OLG News 5-25-16 - Our Lady of Guadalupe School
OLG News 5-25-16 - Our Lady of Guadalupe School
May 25, 2016 Issue 39 Our Lady of Guadalupe School IntheMSJDominicanTradition Prayer for Catholic Graduates Inside this issue: Lord Jesus, you have said that your followers must be the light to the world. Light propagates itself, dispels darkness. It sows rays of joy and hope. It is life giving. Help me, Lord, to be a light to this world, so that my life radiates your message of love, hope, and joy. May I be the beacon leading to You those who seek truth. Amen. PAGE 2 Calendar Prayer Requests PAGE 3 Congratulations to our graduates! PAGE 4 Pastor’s Message to Graduates Uniform Exchange PAGE 5 OLG Students Honored Dear OLG Families, PAGE 6 Yearbook Orders The Class of 2016 will be graduating tomorrow night. While small in number, they have made their mark upon us. Their younger faith family members look upon them with great fondness. You should have seen the faces of the little ones as their 8th grader processed in today for the Graduation Mass! Their teachers, who have poured great energy into bringing the best out of these young men and women, smiled with much gratitude that their efforts have been fruitful! Of course, the parents and grandparents of these students beamed with great pride as their babies took their graduating places in the front. PAGE 7 OLG School Booth at Parish Carnival PAGE 8 On-site Fingerprinting On-site Uniform Sale PAGE 9 Harvest Festival News Thank you, our good and gracious God, for this wonderful experience of endings and beginnings. We send our young women and men away from OLG and on to high school confident that your light will continue to shine in their lives. With much gratitude for the Class of 2016, S. Janice Therese, O.P. 1 THU May26 10am–12pm–8thGradeBrunch 7pm-8thGradeGraduation–OLGChurch MON May30 MemorialDay–NoSchool TUES May31 WED Jun1 THU Jun2 FRI Jun3 SAT Jun4 SUMMER ChristianValueAwardsatmorningassembly 6-8pmpartyfor1stgradefamilies 7pm–SchoolBoardMeeting 10am–Pre-K“moveup”celebration 11am–Kindercelebration 2pmdismissal FreeDress 11:15am–AwardsAssembly NoonDismissal–ExtendedCareisopen LastDayofSchool DressyFreeDress(forprayerservice) 10:45am–prayerservice NoonDismissal–NoPMExtendedCaretoday 1pmOLGGolfTournamentatSummitpointeGolfClub SchoolOfficeHours:M-F9am–3:00pm PRAYERREQUESTS PleaseprayforthesoulofMarioFallas,grandfathertoFrankieandGabriel Delgado(grade2andKinder).MaytheperpetuallightofChristshineuponhim. PleaseprayfortheOLGClassof2016andfortheformerOLGstudentswhoarenow graduatingfromHighSchoolorCollege.MaytheHolySpiritgivethemdirection, purposeandperseveranceastheyenterthenextphaseoftheirlives. Pleaseprayforpeaceforourworldandforthosewhobeingforcedfromtheir homeland. 2 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SCHOOL G raduation Blessings Prayers from the H eart (S ac red H eart U niversity Prayer Book) Thalia Almaraz Malina Ancheta Camryn Brooks Mateo Fulks Santiago Govea En-Yi Lin G od of wisdom, bless these graduates W hose hearts you have fashioned For beauty and grac e. Bless those who love them A nd those who have guided them To this holy time and plac e. C all them to disc overy, To seek their truest self, To fall in love with wisdom A nd c laim her as their wealth. S end them forth in knowledge, Your teac hing be their guide. W atc h over them, Protec t them. Jose-Enrique Rodarte Amanda Ruiz Alexander Simoni Vincent Tran Aaron Ugalde Avi Zaveri 3 Ceara McGrath Kayla Moraida Sara Musgrove Brooke Padilla German Perez Hunter Rebidue Pastor’sMessagetotheGraduates DearStudents,retainwhatyouhavelearnedandasyoucontinueyourstudies. Learntomakechoiceswhich,bytheirverynature,promotethehumanflourishing ofindividualsandsocietywhichareconsideredtobegood;whilenotchoosing thosethatareintrinsicallydamagingtothewell-beingofpersonsandofhuman communitythatcanbeconsideredtobebad.Thatabilitytomakesuchchoices becomesyourcatholicidentity. However,intheprocessofdiscoveringsuchidentity,youarenotleftallto yourselves.Thewholecommunityiswithyou,startingwiththefamilymembers, parishcommunityandtheschoolstaff.Onlythenyouwouldfeelconfidentandbe abletomakethebestchoicesinyourlife,bothacademicallyandinyourfaith journey.Aprimaryconcernwillinevitablybetopromoteacommitmenttotruth. ThankyouallforbeingwhoyouwereintheschoolandintheParishcommunity! CongratulationsandGodblessyouinyouracademicpursuits! ~ School Uniform Exchange ~ OLG School has an inventory of used school uniforms. If you are looking for a place to donate used OLG School uniforms, you may bring them to the school anytime during office hours. If you would like to browse the inventory to find uniform pieces your child needs, please stop by during office hours. LOST! NavyBluePEsweatshirt,Adult sizeSmall.“WW”markingon sweatshirt.Pleasereturnto schooliffound. 4 Three OLG Students Honored for Their Musical Art Each year, ‘Music K-8’, a resource magazine for music teachers, holds a musical artwork contest for students all over the country. This year there were 7000 entries and a total of 416 winners whose names were published in the May/June issue, with one Grand Prize winner’s artwork on the cover. We are very proud to announce that 3 of the 416 winners are from Our Lady of Guadalupe School. Tied for 8th place Runner-up and winner of a $20 prize - Kayla Moraida, grade 8: Winners in the Honorable Mention category: -Hunter Rebidue, grade 8 - Divyank Shah, gr. 7 All winners' artwork can be found online at MusicK8.com. Congratulations to Kayla, Hunter and Divyank! 5 Yearbooks are on sale now!. We will be distributing the yearbooks in August, allowing us to include photos from end-of-year activities. Order a yearbook today so you don't miss out on seeing the beautiful artwork submitted by the following OLG students: Front Cover - Sydney Fuentez Back Cover - Zoe Ramos 8th Grade Cover Page - Aaron Ugalde 6th Grade Section - Christyn Refuerzo 5th Grade Section - Keonn Pingul, Hector Barahona 4th Grade Section - Kayla Espinosa 3rd Grade Section - Jonathan Tarabay, Amanda Barahona, Sami Lapp, Kaley Ancheta, Isabella Wickman 2nd Grade Section - Kelsea Espinosa, Aerin Contreras, Gianna Boongaling, Jasmine Grisanti, Ynarra Castaneda, Lyla Ligsay 1st Grade Section - Logan Fuentez, Cassidy Fuentez, Chyrwin Mendoza PRICING: Hard Cover Yearbook $35.00 Soft Cover Yearbook $25.00 eYearbook $10.00 FREE SHIPPING. All books will be delivered to the school. DEADLINE TO ORDER: July 15, 2016 ORDER OLINE AT: http://olg-school.picaboo.com/ (This is an updated website from the last bulletin) QUESTIONS: Contact Mrs. Cantlon by email at bcantlon@csdo.org. Need help? Visit www.picabooyearbooks.com, call (toll free) 855-537-0050 or email at info@picabooyearbooks.com 6 Volunteers are Needed for the OLG School Booth At the OLG Parish Carnival The Parish Carnival will take place at our school site on Sunday, June 26 th from 10am – 6pm . OLG School is sponsoring a Snow Cone booth and is looking for adults to staff the booth. If you sign up, your volunteer time will be reported toward your family Service Hours for the 2016-2017 school year. All proceeds from this event go to the building fund (which goes t oward the Parish Cent er reno vation). If you are available and willing to help, please send an email to kmurray@csdo.org with your Name, Email, Phone and preferred shift (9am-12pm, 12-2pm, 2-4pm or 4-7pm) Mrs. Murray will respond to your email to confirm your shift assignment. 7 FingerprintingServicesOn-SiteatOLGSchool! Forthoseparentswhohavenotyetbeenfingerprinted,therewillbeanopportunityat OLGschoolonThursday,July21,3-7pm,tobefingerprinted.Thecostis$34perperson. Weareaskingallparentstogetfingerprintediftheyhavenotyetdoneso.Itisa requirementthateveryadultwhohelpsattheschoolwhenchildrenarepresent, anyonewhochaperonesafieldtrip,danceorotherschoolevent, anyonewhoservesataclassroomparty,bakesale,etc.mustbefingerprintedforthe OaklandDioceseonce(noteveryyear). Pleasetakeadvantageofthisopportunityandcalltheschoolforyourappointment (theprocessonlytakes5minutesperperson). IfyoucannotmakeitonJuly21,youwillbeonyourowntoget fingerprintedatyourownexpense ($34,plustheexpenseoffingerprintingatanoutsidefacility). Mark Your Calendar! MERRYMARTUNIFORMSALEATOLGSCHOOLJULY21 Save 10% MerryMartwillbeon-siteatOLGSchool(ParishCenter)Thursday,July21, from3-7pmtoallowfamiliestoshopforuniforms. Also,onlineorderingavailable. 10%discountandfreeshippingoninternetordersplacedonJuly21. Enterthese2couponcodesatcheckout: ONCAMPUS384andFREESHIP384 8 Are you looking for opportunities to earn service hours early in the school year and would like to help create a family fun event? The following chair positions are open and available for the Harvest Festival that will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2016. - Advertising - Snack Booth (Snow Cones, Popcorn, Nachos) - Craft Table - Take Down - Cleanup During the Festival If you would like to be a chair or co-chair for any of the above committees, please contact Marcella Gomez at marcellagomez21@gmail.com VOLUNTEER ASSIGNMENTS Just a reminder that every family is required to volunteer at least 4 hours toward the Harvest Festival. The vast majority of the available assignments will be for shifts on the day of the event, Saturday, October 29th. If you are in need of a volunteer assignment that can be completed prior to the Harvest Festival, please notify Marcella Gomez at marcellagomez21@gmail.com Advertising and Purchasing committees will need volunteer help prior to the day of the event. 9
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