A Guide to Great Nonprofit Marketing
A Guide to Great Nonprofit Marketing
11/4/2015 A Guide to Great Nonprofit Marketing Slides: npmg.us/notes Kivi Leroux Miller President, Nonprofit Marketing Guide.com 1 11/4/2015 Lack of time and competing priorities are consistently the top challenges identified by nonprofit communications pros. 2 11/4/2015 Option A: Head Down on Today’s To-Do List Option A: Keep Running as Fast You Can, Unsure You Are Getting Anywhere 3 11/4/2015 Option B: Take the Long View Option B: Get a New ATTITUDE. Embrace Your Media Mogul Status 4 11/4/2015 Understand what’s really going on out there. 2. How to ground yourself using 3 strategic marketing questions. 3. How to make it all come together. 1. Nonprofit Marketing Trends 2015 What to embrace and what to ignore 5 11/4/2015 Want to take the 2016 survey and get the free report? npmg.us/2016 6 11/4/2015 Use your cards to share your opinions. Also use them to take notes today! 7 11/4/2015 Past Will these trends continue on? 2-3 Year Communications Plans are standard. 8 11/4/2015 2-3 Year Communications Plans are standard. Things are changing too fast. Plan 12-18 months out, with editorial calendaring 3-6 months at a time. The average length of written content is 500-700 words. 9 11/4/2015 The average length of written content is 500-700 words. Shorter content wins – except when it doesn’t (Fans and Google like depth and details). Present 10 11/4/2015 Let’s start with co m m u n i ca t i o n s c h a n ne l s . . . The frequency of direct mail appeals is going down. 11 11/4/2015 The frequency of direct mail appeals is going down. They are going up in 2015, after no significant differences from 2011-2014. One third of nonprofits will not send a print newsletter at all. 12 11/4/2015 One third of nonprofits will not send a print newsletter at all. 32% of nonprofits will not send a print newsletter at all in 2015. The frequency of email appeals is going up. 13 11/4/2015 The frequency of email appeals is going up. Yes, this year, after no significant differences in 2011-2014. Most nonprofits send an e-newsletter quarterly. 14 11/4/2015 Most nonprofits send an e-newsletter quarterly. 62% of nonprofits will send an e-newsletter at least monthly. Email open rates for nonprofits are falling. 15 11/4/2015 Mrbenchmarks.com Nonprofit communicators spend most time on Facebook, e-news, and PR. 16 11/4/2015 Nonprofit communicators spend most time on Facebook, e-news, and PR. These tasks are consistently the most time-consuming. Fear of failure and lack of buy-in from managers are major challenges. 17 11/4/2015 Fear of failure and lack of buy-in from managers are major challenges. These are actually least challenging. Lack of time and budget, and inability to measure effectiveness are biggest challenges. Now let’s talk about goals. . . 18 11/4/2015 Donor retention is overtaking donor acquisition as a top priority. Donor retention is overtaking donor acquisition as a top priority. Yes, finally, for the first time since 2011. 19 11/4/2015 Exec Dirs, Comm Dirs, and Dev Dirs generally agree on importance of retention. Who believes donor retention is a top 3 goal? Development Directors – 94% Executive Directors – 60% Communications Directors – 36% 20 11/4/2015 Exec Dirs, Comm Dirs, and Dev Dirs generally agree on importance of general brand awareness. Who believes general brand awareness is a top 3 goal? Development Directors – 25% Executive Directors – 42% Communications Directors – 68% 21 11/4/2015 Not a Surprise, Really. But Few Orgs Talk About It Openly. Your Goals Change Based on Your Job Title! Millennials see their time, money, and network as having equal value. 22 11/4/2015 Millennials see their time, money, and network as having equal value. … And their social clout and cultural influence are very likely more valuable to you than their money. (Source: Achieve’s Millennial Impact Report) Future In the next three to five years 23 11/4/2015 Your website management skills will determine your success online. Your website management skills will determine your success online. It’s the only real estate you really control, and like a homeowner, you are expected to maintain it well. 24 11/4/2015 Nonprofits will be expected to have apps. Nonprofits will be expected to have apps. Mobile/responsive websites and emails are far more important now, but this is one to watch. 25 11/4/2015 Print will die as a major communications channel for nonprofits. Print will die as a major communications channel for nonprofits. It will be at least 20 years before that happens, if it ever does. 26 11/4/2015 New Questions for 2016 . . . • • • Posting frequency for various social media sites Size of communications team Communications staff experience, salary, confidence levels, job satisfaction Take the survey: npmg.us/2016 Three Marketing Questions You Should be Asking and Answering All the Time 27 11/4/2015 Who are we trying to reach? (Who cares?) What’s our message to them? What do we want them to do and why should they? (So what?) What’s the best way to deliver that message to those people? Who? Forget the “general public.” flickr.com/photos/stopdown/2507765030 28 11/4/2015 Target People Who Lean Your Way How to target communications • Geography (e.g., in a certain neighborhood) • Behaviors (e.g., only votes in Presidential years, opens newsletter) • Interests (e.g., which programs) 29 11/4/2015 Message? Make everything they see from you relevant to them! Boring Nonprofit We Get You! Boring Nonprofit Boring Nonprofit Boring Nonprofit Boring Nonprofit Boring Nonprofit Clear, Specific and Limited Calls to Action 30 11/4/2015 ASK! Give them opportunities to participate so they feel included. THANK! Make them feel appreciated. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ganatlguard/8289339879 31 11/4/2015 REPORT! Make them feel in the know. npmg.us/6R (no www) 32 11/4/2015 Delivery? Pick the best communication channels and coordinate them. It All Has to Make Sense in the “Big Picture” Life of Your Nonprofit. 33 11/4/2015 But coordinating it all is like herding cats. Core Topics Evergreen: Perennial: Annual Color: Main Calls to Action Story Arcs Core Topics Big Picture Communications Timeline February March April May June July August September October November December Events or Milestones Out of Our Control Events or Milestones Within Our Control January 34 11/4/2015 What things happen every year? What’s the seasonal to-do list? http://www.flickr.com/photos/fog6y/3503028725/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/28481088@N00/315671189 What events, programs, or services also need to be mapped (these are largely within your control)? 35 11/4/2015 What are your primary calls to action throughout the year? flickr.com/photos/pss/1359407958 What story arcs can they participate in with you? flickr.com/photos/zaffi/4597977354 Are we there yet? 36 11/4/2015 What are the core topics you want to be known for? http://www.flickr.com/photos/pkz/6222862929/ Bad Answer! 37 11/4/2015 Let’s stay in touch! NonprofitMarketingGuide.com/blog @kivilm kivi@ecoscribe.com Fb.com/nonprofitmarketingguide Today’s Slides: npmg.us/notes Kivi Leroux Miller President, Nonprofit Marketing Guide.com 38