11 February 2016 - Quirindi Public School
11 February 2016 - Quirindi Public School
Term 1, Week 3 Principal’s Report – Mr Kerry Kurtz Swimming Carnival Congratulations to all who participated in last week’s Swimming Carnival. It was a great day with some outstanding competition and performances. The behaviour of our students was terrific and it was great to see lots of participation. How about the Quirindi teachers/parents (Mr Roach, Miss McGilchrist, Mr Thistle and Mrs Woolley) taking on the Gold Coast Titans (with a little help from two of our fine senior girls, Molly and Emily). The Queenslanders won, but only because of the fine performances from our girls. These carnivals take a lot of preparation and commitment from staff and parents. A huge vote of thanks to Mrs Alcorn, the organiser and carnival convenor. Thank you to the staff and parents also who carried out lots of jobs to make the carnival a success. We wish those students who are off to the Zone Carnival on Friday next week, every success. 11 February 2016 Upcoming events 15 February Special SRC & Leaders Induction Assembly 9.20am 17 February Parent Information Night 6.00pm P&C Meeting 7.00pm (after Information Night concludes) 19 February Zone Swimming Carnival 24 February School Council Meeting 5.00pm 25 February K-2 Swimming Fun Day 29 February Young Leaders Conference Whooping Cough There have been many cases of Whooping Cough across our region and the state over the past 6 months. For your interest, we have included information in this newsletter from the Department of Health about Whooping Cough. The Leader in Me You are probably aware from previous newsletters and information disseminated last year, that our staff along with the other schools in the Liverpool Plains Alliance of schools have had three days of intensive training in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The Leader in Me. Our alliance of schools received a large grant from the Department of Education to implement the 7 habits with our students. We have already started!!! Teachers in our classes (and in the other alliance schools – Wallabadah Public School, Walhallow Public School, Werris Creek Public School, Spring Ridge Public School and Willow Tree Public School) are beginning to teach the children that there is a leader in us all… and leaders practise the 7 habits of highly effective people. This week at Quirindi our CARES value is Respect. We have talked to the children about the importance of using people’s names when you are addressing them, as a way of being respectful. We developed a poster that says: LEADERS show RESPECT by using people’s names. Just so you are aware what the 7 habits are when your child starts talking the 7 habits language: Habit 1 - Be Proactive Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3 – Put First Things First Habit 4 – Think Win-Win Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6 – Synergise Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw We will have a spot in our newsletter each week to give you more information and let you know what is going on in our school and the alliance of schools. Saver Plus Don’t forget tomorrow, Friday 12 February, Anne Yates from the Benevolent Society will be at school between 10:00am and 11:30am to talk to anyone who might be eligible to take advantage of the great opportunity to get $500 for free. There are many people who are eligible to take advantage of Saver Plus. Give me a call if you need more information for yourself or someone you know who might benefit. 2015 School Magazine We still have 2015 school magazines for sale. Magazines are selling for $10.00 each and are available at the school office. It is a lovely way to remember your child/children’s year at Quirindi Public School. Respect Student of the Week K-6S K-1D K-1T 1-2S 3-4A 3-4M 3-4W 5-6M 5-6S 5-6R Thomas Ward Ashton Cronin Oliver Pollard Charli Hoswell Mackivy Brown Jessica Farr Miley Clark Lily Stewart Laura Crombie Kiara-Lee Tolhurst Merit Awards K-6S K-1D K-1T 1-2S 3-4A 3-4M 5-6M 5-6S 5-6R Cooper Gourlay Charlotte Robertson Alexander Stone Jacob Parker Samuel Payne Bella Pollard Nicholas Forsyth McKenzie Mizzi Jarryn Grinter Notes home this week 1. The Young Leaders Conference 2. SRC elections 3. Zone Swimming Carnival 4. ICAS Competitions At Quirindi Public School we are considerate of everyone and our environment. Banners Congratulations to Olivia Hill and Bronte Matthews on receiving their banners at last Friday’s assembly. New Forms for Authority to Publish All students in Years 1 – 6 have received a new purple Authority to Publish form for parents and carers to sign and return to the school as soon as possible. Each year we must send out new forms for you to sign and they will replace last year’s forms. We ask that you read the form carefully so you understand where the school may use your child’s work, name or picture and for what purpose. We would appreciate you returning these forms as soon as possible so we may include your child’s name in newsletters, website etc. if you have any questions please contact the office. Swimming Carnival Our champions and runner up champions at our carnival were awarded with their Medallions and Banners at our Monday assembly. They were: Junior Boy Champion Junior Boy Runner up Mitchell Taylor Henry Pursehouse Junior Girl Champion Junior Girl Runner up Bella Pollard Lucy Scanlon 11 Year Boy Champion 11 Year Boy Runner up Keenan Davis Jasper Thistle 11 Year Girl Champion 11 Year Girl Runner up Brianna Clark Cailtlin Scanlon & Emma Percy Senior Boy Champion Senior Boy Runner up Rowan O’Reilly Eden Gray Senior Girl Champion Senior Girl Runner up Emily Taylor & Molly Elford Camilla Andrews Winning House Taylor Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and staff who assisted in the swimming carnival. It was a wonderful day and the children displayed outstanding sportsmanship. Jennifer Alcorn Swimming Carnival Convenor Bookclub is due back Friday 12 February 2016! Quirindi Public School P&C Notice of Meeting Have you considered joining our Quirindi Public School P&C? The P&C’s Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 17 February, straight after the Parent Information sessions. We are lucky enough to have a strong P&C at our school. Attending meetings is a great way to learn more about what is happening in the school community and to provide your own input into decision making processes. The membership cost is $2.00 per year. As we have outlined previously, we know that all our members have other commitments - your time and support is welcome, but not expected. Our role is not only to help raise funds for our school, but to strengthen the broader school community for the ultimate benefit of all students. If you would like to attend meetings, but are not able to assist with fundraising efforts, that is perfectly fine. Likewise, if you cannot attend meetings but would like to assist with occassional P&C activities and remain on the P&C’s contact list, that is not a problem. A copy of the Formal Notice of Meeting is listed below in this newsletter. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Welcome to meeting and open meeting Apologies Confirmation of the minutes of previous AGM Business arising from the minutes of the previous AGM Receipt and adoption of the Association’s audited Annual Financial Statement and Treasurers Report Receipt and adoption of President’s Annual Report All memberships lapse Application for membership (including renewals) Election of Officers/Executive committee Appointment of Auditor Times approx. 8.45am to 12 noon General business 6746 3043 12 February Help needed Meeting close 15 February Help needed 16 February Help Needed All committee roles will be declared vacant at this AGM and 17 February Help needed nominations sought (some existing officeholders have signalled 18 February Help needed their availability to continue in their current roles if nominated). 19 February Help needed The P&C committee roles include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Canteen Roster President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Canteen Treasurer Canteen Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator Fundraising Committee Members Ground Force Coordinator School Council Representative Thank you to our wonderful volunteers As you can see we need more volunteers to keep our prices down. School Office Hours Office hours are 8.30am to 3.30pm. If you have any questions about the AGM and potential roles, or cannot attend the meeting but are interested in joining the P&C, please don’t hesitate to contact – Tammy McGuckin (President) via the school on 6746 1565 or Kate Hallman (Secretary) on 0413 946 704 or katehallman@me.com. Notice of Annual General Meeting of Quirindi Public School P&C Association To all members of the Quirindi Public School community. This is to advise you of the upcoming annual general meeting of the members of Quirindi Public School P&C. The details of this meeting are as follows: Date: Time: Place: Wednesday 17 February 2016 7.00pm Quirindi Public School Office Attached are: The agenda for this meeting The minutes of the last annual general meeting At the Quirindi Public School Bell Times 9.20am School begins 11.20am - 12.00pm Break 1 1.30pm – 2.05pm Break 2 3.20pm School concludes meeting, members will have the opportunity to: Find out about Quirindi Public School P&C’s operations and finances Ask questions about the operations and finances of Quirindi Public School P&C Speak about any items on the agenda Vote on any resolutions proposed At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to: Accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting Accept the annual report Accept the auditor’s report Accept the annual financial statements Appoint and pay an auditor Elect the committee If you have any questions regarding the meeting please don’t hesitate to contact the P&C President, Tammy McGuckin, via the school or contact me on 0413 946 704 or katehallman@me.com. We look forward to welcoming as many people as possible at the meeting. Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Look at our amazing watermelons! Jack and Jhiyla were very excited to help Miss Taylor pick one of the watermelons which are growing in the garden this week. Miss Taylor cut the watermelon up and everyone said it was delicious! Welcome to our new students It is always lovely to meet new families who have moved to Quirindi and we would love to welcome the following students to our school. We hope you all enjoy your time here with us at Quirindi Public School. Darcy Robertson Madeleine Mooney Jarryn Grinter Brett Seymour Thomas Ward Adam Patton Jayke Jordan Natasha Romans Fletcher Phillip Chase Patton Walt Flanagan Charlotte Robertson Nullakaay Porter Craigie Emily McNamara Henry Duncan Beau Swain No hat no play As parents are aware the school has a Sun-Safe Hat Policy which was approved by the school community. School hats must be worn during any outside activities. Those parents who cannot provide their children with a school hat are asked to contact the Principal. SWIMMING CARNIVAL Term 1 Calendar Feb 8 9 10 11 SRC Elections Back up SC 12 13/14 19 20/21 Debating Workshop Feb 15 16 Special SRC + Leaders Induc 17 18 Parent Info Night 6.00pm P&C Zone Swimming Carnival Best Start Ass Feb 22 23 24 25 School Council K-2 Fun Day 2 3 26 27/28 4 5/6 Best Start Ass Feb/Mar 29 1 Young Leaders Conference Mar 7 Blandford Horse Sports 8 9 Regional SC Mar 10 11 12/13 18 19/20 Year 6 Disco 14 15 16 17 P&C Meeting Willow Tree Horse Sports Parent Teacher Interviews Mar 21 22 23 24 25 School Council Easter Hat Parade Good Friday 29 30 31 1 5 6 7 Harmony Day Mar/Apr 28 Easter Monday Apr 4 8 Last Day Term 1 ANZAC School Service Community News QUIRINDI & DISTRICT SOCCER ASSOCIATION INC (Quirindi Junior Soccer 0-18yrs) Annual General Meeting – EMERGENCY FOLLOWUP MEETING 7.00pm Thursday 18 February 2016 Quirindi RSL Club For further information contact: Warren Faulkner Phone Michelle Gallagher Davin Goodwin 0455 090183 Phone 0428 463505 Phone 0428 658045 If the Committee positions are not filled at this meeting, there will be no Junior Soccer in 2016. 26/27 2/3 Tennis Coaching Coaching resumes this Thursday 4th February 2016 at the Quirindi Town Tennis Courts. Beginners Class commences at 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Private lessons also available. Qualified Coach: Clare Cohen Phone: 6747 4731