A N EWSLETTER F OR F ORCEY B IBLE C HURCH - F EBRUARY 2016 Some people still make New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of each January. But everybody has New Year’s Expectations, even if they don’t realize it. What do you expect to happen at work this year? What do you expect in your relationships or your marriage? How about what you think God will or will not do in your life this year? And what about the level of joy, peace and victory in your heart? We all come into this year with more expectations than our arms can carry. But what if things don’t turn out as you expected? What if something completely unexpected—maybe even unwanted—happens? In C.S. Lewis’s science fiction book Perelandra, a the forest to pick food and already the thought of professor named Ransom is sent to the planet one fruit rather than another has grown up in Venus. He encounters a green woman who is like one’s mind. Then, it may be, one finds a Eve before the fall. She is content and relishes different fruit and not the fruit one thought of. fellowship with and trust in her Creator. She One joy was expected and another is given. But knows no sin or evil. Ransom tries to explain the this I had never noticed before—that at the very ReachGlobal trip to Staten concept of moment of the finding there is in the mind a kind temptation by of thrusting back, or a setting aside. The picture asking her if she of the fruit you have not found is still, for a ever wished or moment, before you. And if you wished—if it hoped that were possible to wish—you could keep it there. something had You could send your soul after the good you had turned out expected, instead of turning it to the good you otherwise. After had got. You could refuse the real good; you Island, NY, March 27-April 2 pondering, the Come to a meeting on Sunday, Feb. 7, 1-1:30 p.m. in Room 150 to find out more. Applications will be due on Feb. 21. For more information contact Jaelin Ballard, jaelinballard@gmail.com or 240-723-9854 (cell). could make the real fruit taste insipid by thinking green Lady replies: of the other . . . “What you have “And this . . . is the glory and wonder you have made me see . . . is made me see; that it is I, I myself, who turn from as plain as the sky, the good expected to the given good. Out of my but I never saw it own heart I do it. One can conceive a heart which before. Yet it has did not: which clung to the good it had first happened every thought of and turned the good which was given day. One goes into (Continued on page 3) The Messiah revisited – Art Exhibit March 12-20, 2016 Featuring original works of art inspired by themes from G. F. Handel’s classic oratorio, “The Messiah” In the church world, we are very familiar with using music as a method of communicating a message, experience or emotion. Yet visual artists possess the ability to imagine, capture or illustrate layers of emotion, poignant depictions of truth, and honest responses to the imagery and implications of those musical expressions. This is what we are asking of artists in our community, listen to PART 1 of Handel’s Messiah, and as you are affected by a phrase, image or truth, let that inspire your creative process… and do it soon! We would love to see and celebrate these themes in a way that will help us to appreciate the message of this work in a new or unanticipated way. A CALL TO ARTISTS The Forcey Worship Arts Ministry is inviting artists to create and submit 2D (Paintings, Drawings, Illustrations, Photography, Calligraphy, Digital Art or Mixed Media) or 3D (Glass, Clay, Textiles, Sculpture or Installations) artwork inspired by themes from Handel’s Messiah. All entries must be received by February 28th and will be juried on March 1st, 2016. The exhibit will be on display at Forcey Bible Church from March 12-20th (Palm Sunday). There is a $25 fee for submission for the first piece and $10 for additional entries. Prizes will be awarded as follows: $250 Best of Show, $150 First Place, $75 Second Place and $25 Third Place. You must provide one photo for each entry. Acceptable file types are: pdf, jpg, jpeg, and png; up to 7MB in file size. Contact Jonathan Ford, Minister of Worship and Arts to clarify any questions that you may have or to submit your entry. Email: jonathan-ford@forcey.org or call (301) 622-2200 ext.825 Visit our website: www.forcey.org/finearts for more details, schedules and specific examples of our theme references. There will be a special gala event and private exhibit for artist and invited guest on Friday evening March 11 at 7:00 pm. The exhibit will open to the public on Saturday March 12 and remain in place until Sunday March 20th. evening, the husband was waiting for them and gladly received them into his home. After a brief period of getting acquainted, the Forcey team asked about his assurance of going to heaven. Although he seemed confident of going to heaven, further discussion revealed that he was really "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they trusting in his good works to get him there. The ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ" (Acts Forcey team then presented the gospel to him, 5:42). The early church, as part of their evangelism emphasizing that salvation was solely by God's strategy, carried the message of the gospel into grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He the homes of those living in and around Jerusalem. listened intently to the message and, when the This strategy still works today, as evidenced when invitation was given, earnestly called upon the Lord a team from Forcey recently called at the home of a Jesus to save him. When the team prepared to man who was a first-time visitor to the church. leave, he thanked them sincerely for coming to his home to show him the way to Heaven and assured When the Forcey team arrived at his home, they them that he and his family would be visiting were greeted warmly by his wife. She informed Forcey again very soon. them that her husband had to work that evening, but then arranged for a return visit later that week. ~ Ralph Zimmerman, Evangelism Team When the Forcey team returned on Thursday MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!! Annual Missions Conference - April 16-24 The World Next Door, Reaching Your Neighbors Here and There (Continued from page 1) into no good . . . “I thought . . . that I was carried in the will of Him I love, but now I see that I walk with it. I thought that the good things He sent me drew me into them as the waves lift the islands; but now I see that it is I who plunge into them with my own legs and arms, as when we go swimming. I feel as if I were living in that roofless world of yours when men walk undefended beneath naked heaven. It is delight with terror in it. One’s own self to be walking from one good to another, walking beside Him as Himself may walk, not even holding hands. How has He made me so separate from Himself? How did it enter His mind to conceive such a thing? The world is so much larger than I thought . . .” [Perelandra, Pan Books, Ltd.: London, pp. 61-62] How easy it is to become discontented and lose our joy when we don’t get what we had expected. We so easily refuse the real good that God has given us and make it bitter by focusing on what we thought we deserved or expected. On the other hand, what joy can be had when we realize that out of love for God we’re walking in His will. ~ Phil Powers, Lead Pastor I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. PHILIPPIANS 4:12-13 (NIV) 12 As part of our Marriage 101 series, we are inviting you to make Sunday, February 14, something special. At the end of each service we will provide an opportunity for you to renew your marriage vows at the front of the sanctuary in the presence of the congregation and alongside other couples doing the same. If you are interested, we need an RSVP from you by February 10. Please send the following information to LeRachel-Buffkins@forcey.org: (1) Your names as you would like them to appear on a certificate, and (2) which service you plan to attend. Calling all Ladies of Forcey…We need you! On Saturday, February 27 from 8 a.m. - noon, the Sisters in Symphony will sponsor some early spring cleaning in the church building. Come for all or any part of that time! Whatever age or ability you are - we will have some work for you (this includes chattin' it up with your fellow cleaners!) A beautiful and scrumptious brunch will be provided. We will have supplies, but feel free to bring your favorite tools, buckets, scrub brushes, etc. There is a job for everybody! It will be a great day of fellowship as we invest in our church. The work starts at 8 a.m. and we’ll end by noon. If you are able to help at any point during that time, click here to sign-up! (it's appreciated, not required) Here are some of the milestone events that occurred in the past few months in our missionary family. Please remember to pray for these families. Michael and Cheryl Gayle welcomed another grandchild when their daughter Christina (husband Christopher) gave birth to a daughter on January 16. Daniel Hart graduated from the Memphis Police Academy on January 14. Dan is the son of Dick and Sara Hart, who minister with Serving in Mission (SIM) in Bolivia. Henry Jonathan was born on January 7 Angela Owen was to Jonathan and Patricia engaged to Jacob Sprague. Grandparents are Forcey in missionaries Michael and Donna Sprague. November. Angela is the daughter of Carey and Sharon Owen, who serve with TEAM in Spain. Grace Rast married Jason Kircher on December Michelle Heater, daughter of Kevin and Lucy 20. Grace is the daughter of Joel and Cindy Rast and serving in France with CrossWorld, became the granddaughter of Cullen and Janet Rast, all of engaged to David Seeds in November. whom serve in Brazil. Forcey Christian School is now accepting applications for admission for the 201617 school year. Applications are available at www.fcs.school/admissions. Members of Forcey will have the registration fee ($300) waived for one child. Apply now, as some classes will fill quickly! FCS OPEN HOUSE 2-11-16 6-8 p.m. Check Forcey Teens web page or bulletin board for details! Forcey Day Camp is now accepting applications for Assistant Director positions for Summer 2016. Applications are due February 22nd, 2016. They are also looking to hire an Office Manager for Summer 2016. Applications are due March 7th, 2016. Send an email to Kelsey Nelson, Day Camp Director forceydaycamp@forcey.org for an application for either position.
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