A newsletter for alumni and friends of the Fergus Falls campus of


A newsletter for alumni and friends of the Fergus Falls campus of
Pillar Pride
A newsletter for alumni and friends
of the Fergus Falls campus of Minnesota State Community and Technical College
Fall 2012
Photos of Fall 2012 campus life (clockwise
wise ffrom
rom upper left): President Peggy Kennedy and Spartan
mascot Drew Ross enjoy the
Homecoming tailgate party; student Khadar Warsame and chemistry instructor Ramona Caswell celebrate completion of the Spartan
5K; business instructor Marcia Williams closes in on the 5K finish line; Spartan football players drive for a touchdown; Homecoming court
members Lucas Balzum, Chad Fedje, Katie Tolifson and Elizabeth Harris pose for a photo; and Spartan volleyball players display their
skills on the court.
Pillar Pride
Page 2
Working together toward success for every student and stakeholder
Pictured with President Peggy Kennedy are Fergus Falls Campus students AnnaLisa Brown and Xunnan Deng.
President’s Message
It is my privilege to work with the stellar students, faculty, staff and members of the community and area workforce who all contribute to
the success of the College and the region. Your
support of our efforts has been tremendous, and
we appreciate those contributions every day.
As we begin another academic year and reflect
upon our efforts from last year, it is easy to look
forward to continuing the journey “to provide
Campus Accolades
M State has again been named one of
the top 120 community colleges in the
United States by the Aspen Institute. It is
the second consecutive year that M State
has been included in the top 120 ranking,
which is based on performance and improvement in four areas: graduation rates,
degrees awarded, student retention rates
and equity in student outcomes.
English instructor Paul Carney was one
of four faculty members statewide named
as an Educator of the Year by MnSCU.
The award is the system’s highest academic honor. Carney, who has taught at M
State since 1988, was recognized for the
creativity of his methods and his beliefs
about writing.
dynamic learning for living, working and
serving” as we strive to achieve “success for every student and stakeholder.” Those phrases are
not just rhetoric; they are the mission and vision
statements developed last year during our comprehensive strategic planning process.
They are intended to provide focus and
commitment to our College community as we
move into the future together and begin the
next decade as a combined College. We celebrate the 10th anniversary of the College in
its current configuration in 2013. We hope you
Dan Carlson, M State director of bands,
served as coach for the Symphonic Band
trumpet section at the Minnesota AllState Band Camp at the University of
Minnesota, Duluth in August.
Jon Kragness, disability services director,
was re-appointed to his second three-year
term on the Minnesota Assistive Technology Advisory council, where he utilizes
his technology expertise and his experiences working directly with students on
the Fergus Falls campus.
Physics instructor Nandini Banerji attended the international astronomy conference Cool Star 17 in Barcelona while
visiting her family in Spain in June. Astrophysicists representing the United
States, Spain, Australia, India, Britain
and France presented the latest discover-
will be a part of that celebration — stay tuned
for more information!
The Fergus Falls campus is an integral partner
in the overall success of the College and instrumental in providing leadership to the entire College in charitable giving and volunteer leadership
due to its long and rich history of citizen participation. This commitment is necessary more than
ever. For, despite funding erosion, continued
pressure for accountability and greater competition, we must still provide an extraordinary
education for all Minnesotans, be the partner of
choice to meet Minnesota’s workforce and community needs, and deliver the highest value/most
affordable option to our constituents.
Student success and goal completion leading to employment or to transfer to a university have become our highest priority! Watch
for information about how you can participate in this effort in the near future.
I look forward to another amazing year and
to making great progress toward accomplishing
our strategic goals. My role will be to draw upon
the collective wisdom of our College community and our regional stakeholders to embrace
both our challenges and our opportunities leading to success for our students, service to our
communities and our workforce, sustainability
of the College and support for our MnSCU System. In short, I believe in YOU!
Dr. Peggy D. Kennedy
M State President
ies in astronomy.
Dr. Gary Henrickson, dean of academics, has received a gubernatorial appointment to the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Humanities Center, which focuses
on professional development in the humanities for educators, literacy programs
and community partnerships.
M State Associate Vice President Carrie
Brimhall and Senior Dean Jill Abbott
were featured speakers at the Superintendents Summer Leadership Conference in
Alexandria in June. They addressed the
topic of helping today’s high school students understand the pitfalls of digital distraction in a presentation entitled Can’t I
Download an App for That?
Pillar Pride
Page 3
hird A
nnual S
partan 5
ets sstudents,
tudents, ccommunity
ommunity on
on the
the move
In late July, the “Couch to 5K MOVEment”
swept the Fergus Falls area, culminating in a
successful 3rd annual Spartan 5K on Sept. 22.
A cool and crisp morning brought nearly 200
novice and seasoned runners to the campus to
complete the race and celebrate their progress
toward a healthier lifestyle.
Inspired by the national “Couch to 5K” concept, Lake Region Healthcare personnel and
M State Student Life Director David Jensen
encouraged people to dedicate nine weeks to a
walking/running training program in preparation for the Spartan 5K. The ultimate goal was
for each participant to complete the race in
“Th is was an incredible community collaboration that culminated in an outstanding
Spartan 5K race,” Jensen said. “Not only did we
develop many new runners in the community,
but we built awareness of the importance of
physical activity in the health and wellness of
our campus and community.”
Major sponsors for the event included
M State - Fergus Falls Campus, Lake Region
Healthcare, Bremer Bank and FF Ironmen.
Additional contributors included the Daily
Journal, Wells Fargo, Service Food, Walmart,
Lakes Radio, Web831 and Nice Th reads.
Proceeds from the run support student
scholarships through Fergus Area College
M State
State ttrains
rains tto
eet ffuture
uture n
As M State approaches its 10th year as a college, the changing economy
and world of work make our responsibility to train and educate workers
more critical than ever. While the college offers more than 120 majors
and programs for enrolled students, M State’s Custom Training Services
works with a broad range of employers to develop unique in-house training opportunities that enable current employees to upgrade their skills.
Recently M State responded to a request from long-term care facilities to create a career path in small steps of certification for nursing assistants - an effort to att ract more workers into the long-term health care
field and reduce turnover by offering a path of advancement right where
they are currently working.
M State and its four partners developed four modules of specialized
skills training for nursing assistants, and the college also will deliver supervisory and leadership training for supervisors and managers in the facilities to help support the new model.
Originally a concept created by PioneerCare in Fergus Falls and funded
by a Competitive Workforce Grant from West Central Initiative and the
Dakota Medical Foundation, this innovative “grow our own” approach is
a unique way to address the critical workforce shortage in long-term care.
Additional long-term care providers involved in this training plan are
Traverse Care Center in Wheaton, Knute Nelson in Alexandria and Glenwood Retirement Village in Glenwood.
Certified nursing assistants Brenda Black, Dori Fick and Jackie Kubitz are
enrolled in career path development modules offered through M State Custom
Training Services at PioneerCare in Fergus Falls.
Pillar Pride
Page 4
It’s a clean sweep for the Spartan home team coaching staff!
Currently, every head coach in the Spartan line-up is an alumnus of the
college. Several coaches are campus faculty, while others maintain fulltime jobs in their communities and coach in their “off ” time. They are all
former Spartan athletes and span several generations. We are proud of
their contributions to the campus. They not only teach athletic skills and
strategy but lead by example to develop character, integrity and passion in
our Spartan athletes. Go Big Blue!
The following assistant coaches, most of whom are volunteers, are also
Spartan alumni.
• Football: Joe Barfk necht (2002), Dave Monson (1980), Zach Stich
(2006), Chris Peterson (2010), Nick Sorum (2009), Josh Lindsey (2010)
• Volleyball: Renae (Aasen) Rasmusson (1985)
• Golf: Jeff Haukos (2004),Brian Shuck (1985)
• Men’s basketball: Shawn Sorenson (2002)
• Women’s basketball: Janice (Ripplinger) Hendrickson (2004),
Jess (Holicky) Price (2004), Krista Shaikoski (2011)
• Baseball: Justin Arneson (2002), Jake Erickson (2008)
• Softball: Monte Fredrickson (1984)
Last year attended M State: 2001
Coaches: Baseball
Coordinator of education and training at
Athletic Republic, Lake Region Healthcare
Graduated: 1984
Coaches: Volleyball
Second grade teacher at Evansville Public School
Graduated: 1985
Coaches: Football and Softball
Faculty member and co-athletic director
on the M State - Fergus Falls Campus
Graduated: 1988
Coaches: Men’s and Women’s Golf
Faculty member and co-athletic director
on the M State - Fergus Falls Campus
Graduated: 1984
Coaches: Womens Basketball
Fourth grade teacher and high school
volleyball coach at Ashby Public School
Graduated: 2006
Coaches: Men’s Basketball
Basketball coach on the
M State - Fergus Falls Campus
NJCAA national champs
The M State Spartan golf team is pictured with their NJCAA Division III National Championship
awards. The team from left to right: Coach Jason Retzlaff, Lucas Gervais, Taylor Shuck, Mitch
Thorsen, Tyler Brackey, Alex Miller, Assistant Coach Jeff Haukos.
The M State Spartan golfers earned national championship
honors at the National Junior College Athletic Association Division III tournament at Chautaugua Golf Club in Chautaugua, N.Y.
The four-day national championship wrapped up Friday, June
8, with the Spartans shooting a four-day total of 1,224, 18 strokes
under second-place Jamestown Community College of New York.
M State’s Lucas Gervais finished fourth in the tournament
with a four-round score of 298, 10 strokes over the first-place
winner. His Spartan teammates were Taylor Shuck (10th), Mitch
Thorsen (16th), Alex Miller (tied for 34th) and Tyler Brackey
(tied for 38th).
Gervais was named First Team All-American, and Shuck won
Second Team All-American recognition. M State Coach Jason
Retzlaff was named Coach of the Tournament.
“What an incredible week for an outstanding group of young
men,” said Retzlaff. “They played with such great poise for all four
days. We had confidence that, if we played well, the championship
was within our reach, and the guys went out and got it. It was a
true team effort.”
The Spartans will be defending their title in the 2013 national
tournament in June.
Pillar Pride
Page 5
Art is a passion for new instructor John Cox
Who is the bearded face and aproned torso roaming the halls of the Waage Fine Arts Building this fall? (A subtle hint: The
apron is usually paint-spattered.) Allow us to introduce one of our newest faculty members, art instructor John Charles Cox.
Cox has already established himself as an energetic and positive presence amidst both his colleagues and
students. He appreciates the receptiveness of the Fergus Falls community and looks forward to continuing
to build the Art Department. His vision is “to develop a respected program in which students challenge
themselves as artists by asking difficult, relevant questions in and with their work.”
He believes every student needs to develop a passion and a voice for something, whatever that something
may be. Whether students pursue art as a major or go into another field, art can teach them “that passion
is necessary to make work meaningful,” Cox says. He encourages students to
think, to read and to research so they can develop and express their own
informed opinions.
A community college graduate himself (Northland Community and
Technical College), Cox earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a
studio art emphasis from the University of Minnesota Duluth and his
Master of Fine Arts degree with a painting emphasis from the University
of South Dakota.
In addition to his current teaching load of Beginning Painting, Beginning Drawing, Foundations of Art 2-D and World of Art I, he is working
with M State art collection curator Warren Olsen to prepare and hang
art exhibits and to maintain the college’s 400-piece art collection.
Cox also is a professional, exhibiting artist. The imagery in Cox’s
current research deals, in part, with the juxtaposition of contemporary
human visages and martial, mechanical, ritualistic and monarchic
headwear/headdresses (i.e. safety helmets, Inuit Shaman Masks,
Japanese Mempo, etc.). His artwork was exhibited on campus this fall
and will be featured at the Kaddatz Gallery in downtown Fergus Falls
in January 2013.
Sharon Miltich
Robert Anderson
Sharon poses with Senator George McGovern during his 2010 Bigwood Lecture appearance
on the campus. She brought her own 1972 McGovern presidential campaign hat out of
storage for the event.
English instructor Sharon Miltich retired from M State at the
end of spring semester 2012. Sharon began her teaching career on
campus in 1992 as a part-time instructor, later becoming a full-time
instructor. She also served as director of development for much of
1993 and as vice president for academic affairs from 1998 to 2000.
Sharon’s passion was nature, and she developed a pictorial anthology of the beautiful landscape and wildlife that surround the campus. Her significant contributions to M State over the years are
most appreciated.
Robert Anderson in the familiar role of welcoming students and parents to the
M State campus.
In June, Robert Anderson retired as dean of student services on
the Fergus Falls campus, where he supervised a staff of loyal and
dedicated professionals. He joined the college as director of fi nancial aid in 1991, beginning a career that is best described as servant
leadership. Robert led staff members to flourish in their work with
students and encouraged countless students to make responsible
decisions. While he never relished delivering “negative messages”
to students, these students left Robert’s office knowing that he had
their best interests in mind. His advocacy of a strong student life
program resulted in many opportunities for students to have a rich
college experience outside the classroom.
Retirement plans include a year spent catching up on projects, enjoying his passion for bird watching (he spotted 86 different species
last year while hiking the college’s fields on weekends and evenings)
and spending an inordinate amount of time in his favorite chair
with a stack of books by his side.
M State is Growing
Written by Ken Peeders
Ken Peeders, a New York City native, came to Fergus
Falls Community College in 1967 to teach English.
During the next 37 years, he went on to serve as
FFCC’s vice president and president, and in 2003 he
was named president of the combined four-campus
Minnesota State Community and Technical College.
He retired in 2005 and lives on Pickerel Lake with
his wife, Norma.
Someone has said that if the stars came out only one night a year, we would all make arrangements to
spend that night viewing the sky. It is a great observation about our tendency to get used to things, to take
them for granted.
Visitors, new faculty, staff and students frequently comment on the beauty of the Fergus Falls campus
and particularly the trees. But as time passes it is easy to see them as part of our everyday experience,
giving them a nod as we arrive at or walk around campus. While we can’t do much about taking the night
sky for granted, we do have some tools for that tendency in those of us who have been long associated with
the Fergus Falls campus of M State – old pictures and the memories of retired faculty and staff.
Early in June this year a group of retirees reminisced over coffee and rolls in the faculty lounge on
campus. The former dean of students, Hal Collins, retired head custodian Harry Phillips, retired art
instructor Charles Beck and retired biology instructor Dick Portmann were reminded that the present
campus was wide open prairie on the far west edge of Fergus Falls in 1967. We recalled that when the
l eg moved to its present site from the Regional Treatment Center, the only trees were a few scraggly
chokecherry trees around the slough east of the gymnasium.
d any view from the ground or from the air displays a host of trees
n the walkways, rising up in front of windows in campus buildings and
along the drive. All of these trees are the result of vision, a can-do
ittudd ingenuity, sacrifice and a passion for this college.
Collins envisioned what the new campus could look like with
IInn 1967,
he pl
pplacement of trees. He initiated a tree-planting program by contacting
he M
Minnesota State Nursery for seedlings to be planted in a campus “tree
u rs
now the parking lot north of the science building. In 1968, the fi rst
ear of the program, the college obtained 7,000 seedlings in packs of 500. The
of the prairie began.
with partnership help from Portmann, Beck, Dean of Instruction
ol Crouch, English instructor Warren Olsen and custodial staff
emb Orvin Christianson and Harold Bjorgum, began planting the
eed li
to be nurtured for future placement throughout the campus.
Thee connection with the State Nursery continued annually and was
ssoo ssuccessful
that in 1972 the college received more seedlings than it
ulld handle and donated some of them to the City of Fergus Falls Parks
Over the years, Collins estimates that the college received
ome 60,000 to 80,000 trees through this program.
As the planting continued, other faculty, staff, students and citizens
om Fergus Falls joined in the program. Instructors contributed $5
ach for the flowering crab trees that line the driveway. They were
u rc
from the Tysver Nursery, and owner Harold Tysver
ssis in the planting.
The Beck family donated Norway pines from the family property,
ndd Otter Tail Power Company donated the equipment and labor
ttoo pplant these pines along the football field.
with the Trees
On Memorial Day weekend 1972, Otter Tail County Extension Agent Nick Weyrens donated his time
to drive a tractor and trailer along the outer perimeter of the campus while Beck planted the caragana that
now forms a natural fence around the campus.
A 1973 Arbor Day project brought Fergus Falls elementary school students to the college to plant
seedlings throughout the campus and, because 1973 was a drought year, many of the students came
to the campus throughout that summer with water from their homes to water “their” trees.
Twenty years later Portmann organized another Arbor Day event when current
led by
n sstudents,
FFCC Student Senate President Jason Henning, planted more than 200 additional
onaa l trees
t ee
eess throughout
thh ro
the campus.
Willows were planted around what was called “Collin’s Pond.” In conjunction
with the 1991 addition of the Fireplace Lounge and Student Center, childrenn of
staff and faculty were chosen to plant additional rows of trees on the north side
of the football field. Th roughout the years the maintenance staff, fi rst led by
Christianson, then in 1985 led by Phillips, and currently under the leadership
h ip
of Joel Kotschevar, has made it one of their primary responsibilities to
care for the trees with judicious watering and pruning. They created the
equipment to get the job done: in the fi rst case a huge shovel made out of a
boiler and mounted on the front of a tractor to dig
ig the
t e holes
h les for planting, in
the second case a watering tank placed on a trailer
er to
t ffeed
e d individu
al ttrees.
As this group created and nurtured the campus’s
us’s tree
t culture,
ltt re,
e other
motivations beyond aesthetics came into play. Trees became
beecaa me aan
n in
part of the biology curriculum as students planted
edd new
w ones
ness and
a nd
v s. Circle
Ciirrclle K planted
a ntteed
regularly were given assignments to identify leaves.
Thee co
egee hha
trees as part of a community service program. Th
merr sstudent
t ud
honored specific individuals in later plantings: former
imee co
Michael Jensen, who was killed in Viet Nam, long-time
er, cchair
ir ooff the
librarian Lorraine Cline and Mary Ellen Quincer,
college’s nursing program.
Retirements of Ken Peeders, Hal Leland and B
Bigwood (college founder and long-time Fergus Area
College Foundation president) and the fi nal dayy as
3) hhave
av e
Fergus Falls Community College (June 30, 2003)
all been commemorated with the planting of a tree.
Today we all enjoy the colors, the seasonal
reminders, the shade, the protection and the patt
see early
that enrich our campus as a consequence of those
visionaries and the college’s continued commitment
to the beauty of our campus. Next time you’re onn
campus, pause and enjoy and give thanks.
Retirees Charles Beck, Hal Collins, Harry Phillips
and Dick Portmann on campus in June 2012.
Photo cutlines:
1. Harry Phillips watering trees in front
of the gymnasium in the 1970s.
2. Current view of the Fireplace Lounge courtyard.
3. The campus in 1968.
Pillar Pride
Page 8
An M State musical legacy
Alumnus returns to inspire
Renowned ceramic artist and 1990 M State graduate Robert
“Boomer” Moore returned in September to M State’s Fergus Falls
Campus, the place where he says he “started to see what I really
wanted to do with my life.”
“It is nice to come back and share some of that inspiration with
students in my hometown,” said Moore, whose work is on display
in the Charles Beck Gallery at the college until Oct. 26. He also
conducted two ceramics workshops for students and community
members on Sept. 21 and 22.
Moore is currently an assistant professor of art at West Virginia
University in Morgantown, W.Va. After attending M State, Moore
earned a Bachelor of Arts at Montana State University and a Master of Fine Arts from Utah State University. Prior to teaching in
West Virginia, he was studio coordinator/instructor at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.
In discussing his teaching philosophy, Moore said, “Teaching and sharing knowledge is a big passion for me. I am always
learning from my students. That is what I truly enjoy about being
an educator. You always have the challenge or thrill of students
changing your thoughts and views on art. It is a wonderful side
note to being a teacher.”
During his workshops in the M State ceramics studio, Moore
provided a delightful and informative demonstration of his
unique technique. As he worked, he conversed with attendees, offering them helpful advice and encouragement for their own creative experiences. “If somebody takes what I have said and utilizes
it to work toward a new philosophy or way of looking at things, I
have been successful,” he said.
Moore is involved with numerous arts organizations nationwide and has presented workshops at schools and institutions
across the nation. His artwork has been displayed nationally and
internationally, including in China, and is featured in numerous
publications. He annually coordinates a study abroad experience
in China for his students.
outstanding, Moore noted
“The new facilities at M State are outstanding,”
as changed since
as he observed how the campus has
1990. “It is wonderful to see the campus
growing. And I am really impressedd
with the talent of the faculty here.”
Seth Johnson, Fergus Falls Daily Journall
writer, contributed to this article.
What a difference a
year makes. When 2011
New York Mills High
School graduate Spencer Imsande arrived at
M State, singing with the
choir was decidedly not
part of his plan.
Although his parents,
Becky Hill Imsande
(1986) and the late Rod
Imsande (1985), were
M State music program
alumni, and Spencer’s Members of the 1984 musical ensemble directed by
high school career was
Geneva Eschweiler included (front row, left to right)
filled with musical activities, M State’s music pro- Chantel Minderman, Melanie Teal Brockpahler, Denise
gram did not interest him. Leabo Hatchner, Dave Manning and Danny Hallock, and
But when he and his (back row, left to right) Rod McKeag, Jay Barnett, Tim
mother, a public school Hatchner, Carrie Nath, Ginny Revering and Rod Imsande
music teacher, came to (Spencer’s father).
campus for registration,
Choral Director Teresa Ashworth was his advisor. Fate had stepped in.
A year later, Spencer is working on his Associate of Fine Arts degree in music, is the tenor section leader in choir and the auditioned voice ensemble, and
has played a major role in several M State musical productions. Now he takes
advantage of every opportunity to prepare for a music career, possibly as a music instructor or fi lling a niche in the music industry. These days he might be
off to rehearsal for “All Shook Up,” studying for his Physics of Music class or
hheaded to Papa Murphy’s
Pizza, where he’s a regular
oon the closing shift.
“I am so amazed by the
ttalent of my fellow singeers,” Spencer says. “I enjoy
sspending time with these
ppeople, and we take pride
iin making each perform
mance the best it can be.”
Spencer played the
rrole of the Jester during
tthe 2011 Madrigal Feast,
where he displayed his
bili to juggle
j l balls
b ll – a skill
kill his
hi mother
h taught
h hhim – and his fellow performers, since the Jester essentially runs the show during the performance.
He credits his campus musical experience for strengthening his musical
confidence. The range of music that students perform and the venues for their
performances have challenged him and opened his mind, Spencer says.
“I had no idea how much I did not know about music,” he readily admits.
Be sure to see Spencer and his fellow performers in the fall musical, “All
Shook Up,” playing through Nov. 10 in the Waage Fine Arts Theater. Performance dates and times are listed on Page 12.
The M State legacy continues . . . .
Pillar Pride . . . News from Fergus Area College Foundation
Page 9
Red Sox Baseball Endowment
enhances Spartan program
Local baseball enthusiasts are stepping up to the plate to encourage the M State Spartan baseball program’s continued success through the Red Sox Baseball Endowment, created to assist
students with travel costs for the annual spring baseball trip and
for the purchase of team equipment.
Proceeds of a 1970 old-timers exhibition baseball game that
featured the much-acclaimed 1950 Fergus Falls Red Sox town
baseball team funded the endowment. Former Red Sox player
and Spartan volunteer coach Harley Oyloe devised the game plan
for the donation.
“The college is the right place for these funds,” Oyloe said. “It
just seems appropriate that we pass our love of the game on to a
new generation of players.”
Spartan baseball coach Jarrod Asmus said the Red Sox players
“put Fergus Falls baseball on the map … and we are honored by
this generous gift .” His 2012 team compiled a 32-8 record and advanced to the Region XIII tournament.
Spartan baseball alumni are encouraged to donate to the fund.
Use the envelope included with this issue of Pillar Pride and indicate “Red Sox Baseball Endowment” on your tax-free donation.
In Memory
M State 1998 alumnus David Olson, Red Sox player Harley Oyloe and local sports
commentator Craig Olson, all avid Spartan fans, sign the Red Sox Baseball Endowment
through Fergus Area College Foundation.
Odis LeGrand
Lyle Fox
Lyle Fox, one of the original Fergus Falls Junior College faculty hired in 1960,
passed away on June 4, 2012.
He inspired and challenged
countless students during his
25 years of teaching, and his
positive att itude and dedication were appreciated by colleagues and students alike.
Fox organized math contests for high school students
and, in the early days of television, helped design and produce videotaped math courses for colleges. He and fellow
instructor Anne Siren established the still-thriving Phi
Theta Kappa honor society chapter on the campus.
Fox is survived by his wife, Stella, of Fergus Falls and
their sons and daughters-in-law, Terry and Diane of
Oakdale and Tom and Kay of Oronoco.
Tributes from his former students reflect his legacy at
the college. Orris Anderson (1967 alum) wrote:
“Mr. Fox was an excellent instructor and had a passion
for mathematics and for his students. He inspired a love for
mathematics in me and my subsequent pursuit of my engineering career, which I have practiced now for over 43 years.
My success was due to the educational foundation he provided. He was a great educator.”
The Fox family has established the Lyle Fox Memorial Scholarship to be awarded annually through Fergus
Area College Foundation. Friends of the Foundation are
invited to contribute to the scholarship in Fox’s memory.
Odis “Oats” LeGrand of Valley City, N.D., died
Aug. 27 at the age of 95. A well- known Fergus Falls
radio sports broadcaster, physical education teacher
and city recreation director, LeGrand also left his
mark on the college. He was the fi rst physical education teacher at Fergus Falls Junior College and in
1964 began the college’s baseball program. In 198081 he coached the men’s and women’s track teams, and
In his later years, LeGrand
both were state runners-up that year. LeGrand was
encouraged area athletes by hand- inducted into the Fergus Falls Community College
Sports Boosters Athletic Hall of Fame in 1993. He is
drawing posters for them during
survived by his wife, Eunice, and son, Steve.
tournament time. This is the
“signature” he used on posters for
the Spartan athletic teams.
Tom Weiss
Tom Weiss (1978) passed away January 5, 2012.
He was a senior fi nancial analyst at Otter Tail Power
Company at the time of his death and in September
was posthumously awarded the Minnesota Society
of Certified Public Accountants 2012 Public Service
Award. The award is a lasting tribute to Weiss’s volunteerism and community involvement, especially with
Boy Scouts of America.
He was nominated for the award by fellow CPAs and
M State alumni Gina (Hemmelgarn) Ice (2002) and
Stuart Klovstad (1977). Their nomination concluded with this summary, “Tom Weiss
lived his life to the fullest and positively impacted not only many young Scouts’ lives but also
his co-workers. He truly lived the Scout Law day in and day out. His legacy of hard work, genuine concern for others, dedication and giving back to our community will not be forgotten.”
We celebrate our donors
Congratulations to M State sophomore
accounting student Becky Moe, recipient
of the inaugural Otter Tail Power Company
Employees Accounting Scholarship. This
scholarship endowment was established
through donations to Fergus Area College
Foundation by Otter Tail Power accounting
employees, many of whom are M State
alumni. Otter Tail Power provided matching
funds for each employee’s donation.
Otter Tail Power employees who assisted
with the scholarship include (back row, left
to right) Jeff Legge, Darlene Mandelke (1980),
Brian Boss (1990) and Stuart Klovstad (1977).
Pictured with Moe in the front row is FACF
Executive Director Carolyn Glesne.
A note from Fergus Area College Foundation
The list that follows recognizes each donor to Fergus
Area College Foundation from July 1, 2011, through June
30, 2012. With the help of willing volunteers and generous
donors, Fergus Area College Foundation makes a difference on the M State - Fergus Falls Campus. Whether it
is awarding a scholarship, funding a student life activity or
providing a faculty grant to enhance teaching and learning,
the Foundation impacts students each and every day.
In 2011-12, contributions to the Foundation totaled
$180,517. These gifts include the annual giving of many individuals and a number of businesses, as well as a $29,400
gift from the estate of C. Jon Rosengren and a $20,500 endowment from the Don and Dorothy Malm family.
We are grateful to the donors who help us accomplish
our work. During the 2011-12 academic year, the Foundation awarded more than $125,000 in scholarships to more
than 100 students. Scholarships recognize accomplishment and excellence in students. Scholarships encourage
students and remind them that someone believes in them
and their potential. Scholarships can mean the difference
between going to college and NOT going to college for
students who are faced with financial challenges.
Thank you for choosing to support our students.
Rob Bigwood
President, Fergus Area College Foundation
Board of Directors
Recognizing Fergus Area College Foundation donors
Legacy $10,000 +
Dorothy Malm
Otter Tail Power Company
Roger L. and Agnes Dell Charitable Trust
Rosemary Moneta Rosengren
Benefactor $5,000 - $10,000
Otto C. and Elsie Ewert Charitable Trust
Pillar $1,000 - $5,000
Adams Family Foundation
Charles & Joyce Beck
Bernadeen Brutlag
Scott & Debra Colbeck
John Donahue
Donald and Marie Roberts
Charitable Foundation
Geneva Eschweiler
Fergus Falls Business &
Professional Women
Carolyn & Don Glesne
Great Plains Natural Gas
Lake Country Association
of Operating Room Nurses
Lake Region Healthcare
David Lenzmeier
David F. & Mary Lundeen
Minnesota Motors
Jay & Kirsten Neumann
Ahmad & Ruth Orandi
Otter Tail Bankers Association
Ottertail Coaches, Inc.
Red Sox Baseball Endowment
Milt & Linda Paulson
Senator Carl M. & H.M. Iverson
Charitable Trust
State Bank & Trust
Sylvia Strom Memorial
The Lundeen Foundation
Rud & Timmy Wasson
David Weiss
West Central Initiative
Spartan $500 - $1,000
Jill & Randy Abbott
Aevenia, Inc.
AmericInn Lodge and Suites
Clifford Berglund
Robert & Gretchen Bigwood
Bremer Bank
Carlisle Band
Ramona Caswell
John & Kim Erickson Family Foundation
Tom Gausman
Bruce & Stefanie Gerhardson
Catherine & Mark Helland
Gary Henrickson
Dacia & Todd Johnson
Jay & Bonnie Johnson
Rosa & Ron Jones
Steven & Marci King
Stuart Klovstad
Renee Korda & Mark Olson
Margaret & Eldon Kratzke
Lon Laager
M State Fergus Falls Campus Employees
Charles & Linda MacFarlane
Eunice & John MacFarlane
Minnesota Elks Association
Phyllis Neuenfeldt
Teresa Otto
Park Region Telephone and
Otter Tail Telcom
Richard & Virginia Portmann
Kent & Marian Quamme
Ringdahl Ambulances, Inc.
Steve & Sandy Rufer
Nancy & Brad Straw
The Market
Joyce True
Ward & Debbie Uggerud
Sue Wika & Tom Prieve
Patron $100 - $500
Jack Amdal
Robert & Susan Anderson
Sharyn Anderson
Menghui Yan & Steven Andrews
Teresa & Don Ashworth
Brooke & Dick Barsness
Mrs. Robert Bigwood
Carol Bischof
Henrik & Carrie Bjorndahl
Brian Boss
Tom & Shirley Brause
Carrie & Matthew Brimhall
Charles Brunko
Carlson Highland & Co.
Paul Carney
Century 21 Vista Inc.
Gail E. & Brad Childs
June & Kevin Clark
Jo Anne Collins
Tori & Jerry Covington
Jessica & Chad Daniels
Christi & William Dickey
Sharon & Jim Donahue
Victoria & Robert Drake
Rick & Cindy Drevlow
Dolores Duncan
Michael Eckhardt
Edward Jones - Gail E.Childs
Financial Advisor
Deborah & Kim Embretson
Jay & Bonnie Erickson
Connie & Rick Erlandson
Fergus Falls Monument Co., Inc.
Stella & Lyle Fox
Roberta Freeman
Dave Gabrielson & Vicki Rapp
Karen & Lynn Gabrielson
Glende-Nilson Funeral Home
Ron & Jennifer Godzinski
Breck & Aaron Grove
Kristine & Kevin Gyolai
Grace Halcrow
Tanya & Dale Hanstad
Arlyss Haroldson
Gary & Karalyn Harrington
Janice & Ryan Hendrickson
Cheryl & Arlin Hjelmstad
Janell Hrdlicka
Christie (Huber) Massen
David Jensen
Paul & LeAnne Johansen
Susan Johnson
Gene & Sharon Jurgens
Peg & Bill Kalar
Brenda & Patrick Kava
Peggy Kennedy
David Kenyon
Carole Kiecker
Mary Jo Kilde
Kiwanis Club Otter-Risers, Inc
Daniel Knudson
Joel & Christine Kotschevar
Jon Kragness
Lee & Margaret Krogh
Betty & Paul Larson
Jeff Legge
Barbara & Bob Lorsung
Victor & Ann Lundeen
Kirk Mann
Sharon & Randy Mann
Jean McKenzie
Linda & Bud Mellon
Brenda & Brad Mergens
Anthony & Sharon Miltich
Tracy & Jim Morstad
Kurt & Heidi Mortenson
Matthew Mouser
Ann & Dave Nelson
Warren & Marlene Nelson
Larissa & Matt Ness
Dorothy Ness-Everett
Noon Kiwanis Youth Services
Arleen Nycklemoe
Richard & Becky Odden
Karel & Charlie Odegard
Warren Olsen
Jack & Sandy Pearson
Ken & Norma Peeders
Pemberton Law Office
Pfizer Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Pamela Phillips
Sara Piekarski
Richard & Carol Pribbernow
Renae & Donavan Rasmusson
Amber & Ben Reed
Lester & Marilyn Reich
Jason Retzlaff
Ryan & Heidi Retzlaff
Wendy & Gary Rockswold
Gloria & Wayne Ronning
Ann & Curt Rotto
Craig & Sue Rude
LuAnn & Mike Rudh
Kathleen & Paul Rund
Terry Ruud
Christine & Steve Schuchmann
Service Food
John Sethre
Kevin & Kathryn Smith
Deborah Soliah
Nancy South
Les & Gerry Spencer
State Farm Companies Foundation
David Stoddard
Lawrence Streif
Norman & Linda Sunstad
Marilyn & Timothy Swedberg
Loren & Darlene Synstelien
Ronald Tate
Patricia & Dennis Thompson
Teresa & David Thompson
Anthony Thorstenson
Carol & John Totland
Theodore & Rebecca VanErp
Sue & Allen Vickstrom
Victor Lundeen Company
Susan & Charles Vukonich
Robert & Karen Wasson
Pam Wenzel
James Wilkins
Ann Williams
Diane & Doug Wolden
Neil Wothe
Vernon & Joyce Youngren
Leona Zimmerman
Contributor up to $100
Jane & William Armstrong
Lynn & Brian Bakke
Nandini Banerji
Teresa & Bradley Barry
Pete & Carol Bertram
Jennifer & Joseph Bieniek
Ethan Bjornlie
Al & Linda Boe
Matthew Borcherding
Jody & Ron Brasel
Sue Briese
Baron Broschat
Joyce Bruns
Alyssa Campion
Dan Carlson
Lori & Mike Charest
Charles & Ramona Christianson
Steven & Diane Christianson
Gary & Susan Clambey
Gordon & Joann Cline
Hal Collins & Marlene Noack
Marless & Dale Cuperus
Allen & Debra Dahlseng
Courtney & Luke Draxten
Mark & Kimberly Eckhardt
Cynthia & David Eggert
Clayton Elliot
Tom & Carol Erickson
Rebecca Erlandson
Patricia & Mike Evavold
Marnie Fischer & Lloyd Danzeisen
Jim & Linda Gnahn
Denise & Richard Grefe
William & Nancy Gudim
Norman & O. Carol Gunderson
Cheri & Roger Hanneman
Dale Hanneman
Lavonn & Loren Hanson
Jane & Daniel Hauger
Jeffrey Haukos
Sharon & Tom Hintgen
David & Ellen Holte
Duane Huebsch
Love Ell Hultin
David & Carol Jacobson
Loni & Francis Jacobson
Pamela Johnson
Randy & Margaret Johnson
Sheri & Ethan Johnson
Kyle Johnston
Kelly Jorgens
Jacquelyn (Maethner) & Dean Jorud
Violette Julian
Barbara & Jeff Kalvik
Deborah & Nick Kelman
Lee Klefstad
Marlys Klovstad
Onnalee Krump
Christopher & Emilie Larson
Mary & Kenneth Lee
Theresa & Timothy Lee
Paul & Joann Levang
Steve Lindgren
John & Michelle Lindquist
JoAnn & Eldon Linscheid
Larry & Shirley Lokken
Darlene Mandelke
Brad Martinson
Randi & Jim Mason
Mark & Tammie Masten
Jerome & Jessica Mauro
Wallace & Gene Mjelde
Dennis Moske
Richard & Garnet Muehlhausen
George & Ina Myers
Joyce & William Nerdahl
Mary & Roger Normandin
Mindy & Josh Obrigewitch
Bryan Odegard
Judy Odegard
Yvette & Scott Oppegaard
Otter Tail Corporation
Faye Pederson
James & Susan Pederson
Constance Peterson
Sue Peterson
Charles & Carol Piekarski
Pioneer Hi-Bred Foundation
Peggy Reinhardt
Michael & Carol Rengel
Catherine & Steven Riewer
Rick & Laurie Roder
Brooke & Kevin Rogness
Lavonne & Leland Rogness
Ginny & Roger Rustad
Marjorie Scheidecker
Brian & Susan Schlueter
Mark & Jane Schmidt
Karla & Randy Schmiesing
Steve & Shelley Schoeneck
Jerome & Rosemary Schwantz
Connie & Al Seltz
Jessica Sem
Bryan & Vicki Severson
Cheri Sherbrooke
Nancy Shores
Sheri & Bruce Smith
David & Ruth Sorensen
S.D. & A.M. Sorensen
Thelma Sorensen
David & Cynthia Spidahl
Rodney & Alice Spidahl
Terri Strom
Cornell Svaren
Jean Tenneson
Jenna Thompson
Deborah & Loren Thormodson
Margaret Thunselle
Mary Turk
Katie & Troy Tysdal
Mark & Faith Tysver
Ann Valentine
Kent Van Meter
Thomas & Janelle VanErp
Kathleen & John VanSickle
James & Lucinda Versteeg
Mark & Jih-Guang Waage
Erin Warren
Peter Wielinski
Lowell A Wilcox
Debbie & Steve Wilke
Jane & Thomas Willett
Louise Williams
Marcia Williams
Allan & Maren Windom
James & Cheryl Wold
Mary E. Wold
Michael & Val Wollan
Dennis & Diane Zilmer
Fergus Area
College Foundation
1414 College Way
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Address change: If this issue of Pillar Pride is addressed to
someone who no longer maintains a permanent address at your
home, please notify us with his or her new mailing address. You
can reach us by email at facf@minnesota.edu
or by phone 218.736.1514. Thanks!
The Musical Comedy
7:30 p.m. Nov. 2-3 | 2 p.m. Nov. 4
7:30 p.m. Nov. 8-10
Directed by Stefanie Gerhardson, Teresa Ashworth and Dan Carlson
Waage Theatre
ALL SHOOK UP inspired by and featuring the songs of ELVIS PRESLEY ®
Tickets: $11 in advance, $13 at the door for adults.
$7 in advance, $8 at the door for students.
Presented by the M State
Theatre Department
Fall Semester Calendar of Events
through Oct. 26
Art Exhibit
Ceramic work by Robert “Boomer” Moore,
1990 alumnus and Paintings by John Charles
Cox, M State art instructor
Charles Beck Gallery
Art exhibit
Drawings and watercolors by Trygve K. Olson
Charles Beck Gallery
All Shook Up
7:30 p.m. | Waage Theater
All Shook Up
2 p.m. | Waage Theater
8-10 All Shook Up
7:30 p.m. | Waage Theater
Scholarship Reception
sponsored by Fergus Area
College Foundation
4 p.m. | Legacy Hall
This reception honors all FACF scholarship
recipients, parents and donors.
Jazz Band Concert
7:30 p.m. | Waage Theater
Choir Concert
Featuring the Concert Choir
and the Voice Ensemble.
Selections from Messiah by G. F. Handel
will also be performed by all M State Choirs
directed by Teresa Ashworth
and the FFHS Chamber Orchestra directed by
Laurie Strom.
7:30 p.m. | Legacy Hall
Art exhibit
Ceramic work by Lori Charest,
M State art instructor
Choir Concert
Featuring the Chamber Chorale.
Selections from Messiah by G. F. Handel
will also be performed by all M State Choirs
directed by Teresa Ashworth
and the FFHS Chamber Orchestra directed
by Laurie Strom.
7 p.m. | Legacy Hall
Band Concert
Featuring the music of Mannheim
7:30 p.m. | Waage Theater
Band Concert
Featuring the music of Mannheim
2 p.m. | Waage Theatre
Jan 8 to Feb 9
M State at the Kaddatz
Kaddatz Gallery in downtown
Fergus Falls will feature the art work
of M State - Fergus Falls Campus
art instructor John Charles Cox
Tickets for music and theatre events
can be reserved by calling 218-736-1600.
Go to www.minnesota.edu/athletics
for sports schedules.