february 2016 - Our Lady of Guadalupe School
february 2016 - Our Lady of Guadalupe School
March 2, 2016 Issue 29 Our Lady of Guadalupe School IntheMSJDominicanTradition Inside this issue: PAGE 2 Calendar Prayer Request Congratulations PAGE 3 Best of Fremont Voting Tuition Assistance Notes PAGE 4 February Christian Value Awards PAGE 5 Costume Requirements Play Tickets DearOLGFamilies, PerhapsthemostmisunderstoodSacramentistheSacramentofReconciliation. nd Yesterdayour2 gradersreceivedtheirFirstReconciliation.AtonepointIsatbya nd 2 gradeboywhowasabitnervous.Wetalkedaboutitalittlebeforehewentto speakwithFather.Ashereturnedtothepewfollowinghisfirstreconciliation,there wasasmileonhisfaceandaglowaroundhiseyes.Anotherlittleonekeptplaying withthebattery-operatedcandleduringtheentireprayerservicebecauseofnerves. Hecameboundingbacktohisseatwiththebiggestsmileonhisfacefollowinghis confession.Whatisitthattheselittleonesexperienced?Nothingshortofknowing andhearingtheloveoftheirGod! Whataprivilegeitwastoalsoseeparentsandgrandparentsoftheselittleones receivetheSacrament.Iinviteallourparentstotakethetimeforthiswonderful SacramentofReconciliation.WhatatremendousopportunitytoknowourSaviour’s greatloveforyou! PAGE 6 Spring Photos Service Hour Opportunity PAGE 7 Costume Requirements for school play PAGE 8 Bookkeeper’s Corner AmazonSmile TheNiftyFiftiesvibesarefillingtheair!ThefinalpracticesareprogressingandFriday andSaturday,OLGSchoolonceagainproclaimsitsgreattalentatOhloneCollege. DeepgratitudetoMr.SamRetelas,Ms.TraciColon,Mrs.BonnieCantlon,Mrs. ShannonBellison,Mrs.GabrielleKopf,forsharingtheirgiftssogenerouslytoleadour childreninthisgreatart!ProfoundthanksalsotoourPTSGleadershipandallour parentswhohavechauffeuredthechildrentoandfrompractices,willbehelpingwith supervisionandprovidingsnackandlunchfortheactorsandcrewmembers!Itis trulyavillagethatmakesthisSpringMusicalpossible! PAGE 9 Parent Referral Program Save the Date for Golf PAGE 10 Lost & Found PleaseremembertocastyourvoteforOLGastheBestPrivateSchoolinFremont!Go toextras.fremontbulletin.comandenterOurLadyofGuadalupeSchoolin category#80,BestPrivateSchool.Youmustenterresponsesinatleast10categories foryourvotetocountandyoucanonlysubmitoneballot.Inviteyourfamilyand friendstocastvotesforusaswell!Exceptforoneyear,wehavebeentheBest PrivateSchoolinFremontsince2010!Let’skeepthisrollgoing! BallotsmustbeinbyNoononMarch11,2016. ThankyoutoallthosefamilieswhohavesubmittedtheirIntenttoReturnforms.The GoodNewsaboutOLGisgettingoutandwewanttomakesurethatallcurrent familieshaveaseatintheclassroomforthe2016-17schoolyear. MayourlovingandforgivingGod,blesseachofusaswecontinueourLenten journey. InGod’sPeaceandMercy, S.JaniceTherese,O.P. 1 10am&11:30amSpringMusical–TheNiftyFifties OhloneTheater NoChoiceLunchServicetoday.Lunchwillbeprovidedtoall studentsintheplay.Allotherstudentswillneedtobringtheir lunchfromhometoday. 2:30pm&7:30pmSpringMusical–TheNiftyFifties OhloneTheater FRI Mar4 SAT Mar5 MON-FRI Mar7-11 KindergartenBakeSale WED Mar9 NOONdismissal 7pmPTSGMeeting WED-FRI Mar9-11 5thGradetriptoCampArroyo FRI Mar11 WED Mar16 SUN Mar20 PalmSunday TUE Mar22 ChristianValueAwardsatmorningassembly 9-11:30–3rdgradefieldtriptoMath&ScienceNucleus WED Mar23 2pmdismissal NoondeadlinetosubmitvoteforBestofFremont!Voteonlineat: extras.fremontbulletin.com 2:15pmStationsoftheCross 2pmdismissal 7pmFinanceBoardMeeting Let us pray … - for the OLG 2nd graders who just made their first reconciliation this week and who are preparing to receive their First Communion in a couple of months. May they truly experience the love and mercy of our compassionate God and Father. Congratulations to the Ibarra family (Alan, gr 7). Alan and Roberto (class of 2015) have a new baby brother, David, who was born on Sunday, February 21. Welcome to baby David!! 2 Cast your vote for the BEST OF FREMONT 2016 Campaign TheBESTOFFREMONT2016campaignallowsyoutovoteforyourfavoritebusinesses inFremont.OurLadyofGuadalupeSchoolhasbeenawinnerorrunner-upinthelast6 years!Weencourageyoutocastyourvoteonlinebysearchingforthe BestofFremont2016SurveyandenterOurLadyofGuadalupeSchool incategory#80,BestPrivateSchool. Youmustenterresponsesinatleast10categoriesforyourvotetocount andyoucanonlysubmitoneballot. BallotsmustbeinbyNoononMarch11,2016. Thankyouforyourongoingsupportandforvotingfor OLGSchoolasBestPrivateSchool!!! Tellyourneighbors,friendsandfamilymemberstocasttheirvotes,too! Ever wonder about Tuition Assistance? Brochures detailing tuition assistance options are now available in English and Spanish. Find out about aid amounts, eligibility, how to apply, and deadlines. Families requesting assistance from OLG School must first apply to The BASIC Fund or Family-Aid Catholic Education (FACE) to be considered for assistance directly from OLG School. Pick up a brochure on the table outside the main office or contact Cynthia in the bookkeeping office to have one sent home. Deadlines are in early March, so don’t delay. 3 CHRISTIAN VALUE AWARDS ~ FEBRUARY 2016 Thankyoutothefollowingstudents,forlivingoutthevaluesthatweteach. K 1st 2nd A socially aware person who takes responsibility for his own actions Finn Sokolich A life-long learner who is able to problem solve and think critically. Vicente Cortez A life-long learner who works toward goals. Samuel Vystrcil A life-long learner who is able to problem solve and think critically. Elijah Cariaso A life-long learner who is able to problem solve and think critically. Blake Ritchie Isaac Higares A learner aware of Christian values in the Catholic tradition who develops a prayerful and personal relationship with God. A learner aware of Christian values in the Catholic tradition who develops a prayerful and personal relationship with God. A life-long learner who achieves an understanding of the curriculum based on his ability. A life-long learner who works towards goals. Gemma McKane A life-long learner who exhibits good study and organizations skills. Amaya Cariaso A life-long learner who works toward goals. Angel Perez A socially aware person who resolves conflicts peacefully. Earl Garner Jason Yuen A learner aware of Christian values in the Catholic tradition who is knowledgeable of the teaching of the Catholic faith. A learner aware of Christian values in the Catholic tradition who is knowledgeable of the teaching of the Catholic faith. A life-long learner who achieves an understanding of the curriculum based on his ability. A learner aware of Christian values in the Catholic tradition who follows the Gospel message of acceptance and forgiveness of others. An effective communicator who is comfortable and effective in expressing ideas to a variety of audiences. A life-long learner who works toward goals. Marizza Madera An integrated person who is able to work effectively with others. Joshua Roque Alicia Barrios An effective communicator who is comfortable and effective in expressing ideas to a variety of audiences. An effective communicator who is comfortable and effective in expressing ideas to a variety of audiences. An effective communicator who is comfortable and effective in expressing ideas to a variety of audiences. An effective communicator who is comfortable and effective in expressing ideas to a variety of audiences. An integrated person who has the skills to be an independent learner. Santaigo Govea A life-long learner who exhibits good study and organizations skills. Sara Musgrove An effective communicator is an active, respectful listener to the ideas of others. Mayda Cervantes Nikhil Dharanipragada 3rd 4th Davina Gonzales Serena Jusinski 5th Marcus McCallion Antonio Rodarte 6th 7th Sophia Cambra Thomas McCallion Braulio Cortez 8th 4 Mario McKane Costume Requirements for the Nifty Fifties Drama Performance Please keep in mind the 1950’s theme…. Kinder – 4th grade boys: Blue jeans White t-shirt (plain) or plaid button-up shirt White socks Black shoes Kinder – 2nd grade girls: Either long skirt & shirt (any color) or black pants (calf/shin length) and shirt (any color) White bobby socks (above the ankle) Black shoes 3rd Grade girls: Black plants (calf/shin length) White shirt White bobby socks (above the ankle) Black shoes (scarf will be provided) 4th Grade girls: (poodle skirt provided) White shirt White bobby socks (above the ankle) Black shoes Play tickets are still available! Tickets are still available for the shows on Friday, March 4th (10:00am and 11:30am) and for the shows on Saturday, March 5th (2:30pm and 7:30pm). The play will be performed at the Smith Theater at Ohlone College. For a map of the campus, please go to: http://www.ohlone.edu/org/smithcenter/docs/sceventparkingmap.pdf If you would be interested in contributing toward a gift for the directors of our play, who are volunteering their time to put on this production, you can give your contribution to Johann’s mom at tonight’s practice or send in an envelope marked “Drama Gifts” to the office. 5 Spring Photo Day Spring photos are scheduled for Thursday, March 17. All students will be photographed individually. A group portrait will also be taken. Please notify your child’s teacher if you do not want an individual portrait taken of your child(ren). Your child should wear fun, bright colors that look great on him/her (solids work best). Please follow the free dress guidelines for appropriate attire (found in the Parent/Student Handbook - pg 19). These photos are not purchased in advance. The finished portrait package will be sent home for your review. You choose and keep the photos you want and return payment for them at that time. Any photos you do not want must be returned. Go to www.lifetouch.com for more Picture Day information. Lifetouch provides OLG with a donation for every package purchased. A flyer will be sent home with the students on Monday, March 7. It is a reminder and explanation only. No order form or fee is due on the day of the photos. Service Hour Opportunity at Levi Stadium The April 21st deadline for service hours is rapidly approaching. Luckily, there are two additional opportunities to volunteer at Levi’s Stadium. Volunteering usually takes 8-10 hours and it is a great way to help the school to fundraise. Please contact Jasmine Garner at 510-825-1903 or by email, jasminejgarner@gmail.com. 6 ~BOOKKEEPER’SCORNER~ OUTSTANDINGBALANCESDUEBEFOREREGISTRATIONFOR2016-2017SCHOOLYEAR Alloutstandingschoolbalancesneedtobepaidbeforefamilieswillbeabletoenrolltheir childrenforthe2016-2017schoolyear.Thesebalancescanincludeextendedcarefees, bandpayments,campfeesandothercharges.TheregistrationperiodforcurrentOLG familieswillbeMay1–May15.A$25LateFeewillapplyperstudentifregistrationis submittedafterMay15,2016. PLEASENOTE:TheBookkeepingOfficewillbeclosedonthefollowingdays: Wednesday,March9 Thursday,March10 Friday,March11 Our Lady of Guadalupe School received a $26.05 donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of AmazonSmile program activity between October 1 and December 31, 2015!! Thank you to those that have signed up for the AmazonSmile program, designating OLG School as a recipient of the benefits. You, too, can support Our Lady of Guadalupe School when you shop online. Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to OLG. Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-2988962 and support us every time you shop! 7 OLG Parent Referral Program OLG’s Parent Referral Program is still in effect. If you refer a family to our school and that referral results in a new student enrolling and completing two trimesters at OLG, a voucher for $450 will be awarded to you, to be applied toward your own tuition fee or school account. For more details about the requirements of the program or to have the referral form sent to you, please contact the school office at 510-657-1674. This is the time of year to talk to your friends and relatives about submitting an application online. Your personal referrals are most welcome! It’s not too early to start thinking ahead to the upcoming 2016-2017 school year. Thank you for sharing God’s message about our OLG family. SAVE THE DATE! OLG School’s annual golf tournament will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:30pm at Summitpointe Golf Club in Milpitas $110 per player More information to follow in future bulletins 8 >>LOST & FOUND<< Do any of these items look familiar?? These items are currently in our Lost & Found cupboard which is overflowing with school sweaters, sweatshirts, lunch bags, water bottles and more! If you are missing an item belonging to your child, please stop by and check the cupboard located in the hallway across from the Bookkeeping office. Help us to help you by clearly labeling all items that can potentially be left behind. Please Note: Items remaining in the Lost & Found, when Easter break begins, will be given away over the Easter break. 9
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