improving the quality of life through services designed to strengthen
improving the quality of life through services designed to strengthen
improving the quality of life through services designed to strengthen individuals, families, and organizations since 1891. Table of Contents Message from Gary..........4 Message from Matthew....5 Program Statistics............6 The Numbers....................6 Board of Directors............7 Village Offices.................8 Leadership Team..............9 Joshua’s Story..................10 Nick’s Story.....................11 Darlene’s Story.................12 A Mother’s Story..............12 2013 Contributors............13 Children’s Village Family Service Foundation..........14 Individual Contributors....15 Corporate Contributors....29 Grantors............................31 In Kind Donations............32 In Honor of.......................35 In Memory of...................36 Event Sponsors................40 Estate Planning.................46 message from the president/ceo GARY j. WOLSKY 4 2013 reflected much progress in many aspects of the work we are doing at The Village Family Service Center. Over 86,000 people benefited from various aspects of our work—for some the benefit was somewhat peripheral; for others, we quite literally saved their lives. There simply isn’t another nonprofit organization in the Upper Midwest with our history, our scope of services, the unique nature of our independence from tax-based money, or the business approach we take so seriously. At The Village, we are lighting the way for children and families and we couldn’t do that without your support. To you, a Village donor, I express our undying gratitude. Because your donations are so important to our work, I’d like to share some of the things that have happened at The Village over the past year. As you may know, The Village has taken on two new programs in the last several years, Nokomis Child Care Centers in 2006 and First Step Recovery in 2011. 2013 was a good year for both of these programs. Nokomis Child Care Centers continue in their prominence as first-class facilities for children 0-6, many of whom have challenges our teachers are exceptionally well-trained to address. They continue to be the only child care facilities of this nature in the Fargo-Moorhead area and they are a real “jewel.” We are very invested in ensuring that Nokomis, a program with a long history of financial crises, will be much more stable by the end of 2014. Several local donors and the United Way have made commitments to Nokomis, and a number of people have made estate plans to help ensure Nokomis’ success for generations to come. First Step Recovery just finished its second full year as a Village program and we are very proud to have them as part of our service family. Unfortunately, the need for addiction counseling remains massive and First Step is expanding rapidly. We are expanding our capacity markedly to serve the community both with the addition of highly qualified staff as well as providing expanded space to do this important work. For those who need help conquering an addiction, First Step Recovery is a first-class facility. As we close 2013, you should know we are working tirelessly to raise money to make sure the people who come to us in 2014 and beyond have access to the help they need. In addition to making current gifts, many of our supporters have made provisions in their estate plans to fund our work long into the future. This income will ensure our ability in future generations to address the needs of kids and families, whatever those needs may be, just as we did in 2013 and each of the 121 years before that. Without your support, our work simply would not proceed. Finally, in 2013 The Village was reaccredited by the Council on Accreditation. Over 40 years ago, The Village was the first nonprofit in North Dakota to attain this high level of accreditation, and we have maintained that high standard consistently over these many years. You can rely on our continued commitment to excellence, our continued focus on stewardship, and our continuing efforts to ensure that the programs we operate are the best you’ll find in the Upper Midwest. Over the past five years as a member of the Board of Directors, I have seen The Village Family Service Center lighting the way to a stronger and healthier future for individuals, families, and communities. The Village is a leader in providing services to so many communities across North Dakota and Minnesota. With over 86,000 served annually, The Village dedicates itself to a large number and diverse type of services. We are so blessed to have such an amazing staff that lights the way through all of these different services. The employees at The Village are unparalleled in the quality and level of their work and take on so many challenges every day with such a great attitude and professionalism. The members of our Executive Leadership Team are the torch bearers who have set the tone for this amazing institution. The Board is so thankful to have this quality of leadership and employees here at The Village. As I have attended Village events and meetings over the past year, I have heard many stories. These stories bring to light the serious issues and challenges that get in the way of people living their lives. What really stands out to me is the courage and tenacity of the people who come to us. They are definitely not bystanders waiting for a quick fix. It takes real courage to ask for help, and then a lot of hard work to face their challenges and make changes in their lives. I am inspired by their hard work, and also by the commitment of Village staff to guide them through these challenges. It has been my honor to serve as the Chair of the Board over this past year. We have seen great change and growth in our staff and in our organization. Through the many opportunities and challenges that presented themselves over the last year, one thing stands strong, and that is a commitment to serve others. On behalf of the Board of Directors at The Village, I would like to personally thank everyone who has assisted in making this organization all that it is today. To the employees of The Village, to all of our donors and supporters, and to my fellow Board members, thank you! Your continued support will allow us to light the way into the future to help so many more people. message from the chair of the board matthew hallaway 5 2013 PROGRAM STATISTICS Adoption Services....................................................... 143 people Big Brothers Big Sisters............................................. 699 people Counseling.................................................................. 4,311 people Family-Based Services................................................ 2,373 people Family Group/Team Decision Making....................... 961 people Financial Resource Center.......................................... 9,315 people First Step Recovery . .................................................. 324 people Supervised Parenting Time and Child Exchange........ 422 people Nokomis Child Care Centers...................................... 272 children Pregnancy Counseling................................................ 1,308 people The Village Business Institute.................................... 64,377 people Truancy Intervention Program.................................... 2,424 people Total People Served in 2013:.............................86,929 The numbers Revenue Program Revenue.......................................................... $8,518,562 Private Grants................................................................ $1,670,885 Contributions................................................................ $1,115,389 United Ways..................................................................... $660,343 Fundraising Events........................................................... $282,690 Other................................................................................ $232,502 Total Revenue............................................................ $12,480,371 Expense Personnel....................................................................... $9,020,868 Contract Labor................................................................. $583,586 Professional Fees............................................................. $185,583 Interest................................................................................ $54,236 Supplies & Postage.......................................................... $319,073 Telephone......................................................................... $153,196 Occupancy........................................................................ $721,452 Equipment & Repairs....................................................... $158,857 Printing & Publications.................................................... $278,702 Travel............................................................................... $408,178 Advertising....................................................................... $192,508 Staff Training................................................................... $136,084 Depreciation..................................................................... $113,675 Insurance............................................................................ $68,533 Other................................................................................ $168,818 Total Expense............................................................. $12,563,349 Change in Net Assets—Unrestricted...............................($82,978) (Unaudited) 6 Board of Directors Matthew Hallaway, Chair Alerus Financial Carrie Bjorge BlackRidgeBANK David Dougherty North Dakota State College of Science-Fargo Richard Duysen City of Moorhead Judy Green American Red Cross 2013 Board Meetings January 23 February 27 March 27 April 24 May 22 Dr. Richard Hanson Bemidji State University Tammy Hauck The Dakota REIT June 26 September 25 October 23 November 27 December 18 Richard Henderson Judiciary Branch of Federal Government Nancy McKenzie Retired Dr. Karen Mellum Altru Health System Tom Nelson Border States Electric Dr. Joy Query Retired Becky Walen Bell State Bank & Trust Village Highlights First Step Recovery increased its capacity to handle the increasing number of requests for chemical dependency evaluations and referrals to its primary treatment programs. 7 THE VILLAGE OFFICES Children and families throughout North Dakota and Minnesota don’t have to go it alone. The Village Family Service Center has offices throughout the two states. In addition to these locations, people nationwide benefit from services offered by The Village Employee Assistance Program. Village Highlights The people coming to The Village for financial counseling said the primary causes of their financial problems were reduced income, poor money management, personal domestic conflict, medical expenses, excessive spending, unemployment, and substance abuse. 8 THE VILLAGE Leadership Team Gary J. Wolsky President/CEO Joy Ryan Executive Vice President Candace Haugen Vice President, Human Resources/Admin/Board Relations Stewart Hovde Chief Financial Officer Village Highlights Robbie Suppa, a Big Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Village, was awarded the “Ben Marcus Humanitarian Award.” This award is given to a Marcus Theatre employee who “is extremely generous with his or her time through volunteering, or has gone above and beyond to help people in the community.” Robbie volunteers as a school-based Big Brother. 9 y life-saver ’shasstbeor ua sh Jo a en Nokomis for our family. ng d and I were looki When my husban we , our son, Joshua for child care for finding a place ble were having trou the special care he that could provide we so relieved when needed. We were sn’t wa e Sh is. at Nokom talked to Andrea e sh en wh In fact, concerned at all. ed situation, she mov r ou t ou learned ab in m hi t ge to t lis him up the waiting . sooner omis. , Jenny, at Nok ua and his mom sh Jo e, m ro nd er-Collins Sy Joshua has Treach cts 1 in 50,000 fe af a condition that ild, s symptoms are m people. Though hi ways. l ra ve oop and not se in ily care g his eyelids to dr in us ca , ed they affect his da lop ve de ture es were not fully day to restore mois Joshua’s cheekbon s several times a t the op ou dr e th ey wi s ar ed he ne so he so he cannot , ed lop ve de close completely— lly fu s he wear every r canals were not to a headband that ed ch ta to his eyes. His ea at de ai g ce throughout a special hearin e of a suction devi us e th use of his BAHA, ng iri qu re hole in his hard are restricted, s also born with a wa ua day. His airways sh Jo . ar cle d extra attention. s nasal cavity feeding him require it, the day to keep hi ir pa re to y er is very important. had surg ke care of Joshua ta palate, and until he to e ac pl ht rig ding the So, you can see, fin forward for palate was a step rd ha s hi in le ho e family. He rgery to repair th and his Nokomis us r fo e nc rie Joshua’s recent su pe ex that now. He is s been a learning tting the hang of ge ’s he him, although it ha d an n ai y “Dada!” to eat all over ag y. He can finally sa er rg su e had to learn how th r te af out more letters also able to sound they do it gladly. his daily care and of l al e id ov pr to e to see Joshua are trained erapists that com th Joshua’s teachers l ica ys ph e th teachers learning learn from the importance of They continue to on is as of ph em an places e teachers go out each week. Andrea ical therapists. Th ys ph m and hi ’s r ua fo sh s Jo rk n from dule that wo he sc a ng di fin everything they ca — ua pational at is best for Josh ggested by his occu su es iti tiv their way to do wh ac l ta extra developmen providing him with therapist. stolen the hearts ua has effortlessly sh Jo , on iti os sp di an Nokomis, and amazing anywhere other th be to With his big smile ua sh Jo nt . There should be wouldn’t wa the rest of the kids e of his teachers. We lik st ju d te ea tr he’s being facility in Fargo. y to have such a because we know ck lu so e ar We komis. more places like No —Jenny Nelson 10 NICK’s story Through the B ig Brother Big Sister program I have gained many things. I would spend time with Josh a couple times a month and we would do things my fam ily couldn’t afford, or thin gs I wanted to do but didn’t have the chan ce to do at home. Activities included anyt Nick Nelso hing from goin n and his L g to the movie th ittle Brother eatre, spending , Tyler. the weekend at their lake cabi n, or going to or baseball. W the park and hen I was wit playing footba h Josh, it was from my hom ll essentially a te e life. As I ne m ar porary escape th that I have ga e end of time ined more than as a Little Bro ther, I realize just friends an Rachel, have d mentors. Jo become unoffic sh and his wif ial family. Aft inspiration fr e, er eight years, om the experi I continue to ence. In partic of helping othe ga in ul ar , I have learne rs. My match d the importan has made me make myself want to strive ce better in the pr to help others ocess. and —Nick Since writing th is in 2009, Nic k became godp studied in Euro arent to his B pe, and gradua ig Brother’s so ted from colle position at Bel n, ge. After settlin l State Bank & g into a full-tim Trust, Nick de and is now a B e ci ded ig Brother to Ty ler. Nick also sp it was time to give back community, en couraging peop eaks to groups le to volunteer throughout th mentors. e as Big Brother and Big Sister Village Highlights Luke Klefstad, regional director of The Village in Grand Forks, received the North Dakota Association of Nonprofit Organizations’ (NDANO) Emerging Leader Award during the Nonprofit Leadership Conference June 5 in Fargo. The Emerging Leader Award is given to an individual who has made a significant impact in strengthening the North Dakota nonprofit sector in a short amount of time through his/her commitment to leadership, volunteerism, and philanthropy. 11 darlene’s story I am writing to thank you for saving my marriage. My husband, Jim, drank eve ry day and would find any exc use to go to the bar or a friend’s house so he could drink. We didn’t eat me als together, or even sleep in the same bed any more. Jim still had a job and seemed to do okay there, but we were livi ng separate lives. I didn’t see any way out except divorce. In 2010, I convinced him to go to First Step with me and as we visited with the counselor, Jim just sat there. He admitted that everything I said was true, but in the end, he said he wasn’t ready to stop. Even though Jim wasn’t rea dy, the counselor said I could attend the free family program. It wouldn’t help Jim stop drinking, but it would help me. It took me a few weeks, but I did start going to family group eve ry week. I didn’t realize how much Jim’s drin king had impacted me until I started talking about it. The family program at Firs t Step taught me how to take care of myself and to cope with the choices Jim was making. About a year later, Jim decided he was ready to quit drinkin g, and we walked into First Step together. Jim went through First Step’s out pat ient treatment program and has been sober since 2011. We’ve started doin g things together, and our lives are so different now. We joined First Step’s alu mni association and have even spoken to oth er First Step patients and fam ily members. Our lives are full and meaningful. The counselors at First Step saved our marriage. Thank you so much. —Darlene* *Name changed to protect con fidentiality A Program of The Villag s r in minot aff at The Village for the multiple service from a mothe d an st rls e thank all of th , for my two gi ed I would like to still being provid was a ovided, and are pr lp to all of us. It en he be us ve do ha en at th em tr a en home from be a g ve rebuildin selors ha ancial burden of myself. The coun fin e th ther. h: fa ’ tc pa rls gi h a roug from the double header of tmare of events gh ni ng vi ol ev d an the 2011 flood an ore than I ts rolling was m en ev of e ar tm e rough started the nigh me through all th ed lp he The situation that ge lla Vi e my own and Th could handle on rney. patches of that jou n, but the staff family’s situatio y m to pointed fix t gh ni ’t an over ey are getting us th d an th wi rk I know there isn to wo with the en just awesome lp or help us out he of nd ki ht members have be rig e keep ion. They offer th that is needed to in the right direct ther the funding ga found to ve ue ha in d nt ul co they ere else I wo wh ow kn t next step. I hope n’ do I help the service running. works together to y od yb er such a valuable Ev . ity out of one facil such terrific help eir needs. client and meet th you provide. e great services th l al r fo ks an Th ot —Mom from Min 12 e Family Service Center 2013 contributors UNITED WAY The Village receives local support from the following United Way agencies: Lake Region Community Fund Souris Valley United Way The Missouri Slope Areawide United Way United Way of Barnes County United Way of Cass-Clay United Way of Central Minnesota United Way of Douglas and Pope United Way of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks and Area United Way of Jamestown United Way of Richland-Wilkin '91 Society The ‘91 Society is an elite designation for those who have made extraordinary, major, or lifetime contributions to The Village Family Service Center. The following people were inducted into the ‘91 Society in 2013: Adelaide MacMillan Chuck and Betty Sheldon Former Children ’s Home residents at the 2013 Child From left: (Bottom ren’s Home reunio row) Chuck Sheld n. on, Paul Odegaa Dorothy Lund Ne rd, lso n, Della Barton, (Top row) Dusto Mary George n Stevens, Larry Crabbe, Rodney Hogen, Leon Wed ar Village Highlights The South East Education Cooperative (SEEC) is partnering with Nokomis Child Care Centers to provide the Pre-K Reading Corps Program. Through grant funding, Nokomis was able to train two internal coaches (one from each site) and also have an AmeriCorps member in each of the two preschool classrooms to implement the literacy tutoring model. In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates. 13 CHILDREN’S VILLAGE FAMILY SERVICE FOUNDATION The Children’s Village Family Service Foundation is a sister nonprofit corporation to The Village Family Service Center. The Foundation manages a trust fund that helps support The Village Family Service Center. Many people leave gifts through the Foundation, which allows their legacy to live on through the families and children served by The Village. Charlotte L. Bellon Norene Bunker Phyllis and Helmuth Huber Charles and Angie Knapp Adelaide MacMillan G. James “Jim” McKay Harry and Marion Myers Janet and James Zinke 14 ters. ce at Nokomis Child Care Cen Volunteers can make the differen 2013 contributors (individuals and families) $5,000+ Norene Bunker Tyler Bussinger Noel and Judith Fedje George and Audrey Gaukler James Kertz Charles and Angie Knapp Sally and R. Douglas Larsen Matthew and Janelle Leiseth Adelaide MacMillan John and Lucille McCormick Thomas and Christine McDougall G. James “Jim” McKay Evelyn Montgomery William and Mary Schlossman Lloyd Sheldon Gary and Connie Tharaldson Richard and Mary Warner $1,000-$4,999 Brian and DeAnn Ament Elmer Berg Dr. Paul and Natalie Bilstad Richard and Carolyn Blaine Ryan Botner Carla Braaten Scott and Paula Breidenbach Dr. Steffen and Janice Christensen Lucile Coghlan McCormick Memorial Trust Pat Cronin Glenn and Donna Dagman David Doherty Lyman and Nancy Edds Lillian Elletson Martin and Dianne Fisher Chad and Emily Flanagan Renee Freeman Anna Gaffrey Mimi Gokey Jean M. Guy Trust Gerald Hamm Gregory and Stephanie Hammes Andrew Hanson Dr. Richard and Diane Hanson Erik and Emily Hatch Robert and Diane Heller Charlotte and Knute Allan Henning Dean and JoAnn Hornbacher Deborah Igoe Tony and Sharon Ingle Brian and Annette Ingulsrud Scott and Lyndsey Kjos Ruth and Kuldip Lumb John and Liz Lyngstad Richard and Beth Marsden Maurice and Joy McCormick Thomas and Judy McCormick David and Janet McNair Roger Minch Dustin Mitzel Bernie Ness Tim and Tammy Noteboom Jennifer and Mitchell Oakland Kay and Paul Odegaard Carl Oksol Kylie Olsen Dan Olson Abe Owan Pamela Paseka Michelle Powers Regan and Renae Rohl Joy and Jay Ryan Chuck and Betty Sheldon Carleen and Ken Shilling Nadeane Silbernagel Robert and Laura Spolum Keith and Lori Stauffer Carol Stoudt Brad and Monica Sunderland Norma and James Swanson Ian Traquair Ball Shelley Weidner Jason and Melanie White Paul and Marilyn White Gary and Claudia Wolsky Michael Wolsky Terry Yoney Janet and James Zinke $500-$999 Dr. Thomas and Jane Ahlin Robert and Doris Alin Wayne Altenbernd Roger and Elizabeth Anda Todd and Laurie Anderson Debra Bichler Brian Blumer Jenny and Ben Boe Kristy and Byron Brink 15 individuals $500-$999 Volunteer mento rs introduce child (continued) Lois Brown Bruce and Judy Clark Heidi Connor D.D. Corwin Nicholas Dahlen Lowell Domier Lester and Deb Dondoneau O’Mara and Adam Dunnigan Dustin Ertelt Matthew and DeAnn Hallaway Court and Arlene Hanson Philip Haug and Erin Muldoon Stewart and Linda Herman Senator John and Mical Hoeven Kristal Johnson Mike and Donita Kaspari John and Eunice MacFarlane Ryan Mahoney Michael and Jody Mathias Dan and Debra McGinty Carol Meshefski Dale and Debbie Mowry Harry and Marion Myers Peter and Lynette Nygaard Michael Page Todd Peters Treavor and Elizabeth Peterson Ken and Marcia Retzer Paul and Mary Jo Richard Ronald and Helene Robson Dawn Rosley Ralph and Carol Rudrud Marjorie Schlossman Allan and Mary Severson Gary and Yvonne Smith 16 ren to events an Holly Smith Dr. Stephen and Judith Spellman Richard Springer William and Susan Stibbe Nola and Kenneth Storm Earl and Jan Strinden Stephen and Paula Stromstad James and Linda Svobodny Maynard and Linda Thorseth Matthew Thyne Greg and Sara Wohl James Wold Carla and James Wolsky Lori Zemke $0-$499 Bobby Aamold Brett Abrahamson Connie and Paul Abrahamson Penny Ackerland-Morken Mary and Larry Akason Skyler Akason Dave and Denise Akkerman Henry Albrecht Jim and Verla Albrecht Kellie and Erin Albrecht Joni Alfson Esther and Clyde Allen Saeed Ally Yassa Almanaseer J. Richard and Renee Alsop Teresa Altenbernd Debra Althaus Connie Ambuehl d activities thro ughout the com munity. Melissa Ambuehl Andrea Anderson Becky and David Anderson Claudia and Dale Anderson David and Ann Anderson Gaylon and Robin Anderson Gene and Connie Anderson Georgia and Dave Anderson Greg Anderson Katie Anderson Michael and Kathryn Anderson Myrna Anderson Natalie Anderson Rachel and Jacob Anderson Ron Anderson Sabrina Anderson Sandra Anderson Shawn Anderson Sue Anderson Susan Anderson Joanne and Ray Andres Robert and Jane Andrews Diane Andring Stanton Andrist Brian Arett Daniel and Shelly Armbrust John and Sue Arneson Gabrielle Arnquist Andrea and Dustin Arntson Robert Arusell and Janelle Sanda Steven and Janet Asche Mark and Sandra Asleson Larry Audette Pamela Austfjord Valerie and Tony Austin Jeff Avelsgaard Deneen and Kenny Axtman Mayra and Jesus Ayala Jack Baarman Betty Baccus Bonnie and Nick Bach Josh Bach Darrel and Julie Bachman Jeremy and Blakelyn Bailey Carol and Dan Baillie Elizabeth Baker Jeffrey and Leah Baker Jessica Baker Kurt Baker Megan Baker Sharon Baker Amanda Bakkedahl Dennis and Nannette Bakko Bev Bales Jennifer Ballinger Susan Balsdon Mykell Barnacle Christopher and Hope Barta James and Helen Bastian Scott and Susan Bates Elizabeth and Albert Bauder Cynthia and David Baumgardner Adam and Cecelia Baumstarck Jamie Baxter Debra and David Beard Linda and Allen Beaton Arlene and Jake Beck Robert Becker Michael and Debra Beckett Brittney Beeter Brad Beiseker Joel and Bernice Belgum Dale Beling Sarah and Lance Belisle Jeff and Melissa Benda Katherine and Jerry Benda Elizabeth Benson Jason and Jessica Bentley Lorelee Benz Sean and Dawn Benzmiller Christina Berg Justin and Meg Berg Ross Berg Sara Berg Thomas and Lorna Berge Julie Berger Rick and Doris Bergeson Paul and Nicole Berglund Katie and Brian Bergner Marie and Jay Bergquist Richard and Lois Bergseth Dr. Steven and Darlene Berndt Mark Berntson John and Erin Bertel Otto and June Bervik William and Yvonne Bethke Todd Bida Todd and Shelly Biever Brian Billings Zaundra Bina Paul Binfet LeRoy Bitzan Gregory and Nancy Bjerke Candis Bjore Carrie and Joel Bjorge Kathleen and Dean Bjorge David and Crystal Blomquist Bonnie Blondell Todd and Erin Blotsky Kathy Blouin Phyllis Boatman Robert and Claudette Bodin Hank and Janet Boe Jill and Raymond Boehme Paul Boese Teresa Bohmer Robert and Brenda Bohmert Ryan and Danielle Bohnsack Deann Boll Bruce and Gail Bollinger Edelle Bond Julianne Bonner Timothy and Nanette Boots Julianne Bopp Margaret Boren Jeffery and Michelle Borowicz Carly and Leroy Bosworth Laura and Eskunder Boyd Fred and Barbara Brackett Wayne and Nancy Bradley Betty Brandt Duane and Sandra Brasch Robin Brekke Shannon Breuer Kevin Briggs Keith and Mary Broadwell Sam Brouillard Cindy and Chad Brown Gene Brown Georgia and Dale Brown Mark Brown Randy Brown Shannon and Eric Brown Suzanne Brown Arlen and Joan Brunsvold David and Mary Brunsvold Hunter Bultema Barry and Ramona Burchill Jocelyn Birch Burdick Village Highlights The Village’s Alexandria and St. Cloud offices are the community agencies of choice for professionals referring children for trauma-related issues. Several of The Village’s Minnesota therapists participated in training for evidence-based therapy models including Parent Child Interactive Therapy, Child-Parent Psychotherapy, Incredible Years, and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates. 17 Village Highlights The Village’s Alexandria office moved to a new location allowing for the expansion of Parent Child Interactive Therapy and other therapy services. individuals $0-$499 (continued) Denae Burkhardt Darrell and Nancy Burkland Stacy and Jerry Burns Rosann and Craig Burslie Mike Bush William and Dina Butcher Brady Butenhoff Joshua Buth Rodney and Becky Buth Carol and Kermit Bye Jon and Rochelle Byklum Megan Byzewski Marjorie Cagley Aaste and John Campbell Jamie Cariveau Joel Carlson Linda Carlson Marilyn and Lynn Carlson Marlys Carlson Diane Carlsrud Deborrah and Harris Carstensen Rebecca and George Carter Katherine Casler Thomas Casler Calli Cebulski Lane Cebulski Linda Cebulski Susan and Jerome Chaussee Rachel Chesley Candous Christensen Chantell and Dale Christensen Winifred Christensen Lisa Christenson Barb Chromy Vickie and P. Nicholas Cichy Ann and Danny Cigelske Jennifer Clark 18 Timothy and Vicki Clark Bonita and Ronald Clarys Janna Cleem Bradley Clemenson Noelle and Ryan Clouse Larry and Charlene Cody David Allen Coen Joyce Cole Lillian Cole Katherine Collins Gail Confer Steve Connelly Dean and Patricia Conrad Erin Conroy George and Ida Mae Cook Mark and Felicia Cooper Dennis Correll Patricia Corwin Jody Coste Justin Coste Brandi Costello Mark Cottrell Zaundra Cowger Larry and Carol Crabbe John and Barbara Crabtree Curtis and Carrie Crist Dr. Susan and Richard Crockett Catherine Cronen Diane Cronen Kevin and Jenna Cronen John and Yvonne Cronquist R. Blake Crosby J. Anthony Crossett Becky and Andrew Curtis Allison Cyr Pedro Dagdag and Mie Kaiawe-Dagdag Lillian Dagner Brian and Chanyce Dahl Carrie Dahl Dianne and Harvey Dahl Jonathan Dahl Kailee Dahl Kim and Corey Dahl Arlan and Janice Dahlen David and Karen Danbom Katie Davis Brenda Degenstein Clare and Marvin Degerness John DeHann Patricia Deldin and Steven Rich Naomi Dell Justin Deltner Greg Depee Troy Derheim Kent and Jane DeSautel Paul DesChene Ronald and Monica Dessonville Jessica Baxter Fran Dexter Angelo DiAllesanro Jeff Dickhaus Randy and Renee Dickhaus Julie and Darrell Diede Kimberly and Allen Dienslake Erika Dietz Kara Dietz Terri DiNello John and Suzanne Dinusson Donavan and Debra Diseth Melissa Dixon-Armfield and Jim Armfield John and Anita Dobbs Jason Doty David and Danell Dougherty Jamie Dougherty Paul and Mardeth Dovre Molly Dowling Donna Downs-Aafedt Joanne Drenkow Luci and Ted Duchsherer Jay and Rhonda Duden Karen Duerre Bodway Natalie and Norman Dufault Brady and Teresa Duffy Jay and Desrae Dunham Darren Dunlop Mark Dunn Linda Dwyer Alva Dyrud Delbert Easton Daisey Eck Ronald and Gretchen Edwards Virginia and Lanerd Eichele Gerald and Brenda Eid Genevieve Eidem Erna Eidmann Bethany Eighmy Becky Elbert Village Highlights The Village’s Standing Tall and Recovering Strong (STARS) Program provided trauma counseling and support to children affected by the 2011 flooding in Minot. Seventy-five percent of the children receiving assistance through STARS indicated reduced stress, depression, and/or problem behaviors. Betty Eliason Andria and Shawn Ellingson Ronald and Joanne Ellingson Cecile Ellis Nicole Ellis Robert and Michelle Elness Louis Emerson Sheldon and Carina Emil Nancy and Jason Endres Steve Eneboe Jeremy Engelstad Robert and Lauri Engen Charlotte and Eddie Enger Jeremiah and Jara Enger Roger Erbes Jerry Erickson John and Kim Erickson Michele and Greg Erickson Pam Erickson R.W. Erickson Scott and Caroline Erickson Stacy Erickson Terryl Erickson Shelly Ernest Alana Erstad John and Martha Esbjornsson Shawn Evanson Jodi Evenson Beth Evenstad Nathan Everson Shane Evert Karen and Nathan Ewertz Greg and Rebecca Falde John Farnberg Wayne and Dorothy Farnberg Jennifer Faul Charles and Shirley Feeney Gary Feir Carmen Felch Charlotte and Richard Feldman Marcie Felix Natalie Fenske Roger and Jan Fenstad Molly Ferguson Deb Fetting M. Connie and Derrill Fick Joanne and Duane Field Betty Fiemann Melanie and Duane Fierstine William Filbert Paul and Debbie Finstad Aaron Fischer Shara and Aaron Fischer Susan Fisk Sheri Fitzsimmons Mark Flaagan Paul and Karen Fleming Matt Flicker Tammy Fogle Darcy Foley Kathleen Foley Taz Foley Torina Foley Tradyn Foley Darren and Christina Folkestad Seth and Brittany Forness Theodore and Joan Forstner Dianne Foss Judy and Daniel Foss Donald and Kenegunda Foster Renee and Dennis Fowler Gary Wolsky (left) with Dor Jana Frazee Kate Frederick Scott and Krista Fredrickson John and Marlene Freeman Russell and Susie Freeman Chuck and Kristy Fremstad Krista French Mary Ann French Alfred Frenette LaMae Friskop Dana and Mary Frojen Myles Frost Cecilia and Timothy Fruhwirth Marilyn Fuher Aaron and Kayla Fuller Peter and Patricia Fullerton Bruce and Lorraine Furness Jeff and Sunna Furstenau Marlene Gabel Geraldine Gadberry othy Lund Nelson at the 201 3 Children’s Home Reunion . 19 Village Highlights Fargo Counseling staff began providing educational seminars to clients accessing substance abuse services at First Step Recovery. individuals $0-$499 (continued) Matt Gadberry Melissa and David Gadberry Richard and Michelle Galster Rodney and Holly Gapp Beth Gardner Heather Garlie Sarah and Azer Gasevic Mike Gayette Margaret Gaynor Marilyn Geary Debra Gemar Mary and Steve George Shannon and Robert Gephart Randy and Danita Gerhold Robert and Judith German Willie Giere Raymond Gierszewski Brett and Alyssa Gilbertson Harvey and Bonnie Gilbertson Michele Gilchrist Alicia Glynn Ruthie Gmeinder Mary Gnadt Allen Golberg Douglas Golz Kari Goos Nancy Gould Camille Grade Melissa Grafenauer Gary and Arlene Gran Suzie Granholt Julie Grant Thomas and Linda Gravalin Scott and Judy Green Roger and Claudia Greenley Rita and Terry Greenlund Darcy and David Gregg John Gregoire David and Shannon Gregor Jane Greminger Richard and Bonnie Greuel Tony and Karen Grindberg Paul and Patricia Grinde Derrick and Kathleen Groff Charles and Helen Grommesh Timothy Gronlie David and Bonnie Grosz Nels Grote Susan and Robert Grundysen Peggy and Andrew Guin Doug Gullekson Justin Gullekson Warren and Sheila Gullickson Delene and Todd Gunderson Karl and Joleen Gunderson Zach Gunderson Mary Gunkelman Susan Gunsch Jason Gurlach Brian Gustafson Rubi Gutierrez Abigail Guzman Linda and Robert Gylland Dominic and Susan Haan Megan Habel Peter Haberman Roger and Mary Haberman Mark and Suzanne Haen Jacob and MaryAnn Hagel Brian and Emily Hagen Claudia and Scott Hagen Krista Hagen Larry and Debi Hagen W. Todd and Ann Haggart Linda and Robert Haider Carl Halberstadt Charles Halberstadt Naomi Hall Roland and Louise Hall G. Alice and Stanley Halling Steven and Kay Halverson James and Naomi Hambrick Cody Hamdan Joe Hamm Larry and Mary Ann Hammer Roy and Margaret Hammerling Mark and Kristen Hamre Jake Hancock Mary and Doug Hansen Todd Hansen Brian and Roxann Hanson Carol Hanson Gary and Ruth Hanson Jan Hanson Michael Hanson Mike Hanson Shannon Hanson Sheila Hanson Steve Hanson Zachary Hanson Kyler Harder Dorothy Harding Bruce Harmon Candace Harmon Brian and Wendy Harmsen Eric Harris Sharon Harris David and Susan Hartz Kyla Hastings Steven and Dianna Hatfield-Clemenson Kaylee Hatzenbuhler Harley Haug Tasha and Ryan Haug Candace and Duane Haugen Kent Haugen Albert Haugland Fred and Judy Haugo C.H. and Kathy Hawken Harold and June Hayer Billie Jo Hayes Philip Hayes Linda Hayward Chuck and Jane Heath Marilyn Hedberg Charity Heding Shannon Hedrick In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates. 20 Village Highlights The Parent Support Outreach Program (PSOP) is a new service provided in The Village’s Moorhead office. PSOP strives to prevent future child protection issues by providing resources, financial assistance, and referrals to families referred by county social services. Gregory Heilman Ervin and Lois Heim Kimberly Hemphill Dave and Barb Henderson Trude and Robert Hendrickson Dawn and Vernon Herman, Jr. Deborah Hermans James and Sharon Hermans Carlos Hernandez and Erika Rodriguez Rex and Virginia Herring Doris Hertsgaard Douglas and Arlene Herzog Dale and Ruth Hetland Jeanne Hettich Kristi Heyd Paula and Joe Hickel E. Hilgers Matthew and Jennifer Hill Paulette and Curtis Hillestad Conrad and Beverly Hillman David and Jacqueline Hillman Kurt Hillman Nick and Nikki Hillman Muriel and John Hinman Warren and Maureen Hintz Paul Hirchert Todd Hirsch Dave and Mary Hjalmquist Jessica Hochgraber Kent and Marjory Hochgraber Theodore and Eileen Hochhalter Mitchell Hockett Beulah Hodson Brent Hoff Candace Hoffman Marcene Hoffmann Twila Hofman Charles and Rhonda Hoge Rodney and Susan Hogen Mary Hohnadel Steven and Margie Hohnadel Sarah Hokenson Carrie and Gregory Holland Keith Holland Brianna Holmen Katherine and James Holmes Nadine and Bryan Holmly Jodi Holston Courtney Homau Orlan and Laurie Honadel Nate Honrath Laurene and Scott Hopwood Calvin and Shirley Hornbacher Ron and Leanne Horner Kayla Hough Larissa Hovde Stewart and Kristi Hovde Wade and Kristi Howe Michael and Michela Howell Henrik and Jill Hoyer Mark and Carla Hubbard Susan and Paul Hubbard Clarice Hughes Loretta Hughes Josh and Kelly Humble Stacy and Randy Huss Julie Hust Amy Hutchinson Mary Hyland Novak Jamal and Lori Ibnelhaj Debra Idland Kathy Iler Susan Indridason Bonnie Irwin Leland and Diane Isakson Allison Israel Diane and Richard Ista Jocie Iszler Sandra Ives Roger and Kathleen Ivesdal Troy and Heidi Ivesdal Jan Jackson Patrick Jacobi and Tracy Coppola Donna Jacobsen Brenda Jacobson Calvin and Wendy Jacobson JoAnn Jacobson Stephanie Jacobson Laura James Daniel Janes Kurt and Annette Jankowski Jesse Janz Lyle and Claudia Janz Lori Jasken Sarah Jelinek Austin Jensen James and Lori Jensen Larry and Marsha Jensen Michael Jensen Monte and Mary Jerstad Michael Joachim Alice and Alvin Jochim Chad and Kristin Johnson Daniel and Carol Johnson David Johnson Derek Johnson Gary Johnson George and Janice Johnson Greg Johnson Guy Johnson Jeremy Johnson Jessica Johnson Ken and Marcia Johnson Lindsay Johnson Louann and Robert Johnson Mark L. Johnson Matt Johnson Pam Johnson Peter Johnson Rick Johnson and Virginia Clark-Johnson Rodney and Kathy Johnson Russ Johnson Seth Johnson Shayli Johnson Tony Johnson Nancy Johnson-Seidel Leslie Johnston Martin and Maureen Jonason James and Mary Jondahl 21 Village Highlights The Village Intensive In-Home Family-Based Services began providing services in Minnesota’s Grant and Pope counties. individuals $0-$499 (continued) Donald and Peggy Jones Mary Jones Kevin and Tracy Jorde Neil and Nancy Jordheim Scott Jorgenson John Jourdan Tom Joyce Rick and Jana Judisch Gerald and Sharyn Juran V. Frank and Maxine Kadlec Pauline Kahler Derek Kainz Donald and Renita Kainz Nancy and Kip Kaler Andrea Kallstrom Alec Kappel Kim and Shelley Kappes Michelle and Andy Kappes Mandy Kartes Brenda and Jon Kaspari Christo Kaspari Darcy Kasprowicz Susan and Mike Kasprowicz Kirby and Candace Kassenborg Beverly and Timothy Kato Mildred Kautz Daniel and Theresa Keimig Mary Kelly Patricia Kelly Josh Kemmer Missy Keney Betty Kerns David and Marilyn Kerssen Donald and Jo Kilander Penelope Kilbride Lucas and Gretchen Kindseth 22 Amy King Jonette King Jamie Kinne Mrs. Charles Kinslow Harold and Nancy Kjelgaard Tom Kjos Calvin Klamm Joshua Kleckner Genevieve Klein Paul and Debbie Kleven Ken Klever John and Jan Klocke Matt Kloos Julie and Colin Kloster Michele Klug Rita Klug Brett and Kendra Knain Thomas and Mariol Knapp Jared Knapper David and Jane Knecht John and Ann Knecht Allan and Sandra Knoll Dannielle Knoll Janelle Knudson Teena Knuth Brandon Knutson Marc Knutson Robert and Cheryl Kochmann Lisa and Kelly Koehmstedt Jan Koester Kerry Kolle Richard and Cynthia Koons Tye and Linnea Korbl Michael and Kristen Kosir Brandye and Scott Krabbenhoft Jeremy Kramer Pam Kramer Vivian and William Kranzler Kelly and Randy Krause Miles and Kristi Krebs Dr. David Kreps Violet Kressin Robert and Patricia Krieger Jody Kringler R.S. and Swarna Krishnan Brenda Krogen Shane Krogstad Beatrice and Keith Kroke Bob Krugler Brad and DeeAnn Krugler Christine and Eric Kujawa-Shroshane Russ and Mary Kuzel Connie and Danny Kvien Carol Labernik Margriet Lacy Denise and Daniel Lakeman Brock and Nancy Lambrecht Kathy and Roger Landblom Susan Lane Katrina and Darin Lang Matt Langemo Roger and Geri Langseth Richard and Vicki Laraway Tammy Larck Joyce Larsen Christopher Larson David and Julie Larson Dee Larson Donovan Larson Kim and Kathy Larson Kimberlie Larson Michael Larson Neil and Lois Larson Paul and Rebecca Larson Sarah Larson Warren and Laine Larson Joanne and Wayne Lauwers Ryan and Lindsey Laux Janis and Robert Leach Gloria and David Lee Jessica Lee Judith Lee Kenneth and Louise Lee Brian Leech Jerome and Sharon Leegard Todd and Jennifer Lefor Larry and Mary Ann Leier Mary Leiss Barbara and Daryl Leistikow Jeanne and Richard Lemay Bill Lempe Tyson Lenfald Susan and Rudy Lenhardt Dana Leopold Levi Lepird Dave Lerud Thomas and Sheila Leshovski Barbara and Richard Leshovsky Penny and Thomas Lessard Kristi Leverson Dale and Paulette Lian Heather Liebe Arvilla and Lloyd Lien Marna and Thomas Lien Kari and Barry Lindblom Sarah and Kirk Lindemann Christan Linderkamp Matthew and Meg Lindholm Collin Lindhorst Ralph Lindstrom Sara Lingwall Peggy Link Laura and Thomas Lock Bonnie Lonbaken Clint and Barbara Lonbaken Mark and Janelle Lothspeich Jamie Lovstad Naomi and Aaron Lucht Laurie Lucking Robert and Shawn Ludwig Andrea Luhman Lori Luhman Pat Luhman Mary Luhman-Olson Sheri Lukas Marilyn Lundberg Dr. James and Karen Lundstrom Kelly and Rob Lynch Rob and Karla Lyngstad Joshua Lysne Holly Madlom Sharon Madson Ilean and Richard Maetzold Alane and Ronald Maixner Brent Majkrzak David and Tara Malheim Fred Maneiro Terri Manske Mario Marberry Rachel Marchand Jeff and Kaley Mari Susan Markert Harriet Marquardt F. John and Sharon Marshall Darrell Martin Ellis Gene and Evelyn Martin Michael and Nikki Martin Jim and Arlene Martini Karen Mason Laurie Massey Kimberly and Kelly Massine Randy and Sabrina Mastel Ronald and Lisa Mastel Chuck Masten Jessica and Christopher Mather Timothy and Lorene Mathern Prakash and Sandy Mathew Wendy and Jeffery Mathison Jeffrey and Jayne Mathson James and Vernette Maus Joyce Mayer Tyler Mayfield Shanna and Wayne McArthur Ryan McCall-Johnson Chad and Jess McCaslin Jesika McCauley Brian and Karen McClellan Matthew McClellan Tanith McCloud John and Olivia McCormick Loni McCormick Stephen and Kelly McCormick Elizabeth McCrory Catherine McDade Ian and Kristin McDonald Jillian McDonald Joyce and Don McDougall Sandy McDowell Village Highlights The Truancy Intervention Program, offered in public schools throughout Clay County, Minnesota, added programming that will intensify interventions with students and further increase school attendance and graduation rates. Gary and Sandra McGinnity Dale and Lori McGowan Elaine McGrath Ross and Jodi McGregor Bart McIlonie Donald and Joann McIntyre Wayne McKelvey Tracey McLagan Gary and Janice McLaughlin Ronald and Marilyn McLean Steven and Penny McLister Marcia McMullen and Kevin Thorsness Kathryn and James McMullen-Wendt Joel Medd Lorrie and Martin Meier Ernest Meiers James and Nancy Melhorn Sara and Tim Melin Natalie Melland Karen and Loren Mellum Chet and Elaine Menz Daniel and Katina Merck Carol Messmer Robert and Myrna Mettler Alice and Dennis Metzger Austin Meyer Renee Meyer Sam Meyer Christina Midboe Evan Mikkelsen Denise and Stephen Miller Rev. Janet Miller Matthew Miller Nicole Miller Rhonda Miller Tammy Miller and Craig Palmer Todd and Carmel Miller Barbara Mills 23 Village Highlights The mental health issues of the children served by The Village’s Intensive In-Home Family-Based Services have increased dramatically in number and severity. The primary diagnoses of children are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Anxiety with Depressive symptoms. individuals $0-$499 (continued) Lynette and Brian Mischke Sally Miskevige Marge Mitchell Keith and Tami Mitterling Wallace Emil Moe Estate Rene Moen Dana and William Moffett Thomas and Celeste Moltzan Vernon and Enid Monger Dirk Monson Donna Monteith Brent Montgomery Robert and Shirley Montgomery Carolyn and John Monzingo Marshall and Rose Mary Moore Guy and Sandra Moos Jamie and Ericka Morlan Craig Morrison Rick Morrow Kent and Connie Mosier Lynn Mueller Emalee Muhonen Gretchen Mullendore Lynne Muralt John and Norma Murphy Nancy and Dwight Murphy Tina Mysliwiec Leo and Susan Myxter Amy and Paul Naseth Trent Nassars Sam Nayes Randall and Cheryl Naze Amber Nefzger Heather Neis Barbara Nelson Bennett Nelson Diane and James Nelson Donald Nelson Evan Nelson and Heidi Czerwiec Jennifer Nelson Karen and James Nelson Kari Nelson Larry and Loretta Nelson Lorraine Nelson ntors pot flowers for Children and their me 24 Mother’s Day. Lyle Nelson Makenzie Nelson Mark and Nichole Nelson Mike and Sheila Nelson Rebekah Nelson Taylor Nerby Stephanie Nesdahl Ron and Ardis Neshem Nicole Ness Steve Ness April Nettum Elysia Neubert Brian and Kathy Neugebauer David and Jennifer Newman Kari and Leo Ness Eugene and Connie Nicholas Tony and Reshia Nickles Jim Nicolai Stephen and Cherie Nicolai Olivia Niday Wenona Nielsen James and Melody Nord Dan Nordsletten Kurt Noteboom Jerry Nybo Curt and Lisabeth Nyhus Jim Nyland Richard and Susan Nymark Jim and Florence Oakland Kelly and Michael Obach Thomas and Linda O’Halloran Avis and Darrell Ohman Mary Lou Ohman Patricia Ohnstad Lindsey Ohren Timothy and Kari O’Keeffe Melody Okke Douglas and Danielle Olason Bernice Oliver Donald and Deleth Oliver Jobert Olofernes Patrick and Paula Olsen Kevin and Kristy Olsgaard Barbara Olson Village Highlights The Village continues to provide Family Group Decision Making and Family Team Decision Making to the Fargo, Jamestown, and Bismarck regions. Charles and Ruth Olson Denis and Linda Olson Donald Olson Jamie Olson Judith Olson Kathleen Olson Kenneth and Luella Olson Kimberly Olson Lorelle and Bruce Olson Mike Olson Pamela Olson Paul and Nancy Olson Paula Olson Prudence Olson Richard and Janice Olson Teresa Olson Jason Olund John and Amy Ommen Donald and Evelyn Ommodt Lisa Omundsen John and Laureen O’Neill Dennis and Betty Oothoudt Karen Oothoudt Warren and Marjorie Opperman Michael and Cassi Orness Charles and Bonnie Orvik Carol and William O’Toole Gary and Mary Ann Ouradnik Steven Ouren Terry and Russell Overbo Lisa Overlee Brenda Owen Randy Page Delano and LaBirta Pat Palloch Gail and Michael Palmer Dennis and Diane Palowski Srihari Panjini Paul and Andrea Pansegrau Arnold Paradis Brad and Danielle Parker Judy and Roger Parrow Michele and Jim Parsons Janet Patterson Robert and Peggy Paul Denise and Daniel Paulson Eric Paulson Gaylord and Beva Paulson Tim and Kathryn Pausch Mark and Terrie Pearson Nathan Pearson Maren Pechacek Heather Peery and Robert Rakness Jeffrey Pegg Seth Pegg Vicki and Larry Peihl Bruce and Patricia Penas Chuck and Nancy Perkins Waneta Perkins Adam and Rachel Peterson Gretchen Peterson Holly Peterson Perry Peyerl AJ Pflugrath Cindy Pflugrath Brad Pfuhl Art and Mary Ann Phillips Margaret Picon Clara Piepkorn Lezlee Pihlgren Angela Pitts Mary and Ken Pituch Stephen and Susan Plambeck Brent Plante Simone Poitras Susan Poitras Agnes and Leroy Policky James and Mavis Pomeroy Dewey and Margery Possehl Gregory and Jill Post Margaret Potter Dorothy Prafcke Shawn and Iva Preabt Carol Pribula and Larry Dent Lynn and Math Prom Sunny and Jim Prudhomme Jim Puffe Bruce Pulkrabek Stacey and Brian Pyle Jean and Bryan Quigley Shirley Quigley Emily Radebaugh Sherry and Paul Radermacher Ann Ragan Judy and James Rahlf Brian and Jessica Rahman Scott and Linda Randolph Brent and Sarah Rask Adam Rasmussen Paulette Rastedt Brad and Marissa Rath Sharon and Kevin Raugutt Andrew Rausch C. Rauschenberger Michael Readel Elaine Redmann Merril and Noell Reinhiller Diane Reinholz Nick Reinke James and Jody Renbarger Kelly and Lori Rezac Glenn Rheault Ashley Rhling Jason Richard and Amanda Olson Lou and Gerald Richardson William and Betty Richardson Brenda Richman Mike Richter Nashel Rick Jody and Justin Ridel Lori Jo Rieber Brady Riewer Ryan Riewer Jeremy and Alexis Rinas Pauline Rinke Charlotte and James Robbins Village Highlights Eighty-five percent of the people exiting The Village’s Debt Management Program were successful in reaching their financial goals. 25 Village Highlights Little Brother Jake S. was awarded a full-ride fouryear scholarship to NDSU through The Village Big Brothers Big Sisters Program partnership with the Annexstad Foundation. individuals $0-$499 (continued) Melody Robbins Dawn and Ronald Robson Rodney and Sally Roe Chad Roehrich Laura and Douglas Roerick Jayne Rogerson Carmen and Robert Rogne Thomas and Mary Rohleder Angela Rollie Brenda Romdalvik Brian and Stacy Roney Ronald and Joan Rose Casey Rostvet Darrell and Teia Rowe Emery J. Roy Mackey and Janell Roy Riley Rude Helen Rudie Jennifer Rudnick Ronald and Joyce Rudolph Courtney Rusch-Galindo Elaine and Robert Rust Melinda Rustad Brad Rutten William and Kathryn Rutz Katelyn Rykal Marlene Saar Roland and Janice Saetre Deb Sahr Monica and Brian Salberg Amanda Salisbury Kenneth Sampson Sarah Sanders Renee Sandvik Glenda Sanford Leslie Satterlund Me Saunders Jenna Scharmer Elaine Schatz Mark and Delrae Schefter Christopher Scheidecker Kimberly and Robert Scheidecker Lowell Schellack Hailey Schepp Miranda Scherr Kelly Schlauderaff Kim Schlotfeldt Brenda and Christopher Schmid Craig and Kari Schmidt Don Schmidt Justine Schmidt Kevin Schmidt Loren and Arlys Schmidt Gene and Vikki Schneeberger B.R. and W.A. Schoen Taralee and Matthew Schoen Stacie Scholz Annetta Schott Twila Schrock Dwight and Donya Schroeder Neil and Bonnie Schroeder Patricia Schroeder Nathan and Amber Schultze Lucille Schulz Arthur and Lillian Schwahn Victor and Joan Schwahn Village Highlights Nokomis Child Care Centers began a partnership with TNT Kids’ Fitness called “Partnering for Healthy, Fit Kids.” The program incorporates physical activity into the curriculum through movement labs, physical activity, and “hands-on” training delivered each week to the classrooms. 26 Kay Schwarzwalter Colleen Scott Linda Scott Justin Scoville Kathy and Tim Scully Gary and Sharon Secor Jane and David Sederquist Dennis Seidler Judy Sellder Alissa Selthun Tashina Seminole Patti Senn Matt Settel Nathan Severson Mark and Jennifer Shaul Nick Shaw Christy Shelinbarger Melissa Shellito Dan and Cynthia Shelstad Elizabeth Shelstad Kristine and Mike Sheridan Tom Shockman Tom Shoman Frank and Dorothy Silbernagel Leonor and Hal Sillers Mark and Bonnie Simmons Denise and Peter Simon Laura Simons Kenneth and Victoria Sims Lisa and Travis Skari Janelle Skarphol Steve and Cindy Skauge Patricia Skognes Mark and Jane Skunberg Karen Slavens David and Vannessa Slotten Shirley and Orville Slusher George Paul Smith Keri Smith Ruth Smith Sandy Smith Jerry and Annette Smyser Dustin Softing William and Connie Solis Jessica Somsen Mark and Mykal Sonstelie Erin Sparks Arlen and Evelyn Spear Village Highlights For the second year in a row, The Village invited former residents of the North Dakota Children’s Home to Fargo for a reunion. Twenty-eight people gathered to connect, share their stories, and celebrate the history of The Village. Robert and Janet Speirer Lynn and Mark Speral Tyler Sperling Paul Spletstaszer Vicki Spofford T.R. Springer Michael and Sheri Srnsky Rod St. Aubyn Taylor Stainbrook Paul Stalcup Darlene Stanton Dave and Brenda Staveteig Julie Steinkuehler-Murrah Diane Stenberg Stephaine Stene Eunice Stephenson Orland and Annette Stephenson David and Illona Stern John and Sherri Stern Duston and Karen Stevens Jerry and Kathryn Stigman Christy Stock Jerilyn Stocker Megan and Dan Stocker Caitlin and Tanner Stoecker Nicholas Stokke Jeanine Stone Corey Stoner Rene Storbakken Jason Stout Amber and Charles Stowman Gina Strand Myron Strand Kaylyn Stroh Gerald Stromberg Robyn Stromberg Steven Stromberg Monique and Darcy Strong Michael and Debra Stulz Roxane Stutzman Michael and Kori Sunderland Marti and Sara Sunderlin Jeanette Sutherland Richard and Diane Svaleson Leif Sveet Andrew and Gail Swanson Beverly Swanson Robin Swanson Margaret Sweeney Beth Swenson Bridget and James Swenson Robert Swenson Rodney and Janel Swenson Delight and Kevin Swingen Mickey Syrquin Toben and Blenda Taft Katie Tallas Lisa Tate Richard and Patricia Taylor Mona Tedford Matthew and Melea Telste Kari Terhark Paul and Carolyn Tharp Jill Theisen Michael and Molly Thomas William and Patricia Thomas Brandon and Janet Thompson Lloyd and Beverly Thompson Marilyn Thompson MSGT Clyde Thorne, Jr. (Ret. USAF) and Diane Thorne Betty Thorp Deborah and Todd Thorstad Lisa Thuner Jolynn and Gene Thurston Wendy and Jesse Thymian Jamie Tikkanen Amelia and Joe Tintes Terry Tolbert Barbara and Roger Tollefson Kristen and Charles Tomanek Maureen Tomaszewski Darrin and Myrna Tonsfeldt Elaine and Kent Tonsfeldt Scott and Sara Torgrimson Shannon and Dusty Tostenson Jay Tougas Torri Traxler Sheryl Trepp Elizabeth Trogstad John and Deborah Trombley Alex Trosen Angela Trupka Elaine Tschakert Sherry and Larry Tschida Lynn Tschosik Jennifer Anne Tucker and Gerald Lang Ranelle and Joseph Turman Tom and Leah Tvedt Jeff Tweten Tim and Debra Uglem John and Cheryl Ulrickson Jacqueline and Vincent Ulstad A. Unser Michael Uriell Nerline Van Dyke Thomas and Susan Van Osdel Marilyn Vandervorste Lori Vanderlinden Jeanette Varriano James Vejr Wendy and Jon Vesledahl Pauline and Richard Vetsch Matt and Lyla Vetter Paige Vetter Melanie Victorian Bruce and JoAnne Vieweg Marybeth and David Vigeland David and Rhoda Viker Lisa Vilhauer Tim Vilhauer C. Nicholas and Ene Vogel Robert and Teresa Vogel Darren Volk Toni Vondal Village Highlights Big Brothers Big Sisters expanded its school-based program to Jefferson Elementary in Fargo. 27 Village Highlights Nokomis teachers received Teacher Child Interaction Training (TCIT), an intervention model to help teachers learn techniques for strengthening positive relationships with the children and responding appropriately to behavioral issues. individuals $0-$499 (continued) Leann and Bradley Wages Wayne and Loanna Wagstrom Becky and Greg Walen JoAnn Walicski Arlene and Ronald Walker Elizabeth and Jerry Walker Stephen Wallevand Matthew Walter Rick Wanderi Duane and Trudy Wanner Kevin Warner Shane and Jill Waslaski Jeff Watne Eric and Sara Watson Louise Weber Lynette Weber Paul and Jeanne Weber Ruth Ann Weber Leon and Lavonne Wedar Robert and Susan Wefald Robert Weibust J. L. and Kay Weisgram Jennifer and Ryan Weisgram Glenn and Judy Weishaar Ari Weled Patrick Welle Julie Wells John Welu Sharlene Wendorff Brandon Wendt Dave and Tracie Wendt Gary Wendt Jeremy Wendt Josh Wendt Mary Wenger Barbara Werre Jayme West Melissa and Rick Westby Jeff and Kelly Wetzel Deb Whaley Sam Wheeldon Carol Whitson Carol and John Wickenheiser Alon Wieland Denise and Kenneth Wienckowski Matthew Wieser Ross and Lisa Wilhelm Rod and Karen Wilhelmi Brandy Wilkens Kris Wilkens Leann and Patrick Wilkie Scott Wilkins Cathy and Rick Williams Jodi Williams Katherine Williams Randy and Robyn Wimmer Steve and Annella Winger Patricia Winter Tyler Winter David Shanks and Lauri Winterfeldt-Shanks Agnes Wischer Cameron and Debbie Wischer Rick Wiskur Denise Witte Karen Witzel Charlotte Wixo Annie Wohl Lawren and Lynette Wold Darlene and Michael Wolf Gary and Barb Wolf Matt and Sharon Wolf Megan Wolf Jacinda Wollan Marie and Michael Wollschlager Dennis and Elizabeth Wolsky James and Cynthia Wolslegel Bonnie Wood James and Lois Wood Scott and Susan Woods Shaundra Worrall Steven and Maret Worwa Steven and Leann Wright Bruce Yaggie Tracey and Tom Yorio Caitlin Young Jeffery and Terri Young Jay and Shannon Ysteboe Tom and Serene Ysteboe Sandra and Jack Zaleski Robin Zebell and Bert Griffin Dustin Zeeb Kristina Zenner Franklin and Sherryl Ziemann Brenda and Peter Zimmel Tyler and Heidi Zimmerman Calais and Jared Zimney Gail and Dale Zimprich Heather Zinger Brad and Jenifer Zinke Gilbert and Edith Zinke Marie Zitzow Traci Zuhlsdorf Village Highlights The New York-based Council on Accreditation re-accredited The Village in 2013. The COA accreditation process involves a detailed review and analysis of an organization’s administration, management, and service delivery functions against international standards of best practice. The standards driving accreditation ensure that services are well-coordinated, culturally competent, evidence-based, outcomes-oriented, and provided by a skilled and supported workforce. 28 2013 contributors (ORGANIZATIONS) Adam’s Lawn and Snow Service Advanced Auto Body & Glass Advanced Business Methods AHP Consulting, Inc. Alerus Financial - 32nd Ave. Alerus Financial - Grand Forks Alerus Financial - West Fargo Alex Rubbish & Recycling, Inc. Allina Health System Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity American Crystal Sugar American Federal Bank Anda Construction & Properties Anderson Financial Group Appareo Systems Ashlar Lodge No. 69, A.F. & A.M. Association For Better Day Care Automated Maintenance Services, Inc. Avis Car Rental Bank of North Dakota Bannor Lodge No. 4 Basin Electric Power Cooperative Bell State Bank & Trust Bennett Financial Bergseth Brothers Company Best Western Doublewood Inn - Fargo Bethlehem Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Biolife Plasma Services BlackRidgeBANK Blue Goose Bobcat Company Border States Electric Supply Bremer Bank - Fargo Bremer Bank - Minot Buffalo Lutheran Church WELCA Bulldog Tap Butler Machinery Company Calvary United Methodist Church Camrud-Foss Concrete Construction, Inc. Capital Credit Union Cargill Corn Milling - Wahpeton Cargill Grain and Oilseeds - West Fargo Case New Holland, Fargo Plant Cash Wise Foods - Fargo Cass County Electric Cooperative Cass Lake Lodge Centurylink Choice Financial Christianson’s Business Furniture, Inc. Church Women United of Fargo CI Sport, Inc. Coldwell Banker First Realty Cole Papers, Inc. Colgate Presbyterian Church Combined Federal Campaign Cook Endodontics Cormorant Lions Club Cornerstone Bank Corwin Automotive Group Craig Geron Decorating Artists Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Dakota Carriage Company Dakota Group Wells Fargo Advisors Dakota Medical Foundation Daniel L. Kelly, D.D.S. Dave’s West Fargo Tire David Madsen Heating & Air Conditioning Dawson Insurance Agency Dishcrawl, Inc. DJ&J Concession Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels Doug’s Optical, Inc. Dr. Calvin K. Fercho Family Foundation Drayton Foods, LLC Ed Phillips and Sons Co. of ND Edgewood Management Group Edgewood United Methodist Church Edward Jones Eide Bailly Elim Lutheran Church Enventis Essentia Health Fabricators Unlimited Faith United Methodist Church Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que Fargo Brewing Company Fargo Chiropractic Clinic Fargo Marathon, Inc. Fargo Tire Service, Inc. Fargo Tractor Fargo-Moorhead Builders & Traders Exchange Fargo-Moorhead USBC Bowling Association Fargo’s Finest Coin Laundry Farmer’s National Company Ferguson Waterworks Fine Arts Club First International Bank & Trust - Fargo First International Bank & Trust - Gilbert, AZ First Lutheran Church of Fargo First Lutheran Church of Hunter First Presbyterian Church First United Methodist Church Fitzgerald Construction, Inc. Flint Communications Floor to Ceiling Carpet One FM Claims FM Title, Inc. Food Services of America Fremstad Law Firm Friends of Nokomis Gate City Bank Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac Hyundai Nissan Globe University - Moorhead Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Goodwill Club Grand Forks Restaurants, LLC Grand International Grouser Products, Inc. Hanbro Construction, Inc. Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops, Inc. Heartland Trust Co. Holiday Inn of Fargo Holy Spirit Church Homemaker’s Villa Homewood Suites by Hilton Hope Lutheran Church Hornbacher’s Foods IBM Corporation Impact Foundation Industrial Builders, Inc. Inside 515 InterceptEFT Island Fusion JDS Gems JLG Architects Job Service of North Dakota Jordahl Custom Homes JT’s Bar & Lounge Just For Me, Inc. Village Highlights In Fargo, The Village added a masters-level Clinic Nurse Specialist in Psychiatry who is able to provide mental health assessments and manage medications. 29 ORGANIZATIONS (continued) Kiwanis Club of Lake Agassiz KOS Concrete, Inc. Lake Region Community Fund Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership, Inc. Lampert Yards, Inc. Laney’s Laser Systems Lightowler Johnson Associates, Inc. Lillestol Research Lindquist Financial Link Land Services, Inc. Lipp, Carlson, Lommen, & Witucki, LTD Loyal Order of Moose Luther Family Buick GMC of Fargo-Moorhead Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota Magnum Limited Maple River Winery Matrix Properties Matthew Lehman Construction, LLC Mayflower Circle McDonald’s Restaurants MDU Resources Group, Inc. Microsoft Business Solutions Minnkota Recycling Minot Chapter #1224 Women of the Moose Moore Engineering, Inc. Morrighan Law Office Multiple Myeloma Muscatell Burns Automotive Group, Inc. Mutual of America Nativity Church of Fargo ND Council on Abused Women Network Cabling Services, Inc. New Horizon Chiropractic Newman Outdoor Advertising Nokken Chiropractic Clinic, LTD North Buffalo Lutheran Church North Dakota Community Foundation North Dakota State University Obermiller Nelson Engineering Olaf Anderson Construction, Inc. Olivet Lutheran Church Omega North Consulting Otter Tail Corporation Oven Door Catering Panjini Law Offices Peace Garden Pond, Inc. Peace Lutheran Church Pierce Printing & Digital Design Pifer’s Auction & Realty Plaza Trustyworthy Hardware Plymouth Congregational Church Pontoppidan Lutheran Church - WELCA Prairie St. John’s Preference Personnel Property Resources Group Ramada Plaza & Suites RD Offutt Company/ RDO Equipment Co. Real Deals On Home Decor #118 Red River Financial Group Red Trail Vineyard RehabAuthority Physical Therapy Republic National Distributing Company RM2 Properties, LLC Roadway Services, Inc. Robb Siverson Photography Roers Development, Inc. Rough Riders Kiwanis Club Royal Neighbors Of America - Gateway Camp No. 9546 S & S Promotional Group Sabrina Anderson Realtor Sacred Heart Convent Sanford Health Scheel’s - Grand Forks Scheel’s All Sports - Fargo Shane Lebahn Agency, Inc. Shepherd of Prairie Moravian Women Simple Website Creations Soroptimist International of Fargo Starion Financial Stop-N-Go Summer Services Sundog Swanston Equipment Companies Sysco Taxworld, LLC TCI Financial Advisors The Barry Foundation The Computer Place The Erik Hatch Team of Adams Development The God’s Child Project The Jan and David McNair Family Fund The Optimist Club Of Fargo The Sunderland Group The Title Company Thermo King of Fargo Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Thunder Road Titan Machinery - Moorhead Titan Outlet Store Town & Country Credit Union - Minot Trinity United Methodist Church Tronsgard & Sullivan, D.D.S., P.C. Truist Turman & Lang, Ltd. Twin City Garage Door U.S. Bank UND Alumni Association & Foundation Unglued Union State Bank United Methodist Women United Natural Foods, Inc. Unsong Assisted Living, LLC U.S. Bank Private Client Group Valley Petroleum Equipment, Inc. Valley Vintage Car Club Verendrye Electric Victor Lundeen Co. Vision Bank W.T. Butcher And Associates, Ltd. Wallwork Truck Center Wanzek Construction Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Wells Fargo Bank N. Dakota, N.A. - Fargo Wells Fargo Community Support West Acres Development Western State Bank - West Fargo Wischer Aviation In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates. 30 Village Highlights The average age of the women who came to The Village for Unplanned Pregnancy Counseling is 23 years old. Seventyfive percent have a high school education or less, 29 percent made an adoption plan, and 69 percent made a parenting plan. GRANTORS Alex Stern Family Foundation Basin Electric Bismarck Mandan Community Foundation Capital Electric Cargill Wahpeton Cass County Electric SERVE Foundation Citibank City of Fargo City of Moorhead Community Foundation of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks & Region, Women’s Fund Devils Lake Area Foundation Fargo Moorhead Area Foundation Fargo Moorhead Area Foundation (Donor Advised Funds) A Child is Waiting/The Village Family Service Center Fund Carol L. Stoudt Donor Advised Fund Douglas and Sally Larsen Fund Fred W. and Leopoldine Pardau Memorial Fund Lloyd Dahley Fund Milton and Evelyn Larson Charitable Fund Nokomis Endowment Fund Prentiss H. and Joyce B. Cole Charitable Fund Homeownership Education, Counseling and Training Fund (HECAT) HickoryTech Lois Lenski Covey Foundation MDU Resources Foundation Marcil Charitable Foundation Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Midcontinent Media Foundation Minot Community Endowment Fund Myra Foundation National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program Newfield Foundation Oppen Family Guidance Otto Bremer Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities Runestone Electric Safe Havens Sam’s Club, Fargo Store #8172 St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation Stern Family Foundation Stop Violence Against Women; North Dakota Department of Health Victor and Nina Cranley Charitable Foundation U.S. Bank U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Verendrye Electric Walmart, Fargo Store #4352 Walmart, Moorhead #162 31 2013 In Kind Donations — Individuals Joey and Kristen Aldinger Phyllis Bogart Shaylee Brien Matt and Bridget Cullen Alfred Frenette Ellen Funke Mary and Doug Hansen Teresa Heinen Josh and Kelly Humble Mrs. Charles Kinslow Alicia LaFerriere Cynthia Lamey Jim and Arlene Martini Tim McPherson Joy Metz Amber Morngan Rebecca Nerestant Randy and Anita Newman Linda Nordang Beverly Olson and David Solberg Barbara Rategh Jerry and Leone Rowan Donald and Mary Kay Schott Gerald Stromberg Darrin and Myrna Tonsfeldt Myrtle Tronson Michael Weiss Gary and Claudia Wolsky Marie Zitzow Spending time portant in tor is im with a men fe. a child’s li Village Highlights Joni Medenwald, a mental health specialist in The Village’s Moorhead office, spends time at Nokomis each week to observe the classrooms and assist the teachers in identifying and addressing mental health issues. 32 Some of T he Village’s littlest clie nts meet on e of Santa’s helpers. 2013 In Kind Donations — ORGANIZATIONS A. Hardy U.S.A. Accent Contracting Aendee Aeropostale Alan Evan’s Bridal Alaskan Brewing Company Altadis U.S.A. American Legion Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Antiques on Broadway Applebee’s Apricot Lane Boutique Aquablue Art and Learn Arthaus Retrobilia & Framing Atomic Coffee AutoZone Avenia, Inc. Bacardi USA Ballard’s Resort Bank of the West Bar 9 Bear Creek Winery Bell State Bank & Trust Bell’s Brewing Company Bergseth Brothers Company Beverage Wholesalers, Inc. Big D’s Restaurant Big Nick’s Sports Cards Boards by Dodge Bob95 Bobcat Company Boerth’s Gallery Breadsmith Brown-Forman Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar C. Lizzy’s CableOne Campari Carol Widman’s Candy Co. Caymus Vineyards Chicago Cubs Choice Financial - Grand Forks Clay Your Way Cline Cellars Cloud 9 Salon & Day Spa Constellation Brands Core Health Chiro Cork & Cask Distributing Cornerstone Bank Costco Wholesale Country Inn & Suites - Bloomington Mall of America Courtyard by Marriot Cracked Pepper Creative Kitchen Crowned Heads Dakota Carriage Company Dakota Slim BBQ Dalbol Flowers and Gifts Delicato Deschutes Brewery Diageo USA Don and Sons Don’s Car Washes, Inc. Doolittles Woodfire Grill Downtown Diva D-S Beverages, Inc. Ecce Art & Yoga Eckroth Music Band & Orchestra Eco Chic Boutique Ed Phillips and Sons Co. of ND Eighth Street Barbers Elevate Rock School Empyrean Brewing Company Eyecare Associates, P.C. Fargo Brewing Company Fargo Bumper Exchange Fargo Country Club Fargo Force Fargo Moorhead Community Theatre Fargo Theatre Fargo Tractor Fargo-Moorhead Opera Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Farmer Brother’s Coffee First Congregational Church, U.C.C. First Presbyterian Church FirstLink FM RedHawks Gate City Bank Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac Hyundai Nissan General Cigar Company Grandin Presbyterian Church Guthrie Theater Hair by Melissa Hair Success Halberstadt’s on Broadway Hall Wines Hannaher’s, Inc. Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops Heaven Hill Corporation Hertz Rent-A-Car High Point Networks, LLC Hilton Garden Inn History Theatre Holy Spirit Church Hooligans Hope Lutheran Church Hopkins Center for the Arts Hotel Donaldson Howard Johnson Inn Downtown Fargo Hurley’s Religious Goods, Inc. ICSS Design & Supply India Palace Restaurant Indianapolis Colts J. Lohr Vineyards Jaz Salon Jeremiah Napa Valley Wines Jim Beam, Inc. Ketterl Therapeutic Massage La Flor Dominicana Cigars Labby’s Grill and Bar Lake Country Knitters Laser Systems Security LUXCO M. J. Capelli Mainstream Boutique Majestic Fine Wines Major League Baseball Maple River Winery Marcus Theatre Marguerite’s Music Mathison’s Express Press Maxwell’s Restaurant & Bar McCulley Optix Gallery Meats by John & Wayne MELD Workshop Messiah Lutheran Church Miami Dolphins Microsoft Business Solutions MillerCoors 33 Village Highlights The Village established the Nokomis Forever Fund and is raising private funds for this fund at a record-setting pace. This is very important to ensuring a stable future for the kids of Nokomis. In Kind — ORGANIZATIONS (continued) Minnesota Timberwolves Fastbreak Foundation Minnesota Twins Minnesota Vikings Mom’s Kitchen, Pop’s Diner, & Tailgators Sports Cafe Monte’s Downtown Mosaic Foods Nativity Church of Fargo Neon Sign Shack New Belgium Brewery Nichole’s Fine Pastry Norsk Hostfest North Dakota Moravian Mission Society North Dakota State University Northwest Divers Northwestern Bank, N.A. Oakville East Exposure O’Day Cache Oliva Cigar Company Opp Construction Orleans Group Otter Tail Corporation Oyster Bay Winery Panjini Law Offices Peak NFP Donor Management - a product of Summit Group Software Perfecto Cigar Holder Pernod Ricard USA Pets R’ Inn Pinch & Pour Plymouth Congregational Church Pout Baby Boutique Presbyterian Women of Northern Plains Proper and Prim Quality Importers RD Offutt Company/ RDO Equipment Co. Rejuv Skin & Laser Clinic Republic National Distributing Company Reshia’s Salon Riddle’s Jewelry Riedel The Wine Glass Company River Cities Distributing Rocky Patel Cigars Royal Neighbors Of America - Gateway Camp No. 9546 Rusco Window Company Sandy’s Donuts & Coffee Shop Sazerac Scheel’s - Grand Forks Scheel’s All Sports - Fargo Scherling Photography Service Master of Fargo-Moorhead Shiner Brewery Shotwell Floral Co. Sidney Frank Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Silver Oak Cellars Simply Relax Therapeutic Massage Skin by Wanja Slim Ambition Cold Laser Body Sculpting Smart Spaces Snappy Dog Foods Sokol Blosser Winery Sports Bubble St. Louis Rams Stabo Scandinavian Imports State Farm Agency Stop-N-Go Sublime Aesthetic Professionals Summit Brewery Company Swanson Health Products Synod of Lakes and Prairies Tampa Bay Lightning Target TERRIfic Painting, LLC The Beach on 32nd The Beefsteak Club The Bison Turf The Meadows Golf Shop The Salon Professional Academy Theatre B Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation Titan Machinery - Moorhead Tito’s Handmade Vodka Toad Hollow Vineyards Toasted Frog Toppers Car Club Trinchero Family Estates Tuesday Morning UND Alumni Association & Foundation Underbrush Gallery Valley News Live Walmart - 52nd Ave. S. Wasabi Sushi & Asian Grill WeFest/ Face, Inc. Welcyon.fitnessafter50 William Grant & Sons Wimmer’s Diamonds Wizard of Kids Xikar, Inc. Zales - The Diamond Store In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates. 34 2013 white rose memorial Services have been provided at The Village Family Service Center in memory of the following friends of The Village as we recognize their commitment to making the world a better place. Services in memory of... Jay Bergquist Norene Bunker Jean Guy Patricia Hansen Harry Myers Emery Roy Steve Saum 2013 donations in honor of The following donations are listed as In Honor Of.................................................... Given By Elena and Olivia . .......................................... Mark and Kristen Hamre Deb Sahr Tyler and AJ .................................................. Kate Frederick Nick and Lanae Brown and Family .............. Katie and Brian Bergner Tom and Polly Drayton . ............................... Marie A. Bergquist Kinley Dunnigan . ......................................... Joy and Jay Ryan Genevieve Eidem .......................................... Margaret Gaynor Carla Braaten George Gaukler ............................................. The Title Company Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie ..................... Thomas and Mariol Knapp Joletta Gusaas ............................................... Michael Uriell Paula Hickel .................................................. Leland and Diane Isakson Devon Hofer ................................................. Heather Zinger Ron Horner ................................................... Susan Gunsch Sharon Ingle .................................................. Tony and Sharon Ingle Ed Johnson .................................................... Dennis and Elizabeth Wolsky James Jorgenson ........................................... Marshall and Rose Mary Moore Mary Kelly .................................................... Martin and Maureen Jonason Matthew Kleingartner ................................... Peggy and Alan Kleingartner Sophie Kleingartner ...................................... Peggy and Alan Kleingartner Kory Kleven . ................................................ Paul and Debbie Kleven Kyle Kleven .................................................. Paul and Debbie Kleven Bill MacFarlane ............................................ John and Eunice MacFarlane Kip Moore . ................................................... Marshall and Rose Mary Moore Lance Morgan ............................................... Paul Stalcup Rough Rider .................................................. Jason Doty Joy Ryan and the Development Team . ......... John and Jan Klocke Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sides ........................... Thomas and Mariol Knapp Wayne and Glenda Stoecker ......................... Tanner and Caitlin Stoecker Bob Uriell ..................................................... Michael Uriell Philip and Noah Wisniewski . ....................... Kathy and Roger Landblom Steven Wood ................................................. Annie Wohl Bob Wright . .................................................. Marshall and Rose Mary Moore 35 in memory of The following donations are listed as In Memory Of.................................................Given By Delene Gunderson’s Mother Yvonne.............Delene and Todd Gunderson Toddy .............................................................Joyce and Don McDougall Edmund Albrecht ...........................................Genevieve Eidem Darold Anderson ............................................Ronald and Joan Rose Jean Anderson ................................................Cynthia and David Baumgardner Dr. Susan and Richard Crockett Richard and Cynthia Koons Sharon Madson Lynn and Virginia Marr Heather Neis Kay Schwarzwalter Gary and Sharon Secor Bob Bartholomay ...........................................Joyce and Don McDougall Jon Bartholomay.............................................Joyce and Don McDougall Rory Benz ......................................................Lorelee Benz Jay Bergquist . ................................................Claudia and Dale Anderson Farmer’s National Company Bruce Harmon Harold and Nancy Kjelgaard Dr. James and Karen Lundstrom James and Vernette Maus Anita Minske Nancy and Dwight Murphy Leo and Susan Myxter Patrick and Paula Olsen Kenneth and Luella Olson Joy and Jay Ryan John Sanaker Twila Schrock Patricia Schroeder Gary and Sharon Secor Diane Stenberg John and Sherri Stern William and Susan Stibbe Carol Stoudt Beverly Swanson William and Patricia Thomas Richard and Mary Warner Paul and Jeanne Weber Mary Wenger Jean Beutler . ..................................................Mary Hohnadel Robin Zebell and Bert Griffin Chester Bjornson ...........................................Joyce and Don McDougall Dorothy Bjornson ..........................................Joyce and Don McDougall Marty Bjugstad ..............................................Joyce and Don McDougall Erick Bohlman ...............................................Paul and Debbie Kleven Edward Breckel . ............................................Otto and June Bervik Richard Brown ...............................................Lois Brown Norene Bunker ...............................................Earl and Jan Strinden Thank you to The Village donors who wish to remain anonymous. 36 in memory of (continued) Grandma Carlson ...........................................David and Jennifer Newman Virginia Cowan ..............................................Deborah Igoe Dan Creacey . .................................................Joyce and Don McDougall Lyle Dagner ...................................................Lillian Dagner Stacy Dagner . ................................................Lillian Dagner Sarah Dixon ...................................................Robert and Diane Heller Margaret Sweeney Leslie Doe ......................................................Guy and Sandra Moos Bonnie Ellingson ...........................................Gloria and David Lee John Foss .......................................................Richard and Mary Warner Claude Frick . .................................................Joyce and Don McDougall Marylou Friedriches . .....................................Joyce and Don McDougall Ruth Gilkison .................................................Joy and Jay Ryan Dorothy Glad .................................................Karen and James Nelson Joy and Jay Ryan Vance Goodmanson .......................................Ronald and Joan Rose Bob Graalum . ................................................Candace and Duane Haugen Jean Guy ........................................................Connie and Paul Abrahamson AHP Consulting, Inc. Jocelyn Birch Burdick Carol and Kermit Bye Susan and Jerome Chaussee Dean and Patricia Conrad R. Blake Crosby David and Karen Danbom Paul and Mardeth Dovre Renee and Dennis Fowler William Guy II G. Alice and Stanley Halling Roy and Margaret Hammerling Deborah Igoe Bonnie Irwin Diane and Richard Ista V. Frank and Maxine Kadlec Allan and Sandra Knoll Robert and Patricia Krieger Christine and Eric Kujawa-Shroshane Sally and R. Douglas Larsen Gloria and David Lee Prakash and Sandy Mathew Maxine Mattson Carolyn and John Monzingo James and Mavis Pomeroy Lynn and Math Prom Dale and Mona Shook Leonor and Hal Sillers George Paul Smith Earl and Jan Strinden Rodney and Janel Swenson Jennifer Anne Tucker and Gerald Lang U.S. Bank C. Nicholas and Ene Vogel Orhpa Hilde ...................................................Otto and June Bervik 37 in memory of (continued) Mike Hillman .................................................Penny Ackerland-Morken Jeremy and Blakelyn Bailey Cass Lake Lodge Zaundra Cowger Kent and Jane DeSautel John and Suzanne Dinusson Nancy and Jason Endres Susan Fisk Marilyn Fuher Ellis Gene and Evelyn Martin Thomas and Linda Gravalin Conrad and Beverly Hillman David and Jacqueline Hillman Nick and Nikki Hillman Patrick Jacobi and Tracy Coppola Daniel L Kelly DDS Dee Larson Janis and Robert Leach Mark and Janelle Lothspeich F. John and Sharon Marshall Ernest Meiers Carol Messmer James and Melody Nord Douglas and Danielle Olason Richard and Janice Olson Lisa Omundsen Carol and William O’Toole B.R. and W.A. Schoen Jerry and Annette Smyser Andrew and Gail Swanson Sam Wheeldon Rod and Karen Wilhelmi Scott and Susan Woods Bishop Holsinger ...........................................Joy and Jay Ryan Gerald Hopewell.............................................Carol Meshefski Clarice Hovde ................................................Joy and Jay Ryan Kaylene Jaeger ...............................................Barbara and Daryl Leistikow Ed Johnson .....................................................William and Dina Butcher Jack Johnson ..................................................Allen Golberg Stan Johnson ..................................................Carol Meshefski Dawn Kinzler .................................................Ronald and Joan Rose Curt Knight ....................................................Joyce and Don McDougall Alice Larson . .................................................Lillian Dagner Robert Lebran ................................................Darrel and Julie Bachman Ruth Maixner .................................................Gary and Janice McLaughlin Tim Mayo . .....................................................Margaret Sweeney Doris McAndrew ...........................................Ronald and Joan Rose John McCormick ...........................................Molly and John Barnes Stephen and Kelly McCormick Esther McGill . ...............................................Orilla and Gordon Maier Roland Menge . ..............................................Joyce and Don McDougall Thank you to The Village donors who wish to remain anonymous. 38 in memory of (continued) Harry Myers ...................................................Patricia Deldin and Steven Rich Kenneth and Louise Lee Mary and Ken Pituch Joy and Jay Ryan John and Sherri Stern Wayne and Loanna Wagstrom Darlene and Michael Wolf Thurston and Christine Nelson ......................Raymond Gierszewski Judith Nerlien . ...............................................Candace and Duane Haugen Mandy Nieland ..............................................Jane Greminger Robert Olslund ...............................................Paul and Carolyn Tharp Lorene Paasch ................................................Ronald and Joan Rose Jerome Peckskamp . .......................................United Natural Foods Inc. Eva Pickar ......................................................Ronald and Joan Rose Bobbi Quibbel . ..............................................Deborah Igoe Rev. Janet Miller Jean Rait Hendrickson ...................................Lillian Dagner Olga Rait ........................................................Lillian Dagner Kathleen Rodger ............................................Donovan Larson Margaret Rose ................................................Chet and Elaine Menz Ronald and Joan Rose Helen Rosley . ................................................Jenny and Ben Boe Mary and Doug Hansen Tasha and Ryan Haug Julie and Colin Kloster Karen and James Nelson Sunny and Jim Prudhomme Laura and Douglas Roerick Joy and Jay Ryan Albert Roussin ...............................................Lillian Dagner Lynn Sanaker .................................................John Sanaker Mary Jane Shea ..............................................Joyce and Don McDougall Geneva Shockley ...........................................Ronald and Joan Rose Mary Simonson . ............................................Rosann and Craig Burslie Doug Smith ....................................................Jenny and Ben Boe Arnold Solberg . .............................................Anonymous Donor Ethel Sorensen ...............................................Lillian Dagner David Soupir ..................................................Ronald and Joan Rose Wesley Spear . ................................................Arlen and Evelyn Spear Brenda Stanley-Goettle . ................................Patricia Winter Lester Stern ....................................................Arlen and Evelyn Spear Art Streifel .....................................................Barbara and Richard Leshovsky Emery Swanson .............................................Otto and June Bervik Nancy Thorndal .............................................Dana and Mary Frojen Clark Van Horn ..............................................Jean and Robert Solomonson Etna Van Horn . ..............................................Jean and Robert Solomonson Myrtle Verduin ...............................................Barbara and Daryl Leistikow Terry Wawers .................................................Arlen and Evelyn Spear Milt Weber .....................................................Louise Weber Keith Welte ....................................................Paul and Debbie Kleven Robert Welton ................................................Richard and Mary Warner Kendall Ann White ........................................Jason and Melanie White Kent Zimmerman ...........................................Joy and Jay Ryan 39 2013 North Dakota Picnic Title Sponsor Edgewood Management Group Pioneer North Dakota State University Alumni Association Property Resources Group University of North Dakota Alumni Association Western State Bank North Dakota PICNIC Business Patron Sponsor Unsong Assisted Living, LLC Event Booth Anderson Financial Group Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch Dakota Wild Dot’s Pretzels First International Bank & Trust The God’s Child Project JDS Gems Lifequest Chiropractic & Massage Maple River Winery Mittens by GeeGee MONA-Vie Pifer’s Auction & Realty In-Kind Sponsors KLN Family Brands Chef Louie Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation Norsk Høstfest North Dakotans gather in Mesa, AZ at the 2013 North Dakota Picnic. 40 2013 WE CARE FOR KIDS We Care for Kids is a sponsorship program benefitting the kids at Nokomis Child Care Centers. The program asks organizations and individuals to make a threeyear commitment to investing in the lives of Nokomis children by underwriting expenses for a room at one of our centers. Throughout the three years, our We Care Champions receive quarterly updates, pictures, and art from the teachers and children in “their room.” We Care Champions Alerus Financial - Grand Forks Nokomis II Infant Room Corwin Automotive Group Nokomis I Infant Room Hope Lutheran Church Nokomis I Pre-Toddler I Room Laney’s, Inc. Nokomis II Toddler I Room Lightowler Johnson Associates, Inc. Nokomis II School-Aged Room The Steve and Shelley Weidner Family Nokomis II Preschool I Room U.S. Bank Nokomis I Toddler II Room We Care Supporters Joshua Bach Gail Confer Residents of Touchmark Valley Petroleum Equipment, Inc. 41 2013 home run heroes Title Sponsor West Acres Development Super Heroes Bank of the West Bell State Bank & Trust Cargill Grain and Oilseeds in West Fargo and Cargill Corn Milling in Wahpeton Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks Floor to Ceiling Carpet One Gate City Bank Matrix Properties Obermiller Nelson Engineering Otter Tail Corporation Peak NFP Donor Management a product of Summit Group Software Ramada Plaza & Suites RD Offutt Company/RDO Equipment Co. Red River Financial Group Robert and Laura Spolum Twin City Garage Door Valley News Live Home Run Heroes American Mail House, Inc. Anda Construction & Properties Association for Better Day Care Dale Beling Jenny and Ben Boe Butler Machinery Company Camrud-Foss Concrete Construction, Inc. Case New Holland, Fargo Plant Cash Wise Foods Choice Financial Bruce and Judy Clark Craig Geron Decorating Artists Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que General Equipment & Supplies, Inc. Grouser Products, Inc. David and Bonnie Grosz Hanbro Construction Calvin Hornbacher Philip Miller Minot Moose Lodge #822 Moore Engineering David and Jenny Newman Olaf Anderson Construction, Inc. Joy Streed Victor Lundeen Co. 42 2013 Bowl For Kids’ Sake Title Sponsor Hornbacher’s Foods Major Sponsors Bell State Bank & Trust Eide Bailly Keller Williams/Erik Hatch McDonald’s Restaurants Mutual of America Scheels Starion Financial U.S. Bank Valley News Live West Acres Development Lane Sponsors Advanced Auto Body American Federal Bank BioLife Plasma Services Dawson Insurance Agency Domino’s Pizza Edward Jones/Troy Ivesdal Enventis Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que Fargo Marathon Fargo Optimist Club Fargo Tractor FM Bowling Association Otter Tail Corporation Property Resources Group RD Offutt Company/RDO Equipment Co. Sanford Health Taxman/Montgomery Goff & Bullis TCI Financial Titan Machinery - Moorhead Union State Bank Wells Fargo 43 2013 WINE & DINE Title Sponsor Bremer Bank Platinum Sponsors Advanced Business Methods Dr. Dave and Denise Akkerman Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops Holiday Inn of Fargo Robb Siverson Photography Gold Sponsors Dakota Wine Merchants First International Bank & Trust High Point Networks Laser Systems Republic National Distributing Company Trinchero Napa Valley Silver Sponsors Appareo Systems Dakota Group Wells Fargo Advisors The Erik Hatch Team Essentia Health InterceptEFT Magnum Omega North Consulting R.D. Offutt Company/RDO Equipment Co. Wanzek - a MasTec company Bronze Sponsors Brian and Char Blumer Border States Lyman and Nancy Edds Finuu/River Cities Home Inspections Matt and Janelle Leiseth & Friends Mowry/McGinty & Friends Otter Tail Corporation Red River Financial Group Skytrain Fund Management, LLC 44 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans The Warners & Friends Western Bank Ysteboe & Friends Supporting Sponsors 20/20 Home Inspections Alerus Financial BlackRidgeBANK Dr. Christensen/Halvorson Christiansons Cornerstone Bank Dahlseng Family & Friends Eide Bailly Ferguson Waterworks Flint Communications Food Services of America Forum Communications Printing Brian Frank Friends of The Village Gateway Globe University Moorhead Hallaway/Bjorge & Friends Greg Hammes & Friends Johnson Brothers Liquor Company Kennelly O’Keeffe Laney’s Luther Family Buick GMC Fargo-Moorhead Maddock Connection Media Productions MillerCoors Mitch Oakland Network Cabling Services Omaggio Prairie St. John’s Sabrina Anderson Simple Website Creations Yvonne Smith Stauffer Table Strinden Family Stromberg Table Sunderland Group Sysco Thermo King Matthew Thyne Titan Outlet Store Angela Trupka Union State Bank Wells Fargo Brandy Wilkens Wischer Aviation The Wolsky Family Lori Zemke Champagne Sponsor Bank of the West Paddle Sponsors Dakota Group Wells Fargo Advisors Essentia Health Secret Wine Table Sponsor R.D. Offutt Company/RDO Equipment Co. Special Donations Sponsors Accent Kitchen & Bath Anheuser Busch Bergseth Bros Co., Inc. Bremer Bank Kim Brewster Dakota Medical Foundation D-S Beverages, Inc. Fargo Force FM RedHawks Fargo Tractor HotSpring Spas & Pool Tables ICSS Design & Supply Mosaic Catering & Event Service Elliot B. Stern Sublime Aesthetic Professionals Summit Brewing Co. Toppers Custom Car Club 2013 bobcat state open Title Sponsor Hole Sign Bobcat Company Alerus Financial Anda Construction & Properties Best Western Doublewood Inn Fargo Cole Papers, Inc. Fargo Tire Service, Inc. Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac Hyundai Nissan Grouser Products, Inc. Holiday Inn of Fargo JLG Architects Lillestol Research Oven Door Catering Panjini Law Offices PEAK NFP Donor Management - a product of Summit Group Software Property Resources Group Red River Financial Group RehabAuthority Physical Therapy South University Dental Associates PC Turman and Lang, Ltd. Western State Bank - West Fargo Co-Sponsor Bell State Bank & Trust World Leader Mutual of America Bremer Bank America’s Best Automated Maintenance Services, Inc. Dave’s West Fargo Tire Industrial Coating Specialists, Inc. Otter Tail Corporation Valley News Live Wanzek Construction Hometown Favorite Advanced Business Methods Avis Car Rental Dawson Insurance Agency Flint Communications Industrial Builders, Inc. Scheels All Sports S & S Promotional Group, Inc. Sundog Swanston Equipment Companies Twin City Garage Door Business Patron Bennett Financial BlackRidgeBANK Case New Holland, Fargo Plant Cook Endodontics Fargo Brewing Company FM Title, Inc. Homewood Suites by Hilton Preference Personnel Wallwork Truck Center Individual Patron Sponsors Dan and Shelly Armbrust Robert Arusell Greg and Nancy Bjerke Duane and Sandy Brasch Darrell and Nancy Burkland Kari and Deme Cenicero Melissa Dixon and James Armfield Charles and Shirley Feeney Dr. C.K. Fercho Family Foundation Steve Gorman Phil and Erin Haug Harry and Kathy Hawken Warren and Maureen Hintz Mike and Kela Howell Mark and Pam Johnson Dale and Paulette Lian Curt and Lisabeth Nyhus Denis and Linda Olson Steve and Rita Paper Arne Solberg - Heidi and Rusty Mark Sonstelie Brad and Monica Sunderland Mickey and Sara Syrquin Joe and Ranelle Turman Shelley Weidner Randy and Robyn Wimmer Tom and Serene Ysteboe Thank you to FargoMoorhead Builders’ Exchange, Inc. our scoreboard sponsors. Thank you to Straus Clothing for providing the Closest to the Pin Prize. Thank you to kln Family Brands for snacks for golfers and volunteers. 45 Estate planning You can make the world a better place in a way that minimizes your taxes and maximizes your giving. Planned gifts are gifts anyone can afford, and it’s easier than you think. There has never been a better time to show your commitment to North Dakota’s children with a new expanded state tax credit. North Dakotans may now receive a 40 percent tax credit for gifts made to endowments such as the Children’s Village Family Service Foundation.* Individuals Contributions of $5,000 or more (cash or planned gifts) will qualify for a 40 percent tax credit of up to $10,000 per person or $20,000 for a married couple. Businesses and Financial Institutions C corporations, S corporations, estates, limited liability companies, and trusts may qualify for a 40 percent tax credit, up to a maximum credit of $10,000. For more information on how YOU can benefit thousands for generations to come, contact Janet Zinke at 701-451-5036 or Explore your charitable giving options confidentially. And give back with the click of a mouse. *The Children’s Village Family Service Foundation was created solely to support the ongoing work and legacy of The Village Family Service Center. Thanks to Aeropostale , all the kids at Nokom 46 is received Christma s bears. Equal Opportunity Employer The Village Family Service Center will not discriminate against or harass any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance. The Village Family Service Center will take Affirmative Action to ensure that all employment practices are free of such discrimination. Such employment practices include, but are not limited to the following: hiring, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, selection, layoff, disciplinary action, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Village Highlights Sandi Zaleski, program director at The Village, was awarded the North Dakota Family Based Services Association Lifetime Achievement Award. Every aspect of Sandi’s work, throughout her lifetime, upholds the vision of the North Dakota Family Based Services Association—to provide children permanency, prevent out-of-home placement, and maintain, strengthen, and empower families. 47 Non Profit Org US Postage Paid Permit #783 Fargo ND 1201 25th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 1201 25th Street South • Fargo, North Dakota 701-451-4900 • 1-800-627-8220