April 2010 - Schattenbaum
April 2010 - Schattenbaum
SCHATTENBAUM REGION PCA LEADERSHIP DIRECTORY President: Dave Kalokitis Ph: 973-986-5448 email: pres@schattenbaum.org Vice President: John Beidler Ph: 609-309-5113 email:vp@schattenbaum.org Treasurer: Jon Schepps Ph: 609-275-9439 email: treasurer@schattenbaum.org Secretary: Todd Simpson Ph: 856-577-6337 email: secretary@schattenbaum.org Section Chairs Concours: Robert Henuset Ph: 215-369-8067 email: concours@schattenbaum.org Dealer Relations: Dan Petchel Ph: 609-298-2277 email: track@schattenbaum.org Drivers Education Chief Instructor: Pete Tremper Ph: 609-221-3854 email: ci@schattenbaum.org Drivers Education Registrar: Pete Debusmann Ph: 609-714-9049 email: registrar@schattenbaum.org Goodie Store: John Beidler Ph: 609-309-5113 email: goodiestore@schattenbaum.org Membership: Bobby Chopra Ph: 609-439-9099 email: membership@schattenbaum.org Newsletter Editor: Dan Merton Ph: (use email) email: newsletter@schattenbaum.org Programs & Administration: John Beidler Ph: 609-309-5113 email: admin@schattenbaum.org Social Events: Claudia Debusmann Ph: 609-714-9049 email: social@schattenbaum.org In This Issue Page NEWS AND ARTICLES Monthly Meetings & Up-coming Events ...………………………………… Drive a Boxster Spyder ………………………………………………………. Spring Social Registration…..………………………………………………… Schatten Touring ……………………………………………………………… Interesting Times …………………………………………………………….... From Green to Red ……………………………………………………………. Scenes from the March Tech Event ………………………………………… Practicing Medicine …………………………………………………………… 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 REGULAR FEATURES Leadership directory…………………………………………………………. New members………………………………………………………………….. Club calendar………………………………………………………………….. President’s corner…………………………………………………………….. Petch Sez…………………………….……...……………………….…………. Swap n’ Sell……………………………………………………………………… 3 3 5 8 8 11 WELCOME NEW SCHATTENBAUMERS! Bruno & Gayle Fiabane Kim & Kristopher Hamm Vicki Rago Thomas & Debbie Seiler Kevin Walters Princeton, NJ Ewing, NJ Ventnor City, NJ Newtown, PA Ocean City, NJ 2010 2003 2006 2008 2010 Panamera S 911 C4S Carrera 4S 997 Turbo Cayman S Jack Easton Philadelphia, PA 2007 Cayman On the Cover Porsches of all colors fill the parking lot of the Lobster House in Cape May during a past Lobster run. The Lobster Run, which takes place in June, is one of the Club’s most popular driving tours. Read about our 2010 Tour schedule on page 9. Photo by Fred Krieger Tech Support: Robbie Provost Ph: 609-298-3555 email: techsupport@schattenbaum.org Tourmaster: David Dunigan Ph: 609-472-4311 email: tour@schattenbaum.org Track Chair: Dan Petchel Ph: 609-298-2277 email: track@schattenbaum.org Track Safety: Kevin Marcus Ph: 856-692-2083 email: tracksafety@schattenbaum.org Webmaster: Rob Cohen Ph: (use email) email: webmaster@schattenbaum.org WWW.SCHATTENBAUM.ORG Schatten Rappen’ is the official newsletter of the Schattenbaum Region of the Porsche Club of America (“the Club”). Articles published herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily of the Club. The Editor reserves the right to edit all materials prior to publication. The Club, its officers, contributors and the Editor do not accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made in this publication. Porsche®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. Schatten Rappen’ is published monthly (Jan. – Nov.). The deadline for submissions is the st 1 of the preceding month. Please contact the Editor for advertising rates. Advertisements in this newsletter do not constitute an endorsement by the Club or its officers. Copyright© 2010 by Schattenbaum Region, PCA MONTHLY MEETINGS & UP-COMING EVENTS April Meeting Topic: Show Prep and Detailing WHAT: Monthly Meeting WHEN: Wed. April 21st, 7:30pm WHERE: Bung’s Tavern Come to the April meeting to learn all about auto detailing. Our guest speaker will be a professional detailer who will share some of his trade secrets that can help you make your Porsche look better than when it rolled off the assembly line. Our own Concours Chair Robert Henuset will discuss some of his favorite products and demonstrate detailing techniques to get your car ready for the next car show. There will also be ample time to ask questions. It won’t be long before spring is here and our first concours is in May. Be ready – plan now to join us at Bung's on Wednesday April 21st at 7:30. Photos by Dan Merton We gather at 7:00 and the meetings start at 7:30 pm. We’ll see you at Bung’s! May Meeting Topic: TBA WHAT: Monthly Meeting WHEN: Wed. May 19th, 7:30pm WHERE: Bung’s Tavern The topic for the May monthly meeting will be announced soon – hold the date and stay tuned. DON’T MISS IT! Tour the Simeone Foundation Museum Save the date: Saturday, May 8th,when we’ll take a tour of the Simeone Foundation Museum. This is a donot-miss opportunity to view some of the most important cars in automotive history. Dr. Fred Simeone will lead the tour and give us his personal view on his incredible collection. We will meet early in the morning for breakfast and drive to the museum as a group. We are working out the details which will be on the website and the April newsletter. Check out the website: www.simeonefoundation.org SCHATTENBAUM PCA CALENDAR OF EVENTS IMPORTANT NOTE: This is our tentative calendar of events. Please check the website and future issues of Schatten Rappen’ for up-dates. Date Event Location April 10 (Sat) 21 (Wed) 29 – 30 (Thu - Fri) Spring Social *Detailing / Show prep DRIVERS ED see pg 7 Bungs Thunderbolt /Lightning May 8 (Sat) 15 – 16 (Sat - Sun) 19 (Wed) Driving Tour DRIVERS ED *Meeting Topic TBA Simeone Museum Summit Point Bungs June 17 – 18 (Thu - Fri) 23 (Wed) DRIVERS ED *Appraisals Thunderbolt / Lightning Bungs *Show and Shine DRIVERS ED Bungs Thunderbolt / Lightning July 14 (Wed) 22 – 23 (Thu - Fri) August 18 (Wed) 27 - 29 (Fri - Sun) *Appraisals Club Race/Advanced DE Bungs Thunderbolt September 15 (Wed) 27 – 28 (Mon - Tue) *Meeting Topic TBA DRIVERS ED Bungs Watkins Glen October 14 - 15 (Thu – Fri) 20 (Wed) DRIVERS ED *Meeting Topic TBA Thunderbolt Bungs DRIVERS ED *Slide night Thunderbolt Bungs November 6 (Sat) 17 (Wed) December 4 (Sat) Holiday Party TBA WHO SAYS NOTHING COMES FOR FREE? Schattenbaum offers you a chance to get behind the wheel of the new Porsche Boxster Spyder! What is your excuse for not trying Drivers Education? Wrong car, wrong tires, show car? No more excuses. PCNA, PCA, and Schattenbaum Region have partnered to provide our members a unique opportunity to experience the recently released Boxster Spyder. You will get a professional driver to give you a ride and then you get to drive. Their car, their tires, their gas, life is good. This program will include: ¾ Display and use of two Boxster Spyders during a DE day. ¾ Introductory laps in the Spyders with Porsche Sport Driving School instructors. ¾ PCA members will be able to drive Spyders with PSDS instructors as passengers ¾ Appropriate PCNA and participant insurance There are four driving days available but space is limited! Event date Track location 4/29-30/2010 New Jersey Motorsports Park (Millville, NJ) 5/15-16/2010 Summit Point Raceway (Summit Point, WV) If you’d like to participate get on the list by sending an email to Dan Petchel: carsinc@comcast.net Put “Spyder” in the subject line. Include your name, phone number and specify which event and day you desire. Join Us For the Spring Social! This year we’ll be at a new location “Old York Country Club” Old York Country Club offers excellent cuisine in a beautiful setting. It is located at 228 Old York Road, Chesterfield, NJ 08515. www.oldeyork.com (609) 298-3322 Date: Saturday, April 10, 2010 Time: Cocktail hour at 6pm (cash bar), dinner at 7pm Cost: $25 per person (Buffet style) Play Golf? Old York is a beautiful private course designed by Gary Player. Schattenbaum & Old York member David Dunigan invites you to be his guest for golf on the day of the Spring Social at 1:00 PM. Fee, including cart, is $ 95.00. Please include payment and reservation information Please book early - slots are limited! Contacts David Dunigan at daviddunigan@verizon.net Phone 609-472-4311 Lisa Dunigan at lisa.modern@verizon.net Phone 609-658-0380 Mail reservation form with payment to: Lisa Dunigan, 5 Bonnie Lane, Bordentown, NJ 08505 Make checks payable to: “Schattenbaum Region PCA” Reservations must be received on or before April 1! Sorry, reservations via phone or e-mail will not be accepted. Schattenbaum’s 2010 Spring Social Reservation Form Name:_________________________________________________$25 Golf _______$ 95 Name:_________________________________________________$25 Golf _______$ 95 Check/Money Order amount: $____________________ Phone Number:__________________________________________ PETCH SEZ By Dan Petchel 6. The 944 engine size started life as? A. a 2.7 4 cylinder. B. a 2.5 4 cylinder. C. a 2.0 6 cylinder. Test your Porsche knowledge 7. What was the 928 intended to be? A. A replacement for the 911. B. First built as a 6 cylinder. C. Was initially designed to be a 4 door. 1. Why were a lot of 993 model Porsches made in 1995? A. There was a great demand because everyone liked it. B. This car was similar to the 964. C. The production ran for 18 months. 8. When was the biggest production year for the 944? A. 1984 B. 1983 C. 1987 2. The 914-6 was made in what year(s)? A. 1971 B. 1971-1972 C. 1970 3. When first introduced, what was the Targa promoted as? A. An open, safe car. B. Car with body strength. C. A car with style similar to a coupe. 9. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. The Boxster Intro car colors were? Silver with Red. Black with Red Red with Black 10. What was the significance of the “356” model designation? A. A play on the number 365 because car could be used year around. B. A design number. C. It took 35.6 hours to build, start to finish. 5. A. B. C. The Boxster engine size started life as? a 2.7 4 cylinder. a 2.5 6 cylinder. a 2.7 6 cylinder. Which is true about the 912? Loved in Germany. Fuel injected when they came to America. Hated in Germany. Find the answers on page14. PRESIDENT’S CORNER Spring Is Finally Here By Dave Kalokitis I thought it would never arrive. It has been quite a winter. Lots of snow, and more recently, a major rain storm came to wash it all away. Well, I bid it farewell and look to a full season of activity with the Schattenbaum Region. Have you had a look at the calendar lately? I think it bloomed. All of the events the Board has been discussing during the long cold winter have been posted on the calendar on our website www.schattenbaum.org. When you read this, our first Drivers Education event of the season will have passed. And as I write this, the weather forecast looks great. I know we have many drivers signed up so it should be a great event for all. I hope you have already registered for the Spring Social on April 10. It’s a great chance to get out and have some fun with the group. I understand there is an opportunity to play golf for those so inclined. The event will be held at the Olde York Country Club, and details are in this issue of the newsletter. Someday I will tell you about my past attempts to play golf. On April 21 we will meet at Bung’s Tavern and discuss car detailing. The car show season is upon us and our meeting should provide some good tips to get the car cleaned and shining. April 29 and 30 we travel once again to New Jersey Motorsports Park for another Drivers Education event. Be sure to mark you calendar for the May 8th trip to the Simeone Car Museum. This should be a great event with Dr. Simeone giving us a personal tour of his collection. More details will follow in the May issue. So I hope to see you at one of the many events planned for this year. There is truly something for everyone. SCHATTEN-TOURING 2010 By Dave Dunigan with photos by Dan Merton A beautiful morning and a line of Porsches as far as you can see disappear around the bend. People at the side of the road stop and stare at the sight. All just part of the fun of touring in your Porsche. Schattenbaum has some great tours lined up for 2010. We start the season on Saturday, Apr 24th with a run out to Central Pennsylvania PCA Region’s “Porsche only” swap meet at Hershey, PA. We meet for breakfast at 7:00 AM at the Cracker Barrel at 3611 Horizon Blvd, Trevose PA, 19053. We depart at 8:00 arriving at the swap meet at 10:00. At 1:00 we are departing Hershey for the Carlisle classic car show 45 minutes away. Spring Carlisle – a collector and classic car swap meet, car corral and auction – marks the beginning of the show and swap meet season for thousands of collector and classic automotive enthusiasts, who travel to the 102-acre Carlisle, PA Fairgrounds from all points of the globe to buy, sell and celebrate all things automotive. Next up is the Simeone Foundation Museum on Saturday, May 8th. Our VP John Beidler has set up a great one. The Simeone Museum is a collection of over 60 of the rarest and most significant racing sports cars ever built. The collection was assembled by neurosurgeon Dr. Frederick Simeone over a span of 50 years. We will have the privilege of Dr. Simeon himself giving The “Hippie 917” is part of the Simeone collection. us the guided tour. The museum is located near Philadelphia Airport. We will be meeting at Ponzio’s Restaurant, 7 W Rt. 70 Cherry Hill NJ at 11:30 AM. And the tour to the museum will take about 30 minutes. Those who would like can also join us for breakfast at 10:00 AM. Saturday and Sunday May 15th & 16th we have a “tour to the tracks”. We are still working on the details and firming up some reservations but here is the general plan: Schattenbaum has a rare weekend date at the famed Summit Point Raceway in Charles Town, WV. Our tour group will leave Saturday morning for an approximate 3-hour drive to Summit Point.Our plan is to have dinner at the nearby Tourmeister, I am a hard core touring addict horserace track and watch horse racing that evening. At and can’t get enough. What can I do to get lunchtime on Sunday we will have touring laps around my fix when Schattenbaum doesn’t have a Summit Point (highway speeds, no helmets needed). We tour scheduled? will also have hot laps available for those that dare with some of the club hot shoes. Next up is our annual Lobster Run on Saturday, June 13 Dear Addict, I am picking up what you are putting down. What I do is hit the on-line chat at the Lobster House in Cape May, NJ. We will continue our North vs. South battle of the tour groups but everyone rooms where there is generally someone setting up a tour most weekends during the season. If wins when close to 75 gleaming Porsches come rolling no one has one going you can start your own. down the Garden State Parkway. Here are some of my favorite chat-sites: Those are the Club’s touring plans so far and we will be www.rennlist.com adding more as the season goes on. Be sure to join us for th www.6speedonline.com the Spring Social on April 10 at Old York Country Porsche Pete’s Boxster Board: Club. The Registration form is in this issue and on the www.ppbb.com website. INTERESTING TIMES By Bob Helm with Photos provided by Porsche AG Automakers are challenged to develop cars that appeal to buyers and meet emission and mileage requirements… The last couple of years have indeed been interesting times in the world of business, finance, politics and even the automotive arenas. The first three have affected the automotive world as we have seen Honda exit Formula 1, race series shorten their number of races, winning teams fail to keep sponsors and most recently the 36 year old Formula Atlantic series cancel a season for insufficient sponsored entries. Outside of racing one of the biggest impacts on the auto industry is in the area of government regulation on mileage and safety standards. Life started getting interesting for automakers (and customers) in the late ‘60s with the start of emission, mileage and safety standards. Up till then automakers’ primary concern was restyling fins and adding chrome. Now words like air pumps, catalytic converters and drivability became part of the auto enthusiast’s conversation. Things like the Baby Buggy Bumpers of the ‘72-‘74 914 became the major annual styling changes. The cars of the ‘70s were mostly transitional as designers and engineers adapted to tying to please both government regulations and consumers. The results were at best mixed and at worst simply lacking in “drivability” Fast forward through 30 years of evolving regulations and today automakers expend tremendous effort to meet the constantly moving targets on the emission and mileage fronts. The results are amazing new technologies which at first is both expensive and offered only in limited models (eg, the Toyota Prius). The Prius was first offered in 1997 and for a long time was the only hybrid auto. It had a large following with environmentalists and gradually became more accepted as a main stream model. Now many manufacturers offer hybrids - even Porsche. The hybrid Cayenne has been widely discussed for some time now along with the new technology Porsche engineers were bringing to the table. The model was introduced, as expected, to the world this year. What was not expected this year was the introduction of the Porsche GT3 R Hybrid (above), yes a Porsche GT3 Hybrid RACE CAR targeting Le Mans next year. Not only a race car but one that will race the 24 Hours at the Nurbergring! Going back to the 100 year old Lohner-Porsche hub motor design, the new GT3 uses Kinetic Energy Recovery System similar to that previously used in Formula 1. So far an interesting year but pretty impressive for just two months. At the Geneva Auto show the world saw the debut of the Porsche 918, a 500hp 198 mph Hybrid concept car. It gets a reported 78mpg and does zero to sixty in 3.2 seconds! This car could be the most important Porsche model since the 917. Unlike some companies that show concept cars as either a styling exercise or a trial balloon, Porsche actually makes their concepts a reality. The last Porsche Concept car was the Boxster in 1993 introduced as a production model in 1997. Just last month Pano had a report that Porsche could not meet the revised 2016 CAFÉ standards and the technology in the 918 when incorporated in other production models should make those standards achievable, although at higher cost. The 918 is styled like the Carrera GT, which was originally designed as a Le Mans entry until a rules change prevented it. A race version could be introduced for next year’s Le Mans with a premium priced street version as a 2012 model. Give Porsche two years of a limited production model to recover the R&D expense and we could see a 911 using this technology in the 2015 model year and in all models by 2016. Meeting stricter regulations while improving performance, that’s how Porsche does things. Yes we live in interesting times. The 500hp, 198 mph Porsche 918 Hybrid concept gets a reported 78mpg. SWAP N’ SELL Classified ads are free to PCA members. To place an ad please email the Editor (Dan Merton; newsletter@schattenbaum.org) SWAP N’ SELL 1990 964 C2, Track ready-Street Legal 93k miles runs strong, new Big Red brakes, Carrera RS suspensioncomplete springs, sway bars, shocks factory LTD Slip, DAS Roll bar M&R Harnesses-new, Sparco EVO Seats, Autothority Chip, Cup Primary bypass, 2 Sets 17" wheelstrack MPSC Street Michelin PS, Cold 134a A/C, Alpine sound w/ipod interface $22000 - offers considered or maybe Boxster S trade Call 609 247 5344, kmarcus29@comcast.net SR 4/10 1/3 ‘99 996 Black Race built to H class PCA, street legal, 60 k on motor, light weight fly wheel, custom exhaust, full roll cage, Kirky race seat, quick release steering wheel, harness, GT 3 rear spoilers, side skirts, custom front splitter, battery/engine shut off, choice of 17" or 18" Porsche wheels, car lightened, cross spring & shock package, custom toe links, corner balanced, race aligned, graphics. Dan Petchel 609 351 2068c Sweet Pea - 1972 911 "RS" Track Car / Street Car Fully sorted & evolved into an awesome lightweight longhooded performer. Completely ready to go, it needs nothing but a new driver. 3.6 Liter 993 Engine, dual oil coolers, fuel system, recently refreshed custom 915 gear box with close ratio gear sets, racing clutch assmbly, big brakes, 3 sets of wheels and tires and much, much more. Vehicle currently stored and maintained at Performance Automotive in Malvern, PA. Contact Sherwood Goldman for more details on this proven piece of history. 215.913.2644 stg911@comcast.net SR 4/10 3/3 From Green to Red Hooked on the track pipe The Midnight blue Boxster was my gateway drug now its gets handicapped parking privileges… By Dave Dunigan It started innocently. I had always wanted a Porsche and I saw an off lease Boxster in the Paper and convinced my wife that we could get it for her daily driver and I would use it on the weekends. She had one condition it had to be automatic. A week later on January 1, 2004 we were the proud owners of a 2000 Midnight blue metallic Boxster with Tiptronic. I promptly joined PCA and started going to monthly meetings. That’s were I started to hear about this thing called Drivers Education. Who needs that? I can drive just fine (I thought) but then I find out that at Drivers Ed we get to drive fast on a racetrack. I was in. As those of you who know me may know, I may have a bit of lead foot on the highway (this may account for my 15 or so speeding tickets). I signed up for the very next event which was in the early spring at Summit Point in West Virginia. I went over all the lists of everything I needed to bring and made sure to pack some nice clothes (hey I figured these are Porsche folks they probably hit all the hot spots). Made my reservation at the Town House in Charlestown which is were I was told all the club hoi polloi stay. Sounds like a fancy place - I am ready to be pampered (at this point all those in the know are snickering). I came to find out the Town House is what one would call basic. There are campers who won’t stay there… I believe the thread count on the sheets is 4. That being said, there isn’t a finer place to stay when Schattenbaum is in town. A better time can’t be had than spending an evening in the parking lot of the Town House drinking beer, smoking cigars and swapping stories with all of our fellow track rats. The dress clothes I now leave home - the fanciest we get is a clean T-shirt. Photo by Dan Merton My instructor for the first time was Larry Schmidt. For the first two laps Larry took the wheel of my car to show me “the line”. All that I thought I new was wrong. Over the course of two days my speed came up, I can still hear Larry saying “Gas, Gas, Gas”. I was hooked and there was no going back, the Track Pipe had me. My friends at the Golf club don’t get to see me that often anymore. Given the choice of driving a little white ball down the fairway or driving thru a corner at 90 MPH there is not much of a choice for me. The Boxster was a gateway drug; it got retired to road duty and eventually to my mother, who always wanted a sports car. She gets the biggest kick out of parking it in the handicap space at the mall. Along came a track prepped ‘79 911 SC with which I learned a lot. The mantra at the track is drive a slow car to learn to be fast. While an SC is not a slow car in the real world, when running in circles with GT-3s and the occasional Cup Car, you spend a lot of time with your hand out the window (giving the pass sign). But it defiantly worked as I learned to brake less and be very smooth and not upset the car by being abrupt, over braking or being off line. If you come off pace there is no horsepower to fix your error. You don’t get back up to speed for a few corners. It may be possible that I have a bit of a type A personality (I know unheard of in a group of people who like to drive Porches at high speeds) but somehow I snuck in. The SC has now given way to a 996 (911s made from ‘99 to ‘05). At some point over the last few years I have come to refer to all Porsches by the series number - something I originally found very confusing. The 996s are fast enough to run with the big boys if I drive it correctly (sometimes yes sometimes no). There is nothing as fun as chasing your friends around the track at speeds I still can’t believe we can go. I still get out the car with a grin from ear to ear after every run… I really can’t believe this is legal. At the end of this season I will have just shy of 40-track day’s this year and know already I will have loved every one. Driver Ed events are divided into “run groups” based on experience levels with two run groups typically on track at once. For example: Green (beginners, always with an instructor) and Yellow (start with an instructor) run together, Blue (beginning solo) and White (solo) run together while Black (advanced) and Red (instructors) are together. I reached a milestone last year and started instructing. I’ve found it to be great fun to be there as the track pipe hooks another one. Scenes from our March Tech event at Provost Motorsports Photos by Bob Helm Practicing Medicine By Kevin Marcus Motor-head, heal thy self... Let me start by stating that I have the utmost respect for the medical profession and its practitioners. That being said, I have recently gained a better understanding of why they call their work “practicing”. I am a motor-head, car-guy-wrench-man through and through. Many of you have read about my adventures and tech articles over the years. This one is different. I’ve been practicing medicine. Don’t turn me in I didn’t treat any patients, just myself. I have been doing this in an effort to better understand and make sense of a problem that has sidelined my wrenching, driving and other hobbies. This has been going on for 8+ months or more but I’m on the mend now. Praise the lord and pass the Vodka. My medical internship began when I developed a skin problem that seemed rather innocent; dry hands. Like most people would do, I found some moisturizers that seemed to help if not eliminate the problem. After a short time things went downhill. I was working on one of my cars using nitrile gloves to protect my compromised hands. When I finished working I removed the gloves to find that my hands were a very pale white and an unusual texture. Not good! A visit to my primary care doctor was in order. Following a quick exam the diagnosis was “contact dermatitis “and an ointment was prescribed. After a week or so it was obvious that the ointment only made matters worse. Now my hands were cracking and had cuts and redness. Not good! Back to the doctor’s office where, upon inspection, he gave me his professional opinion “Not Good!” and sent me off to the dermatologist. At this point some of my Schattenbaum friends became aware of my problem and offered some of their advice and wry humor. For example: “Must be menopause, you are at that age”, “Boy you can’t even _____ yourself can you” and “A friend of mine had that too - he decided he would rather be shot” there were more comments, but I digress. Dermatologist #1 prescribed some ointment and an oral medication which provided some relief but not much improvement. Following two more visits it became obvious to me that this doctor was heading down the wrong path. On to dermatologist number two. My new doctor came highly recommended and had an excellent reputation. The first visit went well and a treatment regiment was implemented. I showed some improvement, but at a glacial like pace. Following three more visits and approximately 2 months we moved on to an oral medication that was “the gold standard”. I returned to the doctor in 2 weeks showing no to minimal improvement. At that point I had developed other issues. While at the doctor’s I mentioned that I thought I was experiencing numerous side effects from the medication. Doctor’s response was “That is normal and will improve”. I agreed to continue treatment and drove home. Since I couldn’t play with my friends, cars or other hobbies I researched my ailments. It appeared at least six diagnoses were possible. Oh, by the way, did I mention that my side effects were getting worse and more numerous? To top it all off, drinking beer seemed to aggravate everything. Well, it was near the Holidays and I was spending some time with friends at a local pub so I resorted to Vodka Martinis in lieu of beer. One of my friends, also a Schattenbaum member, mentioned that her brother had a problem similar to mine. He went on a gluten–free diet and everything cleared up. I tried that idea and sure enough I saw some improvement within days. The bad news was that the side effects from the meds continued. Finally, I returned to the doctor’s office to get off the meds and report on my findings. After a brief discussion and exam the doctor said to me “Well…you’re a smart guy I’m sure you will figure this all out. We can go the natural gluten-free route and stop the medication” I had numerous retorts racing through my head but I refrained. I left the office and drove home. I have been gluten and medication free for six weeks and counting and am happy to report that all symptoms and side effects have subsided. My advice to fellow car-guys and motor-heads has always been to know your car. More specifically, know your car well enough to fix it yourself or point your technician in the right direction. Who knew my advice would also apply to one’s health… Go Figure. Answers to Porsche Quiz (page 8) 1) C. The production ran for 18 months. People actually didn’t like the 993 when it came out. 2) B. 1971-1972 with very few made in 1971. 3) A. An open safe car. The were so loose they were called flexible flyers 4) A. Silver with Red. 5) A. 2.5 6 cylinder. 6) A. 2.5 4 cylinder. 7) A. A replacement for the 911. Someone sure got it wrong. 8) A. 1984 Most Porsche cars in one year ever. 9) C. Hated in Germany. Blew up on Autobahn 10) B. Just a design number. Porsche started at 356 to make people believe the marque was not new. Your score 10 or 9 correct: You get to write the next Quiz, you know your stuff. 8 or 7 correct: You have been reading your Porsche books. 6 or 5 correct: You are missing way to many meetings. 4 or 3 correct: Turn in your PCA card. 2 or less correct: You are a Corvette lover and picked this up by mistake. Pankaj T Dayal 732-588-5229 pnrfinancial@gmail.com Go to www.schattenbaum.org for all the latest updates and news dU\\]N`` V`;\dNcNVYNOYR\[YV[R From safety gear to fittings, suspension components to brakes. All the resources, equipment and gear you need to go racing – from autocrossing to the 24 Hours of Le Mans. With over 36,000 square feet of inventory and the most race-savvy sales staff in the business, we are your single-source for “go fast!” Call for our new 2008 catalog! dRX[\dU\df\bSRRYNO\ba_NPV[T 0NYY%&%" # \_cV`VadddPQ\PP\Z WE WILL MATCH ANY LEGITIMATE DEALER PRICE ON EVERY PRODUCT WE SELL!