+ 198 Large Supply Vessels until 2020
+ 198 Large Supply Vessels until 2020
Opportunities for Suppliers in the Off-shore and Naval Brazilian Industry DEUTSCH-BRASILIANISCHE INDUSTRIE- UND HANDELSKAMMER RIO DE JANEIRO JUN2014 World Cenarium Global Marine Trends 2030 • Strong growth untill 2030. • Biggest participation of China in the maritime industry. • Growth in the world maritime commerce from 9 to 19 billion yearly ton. GMT 2030 Shipbuilding Evolution Oil platforms evolution Regions / Countries North America South America África Europ Ásia Japan Austrália Mediterran Others Total 2010 2030 48 58 51 42 27 19 16 3 6 270 56 67 107 46 110 30 20 55 127 618 Global Marine Trends 2030 – producted by Lloyd Register, Qinetiq e Strathclyde University, in two years of studies about the future of the maritime industry. Data from Opep Investiments on oil production, from 2012 a 2035, are estimated on US$ 5,2 trillion. The major part will be on the offshore production. Brasil is the biggest in quantity of offshore field to get in production Fonte: OPEP – World Oil Outlook 2013 Data from Opep The forecast of oil consumption represents a challenger to the productors countries. Oil Consumption in million barrels/day 2010 81,2 2020 89,7 Fonte: OPEP – World Oil Outlook 2013 2035 100,2 The production from the non affiliates countries to OPEP will give the biggest contribution to the production increment. In Latin America, the production will increase from the actual 4,2 to 5,5 mb/d, em 2018. Brasilian aditional production will be the biggest contribution, with 1,2 mb/d. Petrobras data New positioning announced by the President of Brasil at the end of 2013: • Maintenance of the Local Content Policy. • Focus on the production • “We will need more 12 to 16 platforms for the Libra Field”. President of Brasil and the President from Petrobras. Delivery of the platform P-58, in the Polo Naval Sul, Rio Grande (RS). • Best planning on orders to have less oscilation on jobs in the shipyards. Agenda Major National Shipyards – Technical File Offshore and Naval Equipment Demand Agenda Major National Shipyards – Technical File Offshore and Naval Equipment Demand Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Mauá Occupancy State City • 8 Panamax Rio de Janeiro Niterói • 7 Light Products Available Area Steel Processing 334.000 m2 36.000 tons per year • 2 Dark Products • 1 Building Modules and Integration (FPSO Cidade Ilha Bela) Dry Docks Quays Careers 1 4 1 Source: SINAVAL Labor Peak: 3.950 people in Sep/2014 Current Situation In Operation Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Brasfels Occupancy State City • 6 Semi-submersible Drilling Rigs Rio de Janeiro Angra dos Reis • 1 Hull Construction and Integration (P-61) Available Area Steel Processing 410.000 m2 50.000 tons per year • 2 Building Modules and Integration (Replicantes 1 and 4) • 2 Integrations (Cidade São Paulo and Cidade Paraty) Dry Docks Quays Careers 1 2 3 Source: SINAVAL Labor Peak: 7.900 people in Aug/2014 Current Situation In Operation Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites ERG 1 and ERG 2 Occupancy • 8 Hull Constructions (Replicantes 1 - 8) (ERG 2) • 3 Drilling Vessels • 1 Building Modules, Topside and Integration (P-55) State City Rio Grande do Sul Rio Grande Available Area Steel Processing 834.300 m2 120.000 tons per year Dry Docks Quays Careers 1 2 0 Source: ENGENHARIA Labor Peak: 7.750 people in Sep/2015 Current Situation In Operation (ERG 1) / Under construction (ERG 2) Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Atlântico Sul (EAS) Occupancy • 11 Suezmax • 8 Aframax • 1 Building Modules, Conversion and Integration (P-62) • 7 Drilling Vessels State City Pernambuco Ipojuca Available Area Steel Processing 1.500.000 m2 160.000 tons per year Dry Docks Quays Careers 1 2 2 Source: SINAVAL Labor Peak: 8.000 people in Aug/2016 Current Situation In Operation Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Enseada do Paraguaçu (EEP) Occupancy • 6 Drilling Vessels State City Bahia Maragogipe Available Area Steel Processing 1.600.000 m2 36.000 tons per year Dry Docks Quays Careers 1 1 0 Source: SINAVAL Labor Peak: 4.200 people in Apr/2016 Current Situation Under Construction Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Jurong Occupancy State City • 7 Drilling Vessels Espírito Santo Aracruz • 2 Building Modules and Integration(Replicantes 3 and 6) Available Area Steel Processing 825.000 m2 48.000 tons per year Dry Docks Quays Careers 1 1 0 Source: SINAVAL Labor Peak: 4.850 people in Oct/2016 Current Situation Under Construction Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Inhaúma Occupancy • 4 Hull Conversion – Transfer of Rights (P-74, P-75, P-76 and P-77) State City Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Available Area Steel Processing 320.000 m2 42.000 tons per year Dry Docks Quays Careers 2 2 0 Source: ENGENHARIA Labor Peak: 4.800 people in Nov/2012 Current Situation In Modernization Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Shipyards - 8 FPSO Replicantes Modules DM-TKK Consortium – Itajaí (SC) – Total Area of 98.300m2 – In Planning • 8 Building Fuel Gas and Dehydration Modules • 8 Building Generation 2 Modules • 8 Building Generation 1 Modules IESA – Charqueada (RS) – Total Area of 359.300m2 – Under Construction • 8 Building CO² Compression Modules • 8 Building Main Compression and Vapor Recovery Modules • 8 Building Gas Compression Exportation Modules • 8 Building Injection Gas Compression Modules Tomé/Ferrostal – Maceió (AL) – Total Area of 77.000m2 – Under Construction • 8 Building Oil Processing Modules • 8 Building Launchers, Receivers and Manifolds Modules • 8 Building Oil Processing and Production Water Treatment Modules Capacity and Occupancy of Major Shipyards and Construction Sites Other Shipyards and Construction Sites Occupancy Occupancy • 7 Gas Tankers – Itajaí (SC) Shipyard • 1 Building and Integration Modules (Cidade Ilha Bela – SBM/Brasa (RJ) • 4 Panamax – EISA (RJ) • 2 Building Probe (Jack-up P-59 and P-60) – CRP (BA) • 3 Bunkers – SUPERPESA (RJ) • 2 Building Modules (P-55 and P63) – Porto Rio Grande (RS) • 3 Bunkers – São Miguel (RJ) • 1 Building Modules and Integration (P-58) – Porto Rio Grande (RS) • 8 GLPs – STX Promar (PE) • 2 Building Modules (P-58 and P62) – UTC (RJ) • 2 Building Modules (P-58 and P62) – NUCLEP (RJ) • 1 Building Modules (Cidade Paraty) – EBSE (RJ) • 7 Light Products – Rio Nave (RJ) • 3 Dark Products – Rio Nave (RJ) Agenda Major National Shipyards – Technical File Offshore and Naval Equipment Demand Petrobras Vessels Current and projected fleet Future Demand (2013-2020) 2020 Strategic Planning Critical Resources Tanker Vessels (DWT x 1000t) Future Situation Jan/12 Accumulated Values(1) Situation By 2016 By 2020 16,000 19,000 24,500 Large Supply Boats* 216 313 358 Production Units (SS and FPSO) 45 56 81 Drilling Rigs (SWD > 2.000 m) 26 42 65 (1) The future situation of 2020 does not reflect the sum of the current situation with future demand, as there are vessels whose contracts expire by 2020. This demand may be revised as necessary. (2) Future Demand includes hired demand, demands in hiring phase and yet to be hired demand. + 88 Tanker Vessels + 198 Large Supply Boats + 38 Production Units + 48 Drilling Rigs** Significant equipment demand mapping: Historically imported equipment with potential to attract foreign suppliers Equipment produced nationally but with potential bottlenecks in production capacity Source: Transpetro; PNG 2012-16; Petrobras (E&P-SERV/US-CONT and AB-LO/TM) Tanker Vessels Fleet increase by 2020 Petrobras Fleet Growth Program with Brazilian Vessels PROMEF I and II EBN I and II 49 Vessels until 2020 39 Vessels until 2017 12 Products 8 L&G 3 Bunkers 14 Suezmax 8 Aframax 4 Panamax 26 Products 6 Bunker 7 L&G 3 delivered Vessels and 22 Vessels in advanced stage of construction 2 Vessels in advanced stage of construction 24 Vessels in hiring phase or initial construction phase 37 Vessels in hiring phase or initial construction phase Equipment demand not yet addressed for 61 Vessels (until 2020) Example of equipment with potential for national development 61 Vacuum Sewage Systems 72 Life Boats + Davit 53 Inert Gas Generation Unit 1.830 Accomodation Cabines Source: Transpetro; Petrobras (AB-LO/TM) Tankers orders Promef – Delivery and forecast of tankers Estaleiros / Navios 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 EAS (PE) 10 Suezmax 1 2 3 2 2 4 Suezmax DP 3 1 5 Aframax 2 2 1 3 Aframax DP 3 Mauá (RJ) 11 product vessels 2 1 2 3 3 4 Panamax 3 1 VARD Promar (PE) 8 gas tankers 2 3 3 Shipyard to be defined 3 bunker 1 2 Total: 48 navios 3 3 8 8 8 5 2 5 6 Fonte: Petrobras Delivery of vessels to Transpetro untill april 2014: Nov 2011 - Celso Furtado (Mauá) May 2012 - João Cândido (EAS) July 2012 - Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (Mauá) Jan 2013 - Rômulo Almeida (Mauá) May 2013 - Zumbi dos Palmares (EAS) Jan 2014 – José Alencar (Mauá) Apr 2014 – Dragão do Mar (EAS) Tanker Vessels Main demands for equipment Demand for the 61 Vessels to be delivered between 2013 and 2020 Equipament Equipament Demand Demand MAIN ENGINE (UN) 61 LIFEBOAT (UN) 72 AUXILIARY ENGINE (UN) 177 INFLATABLE BOATS (UN) 355 PROPELLERS (FPP & VPP) (UN) 61 AZIMUTAL & TUNNEL THRUSTERS (UN) 12 AUXILIARY BOILERS(UP TO 35 TONS PER HOUR) (UN) EXHAUSTED GAS ECONOMIZER/COMPOSED BOILER (UN) 66 51 THERMAL OIL HEATER (UN) 12 START AIR COMPRESSORS (30 BAR) (UN) 111 AIR COMPRESSOR (UN) 170 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER (UN) 333 FRESH WATER GENERATOR (UN) 55 VALVES (UN) 75.270 ELETRIC(MAIN/AUX) SWITCHBOARDS (UN) 120 WINDLASS / WINCH (UN) 346 CHAINS (KM) 39 CRANES (3 TO 20 TONS) (UN) 214 ANCHORS (UN) 144 Source: Transpetro; Petrobras (AB-LO/TM) TOILET UNITS (UN) 1.849 PURIFIERS (UN) 293 INTEGRATED BRIDGE (UN) 61 CARGO PUMPS(FUEL OIL,DIESEL OIL, LUB. OIL) (UN) 67 CARGO PUMP (DEEP WELL) (UN) 384 MOORING LINES (UN X 200 METRES) 840 CHOCK, BOLLARD (UN) 7.271 ACCESS HATCH (UN) 1.220 VACUUM SEWAGE SYSTEMS (UN) 61 INERT GAS GENERATION UNIT (UN) 53 LIFE BOATS + DAVIT (UN) 72 ARCHITECTURE MATERIALS (ACCOMODATION PACKAGE) 61 MANUAL OPERATED VALVES (TON) 58.500 PIPES (TON) 9.800 FITTINGS (TON) 7.900 Large Supply Vessels Fleet increase by 2020 Current Petrobras Fleet Quantity AHTS Maintenence TO´s + DMA´s + New Production Units Instalation + FPSO`s and NT´s Operation OSRV Future Demand 55 + 198 Large Supply Vessels 36 until 2020 Oil Recovery (almost the same quantity as the current PSV 125 fleet – 216) General Cargo + Oil + Bulk + Cement TS Tugs + Oil Recovery LH SOS Standby + Handling Spy (messenger) SV SOS Standby UT / P Emergency Cargo / Passenger Source: E&P-SERV/US-CONT 21 30 4 38 Example of equipment with potential for national development 198 Offshore Cranes 198 Vacuum Sewage Systems 396 Life Boats 55.700 Manual Operated Valves 44.550 ton of Pipinp 4.800 ton of Fitting Balance 2013 Large Supply Vessels Main demands for equipment (1/2) Demand for 198 vessels to be delivered until 2020 Equipament Equipament Demand Classified profiles (ton) 59.400 Shock fast (UN 300L) 1.584 Demand Provisions crane (UN) 198 Compressors for bulk (UN) 198 Cargo pump (UN) 1.188 Directional propulsion system (UN) 396 Transverse thrusters (UN) 396 Control systems and supervising machines (system) Generator set (UN) 792 Metal pipes (yards) (meters) Emergency generator - port (UN) 198 Valves (estimated) (pieces) 74.250 Compressors (UN) 594 Manual Operated Valves (estimated) (pieces) 55.700 Oil Purifier (UN) 396 Fittings (estimated) (ton) 4.800 Oil water separator (UN) 198 Parts passage (UN) 19.800 Heat exchanger (UN) 792 Fans and blowers (UN) 7.326 Vacuum sewage system (system) 198 Air-conditioning system (system) 198 Fresh water heater (UN) 198 Domestic refrigeration (system) 198 Laundry equipment (set) 396 Trailer/mooring winch (UN) 396 Source: E&P-SERV/US-CONT 198 1.584.000 Main switchboard (set) 198 Distribution Panels (UN) 3.960 Starters (UN) 1.980 Spotlights and reflectors (UN) 3.960 Navigation lights (set) 198 Aldis lamp (UN) 198 Battery charger (UN) 198 Static Inverter/Frequency Converter (UN) 792 Rotary guard and cleaner (UN) 4.950 Large Supply Vessels Main demands for equipment (2/2) Demand for 198 vessels to be delivered until 2020 Equipment Demand Equipment Demand Self excited phone (UN) 792 Fixed firefighting system (system) 198 Fonoclama and TV and sound system (system) 198 Smoke and heat detectors (set) 198 Transformers and Rectifiers (UN) 396 General alarm (system) 198 Radar (UN) 396 Whistle (UN) 198 Navigation, communication and signaling equipments (set) 198 Magnetic needle (UN) 198 Eco-probe and echobathymeter (UN) 198 General bulkheads (m 2) 396.000 VHF Radio (UN) 792 Ceiling and bulkhead liners (m 2) 396.000 SSB Radio (UN) 396 Paving (m 2) 178.200 Odometer (UN) 198 Doors class B (UN) Automatic Pilot (UN) 198 Anchors (UN) 396 Satellite navigator+ Ploter (UN) 396 Mooring lines (UN) 396 Automation System/Micro Full (system) 198 Cables mooring and trailer (UN) 1.782 Dynamic Positioning System(system) (system) 198 Rubber Fenders (UN) 3.960 Steel doors (UN) Ducts of natural and forced ventilation (UN) 5.940 594 Motorized service boats (UN) 9.900 198 Small Lifeboat (UN) 1.188 Windows (UN) 7.524 Buoys and life jackets (UN) 1.584 Guards and wide eyes (UN) 5.940 Boats transceivers (UN) 1.188 Source: E&P-SERV/US-CONT Production Units Fleet increase by 2020 Operation Startup Timeline for Petrobras Production Units Production Units considered for the equipment demand analysis Equipment demand not yet addressed for 27 Production Units to be delivery until 2020 Example of potential equipment for national development 81 Chemical Injection Units 81 Offshore Cranes 27 Vacuum Sewage System 81 Offloading System 108 Life Boats + Davit Construction Site 189.000 Manual Operated Abroad Valves Abroad/Brazil ** 54.000 ton of Piping Brazil 43.200 ton of Fittings To be defined Source: PNG 2012-16; Sinaval ND: Not defined * Charted Production Unit ** Integrated in Brazil with imported Hull or Modules Orders book Production Platforms Delivery and Forecast from 2013 and forecast for 2014 2013 (delivered) P-55 – SS P-58 – FPSO P-61 – TLWP P-62 – FPSO P-63 – FPSO Cidade de Paraty – FPSO 2014 (forecast) Cidade de Mangaratiba – FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela – FPSO Shipyard EAS (PE) – Hull. QUIP (RS) – Módules. 100% built in Brasil. QUIP (RS) – Integration of modules. BrasFELS (RJ) – First platform TLWP (Tension Leg Wellhead Platform) built in Brasil EAS (PE) – Integration of modules. QUIP (RS) – Integration of modules. BrasFELS (RJ) – Integration of modules. BrasFELS (RJ) – Integration of modules. Estaleiro Brasa (RJ) – Integration of modules. 29 Production Units Main demands for equipment – Topside Demand for the 27 Production Units to be delivered between 2015 and 2020 Package/Skid Demand (units) Package/Skid Demand (units) ELETRO CHLORINATION UNIT 31 WATER INJECTION PUMPS PACKAGE 27 VAPOR RECOVERY UNIT 54 WELL SERVICE PUMP PACKAGE 27 GAS DEHYDRATION UNIT 27 RECIPROCATING PUMPS PACKAGE 27 VACUUM DEAERATOR UNIT 27 POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMPS PACKAGE 27 CHEMICAL INJECTION UNIT 81 FILTERS PACKAGE 27 H2S REMOVAL UNIT 27 PIG LAUNCHERS & RECEIVERS PACKAGE 27 NITROGEN GENERATOR UNIT 27 MECHANICAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT PACKAGE 27 SULPHATE REMOVAL UNIT 27 ICSS – INTEGRATED CONTROL & SAFETY SYSTEM 27 ELECTROSTATIC TREATERS PACKAGE 27 HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT - HPU 27 PRODUCED WATER TREATMENT 27 FISCAL METERING SKID 27 FLARE GAS RECOVERY COMPRESSION UNIT 27 ELECTRICAL AND AUTOMATION MODULE 27 FLARE 27 HVAC SYSTEM 27 FRESH WATER MAKER 27 EXPORTATION GAS COMPRESSION UNIT 27 SHELL&TUBES HEAT EXCHANGE PACKAGE 27 CO2 COMPRESSION UNIT 27 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS PACKAGE 27 MAIN GAS COMPRESSOR 27 PRESSURE VESSELS / SEPARATORS PACKAGES 27 INJECTION GAS COMPRESSION UNIT 27 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS PACKAGE 27 MAIN TURBOGENERATOR UNIT 27 SEA WATER LIFT PUMPS PACKAGE 27 Source: PNG 2012-16; Sinaval Production Units Main demands for equipment – Loose Equipment Demand for the 27 Production Units to be delivered between 2015 and 2020 Equipment COMPRESSOR PRESSURE VESSEL (Scrubber/Separator/K.O.Drum) TANK Demand 567 1.674 729 CONTROL PANEL (Distribution panel) 2.241 PUMPS 2.808 HYDROCYCLONES / GAS FLOTATION 189 FILTER 594 SHELL&TUBES HEAT EXCHANGER PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER MECHANICAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT 1.269 486 2.862 OIL DEHYDRATOR / PRE-OIL DEHYDRATOR 54 OIL DEHYDRATOR DEGASSER / PRE-OIL DEHYDRATOR DEGASSER 54 PIG LAUNCHERS & RECEIVERS 648 CONTROL, SHUTDOWN, CHOKE, PRESSURE SAFETY, DELUGE VALVES 21.600 MANUAL VALVES (un) 189.000 PIPING (ton) 54.000 FITTING (ton) 43.200 CABLE (Electrical/Instrumentation/Telecom) (km) 13.500 INSTRUMENTATION (Transmitter/Gauge/Indicator) (un) 54.000 Source: PNG 2012-16; Sinaval Production Units Main equipment demand – Hull Demand for the 27 Production Units to be delivered between 2015 and 2020 Equipment Demand (units) Equipment Demand (units) OFFSHORE CRANE API-2C (50T) 81 FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM 27 ALUMINIUM HELIDECK 27 ENVIRONMENTAL & POSITIONING SYSTEM 27 LIFEBOAT & DAVIT 108 NAVIGATION AID SYSTEM 27 RESCUE BOAT & DAVIT 108 OFFLOADING SYSTEM 27 FOAM FIREFIGHTING SYSTEM 27 MOORING SYSTEM 108 CO2 FIREFIGHTING SYSTEM 27 PULL-IN / PULL-OUT SYSTEM 27 OFFLOADING SYSTEM 54 SUBMERGED CARGO PUMPS 378 INERT GAS SYSTEM 27 SUBMERGED DEBALLAST PUMPS 162 SEWAGE TREATMENT & VACUUM UNIT 27 CONTROL VALVES SYSTEM (un) AUXILIARY & EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR 54 HELICOPTER REFUELING SYSTEM 27 DIESEL FIRE WATER PUMP 54 DIESEL PURIFIER 27 BALLAST PUMPS 108 VAC SYSTEM 27 COOLING WATER PUMPS 54 ACCOMODATION PACKAGE 27 FRESH WATER GENERATOR 54 AUTOMATION & ELECTRIC PACKAGE 27 PORTABLE WATER GENERATOR 54 Source: PNG 2012-16; Sinaval 5.400 Modules Order Book FPSOs Integration of modules Tomé – Ferrostaal (RS): Modules for 06 platforms FPSO “replicantes” under construction in ERG, em Rio Grande (RS). EBR – Toyo (RS): Modules for FPSO P-74 (hull in construction on Estaleiro Inhaúma - RJ). Technip – Techint (PR): Modules for FPSO P-76 – (hull in Estaleiro Inhaúma – RJ) Estaleiro Brasa (RJ): Modules for 02 FPSOs built in Asia for SBM-Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás. Mendes Júnior – OSX (RJ): Built and Integration of 08 modules for FPSO to consortium Petrobras, BG Group, e Petrogal for Pre-Salt field. EAS (PE): Integration of modules P-62. 33 Drilling Rigs Fleet increase by 2020 Petrobras Drilling Rigs Startup Timeline +14 Drilling rigs considered for the equipment demand analysis Equipment demand not yet addressed for the 29 drilling rigs to be delivery until 2020 +9 Example of equipment with potential for national development +8 +6 +5 +5 +1 Construction Site Source: Petrobras; Sinaval Abroad Brazil 29 Derrick Structure 29 Traveling equipment 29 Choke and Kill Manifold 29 sets of Risers 29 BOP (parcial) 29 sets Eletrical System 174 Main Diesel Generators (parcial) 29 Emergency generators 87 Deck Cranes 174 Azimut Thrustrs 2.813 Pumps 957 HVAC System 29 Accomodation * Being negotiated. Estimate will be confirmed at the contract signing Drilling Rigs Main demands for equipment – Drilling Package Demand for the 29 Drilling Rigs to be delivered between 2016 and 2020 Equipment Demand ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTS AUTOMATION SYSTEM (ESD,fire/gas detection, Ship Sever ,electrical power (transfomers/swicth borders) (System,UPS system) 29 HEAVE COMPENSATION SET 29 TOPDRIVES & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT(907 mtx 2x857 KW) 29 VERTICAL PIPEHANDLING - STANBUILDING 29 TRAVELING EQUIPMENT - GENERAL 29 DRAWWORKS AND MACHINERY(8508 KN /10056 KN) 29 ROTARY TABLE & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT(47,5 KN, 40 rpm) 29 HYDRAULIC ROUGHNECKS FOR WELL CENTRE & STADBUILDING 29 RISER & PIPE RACK HANDLING SYSTEM 29 HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT(4x 150 KW + 1x 9 KW) 145 MUD SYSTEM (Pums, accessories, mixer)7500 psi x 4 un. 29 CHOKE & KILL MANIFOLD 29 DRILLERS CONTROL CABIN & CONTROL SYSTEM 29 BOP / XMAS TREE TRANSPORTATIO / HANDLING SYSTEM 29 RISER TENSIONING SYSTEM 29 BULK MUD & CEMENT SYSTEM 29 SUBSEA PACKAGE 29 Source: Petrobras; Sinaval Drilling Rigs Main demands for equipment – Ship Package Demand for the 29 Drilling Rigs to be delivered between 2016 and 2020 Equipament Demand ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTS AUTOMATION SYSTEM (ESD,fire/gas detection, Ship Sever ,electrical power (transfomers/swith borders) (System,UPS system) 29 MAIN DIESEL GENERATORS SETS(7680 KW X720 RPMX11000v) 174 EMERGENCY GENERATOR SET (1180 KW x1800 rpmx600V) 29 DECK CRANE-Lattice boom 25tx42m 87 DECK CRANES-KNUCKLE BOOM -25TX45M + 1X85T X19M 58 AZIMUTH THRUSTERS(4500 kwX4,50M Dia) 174 ANCHORING & MORING EQUIPMENTS(electrichal hyd. Driven) 29 PUMPS( centrifugal,Pneumatics,Positive displac.) 2.813 HVAC SYSTEM (Main machines) (un) 87 HVAC SYSTEM (Self-container) (un) 870 ACCOMODATION MODULE (Persons) 29 PIPING ( ton) 17.576 FITTINGS (ton) 11.424 CABLE (Electrical / Instrumentation / Telecom) (km) 23.200 VALVES (ton) 21.490 Source: Petrobras; Sinaval Jobs 2000 1.910 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 3.976 6.493 7.465 12.651 14.442 19.600 39.000 40.277 46.500 56.112 59.167 62.036 78.136 Generation of jobs untill 2013 78.136 Balance delivery 2013 Vessels and Platforms 6 production platforms 2 Promef vessels 21 supply vessels 10 pushers 44 barges Fonte: SINAVAL / DFMM Works & Jobs State / Localization Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Espírito Santo Total Southeast Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul Total South Alagoas Pernambuco (Suape) Bahia Ceará Sergipe Total Northeast Pará (Belém) Amazonas Total North Total Works 97 116 9 222 48 20 68 -36 6 ND ND 42 37 4 41 373 Part. % 26,01 31,10 2,41 59,52 12,87 5,36 18,23 -9,65 1,61 ND ND 11,26 9,92 1,07 10,99 100,00 Jobs 30.506 1.782 410 32.698 4.247 19.954 24.201 ND 7.923 92 702 38 8.755 580 11.902 12.482 78.136 Part. % 39,05, 2,28 0,52 41,85 5,43 25,54 30,97 -10,14 0,12 0,90 0,05 11,21 0,74 15,23 15,97 100,00 Naval Polos Shipbuilding Polos In operation: Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Amazonas, Pernambuco e Santa Catarina Under implementation: Bahia e Espírito Santo. SINAVAL Associates ALIANÇA S. A. – Indústria Naval e Empresa de Navegação Estaleiro Enseada S. A. - KAWASAKI - JAPAN ARPOADOR Engenharia Ltda. Estaleiro MAUÁ S. A BENETEAU Brasil Ltda. - BENETEAU - FRANCE Estaleiro NAVSHIP Ltda. - EDISON CHOUEST - USA BR Offshore S. A. Estaleiro OCEANA S. A. BRASFELS S.A. - KEPPEL FELS SINGAPORE Estaleiro RIO MAGUARI S. A. BRAVANTE – Navegação SÃO MIGUEL Ltda. Estaleiro RIO TIETÊ Ltda. CAMARGO CORRÊA Naval Participações Ltda. Estaleiros do Brasil S. A. –EBR – TOYO - JAPAN CMO Construções e Montagem Offshore S.A. ETP Engenharia Ltda. CNI – Construções Navais Itajaí S. A. ICN – Itaguaí Construções Navais S. A. CONSTRUCAP CCPS Engenharia e Comércio S.A. INTECNIAL S.A. Construtora QUEIROZ GALVÃO S. A. KEPPEL Singmarine Brasil Ltda. – KEPPEL FELS - SINGAPORE COREMA Indústria e Comércio Ltda. MAC LAREN OIL Estaleiros Ltda. DETROIT Brasil Ltda. - DETROIT GROUP - CHILE NAPROSERVICE Offshore Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda. DOCK BRASIL Engenharia e Serviços Ltda. OSX Construção Naval S. A. DOCKSHORE Navegação e Serviços Ltda. QUIP S. A. DSN Equipemar Engenharia e Indústria Naval Ltda. RG Estaleiros S.A. - EASA – Estaleiros Amazônia S. A. RIO NAVE Serviços Navais Ltda. ECOVIX – Engevix Construções Oceânicas S. A. – MITSUBISHI - JAPAN SERMETAL Estaleiros Ltda. EISA Alagoas S. A. SRD Offshore S. A. EISA -Estaleiro Ilha S. A. TOYO SETAL S. A. – TOYO - JAPAN EJA – Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz Ltda. - SINGAPORE TRIUNFO Operadora Portuária Ltda. Empresa Brasileira de Reparos Navais S. A. -RENAVE UTC Engenharia S. A. ENAVAL – Engenharia Naval e Offshore Ltda. VARD Brazil Electro Ltda. - FINCANTIERI - ITALY Estaleiro ATLÂNTICO SUL S. A. – ISHIKAWAGIMA - JAPAN VARD Niterói S. A. - FINCANTIERI - ITALY Estaleiro BIBI Ltda. VARD PROMAR S. A. - FINCANTIERI - ITALY Estaleiro BRASA Ltda. - SBM GROUP - NORWEG VELLROY Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda. WILSON, SONS – Com Ind e Ag de Naveg Ltda. – WILSON, SONS - UK SINAVAL – SINDICATO NACIONAL DA INDÚSTRIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO E REPARAÇÃO NAVAL E OFFSHORE Tel.: +55 (21) 2532-4878 / 2533-4568 Fax: + 55 (21) 2533-5310 E-mail: secretaria@sinaval.org.br www.sinaval.org.br
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