Hold Everything Loosely


Hold Everything Loosely
There’s enough blame to go around for everyone, coming
from nearly everyone. And from one perspective, it’s
completely understandable.
There’s more unrest,
fear, uncertainty and anger today than even the
oldest of us can remember in our lifetime. You can
feel the tension in the air—locally and globally.
Terrorism, injustice, uncertain leadership, economic
change, global weather and new diseases are just
some of the contribution factors. Yet the thing that
can destroy us is not out there but in our mind and soul.
It’s a law of life declared from Scripture, cried from the
Holocaust, whispered in the emergency room: everything can
be taken except for one thing—the ability to choose how I will
respond to this; whether I will endure or not.
And that kind of
lasting endurance is rooted in a relationship with the God who never
changes, who is completely sovereign, and who is always good.
Charles Swindoll expressed it this way in his book, Great Days with the Great
Inside this issue:
Hold Everything Loosely
NEW Care Team Ministry
Soul Winning
The Art of Neighboring
Upcoming Perspectives Class
Hold Loosely con’t
Visiting Mabel Todd
Reaching Int’l Opportunities
Men’s Retreat
“In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing” (Job
1:22). Without realizing it, by worshiping God during his woes, Job
is saying, “In your face, Lucifer! I never set my affections on these
things in the first place. And when it came to the kids, I’ve
understood from the day we had our first child until we had our
last, they’re all God’s. He is the One who gave them, and He is the
One who has the right to take them whenever He wants them back.”
That explains how Job could say in all sincerity, “Blessed be the
name of the Lord.” And why the biblical narrative adds, “Through
all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God” (Job 2:21-22). Since
he never considered himself sole owner, Job had little struggle
releasing the Lord’s property. When you understand that everything
(Continued on page 4)
We can all use
support from time to
time. The Care Team Ministry is
the caring and compassionate hands
of Forcey Bible Church. We are in
place to serve the “family” of Forcey
during times of illness,
hospitalization, confinement at
home, or similar circumstances. We
desire to model our ministry after
the life of Jesus, who possessed prayers that healed, words that comforted, peace that transcended every
difficult situation, and hope that encouraged even the most troubled person.
Your presence in another’s time of need accomplishes so much! We want to be a church where the
hurting, helpless, and hopeless can find help, support, and love in their difficult times.
If you desire to be a part of the Care Team Ministry, contact Pastor Ron Jones, ron-jones@forcey.org or call
the church office, 301-622-2200. Training will be provided.
“Those along the path are the ones who hear, and
then the devil comes and takes away the word from
their hearts, so that they may not believe and be
saved.” (Lk 8:12).
One of Satan’s tactics in hindering the work of the gospel is to
interrupt the soul winner while he is making a gospel
presentation. In such a situation, the experienced Christian will
look for a future opportunity to present the gospel to that
While visiting from room to room at a local hospital, a Forcey member met a young patient named
Latisha. After a brief time of getting acquainted, he asked permission to explain to her the gospel
message of salvation. Latisha listened attentively as the Forcey member explained to her Christ’s
sacrifice for her sins. However, before he could complete the gospel presentation, Latisha’s
grandmother, a Jehovah’s Witness, entered the room. She immediately informed the Forcey member that
(Continued on page 5)
On the 11th of September Pastor Phil
will begin a new series on the “Art of
Neighboring”. It takes a look at the
command, To Love Your Neighbor,
and how we can be more intentional
about living that command out more as a way of life
than simply a project. Around that teaching we are rallying the congregation into
small groups, call Neighboring groups, to discuss how to do “neighboring” more effectively with our
literal neighbors and to pray for and encourage each other as we step out as a family and try to live
according to God’s plan. Many are doing this well and others are just getting their feet wet. But as a
congregation we want to lean into this teaching and embrace what it means to love my neighbor. Our
goal is to have the majority of us at Forcey in small groups of 8-10 people for 6 weeks meeting
sometime during the week at someone’s home to discern how do we follow God in this area.
We are looking for Hosts who have a heart for people, willing to open
their home, serve some refreshments, and turn on a video that will spark
conversation. Along with the DVD there will be available study sheets to
help us learn practical, non-threatening ways to begin talking with our
literal neighbors. I am excited to see what happens as we pray for and
encourage one another to take those next steps for Jesus! Maybe you
are unable to lead at this time but would like to open your home for a
weekly meeting. That would meet a need as well. Even if you are not
able to host we would love for all of us at Forcey to form small
communities to focus on neighboring for those 6 weeks. Maybe change can begin right where we
live. It doesn’t have to be on a grand scale but have a humble beginning with just one other family. It
is pleasing to the Lord that we are willing to begin (Zech. 4:10). Sign-up on Sunday will be available
after services or email ron-jones@forcey.org.
(Continued from page 1)
you have is on loan, you are better
prepared to release it when the owner
wants it back.
We enter the world with our tiny fists
clenched, screaming, but we always leave
the world with hands open on our silent
chests. Naked in, naked out. And in the
interlude, “Lord God, blessed be our name
for loaning me everything I’m able to
“Through all this Job did not sin.” Isn’t
that wonderful? “Nor did he blame God.”
Why blame God? As one man has written,
“God has given him a rehearsal for death.
All things belong to God, absolutely, to be
given as a gift, not claim, to be taken back
without wrong. There is no talk of human
‘rights.’ The Lord is the sovereign owner
of all, and Job rejoices in this wonderful
With 20/20 perspective, Job lifted himself
off the ground, looked around at all that
had changed, then put his arm around his
grieving wife, held her close, and
whispered, “God gave, and for some
unrevealed reason, He chose to take back.
He owns it all, sweetheart.”
If you will stand strong as God’s child, this is how
you must endure: hold everything loosely. Are you
doing that?
~Pastor Phil Powers
Deuteronomy 10:14
To the Lord your God belong the
heavens, even the highest heavens,
the earth and everything in it.
Experience "Perspectives" at Forcey
A Unique Class with Global Impact For Christ
This fall Forcey will be hosting Perspectives on the
Ventures. Perspectives has influenced the lives of
over 100,000 alumni worldwide. Now is your chance
to become one of them! The course has 15
inspirational and motivational lessons, taught by a
different instructor each week expert in cross
cultural ministry.
insights and biblical principles, and you will find
yourself challenged to find your place in God's
Sensing that Satan was trying to
snatch away the seed sown in her
In the course you will be exposed to powerful
(Continued from page 2)
readings and assignments will help you dive deeply
into the unfolding story of God's purpose for His
heart, the
silently as he left for an opportunity to
return later that evening. When he
returned about two hours later, the
grandmother was gone and Latisha
was very willing for him to continue
reviewed the plan of salvation, Latisha
listened carefully and then openly
called upon the Lord Jesus to be her
Savior. As the Forcey member left her
room that evening, he praised God
that Satan’s plan was thwarted by the
The Forcey Perspectives Class will meet every
Tuesday evening 7:00-9:45 p.m. from August 16
through Dec 13. The cost is $285 for tuition. There
are discounts available for early registration and for
You are also able to attend the orientation
(August 16) or sit in on the first two classes (August
23 & 30) before having to make a commitment to
For more information, or to register online, please
go to the website www.perspectives.org. If you have
intervening work of the Holy Spirit.
~ Ralph Zimmerman,
Evangelism Team
Gene and Flo Strawser had the special opportunity
to be the first time Forcey visitors to our missionary,
Mabel Todd who serves in Pa’ia, Hawaii. Mabel
graciously welcomed them with leis and hosted their
visit to Maui. They had a guided tour of the Doris
Todd Christian Academy, where Mabel works with
the Parent-Teacher Fellowship, and advises on many
levels in the operation of the school. This October,
the school will celebrate their 60th year of providing
a Christ-centered education to island children K-12.
Many families have come to Christ through this
ministry to children. Mabel is currently in Asia on a mission trip (July 17- Aug 10). At the age of 82, Mabel is
still taking short-term trips every summer. Pray for this team and the impact they are having for Christ.
Excerpt from email to Forcey from Mabel: “At last, I’ve had visitors from Forcey Bible. Flo and Gene’s visit
reminded me again of God’s faithfulness over so many years. Thanks for the pictures you sent of Sunday
School (primary dept.). God bless you all!”
Forcey is hosting a seminar by International Students Inc. on
Saturday, August 13, 9:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. The seminar will
evangelism. The cost is $10 and includes lunch. Register at
www.forcey.org or contact Tim Sigman for more information,
timsigman@aol.com or 201-421-7890.
Forcey has been offering ESL on Tuesday nights for a number of
years. More teachers and helpers are needed to support this outreach
The ESL Workshop for new teachers will be conducted on Saturdays,
August 6th
(PART 1) and August 13th (PART 2) from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 15000 First Baptist Lane, Laurel, MD
20707. The workshop will provide training for teaching an ESL class
and give guidelines for witnessing to immigrants and internationals.
If you are interested in being a part of Forcey’s ESL Ministry, please
contact Byron Silvera, silvnr5096@hotmail.com. To register for the
ESL training, contact Norma Barkdull Slaugh at nebarkd@aol.com.
We’re celebrating our 26th year of retreats in 2016!
This year our special
guest speaker is Dr. Pete Alwinson from Man in the Mirror Ministries in
Orlando Florida. The retreat, entitled Dangerous Freedom, is November 11
Dr. Pete Alwinson
Man in the Mirror Ministries
-13. The retreat is an event for men of every age and a great time for fathers and sons to spend
quality time together!
Every year we have a large group of men so space is limited and motel
rooms will book quickly so register soon!
Cost of the retreat is $140 for the weekend (motel room with private bath, 6 manly meals and
unlimited man sized snacks).
However, we’re offering an 18% discount ($115) only for
registrations paid in full during the month of August. Online registration begins August 7 th which will
be accessible from the Forcey homepage. If you are here on Sunday, visit the men’s table outside
on the front walkway to register or to get more information.

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