June - Temple Beth Emet


June - Temple Beth Emet
4807 South Flamingo Road - Cooper City, FL 33330
Phone: 954.680.1882  Fax: 954.252.6634  www.templebethemet.org
JUNE / JULY 2011
June 1…………………Sisterhood End of the Year Dinner
June 2……………..…Youth Group End of Year Banquet
June 3………………………Confirmation Shabbat Service
June 3……………..…Elementary 1st Grade Consecration
June 5………………..…TBE Annual Meeting & Elections
June 6...…………….….......ECC Graduation / Reception
June 9……………………..Elementary School Graduation
June 13……………….Camp & Teen Travel Opening Day
June 13 & 20……..….Men’s Club Marlins Game Night
July 11…………………………………..Sisterhood Book Club
July 12..…………………….Camp Beth Emet Talent Show
Rabbi & Cantor….………….…….…………..……..…..Page 2
Executive Director & President……..………….…..Page 3
Temple Calendar …………………………………….…..Page 4
Early Childhood Center……………..……………..… Page 6
TBE Elementary School…………………..………..… Page 8
Religious School/Youth Group….……............... Page 10
Bar & Bat Mitzvahs…………………………..…….……Page 11
Camp Beth Emet…………..…………………………..…Page 14
Sisterhood & Men’s Club………..…….……...………Page 16
Anniversaries/Birthdays………………….…. ….Page 18-20
Yahrzeits & Condolences.....………..…….….………Page 21
Donations/Dedications…………………………..Page 22-23
Clergy: 954-680-1882
Rabbi Bennett Greenspon
Res: 635-6600
Cantor Jan Sheer
Rabbi’s Ramblings
Administration: 954-680-1882
Jay Nemes
The other day, I really did
not want to write this article.
I was written out for the
year, and had to come up
with a topic. My topic came
to me at the Red Carpet
Rodeo, and other places or
meetings that I had recently
attended. “Who are these
people that I do not know?” I
realize that I am not writing about the intended
topic, but rather a different one that is related.
As we near the end of our
2010/2011 School Year, I
dedicate this to our Bar and
Bat Mitzvah's of this past
year. Thank you to their
wonderful Tutors: Paula
Bergman, Debra Dayan,
Robin Leskin and Shirley
Wolfe. “Kol Ha Kavod” (all
the honor) to each of you
who made our Shabbat experiences here at
Temple Beth Emet so beautiful this past year.
For many people, coming to Shabbat Services
or a function at the Temple, is like getting on an
airplane. Let me explain. I get on the plane, put
away my carryon, get in my seat, squiggle
around a little, get as comfortable as possible
(since I fly coach, it is not possible to get too
comfortable), put on my seat belt, reach for the
airline magazine, grumble a little as my row
mate makes me move so they can get into their
seat, re-squiggle myself, check out the route
map so I can tell the pilot if he is off course, pull
out a book, acknowledge the other row mate,
close my eyes and fall asleep, only to get up, eat
a snack or wonder if there is even a snack. The
only time I interact with my fellow travelers is to
ask them to move so I can get up and go to the
restroom (they are still there and still are free),
or to give them their luggage. Other than
acknowledging my row mates, I do not say a
word to them.
Thank you to our Students who are now
Bar & Bat Mitzvah sons & daughters
of the Commandments:
Executive Director
Noemi Gozlan
Elementary School/Religious School Director
Sandy Sherman
Early Childhood Director
Rayna Engle
Youth Director
Robin Sheridan
Camp Director
2011-2012 Officers:
Charles Cutler
Susan Kraizgrun
Executive Vice President
Elliot Weissmark
Vice President Fundraising
Stuart Silver
Vice President Strategic Planning
Lewis Nadel
Vice President Facilities, Logistics & Security
Tom Kleinman
Vice President Membership
Laurie Levine
Mike Bernstein
Assistant Treasurer
Stuart Slutsky
Financial Secretary
Mark Ginsberg
Assistant Financial Secretary
Lana Eichel
Board Members:
Mark Aronson
Greg Lewen
Rachel Colin
Vivian McCord
Colin Gold
Ervin Nadler
Barry Issenberg
Kevin Raudt
Dana Kornfield
Jodi Shir
Jodi Laurence
Jennifer Weinman
Bruce Lenes
Peter Weinstein
Board of Governors:
David Epstein
Michael Gusky
Harold Gubnitsky
Jan Milestone
Skip Straus
Board of Advisors:
Rachel Barrett
Brad Hacker
Mark Glater
Mina Mandel
Bill Gray
Sheryl Scott
Cindy Greenstein
Ross Trager
Past Presidents:
Harold Gubnitsky
Howard Golden
Skip Straus
Marc Weiss
David Epstein
Marlene Bloom
Robert Alterman
Alan Kan Z'L
Robert Klausner
Mike Rubinstein
Joel Mutnick
Barry Rose
Mark Young
Marshall Weinberg
Auxiliary Groups:
Men's Club President
Steve Feldman
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Isa Joseph & Lori Salz
PTO Co-Presidents
Dawn Singer & Haily Shuch (ECC)
Megan Friedman (BEES)
Cantorial Notes
Rabbi Bennett Greenspon
Now think about coming to a Temple service, or
going to a play or a movie. It is the same
scenario. We come in, get a book, find a seat,
get comfortable, move a bit for someone to get
into the row, get comfortable again, and hope no
one else will be sitting near us. And, we wonder
why services are cold and airlines are so uninviting. It is our fault just as much as anyone
else. I have made a decision to at least
introduce myself to my row mates on flights from
now on, and when I attend a service as a guest.
I invite you to do the same.
Summer is a time for thinking and planning. I
ask you to think about some things TBE could
offer next year. We are hoping to work with
some of you to create more Chavurot (interest or
friendship groups) that concentrate on specific
things. A number of people said they would like
to start a History and Politics Chavurah. Others
are interested in a Book Club for co-eds or men.
We are working with the JCC to create a Torah
Yoga Class, and have been asked to add more
Mind-fullness Meditation Sessions and Services.
If you have any ideas, please send me a note,
email rabbi@templebethemet.org, leave me a
voicemail at (754) 200-1883, or text message
at (954) 478-8941.
Cantor Jan Sheer
Kevin Schatz
Carly Sontag
Noah Cohn
Nathan Osborn
Dylan Moncada
Jordan Kane
Danielle Bush
Jacqueline Bush
Tyler Kaplan
Max Baron
Sophie Septoff
Erica Drobner
Daniel Meyers
Alex Kobelin
Alex Bachenheimer
Sammy Szajnert
Gabriel Szajnert
Shirley Szajnert
Emily Levine
Rachel English
Rebecca Weissmark
Jared Finkel
Alyson Jacobs
Jacob Simon
David Gilfarb
Jake Kaufman
Daniel Provder
Justin Firtell
Berret Adkins
Elaine Cohen
Rachel Truppman
Victoria Novie
Nicole Carvalho
Sean Flanagan
Bradley Krotowski
Caitlin Laurence
Bryson Nash
Carter Nash
Jaimee Cooper
Rachel Mufson
Alexa Orvitz
Rachel Woodham
All of us here at Temple Beth Emet wish you all
the best as you go forth as adults in our Jewish
Cantor Jan
Harriet Bensman
David Cox
Leslie Deckelbaum
Barbara Lubin
Paul Meyers
Stan Naidus
Al Roth
Fern Sloan
Ben Yanowitz
Baruch Atah Adonai, Rofeh Cholim…
Blessed is God who heals the sick
From the Executive Director
A Message from the President
Jay Nemes
Charles Cutler
This has been another great year for
Temple Beth Emet and our Congregation.
Our membership continues to grow and
benefit from programs and events that we
provide, enriching the lives of our multigeneration families. Our recent “Red
Carpet Rodeo” Western Gala was a
tremendous success, thanks to the effort of
Robyn Cutler and her wonderful committee.
Temple Beth Emet continues to be a leading institution among
South Florida’s Jewish Community. I would like to recognize our
Staff that help make this possible. First, special thanks to Rabbi
Greenspon and Cantor Jan, for your religious guidance and
spiritual leadership. To the Choir, Band, Christi Desky and Ezo
Hernandez, your music is greatly appreciated. Mazel Tov to the
Mentors for preparing the Bar/Bat Mitzvah students. Thank you
Sandy Sherman, Robin Sheridan, Dina Milgram, Toby Bersach
and ECC teachers for giving our children a great beginning.
Todah Rabah to Noemi Gozlan, Jennifer Schatz-Young, Michal
Medina, Lori Hill, Tali Shmuel, Keren Levy, and teachers for
introducing the Elementary/Religious School students to Hebrew
and their Jewish Heritage. Kudos Rayna Engle for supervising
Youth Group, and co-directing Teen Travel with Joel Lazarus.
Congratulations Robin Sheridan, Dina Milgram and Camp Staff
for creating a fun-filled summer for the kids. Special appreciation
to Administrative Staff Susie Meroz, Allison Sleigh and Karen
Kofsky, for your professional assistance. To our Maintenance
Team: Oscar Monterrosa, Bernardo Florez, Frankie St. Hilaire,
Edgar Berrospi, and Roberto Rodriguez…”Muchas Gracias”.
Membership  Tzedakah  Mitzvot  Volunteering
In 2010, we set new goals for Temple Beth Emet and focused
our attention on the importance of these four issues. As our
Membership increased, we created Chavurah groups that
brought families together, and more adults joined Men’s Club,
Sisterhood, and PTO. In response to our Tzedakah campaign,
Rabbi Greenspon initiated his “REACH” challenge during the
High Holy Days. Throughout the year, we encouraged members
to extend their generosity by making charitable donations,
dedications, and contributions to various funds. Our efforts
generated successful fundraising at major events. Performing
Mitzvot became a daily project, leading up to and following our
annual Mitzvah Day. Members contributed endless hours
Volunteering at services, holiday celebrations, programs, and
events. I would like to express gratitude to some dedicated
volunteers for their year-round service to TBE: Barry Issenberg
for the website; Aaron Weiss and Steve Daleo for computers;
Janis Nemes for the monthly bulletin; Peter Weinstein and other
men for work around the Temple; Paul Berkowitz for the pool,
equipment, and events; and Lance Jeffrey for photography.
For the past three years, it was a pleasure to work with outgoing
President, Harold Gubnitsky, a dedicated leader to Temple Beth
Emet and its members. At this time, I would also like to welcome
incoming President, Charles Cutler. I look forward to working
with Charles, the 2011-2012 Officers, Board of Directors, and
Auxiliary Groups. Our new Board is beginning to lead us into the
next fiscal year with their great enthusiasm. In August, Rabbi
Frank DeWoskin will be joining TBE as our first Associate
Rabbi. We welcome Rabbi DeWoskin and his family to South
Florida and Temple Beth Emet.
(continued )
Fourteen years ago my wife, Robyn, and I
walked into the office of TBE’s campus on
Pembroke Road to look at a pre-school for our
children, Jamie and Myles. As soon as we met
with Rabbi and Sandy Sherman, we knew we
had found the perfect school. Over the years,
beyond the wonderful education for our children,
our family found so much more here. We found a
second home.
In raising our children, we thought it important for them to
understand that being part of a community is not just about taking,
but also about being active and giving participants. As parents, it is
our responsibility to lead by example. We chose to teach these
lessons through our involvement at Temple Beth Emet. Though you
never are really quite sure what your kids are getting out of your
lessons, I am confident that as adults, they will be active members
in the Jewish community.
I am honored to have been chosen by the congregation to serve as
Temple Beth Emet’s President. I am fortunate to be supported by a
fabulous Board of Directors and Advisors. I must extend a thank you
to Harold Gubnitsky on both a personal level as a mentor, and as a
member of our congregation. Harold assumed the presidency at a
really difficult point. During his tenure, America has suffered one of
the worst economic downturns in history along with financial
scandals which impacted many Jewish institutions. Without his
leadership, foresight, and genuine concern for our stability and wellbeing, our congregation might be in a very different position.
Because of his efforts, I am able to assume my responsibilities with
TBE in a growth mode. Although we still suffer from many financial
challenges associated with the economy, we can all be highly
optimistic about our future.
One of the things I look forward to the most is meeting with fellow
congregants. I will be planning casual breakfasts with as many of
you as possible, along with Rabbi Greenspon, Rabbi DeWoskin,
and our Executive Director, Jay Nemes. These gatherings will be
great opportunities to have informal discussions about anything and
everything pertaining to our Jewish community. I am eager to know
what we can do to ensure you are getting out of your relationship
with the temple what you and your family want and need. I hope you
and your families have a safe and healthy summer. If you would like
to talk to me about any ideas or concerns you have, I can be
reached by email at TheDonutGuy@msn.com.
Warmest regards from my entire family,
Charles, Robyn, Jamie and Myles Cutler
(continued) From the Executive Director Jay Nemes
Our new Leadership, Marketing, Membership and Programming
Committees have developed a variety of programs that you will find
on page 5 of this bulletin. The 2011-2012 Special Events page has
a list of TBE’s educational, religious and social programs offered
throughout the year. We invite you to join us for these programs,
and observe the upcoming Jewish Holidays with us here at Temple
Beth Emet. In closing, I would like to welcome our newest members,
and thank our existing members for your continued affiliation and
support. If I can be of any assistance, or if you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me at (954) 680-1882, or by email at
jnemes@templebethemet.org. Have a safe & wonderful summer!
Temple Calendar - June & July 2011
Please call the Temple as service time may change
June 3 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Service & Confirmation Ceremony
June 4 @ 9:00 & 11:00 AM
Shabbat Morning Service
June 10, 17 & 24 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Service
July 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 @ 7:30 PM
Shabbat Evening Service
HOLIDAYS (Temple Closed)
June 8 (Shavuot)
July 4 (Independence Day)
June 5 @ 9:30 AM
Temple Beth Emet Annual Meeting
June 1 @ 6:00 PM
Sisterhood End of the Year Meeting & Dinner
June 5 @ 10:00 AM
Men’s Club Meeting
June 6 @ 6:30 PM
Sisterhood Book Club
June 13 & 20 @ 7:00 PM
Men’s Club Marlins Game Night at Sun Life Stadium
July 11 @ 6:30 PM
Sisterhood Book Club
June 4 @ 9:00 AM
Rachel Mufson
June 4 @ 11:00 AM
Alexa Orovitz
June 4 @ 5:30 PM
Jaimee Cooper
June 10 @ 7:30 PM
Rachel Woodham
Tuesday Mornings @ 7:30 AM
June 12 (Camp Orientation)
Campers ages 2-4 @ 10:00 am
New Campers all ages @ 10:45 am
Campers ages 5 & up @ 11:00 am
June 13 @ 9:00 AM
Camp Opening Day
July 4 (Independence Day)
Camp Closed
July 12 @ 9:30 AM
Camp Talent Show
July 25th-31st
Camp Trip to the Poconos (Ages 9 & up)
June 6 @ 9:15 AM
ECC End of the Year Show
June 7
ECC Last Day of School
June 7 @ 8:30 AM
ECC Graduation Ceremony & Reception
June 1 @ 2:45 PM
ES Yom Yerushalayim
June 3 @ 8:30 AM
ES 1st Grade Consecration & Breakfast Celebration
June 8 (Shavuot)
ES No School
June 9
ES Last Day of School
June 9 @ 6:00 PM
ES End of the Year Show & Graduation
June 2 @ 6:00 PM
Youth Group Banquet
Sanctify your home by lighting the Shabbat Candles
Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohenu Melech Ha'olam, Asher Kid'shanu B'Mitzvotav V'tzivanu L'hadleek ner, Shel Shabbat.
“Blessed art Thou, Adonoi our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has sanctified us by thy commandment,
and has commanded us to kindle the Sabbath lights.”
June 2011
June 3 .................................................................................. 7:52 pm
June 10................................................................................. 7:54 pm
June 17.................................................................................. 7:55 pm
June 24 ................................................................................ 7:59 pm
July 2011
July 1 .................................................................................... 7:59 pm
July 8 ................................................................................... 7:59 pm
July 15 .................................................................................. 7:58 pm
July 22 .................................................................................. 7:55 pm
July 27 .................................................................................. 7:52 pm
2011-2012 Temple Events & Programs
June 1, 2011
June 2, 2011
June 3, 2011
June 7, 2011
June 13, 2011
June 13th & 20th, 2011
June 9, 2011
June 13, 2011
September 29, 2011
October 7th-8th, 2011
February 4, 2012
February 12, 2012
Kids & Teens Programs:
Summer Camp 2011
Teen Travel Camp 2011
Educational Programs:
Beth Emet Elementary
Early Childhood Center
Social & Support Groups:
TBE Chavurah
Joseph’s Rainbow
Shabbat Services:
Family & Tot Shabbat
Traditional Shabbat
Youth Groups: (K-12th)
Ofarim: K-2nd Grade
Chalutzim: 3rd-5th Grade
Gesher: 6th-8th Grade
Bogrim: 9th-12th Grade
“Merkaz Limud”
Learning Center:
Religious School
Judaica High School
Confirmation Class
Adult Education:
Bible Study with Rabbi
Hebrew & B’nai Mitzvah
Introduction to Judaism
Rabbi’s Bookie Groups
Auxiliary Groups:
Adult & Youth Choir
PTO (School Parents)
TBE Men’s Club
TBE Sisterhood
July 12, 2011
December 16, 2011
Spring 2012
Early Childhood Center
Sandy Sherman-Director, Robin Sheridan-Asst. Director
One school year has ended, and another is
ahead of us. Let’s take a look back at some
of the classroom highlights, as reflected
through the newsletters written by our
amazing teachers.
From our Pre-K: We had another X-cellent week in Team 305,
especially since Mr. and Mrs. Xx came for a visit!! How many
ways can you make the letter X? That was the challenge from Mr.
and Mrs. Xx, and boy-oh-boy did we do an X-ceptional job
showing them all the ways!!! We made an X with our bodies,
pencils, pipe cleaners, blocks, popsicle sticks, q-tips, play dough
and pretzels. We had a lot of fun!! What can you find around your
house to make the letter X? We also put on our thinking caps and
brainstormed words that end with X. Ask your child some words
that end with X (fox, box, pox, fix, six). What smart boys and girls
we have in this class!! Did you know Mr. and Mrs. Xx’s favorite
subject in school is science? They brought an X-plosion Xperiment for us to do! Ask your child what happened when the
colored liquid (vinegar) was poured into the plastic bag with
baking soda. The pressure caused the bag to pop and X-plode!
We loved this science X-periment!!!
(continued) Early Childhood Center
It was a busy week and everyone loved the “specials”. In Playball
the children were jumping through hoops, running on tip toes, and
walking like spiders. In literature the children enjoyed making our
version of blintzes (eating dairy foods is a custom on Shavuot). In
Torah Talk, the children learned about Israel and looked through
an Israeli newspaper. The children had the opportunity in science
to pick a center of their choice. We used magnets, discovered
about sinking and floating, identified objects with the microscopes
and used test tubes with colors. Water play was great. The
weather was perfect and the children had a blast. So many
activities…so much fun…so much learning. We hope you enjoyed
your glimpse into the wonderful world of TBE ECC!
Congratulations to ECC Pre-K “Class of 2011”
Learning how plants and trees grow has been an amazing
experience. The children understand the seeding, rooting and
growth of trees, what trees provide to the planet as well as
people, and they have created their own artistic types of trees.
They have drawn, traced, torn, seeded, rooted and labeled their
trees in their own personalized way. Discussions on oxygen, fruits,
wood and products from wood and how trees provide shade and
homes for animals and insects have been a large part of literature,
songs and circle time.
Because we stress the importance of kindness, the word "peace"
was introduced. The children came up with ideas on how peace
can be spread. It was incredible to hear children say... peace is
when there is enough food for everyone in the world. The children
made pictures and their ideas on attached to them. All of their
thoughts brought smiles to our eyes. We truly have a roomful of
mitzvah makers.
From our Nursery: We have been focusing on fine motor
development and strengthening skills which will prepare the
children for Pre-K. They are tracing their names, using “mat man”,
writing letters, cutting, coloring within the lines, and gluing small
objects on specific art projects. Please practice grip at homegiving the children a small pencil or skinny crayon and watching
them hold it. We've also been practicing drawing people (can you
guess which special person?). We were so pleased to see the
amazing creations (or creatures), complete with facial features
and body parts. You will be, too!
We spent a great deal of time identifying our letters and hearing
the sounds. We made a song about the letters and sounds and we
sang it each day. We learned about syllables and clapped to our
names. We played a game with numbers using our number
boards. The children took turns naming the numbers. If they were
not sure, they counted the dots. We are hoping to get to twenty
(continued )
before the end of the school year.
2010-2011 Early Childhood Center Pre-K
Beth Emet Elementary School
Noemi Gozlan-Director, Michal Medina-Asst. Director
Another year has drawn to a close. Once
again, we find ourselves wiping away a tear
as we bid farewell to you, our amazing
students. As we reflect on an incredible
year of all your beautiful smiles, infectious
laughter, outstanding personalities, and
uplifting spirits, we realize that only with the
passing of time when you look into the eyes
of your own children, will you comprehend
how precious you are, how much we love
you and what a gift you are to the world.
“Thank You”
To all the Elementary School parents - thank you for entrusting us
with your children, and allowing us to be partners in their
education and growth!
Thank you to our amazing teachers and staff for the enthusiasm
and passion that is so clearly reflected in your every day work.
You always take pride in going above and beyond what is
expected of you, and in giving your all to each and every child.
Thank you to Rabbi Greenspon and the Board of Directors,
Temple administration, our partners in preschool, religious school,
youth group, maintenance, and the entire Beth Emet staff for your
continued support. It is a pleasure to work together.
Finally, to our wonderful PTO, we extend our most sincere thanks
for your continued partnership and initiative.
To the Board, your tireless efforts and creativity have resulted in
another year of amazing programming through which our
students, teachers, and school reaped countless rewards.
A special thank you to you and all our wonderful volunteers - your
support is invaluable.
To all of you, we wish a wonderful, safe summer. May it be filled
with special moments and lots of laughter.
See you next year!
Noemi & Michal
William Shakespeare was a visionary.
For as he dipped his quill in ink to write
down these words over four hundred
years ago, he managed to capture the
essence of a powerful emotion; one that
we are faced with today, as we bid
farewell to our amazing Class of 2011.
To our phenomenal graduating class, we leave the following words:
“Parting is such sweet sorrow” - William Shakespeare
Like Shakespeare, you too are
visionaries, as you hold within you the
promise of the future. Your creativity
knows no bounds, your imagination no
With an insatiable thirst for
knowledge and curiosity unquenched,
you are the scribes of your own histories.
Like Shakespeare, you too are
playwrights and poets. For as the story
of your own life unravels, set it to the
rhythm of your own special beat,
embracing the challenges while always
keeping true to who you are, the driving
force of your personal narrative.
Like Shakespeare, you too are an
inspiration. Let kindness be your guide
and compassion your muse, for it is
these qualities within you that have left a
lasting impression on our hearts.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. For with every big change, there comes the excitement for
the promise of the future, and sadness for that which is left behind. Let the tears of today
give way to the excitement of tomorrow…Kita Hey, You Rock!!!
Religious School-Merkaz Limud
Temple Beth Emet Youth Group
Rayna Engle-Youth Director
Noemi Gozlan-Director, Jennifer Schatz-Young-Asst. Director
Dear Chaverim (Friends),
The 2010-2011 School Year has come to
an end but not before we celebrated many
milestones in our children’s lives.
We held a special 1 Grade Consecration
Service. We had a lovely service honoring
the 7 Grade Class moving up to Judaica
High School. We were all very proud as
they received their diplomas and books. I expect to see all of
them again next year in the 8th Grade. The Confirmation Service
was very diverse and inspiring. I will be delighted to see them
return to us for a stimulating and growth oriented 11th Grade.
This year’s new extended program has been successful and
rewarding for everyone. The program would have not been
possible without all the people involved in making it happen. To
all the students who devoted their time and volunteered in the
Merkaz Limud all year long, THANKS!!
To our wonderful Rabbi and Cantor Jan, “Thank You” for being
so great with all of us, always there when needed and
supporting all the school staff and programs.
To Jay Nemes, “Thank You” for all of your support to the school.
To our Assistant Religious School Director Jennifer SchatzYoung, Lori Dressler Hill and Keren Levy who are all so devoted
to their work, the school, the staff and the students, a “BIG
Last, but certainly not least, “Thanks” to all of the Merkaz Limud
Teachers and Mentors.
As we wish you a pleasant summer, I need to remind all of you
that registration for the 2011-2012 School Year is already under
way, and there are some classes already filled to capacity.
While we try to accommodate everyone, some are asking not for
magic, but for miracles.
There are only so many configurations that we can make with
school schedules being what they are and the number of
students we have to place. We aim for flexibility; some
schedules and class size limit our options.
Let me make a suggestion that may help you decide on the
choices available. The choice is ultimately yours, (not your
child’s) to make. Take advantage of the Sunday schedule or
consider after school activities where the coaches create
schedule options for the days and times the child is available.
Their religious education will stay with them a lifetime, while
their athletic options are time limited.
Please get your registrations in as soon as possible so that we
may have a better chance of accommodating your first choice.
In the meantime, have an enjoyable summer, and we
look forward to seeing you all again very soon!!!
This Youth Group article is all about the fun,
Jewish things you can find online. Using social
media and surfing for new computer apps,
games and links probably takes up most of your
free time, and you likely find really neat things
on a daily basis.
What happens when the digital fun, becomes a
digital danger? “Wait a minute,” you say. “This
is Rayna’s article from my Jewish Youth Group.
What do “digital dangers” have to do with being Jewish?”
A couple of months ago we celebrated Purim. The story of Purim
may have happened thousands of years ago, but there are a
number of modern lessons we learn from its heroes. What does
Mordechai and Esther have to do with me downloading, uploading,
Googling and YouTube hunting you ask? Think about it. What
aspects of ourselves do we hide, and what do we reveal? How,
when, and with whom do we share information about ourselves?
Sometimes, while online, you are asked to reveal information about
yourself. You fill in the different fields that request information of you
without thinking about it. Your Facebook page may have your phone
number on it and photos of you at school or hanging out with your
Using this information, anyone can find out more about you,
including information you may not want strangers to know. You may
reveal information about yourself thinking that only your friends will
see it. It is important to recognize that anything you post online, can
and will be viewed by strangers around the world. Do you really
want strangers to have your phone number or see what you look
You should feel proud to be who you are and proud to show who
you are. When it comes to digital information exchange such as
social networking, be cautious! Just like Queen Esther, who chose
when and where it was appropriate to reveal her true identity, you
too should choose the appropriate people and places to reveal
information about yourself.
Queen Esther chose not to reveal her true identity in the Purim
story. She chose what was safe to reveal when she first met her
husband King Achashverosh, and hid what she felt would be
dangerous to reveal. Only when she knew she had to or felt the
need to, did she give information necessary to make a difference.
Next time you’re filling in personal information fields while online,
think about it…should I conceal or reveal? And use Queen Esther’s
courage to help you decide!
Have a safe and wonderful summer!!!
Temple Beth Emet Youth Groups:
Ofarim: Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Chalutzim: 3rd-5th Grade
Gesher: 6th-8th Grade (Middle School)
Bogrim: 9th-12th Grade (High School)
Temple Beth Emet Congratulates the “Class of 2011”
Best Wishes to our College Graduates in your careers & future endeavors !!!
Bryan Kofsky, son & step-son of Robert & Karen Kofsky, graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a Degree in
Business-Sports Management.
Michael J. Podel, son of Lance & Susie Mirrer, graduated with Honors from the University of Central Florida, College of
Engineering & Computer Science, and earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering. Michael will continue his
studies at UCF toward his Masters Degree in the Electrical Engineering program.
Sivan Shammay-Einsohn, daughter of Valerie Goldman-Shammay, graduated from Northeastern University with a Masters
Degree in Speech Pathology.
Andrea Simon, daughter of John & Laura Simon, graduated from Florida State University with a double Major in Political
Science & International Relations. Andrea will begin her Internship at the Florida Attorney General's Office.
Temple Beth Emet’s 2011 College & High School Graduates
Mazel Tov to our High School Graduates on all of your fine achievements !!!
Alyssa Berman, daughter of Sheryl Scott, is graduating from West Broward High School, & will attend the University of
Alexandra Drobner, daughter of David & Judith Drobner, will graduate from Charles W. Flanagan High School. She is a
Member of the Urban Teacher Academy Program & will be attending the University of North Florida.
Rebecca Flayman, daughter of Eric & Lyssa Flayman, is graduating from Cooper City High School. She is in the National
Honor Society & will attend the University of Florida.
Jonathan Green, son of Michael & Audrey Green, will graduate from West Broward High School, & attend Florida State
Micole Kaye, daughter of Perry & Teri Kaye, is graduating from Cooper City High School. She is nominated for a Silver Knight
Award, & received the Marsicano Scholarship Award from the Leadership Broward Foundation. Micole will attend the University
of Florida.
Zachary Kleiman, son of Scott & Shari Kleiman, will graduate from Cooper City High School. He is a 4-year Letterman; 3-year
starting Centerfielder on Nova’s Titan Varsity Baseball Team; 2009 Team Defensive Player of the Year; 2010 & 2011 Offensive
Player of the Year; Broward High School Baseball All District Outfielder; recognized as All County Outfielder by the Miami
Herald; & Nova's Scholar-Athlete by the Miami Herald & Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel. Zachary is an AP Scholar, Gold Cord
recipient, & Nova’s Titan Baseball Academic (each high school year). He received the UCF Pegasus Scholarship, & will attend the
University of Central Florida.
Cole Kushner, son of Stephen & Cindy Kushner, is graduating with Honors & Dual Enrollment from the College Academy at
Broward College (collegiate High School). Cole will attend the University of Michigan’s School of Engineering.
Tyler Laurence, son of John & Jodi Laurence, will graduate from University School. He received the National Forensics
League Academic All American Award, was nominated for a Cappie Award as Best Lead Actor in a Musical, & nominated for a
Silver Knight Award for Music. Tyler will attend the Clive Davis program at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University.
Daniel Light, son of Steven & Orlie Light, will graduate from Cooper City High School & will attend the University of Central
Temple Beth Emet Congratulates the “Class of 2011”
Continued success to our High School Graduates for a bright & promising future !!!
Daniel Light, son of Steven & Orlie Light, will graduate from Cooper City High School & will attend the University of Central
Brittany Liguori, daughter of Stephanie Liguori, is graduating from the Pembroke Pines Charter School. She was accepted on
early admission to Broward College during her Senior Year & earned half of her Associates Degree. Brittany received a Silver &
Gold Cord for Service Hours & a high GPA. She will continue her studies at Broward College.
Michael Joseph Milam, son of Michael & Debbie Milam, will graduate from The Sagemont Upper School. He is a member of
the National Honor Society. Michael will be attending Florida International University.
Adee Okhovat, daughter of Kami & Maritza Okhovat, is graduating from Cooper City High School. Adee is an Honor Student &
she will attend the University of Central Florida.
Katherine Salz, daughter of Lori Salz, will graduate from Nova High School, & will attend Auburn University.
Sam Sheridan, son of Martin & Robin Sheridan, will graduate from Cooper City High School & attend Florida Gulf Coast
Matthew Shuham, (son of Marty & Caryl Shuham), will graduate from Cooper City High School. He is a member of the
National Honor Society, Broward County National Honor Society & National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist. He will attend
Harvard University.
Brian Silver, son of Stuart Silver, will graduate from Cooper City High School. He is a National Forensic League Honors
Participant-Public Forum Debate; Distributive Educational Clubs of America (DECA) National Qualifier & 3-time State Qualifier,
& a Silver Cord Recipient. Brian will attend Florida State University.
Lauren Spear, daughter of David & Lisa Benenfeld, will graduate from the American Heritage School. She received the FVA All
State Women’s Chorus Award, & Community Service Gold Cord. Lauren will be attending Marymount Manhattan College.
Jolie Straus, daughter of Skip & Donna Straus, is graduating from the University School. She received the Jill Terrell Award in
12th Grade; the Danforth Award in 11th Grade; she is a Regional Dance Competition Award winner; member of the National
Honor Society, English Honor Society, & Spanish Honor Society. Jolie will attend Tuft University with her sister, Stephanie.
Stephanie Straus, daughter of Skip & Donna Straus, will graduate from the University School. Stephanie received recognition
as Outstanding World Language Student in 12th Grade; the University of Penn Book Award in 11th Grade; named Outstanding
English Sophomore in 10th Grade; is a National Merit Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, & Regional Dance Competition
Award winner; a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, & Spanish Honor Society. Stephanie will attend
Tuft University with her sister, Jolie.
Jessica Wallet, daughter of Richard & Samantha Wallet, is graduating from West Broward High School, & will attend the
University of Florida.
Mitchell Weiss, son of Stephen & Jacinda Weiss, will graduate from Cooper City High School. He will attend the University of
Central Florida.
Alyssa White, daughter of Charles & Rae White, will graduate from the College Academy at Broward College (collegiate High
School) with a High School Diploma & Associate of Arts Degree concurrently. Alyssa will be attending the University of Florida.
Sydney Winner, daughter of Steven & Nancy Winner, is graduating from Cooper City High School with an Honor Society
Chord, Thespian Chord, & Silver Chord. She will attend the University of Central Florida’s Burnett Honors College.
James Woodham, son of Mark & Erica Wooodham, is graduating from Nova High School. He will be attending Broward
College & go on to study at Florida Institute of Technology.
Zachary Zaffos, son of Steven & Valerie Zaffos, is graduating from Cypress Bay High School. He is a 3-time Recipient of the
Cypress Bay Lightning Award for Journalism, & received 2 All-Florida Awards from Florida Student Press Association, several
FSPA Excellent Mentions, & Honorable Mentions for 3 years on the Circuit school newspaper staff. Zachary will attend the
University of Florida.
By Eden Katz-PTO Communications
Dawn Singer & Haily Shuch-ECC, Megan Friedman-ES
Camp Beth Emet
Robin Sheridan-Director, Dina Milgram-Asst. Director
Just a short & sweet note
from your 2010-2011 PTO!!!
June 13th
August 5th
It has been an amazing year filled with so many activities! We
can’t believe that it all started with our Welcome Back Breakfast,
and now Pre-K and 5 Grade Graduation is here! We sincerely
thank our ECC and (ES) Elementary School parents who made
it all happen. Your efforts are truly appreciated.
We also want to thank the ECC and (ES) Elementary School
Staff and Administration. You made our volunteer jobs much
easier, and were a pleasure to work with! Special thanks go to
our incredible PTO Board and Event Chairs. Your efforts were
tremendous and your hard work was evident by the incredible
success of all the events throughout the year.
We close this year with a great sense of accomplishment and
pride. For those of us leaving TBE, we know our children will
have a strong foundation to build upon, and an education that is
second to none! Our children have all benefited by the hard
work of our PTO, and we feel that we are leaving TBE a better
place than before we arrived. For those of you who will be with
us next year as well, we are looking forward to an amazing
We are delighted to announce our 2011-2012
ECC & (ES) Elementary School PTO Board
Dawn Singer & Haily Shuch (ECC)
Megan Friedman (ES)
VP Fundraising:
Rachel Collin (ECC)
Laura Gold (ES)
Fabulous Friday
Spirit Days
Every Friday is Spirit Day
at Camp Beth Emet…
Join the fun & wear your
favorite silly outfits!!!
1st Session Fridays: June 13 th-July 8th
June 17th………………...Crazy Hat
June 24th………………...Silly Socks
July 1st…………………...Red, White & Blue
July 8th…………………...Colors of the Rainbow
2nd Session Fridays: July 11 th-August 5th
July 15th………………….Pajama Day
July 22nd………………….Israeli Pride-Blue & White
July 29th……………….….Wear Your Favorite Team
August 5th……...............Happy Hippy Tye Dye
Lana Eichel & Lisa Slingbaum (ECC)
Sheryl Katz (ES)
Katherine Kessler (ECC)
Sylvia Fertel (ES)
Room Parent Coordinator:
Robyn Pintaluga (ECC)
Tracy Weidenfeld (ES)
Shari Eydelman (ECC)
Debbie Grossman (ES)
Communications Secretary:
Eden Katz & Marci Osheroff-Huffman (ECC)
We still have many opportunities for PTO Volunteers.
Please contact ptoblasts@hotmail.com for more information.
Enjoy the summer and we hope
to see you at Camp Beth Emet !!!
1st Session Special Events:
June 14th….....................Movies
June 15th….....................Laser Quest
June 16th….....................Galaxy Skate Way
June 16th….....................Slip & Slide/Bounce House Fun
June 21st………………….Hollywood Beach
June 22nd…………………Bowling
June 23rd…………………Kayak Trip
June 27th………………....After Hours Pool Party
June 28th….....................Pines Ice Skating
June 29th……………..…..Tree Tops Park
June 30th……………..…..Rock & Roll Show
July 1st………………....…4th of July Go Around
July 5th…….………..…….Pump It Up
July 6th…………………….Game Works
2011 Summer Camp Schedule
Sisterhood Scribbles
By Marcy Gray
Isa Joseph-Sisterhood President
Temple Beth Emet Men’s Club
Steve Feldman & Tommy Mandel-Men’s Club Co Presidents
Another year has ended, and it is time for
summer once again to rest, relax, and
perhaps get away. We had an interesting
year with our Annual High Holiday Apple
Bagging, Holiday Toy Drive, Chanukah Gift
Exchange, Monthly Book Club, Mah Jongg
Clinics, Breakfast & Dinner Events, Party
Showcase, Theater Performances, Guest
Speakers, Sisterhood Shabbat, etc. Thank
you to all who participated this year. While everyone is enjoying
their summer, the incoming Board Members will be busy preparing
an exciting agenda for next year.
On April 25 , the Men’s
Club enjoyed our first
“Baseball Game Night”
together, beginning with
a delicious dinner at
Shorty's BBQ in Davie.
Later, we watched as the
Marlins scored 2 runs in
the bottom of the ninth
inning to win over the LA Dodgers at Sun Life Stadium. Everyone
was happy to meet and welcome our newest TBE Member, Greg
Wallach, who joined us.
Our May Book Club was hosted by Miriam Krischer and Marcy
Gray. We discussed the class and gender roles in modern day
Bombay, the dichotomous relationship among women, and how
class differences can affect that relationship. At our June Book
Club hosted by Monica Steinman, we discussed “A Reliable Wife”
by Robert Goolrick. We hope to continue Book Club throughout
the summer. Hosts are needed for July and August.
Softball Playoffs took place on May 1 at Bamford Park. As 6
seed, we worked our way through extra playoff games without a
bye. We won our first game against the Gelt Team, our second
against the Yentil’s, and our third semi-final game to the Bially's,
who were 2 seed. The game was close, TBE’s Team was tired,
and two of our players had injuries. We closed the Spring Season
placing third out of the 12 Team League.
Our End of Year Dinner took place June 1 , along with a General
Meeting to present the Slate of Officers, and Sisterhood Elections.
On May 9th, the Men’s Club had a great time at Sun Life Stadium
watching the Marlins play the Phillies for our second “Baseball
Game Night”. Join us once again at 7:00 pm on June 13th as the
Marlins play the Arizona Diamondbacks, and Monday, June 20th
when the Marlins play the LA Angels. Please contact Tommy
Mandel at candylandbroker@aol.com or 954-309-8820.
Sisterhood Board for 2011-2012:
Co-Presidents: Lori Salz & Isa Joseph
VP Membership: Monica Steinman
VP Programming: Sheri Berkowitz
Treasurer: Arlene Goodman
Member-At-Large: Nannette Katz
Temple Beth Emet participated in a “Men Over 30” Basketball
Tournament along with other synagogues at the JCC in Davie.
TBE was represented by 10 players, and there were 6 Teams in
all. The JCC provided referees and a traveling trophy.
Temple Beth Emet’s Basketball Team at the
JCC Tournament ~ May 15, 2011
New Temple Members 1st year’s Sisterhood Membership is free.
Add beth_emet_sisterhood@yahoo.com to your email address
book. Follow us on Facebook and search for Temple Beth Emet
Sisterhood. You will be given an opportunity to ‘friend’ Sisterhood.
The Gift Shop is open Sundays-Volunteers needed to help!
We are grateful to everyone who participated in our Sisterhood
initiative by collecting canned and non-perishable food at all
Sisterhood events to replenish the depleted food banks. We will
continue this again next year. Questions about Sisterhood?
Contact Isa Joseph at beth_emet_sisterhood@yahoo.com
**We wish everyone a safe and wonderful summer**
Over the summer, the Men’s Club will get together at Landlubbers
(Plantation) to watch Marlins Baseball Games on TV. In August,
we are holding tryouts for our TBE Men’s Softball Team. The 2011
Fall Season will start in September, and games will be played on
Sunday mornings. Contact Tommy Mandel if you are interested.
The Men’s Club is organizing a TBE Bowling Team (or Teams) to
join a League this Fall with other Temples. Please contact Tommy
Mandel if you are interested. For more information about Men’s
Club events, or how you can become a Member, please contact
Steve Feldman at shfeld@bellsouth.net or Tommy Mandel at
Mark Your Calendars:
Marlins Baseball Game: June 13th & 20th @ 7:00 PM
TBE Men’s Bowling Team: (TBA)
Share A Simcha
“Share A Simcha” is a special feature in Temple Beth Emet’s monthly bulletin, “KOLEINU”. Each month, we highlight Special
Occasions, Life Cycle Events, and Good News for our Congregation Members. We publish a listing of Births, Engagements,
Marriages, and Anniversaries (25 , 40 , 50 or 75 ). Graduations are listed including Degrees and Awards from High School,
Vocational or Technical School, College and Graduate School. We also acknowledge individuals who receive distinguished awards
and recognition for Athletic Achievement, School, Work and Community Service. Please provide a brief summary of information
(small photos are optional and will be included when possible). Send to: tbenews@yahoo.com
Mazel Tov
Diane & Don Hatcher for Winning the Red Carpet Rodeo’s
“Grand Prize” Flights & Cruise to Norway
Michelle Rosenthal on her Marriage to Dave Mazor
Laurie & David Kruzel on the Marriage of their Daughter
Alisa Kruzel to Jeremy Katzman
Itai Gozlan M.D. for completing his 4 year residency at Cornell Hospital in NY
Itai received the prestigious “Excellence in Clinical Performance” Award
Dr. Gozlan (son of Noemi & Yoram) will join South Miami Hospital’s Anesthesiology Team
Welcome New Members
 John Berman
 Jonathan & Robyn, Peri & Max Bofshever
 Jonathan & Jodi, Molly & Sydney Davidson
 Jon & Jami, Alix & Molly Genson
 Matthew & Stacey, Brandon & Samuel Jerry
 Peter & Magda, Giancarlo, Ethan & Mateo Kahn
 Ron & Diana, & Sara Lange
 Stanley & Patricia Marks
 Abner & Joyce Salant
 Elliot & Janelle, & Lanna Schor
 Josh & Haily, Aden & Ella Shuch
 Joel & Lisa, Jayden & Chase Slingbaum
 Gregory & Karen Wallach
 Ken & Jenniffer, Samuel & Jake Weisberg
June  July  August  Yahrzeits  June 5th - August 6th
May Their Memories Be For A Blessing…One of the most beautiful and meaningful customs of the Jewish people
is to remember those we have lost by memorializing our beloved through acts of Tzedakah and by saying Kaddish.
The following Yahrzeits will be acknowledged and Kaddish will be said during Shabbat Services on the dates below.
June 3, 2011
Alice Marie Beckett
Tony Evangelisti
Norma Lenn
Minna Thierer
Hene Aron
Albert Berkowitz
Sylvia Carp
Lenore Jordan
Sam Kaufman
Libby Kotok
Bess Thierer
Helen Bieberberg
Ester Lea Forer
Anna "Irene" White
Marvin Armband
Joyce Berson
Julius Goldstein
Elaine Samuels
Burton Schatz
Dr. Richard Walsh
Everett Williams
Benjamin Young
Efrain Bosakewich
Harry Kono
Sidney Lewen
Howard Chapnick
Morton English
Fannie Freedman
Sidney Freeman
Ida Grossman
Charles Lieberman
Julius Paull
Samuel Sigel
Lucille Dansky
Estelle Demars
Beverly Fishbein
Milton Kruger
Dora Rosenberg
Morris Shultz
June 10, 2011
Jerome Gourse
Stephen Siegel
Ruth Baker Abis
Annette Irwin
Bruce Richman
Adeline Shoostine
Ralph Straus
Molly Wecter
Jessica Clausman Langer
H. Mike Glassman
Helen Hirsch
Harry Schectel
Jennie Solomon
Bella Summer
Ethel Y. Ast
Leo Golden
Arlene Greene
Alan Joseph Kan
June 10, 2011
Morton Wolfe
Irving Zelitt
Ceil Epstein
Emily Huss
Olga Singer
Rose Cohen
Carl Eisenoff
Benjamin Engelstein
Anna Gelband
Annette Judith Hall
Frieda Kaplan
Abraham Winner
Betty Cohen
Idelle Jacobson
Sam Kesselman
Max Steinman
June 17, 2011
Shirley Cohan
Albert Press
Pearl Ruth Russell
Melvin Weiss
Hilary Wood
Lillian Kolodner
Betty Landsman
Bertram Reifkind
Milton Schwartz
Bernard Weiss
Benedict Aron
Louis Baron
Marvin A. Borenstein
Phillip Gorman
Betty Kuropatkin Imber
Lillian Wayne
John Crothers
Stephen Kaye
Rose Saul
Mortimer Steel
Gary Mark Steinberg
Charles Cohen
Sally Eisenberg Garber
Lorraine W. Katz
David Levine
Arnold Schneider
Bernard Stern
David Strickler
Joel P. Adler
Beatrice Allen
Marilyn Gimbel
Esther Liefshitz
Samuel Cohen Lindy
Fannie Rosen
Rae Halpern
Toba Lichtenstein
Arnold Zucker
Scott Davidson
June 24, 2011
Harold Altman
Sidney Greenstein
June 24, 2011
Abraham Kotler
Louis Salzman
Estelle Ahearn
Eddie Epstein
Marvin Halpern
Jacqueline Levine
Poli Miller
Sam Wechsler
Betty Brenman
Morris Greenfield
Hannah Kleiner
Elie Benadava
Mina Klausner
Barbara Solomon
Charles Burg
Sheila Lieber
Irving Loeb
Norman Pudlin
Samuel Scherzer
Sally Lee Finkel Zalman
Mae Cain
Ida Kaplan
Alice Koren
Harry Lerner
Carolyn Rolle-Alston
Gilbert Diamond
Bernard Farber
Julie Kreindel
Bernardo Kriger
Nezam Shafa
July 1, 2011
David Garret
Edna Sand
Lillian Benezra
Arnold Kravitz
Emily Pellegrini
Shirley Seltzer
Louis Zeger
Hermina Rittman
Bertha Gorenstein
Ethel Rodman
Rose Fisher
Syd Rozinsky
Joan Keller
Michael Landau
Aaron Enrique Melamed
Hyman Reiter
Judith Ann Roberts
Philip Rose
Joan Rothstein
Linda Sobol
Betty Jane Williams
Henry Charles Hassol
July 8, 2011
Irma Jane Gordon
Archie Miller
Marilyn Rifkin
Stewart Wayne
July 8, 2011
Saul Klieger
Arnie Muskat
Ida Schwartz
Howard Greene
Joel Mendelson
Myrna Davidson
Gerald Fried
Rose Leskin
Max Lorber
Louis Mirrer
Rose Syatt
Morton Wendman
Julio Anders
Jerome Engelberg
Maurice Herman
Israel Isaacson
Kenneth Laurence
Sydelle Wurtzelman
Jack Baruch
Rachel Cutler
Rubin Gilbert
Irving Nemeroff
Anna Rovner
Simon Septoff
Gerald Hibnick
Ira Rabinowitz
July 15, 2011
Myron Dansky
Paul Rosen
Sidney Solomon
Leonard Cohen
Flora Kimelman
Leah Rovsky
Benjamin Wigler
Benjamin Berliner
Adolph Ehrlich
Milton Fuenst
Nancy Pottruck
Gerald Berkowitz
Isidor Cohen
Susan Laika Berson
Pauline Kaplan
Jack Rifkin
Morris Brand
Fred Orshan
Nathan Rothman
Toby Sigel
Sydney Bruder
Joan Scheer
Mary Bauman
Sadie Burch
Lottie Engelberg
Julia Lipton
Irving Rogers
July 22, 2011
Henry "Don" White
Murray Lichtenstein
Rose Reuben
July 22, 2011
Morton Weinberger
Martin Burnett
Julius Frank
Milton T. Hornstein
Naomi Koniak
Miriam Turbow
Bernard Bechhof
Beth Meisel Danziger
Albert Finkelstein
Rose E. Kline
Ida K. Milestone
Gerard Busch
Louis Ferer
Guido Gossy
Edna Schwartz
Eugene Sokol
Paul Yermish
Hyman Gottlieb
Tessie Leibowitz
William Margo
Sadie Steinman
Lynne Brumer
Joseph Muroff
July 29, 2011
Erna Eisner
Eva Hansel
Sanford Leventhal
Meyer Trefler
Goldie Dorfman
Bernice Eisenberg
Cal Lippin
Norman McCoy
Sidney Stein
Jerome Zelden
Miriam Chaikin
Abbe Dubin
Frances Fineberg
John Greene
Lewis Kaplan
Isadore Abrams
Grace Crosson
Jacob Fisherman
Raymond Kronick
Stanley Cohen
Minnie Cole
Paul Desky
Rebecca Jacobson
Mitchell A. Kestenbaum
Tillie Kruger
Evelyn Clein
Rose Cohen
George Demars
Howard Faigin
Sylvia Kaufman
Adolfo Link
Marcel Lissek
Sue Logan
Sally Richman
Sylvia Zuckerman
Yizkor Elohim  Our Condolences To…
Eliot Reifkind on the loss of his Father, Seymour Abis
Elisa Dansky on the loss of her Mother, Thelma "Mickey" Friedman
Bob Schwartz on the loss of his Mother, Pearl Schwartz
Deborah Rittenberg on the loss of her Mother, Barbara Ziv
Deborah Rittenberg on the loss of her Grandmother, Bette Cole
Susie Meroz on the loss of her Sister, Perach Yerushalmi
Patricia Dorfman on the loss of her Father, Arthur "Arnie" Berlin
Ross Trager on the loss of his Sister, Glenda Trager Pfeffer
Claudia Cayne on the loss of her cousin, Lexie Schantz
Nancy Firpo on the loss of her Father, Martin Ginder
“May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life”
June & July Donations - Yahrzeit Fund
Yahrzeit Notifications:
Yahrzeit notifications are sent out to our members and friends who request this service. It is a tradition to remember
our loved ones by saying Kaddish, lighting a candle, attending Services and making a gift of Tzedakah.
Please call Karen Kofsky at the Temple Office to be notified of a Yahrzeit.
Yahrzeit Fund
Memorial Plaque Order Form
In Memory Of
 Ben Slutsky by Lois & Stuart Slutsky
 Gertrude Wigler by Barbara
 Benjamin Soskin by Louis Soskin
 Bessie Bryant by Fern & Bernie
 Morris Faigin by Marilyn Kaufman
 Richard Gruskin by Cheryl & Mitch
Karpf & Family
 Florence Vanacour by Amy & Lee
 Marlene Mutzman by Lisa & Marc
 Marvin Crosson by Barbara Crosson
 Max Engelberg by Barbara Crosson
 Martha Weinman by Amy Kobelin
 Joseph Smolowitz by Fern & Robert
 Shirley Sherman by Denise & Mark
 Fred Margolin by Wendie Nemeroff
 Samuel Freedman by Millie Hubnick
 Bernard Hibnick by Millie Hubnick
 Gussie Berman by Roberta &
Tommy Brazeal
 Harry Weissberg by Mike Weissberg
 Viola Pearl by Rona & Gary Hager
 Milton Goodman by Arlene
 Martin Fishbein by Bruce Fishbein
 William Sakolsky by Pam Schepp
 Joel Lundy by Merle & Ed Lundy
 Harry Szajnert by Carlos Szajnert
 Edward D. Kan by Jackie Kan
 Etta Jedel by Jackie Kan
 Tina Frankel by Sondra & Jack
 Bertram Lorber by Rosalie &
Richard Garber
 Leonard Merker by Stu Merker
 Bernard Taub by Ruth Taub &
 Morris Kotek by Meryl & Ross
 Gertrude Ellinsky by Caryn &
Michael Price
 Minna Thierer by The Ast Family
 Bess Thierer by The Ast Family
 Sarah Berkowitz by Sheri & Paul
 Ida Grossman by Sheri Berkowitz
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