Ages Together ~ Serving Others - Highland Park United Methodist


Ages Together ~ Serving Others - Highland Park United Methodist
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
August 9, 2015
“God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give
rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken
alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to
greater power than ever.” ― Vance Havner
Welcome to Highland Park. Whoever you are, wherever you are,
whatever is going on in your life, you are welcome here and loved by
God and God’s people! We are excited you came to worship with us
this morning. Please sign the red pew pad as it is passed your way. If
you are a guest please add your mailing and email addresses. For
those who have little ones, our nursery is available and any usher will
be glad to point you in the right direction.
As we prepare for worship today, you are invited to join in singing songs of praise.
* Processional and Lighting of the Candles
“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”
Hymnal No.103
* Invocation
* Passing the Peace of God
The peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!
* Hymn of Praise
To God Be The Glory
Hymnal No. 98
* Affirmation of Faith
The Apostles’ Creed
Hymnal No.881
* Gloria Patri
Church Announcements
Blessing of Educators, Morning Prayers, and The Lord’s Prayer
Response: Hear our prayer, O Lord,
Hear our prayer, O Lord,
Incline Thine ear to us,
And grant us Thy peace.
Offering and Offertory
* Doxology
Children’s Moment
‘This Is Where Children Belong’
Laura Driggers
Following the Children’s Moment,
Children from 3K – 2nd grade are invited to Children’s Church
Scripture Reading
Psalm 34:18
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
God in the Void
Pastor Mike
A Time of Prayer for Healing
“A Living Prayer”
Cindy Fridley, Becky Brown
You are invited to come to the altar for anointing and prayers during this time.
* Hymn
In His Time
TFWS No. 2203
* Benediction
The blessing of God Almighty- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- is with us all.
* Benediction Response
If Not Us
* Postlude
The flowers on the altar are placed to the glory of God
and in celebration of Bobby Holland’s 79th birthday and in memory of
Kay Holland’s birthday
An extra candle on the altar today is to remind us to pray for our youth
group who are returning today from their trip to Hershey , PA
Ages Together ~ Serving Others
We are glad to have with us today Don Walter. Don is a math teacher and
owns the The Mathnasium. He is a member of St. Paul UMC, where he is
a lay servant. He will be sharing with us today in worship.
Thank you for joining us today in worship. We look forward to seeing
you next week. Hearing assistance devices are available from the ushers.
Please see any usher for assistance. DVD’s and CD’s of today’s worship
services are available. Please contact the office if you would like a copy.
Our new Online Giving program is up and running! There is
a link on our website at or you can go directly
to You can set up your giving
account by bank draft or credit card. Once you have established
your account you can choose to use text giving from your
mobile phone (don’t forget to input your cell phone number
when setting up your account). Highland Park’s number for
text giving is 843-473-4116, but you must set up your giving
account before texting your gifts. As always, thank you for
your support!
Our next Parking Lot Ministries is on Saturday, September 5th, at 7:45
AM. We will be collecting paper products and water for the month of
HP Kindergarden is in need of 4 gently used or new 3 or 4
drawer file cabinets. If you would like to donate one of these,
please drop them off in Beth Prosser’s office.
Children’s Corner
Our August mission will be collecting school supplies for local children.
Several teachers have given me items that children tend to run out of
quickly. Those items include pencils, colored pencils and dry erase
United Methodist Women has Bible study books available on the
Women’s Ministry Table in the Narthex. Please help yourself if
you are looking for an independent study for the summer.
Kidz Quest is tonight from 4:00 - 7:00 PM. Pastor Mike has invited all
children to go to the movies with him to see Shaun the Sheep! We will
ride together to Swamp Fox Cinema and return right around 7:00 PM.
Cost is $10 (this includes movie tickets and a kids popcorn/drink). A
participation waiver is required.
6th grade parents: Confirmation letters have been mailed. If you have
not received one, please contact Jeannette Braswell as soon as possible so
your child doesn’t miss out!
We want all children/parents to stay informed with our Children’s
Ministries news and events! Please like us on Facebook. We are under
“Highland Park United Methodist Church Children’s Ministries.” Also,
if you do not receive our monthly calendar/newsletters, please contact the
church office or Jeannette Braswell.
Every second Sunday our children serve in worship by greeting,
passing out bulletins, and taking up offering along with a parent. If
your child is interested in serving, please contact Jeannette Braswell or
sign up at the Children’s Ministries Table.
Acolyte training for rising third graders and up will be on Sunday,
August 23rd from 4:00-5:00 PM in the Sanctuary. Please contact
Jeannette Braswell if your child is interested in serving during worship.
Our last summer informal Wednesday night service will be from 6:00
PM to 6:45 PM in the Fields Center. If you miss Sunday services, you
get a second chance to hear God’s Word.
If you would like to place flowers on the altar this year, the flower
calendar is in the hallway across from the Children’s Ministry office.
August 23 and August 30 are open dates.
The UMW Book Club next meeting will be on Sunday,
September 23rd at the home of Kristen Perkins at 4:00 PM. We
will fellowship together as we discuss “A Spool of Blue Thread”
by Ann Tyler. We hope that you will consider joining us! We are a
very diverse and fun group of ladies. Call Kristen Perkins at 6739914 with any questions.
Beginning Tuesday night in the ATTIC from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
a new Women’s Bible study “7” . If you are interested or you
would like more information, please contact Beth Behling
UMW Spa Night on Tuesday September 8th, from 6:30 PM to
8:00 PM. If you are interested in Spa Night please sign up in the
Narthex. The Cost is $5 for supplies and a door prize to McLeod
Prayer partners for the recent high school graduates have been
assigned! Members of the Merge Sunday School Class will take
responsibility to individually lift these young adults up in prayer
over this next very important year. Be sure to ask your graduate
who will be shielding them with prayer or suggest any special
prayer concerns.
On August 14th from 6 PM til 9 PM in the Fields Center will be a
Family Promise workshop. If you are interested in helping with
the homeless please attend this workshop. If you have any
questions about this workshop please see Beth Behling.
Received 08/02/15 General Budget Received 08/02/15 Designated Gifts Attendance 08/02/15
9 a.m. Worship 121
Sunday School 149
11 a.m. Worship 148
Sunday, August 09
9:00 AM - Contemporary Worship
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Traditional Worship
4:00 PM - Kids Quest
5:45 PM - Adult Choir Practice
Monday, August 10
1:00 PM - Staff Meeting
4:00 PM - Working Mothers Program
5:30 PM - Weekday Children’s Ministries Committee
Tuesday, August 11
10:00 AM - Prayer Group
12:00 PM - Positive Communication and Problem Solving
5:30 PM - Praise Band Practice
6:00 PM - Finance Committee Meeting
6:30 PM - UMW Bible Study 7
6:45 PM - Boy Scouts
7:00 PM - SPRC Committee Meeting
Wednesday, August 12
6:00 PM - Wednesday Worship - Last One
Friday, August 14
6:00 PM - Family Promise Training
All undesignated memorial gifts
given to Highland Park UMC are
placed as a lasting gift into the
Highland Park Endowment Fund.
The principal in this fund will be
permanently maintained. As it grows
the interest will be used to fund
special projects and needs as selected
by the Endowment committee.
Memorials Have Been Given in Loving Memory of
Beth Green By:
Lib Dickens
Trena Edgerton
Clyde Nance
Bobby Holland
Barbara Lindler
Memorial Has Been Given in Loving Memory of
Mary Caldwell By:
Griff and Pat Henry
In addition to memorials, donations to the Highland Park
Endowment Fund may be made as bequests from wills and life
insurance policies. You can make a lasting gift to your church.
Contact Bruce Harris at 843-629-8977 for more information.
Saturday, August 15
11:00 AM - Eagle Court of Honor
Sunday, August 16
9:00 AM - Contemporary Worship
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Traditional Worship
12:30 PM - Youth Skating
5:45 PM - Adult Choir Practice
Trustees for the month August: Matt Holcombe (252-714-3525)
Highland Park
United Methodist
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Church Office: 843-662-1233
Children’s Weekday Ministries: 843-662-1242
Fax: 843-665-5692
Mike Henderson, Pastor……………………………………
Beth Prosser, Director of Weekday Children’s Ministries……
Hope Whaley, Director of Youth Ministries…………………
Kim Wilberger, Director of Music Ministries…
Jeannette Braswell, Dir. of Children’s Ministries………
Andi Sauls, Administrative Assistant……………………..……
Wendell Prosser, Director Contemporary Music & Media
Becky Brown, Pianist
Evelyn Childers, Organist
Angie McCutchen, Nursery Coordinator
Bobbie Buffkin, Nursery Worker
Graham Bennett, Caretaker
11:00 AM Traditional
1300 Second Loop Road, Florence SC 29505
843.662.1233 |