User`s Guide


User`s Guide
User‘s Guide
MOBILedit! User‘s Guide
Copyright © 1991-2004 COMPELSON Laboratories
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the
publisher. Product and company names used may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective owners.
Published by COMPELSON Trade Ltd. For more information visit our website.
Notational Conventions:
The following notational conventions are used throughout this manual:
bold type is used for emphasis and names of
italic type is used to indicate buttons,
keystrokes, menus, check boxes and all within
the actual program itself
(e.g. Ctrl+ C and Ctrl+ V for the copy and paste
indicates text that requires special attention
Blue text
indicates a hyperlink that you can follow
Basic Information about the Product
Supported Phones
Prior to purchasing MOBILedit! we recommend that you find out whether your model
of phone is supported. MOBILedit! can even work with phones that are not presently
on the list of supported, as long as they can communicate with the outer world. We
recommend everyone to have a trial test with the Lite version, which can be
downloaded for free from
MOBILedit! Lite
The Lite version will give you full functionality for the first 7 days; thereafter the
following limitations will be in effect: a short text ("Sent by MOBILedit!") is added to
the outgoing SMSs; five dials and one file download are possible before the next
restart of the program; the Chess game is limited; writing to devices is not possible;
the file system is read-only. However, MS Outlook Express is supported in Full
version and you can make backups.
How to get the full version
You can upgrade to the full version by purchasing an Activation Code.
To activate MOBILedit!, select the Activate Product item in the Help menu. The
activation window will open up. Make sure you enter all data correctly - your name,
company and the activation code must be entered in exactly the same way as you
received it. The activation process is case sensitive (i.e. don't swap lower case letters
with capital letters).
How the product works
MOBILedit! is an open system bringing the ability to control
a phone from your PC. After connecting the phone via
cable, IrDA or Bluetooth, view the contents of the phone on
the PC, do full-text searches, dial and send SMSs. With a
simple click, backup all your data, copy them to different
mobile phones and manipulate your contacts without even
touching the phone. When you receive an SMS, it arrives on
your PC in a similar way as an email; simply reply to it or
move it to the archive. You will become much more
productive as a result.
Highlight/overview of functions
unique open architecture with phone drivers and installable applications
communication via infrared, Bluetooth or cable
large quantity of mobile phones supported (virtually all)
file system enabling work with multimedia files stored in a phone like
ringtones, photos, MP3s, themes, and java applications
powerful editor of phonebooks stored in phones or SIM cards
fast search and dial directly from your computer phonebook
send SMS messages quickly from your PC
sort, read, and archive your SMS messages on your hard drive
Archive and AutoBack-up will protect your data in case you lose your phone
play games like Chess, Backgammon and many others on your PC through
your mobile phone
it will be possible to control all mobile phone functions, even those yet to be
powerful printing
skinable design; new looks can be downloaded from the Internet
complete MS Outlook support
Hidden under the hood
Mobile phones are nowadays a complicated world of themselves and it is not easy to
offer a single program for their control. MOBILedit! is designed with architecture
similar to that of operating systems. The result is that you can add new applications
and drivers, and, in the same way that Windows or Linux resolve the complexity of
computer hardware, MOBILedit! reconciles the differences between mobile phones.
With this revolutionary software, you can add applications to enhance its
functionality for future phones and new features. For example, if your phone
supports MMS, you can add an MMS application to MOBILedit!; you can add the
ability to edit, upload or download pictures, control a camera and view movies, as
well as all future functions that have yet to become available.
In addition to applications, you can also add drivers, which cover the differences
between mobile phones at low-level. Therefore, any mobile phone can be supported.
The driver interface is open and COMPELSON Labs even offers the source codes of
their drivers!
Installing MOBILedit! is easy and carried out in the standard way as with any
program. Simply run the installation file and after accepting the license agreement,
select the destination folder where you want MOBILedit! to be installed. You can also
choose whether you want to create a shortcut on the Desktop or in the Quick Launch.
After completing all installation steps MOBILedit! will be installed and ready to use.
After the installation, you will first see the Wizard, which will display your connected
device. Upon your next start-up, the welcome screen will not appear, but you can call
it up from the menu. You can simply select your phone model in the File-Settings
Uninstalling MOBILedit! is a snap done in the usual manner, through the Add/remove
programs under the control panel. Additionally, you can run the install program once
again, and you will be prompted whether you want to install or uninstall MOBILedit!
If you choose to uninstall the program, only installed files will be deleted with it. All
the files which you created in the MOBILedit! folder will remain. If you want to delete
all files in the MOBILedit! installation folder including your data files, use the
appropriate checkbox.
The MOBILedit! project runs at a full throttle, our
developers are currently working on many new
features. The result of our work is constantly being
released on the internet, therefore you should check
often to ensure that you have the latest version. Of
course, this is possible only if you have prepaid access
to updates and upgrades. We recommend this as the
area of mobile phones is very dynamic. Simply go to
Help, then select Check For Updates and the process
will occur automatically. Update will keep all your
settings, so you needn’t worry about doing it often.
Here you can activate communication with phones and smart card readers.
MOBILedit! has a built in SIM card editor, which is able to communicate directly with
SIM cards inserted in smart card readers.
Remove data when disconnected (do not store offline data) - if you do not want to
store all previously connected phones’ data in the Offline folder, check this option.
However, you will not have automatic backups then. Service centers or phone shops
should uncheck it, while for home users this option is useful.
This is the most important of settings, for it is here that you select the manufacturer
and model of your phone. Choose only the necessary phones by placing a check
mark next to it. You can also choose a whole manufacturer. Avoid selecting too many
phones if not necessary, as this will slow down the system. Pictures of all the models
will help you to find the right one. If you are unsure about your model, use the
In order to start working you also have to set how your phone is connected to a PC.
You have three options; connection via infrared, Bluetooth or a data cable. You can
see all available connections in the list. Place a check mark next to your desired one.
If you are unsure about your connection, use the Wizard.
Using the Wizard is the easiest way to connect your mobile phone. In the File-Wizard
menu, select what type of connection (cable, IrDA or Bluetooth) you use to connect
your mobile phone and click Next. MOBILedit! will inform you that it's ready to detect
your phone - click on Detect Phone(s) button. MOBILedit! starts to search all
available ports for connected phones. All detected phones will be listed and you can
check which phone(s) you want to connect and click OK.
Here you can find your smart card and SIM card readers you want to use.
MOBILedit! has the built-in functionality of our previous famous product – SIMedit!
You can directly edit SIM cards, which gives you more detailed possibilities and
better management of them. The new MOBILedit! works with all Windows compatible
readers that are PC/SC compliant. You can find a wide selection of superior readers
on our web site These readers can be used for a variety of
purposes such as secure logons, password storage, encryption, digital signatures
and others. COMPELSON has extensive know-how in these areas.
User Interface
It is here that you can customize the MOBILedit!’s look and behavior.
You may select if you’d like to view the opening splash page each time or not.
Moreover, you may desire to show nicer and bigger icons when you move your
mouse over, increase the size of all icons in the device tree, and lastly, by selecting
MOBILedit! look & feel, you can access various skins!
Here you may install various sounds to make MOBILedit! personalized. For example,
you can define some nice welcome sounds to echo when your phone is detected. On
the left side of the list there are events, on the right side you define the paths to
sound files.
If you would like to synchronize MOBILedit! with MS Outlook, you have two options:
Enable Microsoft Outlook integration – enable Outlook integration
Support email addresses – to
enable the use of email
addresses, we do not
recommend this option as
Outlook will require
confirmations to ensure it is
not a virus when trying to get
access to email addresses. If
you cannot see the Outlook
contact appear, there is
probably such an Outlook
confirmation window waiting.
MOBILedit! works also with
Outlook Express, you can
download the supporting
module from the Downloads
First name before last name this will swap the first name
and the last name in views.
Some phones do not interpret
what is what correctly, so here
you can solve the problem.
Synchronize time of phone
with PC – check this to
automatically synchronize the
time of the phone with the time
of your computer. If you have
precise time in your computer
(you can easily synchronize
the time of your PC with
precise time servers) and also
in your phone, you can know
exactly when people send you messages or call you. Sometimes seconds are
Log communication - here you can activate logging of the communication to a file.
Use this if you are solving some phone compatibility or communication problem with
our support team. Turn this option on and restart MOBILedit! in order to start logging.
Then recreate the necessary steps that initially caused the malfunction to occur. After
this, do not forget to turn this option off and restart MOBILedit! again to stop logging
as it slows down the computer and could create a huge file. The log file is created in
the subfolder Log of MOBILedit! installation folder (normally C:\Program
The MOBILedit! Appearance
MOBILedit! has been designed for a maximally intuitive control. The majority of
components are based on contemporary usage standards coupled with the most
modern design. For a complete control of the program, extensive learning it is not
necessary. At the same time, the design of MOBILedit! offers a powerful control of all
potential current and future mobile phone functions.
On the left side there is the panel of Shortcuts for a quick control. Beside it is the
Device tree, where you will find the list of all devices, data and plug-in applications.
On the right side there is a data view, where you can work with all phone data (such
as phonebook, messages, calls…) and MOBILedit! applications (such as Dialer,
MOBILedit! contains two standard toolbars; the Main toolbar and the Edit toolbar.
Additionally, at the bottom you will note a status bar with useful current information.
Each application can show its own toolbar, which is usually on the right side. It is
possible to move all toolbars to your desired location, resize them, add or remove
commands and change their configuration.
Commands could be called up from the toolbars, from the context menu (accessible
by a right mouse click) or in the standard way, in the main menu where new items
specific to the current data view appear. For example, for the view of the phonebook,
you will note the items Phonebook and Action in the main menu.
Standard Operations
We implemented the maximum from the latest software design standards. These
functions will help to speed up your productivity and make working within the
MOBILedit! framework much easier.
Renaming an item is done in the same way as in the Windows’ Explorer, by
pressing F2. In-place editing is also possible by right clicking an item and choosing
Selecting multiple items is the same as in Windows, by pressing Ctrl and clicking
on the individual items. To select multiple items in a row, simply hold down the Shift
key and press the down arrow. This can speed up your productivity substantially,
rather than selecting one item at a time.
Context menu: right clicking on any item will bring up a new context menu with
additional options specific for the selected item. No need to look further for what you
seek, simply right click to get to the desired option.
The left most column is where you will find shortcuts. You can define your own
shortcuts to certain phones, data or functions. Shortcuts will dynamically appear and
disappear in accordance with the phones connected. Create a shortcut by right
clicking on the desired item in the Device tree, for example Phonebook.
The device tree will display all of your data resources
like connected devices, offline devices, backups,
archive, internet access and also new applications.
These are displayed hierarchically as data belonging to
a certain place. You can also hide the Device tree;
doing so you will get a simpler look of MOBILedit! and
you can control it only by the shortcuts then. This is
recommended for beginners.
All devices can be renamed to a new, more suitable
name, which perfectly identifies your device. For
example, you can set the name “Veronica’s phone” for
your wife’s phone. You can even associate a specific
picture with the phone using the Assign picture function,
which is in the context menu (right mouse click). In the
same way, you can rename SIM cards or smart card
Connected Devices
This folder displays all connected devices and data
sources. When you launch MOBILedit!, your phone will
be detected automatically within several seconds. It is
necessary to have the connection type and the correct
model of phone set already (in File – Settings).
Your Outlook contacts will also be displayed here along with any smart card readers
and SIM cards. You can have more than one phone connected simultaneously and
work with them at the same time.
Offline Devices
This folder contains data from offline devices that were connected in the past. If the
phone is disconnected, MOBILedit! moves its data into the Offline folder with the
accompanying data. Thanks to this, you will always have these automatically backed
up data at your disposal. If you happen to lose your phone you can access and use
offline data. This is extremely advantageous in many other situations, say for
example, you want to send an SMS or dial a phone number stored in a different
Of course, all data in this back up folder is read-only and cannot be changed. You will
note that it is distinguishable by the darker color of whole view. If you do not want to
store all previously connected phone data in the Offline folder, check the option
Remove data when disconnected (do not store offline data) in File-Settings menu.
After connecting your phone, the offline data is replaced by the actual data from the
connected phone. This means that if you delete data in your phone, your offline data
will be automatically deleted as well after connecting the phone. We recommend
doing backups from time to time.
This is where any data from devices that you have backed up will be saved. The
most important is that the data remains here and isn’t rewritten, unlike the offline
data. You can also maintain many backup files for one phone; backups are labeled
by their date and time. Data in the Backup folder can be primarily restored to their
original data source, copied to connected data sources, or exported to supported
formats. By using the context menu in Backups, you get access to Restore, Import,
Export and other functions. These functions are also accessible from the main menu.
MOBILedit! also automatically stores the phones’ identification numbers (IMEI). In
case you lose your phone, it is possible to use this information to block the phone, or
as an identifying factor when placing a claim.
How to backup
Backup is a useful function to save your valuable data like contacts and SMS
messages from your mobile phone and SIM card. If you loose your phone, you still
have your contacts safely stored in MOBILedit! Making a backup is very simple
process. There are three ways how to make a backup of your connected device:
Select a device and then just
click on the Backup button in
main toolbar.
Click on the name of device in
the Device tree and then in
menu Device select Backup..
Right click on the name of
device in the Device tree and
select Backup from the menu.
After you click on Backup, a new window will appear, where you can select specific
data (e.g. Phonebook, SMS, Files) you want to store. When the Backup is done,
you'll see a summary window with all results and the backup of your connected
device will be created in the Backups folder.
This folder contains archived items such as SMS messages sent from MOBILedit! or
items archived by the To Archive button. Pushing the button To Archive while in the
SMS message view will move the message from your phone to the Inbox subfolder of
Compelson Archive folder. All SMS messages sent from MOBILedit! are deposited
into the Sent items folder. If you delete messages, they will be automatically moved
to the Deleted items folder, where you can manually delete them forever, or they will
be deleted upon your next MOBILedit! restart - the concept is similar as in the
Windows trash bin.
The first time you open the Phonebook it reads and displays the complete list of
contacts stored in the mobile phone. MOBILedit! has the differential synchronization
implemented, which means it is reading only changed or new items, the reading
process is much faster. This function is only available in the most modern of phones.
If you suddenly want to read the list again, simply click on the Read button in the
Main toolbar. The SIM card’s phonebook is located in the SIM card folder. Changes
you make will be depicted in red and made only in MOBILedit!’s memory, not within
the phone itself. To write changes to the phone, just press Write. If you accidentally
forget to write them to the phone, you will be prompted prior to closing the program.
You can use the multi-level Undo function.
Contacts can be sorted by phone numbers or names by simply clicking on the header
of the appropriate column. The Index column, maximal length of names and other
phonebook options are supported only by certain phones. SIM phonebooks generally
contain the Index column, however, modern phones have all contacts in memory
alphabetized and don’t use the index. If there is no index, then the functions Up and
Down for changing the order of contacts are not available.
New items
By clicking on New, you start to create a
new item which is automatically placed
into the corresponding position within the
list. In the edit window you will also see
the index which informs you about the
position of the newly created item (if it is
supported by the phone). Next you will
see fields in which you enter name and
phone number. Additionally, you can
choose what number or note you are
creating. If you want to place the new
item between existing contacts, use the
Insert button (this works only for indexed
Phonebook edit
Multiple item phonebook
MOBILedit! supports multiple contact items for
each person. Besides different phone numbers, you
can also edit address, emails, notes and others. If
you want to add additional contact items to an
existing contact, simply right click the contact,
choose Add from the displayed menu, and select
the desired contact type; after that a new editing
window will open up.
Do you often travel and need to call to your
domestic numbers, which of course are not all in the
international format? It can’t be any simpler. Just
click the Internationalization button. A new editing
window pops up, you can choose entire phonebook
or just a given range of items, whichever you want
to change.
The My country code is the international telephone
code of your domestic country. The To call abroad is the number you have to dial to
make an international call (this varies by countries; it is for example 00, 11 or 19 etc).
For example, to call the USA from abroad, you must dial 001, where 00 is “To call
abroad” item and “1” is the country code for USA.
A powerful filtering agent is available in MOBILedit! You can enter part of a name or
a number and the filter depicts only contacts containing the given text. Queries are
made by well known powerful tool: regular expression (e.g. from operating systems).
In short, character “*“ represents whichever number of whichever characters,
character “?“ represents exactly one any character. The filter can be switched on for
a given range.
The Following query finds all Johns in Prague:
Mask name: *john*
Mask number: +4202
e.g. Mask name: d???n* selects items with this name in the beginning:
Dyson, Dulon, Dupond…
Finally, don’t forget to turn the filter off. If you delete all characters in the filter and
accept it, it will automatically turn off.
Connecting the phonebook with other functions
If you have chosen a number (or numbers) you can click the SMS button and start
writing a new message, or click Dial to call that number immediately.
The Chess button will direct you to the MOBILedit! Chess application and open the window of
a new game. With MOBILedit! you can enjoy a game of chess with anyone in the world,
regardless if they are overseas or down the block. Challenge your friends to a battle of
Incoming calls
Incoming calls will open in a new pop-up window displaying the phone number of the
person calling. If the number exists in your address book, it will also display the name
of the person calling. You will immediately see who is calling and have the option to
answer or refuse the call.
Copying contacts
In case you need to copy a large amount of contacts, we have created a powerful
way for you to achieve that. It is possible to choose not only in the standard way of
using Ctrl and Shift but you can use the advanced functions Mark and Unmark.
To copy contacts use the Copy To function, which offers the possibility to copy the
selected item(s) into a connected device.
Of course, you can use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to
paste. Contacts can also be copied to different applications, for example MS Excel,
Word or Notepad and back to MOBILedit!
The drag&drop function is also at your disposal, you can simply relocate contacts to
any position.
Phonebook settings
These settings are available under the Phonebook-Settings button in the main
toolbar or in the Phonebook folder´s context menu (right click the Phonebook).
Settings carried out herein apply to all phonebooks of all phones and SIM cards.
These settings are not part of the File-Settings menu as they refer to properties of an
application running in the MOBILedit! environment, and the Phonebook is indeed
such an application.
Always store all item during write turns off the differential synchronization that only
saves new or changed items and makes all items to be saved.
Number of UNDO levels sets number of changes you can undo.
Making a call
The folder Missed calls, Last dialed numbers, and
Received calls folders contain data from the phone’s
memory about received, dialed and missed calls. This
data includes the date and time, eventually more times if
supported by the current phone. The name of contact is
here exactly as the phone stores it. Phones don’t allow editing or deleting call data.
Working with multimedia files
MOBILedit! can manage files stored in a modern mobile phone. You can easily copy
files from the computer to the phone or vice versa. For example, you can easily save
photographs taken by the phone’s camera, recordings, MP3’s, multimedia and other
files too. MOBILedit! also works with compatible memory cards used in mobile
phones. If there are any limitations, these are due to the limits of the phone
manufacturer (for example, blocked access to Java applications, etc.)
Files can be copied with the help of the Copy To function (from the phone to another
place) and Copy from (to the phone). These buttons are recommended in particular
for copying large files. You also have the option to transfer files with the help of
drag&drop and functions of the clipboard (the file isn’t copied to the clipboard, only its
It is possible to copy or delete more files at once including folders and their contents.
Text messages
The SMS folder serves to send text messages, furthermore it contains subfolders in
which text messages saved in the phone are stored:
Inbox – messages stored in the phone and on the SIM card
Sent – sent messages
Drafts – saved messages
When one of these folders is selected for the first time the appropriate messages are
read from the phone or SIM card. If a message is received when the phone is
connected to a PC, MOBILedit! displays it interactively. This way you can read the
message without touching the phone, you can also immediately delete it, answer it,
or move it to the archive using the buttons. MOBILedit! automatically searches
through the Phonebook when processing a message and adds a name saved in the
Phonebook to the phone number of each received message (consequently loading
the message might take longer). This way you can see not only the phone number
but also the sender of all messages.
By clicking the right mouse button one of the possible views of the message can be
Preview only displays the sender and full text of the message.
List only displays part of the text but also detailed information on it, e.g. date and time
of reception, sender and index. This view also allows sorting the messages by
clicking the appropriate column header. Then you can easily read message received
from a specific sender; the messages are additionally arranged by the date sent.
Using the function buttons you can reply or forward the message. You can also dial
the sender’s phone number or copy it into your Phonebook. To free up the phone
SMS memory, click on the button To Archive and move the message from your
phone to the archive folder stored in your PC.
Writing a message
To write a message just click the main folder named SMS; a dialog shown at the
image pops up. In the To... line you can directly insert a phone number or, after
clicking the To... button, you can easily select numbers from a list supporting full text
search – entering any part of name is sufficient. You can make selections not only
from the phonebook of the phone currently connected, but also from all phonebooks
saved in the Backup and in the Offline folder. As you send a message it normally
disappears, it reappears using the Undo function and you can send to another
MOBILedit! also supports multiple messaging when the message is sent to all
numbers selected from the phonebook. The following way is indeed more useful for
multiple messaging.
Switch in the Phonebook and mark all contacts you want to message. You can also
do so using a filter or contact sort. Then click the SMS button in the toolbar. You will
be automatically switched into the SMS folder having all addressees filled in the To...
box. This box is shortened in the preview, although you might not see all contacts,
they are in there, just click the To... button to see them. This way you can also extend
your selection by adding more contacts from other phones or SIM cards whether
currently connected or not.
Message length
When writing a message MOBILedit! counts its length and displays the number of
characters written and number of sections the message will be split in. Phone
numbers and contacts from the phonebook can easily be inserted in the text using
the Insert number button. Buttons for a fast smile insert are also available. If you find
out your message is too long when writing it, you’ll appreciate a useful function of text
compression that makes it shorter. It has two levels: the first one Compress removes
multiple character spacing, e.g. spacing after a comma or period. The second level of
compression, UltraCompression removes all character spacing from the text and
divides words by capital letters. If you receive a message edited this way you can
easily unpack it using the Decompress command.
Message characteristics
Before sending a message you can set its expiration period and the option of
displaying it on the recipient’s screen only, without saving. You can request an
answer or a status request (this functions depend on its correct support by your
phone and network operator). If the text of the message contains characters that
can’t be converted to a character set supported by phone (e.g. diacritics characters),
the program notices this and asks whether to remove the diacritics. You can also
initiate this by the Convert button.
Incoming messages
In the message settings you can pick an action to be carried out by MOBILedit! when
a message is received. The selection includes an immediate display of the message
in a new window, shown by a flashing window in your Taskbar if the MOBILedit!
window is minimized. You can also select a notice of an incoming message as a
flashing envelope symbol in the system bar. This is carried out in message settings.
Message settings
Number of undo steps – number of modifications that you can recall
Automatically search numbers corresponding with names – this operation reads a
phonebook of numbers if not read yet
Show incoming messages in the system bar – a decent alert of incoming messages
Here the information stored on the SIM card is available. The SIM card can be
named. When MOBILedit! detects it in other phones, you get comprehensible
information about which SIM card it is (some phones don’t support this). After clicking
on the SIM folder, detailed information about the SIM card will be shown, but not all is
accessible by the phone. If you are interested in all available items, we recommend
you get a smart card reader – MOBILedit! is able to work with them, because it
includes SIMedit! functionality. You can find a wide range of smart card readers on
On the SIM card, different data accessible in subfolders are available:
SIM Phonebook, which is obviously single level. Unlike a
phonebook in modern phones, SIM cards don’t support
more contact information to just one name. Its way of
editing is the same as the main phonebook editing.
Last dialed numbers include data, if phone stores them
here, which is dependent on the specific phone model and
the data can differ from the data saved in phone memory.
Fixed dialing numbers
It’s a special safety list in which you can save phone numbers and switch the SIM
card in the phone into a mode, when only these numbers are available to dial. A
user wouldn’t be able to make calls on other numbers. This will prevent children from
using the mobile phone for unsuitable purposes. To write into this list you have to
enter the PIN2 code. The Activated attribute shows if the card is in safety mode of
fixed numbers. The same functions are available for work with this list as for the
standard phonebook.
The same facts as in the SMS section apply to these folders but the difference is that
these messages are stored on a SIM card.
Internal files and folder structure
MOBILedit! defines some new types of files:
.mobapp-these files contain plug-in applications which can be started in the
MOBILedit! environment. The majority of functions in MOBILedit! are provided by
such applications. MOBILedit! can be easily extended with new functions by adding
new .mobapp files.
.mobdrv-these are MOBILedit! drivers for control the specific types of phones that
are consistently being added. These files are not Windows drivers, but MOBILedit!
internal drivers, running in normal application mode.
.mobskin- these are files with graphical skins.
The main folder where MOBILedit! is installed contains the kernel of the system,
binary and data files. You can find there these folders:
Mobile applications - contains the installed mobile applications
Mobile drivers - contains the individual drivers.
Mobile phones – contains graphic files of the particular phone models. Here you can
place your own images. Keeping the proper file name, which is based on the phone
model name, you can change an image for a particular model. However, the function
Assign picture is more convenient and allows you to distinguish different pieces of
the same model (based on the phone serial number).
Skins - contains the files of .mobskin shown in Settings
Sound - here are the sounds that can you can freely replace
Data files .dat
Data from the mobile phone saved to the computer are in the .dat format in the
product’s main folder
Archive.dat…temporary file containing COMPELSON Archive
Backup.dat…all the backups shown in the Backup folder are saved here
Storage.dat…all online and offline devices’ data is stored here
We recommend you to back up these files regularly. If you uninstall MOBILedit!, the
above file types will not be deleted, unless you choose a complete uninstall.
The Undo operation
MOBILedit! offers modern operations known from other professional software. You
can undo changes of the phonebook. If you send an SMS, the message normally
disappears; the undo function can retrieve it, make it reappear enabling it to be
Copying contacts between phones
You can easily copy data to the clipboard. Choose contacts from another phone, SIM
card or Outlook, copy them to the clipboard, choose the target phone and then click
Paste. The new contacts are depicted in red.
Another method is convenient for more items. First, mark the contact by clicking the
Mark button, then select Copy To and choose the target device and list.
The third way to do this is using a drag&drop. This way you can move contacts to a
desired destination by dragging them while holding down the left mouse key.
Releasing the key drops the contacts into a selected folder.
Be careful about the Save and Export functions. Depending on the format used
not all the data might be included in the saved file. We recommend the above
mentioned methods to be used to copy contacts.
Copying contacts into other applications
You can easily export selected contacts into other applications, e. g. MS Word,
Excel, notepad and others. Just copy them into the clipboard (Ctrl+C), switch to the
target application and paste them (Ctrl+V).
You can also “drop” a selected contact or group into the target application using the
drag&drop method.
Fast contact search
This is used to find a required contact much faster and more conveniently than in the
phone itself. The method of full text search is used and you do not have to remember
whether the contact begins with first name or surname. Just type any part of the
name in the search field in the edit tool bar and press Search or Enter. To search the
next appearances keep pressing Enter. Then you can just select Dial or SMS to
contact the person. If you are using a Bluetooth connection this is an exceptionally
effective way of making calls and sending messages.
first check our FAQ section for your problem. There are a lot of tips and
generic solutions to the most common issues. If there is no information
available regarding your problem, then continue reading...
check our user forum at In the most cases you will find
answer there because in general you will not be the first one having same
problem or needing to help with something. Do not hesitate to put question
there if you do not find answer you need.
try to isolate the problem and reproduce the steps it took for it to occur. In
order to resolve the issue, we must know how it originated. If an error
message was displayed, please send us a screen shot of it (the best way is to
use the Print Screen key with the help of any image editor).
make sure you are using the latest version available. Your problem might
have already been resolved, or your particular model of phone might have
had isssues solved by updating to the latest version. To check for the latest
version click the Check for updates... item in the Help menu. MOBILedit! will
contact its site and check for updates and/or upgrades.
once you are sure that you have the latest version, see if you can still
replicate your problem, for the update might have solve it. If the problem is
still occurring, now it is time to contact us.
if necessary to contact us, please be sure to include the following information,
this will best help us to resolve the issue for you:
exact model and manufacturer of your mobile phone or any other device you
are using with MOBILedit! (such as a smart card reader)
the type of connection you are using to communicate with your mobile phone
the version of MOBILedit! you are using (please supply it even if you are using
the latest version). If you are using an activated version, please inform us of
the operating system you are running MOBILedit! on, including information
about any installed service packs. If it is possible, please inform us of the
Internet Explorer version you are using also
Send the above information to our technical support at: or use this special form or check our user forum at
Q:I've registered on the MOBILedit! web page, but haven't received the download code.
A: After filling out the registration form an e-mail with the download link for MOBILedit! is sent to you on the
address you filled in immediately. If you did not receive the email, below are the possible reasons:
the e-mail address you submitted is not valid and that's why the e-mail wasn't delivered to you
your e-mail server is not accessible or reports an error. This e-mail will probably be delivered later;
there is a time limit in most cases for delivering the e-mail, usually a few days (attempted every 4
your e-mail box is temporarily full. For the successful delivery of the e-mail, you'll need to delete a
few e-mails and repeat the registration process.
you are using some kind of a spam filter which confirms the sender, or, the e-mail with the
download link was marked as spam and therefore wasn't delivered properly. If this is the case, you
should add the address of ????? to your list of "trusted addresses".
Q:I made payment but I haven't received e-mail with The Activation Key.
If you don't get the e-mail with The Activation Key within four days after payment, check out the solution of
the question above or contact us.
Q:I appear to have an incorrect download URL for MOBILedit! (Your email and code doesn't match)
Your email client probably broke the URL code into two lines and the URL is not working now. Just copy both
parts of the URL in the address line of your web browser.
Q:I was unable to download MOBILedit! (Max Downloads)
Every download URL can be used a maximum of 10 times. After 10 downloads, it's necessary to register
again and you will receive a new URL code.
Q:I can't seem to install MOBILedit! (setup cannot start because of a system error; MOBILedit!.exe
is not a valid Win32 application)
A: The install file wasn't downloaded correctly, or the file is corrupt. Try to download it again. If you still have
no success, please contact us at:
Q:Can't install MOBILedit! (Setup cannot start because of system error)
You need to have administrator rights to install MOBILedit! Without administrator rights, it is impossible to
install MOBILedit!
Q:I purchased MOBILedit!, how do I activate it?
To activate MOBILedit! select the Activate Product item in the Help menu. The activation window will open
(see the picture below). Make sure you entered all the data correctly - the name, company and activation
code must be entered in the exact same way as you received it. The activation process is case sensitive (i.e.
don't swap lower-case letters with capital letters).
Q:How can I be sure that I'm using the latest version of MOBILedit!?
If you are not sure about which version you are using, select function Check for updates... in the Help menu.
If there is a newer version, the program will download it and install it automatically.
Q:When will MOBILedit! support smart phones with the Symbian system (Sony Ericsson P800/P900,
Siemens SX1, Nokia 3650/6600/7650) and MS Smartphone (MDA I/II) available?
A: The support for smart phones is one of our goals and we are in the process of developing it now.
Q:My mobile phone is not on the list of supported phones. Is it possible to have it added?
The development of new mobile phone drivers is still in progress and with every new version of MOBILedit!
the list of supported phones grows, so check back often. If you are a vendor or manufacturer, contact us, we
can expedite the development of the driver for you.
Q:When will MOBILedit! be available in other languages?
Presently, the program is available in English, Czech and Hungarian. Localization to another language slows
down the development of new versions. We view this as secondary to our primary goal of allowing market
penetration immediately, for consumers have shown great interest in its deployment now. Once dispersed
into the population, we will at that point consider localization issues.
Q:Is the synchronization of contacts, tasks and calendar with MS Outlook available?
Presently, MOBILedit! supports synchronization with MS Outlook contacts, however, due to it's open
framework synchronization of other functions are possible.
Q:I can't connect my Nokia (especially 6210/6310) through IrDA to your program. The IrDA icon in
the system tray is blinking.
A: These models of mobile phones sometimes block the IrDA. In this case, turn the phone off and on again.
Q:The synchronization with MS Outlook Express is not working.
The synchronization support with MS Outlook Express is available as an additional application and you'll find
it in our
can buy
Downloads page. This application is functional with the full version of MOBILedit! only, which you
Q:I can't connect my Nokia through Bluetooth. The phone always asks me to confirm the connection
but it doesn't work even when I permit it.
A: You have to turn off the confirm Bluetooth connection on your Nokia mobile phone.
Q:I can't connect my Nokia 6310(i) through Bluetooth.
Some Nokia 6310(i) phones are able to connect only through the original Nokia Bluetooth card. For more
information contact the phone manufacturer.
Q:How can I copy pictures, melodies and Java applications into my mobile phone with MOBILedit!?
In MOBILedit! versions 1.71 and greater is included a File System allowing you to copy multi-media files such
as photos, music, and java applications stored in phones. Check if the file system on your mobile phone is
supported in
the list of supported phones.
Q:The reading of the phonebook in some phones is very slow. If I make some changes to my
phonebook will I need to wait so long again after connecting to MOBILedit!?
A: For new, well equipped mobile phones (e.g. Sony Ericsson T610), we have implemented incremental loading
of the phonebook. The program will only load the changes that were made since your last connection.
Q:Incoming phone call shows only a number even if I have the contact in my phonebook.
You probably have the number saved without international prefix and that's why the name isn't shown during
phone call. We highly recommend you to apply Internationalization function on your phonebook.
Q:I can't run MOBILedit! (Program data file is in use; MOBILedit! cannot be started multiple times
on a single machine) and I can't see any MOBILedit! window.
A: For Windows 2000/XP/2003 users: Run Task Manager and switch on Processes. Choose medFramework.exe
file (main executable file of MOBILedit!) and click on the button End Process. After confirmation of the next
question, MOBILedit! will terminate.
For Windows 98/ME users: press once (it's important not to press it more than once) Ctrl+Alt+Del and in the
list shown, choose medFramework.exe file (main executable file of MOBILedit!) and click on the button End
Q:I am using Microsoft Windows XP. Can I apply SP2 with no risk that MOBILedit! will be affected?
A: In short: yes. We have performed several internal tests to ensure MOBILedit! is fully compliant with the
released Service Pack 2 in both the English and Czech versions, and found no incompatibilities. You can use
SP2 with MOBILedit!