June 12, 2016 - Our Lady of Guadalupe


June 12, 2016 - Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe
7000 35th Avenue SW , Seattle, Washington, 98126
June 12, 2016
Works of Mercy: “Clothe the Naked” and “Shelter the Homeless”
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil - 5:30 PM
Sunday Mornings - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM
Weekday Mass - Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - 9:00 AM
Holy Day Masses - 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturdays - 4:15 to 5:00 PM (or by appointment through the Parish Office)
OLG Parish - www.olgseattle.org - parishoffice@olg.seattle.org - Phone: 206-935-0358
OLG Parish School - 3401 SW Myrtle, Seattle, WA 98126 - www.guadalupe-school.org
Phone: 206-935-0651
From the Pastor’s Desk
Please Welcome And Enjoy Fr. Raschko
Next Sunday, please welcome Fr. Mike Raschko who will take my place for one week while I recover from surgery.
Fr. Mike is an accomplished teacher and brilliant preacher who has an ability to cut to the core of the Gospel message. Thank you Fr. Mike for being available to assist our parish.
Annual Catholic Appeal Surpasses Goal
So many people who will benefit from the ministries of the Annual Catholic Appeal are grateful for your generosity. The final results for our campaign are: 281 families pledged $84,107.50. Thank you for your commitment
and generosity. Your success in meeting our annual appeal goal and our continued vitality as a parish reinforces
my perspective that the greatest strength of the Catholic church is you!!
Fr. Jack’s Return
I hope to be back for parish activity by June 22nd. My surgery is on June 13th. The recovery period is lengthy
because our skin on our shins is thin. Thank you for your many offers of support and help.
Mercy Me, O God
It is a very patient Christ, indeed, who can work even
through me. Taking in God’s great love and mercy for
me helps me through my awkward but deliberate
awareness and honest efforts to be merciful. I think I
can do it, right here, right now. “Mercy me, Lord and I
will learn to be merciful as you are merciful”.
- Gertrude Nelson
Fr. Jack
Prayer & Liturgy
Let Us Pray For...
We will hold our brothers and sisters, listed below, in prayer for a
month. If you would like to have us pray beyond this month for anyone,
please notify our parish office and we will keep their name on the list for
the time that you have requested.
Margaret Byrne
Ken Casey
Debbie Fry
Bob Gage
Sharon Lyons-Huber
Douglas Kramer
Hudson Langhams
Mason Langhams
Alvin Lo
Jenny Mattingly
Juan Velasquez
Leon Vielle
Barbara Wilson
Jennifer Wong
Cultivating A Jubilee Year Of Mercy
Pilgrimage To Cathedral
This Sunday, June 12th
Everyone is invited to walk, drive, take the bus, or water taxi to St. James Cathedral for our Parish Jubilee
Pilgrimage. Walkers meet at the Walmesley Center
plaza (rain or shine) no later than 9:45 a.m. We will stop for lunch near
the Cathedral. Bus directions will be provided for the return trip. Everyone else...please meet on the front steps of the Cathedral by 1:45
p.m. for our 2:00p.m. tour. For more information, contact Helen Oesterle, 206-935-0358, heleno@olgseattle.org.
Confirmation Preparation Program
Confirmation is one of three sacraments of initiation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, that celebrates a person’s full membership in the
Catholic Church. Preparation classes for high school students (16 years
or older) and adults will begin this fall on alternating Tuesday evenings
with the celebration of the sacrament taking place sometime during
the 2017 Easter season. For more information and to register, please
contact Helen Oesterle, 206-935-0358, Ext. 108 heleno@olgseattle.org.
For more information about “Prayer and Liturgy”
go to www.olgseattle.org and click on the
“Grow In Faith” tab.
Scripture Readings
This Week
Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time
Reading 1: 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13
Reading 2: Galatians 2:16, 19-21
Gospel: Luke 7:36-8:3
Next Week
Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Reading 1: Zechariah 12:10-11, 13:1
Reading 2: Galatians 3:26-29
Gospel: Luke 9:18-24
Liturgical Ministers’ Training
For Transition To The Gym
All Liturgical Ministers are required to attend one of two trainings
for the upcoming transition to the gym during the church renovation (ushers, lectors, EM’s altar servers and sacristans - choir will
meet separately). The trainings will be held on Sunday, June 19,
9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and Monday, June 20, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. in the church.
Deacon Reception
The Knights of Columbus invite you to a catered reception for
Deacon Patrick Sherrard to celebrate his ordination into the
June 19th, after the 11:00 a.m. Mass
In The Walmesley Center
During Mass, the Knights will present Fr. Patrick with a new chalice.
Faith Formation
Vacation Bible Camp
June 27th through July 1st
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Pre-K through 5th grade
$60/child (scholarships available)
Registration Will End Soon
We are very excited to offer Vacation Bible Camp here at OLG this summer! It truly takes an
entire community to evangelize our faith to our children and children in our neighboring
communities in the form of our Vacation Bible Camp!
We need your time, talents, and skills to spread God’s Merciful Light in the following areas:
Steering Committee to help plan and staff daily events.
Senior High Students to be “Crew Leaders” for our elementary campers.
Junior High Students to be “Crew Leaders” for our pre-k campers.
Musicians to lead songs.
People who love to act, be dramatic, and tell stories.
Carpenters and other volunteers good with set design.
Kitchen crew leaders to help provide snacks each day.
Daily volunteers to help staff the stations as “Station Leaders”.
Prayer Team members to keep our entire week of camp in prayer.
Registration volunteers to help with “sign in” and “sign out” daily.
Our Lady of Guadalupe parish wants to make this Vacation Bible Camp a very special week for all who participate and we need your help!
For more information, please contact Marion at 206-935-0358 or marionk@olgseattle.org or Helen at 206-935-0358 or
Our Faith Formation Programs Have Come To A Joyful End For The Summer!
Parents, Guardians and their children gathered for a fun celebration of faith by sharing together in a potluck meal, a
fun activity and honoring our catechists for a wonderful year of service. At the end of our time together, I asked the
families to write down their thoughts, along with their children’s thoughts, about their experience in our faith formation program, including our Family Faith Sunday program. Here are some of their wonderful thoughts:
What was your favorite part of Family Faith Sunday this year?
How to face challenges in life.
I felt very welcome today. Fun activities for the kids to build faith with their families.
The butterflies.
Activities are fun.
Being together with other families.
Meeting new people and sharing our faith together.
Egg hunt.
Fun projects that parents and guardian's can do together with our children.
Praying the Rosary together.
Awesome because you are growing closer to God and having fun!
We pray and get to do activities and we eat food.
Family Faith Sunday is a fun family day that you get to learn about God even better.
We make and share things that help us learn about our faith.
Our Lady of Guadalupe welcomes all families to our faith formation programs and if you did not have the opportunity to participate this
year, please note on your calendar our Open House on Sunday, September 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. where you can come and learn
about all of our faith formation programs in more detail. Supporting parents and guardians as the first teachers of our wonderful faith to
your children is very important to us and we want you to know we are here to support you!
Outreach Ministry
Got 2 Hours a Month? . . . Join The Brigade!
Youth Migrant Project: Donations Requested
Some give by going, some go by giving. Six high school students
from OLG will be joining youth from St. James Cathedral, St. Mary’s
and St. Anne’s on the Youth Migrant Project his July. The youth will
work a food and clothing bank, host a fiesta for migrant families,
provide lunches for workers, attend Mass in a migrant camp, and
reflect together on the experience in light of our faith and Catholic
social teaching. One Youth Migrant Project tradition is for communities back home ot provide dinner for the missioners. OLG will be
making dinner for Thursday night. Could you contribute one of the
following menu items to 33 people? - tortillas, shredded cheese,
refried beans, taco seasoning, sour cream, guacamole, shredded
lettuce, salsa, ground turkey, watermelon. If so, please contact Jennifer Ibach at jibach@olgseattle.org or 206-935-0358, ext. 120 by
Friday, June 24th. We will also be collecting food, clothing, school
supplies, craft materials and gardening gloves for the YNP. A full list
of needed items is available on the website and the bulletin boards
in the narthex. Please return any donations to the parish office or
the box in the narthex by July 3rd. Thank you for your support!
Cabrini Ministry Training
When you enroll in one of our training programs, you will be transformed. You will learn profound techniques that enable you to
effectively and compassionately share God’s mercy and the gift of
your presence with others who are isolated or afflicted. This will
transform THEIR lives. Classes will be held in Kirkland on Tuesdays
from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. beginning October 25th and in Seattle
on Saturdays, (monthly) from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. beginning September 17th.
For application and information, contact
info@cabriniministry.org, 206-760-0583, ext. 3 or visit
OLG’s Chicken Soup Brigade is looking for a couple new members
to join the team! OLG has a small team of volunteers who pick up
the food and deliver it to people in need in West Seattle/White
Center. We could use some additional drivers to help with the
Thursday afternoon route. It’s an approximately two hour commitment every three to four weeks. Working in a team provides
some great flexibility and a chance to build community with others. Volunteers receive training support. Interested? Contact
Jennifer Ibach at jibach@olgseattle.org or 206-935-0358, Ext. 120.
St. Vincent de Paul
Poverty has any faces. Like a man we visited recently. He was a
veteran, formerly a successful photographer and reporter. Then
suddenly he was stricken by transverse myelitis, a seriously disabling condition. He is struggling to retrain himself, but his entire
life has been downsized to a small rented apartment surrounded
by equipment to help him get around and in and out of bed. He
needed help because his SSI payments are barely more that his
monthly rent. We promised to help him after he made the first
partial payment. Thank you for helping us to help him and many
others like him. God help us all.
Pastoral Care
Home Ministries
If you or anyone you know is in need of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Anointing, or other Home Ministries,
let us know by calling Marion Kari at 935-0358, ext. 113.
Prayers And Squares Quilt Ministry
Needs Your Help!
Do you sew and have some time to devote to this wonderful ministry? If so, your talents and skills will be greatly appreciated. The
growing need in our community for prayer quilts has been tremendous. Our Prayers and Squares Ministry is small and has a
dedicated group of quilters. It does not matter if you have never
made a quilt before as there will be lots of ways that you can use
your abilities. This group meets on the first Tuesday of each
month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. If you
are interested, please contact Marion Kari at 206-935-0358, Ext.
113 or by email at marionk@olgseattle.org.
Upcoming Events
At The Senior Center Of West Seattle!
Contact Information:
4217 SW Oregon Street
Phone: 206-932-4077
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wellness Fair:
Commit to living a healthy life. More than twenty businesses and
organizations will be on hand with information about their services.
There will be free screenings, blood pressure readings along with
free samples and door prizes.
This will be on Tuesday, June 14th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Dance Time:
John Baumann, M. Div. LMHC
Counseling & Psychotherapy Services
206-527-2266, ext. 385
425- 830-9614 (cell)
Staying In Motion
An Activity Program for Individuals with Early Stage
Memory Loss and Their Care Partners
Wednesday Afternoons
June 15 - July 6, 2016
Wesley Homes Des Moines
Care Partners (can be a partner, friend or relative) attend each
In a four-week program, participants will learn:
Safe stretching, strengthening and endurance exercises.
The importance of rest and relaxation.
How exercising regularly will maintain or improve your balance and flexibility.
Pre-registration is required.
Contact Danielle Rogers, Education and Programs Specialist
206-529-3870 | drogers@alz.org
There will be live music, fun people, dance or just tap your toes!
Entertainment by Lauren Petrie, sponsored by Terry Holm. No need
to sign up, just come and have fun.
Third Thursday of every month.
Thursday, June 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
$5 for members and $7 for nonmembers at the door.
First Wednesday of every month.
Wednesday, July 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
$5 for members and $7 for nonmembers at the door.
Third Thursday of every month.
Thursday, July 21st from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
$5 for members and $7 for nonmembers at the door.
First Wednesday of every month.
Wednesday, August 3rd from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
$5 for members and $7 for nonmembers at the door.
OLG Community
Position Available
Home Families Needed For International Students
There is a position available on the CYO Sports Board starting
Where are you going? John 1:28
June 26-29, 2016
June 1st. We meet roughly once a month. If you are interested
and/or would like more information, please contact the Board
through it’s email at cyoboard@olgseattle.org. The opportunity
to apply will close on June 1st.
Congratulations to Sherrie Gonzales for winning the 2016 Volleyball Coach of the Year award for CYO Athletics! Sherrie was selected as this year’s winner by the CYO Seattle Volleyball Commission after she was nominated for this award. Sherrie was honored on June 9th at the “Champions of Faith” celebration with
Archbishop Sartain and other coaches in CYO Athletics. Sherrie
has coached girls volleyball at OLG the past three years and does
an amazing job teaching and coaching her team. Great job Sherrie!
Are you interested in opening your lives and sharing your American
culture with a student from another part of the world? Kennedy Catholic High School is looking for host families for our international students for the 2016-17 school year. International students are excited
to experience family life in America, learn English and to share their
culture and traditions with their homestay family. If you would like
more information, please visit our website or contact Teri Crosswhite
at 206-957-9528. Financial stipend is provided.
New On Our Parish Website
Check out recent photos and learn more about our parish “Mascot” a Pope Francis bubblehead! It reflects the spirit of welcome, joyfulness, and passionate care for all of creation that is an essential part of
our parish’s mission. It is also a fun way to share that spirit with others.
www.olgseattle.org (Note: It also has an Instagram account!)
OLG In The West Seattle Parade
Reserve the date - Saturday, July 23rd! We need help in planning this year’s entry. If you are interested, contact Helen at 206935-0358, heleno@olgseattle.org. Watch the bulletin for details
on helping OLG win the Spirit Award five years in a row!
Parish Mascot - “Pope Francis Bubblehead”
OLG has, since its beginnings, been a place of welcome, love,
compassion, mercy and joy! We embrace Pope Francis’ vision
and spirit for the Church and we want to share it with others. It
is hoped that wherever our parish mascot goes, it represents
OLG’s spirit of welcome, hope, compassion and love to all—while
having some fun doing it. It has already had many adventures,
including being at the 8th grade retreat and visiting St. Patrick’s
Cathedral in NYC. If you would like to borrow him for a special
event or trip, contact Helen at 206-935-0358. You can also follow
it on our website or on Instagram.
Volunteers Needed To Build Access
To Labyrinth And Garden
We recently received a Rice Bowl Grant from the Archdiocese to
help improve access to our parish garden and labyrinth. We need
help with planning the design and then building it - including
some manual labor. If interested, contact Helen at 206-9350358.
Kennedy Catholic Summer Camps
Spend your summer with us! With visual and performing arts as well as
athletic sessions, we have something for everyone. Try new activities,
enhance skills, and have fun!
Visit: http://www.kennedyhs.org/summerprograms2016 to learn about
summer camps offered at Kennedy Catholic High School. Registration
is now open.
Warriors Healing Retreat
Are you someone who has experienced Post-Traumatic Stress or Moral
Injury from your service in the armed forces? These wounds go deeper
than psychological and can only be truly healed by the sacred touch of
Jesus Christ. The Warriors Healing Retreat will address these wounds
and offer such healing on Saturday, July 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. at American Lake VA Hospital. The cost is $10 for lunch plus a
free-will offering.
Contact Fr. Charles at 206-764-2033 or
charles.barnes2@va.gov to register.
For more “Community Events”,
please visit our website.
From The Pastoral Center
Pastoral Center
Phone: 206-935-0358
Fax: 206-935-1230
Stewardship Giving Made Easy Visit
If you are looking for a more convenient way to make planned or additional financial contributions to support our parish ministries and programs, we encourage you to look at our electronic giving options. Visit our parish website to learn
more. Go to www.olgseattle.org and click on the “Online Giving” button.
Parish Staff
Fr. Jack Walmesley
fr.jack@olgseattle.org - X107
Helen Oesterle - Pastoral Associate
heleno@olgseattle.org - X108
Peggy Behnken - Administrative Asst.
peggybe@olgseattle.org - X114
Sal Pagan - Facilities Supervisor
salp@olgseattle.org - X112
Marion Kari - Pastoral Care/Family Faith
marionk@olgseattle.org - X113
Jennifer Ibach - Pastoral Asst. for Outreach
jibach@olgseattle.org - X120
Vicki Quinn—Baptism Coordinator
vickiq@olgseattle.org - X115
Ann Sager - Music
Gail Neudorfer - Bookkeeper
gailn@olgseattle.org - X118
Sandy Plummer
Safe Environment Coordinator
Bulletin Editor
sandyp@olgseattle.org - X111
OLG School Happenings
Donna Ramos, Principal
206-935-0651 - X102
OLG School is officially on summer vacation! - We’d like to take this opportunity to thank OLG Parish for all the support you have provided to us over
the past academic year. From the faithful financial backing we receive to the
volunteers, prayers and gifts, it is all truly appreciated. Thank you for all you do
to help us provide the best education possible to the next generation of leaders.
We look forward to returning in the fall. Enjoy the Seattle summer!

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