collection of works by Nikolai Terpsikhorov, including the most important paintings of his oeuvre, offers a unique opportunity for collectors to acquire outstanding pieces by of one of the foremost painters of the first half‒mid-20th century Russian art. Nikolai Terpsikhorov (1890–1960) was among the founders of Socialist Realism and one of the leading Soviet masters of the 1920s–1950s. He was a staunch believer in the artistic aesthetics and ideology of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AKhRR), which existed from 1922 until 1932 and prepared the way for the Union of Artists of the USSR. After serving in the Red Army during the Civil War, Terpsikhorov won renown in the 1920s with his genre paintings, full of revolutionary ardour, romance and the sincere optimism of someone who was actively engaged in construction of the new Socialist reality. The collection offered for auction includes genre paintings, landscapes and portraits by Terpsikhorov from the 1930s–1950s — the period of his highest achievements as a painter. The works from Terpsikhorov’s Central Asian oeuvre represent a new phase in his blossoming as a colourist, triggered by his experiences in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Terpsikhorov visited Central Asia twice: in 1929 he travelled to Uzbekistan, and in 1935, to Turkmenistan. The creative surge which Terpsikhorov experienced there, is palpable in the works of his Turkmen cycle, where alongside his dutiful commitment to showing a new way of life in the Central значительная часть картин представляет живые, яркие впечатления Терпсихорова о людях и жизни в Туркмении. Особое место в туркменском цикле Терпсихорова занимают трогательные портреты детей, как, например, полотно «Туркменская девочка с арбузом», пленяющее своей непосредственностью. «Звонкий» по цвету образ юной мечтательницы грациозен и поэтичен. Девочка не позирует художнику — она будто и не замечает его. Живописец уловил и передал мгновение, когда, погруженная в себя, она предстает миру в своем естественном очаровании. В 1930–1950-е годы Терпсихоров периодически возвращается к тематической картине — жанру, принесшему ему успех в 1920-е годы. MacDougall’s с гордостью представляет полотно «Письмо с фронта», датированное 1947 годом и являющееся, безусловно, одним из самых выдающихся произведений живописца. Значительный пласт в предлагаемой коллекции составляет среднерусский пейзаж — работы, написанные Терпсихоровым близ Оки и Камы, в основном в 1940-е и 1950-е годы. Особенно полюбились художнику городок Таруса и его окрестности на Оке, куда он впервые приехал в 1936 году. В 1950-е годы Терпсихоров каждый год с ранней весны до поздней осени жил и работал в деревне Ладыжино близ Тарусы. Все приглянувшиеся ему места в Тарусе и вокруг нее увековечены в его пейзажах, таких как «Рыбачья деревня», «На берегу Оки», «Дорога в поле» и «Осеннее утро». Художник с необыкновенной живописной силой запечатлел берега Оки с широкими заречными далями, зеленый шум лесов, деревенские уголки и необъятные просторы полей, полные тишины и покоя. Asian Soviet republics he exhibits a clear predilection for rendering his personal vivid, bright impressions of the local people and their livelihood. A special place in Terpsikhorov’s Turkmen cycle is occupied by moving pictures of children, such as Turkmen Girl with Watermelon with its charming immediacy. The sonorous colouring of the young dreamer has grandeur and poetry. Far from posing for the artist, the girl seems unaware of his presence. The painter has captured and conveyed a moment when, absorbed in herself, the girl stands revealed in all her natural grace. Terpsikhorov returned periodically in the 1930s–1950s to the theme-picture genre that had brought him success in the 1920s. MacDougall’s is proud to present Letter from the Front, painted in 1947, which is undoubtedly one of the painter’s finest works. The countryside of Central Russia, captured by Terpsikhorov in paintings of landscapes along the Oka and Kama rivers, mostly from the 1940s and 1950s, is an important theme in this collection. The artist was especially fond of the town of Tarusa and its environs on the Oka river. Visiting for the first time in 1936, he virtually settled there in the 1950s, staying from the early spring to late autumn in the village of Ladyzhino, near Tarusa. His favourite local places are immortalised in landscapes such as Fishing Village, By the Oka River, Road in the Field and Autumn Morning. These canvasses of the Oka with their broad vistas stretching beyond the river, the green murmur of the forests, the secret corners of the countryside and the vast, tranquil expanse of fields, all have an unmistakable artistic power. * 30. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Country Yard in Winter, signed and dated 1939, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 57 by 91 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 65, pl. XLII, illustrated; p. 99, listed. £7,000–9,000 MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 43 ) * 31. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Letter from the Front, signed and dated 1947, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 130 by 171 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. Literature: Nikolai Borisovich Terpsikhorov, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1954, illustrated. V. Swanson, Soviet Impressionism, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2001, p. 95, pl. 53, illustrated. V. Swanson, Soviet Impressionist Painting, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2008, p. 94, pl. 58, illustrated. Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 38, pl. XVII, illustrated; p. 99, listed. Nikolai Terpsikhorov. Zhivopis, Grafika, Moscow, 2011, p. 97, illustrated. £60,000–90,000 Гамма переживаний двух персонажей в основе сюжета картины «Письмо с фронта» варьируется от радостного оптимизма девушки справа, читающей солдатское письмо, до тревоги и надежды в лице ее слушательницы, зрелой женщины слева — видимо, матери солдата. Струящиеся из окна потоки солнечного света обволакивают фигуры, внося дополнительную жизнеутверждающую ноту в композицию. Легкой кистью художник передает детали интерьера, свидетельствующие о тяготах военной поры для мирных жителей в тылу: это и громоздящиеся на подоконнике дрова, и керосиновая лампа на заднем плане, и скудный хлебный паек на столе. Однако янтарные и красноватые тона, преобладающие в колорите, придают полотну исключительно позитивный характер. ( 46 ) There is a successful contrast between the emotions of the two characters in the painting Letter from the Front: the joyful optimism of the girl on the right, reading a soldier’s letter, and the anxiety mixed with hope seen in the face of her listener, the mature woman on the left, most probably the soldier’s mother. Sunlight pours in from the window, enveloping the figures, and bringing an extra life-affirming note to the composition. The dexterous brush of the artist uses interior details to emphasise the wartime hardships of civilian life: the firewood heaped on the windowsill, the paraffin lamp in the background and the meagre ration of bread on the table. But the strongly positive message of the picture is underwritten by its dominant warm amber and reddish hues. www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction * 32. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) * 33. * 34. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Turkmen Girl with Watermelon, signed, also further signed, Female Portrait, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic Road in the Field, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1951 on the reverse. titled in Cyrillic and dated 1935 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 96.5 by 64.5 cm. and dated “30e gody” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 89.5 by 52.5 cm. Oil on canvas, 99 by 130.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September– 16 October 2008. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September– 16 October 2008. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, illustrated on the front cover; p. 56, pl. XXXII, illustrated; p. 98, listed. Nikolai Terpsikhorov. Zhivopis, Grafika, Moscow, 2011, p. 68, illustrated. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 48, pl. XXIV, illustrated; p. 98, listed. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 86, pl. LXVI, illustrated; p. 101, listed. Nikolai Terpsikhorov. Zhivopis, Grafika, Moscow, 2011, p. 104, illustrated. £9,000–12,000 £7,000–9,000 £15,000–20,000 ( 48 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 49 ) * 35. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Grandmother Spinning Yarn, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1934 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 65.5 by 95.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 14, pl. V, illustrated; p. 98, listed. £5,000–7,000 * 36. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Autumn Morning, signed, also further signed and titled in Cyrillic on the reverse, also further signed, titled and numbered “N 91” on the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 89 by 130 cm. Executed in the 1940s. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. * 37. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) * 38. Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960) Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. By the Oka River, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and Fishing Village, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1951 on the reverse. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. dated 1954 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 87.5 by 138.5 cm. Oil on canvas, 36 by 86 cm. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 78, pl. LVI, illustrated; p. 100, listed. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. £10,000–15,000 Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 95, pl. LXXVII, illustrated; p. 101, listed. Nikolai Terpsikhorov. Zhivopis, Grafika, Moscow, 2011, p. 124, illustrated. Provenance: Acquired directly from Natalia Terpsikhorova, the artist’s daughter, by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Natalia Terpsikhorova. Exhibited: Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 13 September–16 October 2008. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Nikolai Terpsikhorov, Master Artist of Mother Russia, Springville, Springville Museum of Art, 2008, p. 82, pl. LXII, illustrated; p. 100, listed. Nikolai Terpsikhorov. Zhivopis, Grafika, Moscow, 2011, p. 114, illustrated. £7,000–9,000 £8,000–12,000 ( 50 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 51 ) * 39. * 41. Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Spring Twilight, signed, also further signed, titled Evening Approaching. Barns, signed, also further in Cyrillic and dated 1962 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 69 by 49 cm. signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1957 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 14 by 27.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist's son, by the present owner, early 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist's son, by the present owner, late 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £12,000–18,000 £1,500–2,500 * 42. Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Setting Sun, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1977 on the reverse. Oil on paper, laid on cardboard, 16 by 22.5 cm (cardboard size). 41 Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist's son, by the present owner, late 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £1,500–2,500 * 43. Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Summer Evening, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1957 on the reverse. Oil on paper, laid on cardboard, 15.5 by 22 cm (cardboard size). * 40. Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist’s son, by the present owner, late 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Evening. Fog, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1968 on the reverse. Oil on card, laid on cardboard, 36.5 by 68.5 cm (cardboard size). Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist’s son, by the present owner in Moscow, early 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £1,500–2,500 * 44. Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Evening Sun, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1958 on the reverse. Oil on card, laid on cardboard, 19 by 16.5 cm (cardboard size). £10,000–15,000 Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist's son, by the present owner, late 1990s. Important private collection, USA. 42 Authenticity certificate from the artist. £1,500–2,500 44 ( 52 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s 43 London 12 October 2015 ( 53 ) * 45. ( 54 ) * 46. Nechitailo, Vasily (1915–1980) Nechitailo, Vasily (1915–1980) Sunflowers, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1979 on the reverse. Poplar Alley, signed, further titled in Cyrillic and dated 1975 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 104.5 by 82 cm. Oil on card, laid on cardboard, 101 by 79.5 cm (cardboard size). Provenance: Acquired directly from Maria Savchenkova, the artist’s widow, by the present owner in Moscow, 1998. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Acquired directly from Maria Savchenkova, the artist’s widow by the present owner in Moscow, 1998. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by V. Swanson, art historian and author of the book Soviet Impressionist Painting, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2008. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by V. Swanson, art historian and author of the book Soviet Impressionist Painting, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2008. £15,000–20,000 £15,000–20,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 55 ) * 47. Labas, Alexander (1900–1983) Girl on the Balcony, signed and dated 1963, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 100 by 140 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. Exhibited: Aleksandr Arkadievich Labas, Vystavka proizvedenii, Zhivopis, Grafika, 75 let so dnya rozhdeniya, the USSR Union of Artists, Moscow, May 1976. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Aleksandr Arkadievich Labas, Vystavka proizvedenii, Zhivopis, Grafika, 75 let so dnya rozhdeniya, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1976, illustrated and listed under works from 1963. The present lot is a portrait of the model Vera, sitting on the balcony of the artist’s studio in Verkhnyaya Maslovka street by the Dynamo Stadium in Moscow. £80,000–120,000 A. Labas, Vera, 1961 ( 56 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 The present lot as listed in the 1976 exhibition catalogue ( 57 ) * 48. Savitskiy, Georgiy (1887–1949) * 49. * 50. Samokhvalov, Alexander (1894–1971) Gerasimov, Sergei (1885–1964) Girl on a Bench, signed and dated 1939. View of a Port, signed with initials, also further signed and Early Spring by the Lake, signed. Oil on canvas, 50 by 67 cm. dated 193(?) on the reverse, also further with a signed and dated 1937 dedication in Cyrillic on the backing board. Oil on canvas, laid on cardboard, 10 by 13.5 cm. Oil on canvas, 59 by 80 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. £12,000–18,000 Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. £15,000–20,000 Provenance: Private collection, Germany. £5,000–7,000 * 51. Nalbandian, Dmitri (1906–1993) Still Life with Jasmine, signed twice and dated 1973, further titled in Cyrillic and numbered “509” on the reverse. Oil on canvasboard, 60 by 69.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s studio by Gekkoso Gallery, Tokyo, early 1970s (labels on the backing board and on the reverse of the frame). Acquired from the above by the previous owner in Tokyo, before 1989. Private collection, Japan. Exhibited: Contemporary Soviet Paintings. Anthem to the Rich Nature, Gekkoso Gallery, Tokyo, 21 January– 2 February 1974. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Contemporary Soviet Paintings. Anthem to the Rich Nature, Tokyo, Gekkoso Gallery, 1974, p. 38, No. 40, illustrated. £10,000–15,000 ( 58 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 59 ) * 53. Gritsai, Alexei (1914–1998) At the Academic Dacha. July, signed. Oil on paper, laid on cardboard, 30.5 by 45.5 cm. Executed c. 1997. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Alla Gritsai, the artist’s daughter-in-law. £7,000–9,000 * 52. * 54. Gritsai, Alexei (1914–1998) Kugach, Yuriy (1917–2013) Evening in the Village, signed. An Old Barn with a Bird Cherry Tree, Oil on cardboard, 48 by 70 cm. signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1965 on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 52.5 by 55 cm. Executed in the 1950s. Provenance: Acquired directly from Alla Gritsai, the artist's daughter-in-law, in Moscow, 2005. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Alla Gritsai. Provenance: Acquired directly from Mikhail Kugach, the artist’s son, by the present owner in Moscow, early 1990s. Important private collection, USA. £12,000–18,000 Authenticity certificate from the artist. £9,000–12,000 ( 60 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 61 ) * 55. Tkachev, Alexei (B. 1925) 56. Serov, Vladimir (1910–1968) * 57. Kolesnik, Boris (1927–1992) Cabbages, signed, also further signed twice, variously inscribed in Cyrillic, Bouquet of Lilacs, signed. Still Life with Bellflowers, signed and dated 1969, also further titled, dated 1963 and with a signed and dated 2003 dedication on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 48 by 69.5 cm. Oil on canvas, 100.5 by 64.5 cm. signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Kharkov”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 112 by 70 cm. Provenance: Private collection, France. The present lot is a study for Alexei Tkachev’s painting Shredding the Cabbages, currently in the collection of the Tver Regional Picture Gallery. £10,000–15,000 Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Provenance: With the Ukrainian department of the Art Fund of the USSR, Kharkov (label on the reverse). Acquired directly from the artist’s studio by Gekkoso Gallery, Tokyo, early 1970s. Acquired from the above by the previous owner in Tokyo, before 1989. Private collection, Japan. Exhibited: Contemporary Soviet Paintings. Rich Nature Stream, Gekkoso Gallery, Yokohama, 19–24 November 1974. £16,000–22,000 Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Contemporary Soviet Paintings. Rich Nature Stream, Tokyo, Gekkoso Gallery, 1974, p. 43, No. 107, illustrated. £4,000–6,000 ( 62 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 63 ) 60. Chulovich, Viktor (1922–1994) Maslovka, Spring Approaching, signed and dated 1989, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 85 by 75 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by Cees Hogendoorn, a prominent collector of Soviet art, in Moscow, early 1990s. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, December 1993. Private collection, the Netherlands. £3,000–5,000 * 61. Timkov, Nikolai (1912–1993) Winter Village, signed and dated 1991, also further inscribed in Cyrillic with a signed and dated 1993 dedication on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 50 by 69.5 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, USA. £7,000–10,000 * 58. Popov, Igor (1927–1999) Rooks. View from Shemyakina Hill in Galich, signed and dated 1965, also further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Galich”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 55.5 by 74 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s daughter by the present owner in Moscow, c. 1999. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by V. Swanson, art historian and author of the book Soviet Impressionist Painting, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2008. Exhibited: Soviet Art in Conflict. The Artist as an Agent of Social Change, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 12 September 2007–1 February 2008. £15,000–20,000 * 59. Romas, Yakov (1902–1969) At the River Lock, signed and dated 1965. Oil on canvas, 80 by 100.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired by the present owner from the sanatorium “Polushkino”, Moscow region, 2005. Important private collection, USA. £5,000–7,000 ( 64 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 65 ) 62. ( 66 ) Komendant, Yuri (B. 1926) 63. Kopaev, Vladimir (B. 1925) 64. Kopaev, Vladimir (B. 1925) Nikita Khrushchev Visiting the Donetsk Miners, signed and A Lyrical Song, signed, also further signed, titled A Song, signed and dated 1969, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated dated 1961, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 140.5 by 225.5 cm. in Cyrillic and dated 1960 on the backing paper. Pencil and gouache on paper, 58 by 76.5 cm. on the reverse, also further signed, titled and dated 1971 on the backing paper. Pencil and gouache on paper, 80 by 102 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Donetsk, c. 2005. Private collection, the Netherlands. Provenance: Acquired directly from the family of the artist by the present owner in Novosibirsk, c. 2007. Private collection, the Netherlands. Provenance: Acquired directly from the family of the artist by the present owner in Novosibirsk, c. 2007. Private collection, the Netherlands. £25,000–30,000 £3,000–5,000 £4,000–6,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 67 ) 65. * 67. Magalyas, Vasyl (B. 1948) Semenyuk, Yuri (1922–2006) 68. Shcherbakov, Boris (1916–1995) At the Railway Crossing, signed and dated 1984, also Evening by the River, titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. The Volga River, signed and dated 1967. further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Kiev”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 162.5 by 246.5 cm. Oil on cardboard, 49.5 by 69.5 cm. Oil on canvas, 40.5 by 60.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the Gallery “Zamoskvorechye” (presently “Na Shabolovke”), Moscow. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, 2001. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: With the All-USSR Art Lottery (label on the reverse). Private collection, France. Provenance: Acquired by the present owner from an art gallery in Kiev, c. 2007. Private collection, the Netherlands. £6,000–9,000 £4,000–6,000 Exhibited: Soviet Art in Conflict. The Artist as an Agent of Social Change, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 12 September 2007–1 February 2008. £5,000–7,000 66. Pavliuk, Arkady (B. 1925) Athletes of “Dynamo”, signed with initials and dated 1953, also further signed and titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 122 by 100.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Vinnitsa, c. 2006. Private collection, the Netherlands. £4,000–6,000 ( 68 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 69 ) 69. Belyaev, Nikolay (1916–2000) They Are Happy, signed and dated 1949, also further signed and titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 149 by 194 cm. * 70. Maksimov, Konstantin (1913–1994) 71. Vitman, Irina (1916–2012) After the Shift, signed with initials. Study for the Painting “Meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences”. Oil on canvas, 139 by 240 cm. Executed c. 1949. Provenance: Private collection, UK. Oil on canvas, 21 by 35.5 cm. Exhibited: Respublikanskaya vystavka proizvedenii khudozhnikov krayov, oblastei i avtonomnykh respublik RSFSR, Exhibition Galleries of the Moscow Association of Artists and the Organising Committee of the USSR Union of Artists, Moscow, 1949. Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in the early 1990s. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s estate by the previous owner. Private collection, UK. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Respublikanskaya vystavka proizvedenii khudozhnikov krayov, oblastei i avtonomnykh respublik RSFSR. Zhivopis. Skulptura. Grafika. Laki, Moscow, Komitet po delam iskusstv pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR, 1949, p. 8, No. 49, listed. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by V. Swanson, art historian and author of the book Soviet Impressionist Painting, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2008. £20,000–30,000 Executed in 1961. Exhibited: Vsesoyuznaya khudozhestvennaya vystavka, Moscow, 1961 (label on the stretcher). Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Vsesoyuznaya khudozhestvennaya vystavka, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1961, p. 6, listed. £10,000–15,000 Executed c. 1950–1951. The present lot is a study for the 1951 painting Meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, currently in the collection of the State Russian Museum, executed by a team of artists with Maksimov as its member. The artist, along with the other associates, was awarded in 1952 the Stalin Prize of the third degree for this painting. £2,000–3,000 72. Tsvetkov, Viktor (B. 1920) Lenin and Children at a New Year Party, signed and titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 80 by 60.5 cm. Provenance: Private collection, France. £6,000–9,000 ( 70 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 71 ) * 75. Fedorovsky, Fedor (1883–1955) * 76. Costume Design, variously inscribed in Cyrillic. Pencil and gouache, heightened with gold, on paper, 69 by 52 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. in Cyrillic, titled and dated 1932 on the reverse. Pencil and gouache, heightened with gold, on paper, 65 by 51.5 cm. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist’s grandson (inscribed twice on the reverse). Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. £4,000–6,000 £4,000–6,000 * 77. Fedorovsky, Fedor (1883–1955) Tsar Dodon, Costume Design for the N. RimskyKorsakov Opera “The Golden Cockerel”, signed, inscribed Fedorovsky, Fedor (1883–1955) Costume Designs for the I. Dzerzhinsky Opera “Quiet Flows the Don”, variously inscribed in Cyrillic and numbered “N 2”. Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper, 61.5 by 93 cm. * 73. Pimenov, Yuri (1903–1977) Tea Time. 74. Lebedev, Vladimir (1891–1967) Sketch of a Nude Model, signed with initials. Pencil and charcoal, heightened with white, on paper, 56 by 24.5 cm. Pencil and crayon on paper, 36 by 31.5 cm. Executed in the 1950s. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by a previous owner. Important private collection, Europe. £2,500–3,000 The present lot is from the series of set and costume designs, created by Fedorovsky, the chief artist of the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow (1929– 1953), for the Ivan Dzerzhinsky opera Quiet Flows the Don, staged in 1936 at the Bolshoi. The artist was awarded a Grand Prix at the 1937 International Exhibition in Paris for this series, as well as for his set and costume designs for the A. Borodin opera Prince Igor. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist’s grandson (inscription on the reverse). £6,000–9,000 £20,000–30,000 ( 72 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 73 ) * 78. Plastov, Arkady (1893–1972) Botanical Lessons. Portrait of the Artist’s Son, stamped with the artist’s initials, also further signed, stamped with the artist’s initials, titled in Cyrillic and dated “1943–44 gg” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 65 by 51 cm. Provenance: Collection of Nikolai Plastov, the artist’s grandson (stamp on the reverse). Acquired directly from the above by the present owner in Moscow, c. 2000. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from Nikolai Plastov. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by V. Swanson, art historian and author of the book Soviet Impressionist Painting, Woodbridge, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2008. £15,000–20,000 80. Kolesnikov, Stepan (1879–1955) Collective Farmer, signed. Oil on board, 62.5 by 75 cm. Executed in the 1950s. Provenance: Collection of Konstantin Lomykin, a Soviet artist (inscription on the reverse). Acquired from the above by Cees Hogendoorn, a prominent collector of Soviet art, in Moscow, early 1990s. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, December 1993. Private collection, the Netherlands. £6,000–9,000 * 79. Lekomtsev, Konstantin (1898–1973) 81. Niyeminen, Folke (1931–2010) Pioneer, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1948 on the Still Life with a Coffee Mill, signed with reverse. Oil on canvas, 68.5 by 50 cm. initials, also further signed twice, inscribed in Cyrillic “Zasl. khudozhnik RSFSR” and titled on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 99 by 80.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the Gallery “Zamoskvorechye” (presently “Na Shabolovke”), Moscow. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, 2001. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Private collection, Estonia, from the mid-1970s. £4,000–6,000 £3,000–5,000 ( 74 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 75 ) * 82. * 84. Semenyuk, Yuri (1922–2006) Chainikov, Grigory (1960–2008) * 85. Semenyuk, Yuri (1922–2006) Woman Wiping Her Feet, signed and dated 2007, Village Pond, signed and dated 1981, also further signed, Near the Village, signed and dated 1976, also further signed, inscribed also further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Moskva”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 72 by 133 cm. inscribed in Cyrillic “g. Yaroslavl/d. Seredniki. Kostr. obl.”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on paper, laid on cardboard, 49.5 by 69.5 cm. in Cyrillic “g. Yaroslavl”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on cardboard, 44.5 by 59.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow. Important private collection, USA. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the Gallery “Zamoskvorechye” (presently “Na Shabolovke”), Moscow. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, 2001. Important private collection, USA. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Exhibited: Soviet Art in Conflict. The Artist as an Agent of Social Change, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 12 September 2007–1 February 2008. £10,000–15,000 Provenance: With the salon of the Art Fund of the USSR (label on the reverse). Acquired directly from the artist by the Gallery “Zamoskvorechye” (presently “Na Shabolovke”), Moscow. Acquired from the above by the present owner in Moscow, 2001. Important private collection, USA. Exhibited: Soviet Art in Conflict. The Artist as an Agent of Social Change, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, USA, 12 September 2007–1 February 2008. £5,000–7,000 £5,000–7,000 * 83. Chainikov, Grigory (1960–2008) Heady Grass Smell, signed and dated 1999, also further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Moskva”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 160 by 78 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow. Important private collection, USA. Exhibited: Grigoriy Chainikov, The Thomas Kearns McCarthey Gallery, Park City, 28 November 2003–7 January 2004. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Grigoriy Chainikov, Park City, The Thomas Kearns McCarthey Gallery, 2003, p. 45, illustrated. £12,000–18,000 ( 76 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 77 ) * 86. Lebedev, Vladimir (1891–1967) Poster for the J. Romain Operetta “Truadek”, The State Moscow Jewish Theatre, Moscow, Evreiskii Gosudarstvennyi Teatr. Colour lithograph, 107.5 by 72 cm (sheet size); Glavlit No. 76752; laid on Japanese paper, restored tears and fraying at margins. * 87. Stenberg, Vladimir and Stenberg, Georgy (1899–1982 and 1900–1933) * 89. Poster for the Film “Provintsial”, Moscow, Sovkino. Stenberg, Vladimir and Stenberg, Georgy (1899–1982 and 1900–1933) Poster for the Negro-Operetta Performance “Shokoladnye rebyata”, Moscow, Tsentralnoe Upravlenie Colour lithograph, 112.5 by 83 cm (sheet size); printed signature “2STENBERG2”, Glavlit No. 44948; laid on linen paper. * 90. Stenberg, Vladimir and Stenberg, Georgy (1899–1982 and 1900–1933) Poster for the Magazine “Novyi mir”, Moscow, Izvestiya TsIK Gostsirkami. Colour lithograph, 117 by 82 cm (sheet size); printed signature “2STENBERG2”, Glavlit 58165; laid on linen paper. SSSR i VTsIK. Colour lithograph, 74.5 by 55 cm (sheet size); printed signature “2STENBERG2”, Glavlit No. 72504; laid on Japanese paper, minor restored tears and creasing at margins. Executed c. 1926. Executed c. 1926. Executed c. 1926. £5,000–7,000 £10,000–15,000 £5,000–7,000 £2,500–3,000 * 88. Unknown Artist (20TH CENTURY) Poster for the Film “Bella-Donna”, Tbilisi, Goskinprom SSR Gruziya. Colour lithograph, 82 by 115 cm (sheet size); No. 80246; laid on linen paper. Executed c. 1926. The 1923 film Bella-Donna, starring Pola Negri and Adophe Menjou, was directed by George Fitzmaurice. * 91. Stenberg, Vladimir and Stenberg, Georgy (1899–1982 and 1900–1933) Poster for the V. Fleming Film “Mokraya kuritsa”, Moscow, Sovkino. Colour lithograph, 84.5 by 111.5 cm (sheet size); printed signature “2STENBERG2”, Glavlit No. 45586; laid on linen paper. Executed in the 1920s. £4,000–6,000 £1,500–2,000 ( 78 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 79 ) * 95. Unknown Artist (20TH CENTURY) Poster for the B. Keaton Film “Oderzhimyi”, Moscow, Sovkino. Colour lithograph, 109.5 by 74 cm (sheet size); printed initials “A.N./N.M.”, Glavlit No. 43709; laid on Japanese paper, restored tears and fraying at margins. Executed c. 1924. £3,000–5,000 * 96. Deineka, Aleksandr (1899–1969) Poster “Kolkhoznik, bud fizkulturnikom!”, Moscow–Leningrad, Izogiz, 1930. Colour lithograph, 74 by 104 cm; printed initial and date “D.1930 g.”, Glavlit No. A-83899; minor tears and fraying at margins, folding creases, restored in places. £15,000–20,000 92. Lebedev, Vladimir (1891–1967) Poster Design “Okno Tass No. 1005”. Gouache and tempera on paper, 163 by 97.5 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. £ 7,000–9,000 * 93. Unknown Artist (20TH CENTURY) Poster for the Tobacco Factory “Urtak”, Samarkand. Colour lithograph, 119 by 84.5 cm (sheet size); Uzlit No. 2249; laid on linen paper, minor restored tears at margins. Executed c. 1929. £6,000–9,000 * 94. Unknown Artist (20TH CENTURY) Poster for the Film “Dytyna bazaru”, Kharkov, VUFKU. Colour lithograph, 106.5 by 74.5 cm (sheet size); Ukrainskii Gublit No. 3613/b; laid on linen paper. Executed c. 1926–1928. £1,500–2,000 ( 80 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 81 ) * 100. Akimov, Nikolai (1901–1968) Poster for the F. Raskolnikov Play “Robespierre”, The State Drama Theatre, Moscow, Upravlenie Gosteatrami, 1931. Colour lithograph, 105.5 by 70.5 cm (sheet size); printed initial and date “a/31”, Leningradskii Oblastlit No. 2921; laid on Japanese paper, restored tears and fraying at margins. £5,000–7,000 * 101. Rodchenko, Alexander (1891–1956) Poster for Dobrolet, Moscow, Vozdushnyi Flot. Colour lithograph, 77 by 59 cm (sheet size); laid on linen paper. Executed c. 1925. £6,000–8,000 * 102. Stenberg, Vladimir and Stenberg, Georgy (1899–1982 and 1900–1933) Poster for the Ya. Protazanov Film “Protsess o trekh millionakh”, Moscow, Sovkino. Colour lithograph, 83.5 by 119.5 cm (sheet size); printed signature “2STENBERG2”, Glavlit No. 66998; laid on linen paper. * 97. Stenberg, Vladimir and Stenberg, Georgy (1899–1982 and 1900–1933) * 98. Poster for the D. Griffith Film “Dve sirotki”, Moscow, Mosrozigraf. Colour lithograph, 88.5 by 70.5 cm; printed signature “2STENBERG2”, Glavlit N.K.P. No. 193; laid on linen, restored tears and fraying at margins. Unknown Artist (20TH CENTURY) Executed c. 1926. Poster for the S. Eisenstein Film “Battleship Potemkin”, Moscow. £8,000–12,000 Colour lithograph, 118.5 by 83.5 cm (sheet size); Mosgublit No. 4007; laid on linen paper. £5,000–7,000 Executed c. 1925. £3,000–5,000 * 99. Unknown Artist (20TH CENTURY) Poster for the “Singing and Dancing” Performance, Belostok Jewish Theatre of Miniatures. Colour lithograph, 80 by 60 cm (sheet size); No. L 5023; laid on Japanese paper, restored tears and fraying at margins. Executed c. 1940. £2,000–3,000 ( 82 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 83 ) Lots 103‒118. Important Collection of Nonconformist Art, France M acDougall’s с гордостью предлагает на торги коллекцию советского нонконформизма. Она является частью значимого собрания современного русского искусства, составленного французским дипломатом с русскими корнями. Он работал в торговом представительстве Франции в Москве в 1959–1962 годах и в 1970-е годы. В его коллекцию вошли наиболее значительные работы 1960–1970-х годов крупнейших мастеров русского искусства второй половины ХХ столетия: Оскара Рабина, Владимира Немухина, Лидии Мастерковой, Дмитрия Краснопевцева, Бориса Свешникова, Олега Целкова, Эрика Булатова, Владимира Вейсберга и Александра Харитонова. Сын русского дворянина, эмигрировавшего во Францию, коллекционер, в совершенстве владевший русским языком, стал одной из самых известных фигур русской общины в Париже. У него была репутация влиятельного специалиста по русскому искусству XX века, включая творчество представителей эмиграции в Европе. Страстный библиофил, он также собрал обширную коллекцию книг. Во время своего пребывания в Москве он подружился со многими известными художниками-нонконформистами и коллекционерами, включая Георгия Костаки. Формированию контактов между собирателем и наиболее яркими представителями авангарда второй волны способствовала глубокая эмоциональная и духовная связь с ними жены коллекционера, тоже художника, о чем подробно повествуют изданные ею воспоминания. Вовлеченный в многогранную и интенсивную культурную жизнь Москвы 1960–1970-х годов, коллекционер часто помогал художникам, не признанным официальным режимом. Он предоставлял им материалы — холст, краски — и часто получал от благодарных мастеров произведения в дар. При этом художники зачастую предлагали ему ряд картин на выбор, что позволяло ему дополнять коллекцию наиболее значимыми работами. При покупке картин коллекционер столь же тщательно отбирал их в свое собрание, постепенно обретавшее уникальный характер. Все выставленные на аукцион произведения обладают безупречным провенансом и впервые предлагаются на рынке. T he Soviet nonconformist art works, which are offered at auction, come from an important collection of contemporary Russian art brought together by a French diplomat of Russian extraction. He worked at the French trade mission in Moscow from 1959–1962 and again in the 1970s. His collection included some of the most significant works of the 1960s and 1970s by masters of the Russian art of the second half of the 20th century: Oscar Rabin, Vladimir Nemukhin, Lydia Masterkova, Dmitry Krasnopevtsev, Boris Sveshnikov, Oleg Tselkov, Erik Bulatov, Vladimir Weisberg and Alexander Kharitonov. As the son of member of the Russian gentry who had emigrated to France, the collector spoke Russian fluently and was a prominent member of the Russian community in Paris. He was a respected authority on Russian 20th century art, including émigré art in Europe. He was also a passionate bibliophile, and gathered a vast collection of books. § 103. Rabin, Oscar (B. 1928) During his time in Moscow, he made friends with many outstanding non-conformist artists and collectors, including George Costakis. Contacts between the collector and the foremost avant-garde proponents of the time were further reinforced by a deep emotional and spiritual attachment between the Moscow artists and the collector’s wife, who was herself an artist, as related in her published memoirs. Bread at the Cemetery, signed with a monogram and dated 1964, also further titled in Cyrillic, numbered “N 213” and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 80.5 by 99.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Being deeply involved in the multifaceted and intense cultural life of 1960s and 1970s Moscow the collector helped artists, who were not recognised by the régime, providing them with canvasses and paints. He often received works as gifts from the grateful recipients, who would sometimes invite him to take his pick of their output, enabling him to build a collection of important works. When making purchases the French diplomat similarly took care to select works that would contribute to the unique nature of his collection. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist. Literature: Oskar Rabin, St Petersburg, Palace Editions, 2007, p. 65, illustrated. The work will be included in the forthcoming Oscar Rabin catalogue raisonné being prepared by A&C Projects, Michèle and Marc Ivasilevitch. All of the works presented here for the auction have impeccable provenance and are offered on the market for the first time. £30,000–50,000 MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 85 ) 104. Kharitonov, Alexander (1932–1993) A Tree and a Church, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1976. Pencil on paper, 32.5 by 44 cm (sheet size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. £800–1,200 105. Kharitonov, Alexander (1932–1993) Landscape with Saints and Birds, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1973. Pencil on paper, 32.5 by 44 cm (sheet size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. £800–1,200 107. Krasnopevtsev, Dmitry (1925–1995) Two Tied Jugs, signed with an initial and dated 1971. Oil on cardboard, 48 by 47 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. 106. Kharitonov, Alexander (1932–1993) Abomination of Desolation, signed, titled Exhibited: Dmitry Krasnopevtsev Solo Exhibition, Sviatoslav Richter’s flat, Moscow, 1975. £20,000–30,000 in Cyrillic and dated 1969. Pencil on paper, 31.5 by 42 cm (sheet size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. £800–1,200 ( 86 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction Картина Дмитрия Краснопевцева «Два связанных кунгана» экспонировалась на известной персональной выставке художника 1975 года в квартире Святослава Рихтера. Поскольку на обе выставки у Рихтера (первая состоялась в 1962 году) Краснопевцев отбирал только лучшие свои произведения, представленная на торги картина, несомненно, исключительно высоко ценилась самим художником. MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 Two Tied Jugs by Dmitry Krasnopevtsev was exhibited in the famous solo exhibition by the artist in 1975, in the apartment of Sviatoslav Richter. Krasnopevtsev showed only his best works at the two exhibitions in Richter’s flat (the first one was held in 1962), which confirms the high opinion the artist himself had of this work. ( 87 ) 108. Sveshnikov, Boris (1927–1998) ( 88 ) 109. Sveshnikov, Boris (1927–1998) Cooling Earth, signed with a monogram and Cold Summer, signed with a monogram and dated 1973, further titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 70 by 90 cm. dated 1978, further titled in Cyrillic on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 85 by 75.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. £20,000–30,000 £15,000–25,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 89 ) § 110. Masterkova, Lydia (1927–2008) 111. Weisberg, Vladimir (1924–1985) Abstract Composition, signed and dated 1962, also further signed and Reclining Nude, signed with a monogram and dated 1976, also dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 70 by 79 cm. further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic, numbered “No 165” and dated “26/IV 74” and 1979 on the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 42.5 by 72.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by Margarita Tupitsyn, the artist’s niece and a historian of contemporary Russian art. £40,000–60,000 £25,000–30,000 В элегантном полотне «Абстрактная композиция» Лидии Мастерковой явственно ощущается преклонение художницы в начале 1960-х годов перед фресками Дионисия, наследие которого она пыталась перевести в то время на язык абстрактного экспрессионизма. Работы Мастерковой того периода — редкое явление на художественном рынке. ( 90 ) The elegant Abstract Composition by Lydia Masterkova is evidence of the artist’s admiration in the early 1960s for the frescoes by the Russian medieval icon painter, Dionysius, whose legacy she attempted to translate into the language of abstract expressionism. Masterkova’s works of that period rarely become available on the art market. www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 91 ) § 114. Bulatov, Erik (B. 1933) SÉvina Sineva, signed and dated 1979, also further inscribed in Cyrillic “Variant kartiny” and titled on the reverse. Pencil and crayon on paper, 23.5 by 25.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist. £7,000–9,000 Композиция «Севина синева» Эрика Булатова является вариантом знаменитой картины 1979 года с тем же названием, ныне находящейся в Музее Зиммерли (при Университете Ратгерс в штате НьюДжерси, США), посвященной другу художника Всеволоду (Севе) Некрасову — известному поэту и одному из основателей московского концептуализма. Sévina Sineva by Erik Bulatov is a variant of the well-known painting of 1979 with the same title, currently in the collection of the Zimmerli Museum (The Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA). It is dedicated to the artist’s friend Vsevolod (Seva) Nekrasov, the poet and one of the founders of Moscow Conceptualism. § 112. Tselkov, Oleg (B. 1934) Sketches for the Series “Acrobats”, variously inscribed in Cyrillic, also further signed and inscribed in Cyrillic with a dedication on the reverse. Pencil and oil on cardboard, 34.5 by 50.5 cm. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. £6,000–9,000 113. Belenok, Pyotr (1938–1991) Composition with a Flying Man and a Reclining Woman, signed and dated 1978. Oil and tempera with elements of collage on paper, laid on cardboard, 122.5 by 130 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. 115. Kabakov, Ilya (B. 1933) Gde Mariya Nikolaevna?..., signed and dated 1973. Pencil, ink, crayon and watercolour on paper, 41 by 27.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. £4,000–6,000 £5,000–7,000 ( 92 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 93 ) 116. Nemukhin, Vladimir (B. 1925) Solitaire No. 3, signed and dated 1985, also further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Etiud/Moskva”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil and collage with paper and playing cards on canvas, 80.5 by 72.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist. £8,000–12,000 117. Nemukhin, Vladimir (B. 1925) Early Morning, signed and dated 1978, also further signed, inscribed in Cyrillic “Moskva”, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil and collage with paper and playing cards on canvas, 49 by 59.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist. £8,000–12,000 118. Kalinin, Viatcheslav (B. 1939) Sergius of Radonezh, Zagorsk, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1978 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 120.5 by 115 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the father of the present owner. Important private collection, France. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the artist. £12,000–18,000 ( 94 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 95 ) 119. Sitnikov, Vasily (1915–1987) Winter Scene, signed, inscribed in Cyrillic with the artist’s address and date of birth, and dated “1975–III–” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 34 by 50 cm. Provenance: Private collection, the Netherlands. £15,000–20,000 § 120. Koshlyakov, Valery (B. 1962) 121. Kropivnitsky, Lev (1922–1994) 122. Belutin, Eliy (1925–2012) Engelkopf, signed twice on the reverse. Summer Equinox, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1969 In the Street, signed and dated twice 1961 on the canvas edge, also Tempera, gouache and collage with paper on corrugated cardboard, 139.5 by 117.5 cm. on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 60 by 43.5 cm. further titled in Russian and English and dated on the reverse of the frame. Oil on canvas, 135 by 99 cm. Executed in 2004. Provenance: A gift from the artist to Giuseppe De Santis, an Italian film director, in Moscow, 1960s. Thence by descent. Collection of the widow of the above, Italy. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by Alexei Chervinsky, the artist’s friend, in Germany, early 1970s. Acquired from the above by the grandfather of the present owner in Warsaw, 1974. Thence by descent. Private collection, UK. Provenance: Walter Bischoff Galerie, Berlin, Germany. Acquired from the above by the present owner. Important private collection, Germany. £4,500–6,000 £8,000–12,000 £3,000–5,000 ( 96 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 97 ) Lots 123–143. Important Collection of Contemporary Art, Belgium П редставленные работы из бельгийской коллекции современного искусства включают произведения значимых художников постсоветской эпохи: 1990-х – начала 2000-х годов. Собрание возникло в результате поездок коллекционера в 1992–1995 годах в Россию, куда его влекло желание увидеть перемены в стране после падения Берлинской стены и распада СССР. Теперь он вспоминает, что в те годы в Москве казалось, будто самый воздух столицы напоен ощущением свободы и предчувствием грядущих больших преобразований в России к лучшему. И ему захотелось увидеть, как наиболее современные, с его точки зрения, русские художники отразили произошедший в стране перелом. Так постепенно возникло собрание произведений художников — современников перемен. Несомненно, важными в коллекции являются имена Эрика Булатова, Аркадия Петрова, Натальи Нестеровой, известных с 1960–1970-х годов. Поколение художников, определивших дух 1990-х и дальнейшее развитие русского современного искусства, включает имена Авдея Тер-Оганьяна, Валерия Кошлякова, Владислава Мамышева-Монро. Работы представленных художников находятся в известных музейных коллекциях. Стоявший у истоков соц-арта Эрик Булатов представлен тонкой минималистичной работой, выполненной в простой, практически небрежной манере в противовес его масштабным полотнам-лозунгам. Названная «Автопортрет», работа, несомненно, соотносится с образом самого художника и интересна своей игрой образа и техники. Аркадий Петров и Леонид Пурыгин, часто причисляемые к примитивистам, известны своими «китчевыми» картинами и сознательным обращением к образам наивного творчества; их работы выполнены с особой тщательностью и населены мифическими героями. Творчество Натальи Нестеровой, приобретшей известность еще в 1970-е годы, имело несколько периодов: от работ на тему социалистической сюжетной картины до тем старинных городов и парков. Чувственные и экспрессивные, они наполнены образами из повседневной жизни и очаровывают своей непосредственностью и выразительностью. Большой интерес представляет серия работ Владислава Мамышева-Монро «Секретные материалы» – портреты членов Политбюро, раскрашенные вручную художником. Критически пересмотрев идею истории, претерпевшей столь кардинальные изменения во время перестройки, творчество Мамышева-Монро отразило время перемен. Выставленные на торги портреты представителей высшей советской номенклатуры, превращенные рукой художника в дам с макияжем и прическами, наполнены иронией, гротеском и юмором, как и все творчество Мамышева-Монро. Авдей Тер-Оганьян – яркий представитель Московского акционизма, известный своими скандальными перформансами. Представленные живописные работы на тему выдающихся художников и их работ – Эдуарда Мане и Ричарда Хамильтона – отражают его размышления об историческом развитии искусства и взгляд на его значимость с позиции анонимного художника. Валерий Кошляков – один из самых известных современных российских художников, появившихся в 1980–1990-е годы. В 2003 году он представлял Россию на Венецианской биеннале. Его работы, представляющие величественные пейзажи современности, поражают своей смелостью выражения и изобретательностью, и во многом были в противовес радикальному искусству его современников. T he works from a from a Belgian collection of contemporary art, which are offered at auction, include pieces by important artists of the post-Soviet period (1990s and early 2000s). The collection came about as the result of trips made to Russia in 1992–1995 by an art collector who was keen to witness the changes that were happening in the country after the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the USSR. He recalls now that freedom and the expectation of changes for the better felt in the very air of the Russian capital at the time. He wanted to see how the most progressive (in his view) Russian artists had reflected this great rift in their country’s history in their work. Thus arose this collection of works by artist-contemporaries of Russia’s transformation. Cult Russian artists who had already come to prominence in the 1960s– 1970s, and whose work is represented in the collection, include Erik Bulatov, Arkady Petrov and Natalia Nesterova. Others in the collection who defined the spirit of the 1990s and spurred the development of Russian contemporary art include Avdei Ter-Oganian, Valery Koshlyakov and Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe. Works by these artists are held in several important museum collections. Erik Bulatov, one of the originators of Sots Art, is represented by a delicate minimalist piece executed in a simple, almost careless style that contrasts with his large-scale slogan paintings. Titled Self-Portrait, this work certainly relates to the artist’s own persona and offers a fascinating interplay of image and technique. Arkady Petrov and Leonid Purygin are often classified as primitivists and are known for their “kitsch” paintings and conscious borrowings from the images of primitive art. Their instantly recognisable works are executed with remarkable care and peopled with mythical heroes. The oeuvre of Natalia Nesterova, well-known since the 1970s, can be divided into several periods, starting from socialist genre works and moving later to ancient cities and city parks as preferred themes. Her passionate and expressive paintings, filled with images of everyday life, charm the viewer with their spontaneity and sensuality. The collection also contains an important series of works by Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe entitled The Secret Files, consisting of photo portraits of members of the CPSU Politburo that have been hand-coloured by the artist. Mamyshev-Monroe’s oeuvre critically reviewed the very idea of history in a country that had changed so radically during Perestroika. These portraits of the Soviet political elite, metamorphosed by the artist into portraits of ladies with make-up and hairdos, are full of irony, grotesquerie and humour, which are characteristic features of this artist’s work. Avdey Ter-Oganian, who achieved fame by his notorious art performances, represents Moscow actionism. His paintings in the present collection are on the theme of famous artists (Eduard Manet and Richard Hamilton) and their work. They are reflections on the historical development of art and on its significance from the viewpoint of an anonymous painter. Portraits of the CPSU Politburo Members, from the installation “The Secret Files”, installation with nine works, each signed and dated 2001, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic, numbered “a/p 2/3” and dated on the reverse. Each photograph and acrylic on paper, laid on foam board, 104 by 80 cm (overall size). Each hand-coloured photograph is an artist’s proof No. 2 from the edition of three. Valery Koshlyakov is one of the best-known contemporary Russian artists to have emerged in the 1980s and 1990s. He represented Russia at the Venice Biennale in 2003. His paintings of majestic modern landscapes are striking in their inventiveness and boldness of expression. They are in strong contrast with the radical art of his contemporaries. www.MacDougallauction.com ( 98 ) 123. Mamyshev-Monroe, Vladislav (1969–2013) Russian Art Auction Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £6,000–9,000 MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 99 ) § 124. Koshlyakov, Valery (B. 1962) § 125. Koshlyakov, Valery (B. 1962) Study at Noon, signed, also further signed, titled in Place de l’Opéra, signed, titled in Cyrillic Cyrillic and inscribed with a year “1893” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 60.5 by 81 cm. and dated 1993 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 60.5 by 81 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £3,000–5,000 £3,000–5,000 § 126. Koshlyakov, Valery (B. 1962) Hotel “Moskva”, signed and dated 1992, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 198 by 286 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £45,000–60,000 ( 100 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 101 ) 129. Nesterova, Natalia (B. 1944) 130. Nesterova, Natalia (B. 1944) Le chapeau À fleurs, signed, also further signed, L’homme liberant des oiseaux, signed, titled and dated 1995 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 100 by 81 cm. titled and dated 1992 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 100.5 by 80.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £5,000–7,000 £6,000–9,000 127. Nesterova, Natalia (B. 1944) Picnic in Luxembourg Gardens, signed, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1993 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 158 by 179 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £14,000–20,000 128. Nesterova, Natalia (B. 1944) 131. Nesterova, Natalia (B. 1944) L’Afrique, signed, also further signed, titled and dated 2006 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 97 by 130 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. ( 102 ) La découper du poisson, signed with a monogram, also further signed, titled and dated 2003 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 97 by 130 cm. Authenticity certificate from the artist. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. £7,000–9,000 £6,000–9,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 103 ) § 132. Slepyshev, Anatoly (B. 1932) § 133. Slepyshev, Anatoly (B. 1932) 134. Tabenkin, Lev (B. 1952) By the River, signed and dated 1995. Bathers, signed and dated 1995, also further signed, Mother and Child, signed with an initial, also Oil on canvas, 194.5 by 295 cm. inscribed in Cyrillic “Parizh” and with a dedication, and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 80 by 100.5 cm. further signed, titled and dated 1993 on the reverse. Acrylic on paper, laid on foam board, 73 by 72.5 cm (paper size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. £7,000–9,000 Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £2,000–3,000 £2,500–3,000 135. Tabenkin, Lev (B. 1952) ( 104 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction 136. Tabenkin, Lev (B. 1952) Dance, signed, titled and dated 1993 on the reverse. Parliament, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated Acrylic on paper, laid on foam board, 72.5 by 89.5 cm (paper size). 1991 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 150 by 150 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. £3,000–5,000 £5,000–7,000 MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 105 ) § 137. Petrov, Arkady (B. 1940) Adam and Eve, signed and dated “14 aprelya 1980 goda”, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 93.5 by 106 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £4,000–6,000 § 138. Nazarenko, Tatiana (B. 1944) 140. Purygin, Leonid (1951–1995) Untitled, installation, signed, inscribed in Cyrillic Resurrection of Pipa, installation, signed twice and with initials, also further signed, titled in Cyrillic, numbered “REF 268” and dated 1993 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 89 by 99 cm. with a dedication and dated 1994 on the reverse. Oil and metal on wood, 36 by 31 by 10.5 cm. dated “Napisal kartinu… v maye 1994 g.”, also further signed and numbered “N 19944” on the reverse. Oil on canvas, cardboard and carved wood, 107 by 48.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. www.MacDougallauction.com Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £3,000–5,000 £2,500–3,000 ( 106 ) 139. Purygin, Leonid (1951–1995) Riding from a Snow Slide, signed Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £10,000–15,000 Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 107 ) § 141. Ter-Oganian, Avdei (B. 1961) *§ 144. Petrov, Arkady (B. 1940) Paradise, signed twice, titled in Cyrillic Richard Hamilton. Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?, 1956, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated on the reverse. and dated twice 1977 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 79.5 by 100 cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 120 by 90 cm (canvas size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, c. 1989–1990. Private collection, Iceland. Authenticity certificate from the artist. £2,500–3,000 £8,000–12,000 § 142. Ter-Oganian, Avdei (B. 1961) Édouard Manet, Boating, 1874, titled in Cyrillic, also further signed, titled and dated 1995 on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas, 130 by 120 cm (canvas size). Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. £3,000–5,000 *§ 145. Petrov, Arkady (B. 1940) Adidas, signed, also further signed, § 143. Bulatov, Erik (B. 1933) inscribed in Cyrillic “Moskva”, titled and dated 1986 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 116.5 by 116.5 cm. Self-Portrait, signed and dated “28 5 95”. Pencil on card, 14.5 by 10.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Important private collection, Belgium. ( 108 ) The present lot is executed on the reverse of the reproduction of Erik Bulatov’s renowned 1989 work Sunset or Sunrise, currently in the collection of the Ludwig Forum, Aachen. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner in Moscow, c. 1989–1990. Private collection, Iceland. £800–1,200 £8,000–12,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 109 ) Lots 201–232. Important Collection of Soviet Porcelain П редлагаемое нами собрание советской фарфоровой пластики охватывает почти сорокалетний период. Это изделия ленинградских фарфоровых заводов: ГФЗ, ЛФЗ, ЛЗФИ. В то время над созданием выпускаемых предприятиями скульптурных композиций работали выдающиеся мастера своей эпохи, отличавшиеся высоким профессионализмом, знанием темы и оригинальным видением материала. Прежде всего следует отметить Наталью Данько, Константина Рыжова, Алексея Пахомова, Таисию Кучкину, Бориса Яковлева, Галину Столбову, Бориса Воробьева, Ефима Гендельмана, Галину Якимову, Ирину Никонову и Софию Велихову. В их творениях запечатлена удивительно яркая эпоха, череда разнообразных образов советских людей. Здесь военная, спортивная и детская тематика, отдых и бытовой жанр, цирк и театр. В 1930-е годы в фарфоровом производстве продолжала свое триумфальное шествие неповторимая Наталья Данько, ставшая непререкаемым авторитетом, своеобразной «иконой» жанра. Коллекцию, представленную на нашем аукционе, украшает известный специалистам единственный экземпляр «Конной разведки», работы Данько, выполненный в кобальте. Этот экспериментальный вариант не пошел в тираж и стал подлинным раритетом. Скульптурная группа «Готов к труду и обороне» также относится к довольно редким произведениям Данько, характерно определяющим направление ее творчества первой половины 1930-х годов: преобладающая военизированная тематика, подчеркнутая монументальность, аскетичность пластических форм, нарочито скупая раскраска. Интересны образы Константина Рыжова – скульптора, творчество которого в какой-то степени также определило лицо ЛФЗ: «На страже», «Пограничник», «Купание ребенка». Скульптурная композиция «Красноармеец с собакой» работы Алексея Жирадкова до настоящего момента встречалась лишь нерасписанной. Роспись А. Иванова не только представила работу в ином свете, но и способствовала более точной ее датировке (1937). Послевоенный жизненный уклад несколько изменил тематику фарфоровой пластики конца 1940-х – начала 1960-х годов. Уникальна композиция Бориса Воробьева «Каштанка», исполненная на опытном заводе ЛЗФИ. Второй, известный экземпляр находится в собрании Елагинского дворца в Санкт-Петербурге. Отныне в фарфоровой пластике конца 1940-х — начала 1950-х годов преобладают более умиротворенные жанровые мотивы. Необычайную популярность приобретают сюжеты мирного советского быта, материнства, школьно-студенческой тематики. Ведущими скульпторами ЛФЗ этого периода становятся ученики великого русского скульптора Александра Матвеева: Галина Столбова, Ефим Гендельман, Ирина Никонова, София Велихова. Все эти замечательные мастера представлены прекрасными образцами, обеспечившими славу и процветание самого известного в стране завода. Отныне их творчество становится эксклюзивной маркой предприятия ЛФЗ. Эпоха «фирменных» изделий завода заканчивается задолго до «перестройки». В конце 1960-х годов с конвейера ЛФЗ выходят последние жанровые фигурки, стилистически отражающие уходящую эпоху. T he collection of Soviet porcelain offered at auction spans a period of nearly 40 years and consists of works from the best-known manufactures in the Soviet Union: the Leningrad Porcelain Factory and the Leningrad Factory of Porcelain Wares. The artists and designers who created the sculptural compositions for this porcelain had a consummate grasp of their subject matter and materials. Their creations are idealised and endearing representations of Soviet people at work and rest and in feats of heroism, with themes ranging from military to sport, children’s games, daily life and holidays, circus and theatre. The works to be auctioned include the only known cobalt version of Mounted Body Guards, a justly famed work by Natalia Danko, who was one of the greats of Soviet porcelain from the 1930s. This trial version was never mass-produced and is therefore a rarity. The group Ready for Labour and Defence is another rare work by Danko. Its military theme, monumental style, austerity of plastic form and deliberately spare colouration is definitive of her work in the first half of the 1930s. 202 201 201. An Extremely Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Red Army Soldier with a Dog ALEKSEY ZHIRADKOV, PAINTING BY A. IVANOV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1937 Height 14 cm, length 27 cm. Realistically modelled, the two soldiers in military clothing and caps beside a young boy in a Russian hat and winter clothes directing them to a distant point, one soldier standing and the other seated with a rifle, with dark green and incised marks, further numbered ‘86’ in black. £12,000–15,000 £8,000–12,000 203. A Porcelain Figurine of a Border Guard KONSTANTIN RYZHOV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1937–1938 Height 23 cm. The more relaxed post-war climate is reflected in the new themes of the porcelain produced from the late 1940s to the early 1960s. Peaceful scenes of Soviet life come to the fore and the figurines include mothers, schoolchildren, students, and even domestic pets, as in Boris Vorobyev’s Kashtanka. The cast of this canine sculpture, made at the newly founded Leningrad Factory of Porcelain Wares, is one of only two that are known (the other is held in the collection of Elagin Palace in St. Petersburg). All of the best Lomonosov State Porcelain Manufactory sculptors of this period – the artists who ensured its enduring reputation in the post-war period – are represented in the present collection. The last of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory’s genre figures were produced in the 1960s and marked the end of an era. www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction KONSTANTIN RYZHOV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1937–1938 Height 21.5 cm. Realistically modelled, wearing a grey military greatcoat and blue saucer cap with red star, lying behind a tree stump and holding a German Shepherd dog, on naturalistic base imitating grass, signed and dated, apparently unmarked. Konstantin Ryzhov, also a prominent artist at the Leningrad Porcelain Factory, is represented by the pieces On Guard, Border Guard and Mother Bathing Her Child. The paintwork on the cast of Alexey Zhiradkov’s Red Army Soldier with a Dog is unique and enables it to be dated to 1937. ( 110 ) 202. A Porcelain Composition “On Guard” Realistically modelled standing by a Soviet border post, wearing a military greatcoat and hat, holding a rifle and gazing into the distance, apparently unmarked. £1,500–2,000 203 MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 111 ) 205. An Exceptional Porcelain Composition “Mounted Body Guards” in Cobalt NATALIA DANKO, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1938 Height 24 cm. Realistically modelled, both guards wearing military uniforms and caps, pointing into the distance, with a unique cobalt design, signed and dated. £20,000–30,000 205 204. A Rare Porcelain Composition “Ready for Labour and Defence” 206. A Porcelain Figurine of a Red Army Soldier NATALIA DANKO, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, EARLY 1930s Height 28 cm. BORIS YAKOVLEV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1939 Height 18 cm. Realistically modelled as three Bolsheviks, the soldier dressed in Red Army uniform, the man in work clothes and the woman in a pale blue patterned dress and a head scarf, each one carrying a rifle, on circular shaped thick white base, with incised initials ‘I.K.’ in Cyrillic and overglaze hammer and sickle manufactory mark. Realistically modelled, dressed in red army military uniform, depicted astride a rearing white horse, on a white square shaped base, with blue overglaze manufactory mark. £24,000–28,000 ( 112 ) £3,000–5,000 www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 206 ( 113 ) 210 210. A Porcelain Composition “Game” SOFIA VELIKHOVA, PAINTING BY ELIZAVETA LUPANOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1955 Height 10 cm. Realistically modelled, painted in gentle pastel colours, the girl seated in a pink dress beside a toy table playing with a teddy bear and doll, on a white circular base with gilt rim, with blue and incised manufactory marks, further numbered ‘10’ in black. £700–900 211 211. A Porcelain Figurine of a Boy with a Cat EFIM GENDELMAN, PAINTING BY KAPITOLINA KOSENKOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1956 Height 12 cm. Realistically modelled, the boy seated on the grass wearing a white T-shirt and pink cap, hiding a ball from the cat beside him, with incised manufactory mark and further signed ‘DV8’ in black. £700–900 212. A Rare Porcelain Composition “A Date (A Bench)” GALINA YAKIMOVA, PAINTING BY ELIZAVETA LUPANOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1954 Height 20.5 cm. Realistically modelled, the couple depicted seated on a white bench, the sailor in a white and blue uniform reading from a book, the girl in a white dress with violet trimming to the sleeves and matching shoes, holding a bouquet of peonies, with incised and large blue underglaze manufactory marks. £1,500–2,000 207. A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Mother Bathing Her Child 208. A Porcelain Figurine of a Girl Feeding Rabbits 209. A Porcelain Figurine of a Girl with a Cat and Dog KONSTANTIN RYZHOV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1939–40 Height 17 cm. TAISIYA KUCHKINA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1939 Height 9 cm. TAISIYA KUCHKINA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1938 Height 17.5 cm. Realistically modelled, the mother in a patterned pastel yellow dress seated on a small stool and holding her child in the wash basin, with green manufactory mark. Realistically modelled, depicted seated, wearing a pastel coloured dress, holding a basket containing two white rabbits and feeding them carrots, with green manufactory mark. Realistically modelled, wearing a patterned grey dress, hair braided with an orange ribbon, holding a kitten in her arms away from the dog at her feet, with black manufactory mark. £800–1,200 £800–1,200 £3,500–4,000 212 ( 114 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 115 ) 213. A Rare Porcelain Composition “Sailor and His Girlfriend on a Date” GALINA YAKIMOVA, PAINTING BY ELIZAVETA LUPANOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1930s Height 14.5 cm. Realistically modelled, the couple depicted seated on a white bench holding hands, the sailor in white and blue uniform, the girl in a white patterned dress with violet shoes and matching shawl, holding a bouquet of peonies, apparently unmarked. £6,500–8,500 214. A Porcelain Composition “First Time in First Class” GALINA STOLBOVA, PAINTING BY ELIZAVETA LUPANOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1954 Height 17 cm. Realistically modelled, the mother in a light patterned dress, standing on her knees beside her daughter and finishing her braid, the daughter standing with a black satchel in her hand and wearing a brown Soviet school dress with a white apron, on a circular shaped white base with faded signature and large blue underglaze manufactory mark, incised initials and further numbered ’41’ in black. 215 216 £800–1,200 215. A Porcelain Figurine of a Dancer 216. A Porcelain Figurine of a Dancer BORIS KUSTODIEV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1923 Height 21 cm. IRINA NIKONOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1967 Height 21 cm. Realistically modelled, wearing a white skirt with a floral pattern, a yellow trimmed jacket and white head scarf, depicted in a traditional dancing pose, signed and dated. Realistically modelled, wearing a white costume, a characteristic dark blue coat with white fur trimming and a white head scarf, on white circular shaped naturalistic base imitating snow, apparently unmarked. £2,500–3,500 £1,000–1,500 217. An Extremely Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Basketball Player IRINA NIKONOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, EARLY 1960s Height 21 cm. Realistically modelled, depicted in a dynamic serving position, holding a ball and wearing green and white striped sports clothing, on a rectangular shaped naturalistic base, apparently unmarked. £4,500–5,500 217 ( 116 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 117 ) 219. A Porcleain Figurine of the Lion Tamer, Irina Bugrimova with Her Lion, Caesar BORIS VOROBYEV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1950s Height 15 cm. 221. A Porcelain Figurine of a “Man in a Case” from Chekhov’s Eponymous Story Realistically modelled, wearing an ornate costume with red and gilt decoration, depicted seated on her favourite lion and caressing his mane, on circular shaped white base with gilt rim, apparently unmarked. BORIS VOROBYEV AND KAPITOLINA KOSENKOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1960s Height 17 cm. £1,000–1,500 Realistically modelled, wearing a characteristic purple overcoat with a checked scarf and matching umbrella, grey hat and glasses, pointing with his finger, on circular shaped white base, with incised manufactory mark. £900–1,200 222. A Rare Porcelain Figurine of Tatiana Larina from Pushkin’s Novel “Eugene Onegin” LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1930s Height 23.5 cm. Realistically modelled, leaning against a tree stump, wearing a lilac-coloured dress, looking pensively to one side and holding a batch of letters, on a square shaped naturalistic base, with a green manufactory mark, further numbered ‘5’ in black. £1,200–1,800 221 219 218 222 218. An Extremely Rare Porcelain Composition “Kashtanka” BORIS VOROBYEV, LENINGRAD FACTORY OF PORCELAIN WARES, CIRCA 1949 Height 24 cm. Realistically modelled, the clown in a bright festive circus costume, depicted standing beside a goose and a pig, caressing Kashtanka and holding a cat in his arms, apparently unmarked. 223 £11,000–14,000 224 223. A Porcelain Figurine of a Knight from the Chess Series 220. A Porcelain Figurine “Awakening of the East” NATALIA DANKO, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1923 Height 12 cm. Realistically modelled, the girl wearing traditional clothing and scarf, depicted seated in lotus position and reading a Soviet newspaper marked with a hammer and sickle in gold, on a patterned polychrome circular shaped base, with blue manufactory mark, further titled, signed and dated in black. 224. A Porcelain Figurine of a Rook from the Chess Series 225 225. A Porcelain Figurine of a Pawn from the Chess Series NATALIA DANKO, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1930s Height 8 cm. NATALIA DANKO, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1930s Height 6.5 cm. NATALIA DANKO, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1930s Height 6 cm. Shaped as a horse’s head, painted in white with black and gold ornaments, with blue manufactory stamp. Shaped as a white swan supporting a tower and shield, with black and gold ornaments, apparently unmarked. £1,200–1,800 £1,200–1,800 Shaped as a Red Army peasant woman wearing a pale orange chemise and holding a sickle and a sheaf of rye, apparently unmarked. £700–900 £4,500–6,500 220 ( 118 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 119 ) 226 229 228 227 230 231 229. A Porcelain Figurine of a Ballet Dancer (the Actress Tatiana Piletskaya) ALEXANDER PAKHOMOV, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, LATE 1930s Height 21 cm. Realistically modelled as a young ballet dancer, depicted seated wearing a lilac dress and an orange hair ribbon, tying her ballet shoes, on rectangular shaped base imitating an ornate tiled floor, with large green anniversary manufactory stamp. £1,800–2,200 230. A Porcelain Figurine of a Girl with Flowers EFIM GENDELMAN, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1950s Height 20.5 cm. Realistically modelled, wearing a light pink dress, depicted seated, day-dreaming and leaning on her knees, holding a bouquet of flowers, on a shaped naturalistic base imitating grass with flowers, with blue overglaze manufactory marks. £700–900 226. A Porcelain Figurine of a Chukchi Child with a Ball 227. A Porcelain Composition “Friendship” 228. A Porcelain Figurine of a Blackamoor Boy with a Pigeon OLGA MANUYLOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, 1930s Height 22 cm. GALINA STOLBOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1958 Height 17.5 cm. GALINA STOLBOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1957 Height 23.5 cm. Realistically modelled, wearing a typical pink-hooded winter coat with fur trimmings, cream trousers and shoes, holding a blue ball, on a hexagon shaped white base with blue dots, with green manufactory mark, further numbered ‘42’ in blue. Realistically modelled, two girls in conversation, the blonde in a patterned white dress, seated and hugging her friend, the brunette seated on the floor, wearing a bright green and white oriental gown with gilt ornament, on circular shaped white base with gilt rims, with incised manufactory mark. Realistically modelled, wearing a striped sarong and holding a gilt pigeon, on circular shaped white base, with incised manufactory mark. £700–900 £2,000–3,000 £1,500–2,000 231. A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Girl Playing a Violin from the “Thank You Comrade Stalin for Our Happy Childhood” Series VLADIMIR BOGATYRYEV AND GALINA STOLBOVA, POSSIBLY PAINTING BY ELIZAVETA LUPANOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1949 Height 30.5 cm. Realistically modelled, wearing a white school dress with a red Young Pioneer scarf, standing beside a classical column with sheets of notes, diligently playing a violin, on white circular shaped base, with green manufactory mark. 232. A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Seamstress GALINA STOLBOVA, PAINTING BY ELIZAVETA LUPANOVA, LOMONOSOV STATE PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, LENINGRAD, CIRCA 1965 Height 23.5 cm. Realistically modelled, the figure glazed in white, wearing slippers and holding a piece of fabric, seated on a white stool, on white rectangular shaped base, apparently unmarked. £1,500–2,000 £2,000–3,000 232 ( 120 ) www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction MacDougall’s London 12 October 2015 ( 121 ) MacDougall's Terms & Conditions of Sale October 2015 1. All contractual rights and obligations made between vendors, bidders and MacDougall Arts Ltd in respect of an auction conducted by MacDougall Arts Ltd (an “auction”) are subject to these Terms and Conditions of Sale. 2. 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Belutin, Eliy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Belyaev, Nikolay .................................................................. 69 Bulatov, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114, 143 Chainikov, Grigory Chulovich, Viktor .......................................................... 82, 83 ................................................................ Deineka, Aleksandr Fedorovsky, Fedor ......................................................... ....................................................... 60 26, 96 75, 76, 77 Nissky, Georgy Pavliuk, Arkady Petrov, Arkady 12 Popov, Igor .................................................................. 28 Purygin, Leonid 28 Kabakov, Ilya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Kalinin, Viatcheslav ............................................................ Kharitonov, Alexander Kolesnik, Boris ............................................. 118 104, 105, 106 Komendant, Yuri Romas, Yakov Samokhvalov, Alexander Shcherbakov, Boris 29 Krasnopevtsev, Dmitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 101 59 49 ....................................................... ........................................................... 67, 86, 85 56 ................................................................... Sidorov, Valentin Sitnikov, Vasily .................................................................. .................................................................. Slepyshev, Anatoly ........................................................ Stenberg Brothers, Vladimir & George ............... 1 119 132, 133 87, 89, 90, 91, 97, 102 Stozharov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 54 Sveshnikov, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108, 109 24, 25 Kustodiev, Boris ............................................................. Labas, Alexander ................................................................. 47 Lebedev, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 86, 92 Tabenkin, Lev .......................................................... Ter-Oganian, Avdei 134, 135, 136 ........................................................ 141, 142 Terpsikhorov, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 .......................................................... 79 Timkov, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 .................................................................. 65 Tkachev, Alexei Lekomtsev, Konstantin Maksimov, Konstantin ................................................... Mamyshev-Monroe, Vladislav 2, 14, 70 ................................................ 123 Masterkova, Lydia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Unknown Artist ............................................................. ............................................................ Nemukhin, Vladimir ........................................................ 45, 46 116, 117 ................................. 15, 17, 18 Tselkov, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 138 Nazarenko, Tatiana 55 Tkachev, Sergei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tkachev, Sergei And Tkachev, Aleksei Tsvetkov, Viktor ............................................................... Nechitailo, Vasily .................................................................... 51 Nalbandian, Dmitri Wednesday, 2 December, 2015, 10:30 68 ............................................................. 121 ................................................................ ........................................... 103 Savitskiy, Georgiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 62 63, 64 ......................................................... ...................................................................... .................................................................. Kropivnitsky, Lev Magalyas, Vasyl Rodchenko, Alexander Semenyuk, Yuri ............................................................. 58 139, 140 ............................................................ ..................................................................... Serov, Vladimir ........................................................................ Kugach, Yuriy Rabin, Oscar 57 Koshlyakov, Valery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120, 124, 125, 126 10, 20, 78 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ........................................................................ 80 Kopaev, Vladimir Kotov, Petr .......................................................... .......................................................... .............................................................. ................................................................... Kolesnikov, Stepan 137, 144, 145 Pimenov, Yuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 73 ................................................................ ................................................................. 22 66 Plastov, Arkady Gerasimov, Sergei Iordansky, Boris ................................................................. ................................................................... ........................................................ Popkov, Viktor 11, 13, 19, 52, 53 4 Nizovaya, Sofia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pakhomov, Alexei 50 .................................................... 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 Niyeminen, Folke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 ................................................................ Gladkiy, Mikhail ........................................ ..................................................................... Gerasimov, Sergei Gritsai, Alexei ( 126 ) Nesterova, Natalia .................................................................. ............................................ 72 88, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99 Vitman, Irina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Weisberg, Vladimir .............................................................. 111 2 December 2015 London www.macdougallauction.com www.MacDougallauction.com Russian Art Auction Where to Find Us n. et Leicester Square Wh om itc s's S n rlto Ca Ho s's ame Terpsikhorov, Nikolai (1890–1960). Letter from the Front Maksimov, Konstantin (1913‒1994). Lotuses A Rare Porcelain Composition “Ready for Labour and Defence” Nesterova, Natalia (B. 1944). 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