Fiji Focus Vol 3 Issue 11
Fiji Focus Vol 3 Issue 11
ROADMAP A LOOK AT ELECTORAL SYSTEMS No.11 FISHY DEAL TOPS AGENDA PERFECT MARRIAGE VENUES PAGE 6 PAGE 4 Vol. 3 ACP MINISTERS MEET FIJI FOCUS TOURISM A BETTER FIJI, FOR YOU PAGE 9 AND FOR ME June 10, 2012 $21million pumps ups agriculture industry !"#$%&'#(#)*%"&+,$$,-,"%&.,"%/%&01#(#$1"1$1&$%%*)&23)*"14#1(&53)#(%))&*67,,(&81(9&:14;%"&1*&<#)&,=>7%&#(&?,@%"($%(*& 03#4-#(9)A&B3@1C& Exciting times ahead: PM PRIME Minister and Minister for Finance, Voreqe Bainimarama has welcomed the recent forecast of the 2.7 per cent growth for the Fijian economy compared to the 2.3 pe rcent growth announced in the 2012 National Budget last year. While meeting with a group of potential investors from Australia this week, PM Bainimarama said that these were exciting times ahead for Fiji particularly with the increase in tourist arrivals. “The recent announcement by the Reserve Bank of Fiji and also the Ministry of Finance is encouraging because it has revealed that Fiji needs more resorts and hotels to cater for the increase in tourists visiting our shores,” the Prime Minister said. He also met with Australian millionaire Lang Walker saying that the increase in tourist arrivals will necessitate the need for more hotels and resorts creating more jobs for the local people in the process. The Ministry of Finance has also revealed that the impact of the two major !""#$%&'$%'()*'+*,(*-%'.$/$,$"%'$,',0"102' fading as the growth rate picked up driven by growth across all sectors. Except for agriculture, both sugar and non-sugar, all 13 of the 14 sectors have performed well as most of the industries that were affected have not been complacent. This has led to the RBF revising an earlier economic growth of 2.3 per cent to 2.7 per cent. “Unlike previous years when some sectors were growing and others weren’t, this year it has been right across,” Finance permanent secretary Filimone Waqabaca said. 345#'$('%"('6**%'7"-'()*'!""#,8'()*%' Fiji would have registered a growth of 3 per cent. It is satisfying to see that despite ()*'!""#,'()*'*9"%":2'15,'"%'()*' rebound, which was partly due to activity generated by the rehabilitation works. The Ministry of Finance has noted that the modest growth anticipated in the tourism sector can be attributed to the recent positive developments such as the construction of the Peppers Naisoso Island Resort, refurbishment of the Grand ;59$<9'4"(*0'5%#'()*'=-"=",*#'.*%5-5>' Casino Resort. By ISAAC LAL GOVERNMENT has paid out more than $21million through the iTaukei Land Trust Board for 75-:*-,'$%'()*'+*,(*-%'.$/$,$"%? This payment is to supplement farmers who lost their crops #>-$%&'()*'-*9*%('!""#? Ministry of Sugar permanent secretary Manasa Vaniqi said Government understood that it would take time for farmers to get the crops back to the quality thus offered to pay their lease money. “This payment has gone directly to the land owners and the amount is a little over $21million,” Vaniqi said. “The payment will ease farmers from worrying about their lease payment and can divert returns from their produce to better livelihoods for their families.” Vaniqi said Government’s 59($"%')5#'%"('"%02'6*%*<(*#'()*' existing farmers but also cleared those lands whose lease was on the verge of expiring. “Now farmers do not have to worry about the expiring of their lease because through this payment, tsome leases have been extended,” he said. The payment of land lease money is apart from the payment Government made to cane farmers in the aftermath of the !""#? “This payment is different from the compensation that Government gave farmers for replanting cane straight after the !""#8@'A-'B5%$C$',5$#? Government compensated each farmer $2,500 per hectare for those who lost their crops while farmers whose crops were partially damaged received $1, 250. Apart from this farmers can loan up to $1,250 interest free. “All these are part of Government efforts to put back the industry on its feet after the natural disaster in January and March,” Vaniqi added. Ministry of Information, National Archives & Library Services of Fiji Civil Service Excellence Award Winner June 10, 2012 1 FIJI FOCUS NEW MEDIA TRENDS THE future role of traditional media against the emerging popularity of social media was widely discussed at the recent Asia Media Summit, held in Bangkok in Thailand. The summit focused on the role of the media SHARON SMITH-JOHNS. PERMANENT SECRETARY in shaping development for Information, National Archives and Library !"#$%%&'()&*%+!&,!"+-"& Services of Fiji region and how critical new media trends are towards this process. Within the process of engaging the media to promote development in the region, one of the key issues that was given prominence by all participants was social media (facebook, twitter, youtube etc). The growing favor of social media as a news medium was widely debated, with special emphasis given to its impact in informing citizens. Panelists at the summit highlighted that while social media can be viewed as an updated news source, the main argument shared by many is the credibility and accuracy that social media sources hold. As the public relations arm of Government, the Ministry of Information continuously looks to social media as a new form of news platform. The ministry now promotes government’s programs through facebook, twitter, youtube and even its own blog. By doing so, we’re able to reach a wider audience and passing on ./0-1')#)23&+04$#5!'+$0&'$&'()&6/71+"8& Business houses and major new organisations also acknowledge the role that social media plays. Here in Fiji, news organisations also promote the use of social media and have established an impressive presence on this emerging news medium. One of the core issues behind social media is becoming responsible and mature with the content that’s made public. Sadly and most times, social media has become the new tool for groups to air their views in a forum, that would never be considered for publication or broadcasting by traditional media outlets. Too often, unregulated content in social media tools have seen discriminatory and grossly inaccurate content shared directly with the public without any editorial or supervisory process. Blogs for example have been allowed to publish articles with either racist or discriminatory connotations. Most of the time, content is either based on hearsay and never substantiated. That’s essentially one of the most important setbacks of social media. All stakeholders at the summit that debated the issue shared the same sentiments; any prominence given to social media MUST involve editorial values and process. Participants at the summit also noted that despite the growing acceptance of social media in today’s society and in the region, the role of traditional media in providing information to a wider audience will always be paramount. For now, we can only encourage that a great degree of responsibility be exercised when using social media as a credible and news worthy source. 2 CORRESPONDENCE ROAD SAFETY Dear Editor I would like to highlight a major issue facing the country today, which is road safety. Many people die every year on Fiji roads, and so many are injured. Road traffic injuries remain a major public health problem and a leading cause of death, injury and disability not only in Fiji but around the world. Road traffic injuries is a major cause of death for people of our young population. Road traffic injuries threaten to hinder achievements in economic and human development and place a heavy burden on a country’s economy as a result of their direct impact on healthcare and rehabilitation services, as well as through indirect costs. They also put considerable financial strain on affected families, who often must absorb medical and rehabilitation costs, funeral costs and such other costs as the lost earnings of the victim, in addition to extensive emotional strain. If we look at this issue sincerely, we are responsible for it and we can control it and even prevent it. I would like to urge everyone to make road safety their responsibility because one day one of the victims can be our beloved ones. Then it will be too late to put a blame on someone else. Joseph Chandra Suva GIRC FEEDBACK Dear Editior I would like to thank Mr Waqa for his concerns raised in the Fiji Focus issue dated May 27, 2012 regarding the exhibitions at the Government Information Referral Centre (GIRC). The exhibitions have been an on going event since 2010 and likewise with publicity in the mainstream media. The GIRC, which is administered by the Public Service Commission, works with the various ministries and departments to promote exhibitions because the services and products offered varies from one ministry to the other. People have the choice to either visit the exhibitions or not. Those who have been able to visit the various exhibitions at GIRC have been given first hand feedback on the types of services available. We have taken note of your suggestion for wider publicity to encourage larger members of the public to visit these informative exhibitions. We will work closely with the exhibiting agencies in this regard. Parmesh Chand Permanent Secretary PSC CIVIL SERVANTS is to ensure that the civil service offers equal opportunity to all, has sufficient number of staff with the right skills to perform the roles expected of them, there is an open and transparent process of recruitment and that the “best and brightest” are recruited and retained in the civil service. I am sure Mr Swamy will agree that the PSC policies and practices for recruitment and retention of staff as articulated above is not in disharmony with what he has suggested in his article. Parmesh Chand Permanent Secretary PSC FIJIWOOD DANCE Dear Editor I would like to thank the organisers of the Film Fiji dance competition for the workshop on the Fijiwood dance competition in Suva, It was a really great opportunity for students to get to learn the different forms of dances. We had a great day. The session was very interesting and we had group work, which really helped to grasp the concepts taught. So Film Fiji formerly known as Fiji AudioVisual Commission (FAVC); thank you for the organization. The weather was not on our side but the sessions were just too good. Thank you for organizing such activities which helps to enrich the lives of students. Sanjani Naicker Samabula EDUCATION ASSISTANCE Dear Editor THE parents are being assisted but I think this is not enough. We are being helped in the form of tuition fees and bus fare coupons and there is the food vouchers which helps the students. But I think there should be more help in terms of tuition fees. Some students are still being sent home by schools because parents have problems paying fees. I thought there was an understanding that amicable solutions be sought and students not be sent home. Unfortunately this does not happen. So where is Pillar 9 of the People’s Charter for Change, Peace and Progress that aims to make Fiji a Knowledge Based Society and development goal of Education for All. The two objectives are not in a symbiotic relationship. Timoci Savou Nadi SCHOOL EXCURSIONS FIRST of all I would like to thank Mr Swamy for his useful comments and suggestions in the Fiji Focus issue dated May 27, 2012. You will be aware that appointments and promotions in the Civil Service are now based on three year contracts. The extension of contracts for further periods is based on mutual consent and performance. The Public Service Commission has recently also reviewed and revamped the minimum qualification requirements for entry into and promotions in the Civil Service. The main thrust of our recruitment policy Dear Editor Dear Editor I am sure many of us have been saddened by another life lost during an school excursion trip. A family is mourning the loss of one of its members – a young boy from whom they had so many expectations. Whose fault was it ? We are pointing a finger at one person or the other ,but while the person who is at fault should be taken to task it is very important to realize that we need to take all precautions. We need to educate the young people about water safety. We are surrounded by the sea and it is important to understand the basics of Publisher: Sharon SmithJohns. Editors: Prakash Narayan/Dan Gavidi. Subeditors: Percy Kean, Joni Vatuvatu (Vernacular/Advertising) Printer: The Fiji Sun Josateki Davui Labasa AFFORDABLE HOUSING Dear Editor water safety and should be drilled into the minds of the young people. It should be every one’s responsibility that we take ownership of things like water safety so that innocent lives are not lost. In the final analysis it is the Ministry of Education and the school that are responsible and accountable for this incident. A lot is being said about providing housing for the people of Fiji. Some experts define affordable housing as housing that consumes 30 per cent or less of a household’s income For wealthier and even notsowealthy Fijians, affordable housing may hardly be a concern at all. Home owners may not think much about renters. Renters living comfortably may not think much about those barely making ends meet. It’s a natural human tendency to pay most attention to issues which are immediate and which affect us personally; affordable housing issues may not qualify on either count. The problems of those without affordable housing may seem far away. But there are several reasons to be concerned about affordable housing. Primary among these are moral; first among those may be the simple belief that everyone should be able to afford a decent place to live The Government is doing well in terms of providing for the poor in Fiji. A lot is being discussed in the community regarding what the present Government is doing in terms of housing. No matter what it is evident that there are plans in place to make sure that people benefit from the housing program. The country must allow for people to have a good standard of living and having a decent home should be prioritized. The housing agencies such as Housing Authority should take this on board and accelerate the housing development in Fiji. Sashi Singh Vaileka INSPIRATIONAL PS Dear Editor Im inspired by the words of the permanent secretary of the Public Service . It is indeed humbling to note the trying times he went through but as always perseverance and hardwork a key ingredient to success. No matter what we do the end result of hard work is always success. I always follow this column well and look forward to a new perspective of a person in terms of how he or she deals with the challenges. One good thing he is portraying for healthy living in terms of giving due importance to free time and leading an active life. And what a catch! You seem to set priorities and are always determined to achieve them to the maximum possible which is one good thing I have learnt from you. In all I very much like the quote that is a guide to your successful career and a lesson to all “Simple living ,high thinking.” Anuradha Singh Nasinu If you have comments or suggestions about government issues please send your letters to: The Editor, Fiji Focus, P.O. Box 2225, Government Buildings, Suva or email to June 10, 2012 NATIONAL NEWS FIJI FOCUS Dump rehabilitation There are plans to establish sport facilities and cultural events P4Q'.*=5-(:*%('"7'Q%/$-"%:*%(' together with the European Union announced the completion of rehabilitation works at the old Lami dump site. Rehabilitation of the Lami waste 05%#<00'15,'7>%#*#'62'()*'QT'1)$9)' began in 2009. The work included leveling of waste, slope protection using ,"$0'<00*#'&*"'9*00,'5%#'5-:">-'-"9K,' and a cover up of the site with soil to ensure vegetation growth. The dump site which closed in 2005 had serious environmental risks for residents of both Lami and Suva. .>-$%&'()*'-*)56$0$(5($"%8'0*59)5(*''' leaked into the marine environment and polluted both water and sediments, and in the process negatively impacting the surrounding environment and ecosystem. The Lami site is also located in a residential area where children usually swim and play which enhanced the need to mitigate and address these issues. I':5M"-'<-*'1)$9)'*:$((*#')$&)02' toxic smoke broke out at the site in July 2005 which saw the closure of the site and the need to rehabilitate. The .*=5-(:*%('"7'Q%/$-"%:*%('#$-*9("-' J"=*'.5/*(5%$/50>',5$#'()*-*'1*-*' concerns on greenhouse gases contained in the site which is now minimal. “We are also working on the rehabilitation of the ongoing Vunato dump site in Lautoka funded by JICA and there are plans after the submission of 2013 capital budget to focus on rehabilitation of Labasa and Savusavu #>:=8@'A-'.5/*(5%$/50>',5$#? “There are plans to establish sport facilities and cultural events for future developments at the site. The department had recently launched the “No Plastic” campaign for hotels and supermarkets to switch from plastics to bags for their daily shopping needs. Consumers are encouraged to use bags in an effort to reduce the usage of plastics that has negative impact on the environment. The Fijian Government is committed to waste management in Fiji with initiatives already in place such as the 3R project (reduce, reuse, recycle) =$0"(*#'$%'()*'+*,(*-%'.$/$,$"%?' Ready for harvest P4Q'R$M$'D>&5-'O"-="-5($"%'$,'9"%<#*%('()5('()*'S5/"' Railway Bridge, which is under construction, will be ready by the time crushing season begins. And FSC has told farmers between Sigatoka and Nadi not to worry about transportation of their cane to the N5>("K5':$00?'P)*'6-$#&*'15,'15,)*#'5152'62'!""#' waters in March but work has been progressing well. FSC executive chairman Abdul Khan anticipates works to be completed before the crushing season begins later this month. “Navo Bridge is not an issue because we have contractors working around the clock to make sure the bridge is ready before crushing begins,” Mr Khan said. “Should there be a delay, farmers may be subsidized for transporting of their cane to the mill in Lautoka.” Transportation of cane falls under the FSC, however Government is mindful of the damage FSC went through 6*95>,*'"7'-*9*%('!""#$%&? Permanent secretary for sugar, Manasa Vaniqi said there was a provision for subsidy of farmers under the (FSC) Master Plan. “Government is concerned but farmers will be compensated should they use the road, which is an expensive alternative,” Mr Vaniqi said. Casino impacts CABINET will receive submissions from various groups that are studying the impacts of locals having access to casino facilities in the country. One of the arguments that have been presented to Government is both the social and economic impacts of casinos for locals. Ministry of Tourism permanent secretary Elizabeth Powell said the decision by Government to grant a casino license to an overseas investor was done after thorough consultations and negotiations. “A lot has been said about local access to the casino. There has been consultations going on in our societies and we have people studying the different cultures and religious beliefs, on local access to the casinos,” Ms Powell said. “The decision will soon be announced once Cabinet makes its decision based on the submissions by the group that is currently carrying out these studies.” People have their say! Eta Tabua Nasese 9./&-#+&#($27#)1$10.73)$%&$1,&#($ .#$(0&$0&"3(0$1&!(.-5$:"#;$,&.,3&$ "-&$#.($"%3&$(.$,";$2.-$&<,*/&$ 17-4&-*&1$"#)$(0&;$).#=($0"/&$ 2"+*3;$17,,.-($"1$>&335$9./&-#+&#($ 10.73)$"33.!"(&$1.$)*1")/"#("4&)$ !.++7#*(*&1$4&($4..)$0&"3(0$!"-&5 June 10, 2012 BRIEFLY HEALTHY SOCIETY PARTICIPANTS at a Health B6$D,)#3$&F%"%&*,4-&*<%&'#(#)*"6& ,=&G-371*#,(&<1)&#(&#*)&73""#7343$C the Health Promoting School (HPS) 7,(7%D*&F<%"%&7<#4-"%(&)*3-6&15,3*& 9,,-&<%14*<&D"17*#7%)C&H<#)&=,44,F)& "%@%41*#,()&*<1*&I,(J+,$$3(#7154%& K#)%1)%)&<1@%&5%7,$%&1(&#))3%& ,=&9"1@%&7,(7%"(&#(&*<%&!17#>7&1)& LM&D%"&7%(*&,=&1-34*&-%1*<&#(&*<%& region is NCD related and it has 1&9"%1*&#$D17*&,(&*<%&<%14*<&,=& *<%&D",-37*#@%&!17#>7&D,D341*#,(C& '#(#)*"6&,=&G-371*#,(&17*#(9&-%D3*6& secretary Education Nemani K",@1&)1#-&*<%&N!B&7,(7%D*&<1)& *<%&D,*%(*#14&,=&"%17<#(9&144&*<%& D"#$1"6&)*3-%(*)&#(&O#P#C&H<%&$1P,"& D,)#*#@%&#$D17*)&,=&*<%&N!B&1"%& *<%&D",$,*#,(&,=&<%14*<6&=,,-)& 7,()3$D*#,(&56&7<#4-"%(&#(&)7<,,4)& and banning the sale of unhealthy =,,-)&#(&)7<,,4&71(*%%()C&QR3"& -"%1$&#)&*,&%SD1(-&*<%&N!B& 7,(7%D*&*,&144&*<%&TLM&)%7,(-1"6& )7<,,4)&1(-&144&*<%&LUM&D"#$1"6& )7<,,4)AV&'"&K",@1&)1#-C TAKE CONTROL :,";%")&1*&*<%&I1@,&OB+&W1#4F16&0"#-9%&P3)*&,3*)#-%&I1-#&H,F( 1504 recipients appeal cases THE Appeals Panel administered by ()*'D"9$50'+*075-*'.*=5-(:*%(')5,' 9"%<-:*#'()5('5'("(50'"7'EFGH',"9$50' welfare recipients whose cases were #$,C>50$<*#'>%#*-'()*',"9$50'1*075-*' review have written to the Appeals Panel for reconsideration of their cases. Minister of Social Welfare, Women 5%#';"/*-(2'I00*/$5($"%'.-'J$K"' Luveni reiterated that the review exercise is continuing in all the divisions and is important in ensuring that only those who qualify deserve to be assisted by social welfare. “The review exercise is ongoing; it’s part of the process and will 6*'759("-*#'$%'()*'.*=5-(:*%(L,' Standard Operating Procedures. Those recipients whose cases have been #$,C>50$<*#'95%'1-$(*'("'()*'I==*50,' ;5%*0'7"-'905-$<95($"%'"%'()*$-'95,*,?' They need to understand the reason 7"-'#$,C>50$<95($"%'"7'()*$-'95,*,'5%#' $7'()*2'()$%K'$('$,'%"('M>,($<*#'()*%'()*2' 9">0#'5==*50@8'.-'N>/*%$',5$#?' Recent statistics from the social 1*075-*'#*=5-(:*%('9"%<-:,'()5('("' date a total of 2782 cases has been #$,C>50$<*#'5%#'">('"7'1)$9)'EFGH' recipients have appealed for continuity "7',"9$50'1*075-*'5,,$,(5%9*?'.-'N>/*%$' has reminded that those appealing to the Appeals Panel should submit required documents for evidence. “There are cases when recipients write to the Appeals Panel but they don’t submit enough information and evidence needed by the Appeals Panel. For example, some claim to be sickly but there is no medical evidence provided to prove this, others request to have the assistance re-instated but give no reason and in some cases there are no addresses or no contact. “In such cases we would have to get ">-'<*0#'"7<9*-,'("'$%/*,($&5(*8'95--2' out case work and then submit reports to enable the Panel to decide on their cases. Recipients are reminded to submit proper documents like Birth O*-($<95(*,8',9)""0'0*((*-,8':*#$950' reports and as well as their contact details,” she said. .-'N>/*%$'5##*#')*-'A$%$,(-2')5,' also partnered with corporate bodies to provide training and employment opportunities for able bodied recipients. “Single mothers now have the chance to be trained at the Sewing Centre in Suva and given our partnership with garment industries, women can be employed in the garment factories or they can also be assisted to operate their own income generating programs.” HIS Excellency the President of O#P#A&W1*3&GD%4#&I1#41*#;13&<1)&3"9%-& )*3-%(*)&*,&X*1;%&7,(*",4&1(-&1@,#-& %1"46&)%SYC&N#)&1-@#)%&71$%&1*&*<%& 413(7<&,=&NZ.[2ZKB&1F1"%(%))& F%%;&1*&'1<1*$1&?1(-<#&'%$,"#14& B7<,,4C&B#(7%&*<%&>")*&=,3"&"%D,"*%-& 71)%)&,=&NZ.[2ZKB&#(&T\]\A&M^&(%F& 71)%)&<1@%&5%%(&"%D,"*%-&#(&_`TTC& 2)&,=&(,FA&O#P#&<1)&^_`&7,(>"$%-& 71)%)&,=&NZ.C&Z(&_``LA&_M\&71)%)& F%"%&"%D,"*%-C&&2*&D"%)%(*&'1"7<& _`T_A&=%F%"&*<1(&T``&NZ.&D,)#*#@%& 71)%)&1"%&#(&7,(*17*&F#*<&<%14*<& 71"%&)%"@#7%)C& Q!%,D4%&,(&NZ.& treatment altogether are 66 from *<%&41)*&7,3(*C&H"%1*$%(*&#)&-,(%& #(&<35&7%(*"%)&#(&&B3@1A&813*,;1& 1(-&8151)1C&0%*F%%(&_``T&*,&_``\A& *<%"%&<1)&5%%(&_`&D%"&7%(*&-%7"%1)%& #(&(%F&NZ.&#(=%7*#,()AV&W1*3&GD%4#& )1#-C& FIJIPNG TRADE ZI&@#%F&,=&*<%&#(*%"%)*&O#P#1(& 53)#(%))%)&<1@%&)<,F(A& Z(@%)*$%(*&O#P#&#(&7,()34*1*#,(&F#*<& *<%&O#P#J!1D31&I%F&?3#(%1&+,3(7#4& #)&D41((#(9&*,&<%1-&1&*"1-%&1(-& #(@%)*$%(*&$#))#,(&*,&!I?&41*%"& *<#)&6%1"C&&Z(@%)*$%(*&O#P#&7<#%=& %S%73*#@%&,=>7%"A&W1@3(#&a43#41;%51& said as secretariat for the council <%&1(*#7#D1*%-&*,&17<#%@%&1&4,*& *<",39<&*<#)&D1"*#7#D1*#,(C& QZ*&#)&/3#*%&%@#-%(*&*<1*&!I?& <1)&1&4,*&*,&,==%"&O#P#&1(-&"1"%& ,DD,"*3(#*#%)&4#;%&*<#)&)<,34-&5%& fully utilized by those interested,” '"&a43#41;%51&)1#-C&QH,9%*<%"&F#*<& 0B!&F%&,"91(#)%-&1&43(7<%,(& *,&"%@#)#*&*<%&*"1-%&,DD,"*3(#*#%)& 1@1#4154%&#(&!1D31&I%F&?3(#%1&1(-& 4,,;&1*&F16)&,=&)*"%(9*<%(#(9&*#%)& 5%*F%%(&*<%&*F,&7,3(*"#%)CV :<1*&-,&6,3&*<#(;&534;&,=&9,@%"($%(*&=3(-)&)<,34-&5%&)D%(*&,(&E Tamalesi Vulitale Nasese More should be spent on social welfare so that the poor !"#$%&#&'($"#)$*+,-./&$(0&*-$ 1("#)"-)$.2$3*/*#45$67-$1&#*.-$ !*(*8$"#)$1*#43&$+.(0&-1$ #&&)$+.-&$'#"#!*"3$17,,.-(5 Vincent Vinod Ram Labasa Rafael Kamal Nasinu :.1($.2$A*B*=1$,.,73"(*.#$3*/&$ *#$,./&-(;$1.$+.-&$+.#&;$ 10.73)$%&$4*/&#$(.>"-)1$ C.!*"3$D&32"-&$,-.4-"+15$?(=1$ /&-;$0"-)$(.$'#)$&+,3.;+&#($ (0&1&$)";15$C.$>0&-&$>*33$(0&$ ,..-$,&.,3&$4.E ?2$+.-&$*1$1,&#($.#$ *#2-"1(-7!(7-&$)&/&3.,+&#(@$ then all the sectors will see *+,-./&+&#($"#)$.7-$,&.,3&$ >*33$"31.$4&($&+,3.;+&#(5$ Sikeli Tuinasauvuki Rewa Jale Tupou Suva :.-&$27#)1$10.73)$%&$4*/&#$(.$ :.-&$+.#&;$10.73)$%&$1&($ !-&"(&$B.%1$2.-$.7-$,&.,3&5$F*40($ "1*)&$2.-$-7-"3$)&/&3.,+&#($ 1.$,&.,3&$1(";$*#$/*33"4&1$"#)$ #.>@$.7-$9./&-#+&#($*1$1,&#)*#4$ *+,-./&$(0&*-$3*/*#4$1("#)"-)15$ +.#&;$(.$0&3,$,&.,3&$*#$&)7!"(*.#5$ But what would be the use of We would also cut down on ,&.,3&$"(("*#*#4$G7"3*'!"(*.#1$*2$ rural to urban drift if the (0&-&$"-&$#.$B.%15$ -7-"3$"-&"1$"-&$)&/&3.,&)5 3 FIJI FOCUS Review of issues and challenges IN our last issue in Chapter One we looked at the vision mission and guiding principles of our Roadmap with its startegic policy direction.For Chapter 2 we begin with Good Governance. .*(*-$"-5($%&'&"/*-%5%9*')5,' been a major problem in Fiji since Independence. An electoral system that is race-based, the lack of accountability, $%*7<9$*%(',*-/$9*'#*0$/*-2'()-">&)">(' the public sector and a weak national security framework have all contributed to political instability, the cycle of coups, and a general lack of =>60$9'9"%<#*%9*'$%'()*',2,(*:'"7' Government. The vast majority of the population desperately want to see Fiji put an end to the cycle of coups. A wide -5%&*'"7'759("-,')5/*'6**%'$#*%($<*#' as contributing to the coups in their own different ways from the complex relationship between ethnicity and politics, which has led to tension and political instability to socio- economic conditions giving rise to political grievances. Weak and unjust systems of governance including the role of the :$0$(5-2')5/*'50,"')*$&)(*%*#'9"%!$9(' as have other sources of power in Fiji, traditional leadership arrangements, such as the churches and the media. There is a need to entrench a culture of democratic good governance such that it becomes the dominant political thinking and behaviour of the people of Fiji. Principles of good governance need to be applied to both the formal governance framework and the institutions within it, and to how the country is governed on a daily basis in terms of policy formulation and decision-making. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the ;59$<9'UQDOI;V8'5%#',*/*-50'"()*-' UN bodies describe good governance as having eight major characteristics. It is participatory, consensus- oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, *77*9($/*'5%#'*7<9$*%(8'*C>$(560*'5%#' inclusive, and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimised; the views of minorities are taken into account; and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society. A number of indicators have been constructed to measure various aspects of Government activities and governance quality. These include the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI), the T%$/*-,$(2'"7'()*'D">()';59$<9W,' Composite Governance Index and P-5%,=5-*%92'X%(*-%5($"%50W,'O"-->=($"%' Perception Index. The WGI measures six aggregate governance indicators: (i) Voice and Accountability; (ii) Political Stability and Absence of Violence; (iii) Government Effectiveness; (iv) Regulatory Quality; (v) Rule of Law; and (vi) Control of Corruption. The 2009 WGI survey (Table 2.1) ,)"1*#'()5('R$M$W,'=*-9*%($0*' -5%K' )5,'1"-,*%*#'7"-'500'</*''#$:*%,$"%,'"7' Table 2.1: Five Year Comparison of WGIs (Percentile Rank 0-100) Governance 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Indicator Voice and 51.4 56.7 27.9 35.6 29.3 28.4 Accountability Political Stability 57.7 59.6 44.2 45.2 41.1 36.8 Government 37.9 55.5 53.1 37 16.1 17.6 Effectiveness RegulatoryQuality 24.4 39.5 36.1 33.5 24.6 20.0 Rule of Law 51 51.9 52.4 33.8 35.9 24.1 Control of Corruption55.3 35.4 44.7 44.9 46.4 25.7 governance. Very low percentile ranks continue to be recorded for Government effectiveness, regulatory quality, voice and accountability, the rule of law and control of corruption indices. Generally, since 2004 most of the indicators have gradually worsened, with all falling below the 50th percentile rank. In comparison, Fiji now ranks well below Samoa, Vanuatu, American Samoa, Kiribati and Tuvalu in almost all governance indicators. 2.1.1 Constitution On 10 April 2009 His Excellency the President abrogated the 1997 Constitution to allow the Government to implement the reforms aimed at entrenching a culture of equal opportunity as envisaged under The Peoples Charter. The State is now re-established under Presidential .*9-**Y,Z8'1)$9)'9"%($%>*,'("'-*,=*9(' the independence of the judiciary and accountability institutions and the operation of other key arms of the State, except for Parliament. The adoption of a new Constitution is now a major priority for Government. Any new Constitution will of course have to recognise the basic constitutional principles, which have existed in Fiji since Independence such as sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, the separation of powers and the protection of basic human rights under a Bill of Rights and supremacy of the rule of law. Government will also ensure that the underlying principles of The Peoples Charter, in particular the principle of equal opportunity and equality under the law for all citizens regardless of race, gender or circumstance in all areas of Government and society are also recognised. P"'*%,>-*'=>60$9'9"%<#*%9*'()*'%*1' Constitution is likely to retain many of the non-contentious provisions of the 1997 Constitution and will incorporate major reforms proposed under The Peoples Charter including: !i. adoption of an Open List Proportional Representation electoral and voting system; It assures that corruption is minimised; the views of minorities are taken into account; and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decisionmaking. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society. !5#"=($"%'"7'()*'9"::"%'%5:*' Fijian for all citizens and to change the "7<9$50'%5:*'"7'()*'9">%(-2'("'R$M$ !iii. provision that no coup can abrogate the Constitution; !iv. enhancing and clarifying the -"0*'"7'()*':$0$(5-2'5%#'()*'9">%(-2W,' national security framework; !v.stronger protection for the application of the Bill of Rights such as adoption of Convention for the Elimination of all forms of .$,9-$:$%5($"%'I&5$%,('+":*%' UOQ.I+V'#*<%$($"%,'7"-'#$,9-$:$%5($"%' against women and the girl-child; and !vi. proposals to strengthen the operation of State services and the accountability framework. O#P#&71((,*&%$D4,6&%4%7*,"14&1""1(9%$%(*)&*<1*&@#,41*%&-%$,7"1*#7&D"#(7#D4%) IN Chapter 2.1.2 we look at : The Electoral and Parliamentary System R$M$W,',$%&0*':*:6*-'U:5M"-$(2V'*0*9("-50',2,(*:' has been in place since Independence in 1970 and has always provided for communal representation. In 1990, the system was altered to guarantee i-Taukei control of the House of Representatives. General Election in Fiji between 1972 and 1994 were conducted under the First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) electoral system. In 1996, the system was subjected to extensive review as part of the overall review of the 1990 Constitution by the Reeves Commission. In 1998, based on recommendations made by the Reeves Commission and also the Parliamentary Select Committee, the electoral system was changed to implement the Alternative Vote (AV) system. None of the three general elections (1999, 2001, 2006) held under the AV system have been fair. They have all yielded highly distorted results where certain parties win far too many seats considering their support, while others languish with few or no seats even with reasonable support. If Fiji wants to be a genuine democracy, it cannot employ electoral arrangements that violate democratic principles. +)$0*'R$M$W,'="0$($950'=-"60*:,'95%%"('500'6*'05$#' at the door of the present electoral system, there is no doubt that it has had seriously negative effects "%'R$M$W,'="0$($950'0$7*?'I99"-#$%&'("'()*'[**/*,' Constitution Review Report, race-based politics have become inevitable in Fiji as a direct result of communal voting and representation in Parliament. Furthermore, the 2008 Peoples Charter for Change, Peace and Progress, State of the Nation and Economy (PCCPP & SNE) report noted that this system has directly contributed to the political instability leading to the coups and at times the complete breakdown of law and order. The communal voting and representation system ,*('">('>%#*-'()*'E\\]'O"%,($(>($"%'$,'!51*#'$%'5' number of areas because: ! It does not conform to the United Nations .*905-5($"%'"%'4>:5%'[$&)(,'5%#'()*'O"%/*%($"%' for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial .$,9-$:$%5($"%^ ! It has led to political instability. The complex 4 G4%7*,"14&W%=,"$)&D%"$1(%(*&)%7"%*1"6&'%"%,(#&.3(#F1/1&9#@%)&1(&3D-1*%&,(& @,*%"&"%9#)*"1*#,(&7%(*"%)&,(&.#*#&8%@3&-3"#(9&1&5"#%>(9&1*&*<%&G4%7*#,()&R=>7%&#(& B3@1C relationship between ethnicity and politics has led ("'(*%,$"%'5%#'9"%(-$6>(*#'("'R$M$W,'9">=,^ ! It has not achieved the objective of drawing the country together or of protecting the interests "7'$#*%($<*#'*()%$9'&-">=,?' In fact, socio-cultural factors and issues relating to identity and culture have become politicised and become the basis for mobilisation; which is one of ()*'9"%(-$6>($%&'759("-,'("'R$M$W,'9">=,^'5%# ! The demographic change whereby the indigenous people now form the majority population does not warrant any special arrangement to protect their interests. Besides the excessive use of communal or reserved representation in violation of basic human rights principles, this electoral and voting system is unfair due to the: " Lack of equal suffrage given the disproportional number of voters between single member constituencies; " Use of preferences producing results that #"'%"('599>-5(*02'-*!*9('()*'1$00'"7'()*'=*"=0*8' as evidenced by the lack of representation for certain political parties who have received a fair =-"="-($"%'"7'<-,('=-*7*-*%9*'/"(*,^ " Communal voting and representation using a single member constituency or majority/plurality electoral system has also made it impossible to encourage a move away from race-based politics 5,'="0$($950'=5-($*,'"%02'%**#'("'5==*50'("',=*9$<9' ethnic interests to secure seats; and " The complexity of the current system requires a high level of literacy, which has led to an unusually high number of invalid votes (9 per cent in 1999, 12 per cent in 2001, and 9 per cent in 2006). Fiji needs an electoral and voting system that :"-*'599>-5(*02'-*!*9(,'()*'1$00'"7'()*'=*"=0*' to enable a government of the people, by the =*"=0*8'7"-'()*'=*"=0*W'65,*#'"%'=-$%9$=0*,'"7' equal suffrage and equal opportunity for all voters regardless of race, gender or circumstance. In the short term, steps will be taken to formulate the appropriate constitutional and legal framework to facilitate the adoption of the 9">%(-2W,'*0*9("-50'5%#'=5-0$5:*%(5-2',2,(*:'>%#*-' the new Constitution. Further ancillary issues to be addressed include: a.the size and composition of Parliament; b. compulsory voting; c. the voting age; d. eligibility of candidates; e. residency restrictions on the right to vote; f. electoral rules and regulations to ensure free and fair elections; and g. strengthening the capacity of electoral administrative bodies. Action will be taken to strengthen the *77*9($/*%*,,'"7'()*'9">%(-2W,'*0*9("-50' administrative bodies and processes to enable the holding of free and fair elections. Measures will be taken to facilitate compliance with the Five Criteria for Ethical Electoral Administration developed by the Institute for .*:"9-592'5%#'Q0*9("-50'I#:$%$,(-5($"%'UX.QIV8' which require electoral administration bodies to: respect the law; be neutral and non-partisan; be transparent; be accurate; and be designed to serve the voters. The continued development of an effective voter registration system is an immediate to short term measure. Furthermore, an ideal organisational ,(->9(>-*'7"-'()*'Q0*9($"%,'_7<9*'1$00'%**#'("'6*'$%' place by 2012 to facilitate preparations for the next General Election in 2014. June 10, 2012 Modest growth will $44%)'&9$$2& impact BY MARICA CAUCAU .QD;XPQ'()*'(*:="-5-2',*(659K' to the Fijian economy, the impact "7'()*'J5%>5-2'5%#'A5-9)'!""#,' experienced in Fiji will be two fold says Ministry of Finance permanent secretary Filimone Waqabaca. “While production in the agriculture sector has been negatively affected, the real impact will be negated by the increased reconstruction and rehabilitation activities,” Mr Waqabaca said. The Reserve Bank of Fiji also noted in its recent revised economic projections that subsequent rehabilitation and reconstruction work and the construction of a major road project in Vanua Levu should boost construction activity while stimulatory measures from the 2012 National Budget through lower taxes, higher wages and salaries should support more positive contributions from the various sectors. RBF Governor, Barry Whiteside said the offset by improved projections for other sectors include manufacturing (particularly non food), forestry, which is forecast to gain from pine chipping operations $%'+5$-$K$'()$,'2*5-'5%#'()*'<,)*-$*,' industry which faces high demand for tuna, canning, loin and other 9"::*-9$50'<,)$%&'95(*&"-$*,? “Mining and quarrying will see new bauxite production and communications which has 6*%*<(*#'7-":'0"1*-'$%#>,(-2'5%#' operational costs,” Mr Whiteside said. The tourism sector is also anticipated to achieve modest growth this year. Some recent positive tourism developments noted by Government include the construction of the Peppers Naisoso Apartments, the -*7>-6$,):*%('"7'()*'`-5%#';59$<9' 4"(*0'5%#'()*'=-"=",*#'.*%5-5>' Casino Resort. RBF has also noted that the Fijian economy is anticipated to pick up further this year with the current accommodative monetary policy stance and other measures put in place to boost growth. FIJI FOCUS 56/,*)&4#1+-/&1+&*7321*+26 BY PRASHILA DEVI THE Financial Management Information System (FMIS) has brought about "=*-5($"%50'*7<9$*%9$*,'5%#'5':5-K*#' improvement in the way Government operates. The FMIS, which is part of the Financial Management Reforms (FMR)one of the three public sector reforms, is now in use by all agencies across Government. This means that Government has done away with the old manual system of payment. The relevant agency, the Ministry of Finance that is responsible in implementing FMR is quite vigilant in keeping up with the advancement in the information technology sector thus has two comprehensive training phases in a year. Finance permanent secretary Filimone Waqabaca, said a quality assurance exercise was carried out soon after implementation of FMIS, especially to gauge the use of the various applications to see how well the users were adapting to the system. Based on the results of this exercise, future training programs will be developed to address the needs of the users, Mr Waqabaca said. Another core function of the FMIS is that it prevents Ministries from over spending or busting their budgets as it indicates to them the funds that are at their disposal. Some other functions of FMIS are: ! Compliance with FMR policies ! A single FMIS database giving visibility of detailed and consolidated <%5%9$50'$%7"-:5($"%' ! Reduced manual processing ! Accurate and timely recording of commitments (Fund Accounting) to prevent overspending of budgets ! Quality, accurate and timely reporting ! Portability of staff across departments within Government resulting in reduced training costs and improved knowledge In 2010 the system was upgraded to version 4.0 due to additional enhancement to some of the modules. FMIS is one of the four components of FMR, the other three being the Legislation, Performance Budgeting and Change management. Agencies pilot new mode of payment Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama at the granting of casino lincence to One Hundred B1(-)C&W%=3"5#)<$%(*&,=&?"1(-&!17#>7&N,*%4&1(-&*<%&D",D,)%-&K%(1"13&+1)#(,&W%),"*& 1"%&"%7%(*&D,)#*#@%&*,3"#)$&-%@%4,D$%(*)C ?,@%"($%(*&1-,D*)&D"3-%(*&>)714&$%1)3"%) TO facilitate macro-economic stability in the country, Government )5,'5#"=(*#'=->#*%('<,950',(-5(*&$*,' aimed at fostering sustainable growth and investments, as well as policies &*5-*#'("15-#,'59)$*/$%&'<,950' sustainability. Ministry of Finance permanent secretary Filimone Waqabaca ,52,'()*'5#"=($"%'"7'=->#*%('<,950' strategies is further enhanced through the commitment of resources to key sectors and industries that can generate quick returns. The key sectors and industries include infrastructure, health and education while at the same time, increasing the proportion of capital expenditure in the budget. “Greater emphasis is placed on fast tracking key reforms to dismantle inherent bottle necks and boost prospects for investments,” Mr Waqabaca said. “In addition, Government will continue to provide the enabling infrastructure and environment to generate new economic activity and investment.” The socio-economic progress of the nation is also dependent on how the domestic and external challenges are managed in partnership with the private sector. Government’s Roadmap stipulates that in order for the nation to enjoy macro-economic stability and &-"1()8'$%!5($"%':>,('6*'=-"c actively managed through the use "7'<,950'="0$92'$%':5%5&$%&'6>#&*(' #*<9$(,8':"%*(5-2'5%#'$%(*-*,('-5(*,? D$&%$<95%(028'()*'[*,*-/*'a5%K' of Fiji in its monthly board meeting at the end of last month, agreed to maintain the current Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) at 0.5 per cent. RBF Governor, Barry Whiteside said maintaining a low policy rate was aimed at signalling lower interest rates in the market, particularly lending rates to stimulate lending and growth in priority sectors of the economy. “Strengthening the current economic recovery is critical in view of ongoing risks to our external stability and vulnerabilities the economy faces.” THE Electronic Funds Transfer will be rolling out to other government agencies soon with the Ministry of Youth and Sports to go online later this month. And preliminary works are underway with the .*=5-(:*%('"7';-$,"%,'5%#'`"/*-%:*%(';-$%($%&' as the Ministry of Finance, which is piloting the initiative, moves towards EFT as Government’s mode of payment. Ministry of Finance permanent secretary R$0$:"%*'+5C56595',5$#'6*%*<(,'"7'()*'QRP'#$-*9(02' 0*#'("'"=*-5($"%50'*7<9$*%92'5%#'5'-*#>9($"%'$%'9",(' including bank fees and charges. The EFT will eliminate the need to issue cheques to vendors whereby funds will be directly transferred from the ministry’s drawings account to the vendors’ bank accounts. “There has also been a reduction in the number "7'(-5%,59($"%,'=",(*#'$%'()*'.-51$%&,'I99">%('5%#' will over a period of time virtually eliminate the problems associated with maintaining and carrying forward a large number or amount of un-presented cheques,” Mr Waqabaca said. However, like any other innovative programs there are some teething problems and the EFT 0$K*1$,*'1$00'%**#'5'6$(':"-*'(1$(9)$%&'("'<%*c(>%*' it to meet the goals expected. “One of the core tasks prior to implementation $,'>=#5($%&'"7'/*%#"-'<0*,'"%'()*'R$%5%9$50' Management Information System,” he said. “This entails obtaining bank account details and P5d'X#*%($<95($"%'S>:6*-,'UPXSV'7"-'500'/*%#"-,8' which can run into thousands for some agencies.” Mr Waqabaca said this was a tedious exercise and obviously takes time leading to delays but the ministry was working tirelessly with nominated agencies towards implementation of EFT. Currently, EFT transactions can only take place with agencies maintaining drawings accounts with Westpac Bank and Australia and New Zealand Bank (ANZ) but plans are afoot to extend this service to a5%K'"7'()*'D">()';59$<9'9>,(":*-,'5,',""%'5,'()*' 65%K'9"%<-:,'()*$-'56$0$(2'("'=-"/$#*'()$,'759$0$(2?'' !"#$%&'()*+&,$"-.,&.('&,(&/*,&"0&)12#(3+$+2*&4"/1+*//*/ By ANSHOO CHANDRA W%D"%)%(*1*#@%)&=",$&*<%&:,$%(&W%),3"7%&+%(*"%)& 1**%(-&*<%&F,";)<,D&*,&%-371*%&*<%$&,(&)*1"*#(9& $#7",J53)#(%))%)&#(&*<%#"&,F(&7,$$3(#*#%)C June 10, 2012 3`QPPXS`':"-*'1":*%'$%("'=-"<(560*' income generating is one of the key strategies to alleviating poverty says Minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty I00*/$5($"%'.-'J$K"'N>/*%$? Through the Women’s Plan of Action (WPA) 2010 to 2019, her ministry’s target for this year is to develop 10 Virgin Coconut Oil and 10 poultry projects. Given that women comprise 49 per cent of Fiji’s total population, the Government in partnership with private sectors is promoting women into sustainable income generating projects with the aim to improve livelihoods and alleviate poverty. Ministry of Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation in collaboration with ()*'D">()';59$<9'a>,$%*,,'.*/*0"=:*%(' UD;a.V'A$9-"<%5%9*'R$M$'N$:$(*#'759$0$(5(*#' a workshop to educate rural women on accessing loans, savings, insurance and starting small businesses. About 20 women from Women Resources Centres in Taveuni, Lau, Tailevu, and Tamavua were enlightened on how operating "%*L,':$9-"<%5%9*'6>,$%*,,'95%'59(>5002' empower them to build assets, improve their <%5%9$50',(5(>,'5%#',>=="-('()*'*#>95($"%'"7' their children. “Government acknowledges the services "77*-*#'62'D;a.'6*95>,*'$('&-*5(02' complements national vision of economically *:="1*-$%&'()*'#$,5#/5%(5&*#'1":*%8@'.-' Luveni said. D;a.'&*%*-50':5%5&*-'Q0-$9"'A>%"b' revealed that rural areas had lot of economic opportunities for women yet remained )$##*%'6*95>,*'"7'()*'059K'"7'9"%<#*%9*'5%#' knowledge to utilise resources and skills. “We have assisted more than 3500 women and recently about 500 women in Sigatoka so around 4000 women entrepreneurs have been assisted through micro-loans, totaling more than $2.5 million, particularly those in the rural areas,” Mr Munoz said. “We have assisted these unemployed women both individually and in groups to ,*('>=':$9-"<%5%9*'6>,$%*,,*,'0$K*'95%(**%,8' 6*5>(2',50"%,8')5%#$9-57(,8'<,)$%&8'=">0(-28' sewing and cash crop farming to name a few. “They can start with business loans as little as $250 that goes up to $5000 and are given maximum of 52 weeks to repay these loans,” Mr Munoz added. The government women resource centres, he said could be developed as the focal point to coordinate income generating projects for women in rural communities. ."$'+":*%L,'O*%(-*'$%'N5>'-*=-*,*%(5($/*' A*-*'a50*$/50*',5$#8'3P)$,'$,'()*'<-,('($:*' for us women to learn about the steps for starting small business which can be operated from our villages. “Now that we have the information we can 9"%<#*%(02'&"'659K'("'">-'1":*%L,'&-">=' 5%#'#-51'>='=05%,'"%'599*,,$%&':$9-"<%5%9*' services to expand our handicraft and agricultural resource.” 5 FIJI FOCUS Ideal marriage in paradise BY SOLO LEWANAVANUA P4Q'*d"($9'*%/$-"%:*%('059*#'1$()'6*5>(2'5%#' (-5%C>$0$(28'9":6$%*#'("&*()*-'1$()'-$9)'9>0(>-*,8' :5K*'R$M$'6*59)'-*,"-(,'()*':",('6*5>($7>0'"7' 1*##$%&'=059*,?' 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Inset: Beach Front Villa at Fiji Hideaway Netters back calls to “stop violence against women” 2 1 (1) National netball team members, back row, with sponsors representative of LICI Sanjeev Kumar, front row right, and '#()#*"6&,=&B,7#14&:%4=1"%&:,$%(&1(-&!,@%"*6&244%@#1*#,(&D%"$1(%(*&)%7"%*1"6&?,@#(-&B1$#&b1(;&I%*5144&O#P#&D1*",(& Mary Bainimarama. (2) CEDAW ambassador Taraima Mitchell congratulated by Mrs Bainimarama and Mr Sami. BY SOLO LEWANAVANUA P4Q[Q'$,'%"'6*((*-'152'("'=-":"(*' *0$:$%5($"%'"7'/$"0*%9*'5&5$%,(' 1":*%'5%#'9)$0#-*%'()5%'62'>,$%&' :*:6*-,'"7'">-'%5($"%50'(*5:,'5,' -"0*':"#*0,? +*',50>(*'S*(6500'R$M$'7"-'$(,'%"60*' $%$($5($/*'("'=5-(%*-'1$()'()*'A$%$,(-2' "7'D"9$50'+*075-*8'+":*%'5%#' ;"/*-(2'I00*/$5($"%'("'9)5:=$"%'()*' 3,("='"%'/$"0*%9*'5&5$%,('1":*%@' 95:=5$&%'5,'$(,'()*:*'7"-'()*'NXOXL,' H()';59$<9'S*(6500'D*-$*,? 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P)*'A$%$,(-2'"7'X%7"-:5($"%' I-9)$/*,'5%#'%5($"%50'N$6-5-2' D*-/$9*,'1$,)'()*'S*(6500'R$M$'1*00' "%'()$,'95:=5$&%'5%#'"7'9">-,*'7"-' ,>99*,,'5('()*'NXOXLD'H()';59$<9' S*(6500'D*-$*,'7-":'J>%*'f]'("'iG? June 10, 2012 FIJI FOCUS I1*#,(14&03-9%*&_`T_&F1)&1&$1P,"&=%1* A major challenge for the Ministry of Finance permanent secretary is to manage unlimited demands against the limited resources at hand. And there is no one who knows this better then the present incumbent to the post, Filimone Waqabaca, who in his short time in the civil service has made “prudent stewardship of Government’s Finance” a possibility. “There are challenges in the role of PS because the demands are never ending, the requests are never ending, we will always need development, we will always need assistance from all of Government and private sector,” he said. Mr Waqabaca, who has not only worked at the national level through his career at the Reserve Bank of Fiji but has had his ,($%('5('()*';59$<9'X,05%#,'R"->:'D*9-*(5-$5(' and International Monetary Fund (IMF) thus covering the region and the world at large, has boosted staff morale through mere presence. On the business end, after seeing the way ()*'a>#&*('.$/$,$"%'("$0*#'#52'5%#'%$&)(' while working on the national budget, he has brought in the one-envelope system whereby a ministry is given an allocation and told to devise their programs in such a way that it <(,'1$()$%'()$,'5:">%(?'A-'+5C56595',5$#' they then thought of what could drive the economy right now and came up with the measures announced in the budget. “I always tell our staff that we are the lubricant that keeps the economy growing because we manage the resources so if we are not doing our role well in properly managing the funds and directing them where they are supposed to be going to sectors that will bring about growth and development,” he said. Waqa 3#)&(+& career path BY PRASHILA DEVI LOOKING at the rather academic Filimone Waqabaca today nobody would believe that he was once very close to an international rugby career. Today, an ardent fan of our boys at all international outings, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance, was given a lifetime opportunity to complete his education in Auckland New Zealand but turned it down. However, this came just as he was about to complete his undergraduate degree in Economics and Management at the University of the South ;59$<9?' “So it was quite a battle, rugby- this is a career and you can go abroad, and then play and then I wanted to work in Fiji,” Mr Waqabaca said. “I think at that time there were some vibes coming through the Reserve Bank of Fiji, that I :$&)('<%#'*:=0"2:*%('5('()*' RBF,” he said.. “So when they (rugby scouts) approached me, I turned it down.” +<#44#(9&,3*&CCC&'"&1(-&'")&:1/15171C He recounts winning the .*5%,'P-"=)2'1)$0*'5',(>#*%('5(' the Ratu Kadavulevu School as one of his memorable moments. Mr Waqabaca was selected in the Fiji Secondary Schools rugby team and played club rugby even during his uni days but this interest dwindled as he got into the university life. However, he picked up his game towards the end of his academic term and played for the Suva team. So when the scouts came, he was torn between the two worlds but eventually decided to pursue his banking career. Life would have been very different for him but as it is, he went on to do his masters in Banking and Finance at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom. Mr Waqabaca seems good at whatever he takes up because when he went into volleyball he represented the country at ()*'D">()';59$<9'`5:*,'5%#' Oceania Games. But today, he seems content with cheering from the sidelines. No substitute for hard work in determination to succeed By PRASHILA DEVI THERE is no substitute for hard work no matter what background you come from. Filimone Waqabaca epitomises this sound fact that he not only imparts to the youths as an advice but also lives by. Selling newspapers to collect money for his school fees from as early as 4am, when most children would be comfortably tucked in bed, and then selling coke bottles for pocket money while at university created a mindset that honed in the determination to succeed. “Turn challenges into opportunities because there is something you can always learn from these challenges,” he says when questioned about the hurdles faced as the permanent secretary of Finance. Mr Waqabaca was born in Labasa but is originally from Moce in Lau, well known for its tapa, and with his mother from Vanuabalavu, he is what you would call “a pure Lauan”. “Most of my time was spent in Viti Levu, so I grew up mainly in the Bronx areas of Fiji,” he said. “I grew up in Raiwaqa, from Raiwaqa my dad was posted to Lautoka, when we moved there we were living June 10, 2012 in Topline, Natokowaqa. They always say these are the rough areas and when I moved back to Suva to do my studies,I stayed in Raiwai.” While he has only one sister, growing up it was always “full house”. His father, one of 11 siblings, came from his village in Moce seeking employment but all his uncles and aunts who remained in the village would send their children to Suva for their was growing up in Raiwaqa to pay for my education given that my father had so many mouths to feed.” “So I would wake up at 4am in the morning to walk to- that time the newspaper were distributed at the bus stop near the four stories in Raiwai.” After collecting his paper from the four storey’s bus stand in Raiwaqa, taking up his Fiji Sun and The Fiji Times, young Filimone would take off, 6>,$%*,,'"-'<%5%9*'()$%K$%&'5('5'/*-2' young age.” He never lost an opportunity in what he today calls “follow the money” and another one of his money making scheme while growing up was to suggest to his mum to make ice-blocks for people after training as his house was right next to basketball court. “So that business acumen carried me through and even when I reached USP The newspapers cost 12 cents at that time, so when we sell the papers, 10 cents goes back to the company and you keep two cents for every paper that you sell. education.“They (the cousins) stayed with us and we would live in a big extended family so he has to take care of all his brothers and sisters children living in Suva apart from the two of us,” Mr Waqabaca said. “So that was quite challenging for dad to look after so many children.” Growing up in the so called rough neighborhoods and living in an extended family, Mr Waqabaca’s business interests were nurtured at a fairly young age with his decision as a child to help with his fees. “I used to sell newspapers when I selling his copies along the way up the Raiwai and Vatuwaqa area. What he earned was a paltry sum and children today wouldn’t think twice about spending this amount on knickknacks. “The papers cost 12 cents at that time, so when we sell the papers, 10 cents goes back to the company and you keep two cents for every paper that you sell.” Mr Waqabaca said he would collect his two cents and make maybe a dollar in a day and collect it to pay for school fees at Gospel Primary School. “So that’s how I probably got into and people used to joke about this but I started selling coke bottles, empty coke bottles.” “When visitors come to my room, they see boxes of empty coke bottles so at the end of the year I would hire a carrier from town, load all these coke bottles and take them to coca-cola factory,” he today laughs as he explains. The money collected would be his pocket money during semester breaks. Today, he owns a farm in Navua and sells roots crops and is also into piggery. He got a fair bit of ribbing because even after joining Reserve Bank of Fiji, )*'>,*#'("',*00'<,)'50"%&'()*'-"5#'5%#' some of his customers would be friends and colleagues. Mr Waqabaca recounts the stories of his struggle to his three children, two girls and a boy, and tells them not to take things for granted, not to be complacent and to work hard to achieve their goals in life. “Today they eat peanut butter and butter, I tell my children that while growing up I never even tasted butter. We were just given cassava and you have to have that with your tea and if we got chicken, it would be like Christmas come early for us,” he said. “Sometimes my son asks me, what 15,'2">-'<-,(',9)""0'65&'5%#'X'(*00')$:8' 2">'K%"1':2'<-,(',9)""0'65&'15,'5' plastic bag with books in it, you wrap it around and carry it with you to school and then no sandals or shoes to school.” His wife, Caroline, like him has a central banking background so he says there was a tendency to talk in numbers at home but the silent treatment they get at the dinner table is their cue to stop and put the economy, at home at least, on the back burner. This probably is probably why his eldest, a 22-year-old graduate of Southern Cross University decided to take up tourism as her career, just to spice up the dinnertime conversations. 7 FIJI FOCUS BRIEFLY CURRENCY DEAL THE announcement of a direct trading deal between the Chinese yuan and Japanese yen is the top story for many newspapers. The two countries will start direct trading of their currencies on Friday in a move to boost trade ties between Asia’s two biggest economies, says China Daily. Shanghai’s China Business News and Guangzhou’s 21st Century Business Herald describe the deal as a major step in China’s currency reform.Southern Metropolis Daily, citing “incomplete market statistics”, says the new scheme will help both countries save $3bn (£1.92bn) of processing fees. It says the direct trading arrangement will give a major boost to the trination free trade zone between China, Japan and South Korea, on which negotiations are set to begin. W1$1(&K1<#1&7%(*"%A&,=&K1<#1&O,,*F%1"&Z(-3)*"#%)&#(&-#)73))#,(&F#*<& 53)#(%))&%S%73*#@%)&-3"#(9&1&7,7;*1#4&<,)*%-&56&*<%&H%S*#4%&+4,*<#(9&1(-& O,,*F%1"&cH+Od&+,3(7#4&*,&*<1(;&*<%&+<#(%)%&?,@%"($%(*C SOVEREIGN WEALTH CHINA’S sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corporation (CIC), has cut its European stock and bond investments on fears of a eurozone breakup. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, CIC chairman Lou Jiwei said: “There is a risk that the eurozone may fall apart, and that risk is rising.” Mr Lou also scotched speculation that the stateowned CIC might buy eurobonds if and when they are launched. “The risk is too big, and the return too low,” he said. But CIC does not plan to abandon Europe altogether, focusing on investments in private equity and infrastructure projects instead, he added. CIC has about $410bn (£264bn) of assets under management. UNITED ON SYRIA CHINA and Russia have reinforced their opposition to foreign intervention in Syria, as Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said both countries remain opposed to forced regime change and urged support for UN )0:$;&<$-&*00!03%&6)!")&61!08 Mr Putin is at the beginning of a threeday visit to China to bolster relations and attend a security summit. Both countries have twice blocked UN resolutions critical of Damascus. Beijing currently holds the UN Security Council’s rotating presidency, and Russia and China have long resisted pressure to remove Syrian President Bashar alAssad from power amid ongoing unrest. SERVICE SECTOR CHINA’S services sector, which includes construction, saw its pace of growth slow in May adding to fears about a slowdown in China’s economy. The nonmanufacturing purchasing manager’s index (PMI) dropped to 55.2 in May from 56.1 in April. The news comes just days after Beijing reported a sharp drop in activity in its manufacturing sector during the month. The services sector accounts for almost 43% of China’s overall economy. “Simultaneous weakening of manufacturing and non 5!0/4!"'/#+0=&%)0'+5)0'&"$0-#5%& further loss of momentum in the Chinese economy in the second quarter,” said Dariusz Kowalczyk of Credit Agricole CIB. 8 +<#(%)%&2$51))1-,"&N31(9&e,(9A&"#9<*A&2**,"(%6&?%(%"14&2#61f&B16%-J g<1#63$&1(-&H+O&+,3(7#4&D"%)#-%(*&g14D%)<&B,41(;#&1"%&91"41(-%-&1*&*<%& N,4#-16&Z((C&H<%&?,@%"($%(*&1(-&1(-&H+O&*<1(;%-&+<#(1&=,"&<,)*#(9&1& 9",3D&,=&1)D#"#(9&O#P#1()&F<,&5",1-%(%-&*<%#"&;(,F4%-9%&#(&*<%&*%S*#4%A& 74,*<#(9&1(-&=,,*F%1"&)%7*,"C Industry will gain from China trip By ISAAC LAL PRACTICAL assistance by the Chinese Government in facilitating Fijians in a range of sectors has been praised. Recently a group from the garment industry returned from O)$%5'5%#'1$(%*,,*#'<-,(')5%#' how the Chinese have made their way to the top of the global market as a leading producer of garment. A group of 18 people from 13 companies in the TCF industry !*1'("'()*'R>M$5%'=-"/$%9*'"7' China for a two-week training course, which was fully funded by the Chinese Government. In thanking the Chinese Government through its ambassador, the Textile, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) Council of Fiji president, Kalpesh Solanki said he hoped the relationship would grow stronger with more opportunities given to aspiring Fijians to broaden their knowledge in the textile, clothing and footwear sector. “The assistance provided by the Chinese Government is much needed because it helps keep people in jobs and helps our industry to continue to contribute positively to Fiji economy,” he said. “It is my hope that the Chinese Government will consider some form of continued technical assistance to up skill the workers in our industry in the areas of clothing and footwear manufacturing as well as fashion designing.” I7(*-'()*'<-,('(-$=8'()*'POR' council says it will put forward a proposal that will see the scheme continue bilaterally between Fiji and China. Chinese Ambassador Huang Yong said the China valued its relationship with Fiji and looked forward to working with different ministries and departments to further enhance this relationship. Seminar discusses structural reforms to ensure economic growth RXJX'1$00'&*('5%'"=="-(>%$(2'("'-*!*9(' on its economic and social development programs during the “Strengthening Capacity-Building of Economic and D"9$50'.*/*0"=:*%(';05%%$%&@',*:$%5-' for developing countries”. The Minister for Social Welfare, +":*%'5%#';"/*-(2'I00*/$5($"%'.-' Jiko Luveni (pictured) will represent Fiji at the seminar from June 6 to 12 in Beijing, People’s Republic of China. The participants will be working $%'<*0#,'"7'*9"%":$9'="0$92' making, economic management and macroeconomic controls. “We will looking at our economic and social development plans against the already clear signs of global economic recovery, given that developing countries are playing an important role in leading global *9"%":2'659K'$%("'=-",=*-$(28@'.-' Luveni said. “There are lessons to be learnt from the China experience that had been unswervingly pushing forward, structural reforms to ensure rapid economic and social development growth. China can provide better assistance to increase livelihood and welfare programs to help other developing countries with their economic and social development and promote sustainability.” Some issue discussed at the seminar are China’s economic and social development, economic recovery and its foreign policy to develop and consolidate cooperation with other developing countries. The participating countries will also be looking at possible reforms in strengthening governance, public sector reform, land reform, macro economy, labour market, reform of social welfare ,2,(*:8'<%5%9$50',*9("-8'-*50',*9("-,'5%#' infrastructure. I7(*-'()$,',*:$%5-8'.-'N>/*%$'1$00' visit India from June 13 to 19 to visit our ten grandmothers undergoing training to become solar engineers at Barefoot College in Ajmer, Jaipur. 8(,*+,1$%&1+9*/,(#/&*6*&3/.*#1*/:&$-#12"%,"#*&/*2,(# By ISAAC LAL PRIME Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama has over the past few days met with potential investors $%(*-*,(*#'$%',(5-($%&'()*$-'6>,$%*,,'1$()$%'()*'<,)*-$*,' and agriculture sector in Fiji. Commodore Bainimarama met them during his visit to attend the 14th China Zhejiang Investment & Trade Symposium (ZJITS) and the China International Consumer Goods Fair (CICGF) organised by the Ministry of Commerce and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province. The visit was made possible through the Chinese Government after the PM was invited by the Governor of the province to be the special guest at the carnival. In recent years, Chinese businesses have opened in Fiji injecting millions of dollars into the Fijian economy. Chinese companies have opened a bauxite mine, opened mills, assisted in the upgrading of Fiji’s infrastructure, especially rural roads and are working on a new hydro electricity dam to complement the Monasavu dam. These projects will be completed this year. The Chinese Government has also funded many other small projects around the country, however the recent trip by Prime Minister Bainimarama should play a positive role because it will constitute an important platform for global cooperation, partnership, friendship as well as new business opportunities. Commodore Bainimarama’s visit to the Zhejiang province has brought the province closer to Fiji by providing a foundation for opportunities. The Fijian Prime Minister also attended the China International Consumer Goods Fair (CICGF), which is one of the four largest import and export fairs in China, held in the famous harbor city of Ningbo. In the past 10 successful sessions, CICGF has organised more than10,000 exhibitors from 30 provinces and municipalities nationwide, the fair’s exhibitors consisted mainly of manufacturing enterprises, and the fair has attracted more than 120,000 buyers from 110 countries and regions. P)*'EE()'OXO`R'1$00'6*'#$/$#*#'$%("'</*',*9($"%,l' Home Appliances and Electronics; Textiles and Garments; Sports Products, Outdoors and Recreational Products; Household Articles and Gifts; International Pavilion and Trade Service. June 10, 2012 Agency will identify energy sources THE Japanese International Cooperation Agency will identify renewable energy sources that can be tapped into by independent power companies. This will ease the burden and dependence Fiji has for fossil fuels to meet its energy demand. Fiji Electricity Authority is one entity keen for the study that will begin in November and will go on for 16 months. The JICA team will be led by Mr Maeda Shigeru and will be visiting Viti Levu and Vanua Levu for the duration of their study. Mr Shigeru said the study was important not only because it was to consider what was ideal as renewable energy source for Fiji but also cemented the good relations between Fiji and Japan. At present, aside from its hydro electricity generation FEA has the Fiji Sugar Corporation and previously Fiji Tropik Woods contributing to their power grid. “This will not only decrease our fuel import bill but at the same time promote renewable energy,” said FEA chief *d*9>($/*'"7<9*-8'45,:>K)';5(*0? FEA imports around $130million worth of fuel but were hopes to reduce this considerably once these renewable energy projects go off the ground. The authority has set a goal of being 90 per cent renewable by 2015, which will only be possible once the Nadarivatu Hydro Scheme is launched and other renewable energy sources are tapped. 3_%9*'()*',(>#2')5,'$#*%($<*#'7*5,$60*' renewable power sources, independent power producers can come in and produce electricity to sell to FEA. Nadarivatu Hydro Scheme will be "7<9$5002'9"::$,,$"%*#'62'I>&>,('"-' September.” FIJI FOCUS 50(,%1-.,&(+&3/.&/,(2;/ FIJI will host the 3rd African, O5-$66*5%'5%#';59$<9'UIO;V'R$,)*-$*,' Ministers meeting in Nadi on June 18 and 19. More than 100 delegates from the ACP region will converge to discuss $,,>*,'=*-(5$%$%&'("''<,)*-$*,?' “The contribution of the Government of Republic of Fiji in convening this important meeting is highly appreciated,” said ACP secretary &*%*-50''.-'A")5:*#'X6>'O)5:65,?' Leading the agenda are discussions "%':5%5&$%&',>,(5$%560*'<,)*-$*,' resources in particular regional :5%5&*:*%('"7'<,)',("9K,'1)*-*' delegates will be given a snapshot of scenarios from the ACP regions. There will also be discussions on the following issues on population and nutrition future outlook with regards to food security, optimizing returns from <,)$%&8'5C>59>0(>-*'5%#':5-$9>0(>-*? P)*':**($%&'1$00'50,"'<%50$,*'()*' 9"%,$#*-5($"%'"7'</*c2*5-',(-5(*&$9'=05%' "7'59($"%'7"-'<,)*-$*,'5%#'5C>59>0(>-*' in the ACP region. At their second meeting in November fGEG'$%'A5)*8'D*29)*00*,8'<,)*-$*,' ministers of the ACP States adopted a resolution addressing climate change and illegal, unreported and unregulated UXTTV'<,)$%&8'5:"%&'"()*-'$,,>*,? X%'()*'-*,"0>($"%8'IO;'<,)*-$*,' ministers: recognize the growing importance of aquaculture in meeting ()*'$%9-*5,*#'1"-0#'#*:5%#'7"-'<,)' protein in an environment of depleted <,)*-$*,'-*,">-9*,'-*,>0($%&'7-":' "/*-<,)$%&8'90$:5(*'9)5%&*8'="00>($"%' and habitat destruction; express concern over the threat and impacts "7'90$:5(*'9)5%&*'"%'()*'<,)*-$*,'5%#' aquaculture sectors; and recognize that ()*'$#*%($<95($"%'5%#'$:=0*:*%(5($"%'"7' appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures will represent a high cost for vulnerable States. Ministers appealed to the ACP Media Summit sets fresh challenges '#(#)*%"&=,"&!354#7&a*#4#*#%)&c:,";)&1(-&G(%"96d&*3"()&,(&*<%&)F#*7<&=,"&*<%&H,;1#$14,& G4%7*"#>71*#,(&B7<%$%&#(&K%7%$5%"&41)*&6%1"C& BRIEFLY TOURISM INDUSTRY THE Autonomous Government of Bougainville (AGB),Minister for Traditional Authority, Information and Communication Joseph Nope said they would seriously consider help from Fiji to develop their tourism industry. Mr Nope (pictured) said they hoped to learn from Fiji to better the AGB region in the tourism sector once they return home. “Fiji’s tourism sector is just :5&%$<9*%(?'+*')5/*',**%'()*'R$M$5%' hospitality and hope to learn as much from the Fijians,” he said. The ABG delegation on a tour of Fiji witnessed Fijian hospitality and how locals approached tourists in town and cities 5%#')"1'()$,'6*%*<(*#'()*'R$M$'*9"%":2' via the tourism industry. “Back in the AGB region we are also very cultural and hope to increase tourist activity there by working closely with the Fijian concepts,” Mr Nope said. June 10, 2012 States to take steps to further integrate <,)*-$*,'5%#'"9*5%,'$%("'()*'%5($"%50' and international climate change 5&*%#5,'("',*9>-*',=59*'7"-'<,)*-$*,' 5%#'"9*5%,'$%'<%5%9$50'$%,(->:*%(,' that support adaptation and mitigation, $%90>#$%&'$%'()*'N*5,('.*/*0"=*#' O">%(-$*,'R>%#'UN.ORV8'()*'D=*9$50' Climate Change and Adaptation Funds. Ministers also requested the international community to agree at the Cancun Climate Change Conference to a package of immediate and concrete action to assist ACP States, in particular those most vulnerable to climate change crises. H<%&'#(#)*"6&,=&O,"%#9(&2==1#")&*%1$&4%-&56&'#(#)*%"&W1*3&Z(,;%&g35315,41A&"#9<*A& $%%*&*<%&23*,(,$,3)&?,@%"($%(*&,=&0,391#(@#44%&c2?0d&-%4%91*#,(C THE 2012 Asia Media Summit in Bangkok, Thailand has looked at ways of enhancing the media’s role in impacting societies, it also addressed the growing trend of the internet and social media to deliver media messages. Fiji’s Ministry of Information permanent secretary, Sharon Smith-Johns, participated at the summit, which raised key issues such as the emerging role of media outlets in the region and how media organisations can impact societies. Broadcasters and journalists were given an opportunity to look at challenges and present proposals to address these challenges “It is important for countries such as Fiji to understand the media landscape around the region to better address those global issues that affect us,” Ms Smith-Johns said. “The Ministry of Information 5,'5'0"%&',(5%#$%&':*:6*-'"7'()*'I,$5';59$<9' X%,($(>(*'7"-'a-"5#95,($%&'.*/*0"=:*%('U'IXa.V8' also extends to other countries the opportunity to observe the developments taking place in Fiji’s media landscape.” The United Nations Secretary General Ban Kimoon also urged participants to consider those who do not have access to new media tools. 3P)*'I,$5';59$<9'-*&$"%L,':*#$5'$,'>%#*-&"$%&' rapid change, as the internet and social media have become ever more important for sharing information,” Ban Ki-moon said. “But for many people in the other side of the digital divide, these tools are still not a reality.” The summit is a culmination of preparatory 1"-K,)"=,'"-&5%$,*#'62'()*'IXa.'"%'1$#*'-5%&*'"7' topics including public service broadcasting. Fijian broadcasters also participated at the summit. Building bridges to be a good global citizen By ISAAC LAL .X[QOP_[';"0$($950'5%#'P-*5($*,'5(' the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Esala Nayasi says that since 2009 Fiji has grown stronger as an independent sovereign nation. “I say that because we have really moved on even after the suspension 7-":'()*';59$<9'X,05%#,'R"->:'U;XRV8' we have engaged with the international community and that it is a shift in our foreign policy and how we engage with the international community.” Fiji’s foreign policy directions and priorities in the coming years must pursue a course similar to that charted in 2006, but with a higher level of achievement. Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama says that, in the face of skepticism and critics, Government has remained steadfast in its efforts to build a better, peaceful and prosperous Fiji. “We will be unwavering in pursuit of our foreign policy agenda, while 5,,$,($%&'">-';59$<9'X,05%#'%*$&)6">-,' and promoting growth of the whole region,” Commodore Bainimarama said. Fiji have engaged more in our membership in international meetings such as the Non – Aligned Movement, chair of Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), Engaging with the ;59$<9'UQ1(;V8'1*')5/*'(5K*%'5' leadership role not only in the region but internationally as well where our missions are. “So in a nutshell that is the way we have advanced in our foreign policy. We have realised the value that we have as a State, to decide our own future and what is best for us,” Nayasi said. The people get a lot out of this. It facilitates not only at political level but also at economic, assistance and funding, as new relations broaden our views in what countries can offer Fiji. Nayasi says that is basically the view that “we have seen changed not only can we depend on our traditional partners for assistance for our own development”. There have been a number of other countries who understand us on the Roadmap and the policies that we have set in place and are more than willing to assist us. This has been productive and has been seen in our own livelihoods. Even at village settings and we have had countries coming in and giving a helping hand such as Morocco, Turkey and other countries that we have never heard of that have come and assisted us and developed infrastructures at both economic level and political level. LOOK NORTH POLICY This is a main pillar of our foreign policy. Nayasi says that the Fijian Government is looking at becoming a good global citizen – the same sentiments made by our Minister for Foreign Affairs Ratu Inoke Kubuabola. “We need to go out of our comfort zone; we need to expand our foreign relations with the international community. We could do that both bilaterally and also multi – laterally such as the UN and other multilateral institutions that have been established and we can use our missions all over the world to achieve this,” he said. Earlier this year we hosted the Foreign Minister of Russia – that itself is a milestone because there was another important discussions happening on Syria and the visit by the Russian minister underlines the importance and commitment Russia (a major player in global issues) places its relations with Fiji and the region. Morocco through its observer at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) this year is now closer to Fiji than it was ever before. Turkey for example is now a development partner for us. “We have assisted them politically through our support and they have reciprocated through development assistance.” 9 FIJI FOCUS Surfers battle at iconic venue C I just trip out. We are stoked to be here. It’s heavy: Sponsor ASTING his eyes to clear blue skies the village headman raised his voice to the heaven, calling on God to bless the world’s top 32 surfers who are now competing on traditional waters at the iconic Cloudbreak in the Volcom Fiji Pro off Tavarua Island Resort. In a sensational Fijian welcome ceremony the Momi and Nabila natives on behalf of the Ka Levu of Nadroga province thanked Government, the Prime Minister, sponsors and hosts as they pleaded for the safety, joy and guidance of surfers at this World Series event. It is Fiji’s unique way of ,52$%&'WBula’ to visitors. In this case the elite surfers, support staff, sponsors, international media teams and organisers, to make them feel at home. Because if there is any time divine intervention or grace is needed it surely has to be for this grueling event, where organizers say, waves reach up to 20 feet when the going gets rough. Commentators in the world of sports, like the IRB Sevens World Series have acknowledged that Fiji is a deeply relgious country. Fijian ruggers gesture with praise to the skies or make the sign of the cross after scoring a try, goal or on securing victory. In reverence of a supreme being and out of respect to landowners, each surfer reciprocated and presented his sevusevu with a bundle of waka $%'5'<(($%&'9*-*:"%2'5('P5/5->5? Just like our ruggers these elite surfers were mentally psyching up for friendly rivalry on the majestic waves at Cloudbreak and the Restaurant, which are dubbed as best on the planet. The iconic Cloudbreak is ,$(>5(*#'$%'.**='_9*5%'5'9">=0*' of kilometers off Tavarua Island Resort and about the same distance from the opening to the Nadi Seas and Mamanuca waters. This is also passage and route for all those huge container ships, <,)$%&'6"5(,'5%#'9->$,*0$%*-,' entering/departing Fiji. Below these dark blue waters is the santuary of all kinds of sea creatures. Lurking among them the endangered shark species. That was why the Ministry of Information news team of Isaac, Lai and this writer meditated "%',":*',$0*%('W45$0'A5-2L' when we made our return trip after covering the launch by the Minister for Tourism, who journeyed back to mainland via helicopter with a select few. In the dark of night, a mile out $%("'">-'M">-%*2'"%'5'<6*-&05,,' outboard with huge waves crashing either side of the vessel we had to disembark, transfer our Television and news equipment and jump into a smaller outboard !"5($%&'6*,$#*'>,?' When Isaac transferred onto the homecoming outboard the sides of the two boats slammed )$,'<%&*-'5%#'X')*5-#'5',$%9*-*' AMEN as the able boat handler encouraged us to settle in. Silenlty we made our bumpy ride back into Momi shores. And what an adventure we braved through, just like them surfers, who are already into some intense competition. Attorney General and chief guest Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum rightfully said these 32 surfers were now Fiji’s ambassadors. “Today is very important and ,$&%$<95%('7"-'R$M$'6*95>,*'500' surfers here, in fact after you <%$,)'()*'9":=*($($"%'U:52'()*' best person win), you all become ambassadors for Fiji,” Mr Saiyad-Khaiyum said. “You become ambassadors not just for Fiji but of course the Tavarua Island Resort, the wonderful staff and management who have been able to put this tournament together. “It is critical to be part of a partnership whenever these sort of events are held and I’m sure 2">'5==-*9$5(*'()5('2">-',>-<%&' competition in places like Fiji could not be held if people did not know about Fiji. “Our pristine environment, needs to be protected and in that way you become ambassadors, by telling how wonderful the place is, the people are and it gives an impetus to protect the environment because we realise it is critical to ensure we have these sorts of tournaments.” Volcom’s Richard Wolcott aprtly summed it up: “Looks like we’re all ready to go because mother natures’s got swell on tap and hopefully the wind and conditions are favorable for us”. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Be a good sport. Volcom surfs our high waves G4-%")&D"%)%(*&1&kamunaga&cF<14%)&*,,*<d&*,&*<1(;&,"91(#)%")&1(-&F%47,$%& )3"=%")&*,&*<%&.,47,$&O#P#&!",&3(-%"F16&1*&H1@1"31&Z)41(-&W%),"*C 2&D",=%))#,(14&)3"=%"&D"%)%(*)&<#)&sevusevu&*,&41(-,F(%") PICTURES: ISAAC LAL :#4-&71"-&%(*"6&Z)%#&H,;,@,3C& B3DD,"*&9",3D&1*&*<%&.,47,$&O#P#&!",C GOVERNMENT has over the past couple of years put in place some new laws that provide the "=="-(>%$(2'7"-':"-*',>-<%&' events to take place in Fiji by locals and foreigners. In launching the 2012 Volcom Fiji Pro open Minister for Tourism Aiyaz-Sayed Khaiyum thanked the world’s top 32 surfers for their participation in ensuring it became a reality. He also thanked the I,,"9$5($"%'"7'D>-<%&' Professionals who are the facilitators, they provide the judging, they ensue that logistic takes place and they have also been the ones who have been knocking on the ministry’s door and working in partnership with the Government and various agencies. In wishing surfers all the best the minister said he knew it was important for them individually; But it’s also important that all of them are here collectively. Mr Sayed-Khaiyum also thanked sponsor Volcom. “We should try and understand the situation under which they sponsor this event. Throughout the world, in particular Europe and North America there has been issues with the various economies and it has been #$7<9>0(8@')*',5$#? “We appreciate that and we 1"-K'("&*()*-'1$()'I$-';59$<9'' our national carrier (which will be called Fiji Airways from next year) and Tourism Fiji to be able to bring this event. “Without Volcom this could not have happened.” Volcom’s Richard Wolcott also thanked competitors saying: “This is a big deal for us. This ">-'<-,('+OP'*/*%(?'_>-')$,("-2' here runs over 20 years and things have progressed. I just trip out and we’re stoked to be here. It’s heavy for Volcom and as a surfer to be able to give back. I appreciate working with the Government, your support and the Tavarua team”. Doctor challenges participants to revive the “Nightingale Spirit” ._OP_['J",*/5'm"-"$/>*(5'9)500*%&*#'=5-($9$=5%(,'5(' a Health Wellness Symposium to revive the Nightingale spirit. The acting permanent secretary for health told fellow health workers and stakeholders that among hurdles they faced was the inability to spread the wellness message. “We spread the message of illness well but not the :*,,5&*'"7'1*00%*,,8@'.-'m"-"$/>*(5',5$#? “Our mentality has remained at this because theywere trained to treat illness or look after the sick and not wellness. “I would encourage that the Nightingale spirit comes backinto our midst. We need to have a caring heart. “If you don’t have that spirit then you should not be in the health business. “That is what our people come back to us for,” he added. .-'m"-"$/>*(5'=",*#'()*'9)500*%&*'1)*%'#*0$/*-$%&'()*' closing message of the symposium attended by 80 health personnel from around Fiji and the region. The health professionals were reminded that wellness should be a holistic government approach at delivery level and operational level because wellness belongs to the 10 people. “It has never been the property of Government or the Ministry of Health. So you and I as champion of 1*00%*,,'%**#'("'#"'()$,8@'.-'m"-"$/>*(5',5$#? !#Florence Nightingale, the daughter of the wealthy landowner, William Nightingale of Embly Park, Hampshire, was born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820. She was a celebrated English nurse, writer and statistician. She came to prominence for her pioneering work in nursing during the Crimean War, where she tended to wounded soldiers. She was dubbed “The Lady with the Lamp” after her habit of making rounds at night. An Anglican, Nightingale believed that God had called her to be a nurse. Nightingale laid the foundation of professional nursing with the establishment, in 1860, of her nursing school at !"#$%&'()*#+&),-"(.#-/#0&/1&/2#"%3#45)"#)367.(5# nursing school in the world, now part of King’s College London. The Nightingale Pledge taken by new nurses was named in her honour, and the annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on her birthday. Move your body ... Health professionals get into the groove with some lively moves during the symposium at Studio 6 in Suva. June 10, 2012 FIJI FOCUS LIST OF FINE DEFAULTERS >?@&A/2+"+!1&B)6!#'5)0'&+%&"$55+'')2&'$&%)#:+0=&'()&6)$61)&$4&C+D+E&6#$:+2)2&'();&#)%6)"'&'()&$#2)#%&$4&'()&F$/#'&!02&5!G)&'+5)1;&6!;5)0'&$4&F$/#'&-0)%&!02&"$%'%8&&H4&;$/&(!:)&0$'&6!+2&;$/#&-0)E&;$/&!#)& requested to settle the outstanding amount immediately with the nearest Magistrates Court or transfer funds to our MPaisa Account No. 20024 to avoid having to go to prison upon execution of the warrant. These are the 18th 100 Defaulters in Suva, Nausori and Navua areas and the remaining names will be published later No. Case No. Warrant No. Name Address Offence Tin No. Amount 1 05/01 2471 Vilive Vurualiso Burerua, Tailevu Using motor vehicle contrary to licence condition 47871 $106.50 2 5393/01 14/04 Ravin Dass Lot 16 Nadawa Road, Nadera Using motor vehicle contrary to licence condition 113358 $151.50 3 8174/01 1151/02 Anuar Hussein Caubati Failure to use seat belt SV 4094/02 $136.50 4 8621/01 2543/02 Tevita Delaibau Natogadravu, Wainibokasi, Tailevu Failing to have licence for PSV 81121 $156.50 5 8639/01 2545/02 Kamal D Lochan Manoca, Nausori Non conforming brakes 77798 $156.50 Drunk & Disorderly $46.90 6 107/02 901/04 Emosi Silikiwai Mama’s Place, Caubati 7 946/02 900/04 Osea Tuqovu Lot 79 Tacirua Heights Larceny $266.90 8 1168/02 905/04 Milio Nakoroluvu Kilikali Settlement F.I.P.O.D.D $116.90 9 1961/02 610/04 Jone Matakula Nadali Village Failing to have licence for PSV 159746 $116.90 10 2487/02 38/04 Maika BabalekulaCautata Village, Tailevu Failure to use seat belt $126.90 11 5346/02 2646/09 Pramod Kumar Lot 63 Sadal Place Exceeding speed limit 186620 $166.90 12 6017/02 2902/09 Josefa WaqabacaNadonumai Road, Lami Exceeding speed limit 187230 $86.90 13 6479/02 3176/09 Haris Chand Nakasi Road Careless driving 125562 $136.90 14 6569/02 429/10 Emori Voduadua Lami Village Driving UMV/ DMV without valid driving licence 208852 $336.90 15 6584/02 452/10 Luke Vukavuka Lot 12, Flat 15 Using motor vehicle contrary to licence condition 67454 $123.40 16 330/03 519/10 Jamie KWarthen Nasole Road Failure to use seat belt 218045 $128.15 17 360/03 531/10 Suresh Kumar Pritam Singh Road Fail to use seat belt/ Fail to produce driving record 218232 218233 $173.15 18 894/03 894/04 Apakuki Seru Veidogo Settlement, Vatuwaqa Drunk & Disorderly $46.90 A.O.A.B.H $46.90 19 914/03 897/04 Apakuki Seru Veidogo Settlement, Vatuwaqa 20 06/04 363/04 Ruven Chand Mama’s Place, Caubati DMV with non conforming stop lamp $66.90 $151.90 21 193/04 813/10 Mesake Samu Kalekana, Lami Careless driving 287289 22 231/04 879/10 Avinesh Prasad Naitasu, Nausori Exceeding speed limit 287186 $101.90 23 399/04 1545/10 Peni Tu Coqica Burerua, Tailevu Failing to have licence for PSV 272840 $151.90 24 414/04 1554/10 Rajend Prasad Nakasi Road Failing to have licence for PSV 288661 $148.15 25 859/04 1252/04 Talei Leilani Qauia Village, Lami Damaging property CPS CR 333/04 $66.90 26 908/04 1617/04 Rasid MohammedLot 16 Vishnu Deo Road, Nakasi Non conforming brakes $116.90 27 120/06 220/06 Mousio Pau Lot 2 Narere Road Larceny $116.90 28 8310/06 336/11 Epeli Saukuru Lot 3 Waila Road, Nausori Dangerous driving $217.25 29 109/08 781/10 Sheikh M RahmanDilkusha, Nausori Exceeding speed limit 806534 $146.90 30 947/08 194/10 Jona Tuimate Kalekana Settlement, Lami Drunk & Disorderly SL UB 10/08 $66.90 31 1758/08 1154/09 Deo Narayan Lovoni Settlement, Samabula Assault occasioning actual bodily harm $216.90 32 353/09 655/10 Taitusi Bunawa Bonu Road, Nadawa Exceed speed limit/ Fail to produce driving licence 965123 $121.90 33 687/09 596/10 Isirome Ratulevu Lot 10 Caubati, Suva Exceeding speed limit 966360 $61.90 34 732/09 730/10 Mark Dav Racule Bilo Road, Veisari, Lami Exceeding speed limit 965381 $76.90 35 738/09 736/10 Alexander Weiss I+11!&JK&,!"+-"&?!#7$/#& Exceeding speed limit 934190 $76.90 36 759/09 752/10 Pauliasi Namulo Deuba Driving unregistered motor vehicle 956323 $186.90 37 761/09 754/10 Neumi Usumaki Lot 2 Waikalou DMV without a valid driving licence 956325 $86.90 38 977/09 989/10 Vishnil Sami Lot 267 Matanisiga, 8 Miles, Makoi Exceeding speed limit 967001 $96.90 39 1161/09 1142/10 Ganpat Ram Wainitu Fail to produce driving licence/ DUM vehicle 970509 $211.90 40 1302/09 176/10 Jovesa Vaileba Burebasaga Village, Rewa Larceny/ Resisting arrest Totogo CR 114950/09 $104.90 41 1464/09 1432/10 Aliad Meg Dunn Suva Exceeding speed limit/ Failure to produce driving licence 967024 967025 $101.90 42 1634/09 1621/10 Yera Patel Vatuwaqa, Suva Exceeding speed limit 966393 $76.90 43 2044/09 1976/10 Mesake Dakua Kaunitoni Street, Vatuwaqa Failure to produce driving licence 974872 $61.90 44 2160/09 60/11 Rae Pramod ,!"+-"&?!#7$/# Exceeding speed limit 989753 $76.90 45 2363/09 317/11 Mesake BuadromoLot 40 Mamaku Pl, Cunningham Exceeding speed limit 989393 $76.90 46 2398/09 348/11 Mosese Vutikani Lot 23 Toga Pl, Sukanaivalu Road Exceeding speed limit 996266 $96.90 47 2456/09 404/11 Manoj Lal Lot 17 Vesivesi Road, Kinoya Exceeding speed limit 989504 $62.25 $62.25 48 2596/09 529/11 Revanil Rao 4 Miles, Nasinu Failure to produce driving licnece 974888 49 2597/09 530/11 Naya Singh Lot 1 Samali Road, Bayview Hts Failure to produce driving licnece 974889 $62.25 50 2676/09 652/11 Nabuli Eloni Veiquwawa Settlement, Suva Failing to have licence for PSV 1005517 $137.25 51 2690/09 663/11 Praveen Prasad Lot 21 Nawanawa Road, Nadera Exceeding speed limit 974744 $87.25 52 2691/09 664/11 Apimeleki Dakai New Town Settlement Failure to produce driving licnece 974743 $62.25 53 2744/09 708/11 Lewis Haley Lot 23 Nasilivata Road, Nadera Exceeding speed limit 999314 $77.25 54 2755/09 715/11 Abdul Hakim Lot 55 Nakasi Road, Nakasi Exceeding speed limit 996459 $62.25 $77.25 55 2784/09 730/11 Jasveer Singh Lot 19 Hooker Sub Division, Waila Exceeding speed limit 999097 56 2801/09 745/11 Sukhen PShandil Suva Exceeding speed limit 1005361 $62.25 57 2883/09 803/11 Fero LasagavibauLot 36 Ratu Dovi Road, Nadera Exceeding speed limit 999276 $62.25 58 2932/09 911/11 Samson Joseph Lot 34 Wailea Street, Vatuwaqa Exceed speed limit/ Fail produce driving licence 1005399 $122.25 59 35/10 1213/10 Orisi Matasere Waigasa Settlement, Lami Damaging property $366.90 60 1353/10 640/11 Setareki RokoyayaValenicina, Lami! ! ! "#$%&'&'(!%!)'%'*&%+!%,-%'$%(.! ! !! ! ! /012324! Breach of bail condition $116.90 61 1888/10 45/11 Leone Rokovaka Noco, Rewa 62 2032/10 617/11 Taniela Bola Wailea Settlement, Vatuwaq%! ! 5&-&'(!6%+7.!'%8.!$9!%!:9+&*.!"6)*.;! ! ! ! !/20<324! 63 762/11 1486/11 Kusitino Kele Matata Settlement, Lami Damaging property/ Criminal trespass/ A.O.A.B.H $217.25 64 848/11 1955/11 Rakesh Kumar Lot 10 Epeli Street, Suva Driving motor vehicle with expired drivers licence $112.25 65 1296/11 1656/11 Viliame Dausiga Lot 23 Vesivesi Street, Kinoya Absconding bail $167.25 66 1533/11 1954/11 Mosese SekiyaroiNailuva Road Absconding bail $117.25 67 60/00 20322/00 Avinesh Kumar Lot 33 Dilo Street, Nakasi Using private motor vehicle as a taxi Nac 858943 $91.50 68 2282/00 22023/00 Avinesh Kumar Lot 33 Dilo Street, Nakasi Using private motor vehicle as a taxi Nac 718165 $91.50 69 63/00 20325/00 Waisale Rasolo Lot 10 Karoba Street, Nakasi UPMV as a taxi/ DMV emitting smoke Nac 799080 799081 $151.50 70 117/00 20379/00 Ashif MohammedNakasi 9 Miles Using private motor vehicle as a taxi Nac 799022 $91.50 71 132/00 20393/00 Rajend Goundar Korociriciri, Nausori Using PMV as a taxi/ Careless driving Nac 877338 $126.50 72 141/00 1579/00 Jone Nacani Lot 2 Santa Ben, Vatuwaqa Exceeding speed limit Nac 872285 $51.50 73 199/00 20446/00 Muatiu MesulameLot 13 Ranji Sub Div, Dilkusha Incorrect stopping Nac 878232 $56.50 74 222/00 20458/00 Krishna Roy Vishnu Deo Road, Nakasi Fail to carry driving record/ Emitexcessive smoke Nac 798954 $116.50 75 231/00 20466/00 Janen Sharma Valili Street, Nakasi Emitting excessive smoke Nac 799085 $91.50 76 291/00 20511/00 Virendra Datt Wainibuku Road, 9 Miles Emitting excessive smoke/ Defective parking brake Nac 877347 $116.50 77 297/00 20517/00 Nazali Mandir Chadwick Road Incorrect parking/ Fail to wear PSV Badge/ Fail to carry driving record Nac 718814 $111.50 78 320/00 1714/00 Charles Kamea Lot 99 Mead Road Exceeding speed limit Nac 866491 $66.50 79 337/00 20541/00 Narayan Sami Lot 1 Naulu Rd, Nasinu Defective brake lights/ Defective parking brake Nac 798952 $66.50 80 612/00 20683/00 Luke Rabici Lot 34 Dayal Street, Using PMV as a taxi Nac 873374 $91.50 81 623/00 20689/00 Solomone Dakua Navisara, Rewa Incorrect stopping Nac 877637 $56.50 82 661/00 20752/00 Raven Prasad Koronivia Road DMV with defective brake lights/ Defective head lamp/ Defective direction indicator Nac 878552 $106.50 83 663/00 20753/00 Sadim Tai Ali Koronivia Road Defective brake light Nac 873389 $56.50 84 668/00 1957/00 Talei Burness Lot 44 Beach Road, Suva Point Exceeding speed limit Nac 892887 $51.50 85 671/00 20757/00 Hari Dutt Wainibuka Settlement, Nasinu Defective parking brake Nac 798998 $56.50 86 675/00 20758/00 Deo C Prasad Lot 17 Vishnu Deo Road, Nakasi Defective parking brake Nac 836093 $56.50 87 827/00 20863/00 Sakaraia Raloa Lot 96 Waila Princess Rd, Nausori Using private motor vehicle as a taxi Nac 816544 $76.50 88 920/00 11743/00 Veresi Bosei Wailea Settlement, Vatuwaqa Drunk & Disorderly Nabua 9/00 $56.50 89 930/00 21270/00 Shaim Mohd Waidra, Nausori Exceeding speed limit Nac 865346 $66.50 90 945/00 21287/00 Jone Usamate Davuilevu Kings Road, Nausori Using private motor vehicle as a taxi Nac 855765 $91.50 91 1047/00 21061/00 Kishore Prasad Lot 22 Yarawau Lane, Naulu Carrying excess passengers Nac 817241 $56.50 92 1052/00 21065/00 Kuar Singh Lot 107 Vishnu deo Road, Nakasi Defective direction indicator Nac 817215 $131.50 93 1071/00 21080/00 Semisi Bole Lot 9 Mataika Rd, Davuilevu Careless driving Nac 879088 $66.50 94 1078/00 2303/00 Mohed ShameemLot 6 Aidney Road, Raiwaqa Exceeding speed limit Nac 899463 $56.50 95 1093/00 21090/00 Chandrika PrasadLal Singh Road, Waila, Nausori Using taxi with unseal meter Nac 760765 $41.50 96 1138/00 21127/00 Joeli Verusa Vunivaivai, Nakelo, Tailevu Defective foot brake Nac 760770 $41.50 97 1156/00 21132/00 Sunny Deo Wailevu, Verata Emitting excessive smoke Nac 811085 $76.50 98 1305/00 21020/00 Abi Mannu lot 16 Karoba Street, Nakasi Using private motor vehicle as a taxi Nac 718159 $91.50 99 1345/00 2562/00 Suresh C Lal Lot 10 Chanik Place, Caubati Exceeding speed limit Nac 905343 $66.50 100 1350/00 21435/00 Anil Kumar Nakasi Road Incorrect stopping/ Using PMV as a taxi Nac 874938 $116.50 TOTAL $10,899.30 H4&;$/#&0!5)&+%&$0&'(+%&1+%'&;$/&!#)&!2:+%)2&'$&"$0'!"'&'()&C+0)&@04$#")5)0'&L0+'&MKJNNOPQR&$#&'()&,$1+")&S!##!0'&T)"'+$0&MKNUUQNOR&!'&V$:)#05)0'&W/+12+0=%E&T/:!&!%&%$$0&!%&6$%%+71)8&H0&'()&):)0'&'(!'&'()&-0)%& have been paid already, please produce the original receipts so that we can update our records and your name can be taken off the defaulters list. Ms. Irani G W Arachchi Chief Registrar....High Court of Fiji June 10, 2012 11 FIJI FOCUS “God doesn’t require us to succeed, he o 29"#734*3"%&D%"$1(%(*&)%7"%*1"6&'1),(&B$#*<& F#*<&&2#4%%(&03"(%))A&7%(*"%A&1(-&K#"%7*,"&W%)%1"7<& '#4#1;%"%&I1F1#;341&1*&B,3*<&B%1&R"7<#-)&#(&I1-#C '%*<,-#)*&+<3"7<&F,";%"&D17;)&-,(1*#,()&=,"& b,,-&"%4#%=&@#7*#$)C B*,;%-&CCC&.,47,$&+GR&W#7<1"-&:,47,**&#)&91"41(-%-&56&1&)*1==&,=&&H1@1" Z)41(-&W%),"*&-3"#(9&*<%&413(7<#(9C Z8R&"%D"%)%(*1*#@%)&F#*<&+<#4-&415,3"&a(#*Y)&2*#)<&g3$1" R5)%"@%")&=",$&!I?&1**%(-#(9&*<%&+<#4-&815,3"&B%$#(1"&1*&N,4#-16&Z((C 2**,"(%6J?%(%"14&2#61f&)16%-Jg<1#63$&F#*<&4,714& )3"=%")&1*&*<%&.,47,$&O#P#&!",&%@%(*&1*&H1@1"31C K"&G4,(#&H,"1&F#*<&:%44(%))&+<1$D#,(&=,"&_`T_&J&I3")%& !"17*#*#,(%"&,=&03"%*1&'%-#714&2"%1&'%41#1&.1;13)13)1C& 8%=*h&!1"*#7#D1(*)&1*&*<%&N%14*<&B6$D,)#3$&#(&B3@1C 12 2&D",=%))#,(14&)3"=%"&)%%; *<%&54%))#(9&,=&(1*#@%)&=", ',$#&1(-&I15#41&F<,&1"% *<%&41(-,F(%")&,=&H1@1"31 W#9<*h&B3"=%")&1F1#*&*<% 413(7<&,=&_`T_&.,47,$&O# !",&C '19#)*"1*%)&)F%1" June 10, 2012 FIJI FOCUS only requires that you try” Mother Teresa !"#$%&'#(#)*%"&+,$$,-,"%&.,"%/%&01#(#$1"1$1&"%7%#@%)&1&jT`A```&7<%/3%& '#(#)*%"&=,"&!354#7&a*#4#*#%)A&:,";)&1(-&H"1()D,"*&H#$,7#&I1*3@1&1*&*<%&+#*6&:#-%& =",$&I1$,)#&i,#(*&.%(*3"%&7,3(*"6&$1(19%"&?"%9&',""#)&=,"&*<%&b,,-&"%4#%=& 1DD%14C !",P%7*&413(7<&1*&.1*,1&#(&I1"%"%C "31& ;)& ,$& %& 1C %& #P#& R(%&,=&*<%&U_&)3"=%")&1*&*<%&.,47,$&O#P#&!",&D"%D1"%)& *,&D"%)%(*&<#)&)%@3)%@3&*,&*<%&(1*#@%)&,=&H1@1"31C N#)&GS7%44%(76&*<%&!"%)#-%(*A&W1*3&GD%4#& I1#41*#;13&)*"%))%)&1&D,#(*&-3"#(9&&*<%&813(7<#(9& ,=&*<%&NZ.&2ZKB&D",9"1$&1*&'?'&N#9<&B7<,,4C& 25,@%h&'?'&)*3-%(*)&#(&D"16%"C "#(9&#(&7%"%$,(6&CCCN#)&GS7%44%(76&*<%&!"%)#-%(*&W1*3&GD%4#&I1#41*#;13&7,(9"1*341*%)&',<1$$%-&B1(%%$C&+%(*"%h&I%F&$19#)*"1*%)&1*&*<%&)F%1"#(9&#(&7%"%$,(6C&+<1"4%)& W1*1;%4%&*1;%)&<#)&,1*<&1)&1&$19#)*"1*%A&4,,;#(9&,(&#)&*<%&!"%)#-%(*Y)&,=>7#14&)%7"%*1"6&i,%4#&W,;,@1-1AC June 10, 2012 13 FIJI FOCUS VACANCIES CIVIL SERVICE VACANCIES 2K.GWHZBG'GIH& RO& !GW'2IGIH& BG+WGH2WZGB& 2):)1$65)0'&$4&Y+0+0=&!02&]/!##;+0=&T)"'$#8&T6)"+-"!11;& the post is responsible for providing services in the areas !RBHB&ORW&?R.GWI'GIH&'ZIZBHWZGB of land surveying, valuation, mapping, land information, 2DD4#71*#,()&1"%&#(@#*%-&=,"&*<%&=,44,F#(9&!%"$1(%(*& oils and mines administration and geological and mineral investigations. The incumbent will have to liaise with B%7"%*1"6&D,)#*#,()&#(&?,@%"($%(*&'#(#)*"#%)C& relevant stakeholders to ensure quick delivery of services Permanent Secretaries are heads of Government in the areas of mining applications, survey plans checking Ministries and are responsible to their Ministers for the and leasing. proper and effective management of their Ministries and for policy advice and support. They are also responsible As the Public Service Commission’s ‘”Delegate” and for implementing Government policies and programmes ZF(+)4&*""$/0'+0=&[4-")#\E&'()&+0"/57)0'&+%&!1%$&#)]/+#)2& '$&)44)"'+:)1;&!02&)4-"+)0'1;&5!0!=)&'()&Y+0+%'#;3%&?/5!0& +0&!&"$%'&)44)"'+:)&!02&)4-"+)0'&5!00)#8 and Financial Resources. He/She must ensure the >()&#)5/0)#!'+$0&!02&7)0)-'%&4$#&'()&6$%+'+$0%&+0"1/2)%& development of a competent and motivated workforce a base salary ranging from $75,849 to $99,164 with 8% of and the provision of policy advice to government base salary as superannuation, 12.5% of basic salary as including the coordination of statutes and regulations that housing allowance, the provision of a government vehicle are applicable to the sector. The Permanent Secretary is X+'(& 2#+:)#& 4$#& $4-"+!1& 7/%+0)%%E& ')1)"$55/0+"!'+$0& required to exercise prudence and accountability in the expenses on a reimbursable basis, business class 5!0!=)5)0'&$4&Y+0+%'#;3%&-0!0")&!02&!%%)'%&!02&!2()#)& air travel with per diem allowance that includes a 10% to the reporting requirements. The focus on customer loading and other civil service terms and conditions service and public relations is essential and must be a primary concern in the delivery of services. including annual leave etc. For further enquiries of the advertised vacancies please contact: Mr. Filipe Nagera on telephone 3314588 extension 287, Public Service Commission, or email $ Knowledge, skills, personal qualities $ Ability to provide leadership and personally contribute to shaping the strategic direction of the Ministry and develop strategies on how to achieve objectives using a 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& wide range of sources of information and consultation. $ Ability to identify and grasp complex issues, critically =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h analyze and evaluate issues and apply intellect and The Permanent Secretary sound judgment to arrive at conclusions $ Must be able to work closely with other Government !354#7&B%"@#7%&+,$$#))#,( Permanent Secretaries and stakeholders to develop !&R&0,S&__TT productive working partnerships that facilitate the ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) B3@1 achievement of results. $ Steer the process of planning through to implementation and ensure that intended results are consistently delivered KG!2WH'GIH&RO&2?WZ+a8HaWG by building an organisational capability that inculcates a T_T^[_`T_&J&KZWG+HRW&RO&GkHGIBZRI culture of achievement and improvement. $ Exemplify professionalism and integrity in personal behaviour and takes personal responsibility for getting The Director Extension provides assistance to the Permanent Secretary of Agriculture through the Deputy things done. $ Clear communication skills and ability to negotiate with Secretaries in the formulation of National Policy through others in a credible and persuasive manner that takes the provision of information and statistical data through consultation with stakeholders for the improvement of into account the views of others. the Agricultural Sector in the planning process. The $&Y/%'&(!:)&!0&*"!2)5+"&B)=#))&+0&'()&#)1):!0'&-)128&& incumbent is tasked with ensuring the development of the 244&1DD4#71*#,()&$3)*&)*1*%&*<%&!%"$1(%(*&B%7"%*1"6& Crop Extension Division’s Corporate, Business Plan and D,)#*#,(& 5%#(9& 1DD4#%-& =,"A& *<%& @171(76& (3$5%"& 1)& Work Programmes through Consultation with appropriate 1-@%"*#)%-& 1(-& *,& 5%& 177,$D1(#%-& F#*<& 1(& 3D-1*%-& %'!G)($12)#%^& C!"+1+'!'+0=& '()& )44)"'+:)& !02& )4-"+)0'& implementation of Agricultural Extension Programs +3""#7343$&.#*1C in the Extension Division to meet the Organisations Strategic Development Plan, Annual Corporate Plan 2DD4#71*#,()&1"%&*,&5%&)%(*&*,h and Business Plan Targets; Ensure the appropriate and The Chairman effective management and approved budgetary provision !354#7&B%"@#7%&+,$$#))#,( of programs by regular coordination and monitoring in !CRC&0,S&__TT "$561+!0")&X+'(&!66#$6#+!')&-0!0"+!1&#)=/1!'+$0^&@0%/#)& &?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) effective management of human resources through B3@1C implementation of the performance management system; 2DD4#71*#,()& F#44& 74,)%& 1*& ^CU`D$& ,(& *<%& _\*<& i3(%A& and ensure the development of relevant Capacity Building Programs to staff through the development of a Technical _`T_C Training Plan for the Division. H<%&",4%)&,=&*<%&D,)#*#,()&1"%&1)&)*1*%-&5%4,Fh l314#>71*#,(h& Must have experience at Management !B& `U[_`T_& J& !GW'2IGIH& BG+WGH2We& ORW& level. Translates the strategy into operational goals and creates a shared sense of shared purpose within 2?WZ+a8HaWG organisation. Engages others in the strategic direction The Permanent Secretary is responsible to the Minister of the work area, encourages their contribution and for the enhancement of food and income security through communicates expected outcomes. Undertakes agricultural sector growth. He/She is also responsible objective, critical analysis and distils the core issues. for the research in crop and animal production, the Presents logical arguments and draws accurate dissemination of the research result to farmers and the conclusions. Anticipates and seeks to minimise risks. coordination of sustainable development. The incumbent Breaks through problems and weighs up the options is required to ensure the appropriate prioritization of to identify solutions. Explores possibilities and creative agricultural programmes given the available funding; alternatives. Values specialist expertise and capitalises ensuring an appropriate framework to promote best on the knowledge within the organisation as well as practice agricultural sector development and the consulting externally as appropriate. Manages contracts undertaking of innovative measures to achieve increased judiciously. Contributes own expertise to achieve outputs and realize greater food and standards set by the outcomes for the organisation. Builds and sustains relationships with a network of key people internally WTO and are of a high quality. and externally. Recognises shared agendas and works As the Public Service Commission’s ‘”Delegate” and '$X!#2%&5/'/!11;&7)0)-"+!1&$/'"$5)%8&*0'+"+6!')%&!02&+%& ZF(+)4&*""$/0'+0=&[4-")#\E&'()&+0"/57)0'&+%&!1%$&#)]/+#)2& responsive to internal and external client needs. Adopts '$&)44)"'+:)1;&!02&)4-"+)0'1;&5!0!=)&'()&Y+0+%'#;3%&?/5!0& a principled approach and adheres to the Public Service and Financial Resources. He/She must ensure the Values and Code of Conduct. Acts professionally and development of a competent and motivated workforce impartially at all times and operates within the boundaries and the provision of policy advice to government of organisational processes and legal and public policy including the coordination of statutes and regulations that constraints. Operates as an effective representative of are applicable to the sector. The Permanent Secretary is '()&$#=!0+%!'+$0&+0&6/71+"&!02&+0')#0!1&4$#/5%8&F$0-2)0'1;& required to exercise prudence and accountability in the presents in a clear, concise and articulate manner. 5!0!=)5)0'&$4&Y+0+%'#;3%&-0!0")&!02&!%%)'%&!02&!2()#)& Translates information for others, focusing on key issues to the reporting requirements. The focus on customer and uses appropriate, unambiguous language. Selects service and public relations is essential and must be a the most appropriate medium for conveying information and structures written and oral communication to ensure primary concern in the delivery of services. clarity. Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp !B&`^[_`T_&J&!GW'2IGIH&BG+WGH2We&ORW&82IKB& of the key issues. Understands the desired objectives and associated strengths and weaknesses. Anticipates AND MINERAL RESOURCES the position of the other party, and adapts approach The Permanent Secretary is responsible to the Minister accordingly. Encourages the support of relevant for the formulation and implementation of policies and %'!G)($12)#%8&@0"$/#!=)%&2)7!')&!02&+2)0'+-)%&"$55$0& strategies relating to State Land Administration and ground to facilitate agreement and acceptance of mutually Research, Land survey and development, Valuation of 7)0)-"+!1& %$1/'+$0%8& Y/%'& (!:)& !0&*"!2)5+"& B)=#))& +0& State Land, National Geological Survey and manages the '()&#)1):!0'&-)128 The principal accountabilities of these roles include: 14 Salary: US04 $46,554 $56,419 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h The Permanent Secretary Ministry of iTaukei Affairs !&R&0,S&_T`` ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) B3@1 T_TM[_`T_&J&BGIZRW&BeBHG'B&2I28eBH Responsible to the Manager Corporate Services for the provision of effective administrative support through adherence to directives and the implementation of tasks as may be assigned from time to time; participation in the effective implementation of the Performance Management System (PMS) through the adherence to set administrative guidelines; facilitate the development and maintenance of the Ministry’s website through the application of all necessary website development '$$1%& !02& 6#$")%%^& 5!_+5+`+0=& H>& & T;%')5%& )4-"+)0";& for regularly improving database and networking requirements, including creation and maintenance of new 2!'!7!%)& !%& 5!;& 7)& #)]/+#)2^& 4!"+1+'!')& %'!44& )4-"+)0";& and continuous monitoring and upgrading of computers and related peripherals; liaise with IT equipment vendors for quotations and provide advice on purchase of suitable equipment or repairs and maintenance of IT equipment, conduct trouble shooting for all staff; liaise with the Department of ITC for implementation of IT Policies, provide policy advice as well as researched information on Information Technology. He/she will also be required to update and maintain the Standard Operating Procedures for MIS and provide monthly reports to the MCS on all MIS outputs. l314#>71*#,(h Bachelors Degree in Information Technology/ Computer Science or equivalent from a recognized institution with relevant work experience. BD%7#14& W%/3#"%$%(*)h& H02/%'#;& ")#'+-"!'+$0%& X$/12& 7)& !2:!0'!=)$/%a& FFb,E& F$56>H*& F)#'+-)2& >)"(0+"!1& Trainer (CTT+), ITIL Intermediate Lifecycle, Information Security Administrator. Salary: IT04 $32,175 $41,865 T_Tm[_`T_& J& BGIZRW& 2K'ZIZBHW2HZ.G& ROOZ+GW& n'RIZHRWZI?o The incumbent is responsible to the Director Development '(#$/=(& '()& ,#+0"+6!1& *25+0+%'#!'+:)& [4-")#& '$& )0%/#)& that all reports are well documented, facilitate research and advice on best reporting practices. Monitor the implementation of the good governance framework, corporate governance and the publication of the itaukei focus quarterly bulletin. Provide interpretation and prepare reports and evidence documentation in a clear, logical and comprehensive manner for the Strategic Framework 4$#&F(!0=)&c&F$$#2+0!'+0=&[4-")&MTCFF[R&I)#+-"!'+$08&& Coordinate with central agencies and stakeholders for effective implementation and monitoring of capital projects. Provide Secretariat Support to the Internal Policy Committee, iTaukei Executive Forum and other Executive Committees; attend stakeholder meetings and ensure compliance to the Public Service Values, Code of Conduct and internal values that demonstrate commitment to these principles. l314#>71*#,(h An Undergraduate Degree in Management & Public Administration, Business Administration or equivalent from a recognised institution with relevant work experience. Computing skill/Literacy in computing applications and sound industry knowledge are preferred. Salary: SS02 $26,845 – $34,149 T_TL[_`T_&J&GkG+aHZ.G&ROOZ+GW The incumbent is responsible to the Director, iTaukei Institute of Language & Culture through the Senior *25+0& [4-")#& MF/1'/#!1& Y!66+0=& c& T6)"+!1& d):+:!1& Unit) for verifying data collected from the provinces "$:)#)2&+0&'()&F/1'/#!1&Y!66+0=&,#$=#!55)&&'$&"$0-#5& the urgency in safeguarding cultural expressions or traditional knowledge that are in danger of becoming extinct. The incumbent will be responsible in assisting the T6)"+!1&d):+'!1+`!'+$0&[4-")#&+0&'()&"$$#2+0!'+0=&'#!+0+0=& programme for the recommended resources owners. This will involve in liaising directly with the resources owners and seeking their consent and commitment. Liaising with government agencies in the resource based sector for '()+#&!%%+%'!0")8&@0%/#)&'(!'&'()&*25+0+%'#!'+:)&[4-")#&+%& updated on all data entered from the Cultural Mapping Programme. Ensure that work carried out is effectively undertaken through the submission of monthly work plans and achievements of the preceding months. l314#>71*#,(h A Diploma in Management & Public Administration, Business Administration or equivalent from a recognised institution with relevant work experience. Computing skill/Literacy in computing applications and sound industry knowledge are preferred. A pass in !#TURN TO PAGE 15 June 10, 2012 VACANCIES FIJI FOCUS T6)"+!1& d)]/+#)5)0'%& & H02/%'#;& ")#'+-"!'+$0%& X$/12& 7)& advantageous: CCNA, CompTIA Storage+, CompTIA Service Examinations H (1), H (2) & S is advantageous. Cloud Essentials, CompTIA Convergence Technologies The Director of Public Prosecutions Professional (CTP+), Passed two exams towards CCNP, !&R&0,S&_UMM Salary: SS04 $16,160 $20,619 ITIL Intermediate Capability, MCPD Web/Windows ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) ,#$=#!55+0=E&Y+"#$%$4'&F)#'+-)2&T;%')5%&*25+0+%'#!'$#& B3@1 T_T][_`T_&J&He!ZBH MYFT*RE&Y+"#$%$4'&F)#'+-)2&T;%')5%&@0=+0))#&MYFT@RE& T__`[_`T_A& T__T[_`T_A& T___[_`T_A& T__U[_`T_A& Information Security Foundation. The position reports directly to the Senior Administration T__^[_`T_& T__M[_`T_& J& BGIZRW& 8G?28& ROOZ+GW& nm& [4-")#& eT)"#)'!#;& +>!/G)+& f!02%& *66)!1%& >#+7/0!1g& !02& !RBHBo Salary: IT05 $24,505 $32,682 assists in typing of documents, correspondences and verbatim of the iTaukei Lands Appeals Tribunal (TLAT) Responsible to the Director of Public Prosecutions for T_UT[_`T_&J&2K'ZIZBHW2HZ.G&ROOZ+GW meetings, hearings at the respective villages, and their prosecuting criminal trials in the Magistrates and High nKG!aHe&ROOZ+Z28&WG+GZ.GWAo&J&Ba.2 decisions. The incumbent is also required to assist the Courts, and appeals in Court Of Appeal. The appointee Secretary TLAT with the preparation of logistics for the must have a high level of advocacy and an ability to render This position is responsible to the Administrator – General TLAT’s travels and meetings and preparation of TLAT timely legal opinions, deliver training lectures. He/She for the administration of the Bankruptcy Act and the monthly reports for the Management Board Meetings. must be a good team worker, have good interpersonal Companies Act with respect to windingup of Companies The incumbent will serve all customers to the TLAT, and communication skills and an ability to supervise legal in Fiji, and the administration of Bankruptcy matters. The answer telephone calls and take dictations, record inward $4-")#%&+0&'()+#&X$#G8 position is also responsible for court attendance, calling of and outward mails and other duties assigned by the meetings with creditors, maintaining accounts of persons Secretary TLAT. l314#>71*#,(h& ,#$4)%%+$0!11;& ]/!1+-)2& /02)#& '()& declared Bankrupt or Companies with windingup orders; provisions of the Legal Practitioners Decree. Serving managing assets for the recovery of debts, distribution of l314#>71*#,(h&A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination [4-")#%&%($/12&(!:)&%)#:)2&!'&1)!%'&JiK&;)!#%&!%&f)=!1& liquidated assets to creditors and contributories; ensures eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'&X+'(&KhX65&';6+0=&%6))2&$0&5!0/!1& [4-")#& $#& )]/+:!1)0'& 1):)18& b$0iT)#:+0=& !661+"!0'%& that the functions of windingup, receiverships and typewriter or 40wpm typing speed on electronic/electric should have at least 4 years post admission experience X+02+0=i/6&!#)&%/4-"+)0'1;&#)"$#2)2^&)0%/#)&6/71+"!'+$0%& typewriter. Word processing knowledge and Computer in any organization. Preference will be given to applicants in the media are properly done, ensures timely service Management skills are essential. Shorthand skill is with experience in Litigation and Legal opinion work in all of documents before hearing in court dates; provide advantageous. areas of civil law; and demonstrated management and necessary assistance and sound advice to clients; Secure X!=)&6!;5)0'%&4$#&7!0G#/6'%&'$&'()&$4-")&$4&'()&[4-"+!1& leadership competencies. Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 Receiver; The position requires the incumbent to have a very good understanding of the winding up procedures Salary: LG04 $32, 205 $43,038 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& and a sound knowledge of accounting procedures. =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h T__m[_`T_A&T__L[_`T_A&T__][_`T_&J&8G?28&ROOZ+GW l314#>71*#,(h An Undergraduate Degree in Management nU&!RBHBo The Permanent Secretary & Public Administration, Business Administration or Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and The appointee shall be responsible to the Director of equivalent from a recognised institution with relevant G$D4,6$%(* Public Prosecutions for prosecution of criminal trials in the work experience. Computing skill/Literacy in computing !&R&0,S&__Tm magistrates court and other High Court. The appointee applications and sound industry knowledge are preferred. ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) must have a sound level of advocacy and legal analysis A pass in Service Examination E is advantageous. B3@1 and understanding of criminal law and procedure and an ability to render timely legal opinions. He/She must Salary: SS03 $20,945 $26,770 T_T\[_`T_&J&!WZI+Z!28&HG+NIZ+28&ROOZ+GW be a good team worker, have good interpersonal and nRNB& BH2HaHRWe& GI?ZIGGWZI?& ZIB!G+HZRIB[ communication skills. T_U_[_`T_& J& GkG+aHZ.G& ROOZ+GW& nWG?ZBHW2W& RO& GIORW+G'GIH&p&OZG8K&R!GW2HZRIBo +R'!2IZGB&ROOZ+Go&J&Ba.2 l314#>71*#,(h& ,#$4)%%+$0!11;& ]/!1+-)2& /02)#& '()& The position will be responsible to the Deputy Secretary provisions of the Legal Practitioners Decree. The position is responsible to the Assistant Registrar of for OHS & Workmen’s Compensation through the Companies on matters relating to staff training needs/ Director National OHSWC Service for the staff training Salary: LG05 $24,733 $30,820 analysis and development; ensures that compliance of and management of all daily operations and resources the Companies Act, and the Business Names Registration within the OHS Field Operations of the National 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& Act whilst processing of the applications; Processing and OHSWC Service, in line with the Ministry’s Strategic =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h vetting of moneylenders, newspaper and credit union Plan, Corporate Plan and the National OHSWC Service applications; Management and supervision of frontline Management/Business Plans. The incumbent will be The Permanent Secretary $4-")#%j&%/7$#2+0!')%^&"()"G+0=&$4&#):)0/)&"$11)"')2&$0& required to ensure the quality and timely delivery of the '#(#)*"6&,=&i3)*#7%&1(-&2(*#J+,""3D*#,( daily basis; preparation of timesheet for wages earners; powers of Health and Safety Inspectors under “Section !&R&0,S&__TU timely submission of requisition for stationeries; maintain 42” of the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1996 (Act); ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) !2)]/!')& 1):)1& $4& %'!'+$0!#;& 4$#& $4-")& $6)#!'+$0%^& !02& implement the provisions of the Act and all associated B3@1 )0%/#)&%)"/#+';&%;%')5&$4&'()&$4-")&!#)&!2)]/!')8& OHS Legislations in all workplaces covered under the *"'^& )04$#")& [?T& T'!02!#2%& %6)"+-)2& /02)#& [?T& T__\[_`T_&J&BGIZRW&2K'ZIZBHW2HZ.G&ROOZ+GW l314#>71*#,(h A Diploma in Management & Public Regulations and Codes of Practice; provide an effective Administration, Business Administration or equivalent from emergency OHS Response Service for fatalities, serious >()&6$%+'+$0&+%&#)%6$0%+71)&'$&'()&,#+0"+6!1&*%%+%'!0'&[4-")#& a recognised institution with relevant work experience. injuries/diseases in workplaces; assist workplaces in for the supervision of the day to day management of the Computing skill/Literacy in computing applications and the setting up of Health and Safety Representatives unit. Ensure full administrative support and service to the sound industry knowledge are preferred. A pass in and/or Committees; encourage employers and workers ,#+0"+6!1& *25+0+%'#!'+:)& [4-")#8& C!"+1+'!')& [""/6!'+$0!1& Service Examinations H (1), H (2) & S is advantageous. to consult with each other on safe and healthy work Health & Safety needs of the Ministry. Ensure timely practices; advise and assist employers and workers processing of vacancies, act as Secretary to the Boards Salary: SS04 $16,160 $20,619 in the performance of the OHS obligations under the & Committees including Section Heads Meeting & Staff Act and advise them of the assistance available in Board Meeting. The appointee will assist the Principal T_UU[_`T_& J& BHGIR& He!ZBH[He!ZBH& n0ZWHNBA& carrying out their obligation; ensure responsive and *25+0+%'#!'+:)& [4-")#& +0& '()& "$56+1!'+$0& $4& '()& /0+'3%& KG2HNBA&'2WWZ2?GBo&J&Ba.2 effective quality OHS investigations, enforcement and Business Plans, Annual reports, PD’s and IWP’s. The prosecution; prepare and carry out OHS Management position also assists with the determination of training The position is responsible to the Registrar General to Audit in workplaces; conduct quality and timely statutory policies, needs and programmes; Design, organize and provide stenographic services; ensures accurate typing engineering inspections of plant/machinery under the direct inhouse training courses; Implements Ministry of all correspondences and that they are dispatched Act, such as Steam Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Lifts, training programme; Assist staff selection to attend in a timely manner, records all inward and outward Hoists, Cranes, Lifting Gears, Amusement Rides, courses, seminars, workshops, meetings, conferences correspondences; daily operations of the fax and copiers etc, registration of workplaces, plant and substances/ and attachments and facilitates the appointment process !02&/62!'+0=&$4&#)1):!0'&#)=+%')#%^&5!+0'!+0&6#$6)#&-1+0=& chemicals in accordance with OHS legislations; assist of Justice of Peace. system of all correspondence; handling of all incoming the OHS Risk Management Service in the conduct of telephone calls. NonDestructive Testing (NDT), Occupational Hygiene, l314#>71*#,(h An Undergraduate Degree in Management OHS Training, in the enforcement of plant/machinery and & Public Administration, Business Administration or l314#>71*#,(h&A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination workplace design vetting and other OHS consultancies; equivalent from a recognised institution with relevant eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'&X+'(&KhX65&';6+0=&%6))2&$0&5!0/!1& facilitate the monthly and quarterly collation of workplace work experience. Computing skill/Literacy in computing typewriter or 40wpm typing speed on electronic/electric OHS data for input into the national OHS database; applications and sound industry knowledge are preferred. typewriter. Word processing knowledge and Computer conciliate between aggrieved parties on immediate threat Management skills are essential. Shorthand skill is situations under “Section 25” of the Act and other OHS Salary: SS02 $26,845 $34,149 advantageous. issues; assist in giving timely and quality policy advise to the Minister, Permanent Secretary, Deputy Secretary T_U`[_`T_&J&BeBHG'B&2I28eBH[!WR?W2''GW Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 OHSWC, Director OHSWC and the National OHS Advisory Board (NOHSAB) on matters relating to Field This is the position in the Administration Division 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& Operation Service; advise and to perform other duties as that reports directly to the Principal Administrative =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h may be assigned by the Permanent Secretary for Labour, [4-")#& $0& +04$#5!'+$0E& "$55/0+"!'+$0& !02& ')"(0$1$=;& Industrial Relations and Employment, Deputy Secretary matters. The incumbent is responsible for information, The Permanent Secretary for OHSWC and the Director of National OHSWC Service communication and technology matters such as meet '#(#)*"6& ,=& !",@#(7#14& K%@%4,D$%(*& 1(-& I1*#,(14& from time to time. performance requirement of the Department, Ensure Disaster Management manageability of technology and associated resources, !&R&0,S&__T\ l314#>71*#,(h& A Degree in Science/Engineering / OHS facilitate end user support, protect and maximize the ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) 4#$5& !& #)"$=0+`)2& +0%'+'/'+$08& & T)#:+0=& $4-")#%& %($/12& usability of data, manage the computerization process, B3@1 (!:)&!'&1)!%'&K&;)!#%&%)#:+")&!%&!&T)0+$#&>)"(0+"!1&[4-")#& manage the existing computerized systems, design and or equivalent. Non–serving applicants should have 12 implement software components such as reports, forms, T_U^[_`T_&J&BGIZRW&2K'ZIZBHW2HZ.G&ROOZ+GW ;)!#%& )_6)#+)0")& X+'(& #)1):!0'& 2)=#))& ]/!1+-"!'+$0& database packages, programming, and systems design. n!WR.ZI+Z28&2K'ZIZBHW2HRWA&BGWa2o +0& '(+%& 6!#'+"/1!#& -)12& +0& !0;& $'()#& $#=!0+`!'+$08& & V$$2& Development of computer networks and implementation of report writing skills and demonstrated ability to control the intranet including the update and new developments, Responsible to the Divisional Commissioner Central in and manage technical staff and value resources. Special provide technical reports for unserviceable information providing leadership to strengthen the capacity of rural Requirements: Formal training from any recognised technological equipments, design and manage Justice leaders through coordination and partnership within institution in an area of Occupational Health & Safety Department web page and assist in IT training courses the Government and NonGovernment Organizations. would be an advantage. Ensure community growth and development through for capacity building. the implementation of appropriate community capacity Salary: ES01 $37,796 $48,090 l314#>71*#,(h Bachelors Degree in Information building initiatives and programmes. Facilitate National Technology / Computer Science or equivalent from a 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& recognized institution with relevant work experience. !#TURN TO PAGE 16 !#FROM PAGE 14 June 10, 2012 =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h 15 FIJI FOCUS should have at least 9 years relevant work experience. Special Requirements: Knowledge of National Building Support/ Ancillary services through the coordination and Code of Fiji, Interpretation of Plan, Material Estimate, and implementation of major national response activities Construction Management. in accordance with the stipulated guidelines and legislations. Ensure sound entity management through Salary: ES02 $27,301 $34,791 the implementation of best management practices and procedures. Provide adequate policy advice and support 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& to facilitate the development of sound policies for the =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h Ministry. Ensure the formal information and reporting requirements of the Ministry, Government, Statute, and The Commissioner of Police Minister and relevant authorities are met in a timely and O#P#&!,4#7%&O,"7% relevant manner. Ensure all Provincial Administration !&R&0,S&_U\ operation/ activities comply and adhere to the relevant B3@1 regulations and statutes. Ensure that a responsible and dynamic image is presented for the Provincial T_U][_`T_&J&BGIZRW&2++RaIHB&ROOZ+GW Administration in all its dealings by developing and maintaining excellent relations and representation with Manage the activities of the Accounts section and all relevant bodies within the industry. Actively promote ensure that laid down procedures are adhered with. and encourage community and voluntary involvement in Plan and prepare Annual Budget Report for the the provision of services for the greater well being and Fiji Police and submit for sanction by the executive good government of the rural populace in rural areas management. Review, analyze and evaluate operational and to encourage selfhelp and local responsibility for capital expenditures and recommend strategies for addressing problems. improvement to avoid inconvenience to funding. Liaise and coordinate with appropriate authorities for budget l314#>71*#,(h&An Undergraduate Degree in Management development of projects with set contingency plans & Public Administration, Business Administration or 6/'& +0& 61!")8& & *%%)%%& !02& 5$0+'$#& #)=/1!#1;& "!%(& 9$X& equivalent from a recognised institution with relevant from allocated budget restricting expenses within the work experience. Computing skill/Literacy in computing allocation. Monitor and evaluate policies and projects applications and sound industry knowledge are preferred. effectiveness through output and recommend changes $#&5$2+-"!'+$0%&'$&6$1+"+)%&!02&6#$D)"'%&61!0%8&@%'!71+%(& Salary: SS02 $26,845 – $34,149 and maintain effective lines of communication and build up good working relationships within the unit, with other T_UM[_`T_&J&+8GWZ+28&&ROOZ+GW&J&BGWa2 units/sections/divisions/departments, other relevant government and nongovernment organizations and the Responsible to the Provincial Administrator Serua community for a collective achievement of the branch 4$#& )44)"'+:)& !02& )4-"+)0'& & $6)#!'+$0%& $4& '()& B+%'#+"'& $7D)"'+:)%8& & Y!+0'!+0& )44)"'+:)& /%)%& $4& -0!0"+!1& !02& Administration by providing timely and accurate 6(;%+"!1& #)%$/#")%& M')1)6($0)%j$4-")& 4!"+1+';j5!"(+0)%j Administrative and Accounting support and advice. equipment/stationery/etc.) at the branch’s disposal; Duties include revenue collection, ensure safe keeping contribute to the professional and personal development and proper recording of all revenue collected through of staff under control and attend to welfare and discipline compliance with set guidelines; develop and maintain matters affecting them. Maintain a safe, healthy, excellent relations with the public through the provision innovative and productive work environment and ensure of courteous services; Participate in the effective compliance of OHS Policy in the workplace by the staff implementation of the PMS through the adherence to set under control. Maintain a broad and current knowledge on Administrative guidelines; Attend to all Ancillary Services operational policies, guidelines and procedures; relevant provide by the Provincial Administration i.e.; Registration legislation; Financial Instructions & Stores Regulations; of Births, Deaths and Marriages; Service as Justice of Force’s Code of Ethics, Corporate Plan and OHS Policy. Peace; issuing of Liquor, gaming and Business Licenses; Allocation of quarters for civil servants; Issuing of permits l314#>71*#,(h&*&#)1):!0'&,$%'&V#!2/!')&F)#'+-"!')&$#&!0& for fundraising activities and Service as a Third Class undergraduate Degree in Accounting/Finance/Commerce Magistrate. Any other duties assigned by the Provincial from an accredited University and a Provisional Member Administrator Serua. of the Fiji Institute of Accountants or an equivalent professional body. The Appointee should have a sound l314#>71*#,(h A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination knowledge of accounting theory and application, have eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'8 relevant work experience and should be highly analytical, have strong communication and written skills, a team Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 player and able to meet strict deadlines. Must have experience in managing staff and resources. T_Um[_`T_&J&+8GWZ+28&&ROOZ+GW&J&8R'2Z.ZHZ Salary: AC02 $30,833 $39,121 Responsible to the Provincial Administrator Lomaiviti 4$#& )44)"'+:)& !02& )4-"+)0'& & $6)#!'+$0%& $4& '()& B+%'#+"'& 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& Administration by providing timely and accurate =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h Administrative and Accounting support and advice. Duties include revenue collection, ensure safe keeping The Permanent Secretary and proper recording of all revenue collected through Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture and compliance with set guidelines; develop and maintain Arts excellent relations with the public through the provision !"#@1*%&'1#4&019& of courteous services; Participate in the effective ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) implementation of the PMS through the adherence to set B3@1 Administrative guidelines; Attend to all Ancillary Services provide by the Provincial Administration i.e.; Registration T_U\[_`T_&J&KZ.ZBZRI28&GKa+2HZRI&ROOZ+GW of Births, Deaths and Marriages; Service as Justice of WESTERN Peace; issuing of Liquor, gaming and Business Licenses; Allocation of quarters for civil servants; Issuing of permits Responsible to the Director Primary for overall for fundraising activities and Service as a Third Class administration of education and supervision of schools in Magistrate. Any other duties assigned by the Provincial the Western Divisions. Duties include the Implementation Administrator Lomaiviti. of policy decision on education; liaise with the Ministry -)12& %'!44& +0& '()& B+:+%+$0%E& ,#+0"+6!1%E& ?)!2& >)!"()#%E& l314#>71*#,(h A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination organizations, controlling authorities eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'8 of schools and divisional administration. !#FROM PAGE 15 Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 T_UL[_`T_&J&BGIZRW&HG+NIZ+28&ROOZ+GW Responsible to the Director Research & Development, as the manager of the Rural Housing unit for the Ministry. The incumbent is to contribute and monitor the overall daily technical operations that are conducted nation wide. Provide technical advice to the management on all matters pertaining to housing in the rural areas; prepare rural housing work programme and coordinate, and monitor Rural Housing projects in accordance with this programme. Ensure proper planning, procurement and delivery of projects materials; ensure all construction of houses/ buildings under the Rural Housing scheme, including preparation of housing plans are in accordance with the National Building code. Supervise all Rural Housing staff; provide quarterly and Annual reports of Rural Housing unit to management. Liaise with shipping companies for transportation of project materials and Carpenters to project sites as and when necessary. l314#>71*#,(h&A Diploma in Construction Management / W/+12+0=&c&F+:+1&@0=+0))#+0=&'$=)'()#&X+'(&>#!2)&F)#'+-"!')& in Carpentry & Joinery or equivalent from a recognised +0%'+'/'+$08&T)#:+0=&$4-")#%&%($/12&(!:)&!'&1)!%'&K&;)!#%& experience in the ES03 grade. Non Serving applicants 16 VACANCIES to be aligned with Government policyframework. Liaise with Ministry of Strategic Planning, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Works in matters relating to Capital Projects funded through Government Budget and aid donor agencies such as AUSAID, European Union, NZODA, and JICA etc. The post coordinates functions of the Development units and plays an important role in the monitoring and development of the Ministry of Education. As such responsibilities cover a very wide spectrum of work embraced in the Principal Accountabilities of each unit stated hereunder. Assessing the current needs and projecting the longterm needs of the Ministry for school 2):)1$65)0'&!02&%'!4-0=&0))2%8 l314#>71*#,(h Recognised relevant degree and Masters +0&'()&#)1):!0'&-)12&X+'(&')!"()#&'#!+0+0=8&&,$%'=#!2/!')& ]/!1+-"!'+$0& X+11& 7)& !0& !22)2& !2:!0'!=)8& *'& 1)!%'& NU& years teaching experience with 2 years in ED1AC grade or 3 years in ED2AD or 4 years in ED3C grade based upon standard rating scale. OR At least 10 years teaching )_6)#+)0")&X+'(&K&;)!#%&!%&T)0+$#&@2/"!'+$0&[4-")#&@BJ*& with superior assessment is preferable. Applicants must have competent experience, knowledge and exposure with the Fiji Internal Assessment Framework tools such as CATS/CBA and LANA. Should be able to consistently assess, evaluate, and monitor the implementation of school plans and effectively report on ESRI Programmes. Candidates who have successfully completed Leadership & Management or other related trainings will be an added advantage. At least 3 years rural service together with the basic computing skills will be preferred. Contribution to Fiji education beyond the immediate school environment and the ability to communicate effectively on education issues with the wider community and recognized leaders in Education would be an added advantage. Potential to advance to higher posts. Salary: ED1D $39,529 $45,358 T_^T[_`T_&J&!WZI+Z!28&GKa+2HZRI&ROOZ+GW nBG+RIK2WeA&+Kao Develop policies and goals for different activities and programmes to ensure consistency with the unit’s objectives. Formulate plans, schedules and programmes relating to workshops/inservice courses/ seminars, school visits and curriculum development. Initiate action for effective implementations of the plans and programmes for different activities. Ensure that the requests implementations of the plans and programmes for different activities Ensure that the requests for assistance from schools and other institutions and bodies are facilitated by delegating duties to the !66#$6#+!')& $4-")#%8& *%%+%'& B+#)"'$#& eF*Tg& +0& 6#$:+2+0=& 2+#)"'+$0&!02&!%%+%'!0")&'$&%'!44&'$&)0%/#)&)4-"+)0";&!02& effectiveness. Appraise job performance of subordinates for feedback, selection and recommendation for training or promotions. Facilitate the achievement of policies and recommendations by communicating and liaising with internal staff of the Curriculum Development Unit, Examination Section, Education Resource Centre, Schools Broadcast Unit, Secondary and TVET Sections. Ensure support for the achievement of position’s objectives by conferring and collaborating with other institutions. To ensure compliance with the unit’s aims, plans and budgetary allocations by monitoring and reviewing activities and programmes of CDU. Ensure that quarterly and annual reports are submitted regularly as a basis for management and control. Ensure that objectives of the unit are met be measuring achievements against the targets set by the section and initiate corrective actions. l314#>71*#,(h&Recognised relevant degree and Masters +0&'()&#)1):!0'&-)12&X+'(&')!"()#&'#!+0+0=8&&,$%'=#!2/!')& ]/!1+-"!'+$0& X+11& 7)& !0& !22)2& !2:!0'!=)8& *'& 1)!%'& NU& years teaching experience with 2 years in ED1AC grade or 3 years in ED2AD or 4 years in ED3C grade based upon standard rating scale. OR At least 10 years teaching )_6)#+)0")&X+'(&K&;)!#%&!%&T)0+$#&@2/"!'+$0&[4-")#&@BJ*& with superior assessment is preferable. Applicants must have competent experience, knowledge and exposure with the Fiji Internal Assessment Framework tools such as CATS/CBA and LANA. Should be able to consistently assess, evaluate, and monitor the implementation of school plans and effectively report on ESRI Programmes. Candidates who have successfully completed Leadership & Management or other related trainings will be an added advantage. At least 3 years rural service together with the basic computing skills will be preferred. Contribution to Fiji education beyond the immediate school environment and the ability to communicate effectively on education issues with the wider community and recognized leaders in Education would be an added advantage. Potential to advance to higher posts. l314#>71*#,(h Recognised relevant degree and relevant Y!%')#%&X+'(&')!"()#&'#!+0+0=&,$%'=#!2/!')&]/!1+-"!'+$0& will be an added advantage. At least 2 years in ED1AD grade or 4 years in ED2AC grade with superior assessment based upon standard rating scale or equivalent experience or Ministry of Education post with superior administrative ability and professional leadership skills. Applicants with at least 3 years rural service together with basic computing skills will be preferred. Candidates who have successfully completed Leadership & Management or other related trainings is preferred. *0& $4-")#& $4& (+=(& "!1+7)#& X+'(& 2)5$0%'#!')2& +0')11)"'/!1& "!6!"+';E& 2#+:)E& 2)')#5+0!'+$0& !02& 9!+#8& F$0'#+7/'+$0& '$& Fiji Education beyond the immediate school environment Salary: ED1D $39,529 $45,358 and the ability to communicate effectively on education issues with the wider community and recognized leaders T_^_[_`T_&J&BGIZRW&&GKa+2HZRI&ROOZ+GW in education would be an added advantage. Potential to nNZBHRWe[?GR?W2!NeA&+Kao advance to higher posts. Responsible to the Director CAS/TVET through the ,#+0"+6!1&@2/"!'+$0&[4-")#&eT)"$02!#;g&4$#&'()&')!"(+0=& Salary: ED1F $42,542 $49,117 and learning of History and Geography in Secondary Schools. The appointee will be required to research, T_^`[_`T_&J&!WZI+Z!28&GKa+2HZRI&ROOZ+GW plan, design, develop and evaluate relevant curriculum nKG.G8R!'GIH&aIZHo materials for students and teachers handbooks, pupils To coordinate functions of Development Section of the workbooks and other learning and teaching materials, Ministry and review, formulate and cost policies so as !#TURN TO PAGE 17 June 10, 2012 VACANCIES !#FROM PAGE 16 a balance diet, supervise kitchen staff and maintain knowledge and Computer Management Skills is essential. Shorthand skill is advantageous. hygiene conditions in the hostel and kitchen. plan, conduct and facilitate teachers inservice courses and workshops and provide professional guidance to l314#>71*#,(h& A mature individual with assessed teachers through visits to schools. The duties involve supervisory ability and some experience of the provision travelling. of the domestic services is essential. Experience in catering and laundry desirable in some posts and l314#>71*#,(h Recognised degree with relevant subject housekeeping provision in others. The requirements of 5!D$#%&!02&')!"()#&'#!+0+0=8&&,$%'=#!2/!')&]/!1+-"!'+$0& the posts will vary with a pass in Form 7 Examination or +0&'()&#)1!')2&-)128&*'&1)!%'&P&;)!#%&"$56)')0'&')!"(+0=& completion of a relevant apprenticeship. )_6)#+)0")&X+'(&K;)!#%&!%&@2/"!'+$0&[4-")#&e>)"(0+"!1g& ED4B with superior assessment is preferable. At least Salary: TG05 $7,798 $13,679 9 years competent teaching experience with 4 years superior assessment as HOD ED5D/ED5C in the relevant 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& specialized subject discipline based upon the standard =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h rating scale. OR At least 9 years competent teaching experience with 6 years in ED6AD grade or 5 years in The Permanent Secretary D5AE grade or 3 years in ED4AC grade or 2 years in '#(#)*"6& ,=& 8,714& ?,@%"($%(*A& a"51(& K%@%4,D$%(*A& ED3AC grade with superior assessment based upon N,3)#(9&1(-&G(@#",($%(* standard rating scale. Applicants must have competent !&R&0,S&_TUT experience, knowledge and exposure of the Fiji Internal ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) Assessment Framework tools such as CATS/CBA and B3@1 LANA. Should be able to consistently assess, evaluate, and monitor the implementation of school plans and KG!2WH'GIH&RO&GI.ZWRI'GIH effectively report on ESRI Programmes. Candidates who have successfully completed Leadership & Management T_M`[_`T_&J&GI.ZWRI'GIH&ROOZ+GW or other related trainings will be preferred. Leadership n:2BHG&q&!R88aHZRIo qualities have been demonstrated by the applicant and consistently good reports. Applicants with at least 3 Responsible to the Director of Environment through the years rural service together with the basic computing ,#+0"+6!1& @0:+#$05)0'& [4-")#& MS!%')R& +0& /02)#'!G+0=& skills will be preferred. Ability to communicate effectively investigation on waste/pollution related issues such as on educational issues with the wider community and polluted sites in Fiji; work with the other stakeholders recognized leaders in Education. Potential to advance to to ensure that the policies and legislations of waste and higher posts. pollution unit are well implemented; advising industries on better waste management options; implementation Salary: ED2A $32,419 $37,377 of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy; and implementation of waste awareness programs/ T_^U[_`T_&J&+8GWZ+28&ROOZ+GW campaign. Assist in the implementation of Litter Decree nGKa+2HZRI&WGBRaW+GB&+GIHWGo AND Environment Management Act. d)6$#'%&'$&'()&T)0+$#&@2/"!'+$0&[4-")#E&@dF8&*0%X)#+0=& of Phone Calls in the absence of typist ERC. Typing of commitments committed every day in the commitment ledger. Liaising with the suppliers on the Purchase of Supplies as per ERC stores. Liaising with suppliers and Distributors on payments and quotation of Supplies .Preparing of Commitment Reports. Providing GWE Staff of Clear updates of Leave Schedule. Submitting MAR of GWE Staff. Preparing of timesheets of GWE staff and >dF[& T'!448& L62!'+0=& ,!;5)0'& I$/"()#& -1)%8& B$+0=& typing for ERC Staff and Photocopying in the absence $4&'()&>;6+%'8&?)16+0=&%/661+)%&$4-")#&+0&'()&!"]/+#+0=&$4& Quotations for the needed chemicals and equipment’s. Payment of Overseas Suppliers. Daily Communicate with ,#$"/#)5)0'&[4-")&4$#&,/#"(!%)&!02&d)1)!%)&[4&H02)0'& Books from Customs and Dispatch. Salary: SS03 $20,945 $26,770 T_MU[_`T_&J&2BBZBH2IH&2++RaIHB&ROOZ+GW n!2e'GIHBo >(+%&6$%+'+$0&X+11&7)&#)%6$0%+71)&'$&'()&*""$/0'%&[4-")#& for processing of all payments through the Government’s 0)X&C+0!0"+!1&Y!0!=)5)0'&H04$#5!'+$0&T;%')5&eCYHTg8&& As head of the Payments Section, the incumbent of this position is responsible for ensuring that the various phases involved in the AP system are fully complied with to achieve the two most important outputs – issue of cheques and ensuring that all expenditure incurred is eventually accounted for and posted to the General f)2=)#&eVfj@_6)02+'/#)g8&& l314#>71*#,(h An undergraduate Degree in Accounting/ Finance/Commerce from an accredited University. Appointee must have relevant experience in an accounting environment. A pass in Government Exams, H1, H2 and U, along with Government accounting system )_6)#+)0")&!02&YT&[4-")&%G+11%&X$/12&7)&!0&!2:!0'!=)8&& The incumbent must be a team player and capable of meeting strict deadlines. Salary: AC04 $18,218 $23,406 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h The Permanent Secretary '#(#)*"6& ,=& !354#7& G(*%"D"#)%)A& +,$$3(#71*#,()A& +#@#4&2@#1*#,(&1(-&H,3"#)$& !&R&0,S&__L] ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) B3@1 l314#>71*#,(h A Degree in Environmental Studies/ KG!2WH'GIH&RO&+R''aIZ+2HZRIB Environmental Science or equivalent from a recognized T_M^[_`T_&J&HG+NIZ+28&ROOZ+GW institution. Salary: LB03 $20,945 $28,521 KG!2WH'GIH&RO&HR:I&2IK&+RaIHWe&!82IIZI? T_MT[_`T_&J&He!ZBH Responsible to the Director through the Principal >$X0& ,1!00)#& 4$#& '()& )4-"+)0'& 2)1+:)#;& $4& T)"#)'!#+!'& and support services. The incumbent should provide professional level of word processing for clarity of reports and conditions of plans and other requirements. Provide 7!"G/6&!02&!25+0+%'#!'+:)&%/66$#'&%)#:+")&+0&!0&)4-"+)0'& and effective manner. Ensure professional typing l314#>71*#,(h&A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination services are rendered and assist to Secretary and other eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'8 units when required. The incumbent will be required to assist in customer service and ensure all enquiries are Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 !'')02)2& '$& 6#$56'1;& !02& 2+#)"')2& '$& #+=('& 2)%G& $4-")#%& for processing. T_^^[_`T_&J&+8GWZ+28&ROOZ+GW&n!Kao l314#>71*#,(h&A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination Y!+0'!+0& [4-")& )]/+65)0'& c& %'$"G& %/661+)%& $4& '()& eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'&X+'(&KhX65&';6+0=&%6))2&$0&5!0/!1& Section. Assist with workshop organization. Preparation typewriter or 40wpm typing speed on electronic/electric $4& X$#G%($6& ")#'+-"!')%8& d)=+%'#!'+$0& $4& X$#G%($6%& typewriter. Word processing knowledge and Computer & Professional Development .Collating workshop Management skills are essential. Shorthand skill is statistics, evaluations, transfer evaluations and reports. advantageous. Compilation of reports weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly for SFCCO. Prepare Monthly Newsletter to report Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 on the achievements of the unit 2DD4#71*#,()& ,(& 7,$D4%*%-& ?!& T^_& O,"$& =,"& *<%& l314#>71*#,(h&A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination =,44,F#(9&D,)*)&)<,34-&5%&1--"%))%-&*,h eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'8 The Permanent Secretary Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 '#(#)*"6&,=&e,3*<&1(-&BD,"*) !&R&0,S&_^^] T_^M[_`T_&J&BHGIR&He!ZBH[He!ZBH&n!Kao ?,@%"($%(*&03#4-#(9) B3@1 d)6$#'%& 2+#)"'1;& '$& '()& T)0+$#& @2/"!'+$0& [4-")#E& ,BL& in providing typing services for PDU. Provide proper customer service. Provide administrative support service T_M_[_`T_&J&BGIZRW&BG+WGH2We for the section. Organize workshop requirements. Y!+0'!+0+0=& 2!'!7!%)& $4& $4-")#%& =$+0=& $0& H0i%)#:+")& This post will be responsible to the Senior Administrative >#!+0+0=%8&*'')02&'$&$'()#&2/'+)%&!%%+=0)2&7;&$4-")#%&$4& [4-")#8& & >()& +0"/57)0'& $4& '()& 6$%+'+$0& X+11& )0%/#)& '(!'& the Section. tasks in relation to the secretarial responsibilities as assigned by the Permanent Secretary are implemented l314#>71*#,(h&A pass in Fiji Seventh Form Examination within the set timeframes and with highest levels of eCTC@g&$#&)]/+:!1)0'&X+'(&KhX65&';6+0=&%6))2&$0&5!0/!1& output quality. The post holder is also required to typewriter or 40wpm typing speed on electronic/electric manage all requirements of the Permanent Secretary’s typewriter. Word processing knowledge and Computer $4-")&!02&+0&6!#'+"/1!#&'$&!##!0=)&!66$+0'5)0'%^&!##!0=)& Management skills are essential. Shorthand skill is travel for Permanent Secretary, ensure that all outward advantageous. "$##)%6$02)0")& 4#$5& '()& ,)#5!0)0'& T)"#)'!#;3%& $4-")& is correctly distributed internally, and; assist with protocol Salary: SS05 $8,335 $15,451 arrangements for any visiting dignitaries. To exercise '()%)& #$1)%E& '()& T)0+$#& T)"#)'!#;& #)")+:)%& %+=0+-"!0'& T_^m[_`T_A&T_^L[_`T_A&T_^][_`T_A&T_^\[_`T_&J&BGIZRW& guidance from the Permanent Secretary. However, KR'GBHZ+&2BBZBH2IH&n^&!RBHBo the incumbent must also be familiar with all relevant LEVUKA PUBLIC SCHOOL operational guidelines as determined by the Ministry RATU KADAVULEVU SCHOOL HQ, the Public Service Commission and the Ministry of QUEEN VICTORIA SCHOOL Finance. VUNISEA SECONDARY SCHOOL l314#>71*#,(h& *& B+61$5!& +0& T)"#)'!#+!1& T'/2+)%j[4-")& The appointee with be responsible to the Principal for Administration from a recognised institution with 60wpm overall supervision of Domestic Assistant for school typing speed on manual typewriter or 70wpm typing hostel and the medical welfare of the students, order and speed on electronic /electric typewriter with relevant record necessary drugs and equipment, treat sick injured work experience. Proven discretion and ability to work students and arrange for treatment of more severe effectively under pressure. Advanced word processing cases, prepare and administer weekly menus ensuring June 10, 2012 FIJI FOCUS Responsible to the Director of Communications for: Assist the Engineer in drafting policies to foster the development of the telecommunications sector by way of timely and accurate research, consultations with industry groups and benchmarking against international best practices and the areas of telecommunications and management. Assist in preparation of briefs and cabinet papers through conducting relevant research as directed. Report on the state of compliance on a quarterly basis. Draft periodic briefs to inform management on the key developments within the sector. Maintain the updating of all registers, all client information to ensure correct information is available at all times. Ensure timely updates to the Department website and to assist the information $4-")#& +0& #)%)!#"(+0=& !02& 6/''+0=& '$=)'()#& +04$#5!'+$0& and awareness briefs. Represent the Communications Department in meetings, seminars, workshops and trainings as and when directed. Arranging and keeping records of all meetings with industry stakeholders Carry out periodic checks and surveys on the state of the telecommunications sector. Carrying out site surveys if required. Liaising with internal and external customers and assisting with general queries; Analyzing and interpreting data to identify useful trends and to draw summary conclusions. Assist in simplifying existing processes and establishing guidelines to document the technical work of the department. Organise consultations, workshops and meetings as directed. Assist the Engineer on the general operational activities of the department. Direct, motivate and coordinate subordinates to obtain optimum results. Working to tight timescales as part of a highperforming team. l314#>71*#,(h& A Diploma in Civil Engineering or )]/+:!1)0'&4#$5&!&#)"$=0+%)2&+0%'+'/'+$08&T)#:+0=&$4-")#%& should have at least 3 years experience in the ES06 grade. Non Serving applicants should have at least 3 years relevant work experience. Ability to supervise and control staff. Salary: ES05 $16,162 $21,023 For further enquiries of advertised vacancies please contact the respective Post Processing Managers of Ministries and Department. However, should you require additional information, do not hesitate to email or call salote Keteiwai on 331 4588 ext 238 of the Public Service Commission. You can download GP 142 Form and the !"#"$%&'(")$*+,-")+$./0)"1($2",)&(1,3$ from our website: CLOSING DATE: 14 days from 15th of June 2012/ the date of the Fiji Public *+,-")+$./0)"1($2",)&(1,4 17 FIJI FOCUS ,!#'+"+6!0'%&"$55)0'&$0&'()&ZF(+12&>#!4-"G+0=&c&b!'+$0!1&*"'+$0&,1!0\&X$#G%($6 AGNI DEO SINGH National Secretary Fiji Teachers Union WE need to actually work as team coherently, to try and eliminate or reduce this serious problem that our country is now faced with. The four days workshop that we had has indeed brought about many revolutions. It has made us aware, once more of the presence of this problem in our community. We have explored various means in trying to assist each other as a team to work towards eradicating child labour and worst forms of child labour. USAIA CIRIKIWAI Street Kids Coordinator . Foundation of the Peoples of the South :%*&)*!='$.;'%$&9'%+ I guess for us, working with the youth and also street kids has been a consultation forum where our voice has being heard, and our stories told. Hopefully the National Action Plan will -*!*9('()5(?' May be the result will not be immediate but something in future for those that will come after us, those policies will be able to help them, and hopefully if not eradicate then help in decreasing the number in terms of child labour in our country. AMITA JOTI PRASAD Project Coordinator Child Rights Unit. Save the Children Fiji SAVE the Children Fiji works for the betterment and improving the lives of all the children in Fiji. In being part of the workshop we learned how we can eliminate the worst form of child labour. We are undertaking a project funded by International Labour Organization (ILO) particularly addressing commercial sexual participation of the children in Fiji. And now with this training we can see where the weaknesses are. LANIETA TUIMABU Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation THE interesting area that relates to Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation was the code of conduct by the employers and areas that needs the employer’s commitment. Also acknowledge the International Labour Organization and Ministry of Labour for putting up this workshop. Worst forms of child labour in the employment sector is vital and it’s information we have to know. Employers must be aware and FCEF must encourage employers to be members of FCEF so we can all abide by the laws and regulations. REMA ALOYSIUS Regional Director, Standards Department of Education (Papua New Guinea) WE are thankful to the Government of Fiji and the International Labour Organization for inviting us. The Papua New Guinea team participated in the workshop to develop the work plan for child labour. In PNG we have a long way to go and our experience to learn 56">('1)5('R$M$'$,'#"$%&'5%#'#*<%$(*02' we will use Fiji’s Example to draw the PNG Charter of the child labour and worst forms of child labour. We sat through and saw what Fiji is doing.We have just done that. Unit formulates “Action Plan” “The child above the age of 15 can work to support his family, however, this should not be at the expanse of the child’s education and the work should not be hazardous to the child’s health. “Sometimes the Child Labour Monitoring Unit also ensures that if a child is working after school, he must be paid the minimum rates of pay, given proper breaks and must return to his parents or guardians well before 10pm. No child should be employed after 10pm,” the coordinator emphasised. Mr Kumar said in Fiji, mostly children were employed in the wholesale and retail sector. “If a child works in this sector after school, then he should be paid a rate of $2.59 if they are working as unskilled workers. If the child is working as a general worker, then he should be paid $2.75 per hour. “If they are working after school or after 3pm, they can only work until 10pm or less than that. The employer must ensure that the child’s wage is paid on time and FNPF is also deducted,” Mr Kumar said. He is also urging various stakeholders and parents to work collectively in ensuring that Pillars 8 and 9 of the Peoples Charter is achieved. “Pillars 8 and 9 are reducing poverty to a negligible level by 2015 and making Fiji knowledge based society respectively. The National Employment Centre is part of this where we are trying our best to ensure that we reduce poverty and education also plays a vital role in this.” The Child Labour Monitoring Unit was set up in June, 2011 by the Government of Fiji with the assistance of the International Labour Organization. By PRIYANKA LAL A draft National Action Plan has been formulated on Child Labour and Worst Forms of Child Labour to enhance the understanding of this vital issue, $%90>#$%&'9)$0#'(-57<9K$%&? The Action Plan was drafted by the Child Labour Monitoring Unit (CMLU) and other stakeholders during the four#52'W+"-,('R"-:,'"7'O)$0#'N56">-'5%#' National Action Plan’ workshop from May 28 to 31 in Suva. Coordinator of CMLU, Atish Kumar said the essence of the workshop and the National Action Plan was to dwell on the worst forms of child labour and how the issue could be addressed in an effective manner. “In the Action Plan, we also explored strategies to address the Worst Forms of Child Labour, particularly the systems, procedures and techniques to determine effectively to investigate how the worst form of child labour operates,” Mr Kumar said. “The National Action Plan will assist them greatly in achieving the ministry’s targets of creating a knowledge based society as enshrined in the People’s Charter for Change, Peace and Progress.” He reiterated that children should not be employed in cheap labour, abused in any way or should not be deprived of proper education. “We need to have a plan in place to address the worst forms of child labour,” Mr Kumar said. “We do not want our children to 6*'(-57<9K*#'$%'5%2'152'5%#'7"-'()5(8' ()">&)'1*'#"'%"(')5/*'9)$0#'(-57<9K$%&' cases in Fiji, we still need to have some plans in place so that if something comes up, we have the plans there to address it.” The coordinator said the National Action Plan should be ready by the end of the third quarter or the beginning of fourth quarter. “The draft will go for consultation with the stakeholders after which it will be presented to Labour permanent secretary and the Minister for Labour.” Mr Kumar is also urging parents 18 and guardians to take full advantage of the various assistance Government is providing towards the education sector. He stressed that education was the right of a child and no one should take that away from children. “We are conducting awareness for parents. Sometimes, they feel that if the child is not doing well at school, they pull them out of school but they do not give any support to the child. And they put the child into a cheap labour force. “What we are trying to tell them is that there are other avenues that the child can look into. “One of them is that the child can pursue vocational training, if they are not doing well academically. They can also be registered at the National Employment Centre where we can give them lifeskills training and counsel them. “These are some of the things that Government is doing in trying to ensure that these children do not fall into cheap labour process,” Mr Kumar said. Highlighting that there are provisions under the International Labour Organization Convetion for a child to work, especially to assist his family, Mr Kumar said this applied for children above the age of 15. PARTICIPANTS at the X:,")*&O,"$)&,=&+<#4-&815,3"& and National Action Plan’ F,";)<,DC INSET: International Labour R"91(#)1*#,(&"%D"%)%(*1*#@%)& ,==%"%-&),3(-&1-@#7%C June 10, 2012 VERNACULAR FIJI FOCUS Era taba tu oqo na Roko Tui kei ira na R,;,&@%#@3;%&(#&@%#61)1(1&%(1&(,-1&@1(31&%(1&-31&(1&(,-"1&@34#&;1&@1;1617,"#&$1#&I1-1@%&%(1&6151;#&)1&,*#&;%#&(1&+<#%=& GS%73*#@%&R==#7%"&(#&Z*13;%#&2==1#")&,&g1(141&2D1;3;#&g3"3)#91&c4,$1&-,(3dC <";121&)$,$"&+$&9*1=$#$91 S A vakamacalataka na Chief Executive Officer ni Matabose e Cake ni Veika Vakaitaukei (iTaukei Affairs Board) o Kanala Apakuki Kurusiga na veiveisau vinaka (reforms) sa gadrevi me vakayagataki ena Tabacakacaka iTaukei. A vakamacala tiko o Kurusinga vei ira na lewe ni Bose ni Yasana o Tailevu ena macawa sa oti. Na imatai ni sasaga a vakayacora na matabose oya na nodra cakacaka vata na Roko Tui ni veiyasana kei na veivakatorocaketaki e qaravi ena loma ni yasana. Oka kina na nodra cakacakavata na veiqaravi ena vale ni volavola ni Yasana kei na iTalai Veivuke ni iwasewase oya. Sa oti saka oqo edua vakacaca na yabaki na nodrau cakacaka vata saka mai ka vakamuria saka e dua na porokaramu ni matanitu %5'X%(*&-5(*#'[>-50'.*/*0"=:*%(' Framework ka tauyavutaka na matanitu ena 2007. Na Integrated Rural development Framework e dua na sala e vakamuri me rawa ni vakailavotaki mai kina mai na matanitu na noda sasaga ni veivakatorocaketaki. Na gagadre kece ni veivakatorocaketaki me bosei ena bose vakoro ka me tiko na kena ivakadinadina me vaka e koto ena yavu ni veivakatorocaketaki. Na kena vakaitukutukutaki vakavinaka na lewa ni bose vakoro. Kevaka edua na gagadre ka biu cake mai ena veikoro ka vinakati me lesuvi, ena lai dikevi ga mai na itukutuku ni bose vakoro. Sa bibi saka kina vei ira na turaga ni koro mera na vakaivolataka saka vakavinaka na itukutuku ni bose vakoro. Sa tiko talega e dua na vakanananu mera yadua na vale ni volavola na Turaga ni koro kece e Viti. Koto vata kei na kena gacagaca. Sa vica na bose ni yasana era sa vakatura tiko mai na tikina oqo. Sa tiko talega na gagadre ni matabose me na dikevi tale mada vakavinaka na nodra digitaki na Turaga ni koro . E vakanananutaki tiko me vakamuria ga na iwalewale sa vakayagataka tiko na matabose ni cakacaka vakamatanitu na minimum qualification level. Se me koto e dua na ivakatagedegede ni kila kei na vuli me rawata rawa toka e dua me qai rawa ni digitaki me turaga ni koro. Sa nanumi talega de na rawa ni vakakina vei ira na laki lewena bose ni tikina kei na bose ni yasana. Sa na digitaka na minisita na iluliu ni bose ni yasana kei na nona ivukevuke ka na gadrevi talega kina na minimum qualification. Sa tiko eso na veisau ni gacagaca ni veiqaravi ni bose ni yasana sa mai veisautaki ena yabaki sa oti. E tolu na Roko Veivuke e sa na biu ki na dua na yasana. Na imatai ni Roko Veivuke me qarava na vuli, dua me qarava na veivakatorocaketaki ka dua me qarava na veika e gadreva na lewe ni yasana. O koya e qarava na veivakatorocaketaki sa na qai kumuna mai na veika kece oqo ena vei bose ni tikina kau cake vei Roko levu. Rau sa na qai laki raica vata kei na Provincial Admministrator (PA). Ni rau raica oti sa na qai lave sara ki vua na Talai Veivuke. Na veika e rau veivosakitaka na Roko kei na PA sa na qai lave cake ,5-5'K$'%5';-"/$%9$50'.*/*0"=:*%(' Board. Ka na wasei na veivakatorocaketaki lelevu U:5M"-'=-"M*9(,V'K$'%5'.$/$,$"%50' .*/*0"=:*%('a"5-#? Sa itavi talega nei PA me vakalesuya tale tiko ki na vale ni volavola ni yasana na veika sa wasei vei rau na Provincial .*/*0"=:*%('a"5-#'K*$'%5' .$/$,$"%50'.*/*0"=:*%('a"5-#?' Ni sa matata vaka oya sa na qai rawa ni laki vakailavotaki mai. Na bose ni yasana esa na qai dau mai vakadeitaki saka kina na veika esa qaravi baleta na veivakatorocaketaki. Sa semati sara vakavinaka na cakacaka ni Tabacakacaka iTaukei kei na cakacaka ni veivakatorocaketaki ena vei tabacakacaka ni matanitu me vaka ni dau cavuka koto ena veigauna sa oti. Yavutaki oqo mai na Rural .*/*0"=:*%('R-5:*1"-K'650*(5' noda tiko vinaka na lewe ni yasana. Sa laurai kina me sema tiko na tabacakacaka itaukei kei na tabana ni bula ena vuku ni valuti ni mate ka vu mai veisau ni ivakarau ni 6>05',*'%5'Wlifestyle diseases’ kei %5'WNon Communicable Disease’ USO.V? Sa cakacaka vata talega na tabacakacaka kei na vale ni veivesu ena vuku ni reveni dromodromo se na nodra vakasukai saka mai ki na koro na suka mai vale ni veivesu. Sa cakacakavata talega na tabacakacaka kei na tabacakacaka ni kena taqomaki na iyau bula vaka kina na tabacakacaka ni qoli ena maroroi ni sasalu kei na noda iqoliqoli vaka kina na tabacakacaka ni veikau ena kena maroroi na veikau kei na teivaki ni kau. Sa sema talega na tabacakacaka ki na porokaramu baleta na veisau ni draki se climate change. Vaqaqacotaki talega na isema kei na Tabacakacaka ni Veiqaravi vakayasana. Sa vaqaqacotaka talega na tabacakacaka na nona veisemati kei na veisoqosoqo dau veivukei mai na taudaku ni matanitu me vaka na Think Pacific, WWF, FLAMMA, Mareqeti Viti, USP Institute of Applied Science, Conservation International, Pacific .$50"&>*8';O.R8'a$-#'N$7*'K*$'%5' Habitat for Humanity. Sa na gadrevi me sa na tauyavu na vei komiti ni iyaubula ena veiyasana taucoko sara. Sa na dua tiko na ivakalesilesi ni Peace Corp me mai vakailesilesi ni qaravi ni veikabula (environment) ena noda veiyasana. Sa ratou digitaki tiko na Roko me ratou Conservation Officers talega ni veiyasana. Vakatau ena veiotokoni /5K5$05/"'%$'TS.;',5'%5'C5$' -515'%$'25#>5'%5'W*%/$-"%:*%(50' officers’ ni veiyasana. E dau ciqomi ena vale ni volavola ni yasana ena vei vula tolu na nodra itukutuku na noda vei turaga ni koro. Me rawa ni kilai kina na noda bula vinaka na lewe ni yasana kilai talega na veisau cava e yaco. Sagai me kua ni dau veimurimuritaki na veivakatorocaletaki, ia, na itukutuku nei Turaga ni Koro sa na kilai kina na veika e dodonu me vakatorocaketaki ka ganita na koro oya. Oqori eso na veisau sa vakayacora tiko na tabacakacaka itaukei me vaka a vakamacala tiko kina o Kanala Apakuki Kurusiga na CEO ni Matabose e Cake ni iTaukei Affairs Board. R&#"1&(1&$1"1$1&(#&H134%@3&$1#&.#"#1A&I1#*1)#"#&c#$1F#d&;%#&#"1&(1&9,(%@34#&(#&H14134#1&KZ)*"#7*&B7<,,4&$1#&g1-1@3&c#$1*13dC&I1&@%#)13&)1&@1;1617,"1&*#;,&(1&H15171;171;1& (#&#H13;%#&%&(1$1;#&$%&(1&@1;1@#(1;1*1;1&(1&@%#@1;1*,",71;%*1;#&%(1&@%#;,",&@1;1J.#*#&;%#&(1&@%#*1"1*1"1&;%#&#"1&(1&#@1;14%)#4%)#&(#&$1*1(#*3C June 10, 2012 19 FIJI FOCUS Tubu na ;$"'$1& *+$&,1;(& bulabula A vakayacori e dua na bose macawa dua ni Tabacakacaka ni Bula (Health Wellness Symposium) me baleta na kauwai ena tiko bulabula kei na kena valuti na mate dewa eso vei keda na lewenivanua. A kaya na ivukevuke ni Vunivola Tudei ni Minisitiri ni Bula o Vuniwai Joseva Koroivueta ni sa rui ka bibi me dau raici lesu tale na waka tu ni veimate era dau basika mai. “Ke basika na mate ni mona, ia, e tiko na wekana se mate cava ga e basika mai sa dodonu me da raica lesu tale vakatitobu na waka ni mate se cava e basika mai kina,” a kaya o Vuniwai Koroivueta. E kuria ni dina ga era sa vulica mai na dauniveiqaravi ni bula na iwali ni veimata, mavoa se na kena soli na wainimate, ia, e dau lecavi tu na kena dikevi se cava na wakatu ni kena basika e dua na mate. “Na nona susugi daumaka e dua na gone ena vakatau se na veitokoni kina na vuravura ka tiko se bula voli kina,” a kaya o Koroivueta. “Tekivu mai na nona kunekunetaki, na bula e curuma mai o tinana, na yalo ni loloma e sotava, yalo ni veimaroroi, na kena kakana, bula ni veimaliwai, me vaka ni veika kece oqo ena tara cake e dua na tamata,” a kaya o Vuniwai Koroivueta. Kaya o Vuniwai Koroivueta ni bibi kina me da raica ni sega ni rawa ni saumi vakailavo e dua na bula. “Sa noda itavi me da maroroya na bula, ia, na ka talei kina ni kena lewa e toka ga vei keda.” A vakamacala talega o Vuniwai Isimeli Tukana ka kaya sa cakacaka vata na tabana ni bula kei na veitabana kece vakamatanitu, vakalotu se vakavanua ena kena vakaqarai na se vu ni tauvimate. “Na bose oqo era sureti mai kina na veitabana era qarava tale tikoga na tiko bulabula me R&#"1&(1&#@1;14%)#4%)#&(#&'#(#)#*#"#&(#&0341&%(1&5,)%&$171F1&-31&%&B3@1&;1&@%#*141(,1*1;#&;#(1&(1&;13F1#&(#&$1*1(#*3& %(1&(,-"1&*#;,&53415341&(1&4%F%(#@1(31C vaka na Tabacakacaka ni Veiqaravi Vakayasana U;-"/$%9$50'.*/*0"=:*%(V8' Tabacakacaka ni Veimatatamata (Multi-ethnic Affairs), Tabacakacaka ni Vuli, Tabacakacaka ni Teitei, Tabacakacaka ni iTabagone kei na Qito, kei na so tale ka ra mai vakamacala vei keimami ena vuku ni tiko bulabula,” kaya o Vuniwai Tukana. Kaya o Vuniwai Tukana ni tiko na itavi ni Tabacakacaka iTaukei kei ira na veisoqosoqo lotu kece sara e Viti me ra ligavata ena vuku ni qaravi ni tiko bulabula. “Keitou sa vakadeuca yadudua na veituvaki ni bula me tekivu mai vei ira na kunekune, toso vei ira na gone, itabagone kei na qase cake,” kaya o Vuniwai Tukana. “Vei keda na itaukei e Viti, sa laurai ni ra sa vakaleqai tiko na gone kei tinani gone ka kunei ni tekivu sara tiko ga nodra dui matavuvale. “Kevaka era qaravi vinaka mai vale, tekivu ena gauna ni kunekune ena rawa ni ra bula vinaka ka na levei na veimate lelevu sa tara tiko na noda vanua.” Kaya o Vuniwai Tukana ni basika mai na leqa oqo ena nodra dau vakalolomataki, vakamavoataki se guilecavi na tina kei na gone. “Ni tauvimate mai na gone se na tina, e tiko mai dakuna eso na leqa vakaoqo ka vakabera tiko na cakacaka. “Sa nuitaki tiko kina na lotu kei na vanua ena rawa ni vukea na tiko bulabula me baleti ira noda kawa ena siga ni mataka,” a kaya o Vuniwai Tukana. E kaya o koya ni rua talega na tikina bibi e dua o ira na itabagone. “E rauta ni 35 na pasede na iwiliwili ni itabagone ena noda vanua. Sa laurai vakamatata sara ni vaka era sega tiko ni vakayagataki vakavinaka tiko ka sega ni macala tiko na vuna.” E kaya ni tekivu sara ga mai vei iratou na veiliutaki ena Tabana ni Bula, era sa vakauqeta na cakacaka vakavoleka kei na Tabacakacaka ni iTabagone. E rauta ni 80 na vakailesilesi ni tabana ni bula mai na veiyasai Viti era mai bose oqo ka ra sureti talega mai na veitabana eso me vaka na ovisa, isoqosoqo dau veivukei, me vaka na D*9-*(5-$5('"7'()*';59$<9' Community (SPC), kei na vuqa tale kei na so tale me tarai kina na ulutaga bibi oqo ni kena valuti na mate mai na tiko bulabula. Z'2:Zh&&I1&.3(#@,41&H3-%#&(#&H151(1&(#&0341&,&.3(#F1#&K"&G4,(#&H,"1&;%#&(1&.3(#@,41&H3-%#&(#&'#(#)#*#"#&(#&0341&W1"151&;%#&(1&'1"1$1&,& ?,@#(-&B1$#C&G&8R'2h&R&.3(#F1#&O"1(7%)&0#(9F,"&;%#&#"1&(1&#@1;14%)#4%)#&(#&*151(1&(#&5341C&Z'2H2ah&G"1&)1&61@141*1&@1;141#41#&(1&619,-"1& (1&#@1;14%)#4%)#&(#&5341&%(1&#@1;1*19#&(#&Xr3$51YC Tomana na kabani ni toa na nona veitokoni SA tomana tiko ena yabaki oqo na nona vakailavotaka na vakaraitaki ivoli kei na itei ni Tabacakacaka ni Teitei, Susu manumanu kei na iQoliqoli (Agriculture Show) na kabani vinaka na Goodman Fielder. Na kabani oqo e kilai ena nona susuga ka volitaka na toa kana vinaka na Crest Chicken. Sa solia tale kina na kabani e $40,000 me cicivaki kina na soqo oqo ka sa na laki qaravi tiko ena Churchill Park mai Lautoka mai na i ka ono ni siga ki na i ka tinikadua ni vula o Okosita. Ena yabaki rua veitaravi sa sivi a vakayacori tikoga e Suva na vakaraitaki ivoli se itei oqo ka sa mani nanumi me kau yani ki na mua ira me vukea na nodra rawa ni vakabulabulataki ni mai oti na waluvu a tarai ira. Sa sainitaki e dua na veidinadinati kei na Special Administrator mai Lautoka na tabana ni teitei ka sa na solia wale kina na vanua ni soqo kena ibalebale ni na sega ni saumi na $25,000. Kaya o Praveen Bala ni ka marautaki ki na siti o Lautoka me cau ki na vakatoroicaketaki ni tabana ni teitei, susu manumanu kei na iqoliqoli e Viti. Na ulutaga ni soqo ena yabaki oqo sa $K"25'%5'W`-"1':*'R$M$L? E sega walega ni vakaraitaki na veika ivoli eso baleta na teitei kei na susu manumanu, era na tu talega e kea na veitabana vakailavo e rawa ni ra kerekere yani kina na dau teitei. Ena qai laki cava na soqo mai Lautoka ena kena laki soli na vei icovi eso ni dauteitei gugumatua, dau qoli gugumatau kei na dau susu manumanu gugumatua ni yabaki 2012. E isevu talega ni yabaki me na qai soli kina na icovi ki na dau tei dovu gugumatua. 20 VERNACULAR >$?#*9$&)*&9*19";*&)$1&(&@?(+1/1$ SA vakaraitaka na matanitu o Indonesia ni gadreva me vukei Viti ena vakatoroicaketaki ni Tabana ni Qoliqoli (Fisheries) ena noda vanua. E ratou a sikovi Viti mai kina edua na ilawalawa ka mai veivosaki kei na kena Vunivola Tudei ni Tabana ni Qoliqoli o Inoke Wainiqolo. “Na ilawalawa oqo era kena dau ena qaravi ni lumi, susu ika me vaka na tilapia kei na susu ura, ka tu sara e cake na ivakatagedegede ni nodra kila me baleta na veika oqo,” kaya o Wainiqolo. A kaya o Wainiqolo ni sa solia tiko nona gauna e dua na kena dau ena qaravi ni qoliqoli me na sikova na veibisinisi ni susu ika kei na tei lumi ka tu ena noda I1&'#(#)#*1&(#&l,4#/,4#&;%#&(1&H%#*%#&,&i,;%*1(#&+,;1(1)#91&c#$1*13dA&(1&.3(#@,41&H3-%#&,& veikoro ka laki vakavulici Z(,;%&:1#(#/,4,&c4,$1&-,(3d&;%#&(1&-31&(1&@1;1#4%)#4%)#&%&71;%&(#&*15171;171;1C ira ena iwalewale usivi me mai vakaraitaka nona vakatutu Ena qai muria oya na kena sainitaki me toso cake tale kina na ena veika me cakava na tabacakacaka e dua na veidinadinati kei na Indonesia ivakatagedegede ni rawaka. ni qoliqoli kei na veikau,” kaya o me baleta na noda cakacaka vata ena “Ni oti na veisiko ki na veikoro sa Wainiqolo. vakabulabulataki ni tabana ni qoliqoli. na qai lesu tale mai ki vale ni volavola June 10, 2012 VERNACULAR FIJI FOCUS <*/1;(&9$;$)$,$+1,"&;1&A$" SA biuti Suva ena Siga Tabu sa oti (3 ni June) na waqa na Iloilovatu ena dua na veisiko vakamatanitu ki na Yatu Lau. Na veisiko oqo e liutaka na Provincial Administrator ni yasana o Lau o Filipe Masa kei ira na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu ki Lakeba, Vanuabalavu, Cicia, Nayau, Oneata, Komo, Namuka, Moce, Kabara kei Ono-i-Lau. E kaya o Masa ni wase tiko vakatolu na inaki ni veisiko oqo ki na Yatu Lau. “Na imatai oya na vakaleleci ni yaya ni veivakatorocaketaki era sa voli rawa, ena loma ni imatai kei na ikarua ni vula tolu (1st and 2nd quarter),” a kaya o Masa. “Tarava na sikovi ni veivakatorocaketaki sa caka tiko kei na kedra ituvaki me rawa ni vakacavari na kena qaravi me vaka ni dodonu me vakacavari sara vakavinaka na kena tuvai vaka ivola (acquittals),” a kaya o Masa. “Kena iotioti ga ni dau vakavudua tu neitou vesiko ki na Yatu Lau ka dau laurai me vakaqaqacotaki ga na tikina oqo me vaka ni dau luluqa tu.” E kaya o Masa ni ratou na laki raica talega na ituvatuva vou ni veivakatorocaketaki ni yabaki 2013 se na veivakatorocaketaki era na vakatura mai na lewenivanua me na vakailavotaka na matanitu. “Oqo na ituvatuva a vakaturi mai na Bose ni Yasana o Lau ka laveti cake ki na Provincial .*/*0"=:*%('a"5-#? “Oqo ena qai gole laveti cake sara ki na Tabana ni Navunavuci Dua ga na ivola tara ni bose SA vakaraitaka raraba e Viti na iliuliu levu ni tabacakacaka ni Ovisa o Brigadier General Ioane Naivalurua H*+"("7I ni sa na kerei ga vakadua na ivola tara ni nodra bose na veimatalotu mera veivosakitaka kina nodra vakatutu ena buli ni Yavu ni Vakavulewa Vou (Constitution Consultation). Era okati talega ena veivakadonui oya na isoqosoqo ena taudaku ni veimatanitu (NGOs). E sega ni ra okati ena veivakadonui oqo na veisoqosoqo vakapolitiki. Kaya o Naivalurua ni dodonu me kerei taumada yani na ivola tara ni bose oya ki vua na komisina ni ovisa ni bera ni soli yani na kena macala. “Sa kena ibalebale ni sa na sega ni kerei na ivolatara ena gauna kece ni bose. Kerei ga vakadua, soli na kena ivola tara. “Ia, na veibose kece ni veivosakitaki ni vakatutu ni mata lotu oya baleta na Yavu ni Vakavulewa vou me na dau tukuni rawa yani ki na tabacakacaka ni ovisa na gauna kei na vanua ena caka kina ke bera sara me kua ni lailai mai na 48 na aua ni bera ni tekivu na bose,” a kaya o Naivalurua. Sa veivakasalataki o Naivalurua ni bose kece e caka me kua ni veisaqasaqa kei na lawa ni taqomaki ni tiko veiyaloni ni lewenivanua se Public Order Act. “O ni sa vakasalataki na lewenivanua lewe ni veisoqosoqo lotu se vakabauta kei na isoqosoqo ena taudaku ni matanitu me kakua ni vakayacori na bose oqori me saqati, yavalti se vakacacani kina na cici ni matanitu se na kena bula vakailavo se na bula sautu e Viti. “Kevaka kina, ena tarovi na bose oya,” a kaya o Naivalurua. Kaya o Naivalurua ni nodra bose ga na veisoqosoqo vakapolitiki me na dau kerei yani na kena veivakadonui ena veigauna kece. June 10, 2012 iyaya ni veiqaravi ena valenibula mai Vanuabalavu. “Vakavinakataki talega na itikotiko ni Tabana ni Bula mai Vanuabalavu kei Lakeba. Era vakavinakataki kece tale tikoga ena gauna oqo na vei itikotiko ni veiqaravi ni Nasi kece mai na Yatu Lau.” Kaya o Masa ni oti mai sikova Lau iliuliu ni matanitu o Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, sa levu sara na veivuke ni vale ni volavola ni PM sa yaco ki na yasana o Lau vakabibi tiko ena tabana ni bula kei na vuli. “Oka eke na nodra vakavinakataki na veikoronivuli ka so e tara vou sara ga. “Rauta ni $80,000 sa vakayagataki mai Mualevu e Vanuabalavu ka tara vou talega nodra vale na muri vuli mai Mavana kei na Adi Maopa Primary School, Yaroi e Matuku vaka kina mai Namuka kei Moce. “E okati talega ena veivuke mai na vale ni volavola ni PM G& *151& *3& ,/,& (1& #4#3#4#3& (#& $1*1(#*3& ;%#& #"1& (1& 9,(%@34#& $1#& (1& na idabedabe ,desi kei na mona O34191&K#)*"#7*&B7<,,4&%(1&(,(1&@%#)#;,&;#&;%1&%(1&6151;1#&)1&,*#& livaliva.” J&_`TTC&Z$1F#h&I1&),/,&(#&@1;1),53&-3"3&$1#&(1&a43#/1413&K#)*"#7*& E kuria ni okati talega ena B7<,,4&$1#&81;%51C veivuke oqo na vakavinakataki ni lelevu sa qarava oti na matanitu. (Strategic Planning) ni matanitu valenivuli ni vuli tara (vocational) “Edua na kena sa tara rawa me na rawa ni qai votai se mai na Ratu Mara College kei na e dua na vale ni nasi totoka mai vakailavotaki yani ena ituvatuva Ratu Finau Primary mai Tubou kei vakailavo (2013 Budget) ni yabaki Cicia ka rauta ni $76,000 na kena na dua na valenivuli mai Vakano e isau. 2013.” Lakeba. “Sa tara talega e dua na na vale A kuria o Masa ni tekivu “E na yabaki sa oti e volekata ni nasi mai Tovu ena yanuyanu o mai na 2006 sa levu sara na ni $200,000 na ilavo ni veivuke a Totoya ka $76,000 talega na kena veivakatorocaketaki vinaka sa gole ki Lau mai na vale ni volavola cakava na matanitu oqo ka na sega isau. ni Prime Minister,” a kaya o Masa. “Sa qai vo ga me ra lesi na kena beka ni rawa kece me tabaki yani. E na tiko tale e Suva na Oya me vaka na ta ni gaunisala, ivakalesilesi mai na Tabana ni Bula ilakolako oqo ena 13 ni siga ni mera laki tawana na veivale oqo,” na tara ni wavu kei na rara ni June. waqavuka kei na vuli, bula raraba, a kaya o Masa Sa namaki tale tikoga me na “Eratou sa vukei talega ena veisokoyaki (franchise) kei na qai dua na veisiko ki Lau ni Talai iyaya ni veicavubati na vale ni bula Veivuke ena Tokalau o Netani vuqa tale. mai Lomaloma vaka kina eso na “Sa levu sara na cakacaka Rika ena yabaki oqo. Vosa bubului e va na noda turaganilewa vou G"1*,3&)1&*151&*3&,/,&(1&H3"191&(#&4%F1&@,3&%"1*,3&1&@,)1&535343#&%&$1*1(1&(1& !%"%)#*%-#&(#&(,-1&@1(31&,&W1*3&GD%4#&I1#41*#;13&%(1&$171F1&)1&,*#C&'1#&(1&#$1F#h&B#",$#& K,;,(#@143&H3"191A&+<1"4%)&W1*1;%4%A&W,&24#D1*%&'1*1#*#(#&;%#&',<1$%-&B1(%%$C ERATOU sa mai vosa bubului e matai Ratu Epeli Nailatikau na Peresitedi ni noda vanua e lewe va na turaga ni lewa vou ena sasaga ni kena vukei na cakacaka ni veilewai ena noda vanua. A vakayacori na vosa bubului oqo ena siga Moniti (Me 28) ni macawa sa oti. Na imatai ni turaga ni lewa o Mohamed Saneem ka rawata nona ivola koroi ni lawa mai na Univesiti ni Ceva ni Pasifika. E taukena talega edua na sitivikiti na Professional .$=0":5'%$'/*$C5-5/$'/5K5'0"25' o Saneem. A taura tu e liu o Saneem na itutu vaka ivukevuke ni Registrar ni mataveilewai e cake e Viti mai na Janueri ni yabaki oqo. Na kena ikarua o Charles Ratakele ka vakoroi talega mai na Univesiti ni Ceva ni Pasifika. A veiqaravi tu vaka loya o Ratakele ena vale-nivolavola ni dauveibeitaki ni matanitu mai na Seviteba ni 2010 ki na Feperueri ni 2011. Na ikatolu o Ro Alipate Mataitini ka rawata nona ivola koroi ni loya ena 2006. A cakacaka tu e liu ena tabana ni tukutuku ni matanitu o Mataitini ni bera ni qai dewa yani ki na matabose ni qele maroroi ni itaukei. Sa veiqaravi talega vaka loya ni mataveilewai e cake. Na kena i otioti o Siromi ."K"%$/50>'P>-5&5'K5' taukena talega na ivola koroi ni cakacaka vaka loya ka sa oti oqo e ciwa na yabaki nona veiqaravi vaka loya. E cakacaka tale tikoga "'."K"%$/50>'*%5'/50*'%$' volavola ni Attorney General. 21 FIJI FOCUS VERNACULAR Vakanamata noda timi ki na qito ni vuravura G"1&*371;%&*3&$1#&$3"#&(%&9,(%614%F1&4%F%&(#&*#$#&(#&(%*15144&(#&(,-1&@1(31C&G"1*,3&-15%&*#;,&%4#3&(1&D%*%"%(#&(#&),/,),/,&(#&/#*,&(%*5144&,& '1"6&01#(#$1"1$1&c4,$1-,(3dA&(1&.3(#@,41&H3-%#&(#&'#(#)#*#"#&(#&'1"1$1&;%#&(1&0341&W1"151&,&B1$#&?,3(-1"&c#;1"31&$1#&(1&#$1F#d&;%#&(1& .3(#@,41&H3-%#&(#&'#(#)#*#"#&(#&#H1519,(%&;%#&(1&l#*,&,&i,)%=1&B1(#1&c#$1*13dC B*&#$&,(;(+1&+$&+(?$& goneyalewa: Sania SA vakavinavinakataka vakalevu na Vunivola Tudei ni iTabagone kei na Qito o Josefa Sania na veitokoni sa vakayacori tiko ki na qito na Netball ena noda vanua. Ena vakayacori tiko ena Jiune 27 ki na June 28 ni yabaki oqo na ikava %$',"(5,"(5'%$'%*(6500'*%5';5,$<K5',*' NXOX'HP4';59$<9'S*(6500'D*-$*,?' Ka gadrevi tiko kina vakalevu na ilavo me cicivaka vinaka kina na Netball Fiji na sotasota oqo. “Na noda timi ni netball e ika 7 tiko ena vuravura ni kua ka ratou $:5(5$'*%5'%"#5';5,$<K5?'_C"'*'#>5' na cavuikalawa levu,” kaya o Sania. Vakavinavinaka o Sania ena veitokoni kece sa ciqoma tiko na isoqosoqo ni netball me rawa ni cicivaka vinaka kina na sotasota ni ;5,$<K5'"C"? “Keitou vakavinavinaka vakalevu ki na isoqosoqo ni netball ena noda vanua vakabibi ni liutaka sara tu na marama radini Prime Minister ka kena Petereni o Mary Bainimarama. “Oqo sa ivakaraitaki ni nodra veitokoni na tu e cake baleta na qito ena noda vanua,” a kaya o Sania. Sa solia talega nona veivuke na Tabacakacaka ni Marama e $15,000 ka solia na Life Insurance Corporation of India e $15,000. Namaki na veiveisau ni draki E sega ni vakabekataki se vakalasui na dina ni sa veisau tiko na ivakarau ni draki esa sotava tiko o Viti vaka kina na noda vuravura ni kua. Vakamacalataka e dua na lewe ni komiti ni veisau ni draki se Climate Change Committee o Lepani Kolinisau ni gauna e bulia kina na Kalou na noda vuravura e bulia sara vakamatau na ioloolo cagi meda bula kina. Ia, na ka kece eda cakava ena vuravura oqo vakabibi ni da vakama na benu, na vunikau, na musu kau, sa mai vakavuna kena kaburaki lesu tale tiko e macawa eso na mataqali kasi ka sa vakalevutaka na katakata ni maliwa lala. “Sa buli oti vakamatau na ioloolo cagi oqo ka yacana na carbon dioxide. E na kena vakadidike vaka science e .03 ni kasi oqo e dodonu me tiko ena ioloolo cagi qo,” kaya o Kolinisau. Kuria o Kolinisau ni kasi oqo kevaka e sega e na ioloolocagi oqo, na vuravura qo ena sega ni rawa ni da bula kina ni sa na batabata sara vakasivia. “Koya na 0.03 na pasede oya sa rauta vinaka sara toka ga na kena katakata me rawa ni da bula vinaka tiko kina,” kaya o Kolinisau. Ia, na leqa esa mai yaco ni sa levu tale na kasi vouvou sa cebraki tiko ki macawa. “Ni da ceburaka cake tiko na kasi qo sa vakavuna na veisau ni draki dau sega ni namaki me vaka eda sa vakila tu ni kua ka sega ni dau vakailai tu e liu.” Kuria o Kolinisau ni gauna oqo sa e rawa ni dua tani na draki e kacivaka na tabana ni draki mai Nadi ka qai dua tani na draki e qai yaco dina. “Na veiveisau ni draki sa vakavuna tiko na tamata ka sa na vakawasoma na kena yaco mai na draki ca lelevu sega ni rawa ni da vakabekataka oya.” 22 Sa kumuna rawa na Netball Fiji e $50,000 ka gadreva tiko me kumuna kece e $90,000 me rawa ni cicivaki vinaka kina na qito kei na nodra vakavulici na kena ivakalesilesi. Sa veitokoni talega na kabani na Fiji Water ena kena na vakarautaki na medra wai ni gunu na goneyalewa. E veitokoni talega tiko ga na K565%$'%$'65,$'%5'.**'O**,'a>,*,' Limited ena nodra na usa wavoki na gone yalewa era na qito tiko ena ,"(5,"(5'%$'%*(6500'"C"'%$';5,$<K5? Kaya na Vunivola Tudei ni iTabagone kei na Qito ni ratou sa dau caka vuli wavoki baleta na qito e Viti na nona vakailesilesi. “Oqo me kune kina eso na taledi mai na veikoro ena noda vanua eda sega tu ni kila,” a kaya o Sania. “Keitou veitokoni tiko na tabacakacaka ni tabagone kei na qito me rawa ni kilai ki vuravura ni matanitu o Viti e rawa ni kune mai kina e levu na dau qito vinaka sara.” Sa vakayacori oti mai Lakeba, Lau na vuli oqo, mai Vunivesi, Wailevu mai Cakaudrove talega, ka sa vo tikoga e rua na koro me na qaravi kina. Oqo e vakatabakidua ki na qito rakavi, netball kei na volleyball, kei na veimataqali qito tale eso. SA vakayaloqaqataki ira na noda cauravou lewe ni timi ni rakavi 15 na Peresitedi ni noda vanua o Ratu Epeli Nailatikau. Era laki tatau ki Valelevu na cauravou ena ilakolako ki na sotasota ni 8(6-46#9("-&/)#:7,#;(#/(# vakayacori tiko mai Javani. “Au kerei kemudou mo dou guilecava na druka ena 2011 ni yabaki sa oti, ia, mo dou tekivu kakavaki tiko yani ki na sotasota ni bilo ni vuravura (World Cup) mai Igiladi,” a tautaunaka o Ratu Epeli. “Na nomudou lako mai vei au, e vakaraitaka ni dou sa vakarau tu ka keimami sa na nanamaki tiko kina na lewenivanua e Viti,” a kuria o koya. Ena sota tiko o Viti kei Javani ena imatai ni wavoki ni bera ni qai laki sota kei Sikoteladi, Samoa ka na tarava sara o Toga ena vula oqo o Jiune. Na sota oqo kei Javani e se qai isevu ni qito ni timi 15 ni Viti ni oti mai na sotasota ni ni vuravura ena yabaki sa oti. “Sa na salavata kei kemudou na veivakalougatataki ni vanua o Viti kei ira na lewena vaka kina na nodra vakanuinui vinaka. “Mo ni nanuma ni keimami tokoni kemuni tiko,” a kaya o Nailatikau. “Ni kila vinaka ni dau ca na uluda na kai Viti ena rakavi. Mo ni solia na nomuni maqosa kei na kaukauwa kece ena sotasota oqo,” kaya o Ratu Epeli. B$1&9$;$?1?1;*&(&C(;$+191%1 ivakarau ni lisitaki ni qele ni itaukei ena noda vanua me laki vakayagataki ki Bokanivili me sa vakayagataki tiko e Viti. Eratou via vulica talega na eso me sega kina ni rawa ni dua e siova mai taudaku na ka me baleti koya na itaukei ni qele. Era via mai dikeva talega na iwalewale ni veisemati ni tabana ni listaki qele kei na matanitu ka vaka kina na ivakarau ni kena maroroi na itukutuku baleta na qele kei na iqoliqoli. E ratou via mai vulica talega na iwalewale cava e vakayagataka o Viti vei ira na sotia era dau lesu mai na veqaravi ni veisaututaki mai na tokalau e loma. Eratou kerea talega me ratou mai vulica na iwalewale ni nona qaravi ira na dau ni bisinisi e Viti vakabibi ena kena vakayagataki na iyau bula ni noda vanua me vaka na niu. Eratou na via sikova talega na noda vei koro vaka-Viti eso kei na bisinisi ni saravanua R&#"1*,3&(1)F141F1&(#&$1*1(#*3&*3&@1;1*1;#&;,61&,1&0,;1(#@#4#&%(1&4,$1&(#&@14%(#@,41@,41&(#& ni iyau bula (eco-tourism) kei (,-1#34#3&(#&$1*1(#*3C na kena rawa ni vukea na bula ERATOU a vakacabora nodratou isevusevu na nodra mai vakasokumuni tukutuku ena vakailavo ni matanitu. ki vua na Prime Minister ni noda vanua o veiwalewale ni veiqaravi eso ena veitabana Eratou via mai raica talega na Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama e dua na mata duidui ena noda vanua. veivanua eso e rawa ni rau veiwekani kina ilawalawa mai na matanitu tu vakataki koya E veiliutaki tiko mai na ilakolako oqo na o Bokanivili kei Viti me vaka na qito, mai Bokanivili. minisita ni itukutuku mai Bokanivili. saravanua kei na levu tale na ivurevure ni Na ilakolako oqo e salavata tiko mai kei Eratou via mai vulica ka dikeva na bula vakailavo. June 10, 2012 VERNACULAR Veivuke ena vakau ivoli ki vanua tani SA tiko e dua na tabana vakarautaki me vukei ira na dau ni bisinisi volitaki iyau ki vavalagi ka vakatokai me National Export Strategy (NES). A tauyavutaki na tabana oqo ena 2006 ena veivuke ni Ministry of Industry and Trade. Ena kena ivakarau me rau na sainitaka edua na veidinadinati na Tabacakacaka ni Veivoli kei koya na dau vakau ivoli ke sa na mani vagolei vua na veivuke. E ono na iwasewase ni volitaki iyau ki vavalagi oya na; tabana ni teitei, tabana ni veikau, na ICT, na volitaki wai, na caka iyaloyalo kei na iyaya ni soko. Oqo e dua na veivuke e solia wale na matanitu ka sega ni na saumi lesu ka na sega talega ni na dua nona cau lailai na dau vakau ivoli. E nona sasaga na matanitu me ra vukei o ira oqo mai na $1 na milioni na ilavo votai ki na Fiji Export Strategy. Era sa vukei oti e 29 na bisinisi ka sa oti na matanitu e $5.1 na milioni mai na 2006 ki na yabaki sa oti ka dola tu na kerekere vei ira na dau vakau ivoli se lewenivanua. O ira e rawa ni vukei me sa sivia na 12 na vula na balavu ni gauna era sa volitaki iyau tiko kina ki vavalagi. Me ra solia yani na nodra TIN number kei na nodra registration certificate kei na nodra laiseni ni volitaki iyau ki vanuatani. Me vakadonui mai BioSecurity na vanua e caka bisinisi kina, me vakarautaki yani na veika baleta nona akaude ni baqe, kei na naba ni rejisitaki ni nona kabani. Gadrevi me na vakarautaka talega na $(>K>(>K>',*'W#5(5L'%$'%"%5' volitaki iyau ki vavalagi ena loma ni 12 na vula. Ena gauna sa soli kina na ilavo eratou na qai dau laki sikovi ira tiko me vakadinadinataki na vanua sa vakayagataki tiko kina na ilavo oqo. FIJI FOCUS <(%*;$&+$&9*1,$%$+($& raraba ni buli lawatu SA na tekivutaki saraga ena vula mai oqo o Jiulai na ciqomi ni vakatutu kei na veitalanoa raraba me baleta na yavu ni vakavulewa vou. Oqo e salavata tiko ga kei na itukutuku a kacivaka na iliuliu ni matanitu o Josai Voreqe Bainimarama ena itekivu ni yabaki oqo. Era oka eke na lewenivanua kece, veisoqosoqo lotu kei na veisoqosoqo ena taudaku ni matanitu mera na bosea ka vakatututaki ki na matabose ni buli yavu ni vakatulewa na veika era nanuma me na umani ena yavu vou ni vakavulewa. Kaya na Minisita ni Lawa o Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum ni sa kacivaka oti o Bainimarama ni sa na vakamuria na Yavu ni Vakavulewa vou oqo eso na idusidusi e vakayagataki raraba e vuravura ka na sega ni na veisautaki. Oqo me vaka na okati vakatautauvata na lewenivanua (equal and common citizenry), dua na tamata dua na digidigi, bokoci ni digidigi vakawa tamata, dodonu ni bula vinaka kei na bula vakailavo, tekivutaki na veidigidigi ena yabaki 18 lako cake, tu vakaikoya ni Mataveilewai, kei na kau laivi ni veivakaduiduitaki vaka mata tamata. Kaya na ivukevuke ni Vunivola Tudei ni Tabana ni veisau se SFCCO o Edward Tunidau ni sa na tekivu ena yabaki oqo me ratou sa na vunautaka ena veikoro e Viti na cakacaka ni buli yavu ni vakavulewa. “Keitou sa laki tekivu vakamacalataka tiko na veika ena caka ena kena buli na Yavu ni Vakavulewa vou,” a kaya o Tunidau. Sa vakaraitaka talega na mata nei Indonesia e Viti o Chandra Salim ni sa tu vakarau na nona matanitu me vukei Viti ena vakarautaki ni veika me baleta na veidigidigi ke gadrevi na veivuke. A sa kacivaka oti na o Bainimarama ni na buli taumada na Yavu Ni Vakavulewa vou ni bera na veidigidigi ena 2014. Kaya kina ni taura e tinikarua na vula na cakacakataki ni vakatutu kei na kena veivosakitaki raraba na Yavu ni Vakavulewa vou. O ni sa sureti kina na lewenivanua mo ni taura na gauna vinaka oqo mo ni bulia kina vaka yalomatua na nomuni vakatutu me ratou na ciqoma na komiti ni Yavu ni Vakavulewa. Mai na Julai ki na Seviteba eratou sa na vakaitavi kina na Matabose ni Yavu ni Vakavulewa me ratou sota kei kemuni na lewenivanua. Sa na qai laveti cake ki na Constitutional Assembly na vakatutu kece sa digitaki mai vei kemuni na lewenivanua me na qai vakaraica tale vakavinaka na matabose oya, ni bera ni soli yani vua na Peresitedi ni noda vanua ena mua ni yabaki 2013. Sa navuci tiko me na qai tarava sara yani ena 2014 na veidigidigi levu. Sa vtukuna talega o Ositerelia nona veitokoni ki na buli Yavu ni Vakavulewa kei na Veidigidigi nei Viti. Kaya na minisita ni veika ni vanua tani o Bob Carr ni tokona o Ositerelia na sasaga oqo nei Viti ka sa na solia mai kina e $4 na milioni me vukei Viti ena sasaga ni buli Yavu ni Vakavulewa kei na Veidigidigi se gaunisala ki na bula ni veiliutaki ni lewenivanua (democracy). Levu na veika me qaravi ena yasana o Tailevu ENA vakayagataka tiko na matanitu e $2 na milioni ena yasana vakaturaga o Tailevu me baleta na veivakatorocaketaki. Sa vakaraitaka oqo na Provincial Administrator e Tailevu o Pauliasi Nene ni levu duadua na ilavo ena vakayagataki ena tabana ni gaunisala (Roads). “E na vakayagataki ena tabana ni gaunisala e Taialevu ena yabaki oqo e $770,000 ka okati kina e 7 na cakacaka ni ta gaunisala ena ruku ni PSIP,” kaya o Nene. E kaya ni okati kina o Vusuya, Soa, Vunidawa, Verata, Nawiwaivusa, .515,5:>8'K*$'%5'&5>%$,505' na Nasau road. Na ikarua ni tabana ka levu na ilavo ena vakayagataki kina mai oya na veivakatorocaketaki ena Tabacakacaka ni Vuli. “E na vakayagataki ena yasana o Tailevu ena tabana ni vuli e $602,000. E tiko e Tailevu e 47 na koronivuli primary kei na 8 na secondary. Era vuli tiko ena vei koronivuli e Tailevu e 6987 na gonevuli.” Ena tarava yani na tabana ni Bula Raraba ka na vakayagataki tiko kina e rauta ni $400,000 ena yabaki oqo. “E 1284 na vuvale era />K*$'($K"'*%5'W75:$02' assistance’ ka 181 na vuvale era ciqoma tiko na veivuke %$'WO5-*'5%#'I,,$,(5%9*L8@'5' kaya o Nene. Na vakadidike e vakayacora e Tailevu na Tabana ni Bula Raraba esa muduki kina nodra vukei e 30 na lewenivanua ka laurai ni sa sega ni ganita mera vukei. Ena tarava yani na veivakatorocaketaki ni matanitu baleta na wai ka veiqaravi kina Water Authority of Fiji. Na vo ni ilavo ni veivakatorocaketaki ni matanitu ena loma ni yasana ena gole ki na veiqaravi ni Tabana ni Marama, Fiji Hardwood, Land and Water G"1&*13514%&*#;,&,/,&(1&#@1;14%)#4%)#&@1;1$1*1(#*3&;%#&#"1&(1&4%F%(#@1(31&%(1&),/,&(#&-,41&(#&913(#)141&,&:1#$1&;#& Resources Management, kei :1#4,*31&$1#&:1#(#53;1A&H1#4%@3C&G&(1$1;#&$%&(1&4%@3&71;%&(1&913(#)141&%&*1"1#&71;%&%(1&6151;#&,/,&$1#&H1#4%@3C na vuqa tale. D$")$;$&2$;*&+$&9*1=$#$91&+1&)$,$4(/* SA vakaraitaka ki ena Bose ni Yasana o Tailevu na Manidia Levu ni Matabose ni Qele Maroroi ni iTaukei ni rawata na matabose ena maliwa ni 2008 ki na 2011 e rauta ni $42 na milioni. E kaya o Alipate Qetaki ni ra sa vakauqeti tiko na itaukei ni qele me ra tadolova yani na buturara ni bisinisi ka sa tiko kina na takete ena $44 ki na $46 na milioni. E kaya ni dina ga ni se tikoga ena $27.7 na milioni na dinau ni lisi oya me yacova na ika 30 ni Tiseba ni 2011. “Sa kumuna rawa na matabose e $4 na milioni ka sa lutu kina na levu ni dinau ki na $23.4 na million,” a kaya o Qetaki. Ia, na tubu ni ilavo e kumuna rawa na matabose ka tabaki toka mai cake oya e kaya o Qetaki ni vu mai na veiveisau lelelvu (reforms) e vakayacori ena matabose ni qele June 10, 2012 maroroi ni itaukei. 3S5'W-*7"-:,L',*'/*$,5>'0*0*/>' e yaco ena matabose mai na 2008 ki na 2012 ka dikevi kina na kena cicivaki na matabose ka tiko *%5'Wm>->,$&5'[*="-(L?@'5'K525'"' Qetaki. E kuria o Qetaki ni ripote oya sa mai dikeva talega na mona livaliva %$':5(56",*'%5'WIT system’ me rawa ni vinaka ka matata kina na veiqaravi. “Sa veisau na veiliutaki ena matabose ka sa na dikevi tiko ena loma ni va na yabaki oqo, ka sa wanonova matua sara tiko mai na matanitu na veiqaravi ni TLTB,” kaya o koya. E kaya ni sa tokona sara tiko na :5(5%$(>'*%5'&5>%5'"C"'%5'W="0$9$*,' and procedures’ ni matabose. 3D5'($K"',5K5'%5'Wdairy policy’, W7"-*,(-2'="0$92L8'Wtourism policy’, K*$'%5'Whousing policy’.” Kuria ni sa vaqaqacotaki %5''W,(577'#$,9$=0$%*L',*'$/5K5-5>'%$' nodra muria na lawa ni veiqaravi na tamata cakacaka. “Mai na 2008 ki na 2011 era vaqaqai e levu na ivakalesilesi ena vei ripote e ciqomi ka sega so ni vinaka. Mai na 2008 ki na 2011 e rauta ni 35 na ivakalesilesi era sa mai vakacegui. “Oya e dua na itavi levu, itavi ni veivakasavasavataki ka muri vakavinaka na kena lawa ka lewe va era sa tini sara ki na mataveilewai %$'/*$/5C5C5$'%5'W056">-'(-$6>%50L?@ Kaya o Qetaki ni sa vaqaqacotaki talega na W-*9->$(:*%('="0$92L',*'$/5K5-5>'%$' veivakacakacakataki ni matabose. “Oqo me rawa ni ra gole yani ki na matabose o ira e tu vei ira na kila me rawa ni ra vakayagataki baleta na qele ni itaukei.” Kaya o Kurusiga ni veiveisau oqo ena toroya cake na kumuni ilavo ni matabose. “Sa mai qaravi rawa na kumuni %$'$(>K>(>K>'/5K5$05/"'%5'W5>#$(*#' accounts’ ni matabose mai na 2006 ki na 2008. “Ka sa qaravi tiko ena gauna oqo na dikevi ni itukutuku vakailavo mai 2009 ki na 2010. “Nanumi me dikevi talega na itukutuku vakailavo ni 2011 ni mai cava na 2012.” E kaya ni sa mai veisautaki na iwalewale ni kena dikevi na itukutuku vakailavo ni matabose ena 2010 ki 2012 me salavata kei na iwalewale e vakadonuya na International Institute of Accountants. Sa vakalailaitaki talega na iwiliwili ni vakailesilesi, eliu e 202 ena va na kena vale ni volavola, ena gauna oqo e 171 ga na itutu sa tawani tiko. “Na itutu elala ena dua sara na vuna vinaka me na qai tawani kina. “Oqo me rawa ni maninitaki vakavinaka talega kina na ilavo ni nona veiqaravi na matabose ni qele maroroi.” Kaya o Qetaki ni cicivaki koya taudua tikoga vakailavo na matabose ka kena isau e rauta ni $11.6 na milioni. “E rauta saka ni $5.6 na milioni e kau mai ena 15 na pasede ni ilavo ni lisi. “Na kena vo e kau mai ena ilavo lavaki ni veiqaravi vei ira na lewenivanua ka rauta ni 50 na pasede ni ilavo oya. “E sega ni dua na ilavo ni e solia mai na matanitu me cicivaki kina na matabose.” E kaya ni sa gadrevi talega me 95K5'%5'W5,,*('95=$(50$,5($"%L':*' vaka ni sega ni dau caka tu e liu na veiqaravi oqo. 23 FIJI FOCUS Vol. 3 A No. 11 BETTER FIJI, FOR YOU AND VERNACULAR FOR ME June 10, 2012 E$)$;1&)*& ?(%$&(&E$9(: qai dola na 1=$=1&+1&/";$ SA kacivaka na Fiji Sugar Corporation (FSC) ni sa na qaravi oti na tara ni ikawakawa ni sitima na Navo Railway Bridge ni bera ni dola na iqaqi ni suka. Na ikawakawa oqo mai Navo a vakacacani ena waluvu ni vula o Maji ka vakaraitaka na FSC ni sa toso vinaka tiko na kena tara tale. E kaya o Abdul Khan na ivakalesilesi e cake ni FSC ni sa namaki tiko me na vakacavari na cakacaka ni kawakawa mai Navo ni bera ni dola na iqaqi ena vula mai oqo. E kaya ni ra sa cakacaka tiko vakagumatua na konitaraki tiko mai Navo me na rawa ni vakacavari na cakacaka ena kena gauna totolo. Ia e kuria o Khan ni kevaka ena berabera na kena tara na wavu mai Navo, ena veivuke na FSC ena usa ni dovu ki na iqaqi mai Lautoka. Sa veivakadeitaki talega na FSC vei ira na dautei dovu ena maliwa kei Sigatoka vata kei Nadi me ra kua ni lomaleqa ena usa ni nodra dovu ki na iqaqi ni suka mai Lautoka. E kaya o Khan ni nona itavi na FSC me usana na dovu, ia, e sa kilakila tale tiko ga na matanitu ena dredre e lako curumi tiko ni toi na waluvu ena vula o Maji. E kaya na Vunivola Tudei ni Minisitiri ni Suka o Manasa Vaniqi nis sa tiko edua na ituvatuva ni veivuke ni kena usani na dovu ki na iqaqi ena FSC Master Plan. E kaya kina o Vaniqi ni sa kauwai tiko na matanitu ka na saumi lesu o ira na dautei dovu ke ra vakayagataka na lori me usani kina na nodra dovu me vaka ni sau levu. R&B<1-#/&g<1(&%&-31&(1&-13&*%#&-,@3&$1#&I1-#C&G)1&;161&(1&OB+&(#&(1$1;#&$%&)1&(1&-,41&(1&F1@3&(#&)#*#$1&$1#&I1@,&(#& 5%"1&(#&-,41&(1&#/1/#&(#&)3;1&$1#&813*,;1&%(1&@341&$1#&,/,C D$")$;$&+$&4"%$ 9$;$1%$9(:&41/1+1/1 SA laurai ni sa toka vinaka sara na itagede ni saumi dinau ni noda matanitu ena imatai ni vula tolu ni yabaki oqo - 2012. Oqo me vakatauvatani kei na imatai ni vula tolu ni yabaki sa oti. E kaya na Vunivola Tudei ni Minisitiri ni Lavo o Filimone Waqabaca ni sa tiko ena 47.7 na pasede na ituvaki ni dinau ni matanitu me vakatauvatani kei na 52 na pasede ena gauna vata oqo ena yabaki sa oti. E kuria o Waqabaca ni tiko ena $3.561 na bilioni na noda dinau ena imatai ni vula tolu ka rauta ni $2.753 na bilioni na dinau ena noda vanua ka $808 na milioni na kena mai taudaku se vanua tani. E kaya o Waqabaca me vaka ni sa laurai na tubu ni noda rawa ka ki %5'f?]'%5'=5,*#*'U`-",,'.":*5($9' ;-"#>9('j'`.;V8',5'%5'#5>:5K5',5-5' na kena na bokoci se vinaka cake na ituvaki no noda saumi dinau. E kuria ni tuvatuva ni matanitu Tubu tiko na kauwai ena tiko bulabula TABANA E 20 24 me na vakayacori ga na kerekere se dinau me salavata kei na veivakatorocaketaki ena rawa ni vueta na ituvaki ni bula vakailavo ni noda matanitu. E kaya o Waqabaca ni usutu tale tikoga ni nona dau kerekere na matanitu me saumi kina na veivakatorocaketaki lelevu e vakadonui ena ituvatuva vakailavo ni matanitu (Annual Budget). Ka kena ikuri ni sa vakatubura tiko o Viti na nona vakatubu ilavo ki vanuatani ka sa tiko ena $123 na milioni ena gauna oqo. E kuria kina o Waqabaca ni oqo sa veivuke sara ena kena saumi vakatotolo e vuqa sara na dinau mai vanua tani. Ia, ena gauna vata oya sa ciqoma oti na matanitu e rauta ni $211.8 na milioni na kerekere ni mai vakatubu bisinisi ena noda vanua vei ira na kena dau mai vanua tani. E namaki me na vakacakacakataki kina e 1623 na lewe ni noda vanua. E kaya kina na valenivolavola ni Investment Fiji ni sa kena irairai ni da na yacova yani na $699 na milioni na levu ni ilavo ena vakatuburi ena noda vanua mai na bisinisi ena yabaki oqo. E kaya na Investment Fiji ni oqo e rauta ni 7.5 na pasede na tubu ka sa vakaraitaka na nodra veivakabauti na daunibisinisi mai vanuatani me ra mai vakayaco bisinisi ena noda vanua. ‘Me ra tokoni na goneyalewa’ TABANA E 22 June 10, 2012