April 3, 2016 - Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe 7000 35th Avenue SW , Seattle, Washington, 98126 March 2016 April 27, 3, 2016 Teach us, O Lord, to Share the Joy of the Gospel, understanding always, that generosity is shown in acts of friendship, respect, and encouragement, and in every act of human kindness toward our brothers and sisters in need. Guide us to be generous in our thoughts and actions and give us the grace to realize that in each measure we give, we also receive. Amen Mass Times Saturday Vigil - 5:30 PM Sunday Mornings - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Weekday Mass - Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - 9:00 AM Holy Day Masses - 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturdays - 4:15 to 5:00 PM (or by appointment through the Parish Office) OLG Parish - www.olgseattle.org parishoffice@olg.seattle.org Phone: 206-935-0358 OLG Parish School - 3401 SW Myrtle, Seattle, WA 98126 www.guadalupe-school.org Phone: 206-935-0651 REBIRTH AND RENOVATION (First of six inserts) The Lord is risen, Alleluia! He is truly risen, Alleluia! Alleluia! Our Easter season begins with our celebration of Christ’s victory over death and our belief that through our baptism we share in Christ’s victory. Throughout this season we find joy in our rebirth in baptism, the renewal of our baptismal promises, and our growth of our faith in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, this also is an opportune time to prepare for the rebirth of our worship space, the renewal of our commitment to grow together as a caring and supportive parish community, and the renovation which will help to bring this about. Over 50 years ago when building began at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, the school and “gymnasium” were completed first. Then the “gymnasium” was used as the church temporarily until the funds could be raised to build a proper church. That same building continues to serve as our church today and it is time to fully claim it as our worship space: removing the parts that are still of a temporary nature, bringing the interior up to city codes, addressing accessibility and safety concerns, and to align with the US Bishops’ guidelines for art and architecture. After gathering information from parishioners and experts from the Archdiocese of Seattle, and receiving generous donations from benefactors, we are now able to begin the renovation. It will take several stages over many years but the funds are now available for the first phase of our longawaited renovation. It will begin at the end of June 2016. Included in this first phase of renovation are: Removal of the wrinkled and dangerous carpet in the center aisle and around the base of the altar platform. Removal of the temporary platform which was originally designed to be a movable stage. Pouring the concrete platform, accessibility ramp and steps which will permanently replace the wooden staging. Staining and polishing the concrete platform and steps and the concrete uncovered by carpet removal. Construction of a free-standing, curved wall in front of the accessibility ramp and behind the altar. Installation of an improved sound system. During the construction, we will celebrate our liturgies in the Walmsley Center. Over the next several weeks watch the bulletin and website to learn more about the sacred spaces that are part of our renovation. Prayer & Liturgy Let Us Pray For... We will hold our brothers and sisters, listed below, in prayer for a month. If you would like to have us pray beyond this month for anyone, please notify our parish office and we will keep their name on the list for the time that you have requested. Scripture Readings Jane Denini Bob Gage Dave Haywood Hudson Langhams Mason Langhams Pompey Magera Donna Simonson Juan Velasquez Please also pray for those who have recently passed: Guy Hobson and Bertha Okrusch This Week Second Sunday of Easter Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 5:12-16 Reading 2: Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 Gospel: John 20:19-31 Next Week Third Sunday of Easter Are You Interested In Learning More About The Catholic Faith And/Or Becoming Catholic You are invited to participate in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), a process of initiation into the Catholic community of faith. It encompasses the study of Scripture, Catholic teaching, and Christian values - the development and deepening of a life of prayer and action, all with the support and involvement of the parish community. Participants can go at their own pace. For more information, please contact Helen Oesterle at 206-935-0358, Ext. 108 or heleno@olgseattle.org. You can also find more information at our parish website. Centering Prayer Saturday, April 9th - DeMazenod Room at 10:30 a.m. For more information about “Prayer and Liturgy” go to www.olgseattle.org and click on the “Grow In Faith” tab. Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 5:27-32, 40b-41 Reading 2: Revelation 5:11-14 Gospel: John 21:1-19 Cultivating A Jubilee Year Of Mercy Come To The Jubilee Year Prayer and Study Day Blessed Are The Merciful Sunday, April 17th St. Mary By The Lake Spirituality Center, Bellevue Catholics from throughout the state will be gathering in Bellevue to pray, listen, and learn about Pope Francis’ vision for a “Church of Mercy.” Helen Oesterle (Pastoral Associate at Our Lady of Guadalupe) and Patrick Barredo (former Pastoral Associate from Holy Rosary) will be presenting on: Mercy Begins with Me; Mercy as a Way of Life; The Cross of Mercy; and the Church of Mercy. Sponsored by Catholic Life Ministries (CLM) of Seattle. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided. The day concludes with a Liturgy of the Word with Communion. BUSINESS OF THE WEEK CatholicMatch Washington CatholicMatch.com/meetWA Cost: $35/individual, $60 couples (scholarships are available upon request). To register: Go online to Catholiclifeministries.org, click on calendar, and scroll down to “click here to register.” Or, send your name, cell number, address, email, and fee to: CLM, 7317 Bainbridge Pl, SW #1, Seattle, WA 98136. Questions? Call Robert Fontana at 509-731-6012. Faith Formation Easter Season Traditions To Start With Your Families! When talking with your young children about Easter, it is fun to make connections between the new life we have in Jesus and His resurrection and springtime and the new life we see in nature. Going for nature walks this time of year can spark lots of talking points when looking at symbols of flowers, eggs and baby animals. Looking at trees and grass and how they begin to turn green and grow in the spring are all wonderful ways to illustrate new life and the connection to our New Life in Jesus. Sharing family traditions with your children during the Easter season is a wonderful way to talk about Jesus’ connection to us and our families. Basket blessings is another fun tradition to start if you have not done this. Many years ago, Christians had the tradition of having their Easter baskets blessed on Easter Sunday. Families would bring a basket containing the food for their holiday dinner to church for the priest to bless. The baskets were brought to the alter before Mass and then taken home at the end. As a family, you can start blessing your Easter baskets, which will help young children make the connection between our secular cultural traditions and our Christian value beliefs. Here is a prayer that you can use, or you can make one up as a family: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We pray, Alleluia, Alleluia today as a family. Loving God, we give thanksgiving for the blessing of our New Life in Jesus. Legends of the past tell us that the use of baskets came from the symbol of the bird nest. A bird nest holds the eggs out of which new life, new baby birds come. What a good symbol these baskets are to remind us of Jesus coming out of the dark tomb of death to New Life with us! Loving God, we ask your blessing on each one of us during this Easter season and keep us always in your loving care. Bless these baskets filled with goodies as reminders of the life-giving gift we received through the resurrection of your Son, Jesus. Amen Family Faith Sunday - April 3rd Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 3rd for our next Family Faith Sunday! Our celebration will be on The Feast of Divine Mercy which is celebrated the Sunday after Easter. Jesus tells us: “On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy.” We have many wonderful activities planned, which will include, but not limited to, releasing butterflies, symbolizing our new life! If you have attended several of our Family Faith Sunday’s, we would ask that you invite a family who you know, who has never attended one of our celebrations, so they can experience this with you giving lots of opportunities after our celebration to share your faith together. If you have never attended one of our Family Faith Sunday's and would like to participate in activities and prayer during our Easter season, please come and know that you will be welcomed with open arms! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, April 3rd. Please feel free to call if you should have any questions, 206-935-0358, Ext. 113. Sign Up For Early Registration - March 1st through May 1st Vacation Bible Camp Cave Quest At Cave Quest VBC, children and volunteers don’t just hear about God’s love, they see it, touch it, sing it, taste it and put it into action through God sightings. Each day, as children travel from station to station, they go deeper into their understanding of God and God’s Son, Jesus. Most importantly, children learn that because Jesus loves us, He came to die for our sins and make a way for us to live with God forever. Cave Quest VBC helps each child build relationships with other children, helps children build relationships with adults, and with Jesus! Cave Quest is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences that children will see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency-Fun Gizmos, teambuilding games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. Everything at Cave Quest will be hands-on learning and children will be so excited to come home and share what they have learned with their families. Children will also participate in a hands-on mission project, through a program called Operation Kid-to-Kid, that will let kids in our community show God’s love to others in need. So, register your child now so that our crews can begin preparing for this wonderful adventure which will begin June 27th and end July 1st. Tell friends and neighbors about this wonderful opportunity to learn more about God’s love for us! All of our registration forms are on our website at www.olgseattle.org or call 206-935-0358. Outreach Ministry Drivers Needed To Deliver Food To Local Homeless Shelter We are looking for a couple of drivers to add to our team. The likely commitment would be about one hour/month. Request: a willing, helpful soul to pick up food from a local restaurant and deliver to St. Martin de Porres Homeless Shelter on Sunday nights. This would be a shared responsibility with two other people and take approximately one hour to pick up and deliver the food and return home from West Seattle. Typically, 10 to 15 containers of food (12 x 20 x 3”) are donated by the restaurant each week to the shelter. Please contact Joan Bateman, 206-9380851, if you have an interest in participating. St. Vincent de Paul Happy Easter! Time to remember that even the most impoverished and desperate can celebrate new life! We do see it. The man who is in a half-way house on the way back to his family and society after serving five years in prison. He has amazing faith and the will to live - to really, really live. He is finally living drug free, working at part-time day jobs that bring in minimal pay, but he’s “on his way up.” He’s enjoying new life - along with the Risen Christ, and all of us. Hungering For Celebration We prayed, fasted and gave alms and now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey with Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord and in the lives we’ve impacted during Lent in Colombia, Laos, Rwanda, Honduras, Madagascar and all over the world! Please remember to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl donations either by putting them in the collection at Mass or by dropping them at the parish office. Is it very helpful for our counters if you can convert your change to cash or check (make out to OLG with “Rice Bowl” in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity! Did you know that 25% of your Rice Bowl donations stay local to help alleviate hunger in our community! OLG has received grants to help with our Community Meal and Peace Garden. For a list of local recipients, go to http:// www.seattlearchdiocese.org/Assets/Missions/2433_2015grantlist1.8.16.pdf April Community Meal - Volunteers Needed 2016 Day Of Service - Final Weeks for Sign Up! We are in our final weeks for sign-up for the 2016 Day of Service on Saturday, April 16th. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so now. We have opportunities for all ages and projects that are drop-in for those with a busy Saturday, from a couple of hours to most of the day. To sign up or for more details, go to www.olgseattle.org/day-of-service. Or, for more information, contact Karen Fitton at fittonkaren@gmail.com. April is OLG’s month to provide the food and volunteers for the Community Meal. The Community Meal happens each month at OLG and aims to provide a free meal for anyone in the greater community who wishes to attend. We are looking for volunteers who can help on April 24th with food service and visiting with our guests (12:30 p.m.) or cleanup (2:00 p.m.) You do not need to volunteer all day - only during your shift! If you’re interested, please contact Colleen at collduff@gmail.com. Thank you for serving our OLG and West Seattle communities! WHEEL Shelter Temporarily Closed We are sad to report that the WHEEL women’s shelter at OLG will be temporarily closed for an undetermined amount of time. WHEEL has been struggling financially for the past year and, although they’ve been working to get more funding, they are at the point where they can no longer afford to keep their 15 self-managed indoor shelters open. The organization is currently in debt with staff withholding their own salaries. For the time being then, only their Tent Cities and shelter at Sacred Heart will remain open. Residents from the 15 closed shelters have the option of joining a “camp out” at the King County Administration Building, where they will gather to negotiate the funding needed to reopen their shelters. OLG is ready to welcome women back to our campus when/if the funding comes through. In the meantime, parishioners are invited to bring meals/supplies to the campers in downtown Seattle, donate to WHEEL, and/or advocate for funding. Should you feel moved, you can read more on their website at www.sharewheel.org. Pastoral Care Puppies For Sale Home Ministries If you or anyone you know is in need of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Anointing, or other Home Ministries, let us know by calling Marion Kari at 935-0358, ext. 113. Prayers And Squares Quilt Ministry Needs Your Help! Do you sew and have some time to devote to this wonderful ministry? If so, your talents and skills will be greatly appreciated. The growing need in our community for prayer quilts has been tremendous. Our Prayers and Squares Ministry is small and has a dedicated group of quilters. It does not matter if you have never made a quilt before as there will be lots of ways that you can use your abilities. This group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. If you are interested, please contact Marion Kari at 206-935-0358, Ext. 113 or by email at marionk@olgseattle.org. John Baumann, M. Div. LMHC Counseling & Psychotherapy Services 206-527-2266, ext. 385 425- 830-9614 (cell) A Blessing For New Life A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. “Mister,” he said “I want to buy one of your puppies.” “Well,” said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, “these puppies came from fine parents and cost a good deal of money.” The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?” “Sure,” said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle, “Here, Dolly!” he called. Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner, the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up. “I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to the runt. The farmer knelt down at the boy’s side and said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.” With that, the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so, he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see Sir, I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.” The world is full of people who need someone who understands. - author unknown In every breaking of the winter day I lay in wait to catch the tail of spring reborn. the Earth at dawn seductive bidding of grace and trust an unlocked heart set free to dream once more. by Mary I. Farr Volunteer Drivers Needed! From time to time, seniors and homebound parishioners request volunteer drivers so that they can participate in the life of our parish community and come to Mass occasionally. These seniors usually live close to the parish and are able to get around without much assistance. If you are feeling that this would be a good fit for you and you would be in a position to pick up a senior and take them back home after Mass, please call Marion Kari at 206-935-0358, or email marionk@olgseattle.org. Cabrini Ministry Training Invites you to our 2016 Graduation Mass on Monday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m. at St. James Cathedral Come support this year’s graduates of Cabrini Ministry Training, learn about our program, and connect with other pastoral care ministers. Alumni are encouraged to participate in the liturgy by renewing their own commitment to Cabrini Ministry. Reception immediately following in the Cathedral Place Hall. OLG Community Planning On Getting Married? Congratulations! Our Lady of Guadalupe wants to support you in the best way possible as you embark on this very important commitment in your lives, including assistance in planning your wedding ceremony, providing quality marriage preparation, and a wonderful wedding coordinator. We even have great venues for receptions. You can find more information on our parish website, including frequently asked questions, which is intended to answer a few of the questions which are most likely on your mind at this time. It may also help you to raise some questions which haven’t yet occurred to you but which will be important for you to consider as you make plans for your wedding. For more information, contact Helen at 206-935-0358, heleno@olgseattle.org. This Easter… A New Beginning For Your Marriage Is your marriage everything it was meant to be? Do you desire a more loving relationship? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) helps distressed couples rediscover each other and take positive steps to begin a life of healing, commitment and love - truly a new beginning. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning April 8-10, 2016, call 360-671-6479 or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com. OLG Night With The Mariners Save The Date Save the date for the OLG CYO Golf Tournament! Saturday, May 7, 2016 at West Seattle Golf Course The OLG night with the Mariners is on Friday, May 27th at 7:05 p.m. against the Minnesota Twins. Opening Day is just around the corner and now is the time to mark your calendars to join others in cheering on the Mariners, eating hotdogs and popcorn, and playing the hydro races! It promises to be a great season—we hope! You can order your tickets by going to our parish website or pick up an order form in the back of church or at the parish office. $13/person. Accessible seating is available. Information, Helen 206-935-0358. 50 Plus Funsters April 14th - Breakfast at Be’s - 9:30 a.m. April 20th - Presentation at Tap Root Theater For those who have pre-paid. Scheduled for 2:00 p.m. and followed by dinner at Super China Buffet in Shoreline. The tickets will be passed out at the breakfast. If you are not going to attend the breakfast, please call Harry Schmitt at 206-937-5897 now and make arrangements for tickets. Compost Days For Our Parish Peace Garden The city is sponsoring Compost Days by providing coupons where you buy two bags and get one bag free. We would greatly appreciate if some of you could donate that third bag for our Parish Peace Garden. We will use it to replenish the soil in our planting beds in order to raise fresh produce for the West Seattle and White Center food banks. You can drop the bag off in our garden and volunteers will do the rest. Thank you very much for supporting this great ministry. For “Community Events”, please visit our website. From The Pastoral Center Stewardship Giving Made Easy Visit www.olgseattle.org If you are looking for a more convenient way to make planned or additional financial contributions to support our parish ministries and programs, we encourage you to look at our electronic giving options. Visit our parish website to learn more. Go to www.olgseattle.org and click on the “Online Giving” button. Pastoral Center Phone: 206-935-0358 Fax: 206-935-1230 Parish Staff Fr. Jack Walmesley fr.jack@olgseattle.org - X107 Helen Oesterle - Pastoral Associate heleno@olgseattle.org - X108 OLG School Happenings Donna Ramos, Principal dramos@guadalupe-school.org 206-935-0651 - X102 Peggy Behnken - Administrative Asst. peggybe@olgseattle.org - X114 Sal Pagan - Facilities Supervisor salp@olgseattle.org - X112 Marion Kari - Pastoral Care/Family Faith marionk@olgseattle.org - X113 Jennifer Ibach - Pastoral Asst. for Outreach jibach@olgseattle.org - X120 Homeless Care Kit Supply Drive - During the season of Lent, OLG School families Vicki Quinn—Baptism Coordinator donated personal care items to the Homeless Care Kit Supply Drive. Our goal was to bring in enough supplies to make 300 care kits. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping our homeless brothers and sisters through giving necessities such as shampoo, toothbrushes, soap and lip balm. There is still time to register for OLG School in the Fall! - It is not too late to vickiq@olgseattle.org - X115 Ann Sager - Music sager206@msn.com Gail Neudorfer - Bookkeeper gailn@olgseattle.org - X118 Sandy Plummer register your student for OLG School for the 2016-2017 academic year. Call 206-935- Safe Environment Coordinator 0651 to schedule a visit after Easter Break! We look forward to seeing you and partner- Bulletin Editor sandyp@olgseattle.org - X111 ing with you to educate your child. OLG Champions in Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition - OLG students Mary Carlsen (7th grade) and Marc Christianson (5th grade) competed at the annual Knights of Columbus State Basketball Free Throw Championships on Saturday, March 12th in Yakima, WA. Marc took 3rd place overall in the 10 year old boys division. Marc won the local council competition and then moved onto the districts where he made 24/25 foul shots! He qualified for the state championships by winning the regional competition held at St. Anthony’s on March 5th. Mary Carlsen made 20/25 free throws to win the 13 year old girls division at the state championship. This is Mary’s 2nd straight championship win in two years. Mary made 22/25 as a 12 year old to win the championship in 2015. Congratulations to both Mary and Marc for their hard work and representing OLG! Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven. - Pope Francis
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