Summer 2014 - Sponsors for Educational Opportunity


Summer 2014 - Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
Opportunity Knocks
photo: Rick Gilbert, Skyhook Entertainment
$2.4 Million Raised at 11th Annual Awards Dinner
ver 1,000 guests joined us at Cipriani Wall Street on April 30th, 2014 to celebrate SEO’s three programs
and to welcome our new chairman Mr. Henry R. Kravis. Underwriting support was provided by Stanley
and Fiona Druckenmiller, Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis, and RBC Capital Markets. Left to right:
William A. Goodloe, President & CEO of SEO; Henry R. Kravis, Co-Chairman & Co-Chief Executive Officer of
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; Honoree General (Ret.) Stanley A. McChrystal, Co-Founder of the McChrystal
Group; SEO Founder Michael Osheowitz; Honoree Walter K. Booker, SEO Chairman Emeritus; Honoree Roger W.
Ferguson, President & CEO of TIAA-CREF; and Dinner Chair Doug McGregor,
Chair and CEO of RBC Capital Markets.
Henry R. Kravis
Named Chairman of SEO
Page 4
[ SAVE THE DATE: SEO’s 12th Annual Awards Dinner, Monday, April 27, 2015 \
at the Waldorf-Astoria in NYC
Preparing a New Generation of Leaders
photos: Rick Gilbert, Skyhook Entertainment
Dinner honorees General (Ret) Stanley A. McChrystal, Co-Founder,
McChrystal Group; Walter K. Booker, SEO Chairman Emeritus and SEO Career
’81 Alumnus; and Roger W. Ferguson, President & CEO of TIAA-CREF.
SEO Board Chairman Henry R. Kravis with his wife Marie-Josée Kravis.
Board member Ninon Marapachi, Director, Head of Hedge Fund Origination,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch, with her husband Meck Khalfan, CEO &
Co-Founder, Puku LLC, and Nana Meriwether, Donald Trump’s Miss USA 2012.
Roger Blissett, SEO Career alumnus and Managing Director at RBC Capital
Markets, with SEO Founder Michael Osheowitz and dinner chair Doug
McGregor, Chair and CEO of RBC Capital Markets.
Dinner chair Doug McGregor, Chair and CEO of RBC Capital Markets, led
the effort to raise $2.4 million for our 11th Annual Awards Dinner.
William Goodloe, President & CEO of SEO, welcomes over 1,000 guests to
Cipriani Wall Street.
SEO Scholars NYC high school staff celebrate another successful year of
helping public school students get to and through college.
Yokasta Segura-Baez (right), a principal at Pantheon Ventures (U.S.)
LP and a member of the SEO Alternative Investments Limited Partner
Advisory Council, with colleague Tulsi Shah, an associate at Pantheon.
Seven SEO Scholars take the stage to share their college dreams and
career aspirations.
Founder Michael Osheowitz with dinner emcee Seema Mody, a CNBC
Gilbert Andrew Garcia, SEO Board of Directors Treasurer; Thaina Gonzalez,
SEO Manager of Executive Offices; and Fidel Vargas, CEO of the Hispanic
Scholarship Fund. All three are SEO alumni.
SEO alumni reunite in celebration of SEO. Members of our Junior
Leadership Board and San Francisco Advisory shown here. Back Row, L-R:
Keith Patterson, George Landrove, Riyadh Mohammed. Front Row, L-R:
Hailey Young, Tope Yusuf, Sheila Berry, Joyce Shen, Brian Clarke.
Preparing a New Generation of Leaders
Henry R. Kravis Named Chairman of SEO
enry R. Kravis, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive
Officer of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., made his
public debut as SEO’s new chairman of the board at
our 11th Annual Awards Dinner on April 30, 2014. Over 1,000
guests listened intently as he shared his enthusiasm for
SEO, vowing to help raise visibility of SEO’s programs. The
inspiring students we serve in SEO Scholars, he said, played
a key role in his decision to chair the board. He and his wife
Marie-Josée Kravis made a $4 million gift to SEO Scholars
last year which will go toward doubling the number of 9th
grade students we will accept into the program in New York
City this fall. It’s an exciting time for our board, our staff and,
most of all, our Scholars!
“SEO Scholars is a stellar model of what
works, and it’s ready for expansion.”
–Henry R. Kravis
Mr. Kravis has become increasingly involved with SEO since
KKR became a founding partner of the SEO Alternative
Investments Fellowship Program in 2009. He also hosts an
annual seminar for our SEO Career interns. Mr. Kravis is the
third chairman in SEO’s history, following Michael Osheowitz
and Walter Booker.
photo: Rick Gilbert, Skyhook Entertainment
Dartmouth College, Class of 2014
photo: Bethany Bandera
Meet Dee
Kravis calls SEO Scholars New York’s “best-kept secret” in a May 19, 2014 article in Barron’s.
12th grade Scholars in New York City celebrate at the SEO Scholars graduation ceremony on June 19, 2014.
Help Us Expand SEO Scholars!
SEO Scholars is embarking on a growth plan that will double our impact. Our board of directors voted
to double the 9th grade class size in New York City and admit 250 students each year, starting this fall.
By the eighth year following this increase, SEO Scholars will be serving approximately 2,000 students
annually at the high school and college levels. Help us reach our goal of serving 250 students by making
a donation at or contact Jessica Harris at or 646-435-9565.
Six SEO Scholars meet Mr. Kravis before sharing their personal stories at our 11th Annual Awards Dinner.
SEO Scholars means that I’m defined by my resilience,
not my struggles. I went to a high school that would have
left me unprepared for college and I often wondered how I’d
even pay for college when my mother was already working
so hard to provide for me and my five siblings. Luckily, I
didn’t have to focus on these obstacles. SEO Scholars gave
me the tools to surmount them.
When I decided that Dartmouth was my dream school, SEO
Scholars was right there to help me prepare. I could see
the finish line, so I worked even harder. Attending Saturday
Academy, Summer Academy and after-school classes was
challenging but worth the effort. Not only did I get into
Dartmouth but, with the help of SEO Scholars, I’ve been
attending with a full-ride thanks to a Bill and Melinda Gates
Scholarship and a Hartley-Schlosstein Scholarship.
SEO Scholars has been in my corner all through college,
providing me with help at any moment. I graduated on June 8th
and will work at City Year to help provide opportunities to other
New York City kids, just like SEO Scholars did for me.
S&I 100 / Social Impact
Exchange (2013-Present)
SEO Scholars has been
named one of America’s
top 100 nonprofits on
this first-ever broad index
of U.S. nonprofits. Each
organization featured has
been rigorously screened
for proof of impact and
ability to expand.
Root Cause’s Highest
Rating (2014)
SEO Scholars earned
47 out of 50 points in
Program Performance and
Organizational Health from
independent analysts at
Root Cause. Root Cause
analyzed peer performance
in the category of College
Access and Success.
Charity Navigator –
Four Stars (2013 - 2014)
America’s premier charity
evaluator awarded SEO a
coveted four-star rating
for our sound fiscal
GuideStar Exchange
SEO earned the
GuideStar Exchange
Seal, demonstrating
our commitment to
The Giving Library
SEO Scholars was
selected to be featured
on the Giving Library,
an online video archive
launched by The Laura and
John Arnold Foundation
that connects donors to
Transforming Public High School Students Into College Graduates
Scholars Outscore National
Test-Takers on the SAT
ew research from The Education Trust finds that students of color and from disadvantaged backgrounds, on average, don’t
do as well on the SAT as their peers from wealthier, white families—even when those students start out as high-achievers.
A new study of SEO Scholars, however, shows that for the past five years, our Black and Hispanic Scholars outscored all
national test-takers on the SAT, even when comparing scores by grade point average. We’re proud to have proof that our model
of “more time on task” coupled with rigorous academics closes the achievement gap.
Making Summer Count
While 9th and 10th grade Scholars in New York City and San
Francisco are attending Summer Academy, and our College
Scholars are working or studying hard in summer opportunities, our rising 12th grade Scholars are participating
in exciting summer enrichment programs. These include
academic, travel, outdoor leadership, arts, and internship
opportunities. One student visited the Talkeetna Mountains,
best known as the base for expeditions to Mt. McKinley:
“I went to Alaska as part of the National Outdoor
Leadership School. We went backpacking for 30
days in the Talkeetna Mountains. I learned so many
leadership skills — and this is what I will take with
me to New York University in the fall.” —Jorge G.
Meet Jason: Marist College, Class of 2014
inishing college in four years and getting accepted into his dream graduate
school wasn’t an easy journey for Jason
Acosta. He spent most of his childhood in
foster care and could have easily landed
in a gang or in jail, like several of his
friends in the South Bronx did.
“Being in foster care with no money
and no real home,” Jason said, “you
feel like nobody really cares. At SEO
Scholars, I met people who knew I
could do better for myself. My mentor Derek and the SEO Scholars staff
helped me apply to 11 colleges.”
When his father passed away last November, SEO Scholars provided the support he needed to make it through the
biggest challenge of his college career.
He had to make funeral arrangements
during finals week but managed to
find time to focus on his studies. “SEO
Scholars was just a phone call away if
I ever needed to speak to someone.”
Jason just graduated from Marist College
with a dual major in social work and psychology — and five internships under his
belt. “Graduating is a bittersweet feeling.
I am really used to living the college life,
but I am also happy that I accomplished
such a huge goal. Now, I’m looking forward
to starting what I would like to think of
as a new life.”
A new life indeed. This summer, he’s
interning with the Fresh Air Fund before
returning to school in the fall as a
graduate student at Fordham University
School of Social Work. “I remember calling
SEO Scholars to tell them I got accepted
to my #1 graduate school program,”
Jason said. “Kathryn* was so excited it
seemed as if she was the one going to
grad school!” Jason’s dream is to start
a non-profit like SEO Scholars that
uses education as a tool to help
troubled youth.
Jason with his foster mother.
*College Scholars program manager.
In San Francisco: On the Road to College
Ready for College
Our 12th grade Scholars in New York City are getting ready for their first semester of college this fall! Our College Scholars
team will be supporting them every step of the way as they begin the next chapter of SEO Scholars at 55 different colleges
and universities across the country (with $1.5 million in scholarships and grants for their first year of college alone). They
already took the first step together at our College Success Series in June which will ensure a smooth transition to campus.
It’s an exciting summer for SEO Scholars San Francisco. Our first cohort of rising 12th graders is getting ready to apply to college!
They already toured nine campuses, including Stanford, UCLA, Occidental and UC Berkeley, and completed a 10-week SAT prep
course, earning scores that show they’re on track to surpass the College Board’s “college ready” score. They’re also beginning
to earn scholarships: two Scholars were selected by ScholarMatch to receive financial aid at the schools of their choice. This
summer 2014 at Senior Boot Camp, they’re finalizing college lists and writing personal essays so that they’ll be ready to apply
to colleges this fall.
Gates Millennium Scholarships:
full tuition for both undergraduate
and graduate-level work
Carnegie Mellon 
Victor T.
Trinity College 
Kimberly M.
Trinity College 
Malin M.
Posse Scholarships:
four-year, full-tuition scholarships
Trinity College Ten Scholars participated in HEAF’s National College Decision Day on May 1, 2014.
Kimberly M.
Wheaton College 
Jovon F.
Mentors Needed in NYC and SF
Over 100 volunteer mentors helped our Scholars apply to
college this past year. Tim Navidad, an account manager at
Google, was one of them. He worked with our staff to help
two Scholars identify target colleges, craft personal essays,
and apply to summer enrichment programs. Thanks for
your support of our Scholars, Tim!
AUG. 3 (NYC) or sept. 1 (SF)
“I’ve worked with other high school mentoring programs but Phillip and
Sonam are so laser-focused, it’s really a different experience,” said Tim.
One Internship, Infinite Opportunities
Calling All Alumni!
In the past ten years, 96% of our 3,479 interns have collectively donated more than half a million dollars to more
than 35 NYC-based organizations, with half of the funds raised benefiting SEO Scholars. As interns, you made a promise to celebrate those who came before you
and to support those who will come after you.
The 2014 Intern Class Gift is underway.
Show the interns that your promise to give back continues.
Make a donation to SEO this summer!
Special prizes
This summer, SEO Career welcomes its tenth class
of Corporate Leadership interns. The program
launched in 2005 with IBM as the
inaugural partner. Since then, 84%
of the 313 interns we’ve placed have received
full-time job offers from our partner companies.
n 2005, Joyce Shen was a University of
Chicago undergraduate who earned a
spot in the first class of SEO Career’s
Corporate Leadership interns at IBM.
“SEO Career taught me the skills and
capabilities I needed to be impactful,”
she says, “and instilled in me what it
takes to become a business leader
who gives back.“
After a successful summer, she was
offered a full-time position at IBM
and launched her career there soon
after graduation. During her time at
IBM, Joyce has worked in Corporate
Development focusing on mergers and
We placed 18 interns at IBM this summer. Obed Louissant, Vice President of Human
Resources at IBM Watson Group, welcomed them at SEO Career’s Corporate Leadership
Institute at the IBM Learning Center in Armonk, New York.
a Spotli
very summer before their
internships start, SEO Career
interns undergo an intensive
training program to ensure that
they are ready to meet existing
standards in the nation’s most
competitive industries. This year,
our new chairman Henry R. Kravis
welcomed the 2014 class at our
orientation program on May
19th in New York City. The interns
then began a series of workshops,
seminars and networking events
tailored to their specific work
areas. In all, they received 60 hours of in-person training in hard and soft skills
plus 40 hours of tailored online training in foundational business concepts. Our
Corporate Leadership and law interns also attended our multi-day institutes
featuring executive speakers from partner companies and firms who shared
advice on career planning and professional development.
Corporate Leadership
Celebrates 10 Years
in 2014
photos: jane feldman
301 Interns Are Ready for Work with
SEO Career’s Intensive Training
Joyce Shen (CLP ’05)
Chief Financial Officer,
Cloud Platform Services Division, IBM
acquisitions strategy and transaction
executions prior to becoming a senior
finance and operations manager in the
company’s Software Group. Joyce was
recently promoted to Chief Financial
Officer of IBM’s Cloud Platform Services
Division, where she will lead the
financial and operational management
in growing Bluemix, the next-generation
cloud platform for software developers
around the world.
Joyce has stayed active as an SEO
Career alumna and currently serves
on the SEO Junior Leadership Board to
support the work of SEO Scholars.
Meet a Summer 2014 Intern
Leonardo Leal, Stanford University, GPA 3.5
Major: Economics • Minor: Foreign Languages
Leonardo Leal just completed his junior year at Stanford, spending
both semesters abroad in Paris and Beijing. His minor is Foreign
Languages — he speaks Chinese, French and Spanish — but his
major in Economics is his true passion. He’s excited to intern with
Visa, the world’s leading global payments technology company,
and is certainly making strides toward a bright future. Still, as a
first-generation college student who experienced homelessness as
a child, there are challenges he is determined to overcome.
“Many times I feel that there’s a pervasive glass ceiling that divides me from success. I applied to SEO Career to regain hope
for ‘educational opportunity’ and to have a chance to show the world that I, too, can succeed.”
New Internship partners
The SEO Career team knew they had spotted talent when they interviewed Leo and that he’d be a great fit for Visa. Our training
program brought his skills to the next level and we’re excited to see where his internship takes him.
“Thanks to SEO Career, I’ve been able to perfect something as basic as writing a resume,” he said. “Now I feel prepared. I feel more
confident. SEO Career finds people with potential and catapults their careers. They helped me build the skills I need and also provided a safety net of people who care about my success.”
Creating Diverse Opportunities
Fellowship Applications Open in August
Know a young analyst eager to learn about Alternative Investments? Applications for the SEO Alternative Investments
Fellowship Program Class of 2015 will open in August 2014. This unique opportunity provides first- and second-year
investment banking analysts with industry education, training, and unparalleled exposure to leading private equity
professionals. The program is open to both SEO alumni and non-alumni. Apply online at
Preparing a New Generation of Leaders
SEO Honors Walter Booker at
11th Annual Awards Dinner
Walter Booker, a 1981 alumnus of SEO Career, served as chairman of the board
for the past eighteen years and has inspired countless SEO alumni to succeed
in school and in their careers, and to give back. SEO founder Michael Osheowitz
presented this year’s Alumni Leadership Award to Walter at our 11th Annual Awards
Dinner on April 30, 2014. In his remarks, he acknowledged Walter’s service to SEO.
SEO is not about YOU. It’s about those who came BEFORE you
and those who will come AFTER you.
Fifth Annual SEO
Alternative Investments
Conference Largest Ever
Inaugural Reginald F. Lewis
Achievement Award
photos: jAne feldman
obert F. Smith, Founder, Chairman & CEO of Vista Equity
Partners, was the proud recipient of SEO’s inaugural
Reginald F. Lewis Achievement Award at our 5th Annual
Conference. The award recognizes an individual whose
accomplishments have helped expand opportunities in the
alternative investments sector. Mr. Smith also participated in an
engaging keynote discussion about his path as an investor with
Kelly M. Williams, President, Private Markets at GCM Grosvenor
and Chair of SEO’s Limited Partner Advisory Council.
“The importance of giving back has been drilled into every SEO
student and the drill sergeant for the past 18 years has been, of
course, Walter Booker. Walter has spent almost all of his adult life
in service to our organization. He has coached thousands of young people on how to succeed in a
changing and challenging world, and on the importance of giving back. Walter succeeded me as chairman in
1996. Since then, SEO has grown substantially. We have worked with more than 10,000 students worldwide,
our overall revenue increased sevenfold, we completed a successful capital campaign for our corporate
headquarters near Wall Street and we launched our annual Awards Dinner. Most importantly, our programs
and partners have grown substantially. What outstanding accomplishments and all under Walter’s leadership.
Walter—your selflessness has been a model not only for our Scholars, our Career interns and our staff but also
to me personally. I will never be able to thank you enough for your tireless dedication to the SEO family.”
–Michael Osheowitz, SEO Founder
SEO Board of Directors
Devesh Shah ‘95
Managing Director,
NWI Management LP
Robert Greene
Ramsey Smith ‘87
Managing Director,
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
James Gutierrez ‘98
Amy Ellis-Simon ‘93
Vice Chair
Managing Director,
Orbis Investment Management
(U.S.), LLC
Chris Lee ‘98
Edward Tam ‘91
Kevin McKenzie
Gilbert Andrew Garcia, CFA ‘83
Aren LeeKong ‘97
Managing Director,
Highbridge Principal
Strategies, LLC
Don M. Tellock ‘91
Executive Vice President &
General Counsel, Bridge Clinical
Marc F. McMorris
Henry R. Kravis
Founding Partner,
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Managing Director,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
The Honorable Scott M. Stringer, New York City Comptroller, welcomed
guests in his opening remarks and stressed a common goal of ensuring
opportunity and access for diverse talent.
Managing Partner,
Garcia Hamilton & Associates
Forty-five distinguished speakers shared their insights with
more than 350 attendees at SEO’s Fifth Annual Alternative
Investments Conference on March 21, 2014 in New York City.
The day of panel discussions, keynote addresses and networking opportunities included highly-accomplished leaders from
private equity, hedge funds, real estate, limited partners, funds
of funds, emerging managers, and career placement firms.
Charles Shorter ’84
TTF Entertainment
William A. Goodloe*
President & CEO
Loida Nicolas Lewis, Chair & CEO of TLC Beatrice, LLC, and Henry R. Kravis
present the Reginald F. Lewis Achievement Award to Robert F. Smith.
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
Walter K. Booker ‘81
Chairman Emeritus
On June 27, 2014, in collaboration with Bank of America Merrill Lynch and GCM Grosvenor, SEO Alternative Investments held
a special Hedge Funds Forum in New York City, at which leading decision-makers in the hedge funds industry discussed the
importance of increasing diversity in the sector.
- 10 -
Adam R. Karr ‘92
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Head of Hedge Fund Origination,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Senior Vice President, PIMCO
Kenneth B. Mehlman
Global Head of Public Affairs,
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Roger Morales ‘99
Frank A. Baker ‘92
Managing Director,
Siris Capital Group, LLC
Partner, GCM Grosvenor
Mina Pacheco Nazemi* ‘97
Verdun Perry ‘93
Mark Bieler
Senior Managing Director,
The Blackstone Group
John Civantos ‘88
Diego Recalde ‘84
Court Square Capital Partners
SEO Founder
Michael Osheowitz*
SEO San francisco
Advisory Board
Maybel Marte ‘93
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
President, Mark Bieler Associates
Managing Director,
Highbridge Mezzanine Partners
Ninon Marapachi ‘01
Hara Amdemariam ‘95
Managing Director, Lazard
H edge F u n ds f o r u m o n d i ve r s i t y
Carla Harris ‘82
Managing Director, Morgan Stanley
GCA Real Estate Assets Advisors
Marvin Moskowitz
Chairman (Ret.),
Nexstar Financial Corporation
Adam R. Karr ‘92
Founder, SEO Scholars
San Francisco
Managing Director,
Orbis Investment Management (U.S.), LLC
Barbara Canter
President & CEO Emeritus,
Los Angeles Team Mentoring
Roger Gib­son
VP & COO (Ret.),
United Airlines World Cargo
- 11 -
Executive Director,
Beacon West Network of Schools
CEO, Insikt
Founder, Progreso Financiero
Global Chief Digital Officer,
Westfield Labs
Managing Partner/Co-Founder,
Carrick Capital Partners
Michael Moon ‘93
Managing Director, Calera Capital
Kristina Omari
Vice President,
Corporate Development,
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Paul Perez
Partner, Delegate Advisors
Betty Schafer
Nihir Shah ‘93
Partner Fund Management, LP
John Soden
Managing Director &
Head of Medical Technologies,
Houlihan Lokey
Steven Wolfe Pereira ‘94
Chief Marketing Officer, Datalogix
The years listed above indicate SEO alumni year. *Ex-Officio
Preparing a New Generation of Leaders
Opportunity Knocks
summer 2014
55 Exchange Place, Suite 601
New York, NY 10005
Henry R. Kravis Named Chairman of SEO
11th Annual Awards Dinner Photos Inside
SAT Study Proves We Close
the Achievement Gap for
black and hispanic students
— PAGE 6
301 interns get Ready for
Work with SEO’s Intensive
— PAGE 8
Page 2-3
5th annual conference
is our largest ever
— PAGE 10
Save the Date: 6th Annual SEO Alternative Investments Conference
on Friday, March 20, 2015