February 2016 Newsletter - Trinity United Church of Christ


February 2016 Newsletter - Trinity United Church of Christ
Volume 2016, NO.1
Upcoming Events
February 6
Soup Social
February 10
Ash Wednesday
February 12, 19, 26
Fish Bake
February 21
22 Lafayette St., Tamaqua, PA 18252
(570) 668-4139 ~ FAX (570) 668-5367
Website ~ www.tamaquatrinity.com
Pastor ~ Rev. Darryl E. Kensinger
~ 570-668-1719
Pastor Emeritus ~ Rev. David W. Grant
Secretary ~ Melody Casler
Email ~ officetamaquatrinity@verizon.net
Mrs. Phyllis J. Paisley ~ Organist & Choir Director
Mr. Richard M. Hadesty Jr. ~ Asst. Organist
Pastor’s Corner…
It is hard to believe we are near the Season of Lent. Our schedule for the season
 Ash Wednesday Service February 10th – 7:30 pm at Trinity with Communion
 Wednesday Evening services 7:30 pm at Trinity on February 17th, March 2nd and
March 16th
 Wednesday Evening services 7:30 pm at St. John’s UCC on February 24th, March 9th,
and March 23rd
 Sunday, March 20th – 10:00 am at Trinity – Palm Sunday Service
 Maundy Thursday Service 7:30 pm at Trinity with Communion and the Stripping of
the Altar, March 24th
 Good Friday Community Service at Trinity at noon on March 25th
 Easter Sunrise Service at 6:00 am and our Traditional Worship at 10:00 am with
Communion on March 27th
May God be with us all and help us to grow closer to Him through our
observance of the Season of Lent.
Let me add that it is rare for us to call off the worship service due to weather, but
if you get up on a Sunday morning to snow or ice and wonder, call our church
office. When the service is called off a recorded message will relay the
information. You can also check the churches website www.tamaquatrinity.com
or call me at 570-668-1719. Hopefully we got all of our winter weather through
this past storm, but it never hurts to have a plan. Just remember, Lent is coming
and so is Spring.
God Bless you all.
Darryl E. Kensinger
Feeding The Hungry - Our Trinity Soup Social is held on the
first Saturday of every month. Our next two socials will be on
Saturday, February 6th and March 5th from 4 - 6:00 pm.
Everyone is Welcome! You are invited to share our food, our
friendship, and god’s love. No charge.
If you or someone you know is hospitalized, please call the church office at 668-4139.
Due to the HIPAA Law names are no longer published in the newspaper and we are not
contacted by the hospital unless the patient requests it, when admitted, let them know
you are a member of Trinity United Church of Christ. Also if you’ve added a name to
the prayer list please keep the church office informed if the individual needs to
be removed. Thank you!
All information for March/ April issue of the “Trinity Spirit” is due at the church
office no later than Monday, February 22, 2016. Please note that this is a combined
issue. You may e-mail your information to officetamaquatrinity@verizon.net or drop
it in the secretary’s mailbox. Thank you for your co-operation!
Please continue to use your Boyer’s key tag every
time you shop in any Boyer’s Markets. Thank
you for your participation in this program.
2016 Sponsors - There are new sign-up sheets on
the bulletin board for Bulletin, Communion Cup,
and Candle Sponsors. Please pay and also fill out
a memorial/honorarium sheet when you sign
your name on the list. There are cards available for
you to fill out with your honorarium or memoriam
and attach that with your payment. Thank you in
advance and if you have any questions please
contact the church office at 668-4139.
In the event of questionable weather conditions on a Sunday
morning, please call the Church office at 668-4139 or visit our
website at www.tamaquatrinity.com prior to leaving home. The
recorded message will give you information concerning
cancellation of services.
February 14, 2016
The Annual Congregational Meeting of Trinity UCC will be held on Sunday, February 14,
2016. It will begin just prior to the close of the 10 AM morning worship service. Reports
will be mailed only upon request. Our agenda will consist of the approval of the
annual reports for all committees and organizations. As always, we encourage
all members to attend this meeting.
“Trinity Dishcloths” are available for $1.25 each see
Richard Hadesty Jr. if you are interested in purchasing one.
Please Join Us!
Saturday Worship – 6:00 pm
Sunday Church School – 8:45 am
Sunday Worship – 10:00 am
2016graduates… If you or a member of your family will be
graduating from High School, College, or Trade school
(etc.) this year, please notify the church office no later
than Friday, May 8th.
We need this information to plan
for our Graduate Recognition Sunday.
congregation to run smoothly, effective lines of
communication are necessary. We often have information
that we need to get out quickly to our membership. With
so many people giving up their phone land-lines for cell
phones, we find that our congregation contact information
needs to be updated. We would appreciate you including
your CELL PHONE number AND your EMAIL address
on one of your offering envelopes. And please let us
know if your mailing address has changed recently.
Thank you.
The Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday
on February 10, 2016. A worship service will be held at
Trinity beginning at 7:30 pm. with Holy Communion and
the Imposition of Ashes. We invite all to begin your
Lenten Journey for this year by worshipping with us.
Those members of Trinity continuing their education and receiving bi-annual awards for the
year 2016 are as follows:
2011 - Drew Bonner continues pursuing his Master of Music Performance Degree at
Arizona State University and plans on graduating in May, 2017. Currently, he is a
Teacher’s Assistance and is a member of “FIVE”, a quartet of all euphoniums. They
recently traveled to Austin, Texas to do a recording and will perform at Fort Myers
in February.
2015 – Olivia Morrison continues studying Pre-Law at Penn State University. She
completed her internship with Senator Argall and successfully concluded her last
semester as a college freshman. As a sophomore, Olivia will pledge Kappa Beta
Gamma, an academic/social sorority that works hand in hand with the Special
Olympics and THON (for children with pediatric cancer). She is currently learning to
speak French in hopes of scoring a two week study abroad trip to Paris next year
with the Political Science Department.
Michael Hadesty was graduated from Penn State University in December, 2015 with a
degree in Mining Engineering. He completed an Internship in Phosphate Mining in North
Carolina and is currently seeking employment in his chosen profession.
Lacey Folweiler attended the Baum Institute School of Arts for Fashion Design and was
graduated from Lehigh County Community College in December, 2015 with an Associate
degree in Fashion Design. Lacey completed her Internship in Fashion Merchandising and
Planning with Nordstrom in Santa Monica, California. She is currently pursuing
employment in her chosen profession.
Our continued thoughts and prayers follow all our scholarship graduates and those
continuing their education. Our church family is so very proud of you and all your
Scholarship applications and requirements are available from the church office. Deadlines
for at the end of semester renewals are due by April 30th.
Ruthy Kerr, Trinity Scholarship Chairperson
February - 2016
2015 was another busy year for our “Prayer Shawl Ministry” here at Trinity Church. We
continue to share our church’s mission to pray for and to reach out to those that are hurting,
in need of comforting, to offer encouragement and hope, and for them to know they are
being thought of, and are loved.
Since the beginning of our ministry we have provided in excess of (120) prayer shawls/lap
throws/bed throws/quilts to comfort those in need. We are always creating Prayer Shawls,
sweater, hat, scarf, and mitten sets to be shared with those in need. (80) plus sets were made
available for distribution to Bridge House, Child Development/Headstart, Schuylkill Women
In Crisis, and the Tamaqua Elementary School. Our members continue to sew quilts, knit
and crochet bed throws for Bethany Children’s Home and Birthright Ministries in
This year, we added Loom Weaving to our ministry. Those interested in exploring weaving
techniques participated in classes taught by Cindy Miller of “Summer Shanty Fiber Arts”
who provided all the looms and materials needed to complete our projects. A Rigid Heddle
Loom was donated to our church and is available to anyone interested in loom weaving.
We are currently planning on adopting new outreach projects to further our ministry and are
open to any ideas/suggestions.
Prayer Shawls are always available. All you need to do is ask someone in our group, call the
church office, or ask Pastor Kensinger.
We continue to meet every Saturday at 1:00 PM. It is a time of fun, fellowship and a time to
relax after a busy or stressful week.
Blessings to you all,
Ruthy Kerr
Prayer Shawl Ministry Chairperson
2016 COMMITTEES (indicates Chair *)
EXECUTIVE: The President, Pastor, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.
Active Elders.
STEWARDSHIP, BUDGET, FINANCE: David Billig*, Norma Lee Burke, Betty Morgans,
Brum Donohue, Tina Soley, David Folk, Ruth Kerr.
WORSHIP: Allison Morrison*, Herbert Curvey, Richard Hadesty, Jr., A. Ruth Essington,
Evelyn Curvey, Diane Chicanavage, Debbie Delp, Ruth Kerr, Gary Myers, Phyllis Paisley.
SCHOLARSHIP: Ruth Kerr*, Betty Morgans, Jeanine Herring, Gary Myers, Allison
EVANGELISM, OUTREACH: Tina Soley*, Betty Morgans, Norma Lee Burke, Ruth Kerr,
Susan Coombe, Maria Zeigler, Diane Gould.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Betty Dolinsky*, David Billig*, A. Ruth Essington, Lois
Walton, Allison Morrison.
NOMINATING: Diane Chicanavage*, Jack Myers, Jeanine Herring, Lynn Myers, Doris
CONSTITUTION/BY-LAWS: Richard Hadesty Jr.*, Doris Nelson*,Ruth Kerr, Stacie Folk.
DECORATING: Debbie Delp*, A. Ruth Essington, Lynn Myers, Nichole Myers, Bernadette
Nester, Charlotte Welsh, Maria Zeigler, Karen Hadesty, Desiree Eltringham.
AUDIT: A. Ruth Essington*, Richard Hadesty, Jr., Diane Reifinger, Doris Nelson.
HOSPITALITY: A. Ruth Essington*, Lois Comisac, Lois Walton, Nancy Miller, Denise
Meyers, Betty Dolinsky, Jeanine Herring.
FRIENDS IN NEED: Betty Dolinsky*, Samantha Gibbons, Amy Mateyak.
MUSIC/ ORGAN: Debbie Delp*, Lois Walton*, Norma Lee Burke, Doris Nelson, Evelyn
Curvey, Phyllis Paisley, Gary Myers, Richard Hadesty Jr.
HEALING MEALS: Betty Dolinsky*, Stacy Rascavage, Maria Zeigler.
ARCHIVES: Richard Hadesty Jr.*.
FOUNDERS HALL GROUP: Treasurer: Betty Dolinsky*, Anna Fritzinger, Manager,
William Fritzinger, Chef, Lois Comisac.
SOUP SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Barbara Breiner*, Betty Dolinsky.
PROPERTY: John Hadesty*, David Billig, Ruth Kerr, Jack Myers, Doris Nelson, Scott
Shilko, Gary Wetterau.
TRINITY BIBLE STUDY: Coordinator: Pastor
100TH ANNIVERSARY: To Be Announced
The Pastor and Consistory President are ex officio members of all
Committees and should be notified of all meetings although they need not necessarily
be present.
All Committees should clear their meeting dates, times, and places with the Church
Office to avoid confusion and scheduling problems.
Every Friday in Lent
February 12th, 19th, 26th
March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
Trinity United
Church of Christ
22 Lafayette St-Tamaqua
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Adults: $10.00 a platter- Children under 12: $5.00
Baked Haddock, Deviled Crab Cakes, Cod Fish Cake, or Baked
Chicken, Stewed Tomatoes, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Macaroni &
Cheese, Dessert, and Beverage
CALL 668-4630
March 6, 2016
August 12, 2015
Written by Carol Fouke-Mpoyo
Who are the missionaries you support through OGHS, and what are they up to
these days? Here are snapshots of – and thought-provoking quotes from several of them, with links to their web pages and blog posts:
Timothy and Diane are members of Howland Community Church,
Warren, Ohio. They serve the National Spiritual Council of Churches
of Haiti (CONASPEH), teaching micro-savings and microenterprise.
“Our goal is to encourage both adults and young people to explore
possibilities that will allow them to be a part of developing their own churches and communities. The
seminarians are presently in the process of creating actual micro-savings groups in their churches in an effort
to encourage their membership to get into the habit of saving and to also have access to a lump sum of money
to potentially start new businesses or expand existing ones.” – Diane
Teresa and Anil are members of Brookmeade Congregational Church
UCC, Nashville, Tenn. They serve the Synodical Board of Health
Services of the Church of North India. Teresa is a Senior Medical
Officer and anesthesiologist at the Christian Hospital in Mungeli and
manager of the Rambo Memorial English School. Anil husband works
as the Director and surgeon in the hospital. “The mission hospital in Mungeli … was on the brink of closure
due to the lack of leadership and doctors and we saw this as our calling. We took on the challenge of this
hospital which had a legacy of over 100 years (est. 1896) but had been at a state of disrepair for over 35 years.
To bring this up and full of life not only for thousands of people here in this region but to also share this joy
with many who come from around the world has truly been a fulfillment of how God has used us richly.” –
Donald and Maryjane are members of Federated Church UCC, Fergus
Falls, Minn. They serve the Christian Commission for the Evangelical
and Reformed Church of Honduras. Donald is instituting creative
ways to increase the income of the Center for Vocational Education
and Evangelical Reformed (CEVER), offering classes in Machining,
Welding, Automotive Repair, Culinary Arts, Woodworking, Cosmetology, and general education. The
additional income “means we can offer more courses in such vocations as an electrician course, motorcycle
mechanics, and automobile mechanics for newer cars,” he said. Maryjane provides administrative support to
CEVER, and is helping reopen a rural health clinic in Subirana, Yoro.
“Global understanding is a path toward respect and peace. The best way to understand another culture, and
indeed, understand differing ideas and religions, is to be immersed in it. By being immersed in another culture,
one very different from one’s own, I contribute to peace and understanding within the church and within my
community.” – Maryjane
Karen and John are members of Upland (Calif.) Presbyterian
Church. They serve the Evangelical Christian Church of West Timor
as members of the theological faculty of Artha Wacana
University. The university serves the largely rural population of
Timor and surrounding islands. Most of its students are the first
generation in their families to attend college. The theological faculty trains 90 percent of the pastors of our
partner church in Timor.
“Bad theology hurts people; good theology brings them joy and courage. It’s as important to combat the first
as it is to promote the second.” - John
We will receive the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering on Sunday, March 6, 2016 which is the 4th Sunday in
Lent. Envelopes will be available in the Narthex.
Acolyte Schedule
February/ March/ April 2016
February 7
Emma Hope - A
Sadie Morrison -C
February 14
Justin Folk -A
McKenzee Coombe - C
February 21
Abby Fiorilla -A
Leah Mateyak - C
February 28
Lottie Mateyak - A
Sarah Hope - C
March 6
McKenzee Coombe - A Morgan Hadesty - C
March 13
Jillian Hartranft -A
Ava Vengen-C
March 20
Abby Fiorilla -A
Andrew Fiorilla - C
March 27
Justin Folk -A
Bryce DeAngelo -C
April 3
Emma Hope - A
Sadie Morrison -C
April 10
Lottie Mateyak - A
Leah Mateyak -C
April 17
McKenzee Coombe - A Ella Morrison -C
April 24
Jaylen Smith - A
Morgan Hadesty - C
Notes: Great job to all my acolytes and crucifers. Please let me know if you are unable to
be here on your scheduled Sunday. Thank you to those who jump in when I need you.
Diane Chicanavage, Director
February 2016
ATTENTION GREETERS AND USHERS: Please check to see when you are scheduled to serve.
Please contact Ali Morrison if you are unable to serve on the scheduled date and cannot
find your own replacement – 570-668-7283. Thank you to all who serve as Greeters and Ushers.
February 7
G. Desire Eltringham & Phyllis Pruett
U. Desire Eltringham & Phyllis Pruett
February 21
G. Roberta Hollenbach & Jack Meyers
U. Jack Meyers & Jarrett Morrison
February 14
G. John & Karen Hadesty
U. John & Karen Hadesty
February 28
G. Lois Comisac & Ali Morrison
U. Lois Comisac & Betty Dolinsky
Lenten Self-Denial Coin Folder are
available in the Narthex. Please be
sure to include your name and
address on your folder and return it
to the church as soon as possible
after Easter Sunday.
22 Lafayette Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252
This Newsletter was prepared
Especially for:
February 2016
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
8:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM
Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 PM ~ 5:00 PM