with Susan Jackson


with Susan Jackson
Choice School
20451 Westminster Highway,
Richmond, B.C. V6V 1B3
Wednesday May 13 , 2015
Principal’s Message
Our week began with the annual panoramic photographs – one quite formal and one more
playful. Fortunately the sun came out, the students looked wonderful, and we can’t wait to see
the results. In Ms. Walli’s blog, she has commented on the response to the photographer’s
request to say “cheese”. What we heard instead was “Gouda”, “Havarti”, “Brie” and “moldy”.
Only at Choice!
This morning the senior math students tackled the University of Waterloo Gauss Math Contest.
They were studious, focused and keen to do their very best on this challenging test; I felt as
though I was invigilating a university exam.
Last week we welcomed Ms. Jaclyn Chow to our staff as our interim Literacy Support Teacher. Ms. Chow has recently graduated from Queens University and completed her final practicum with us. She is assuming the role from Ms. King who is Class C’s teacher for term three
in Ms. Champion’s absence. Ms. Chow will be administering this term’s benchmark assessments in Reading, Writing and Math to assist us in our final report writing and programming
for next year.
We are looking forward to Friday’s Talent show and Mothers’ Day Tea, and fervently hope
that all our mums will be able to join us. If not, we promise that there will be plenty of photos
to share! In case a mum can’t free herself to attend, she is welcome to send a representative:
a grandmother, aunt, or even a dad.
Please attend the PAC meeting on Thursday morning at 8:30 if you are free. The PAC is currently planning Choice School’s entry in the medieval-themed Ladner May Day Parade on
Sunday, May 24th. Please be certain to sign up in the office. All parents and families are very
welcome. It will be such fun to represent our school in this exciting event. Further details will
follow next week.
Just a reminder that Tuesday, May 19th is a Professional Day for staff, and students will not be
in attendance. Our focus for the day will be on goal-setting and planning the calendar for the
next school year.
Have a lovely long weekend!
Lynn Chartres
Friday, May 15th at 10:30am
Upcoming dates to remember
May 14
June 5
PAC Meeting 8:30am
Gifted Lecture: Sue Jackson 6 - 8pm
Talent Show and Mother’s Day Tea
10:30am – 12:30pm
Victoria Day (school closed)
Pro-D Day (school closed)
An Evening of Shakespeare - Class D
6 - 8pm
Ladner Day Parade (details to follow)
PAC Meeting 8:30am
Last day of school
Gifted Lecture Series
Thursday, May 14, 2015 from 6-8PM
“RISE” with Susan Jackson
“RISE” lays bare some of the struggles and behaviours that gifted children
experience and exhibit, to promote understanding and identification. Susan will be
showing her last documentary, “RISE”, and then will lead an in-depth discussion.
Susan Jackson in the Founder and Therapeutic
Director of the Daimon Institute for the Highly
Gifted in White Rock, BC. Her Integral Practice for
the Gifted™ model addresses multiple aspects of
human functioning – cognitive, emotional, spiritual,
physical and talent-based dimensions.
Admission and childcare are free.
by May 12, 2015
20451 Westminster Hwy North, Richmond BC, V6V 1B3
Phone: (604) 273-2418
Email: office@choiceschool.org
Website: www.choiceschool.org