OLG Wednesday Bulletin 7-27-2016
OLG Wednesday Bulletin 7-27-2016
July 27, 2016 Summer Issue Our Lady of Guadalupe School IntheMSJDominicanTradition SPECIALSUMMEREDITION Inside this issue: PAGE 2 Prayer for Peace New Student Medical Records CYO Boy’s Basketball Early Bird Registration CYO Cheer Registration PAGE 3 Summer Movie Night Yearbook Ordering Class Supply Lists PAGE 4 School Calendar link New Safe Environment Training PAGE 5 School Uniform News PAGE 6 Beautification Day Request for Compost Paint Nite Fundraiser PAGE 7 Harvest Festival DearOLGFamilies, Canyoubelievethatthesummerof2016isalmostover?Thishasbeenthe sentimentofseveralparentswithwhomIhavespokenrecently.Muchhas happenedatOLGSchoolsinceJune3. Greatgratitudeisextendedto Ø Mr.JuanMadera[Juan,gr.8;Arleth,gr.5]forreplacingthe sidingontwosidesofourExtendedCarebuilding; Ø Mr.EmilGirgis[Holly,gr.1]forsandingandpaintingallthe lunchtablesandpaintingthebathroomandmaintenanceroom doors; Ø Mrs.AnnMarieSilveira[Chris,gr.6;Matthew,gr.5;Ryanand Alexis,Kinder]fordevelopingandexpandingourOLGGarden; Ø Mr.JesusNavarroforreplacingpartofthedeckingandpainting it; Ø Mrs.KarenMurrayandMrs.CynthiaOlavarriawhohavespent muchtimeatschoolwrappinguptheworkfromlastyearand gettingusreadyforthe2016-17schoolyear! For10daysduringthesummer,150MissionSanJoseDominicanSisters gatheredatourMotherhousetodiscussourlifeanddeterminethepathwe willtravelinthenext5yearsaswellastoelectournewleadership.One themethatresonatedstronglywithmewasthetremendousimpactourlay partnersaremakinginourlivesandwiththemissionofpreachingthe Gospel.WhetherweareministeringatOurLadyofGuadalupeSchoolin FremontorwiththeindigenouspeopleofChiapas,Mexico,thededication andcommitmentofourlaypartners,staffandparentsalike,istremendous. God’sWordiswellpreachedhereatOLGSchool!Thankyoutoeachofyou whohavemadesuchadifferenceinthelivesofourchildren. Lookingforwardtoseeingallthechildrenandparentssoon. Maytheselastweeksfilleachofuswiththeenergyandrestwe’llneedfor 2016-17. InGod’PeaceandMercy, S.JaniceTherese,O.P. 1 Pray For Peace REMEMBERIN G TH OSE AFFEC TED BY REC EN T VIOLEN CE AROUND TH E WORLD. MedicalRecordsfor NewStudentstoOLGSchool IfyourchildisnewtoOLG,he/she musthavehadaphysicalexam withinthelast2years.Proofof theexamandup-to-date immunizationsmustbeprovided totheschool,alongwithproofof TBtestresultsobtainedafterthe ageof4(unlessyourchildis assessedbyhis/herdoctoraslow riskforTB).Thesedocumentsare requiredbeforethe1stdayof school.Pleasecall510-657-1674 ifyouhaveanyquestions. Registrationfor CYOBoy’sBasketball Register online now for CYO Boy's Basketball. Go to olgsaints.org to complete the online registration and receive an “early bird“ discount ($20 off) if you complete the registration by 7/31. For those that do not register online there will be an in-person registration on August 20 at OLG school. For questions, send an email to: olg.cyo.boys.bball@gmail.com. CYO Cheer Registration Information on cheer registration will be available soon. Check the CYO website at olgsaints.org for future updates. 2 Summer Movie Night Series is back! sponsored by the OLG Youth Ministry Come and join us for a free outdoor movie night on our field at the school! The scheduled movie is The Sandlot. Saturday, July 30th @ 8pm. Free food and drinks. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets. Movie will start around 8:30pm at sundown. YEARBOOK ORDERING DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED! If you haven’t yet ordered your 2015-16 OLG School Yearbook, you have until August 1, 2016 to order and receive free shipping (your yearbook will be sent to the school in a bulk order). You will be contacted when your yearbook arrives. PRICING: Hard Cover Yearbook $35.00 Soft Cover Yearbook $25.00 eYearbook $10.00 ORDER OLINE AT: http://olg-school.picaboo.com/ Need help? Visit www.picabooyearbooks.com, call (toll free) 855-537-0050 or email at info@picabooyearbooks.com. Class Supply Lists 2016-2017classsupplylistsforKinder,1st,2ndand5thgradeswereemailedout tofamilieslastweek.Pleasecheckfortheemailsothatyouwillknowwhatitems needtobepurchasedandbroughttoschoolonthefirstdayofforschool.The classlistsfor3rd,4th,6th,7thand8thgradesareavailableonlineattheschool websiteontheClassroompages. 3 2016-2017 School Year Calendar Thefullschoolyearcalendarisavailableonline atthefollowinglink: http://olgweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/PublicCal.-2016_2017-052316.pdf NEWSAFEENVIRONMENTTRAINING “ProtectingGod’sChildren” All parents of children attending schools in the Oakland diocese are required to complete a FREE online training course and provide proof of completion to the school office. This training course replaces one that was previously required, so even if you completed the previous course, you will need to take this new one. Below is the link for the new safe environment training - VIRTUS Online: http://www.oakdiocese.org/offices/safe-environment There are two Blue Buttons, one is for English and one is for Spanish, you can choose either one. The class will take approximately 1 hour 15 min. and you can stop at any time. When you log in again, it brings you to where you stopped. At the end you will need to print out the Certificate of completion and bring it to school or send it to: kmurray@csdo.org. Training must be completed by September 15, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 510-657-1674 or kmurray@csdo.org. 4 u SCHOOLUNIFORMNEWSu If you still need to purchase school uniform items we recommend that you do so sooner rather than later as some sizes could sell out temporarily. If you have any questions regarding uniform requirements, please contact the school office at 510-657-1674. UNIFORMREQUIREMENTSFORSHOES&SOCKS SHOES:Anycombinationofwhite,blackand/orgray(notsilver)athleticordress shoeswithtiesorVelcrofastenings.Ifshoehasalogo,itmustbewhite,blackor gray(notsilver).Clearinsertsorclearplasticpiecesonshoesareacceptable.Laces mustbeblack,whiteorgray.Boots,sandalsandshoeswithzippersorwheelsare notacceptable.Heelsorplatformscanbenohigherthan1.5inches. SOCKS:Solidwhite,navyorblack.Mustcoverankleandmaynothavedecorationof anykind,includinglogosand/orlaceruffles.Girlsmaywearnavy,blackorwhite opaquetights(withoutpatternortexture).Nofootlessleggingsareallowed. ~ School Uniform Exchange ~ OLG School has an inventory of used school uniforms. If you are looking for a place to donate used OLG School uniforms, you may bring them to the school anytime during office hours. If you would like to browse the inventory to find uniform pieces that your child needs, please stop by during office hours. 5 Beautification Day Preparing our Garden Beds Service Hour Opportunity! We will be sprucing up the school grounds, just in time for the first day of school. Join us on Saturday, August 13, from 9am – 12pm. Please bring work gloves and if you have tools to use, such as clippers, a broom, rake or weeding tool that would be great. The school has some tools and cleaning supplies, too. Water and snacks will be provided. If you haven’t already signed up, please send an email to Mrs. Murray at kmurray@csdo.org if you are interested in helping out. Coming Soon!! A “Paint Nite” event at OLG. The school vegetable garden is still producing, thanks to AnnMarie Silveira! Now we are making plans to prepare our raised garden beds so that each class will be able to plant a new crop in the fall. Would you like to donate a bag of compost to this project? If so, you can receive 1 Service Hour for each $10 you spend* (save your receipt). Compost can be dropped off at school during school hours (9am – 3pm during the summer and 7:45am – 4:30pm during the school year). * Donations can only apply toward a portion of the required Service Hours. A minimum of 24 hours of “service” is required for a 2-parent family and a minimum of 20 hours of “service” is required for a 1parent family. The 8th grade class is planning a “Paint Nite” fundraiser in September. These events are lots of fun and everyone goes home with their own work of art, painted on canvas. This will be an adult-only event. More details will be published in future bulletins. 6 Are you looking for opportunities to earn Service Hours helping to plan a family fun event? The following chair positions are open and available for the Harvest Festival that will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2016: - Advertising - Snack Booth (Snow Cones, Popcorn, Nachos) - Take Down - Cleanup During the Festival If you would like to be a chair or co-chair for any of the above committees, please contact Marcella Gomez at marcellagomez21@gmail.com COMING SOON! Sign-ups for Harvest Festival volunteer shifts will be handled using SignUp.com (formerly VolunteerSpot) starting September 14. Just a reminder that every family is required to volunteer at least 4 hours toward the Harvest Festival. The vast majority of the available assignments will be for shifts on the day of the event, Saturday, October 29 . If you are in need of a volunteer assignment that can be completed prior to the Harvest Festival, please notify Cynthia Olavarria at Cynthia.olavarria@sbcglobal.net or Marcella Gomez at marcellagomez21@gmail.com. th Advertising and Purchasing are the only committees that need volunteer help prior to the day of the event. These opportunities are limited!! 7