From the Principal


From the Principal
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Issue 02-20th February 2015
The weather was ideal for our Opening Mass in the courtyard on
Ash Wednesday this week. Fr Peter Hendriks presided at the
Eucharist assisted by Fr Ted McCormack. A number of people
commented on how lovely the liturgy was and how it had set a
very peaceful tone for their day. As a Catholic school in the MSC
tradition it is important that we join together in prayer at these
significant times of the year.
The Wednesday before we had celebrated at the High Achievers’
Assembly the wonderful VCE results of the Class of 2014. In
my address to the gathering I pointed out that while these were in
almost every measurable criteria the best overall results in seven
or more years at Monivae College, the students themselves were
not significantly more academically gifted than in previous years.
However they had worked very hard, they had great self-belief and
high expectations of themselves, they had a friendly rivalry among
themselves, had supportive parents with high expectations and
good teachers. My hope is that the younger year groups learn from
the fine example given them by the Class of 2014.
There have been recalls and Hepatitis A cases attributed to the
consumption of frozen raspberries and mixed berries during this
last week. I take this opportunity to assure Monivae families that
no frozen berry products have been used in our Boarding House
dining room or in the School Canteen this year. One Year 7 class
had a taste of a raspberry on Monday morning Period One in Food
Technology class before the warnings were issued to schools
however the raspberries they consumed WERE NOT one of the
brands that were subject to the recall. As an extra precaution we
have disposed of all frozen berries from the College premises.
It was great to see some new faces at the Parents and
Friends meeting on Tuesday night. This group does a great job
supporting the College in a number of different events. The upcoming
Presentation Ball is one of these events and the major
fundraiser for the year. I encourage all parents to support this event by
responding to the requests for assistance you will receive either in the
newsletter or via email.
Mark McGinnity
From the Director of Students
From the Director of Studies
Host Families Required
Welcome to our New Teaching Staff
St Marys Monivae Junior Football
Sports Report
Hockey Monivae
HWA Junior Netball Comp
2016 Enrolments & Scholarships
Hamilton School Bus Network
Monivae Open Days
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Alternative Schoolies Trip
From the Science Department
2014 Annuals
Presentation Ball
Career News
Conveyance Allowance
2015 Canteen Prices
Brick Paver Fundraiser
College Calendar
Community News
From the Director of Students
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The term is passing by at a rapid rate and at times we can become so caught up in the
busyness of school life that we forget to take time to connect with those around us. It is
important for children to build positive relationships with both each other and the staff of the School.
Our student leaders are making a concerted effort to encourage students to be welcoming to
others, be empathetic and simply be genuinely kind. As a new staff member I can say with great
confidence a Monivae student is one who also shows compassion, humility and hospitality.
Our College theme of hospitality extends throughout the entire community and I thank all
parents, friends and guardians of Monivae who attend school events in support of our students, in
particular those who were able to attend the recent swimming sports.
Monivae has a very experienced student wellbeing team and recently a letter has been sent to all
households welcoming your child to the new school year and introducing the student’s relevant
homeroom teacher. This letter not only mentioned our school theme of Hospitality but it also drew
attention to the year level theme. A summary of our Year Level Coordinators and the year level
theme are as follows:
Year 7 Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
- Ms Georgina Rolls - Mr Leo McMahon
- Ms Helen Crawford
- Mr Shaun Hayes
- Mr Leon Furze
- Mr Darren Beks
- Relationships
- Honesty
- Respect
- Resilience
- Health
- Leadership
Monivae is in a wonderful position with a team such as ours looking after the wellbeing of your
child. I encourage all parents and guardians to contact their homeroom teacher via email or their
Year Level Coordinator if they have any concerns or positive feedback. Our primary method of
communication is email and if you have not updated your email contact details with the front
office, please do so as soon as possible.
Some house keeping issues have arisen in the past two weeks and I would like to draw your
attention to the following topics.
Student Diary
All students have been issued with a diary. This is not only an important organizational tool for
students but a vital point of reference for parents and guardians. I encourage you to look at your
child’s diary and check that there are relevant academic due dates recorded and homework tasks
to be completed. The diary is not to have any graffiti on it and should be clean, neat and well-kept.
If a diary is lost or is not taken care of then a replacement diary needs to be purchased from the
school for $15.
Student Lockers
All students at Monivae College are provided with a locker and on enrolment a combination
padlock. Students are expected to keep their lockers locked. Unfortunately there are many
students who choose not to lock their lockers. It is advised that any item lost from an unlocked
locker will be the students’ responsibility. It is of particular concern now that all students will be
storing computers in their lockers. I urge you to discuss this issue with your child and to ensure
that your child has a lock. Locks can be purchased from reception for $10.
Athletics Carnival
This carnival is on Thursday 12th March at Pedrina Park. This is a compulsory school day for
all students. The students will be bussed from Monivae College in the morning to Pedrina Park
and back to Monivae College in the afternoon, so regular travel arrangements will still apply for
Normal full sports uniform is to be worn including the College hat. Please note that all
students are expected to be wearing House T-shirts. Students are encouraged to dress
up in themes for their Houses, however, they will need to get changed at the event.
Competitors must be wearing Monivae College shorts.
A barbecue will be available for students and families to purchase lunch. Students are reminded
to bring a good sized drink with them and to apply sun screen before the event and regularly
during the day. Parents are more than welcome to come and watch the students compete.
Parents who would like to collect their children or wish their children to walk home from Pedrina
Park must provide a note to their relevant homeroom teacher as a roll will be taken at the end of
the day.
Duke of Edinburgh
This year Monivae College are continuing with the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
The award is designed to push student’s personal boundaries and build upon the strengths they
already possess over a period of at least 6 months. Students can be awarded a Bronze, Silver or
Gold Award based upon your commitment in four areas, these are :
1. Physical recreation
2. Community service
3. Personal skill
4. Adventurous journey.
Students have been offered an information presentation on Friday the 20th of February. The
cost of enrolling in the Award is $140.00, which can be paid with cash, cheque or electronic bank
If your child is interested in enrolling in the Award please contact myself, or encourage your child
to do so.
Kind regards,
Mr Andrew Monk
Director of Students
From the Director of Studies
Parent Access Module (PAM)
It has been exciting to see the percentage of families accessing PAM increase by 68% over the
last two years.
PAM is an online portal which enables families to keep up to date with their child’s learning progress.
From one central point parents/guardians can view information regarding their child(ren) such as
their timetable, booklist, attendance, parent contact details, school calendar, major assessment
tasks, checkpoints of homework completed and past student reports.
An information guide which provides steps for access and an overview of PAM features can be
accessed from
Access to PAM is transferred each year, meaning once parents have their login details, they can
continue to use their same details each year.
If families have any issues with accessing PAM, please call the Front Office staff on (03) 555 11
PAM Homework & Assessment Update this week
The PAM Homework & Assessment Update marks a point on the College calendar where parents/
guardians are encouraged to sign in to PAM and view their child’s progress to date.
The online update provides a running record of student progress that supports a vision for a more
active partnership between home and school, promoting active conversations around learning as
the year progresses.
Students have the opportunity to become more independent and responsible for their learning with
access to their progress and tracking of their development in the one location across their subjects.
If parents/guardians have queries regarding information published in PAM, they are encouraged to
contact the relevant subject teacher.
Student Reporting – change to the grading system for 2015
Families who have viewed student reports over the last few years would be familiar with the 1-7
Grade Scale used to report on student achievement at Years 7-10 and the traditional A-E grade
scale at Year 11 & 12.
In 2015, the College has updated its reporting for all major assessment tasks (including
examinations) to direct percentages across Years 7-12. It is hoped that this move towards specific
percentage reporting will clarify student achievement and provide diagnostic information about
how individual students are performing compared with their cohort (year level). Further information
regarding these changes to the report will be published in later editions of the newsletter.
Interim (Term 1 ) Reports & Parent Teacher Interviews
Interim reports will be published online via PAM on Friday 20th March. These snapshots of student
progress to date will outline achievement in Standard of Work to Date, Classwork, Effort, Attitude
& Behaviour and Meeting Deadlines.
On Monday 23rd March, the bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews will be open online. This year
the College has moved from the previous Parent Teacher Online (PTO) system to a new service
through PAM to streamline parent access. Details for making bookings will be published via the
College newsletter.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 13th April (first day of Term 2) from 12pm to
7pm. This day is a pupil free day, however students are encouraged to attend the interviews with
their parent/guardian.
Contacting Subject Teachers
Families are welcome to contact subject teachers to discuss their child’s progress during the term
and are encouraged to be the first point of call when learning issues or concerns arise in a specific
subject area. This open communication aims to strengthen the partnership between home and the
College with a focus on proactive strategies to achieve student success.
Families have two main methods of contacting their child’s subject teachers:
via phone through the main College number (03) 555 11 200.
Email. The general style for email addresses at Monivae college is <firstinitialsurname>@ (e.g.
Other student concerns across subject areas and general enquiries should be directed to the
relevant Year Level Coordinator.
LearningField (electronic texts) – Years 7 & 8
This year the College has moved towards an online platform for student text resources at Years 7
& 8 called LearningField. Through this one platform, students and teachers can access a range of
texts tailored to the learning program.
Work has been undertaken during the past few weeks to establish the technical background for
student access and staff have undertaken initial training on exploring the resource and developing
content for classes. During next week, classes will be guided through access to the resource and
progressively exploring this in their classes.
An overview of LearningField can be viewed at
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting resource and it’s use in our learning programs.
Mrs Yvette Colquhoun
Director of Studies
Term 1 is a very busy time for cadets. Issuing uniforms to recruits, preparing for camps and
ANZAC day as well completing important documentation forms. Last year most of the current year
9s should have received, completed and returned these forms. The rest of the unit will be receiving
them this week. If your child is in cadets, can you please ensure forms are completed accurately,
signed and returned to me in a timely manner.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mr Gary Simkin
Host Families Required!
Students from Kusuma Bangsa, our sister school, are coming to Monivae College in April 2015!
We have students coming next year and we require host families to look after them for the week
that they are here!
The students will be arriving on Thursday 16th of April and leaving Monivae on Friday 24th of April,
Note that all host families now require a Working With Children Check. To find out how to
organise a working with children check please contact myself Ms Turton.
I strongly encourage any students that are intending to travel on the return exchange to Indonesia
in September to host a student, or at least be a buddy for one.
Please contact Jess Turton via the methods below should you wish to host a student next year.
Ms Jess Turton
LOTE Coordinator
(03) 5551 1200
Welcome to our new Teaching Staff
Sarah MacLeod
Miss Macleod previously worked for Chaffey Secondary College in Mildura. Miss MacLeod teaches
English and Humanities, two subjects of which she is extremely passionate about. Miss MacLeod
has a pet cat named Patraic and a dog called Angus, both thoroughly enjoy watching movies on the
couch with her. In her spare time Miss MacLeod enjoys travelling to foreign places, and is always
planning her next trip. She also enjoys painting and getting lost in a novel.
Ellen Cotter
Miss Cotter completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) before completing her Graduate
Diploma in Education (Secondary)/Graduate Certificate (Religious Education). Her teaching methods in semester 1 one are Religious Education, teaching seven classes and Commerce, teaching
one class. Miss Cotter has moved to Hamilton from Melbourne with her partner Shaun who is a
casual teacher. Her aim in the Education sector over the span of her career is to ensure all students
leave school with basic financial literacy skills, particularly female students. In her free time, Miss
Cotter plays piano, attends bootcamps and plays Nintendo video games.
Dale Minney
Mr Minney has worked as a Land Surveyor since coming to Hamilton in 1989. He worked at
Brayley & Hayes for most of this time, purchasing the business with his partner 4 years ago. Mr
Minney is married to Chris and has 2 teenage children. He likes to go cycling to keep fit, enjoys
music, long walks and appreciates a little eccentricity. Mr Minney will be teaching Maths in Yr 7, 9
and 11 and also has a year 7 Homeroom.
Katherine Lieschke
Miss Lieschke used to work as a research scientist at the Burnet Institute in Melbourne, and at
the Royal Melbourne Hospital as a clerical assistant. She also used to feed fish in an aquarium
on the weekends. Miss Lieschke likes science, cooking, reading and music. She sings and plays
the violin and the viola.
Miss Lieschke will be teaching 7 Science, 7 Maths, 9 Science and is also 7.2’s homeroom teacher.
Reegan Brunt
Miss Brunt previously worked in the Events Industry at Como House and Garden in South
Yarra, Melbourne, before completing a Bachelor in Education at La Trobe University. She has
recently moved to Hamilton with her boyfriend Cameron Morris. They live in Dunkeld and together
enough hiking through the Grampians or fishing in Port Fairy and Portland. Miss Brunt also enjoys
basketball, netball and reading.”
Miranda Reaburn
Miss Reaburn has recently moved to Hamilton. Miss Reaburn grew up in Bendigo but has
lived in Townsville and Hobart whilst studying Conservation Biology at university. Miss Reaburn
conducted research on the Tasmania Devil Facial Tumour Disease, going into the field and
trapping Tasmanian Devils. In her free time Miss Reaburn likes to read, go camping, scuba diving
and bushwalking. In semester 1 Miss Reaburn will be teaching Year 8 Mathematics and Year 8,
9 and 10 Science.
St Mary’s Monivae Junior Football Club
Training will commence for our under 14.5 and under 17 team at Pedrina Park on Wednesday 4
March at 4.30pm. Training will run till approximately 5.45pm.
All current and prospective players are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there.
Any queries please contact Kylie Baulch on 0438 742 511.
Sports Report
Sport Coordinator – Mr. Scott Kruger
Monivae Swimming Carnival
Mr. Scott Kruger
We were welcomed with fine conditions for the swimming carnival on Friday 13th Feb. Students
swam and cheered brilliantly over the course of the day, giving their all for their respective houses.
The students had a number of opportunities to gain points for their houses in the participation
events throughout the day. It was great to see so many students using this opportunity to cool
down in the warm conditions. Being very consistent all day, Glenelg cheered their way to win the
cheering competition. A new recording system along with a new points system saw Lonsdale edge
out the other houses to win the overall aggregate.
In the haste of packing up due to an impending storm, I didn’t get the opportunity to thank the
parents and grandparents who came along to support the students. Thanks also goes to the past
students and parents who helped out with a number of duties on the day. I would also like to thank
all of the Monivae staff who assisted with their various roles during the carnival. Well done to all
students on a great day of fun and competitiveness.
Overall Results:
1st – Lonsdale (2580.5pts)
2nd – Mitchell (2444.5pts)
3rd – Glenelg (2369pts)
4th – Ffrench (2165pts)
Age Group Champions:
Female – Nikki Menzel
Male – Colby Maddocks
Female – Casey White
Male – Noah Uebergang
Female – Shaylee Harrison
Male – Sebastian Christie-Crane
Female – Skye McIntosh
Male – Robert McClure
Female – Emily Baudinette
Male – Denver Harrison
Female – Shannon Mitchell
Male – Michael Gould
Records Set:
16Yr Girls Freestyle Relay – Glenelg 2:33.36
16Yr Girls 50m Freestyle – Skye McIntosh (Glenelg)
18-20Yr Boys 100m Freestyle – Michael Gould
(Lonsdale) 1:01.13
18-20Yr Boys 50m Butterfly – Michael Gould (Lonsdale) 30.00
18-20Yr Boys 50m Freestyle – Michael Gould
(Lonsdale) 27.05
18-20Yr Boys 200m IM – Michael Gould (Lonsdale) 2:35.68
Glenelg Division Swimming
The Monivae team for the Glenelg Division swimming carnival next Thursday has been posted
around the school and all students have been notified by email as well. Students will need to check
these lists and make sure they attend a swim meeting early next week. The carnival usually begins
with the 100m Freestyle at 10am and usually concludes at around 2:10pm. I would encourage all
parents to come along and support our team. I would also love to hear from any parents who may
be able to assist with the two roles, usually timekeeping, that Monivae is allocated.
GSWR Swimming and Chevalier Centre opening date clash
Unfortunately there is a date clash between the GWSR swimming date and the opening of the
Chevalier Centre on Wednesday the 25th of March. The Chevalier Centre date was set before the
swimming date was released to schools. The Chevalier Centre opening is a whole school event.
What does this mean? For 2015 Monivae College will only be sending students that win individual
events at the Glenelg Division swimming to the GWSR event. These students will need to be
transported and supervised by parents at this event. No relay teams will be sent.
Hockey Monivae
Mrs. Sofia Vearing
Monivae College offers the opportunity for all students, parents and friends of the College to
play hockey in the local Glenelg Hockey Association competition. These games are all played on
synthetic turf at Pedrina Park Hamilton, which is a wonderful surface upon which to learn to play
or to hone your skills. No experience is necessary and this is a wonderful way to extend your
participation within the school community. Games are played throughout terms 2 and 3 and these
fees cover approximately a 14 week season.
Fees for this year have been set by the Association and are as follows:
Student (Secondary)
Primary student
Division 5 (U/10)
Club and Association fees
Hockey Vic registration fee
There is also a new casual game fee for those who cannot commit to playing for the whole season,
but would like to play occasionally. Please contact Mrs. Vearing for this information.
Hockey Monivae is eager to hear from people interested in umpiring this season. Umpires will
be played $10 per game in season 2105. Glenelg Hockey as well as Hockey Victoria will provide
training. All secondary aged players are urged to umpire and will only be required to umpire in
divisions appropriate for their age.
We are looking to enter our teams very soon. Please contact Mrs. Vearing at school to register your
name. I can be contacted in the following ways:
Phone (Monivae) 555 11270
Term 1 Sport Dates
Glenelg Division Swimming – Thursday 26th February
20/20 Cricket (Seniors) – Thursday 5th March
Monivae Athletics Carnival – Thursday 12th March
Glenelg Division Athletics – Friday 20th March
Greater Western Region Swimming – Wednesday 25th March
HNA Junior Netball Competition – Saturday
Just a friendly reminder that all medical consent forms and season fees are to be paid by this
Saturday, the 21st of February.
Failure to pay by this Saturday means you will not be allowed to take the court.
Any questions, or if new forms are required, please see Miss Turton ASAP.
Miss Jess Turton
2016 Enrolments and Scholarships
Enrolments and scholarships are open for Year 7 for 2016. The Open Day dates and the
opportunity for Grade 6 students to ‘Spend the Day at Monivae are below. For all enrolment
information please contact Mrs Lia Mailes on 5551 1245 or via
Hamilton School Bus Network
Baimbridge College: 85 Stephen St Hamilton
Ph: 5572 2788, Fax: 5572 5811, Email:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Departmaent of Education and Early Childhood Development policy requires that the following
school buses will not operate on a Code Red day as declared by the Bureau of Meteorology:
Dunkeld No 10
Glenthompson No 9
Victoria Valley No 8
Cavendish No 5
Mooralla No 6
Macarthur No 15
Macarthur No 17
Merino No 21
All other services will operate as usual.
Yours sincerely
David Gilchrist
Monivae invites potential 2016
Year 7 students and their families
to visit Monivae College.
Open Days
Tuesday, 24th February 9:30am.
Thursday, 26th February 7:00pm.
Sunday, 15th March 2:00pm.
Spend the Day
at Monivae
Tuesday, 24th March.
For more information contact
Monivae on (03) 5551 1200.
Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage!
Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance
that brought you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature
of your marriage, allowing you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in
ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit.
There is no group sharing.Couples and a priest present the weekend. It is based around Catholic
values but couples of all faiths are welcome.
2015 Melbourne weekend dates :17-19 Apr,19-21 June, 21-23 August and 23-25 Oct
Starts 7pm on Friday. Ends 5pm Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided.
Information/Bookings: PH: Marianne & Marcel (03) 9733 0997 Email:
Alternative Schoolies Trip – Fiji 2014
At the end of last year, a group of seven Monivae Year 12 graduates and myself embarked on an
Alternative Schoolies trip to Fiji. The trip was organized by an external organisation called Harvest
Inroads who took us to Fiji at the start of December.
Similar to the Mission Experience Trips Monivae offers, this trip gave students first hand insights to
the lives of many less fortunate people in our world and gave us the opportunity to give a helping
hand to these people through various ways.
In the seven-day program we were either building toilets, paths and doing other construction work
for local schools or cooking for old age homes
for half the day. As for the other half of the day,
we found ourselves relaxing by the beach or
pool, snorkeling, hiking, enjoying the sensation of
being in mud pools, or simply exploring the
island! To top off the week, on Day 7 we were
taken island hopping which was undoubtedly the
highlight of the trip.
All eight of us found the trip amazing and worth
every cent we paid. We got the chance to do
something productive at this stage of our lives
while still enjoying it immensely especially due to the balance the trip offered. It was easy to
organise, safe and most of all a worthwhile experience! We encourage parents and students to
strongly consider this option, and have no doubt that you will have an absolute ball!
Dylan Gracias
Class of 2014
Science Faculty
The weeks certainly fly past. Here we are already nearly in the middle of First Term.
So far the Year 7 students have been learning how to work safely in the Science labs. They
have been identifying different pieces of equipment and learning how to correctly draw scientific
diagrams. They have all been itching to start real practical work and this week they got their first
taste of working with some basic but essential scientific equipment. Excitement was at fever
pitch as they “suited up” in lab coats and practiced lighting Bunsen Burners correctly and safely.
“Bunsen Burner Licenses” were awarded in recognition of their proficiency in the use of this most
important piece of equipment. There will be no holding them back now!
I visited a couple of classes this week to see how students were progressing. In a year 10 class,
it was lovely to come across some familiar faces from year 9 science last year. They were hard at
work with their new teacher Mrs Hannah. Revision of atomic theory was the order of the day and
it was pleasing to see students demonstrating their prior knowledge of this topic.
Year 9 students have been re-examining the Scientific Method. They are in the midst of writing
up their first Assessment Tasks. One is a formal practical report of their investigation of Hooke’s
law – the relationship between spring extension and mass. The other is an Assignment.
This week the Year 11 Chemists were also faced with their first major piece of assessment in
the form of a set of questions set in a similar style to that seen in Year 12. Their maturity in
tackling this task was gratifying. You could have heard a pin drop in the lab as they went about their
In Year 11 Biology, students learned that the life of a scientist is not all smooth sailing, as they
arrived on Monday morning to discover their plant experiment had shriveled up and died in the
hot weather over the weekend. Despite this setback, both classes have spent the last couple of
lessons hard at work writing up their reports.
Year 12 scientists are commencing their first SAC tasks that will count as part of their study
score. This can be a daunting experience for some. Hopefully the words of wisdom spoken by
our 2014 High Achievers at the assembly last week will inspire and encourage them to work
hard and aim high.
The new resident science “pets” have finally
arrived. Boris our spotted python is feeling quite
at home in his enclosure. He quite enjoys all the
attention and has spent most of the week “taking
a dip” in his water container.
He is certainly much braver than when he
arrived. It must be said that whilst he is a source
of fascination for many students, others are still
giving him a wide birth. However, there should be
no cause for alarm as his enclosure is securely locked.
In addition to Boris, we also have three marbled
geckos. These little fellows have joined the frogs
and fish in the paludarium. However, they are
pretty shy, and only appear when things are quiet.
As you can see, things are certainly in full
swing here in Science. To keep abreast of
your son/daughter’s current Assessment and
Homework tasks, please log onto the Parent
Access Module (PAM). Details of how to achieve
this have been sent to you, but if you are still
unsure of how to proceed please contact the
school for assistance.
Mrs Nicola Crawford
Head of Faculty – Science
2014 Annuals
The 2014 Annuals can be collected from the office. This year there is one annual per student.
Please come and get your copy.
Monivae College - Presentation Ball
Saturday 14 March 2015
On behalf of the Presentation Ball Committee and Students, we request your assistance in helping
us provide a wonderful memorable evening.
We have a very large year level attending the Presentation Ball and seek year 7,8 & 9 Families
assistance in donating the following:
Donations can be delivered to the Monivae Office from Monday 9th March until Friday 13th March.
Please respond to let us know if you are able to supply any of the following drinks.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monivae Presentation Ball 14th March 2015
Contact No_______________________________________
Fruit Juice 1-2 litres
Coke 1-2 litres
Orange 1-2 litres
Lemon 1-2 litres
Bottles of water 500-600ml
Long life milk 1-2 litres
Please contact Chris McGennisken on 0428 586 082 if you have any questions.
Career News
Work experience
Year 11 non cadets are to complete Work Experience from Monday 27 April to Friday 1 May.
Work experience provides a valuable opportunity to find out more about the work place and
the nature of particular careers. I have asked year 11 students to organise appropriate work
experience and return completed, signed by the employer etc, forms to me by Tuesday 10
March. Unfortunately some students have not made contact with an employer or have not come
to see me for assistance to help find a placement. Can you please help, encourage your child to
get the placement and paper work organised.
Weekly Careers Newsletter
It’s never too early to start considering your future career directions. Making decisions about
what you would like to study after school can be both stressful and exciting. Many students often
feel lost about what they would like to study and many feel like they don’t know where to start!
There are many things to consider
Complete Year 12 or leave school early?
TAFE or university?
Have a gap year or go straight into further study?
Can I afford to move away if I can’t study locally?
For students and their families who haven’t been to a university or TAFE information session,
there are even more questions
Where can I study the course I am interested in?
How do I choose between several courses across several institutions?
How much will my course cost?
How do I find out about scholarships?
What if I don’t obtain the ATAR I need?
What is university and TAFE actually like?
These decisions can be difficult to make, and then you have the added pressure of focusing on
your studies and other commitments like sport, hobbies and employment.
Not only can it be tough for students, but also for parents!
Where do we access information?
How do we best support our child?
How can we afford the costs associated with further study?
Will Youth Allowance and HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, or VET FEE-HELP be available?
Apart from meeting with your career adviser early in the year, it is a great idea to attend
information sessions run by TAFE and university institutions. Many run focus days and
information seminars throughout the year, and most run Open Days in August and September.
By attending information sessions, you and your family will be able to do the following:
Speak directly to current students and lecturers and hear from them about the courses you are interested in.
Look around the campus and get a feel for the culture of the institution (e.g., does it
have a modern or traditional feel? Do you think it would be easy to meet people? Would you prefer to study at a small or large campus?).
Learn about scholarships, course costs, government fee assistance, global exchange programs and accommodation options.
Ask about alternative pathway programs available as a back up in case you don’t get
the ATAR you need for your course.
Attend workshops and sessions on the courses you are interested in and compare
facilities and students services between institutions.
Attending information sessions will assist you in setting new career goals or firming up ideas you
already have. Having a course or courses in mind can also assist you in feeling more motivated
to work hard at school.
Information sessions are usually free and you may have to register. Start to map out
session dates on a calendar and pick the ones you will be able to attend. Here are some tertiary
information session dates to get you started:
Weekly Careers News topics
Focus on early information sessions- For TAFE and university
Charles Sturt University - MyDay Information Sessions
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Careers Day
RMIT Science in the City Discovery Day
A Day at UNSW, Sydney
Monash University Seminar Series
Pre apprenticeships
Deakin University Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Built Environment YouTube clips
Join the Engineers Australia Facebook page
Study at Federation University
UMAT Simulation Day
Short courses at RMIT
Monash University website for parents
Defence Force Gap Year Program
Antipodean’s Abroad Online Information Evening
Lattitude Global Volunteering- Applications now open!
AUSTSWIM training
Could you please make your students and clients aware that we will be running a Bronze
Rescue program for any secondary school student or adult who is a competent swimmer
starting this Sunday 22nd Feb. The second day is 1st March. Enrolments are being taken at
HILAC reception, these will close this Friday 20th Feb.
We are also hosting an AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety on the weekend of
the 28th Feb. Enquiries and enrolments to AUSTSWIM Victoria Business Centre 1300 885 666
(local call cost). Participants must be 16 years of age.
Contact Sarah Byron
HILAC 5551 4306
Mr Gary Simkin
Careers Coordinator
Are you Eligible?
A Conveyance Allowance is available from the Education
Department for students who travel more than 4.8km
Changes to the Education Maintenance Allowance
(using Bing or Google Maps) to their nearest appropriate
Application forms are to be completed once per child
unless your family circumstances change.
1. PRIVATE BUS: Portland/Heywood Bus
Are eligible to claim the maximum private bus allowance.
One application per student is required. Parents cannot
claim car allowance.
PUBLIC BUS: Casterton Bus (Guthrie’s)
Are eligible for fare reimbursement. One application is
required per student.
Additionally, you may be able to claim the car
conveyance allowance – refer to Car Travel
3. PUBLIC BUS: Town (Durbidge/Trotters)
From 1 January 2015, parents will not be able to
apply for the Education Maintenance Allowance.
Instead, the State government will provide extra
financial support directly to the Catholic Education
Commission of Victoria to assist the neediest
The end of the EMA direct payments to parents will
not affect any other payment you may be receiving
such as the Schoolkids Bonus, which is provided
directly to eligible parents to assist with education
If you are experiencing financial hardship, you can
speak to our Business Manager, Jim Bailey about
how you can access assistance from the school for
fee, excursion and uniform subsidies.
If you have any questions about this change, please
speak to Jim Bailey.
Students who live more than 4.8km from Monivae and
who regularly travel for 50% or more of their total school
travel on the Durbidge or Trotters School Bus Services
are eligible for fare reimbursement.
Receipt systems differ for full and part time travellers.
Please contact Monivae (Michelle Ferey) for further
information on the Receipt submission process.
4. CAR TRAVEL: to a Public or Government
bus stop
Bus Stops: Students who travel more than 4.8km to
their closest Public or Government (free) bus stop are
usually eligible for car conveyance allowance. This form
is completed per family, with the formula for payment
based upon one-way distance and numbers in the car.
To Apply: For Conveyance Allowance please contact Monivae for an application form.
If you have any Questions: Please contact Monivae Finance officer Michelle Ferey on 03) 5551 1203.
Conveyance allowance:
2015 Canteen Prices
Chicken Burgers
Veggie Burgers
Sweet Chilli Chicken Wraps
(Thurs only)
Hot Dishes
(Bolognese, Bacon Pasta, Gnocchi, StirFry, Apricot Chicken, Ravioli, Tortellini,
Chicken Pasta, Tuna Bake, Macaroni
Cheese & more)
Soup (winter only)
Fantastic Noodles
Fruit Salad (summer only)
Sandwiches/Rolls - white or
grain available
Plain (lettuce & mayo)
Lot (lettuce, tomato, cheese &
Plain (lettuce & sauce)
Lot (lettuce, tomato, cheese &
Plain (lettuce & mayo)
Lot (lettuce, tomato, cheese &
Chicken & Avocado
No Meat Salad
Meat & Salad
Salad no Meat
Salad with Meat
Caesar salad with Chicken
Fruit Salad
Fruit per piece
Fillings include: Ham , Chicken, Egg ,
bacon, cheese, tomato, beetroot,
lettuce, cucumber, avocado, carrot,
cream cheese, vegemite, mayonnaise
& butter
Salad bowls
Salad consists of meat, carrot,
beetroot, cheese, tomato, cucumber,
lettuce & mayo
Any combination can be made and will
be priced accordingly
MONIVAE COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS DIAMOND JUBILEE FUNDRAISER 60 years ago Monivae College opened its doors to students for the first time. In those 60 years, Monivae has grown
greatly, from the little bush school on Port Fairy Road to the outstanding College it is today, and it continues to grow.
This Jubilee Year sees the building of the Chevalier Centre, which will be used for years to come to enhance the wellbeing and assist in forming the Mind, Spirit, and Heart of current and future Monivae graduates.
Monivae Parents & Friends Association has made a commitment to raise funds to assist in the fitting out of the new
Chevalier Centre. To do this, we are running a fundraiser that enables you to also be part of the history of Monivae and
also its future. We are offering you the opportunity to purchase a brick-paver.
You can have your name, family name, your child’s name or even business name, anything as long as it is suitable for
the school grounds. You can purchase as many as you like. There is no limit.
The cost is $50 per brick.
The brick-pavers are from Glenthompson Bricks with a name pressed into them. Capital Letters only, numbers and
some basic symbols such as / + . , We will use the pavers to construct a labyrinth in a reflective part of the College
Cheques can be made out to Monivae Parents & Friends
Credit Card: Mastercard
Number: __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
(Please circle)
__ __ __ __
Name on Card: ______________________________
__ __ __ __
Signature ___________________________________________
CCV __ __ __
Expiry Date ____ / ____
Date: ____ / ____ / _____
Please return the form and payment to the College Office. Any questions to Mark
5551 1233
McKinley onmsc
Please complete the table below in CAPITAL letters, EXACTLY how you would like your name printed on the bricks.
Leave spaces where you want spaces.
Name: __________________________________________ Contact Number: ________________________________
Please print clearly
Payment enclosed: _______________________________ Email: ___________________________________________
College Calendar
23 DAY 1
24 DAY 2
Backup Day –
Open Morning
25 DAY 3
27 DAY 5
Glenelg Division
Glenelg Division
Open Evening
2 DAY 6
3 DAY 7
4 DAY 8
5 DAY 9
Careers Analysis
6 DAY 10
Field Days
Field Days
Analysis Testing
Senior Cricket
GWSR Golf –
Wimmera Field
Boarders Home
9 DAY 1
Backup Day -
26 DAY 4
Labour Day
10 DAY 2
11 DAY 3
12 DAY 4
& Field
Top Class
Open Morning
Monivae Track
13 DAY 5
Drama &
Concerts Yr
9–11 Drama
& Yr 11-12
Open Day
16 DAY 6
17 DAY 7
St Patrick’s
18 DAY 8
19 DAY 9
20 DAY 10
Kiribati Mission
Track and Field
Kiribati Mission
Field Days
Glenelg Division
Lucindale Field
Community News
A certified RMIT Course
The Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation
Call Judy Pekin (Learning Support Officer) o n 0403 838 334
(03) 5572 0500 or email
9.30AM - 4.30PM
Hamilton Indoor Leisure and Aquatic Centre
and Hamilton Olympic Swimming Pool
1st Sunday at HILAC
2nd Sunday at HOSP (weather permitting)
Cost: $204.00 includes the Royal Life Saving Society Australia’s award and qualification fees on successful completion of the course.
Bronze Star
Open to all secondary school students
Must be a competent swimmer
Bronze Medallion
Minimum age is 14 years by 31st December 2015
Must be a very competent swimmer or completed
Bronze Star
Registration forms available at HILAC. Full payment due at time of registration.
For enquiries and further information please contact:
Sarah Byron Swim Programs Coordinator, Ph: 55514306
Living with Teens
10th, 17th, 24th
March, 2015
3 Week Program
7.00 —9.00 pm
A 3 week program for parents of
12 - 15 year olds
Living with Teens will:
 Help parents understand and cope better with the challenges of
early adolescence.
 Provide parents with information and skills for developing and maintaining trusting, positive relationships with their young adolescents.
During sessions parents have the opportunity to discuss and practice
a range of strategies and ideas including:
Adolescent development
Connecting and communicating
Negotiating boundaries
Solving problems
Setting effective limits
Parental self care
142 Timor Street,
Warrnambool, 3280
Cost: FREE!!!
RSVP: Thursday
March 6, 2015
(Sorry, no childcare available)
For enquiries and bookings
phone Marea:
5559 3000