14 Week 3, Term 1 2015 Week 07


14 Week 3, Term 1 2015 Week 07
Monday 9th February 2015
Ph: 02 63771101
Fax: 02 63771004
Email: coolah-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Thanks to all the students who participated in our
Swimming Carnival. It is your presence and
participation that makes our carnivals a success or
Friday’s carnival was a huge success and shows
we have some talented swimmers in our midst.
Our annual swimming lessons along with a
positive local swimming club is ensuring nearly all
our students are capable of swimming one lap and a
couple of strokes.
There were quite a few records broken and a lot of
chanting done. Cunningham was the winner of the
chants and with no “special” help at all (hey, Mr
Wells) and the overall point scores are listed below.
Thank you to all parents and staff who helped on
Friday and also thanks to the Coolah Swimming
Club for the use of all their equipment and to
Karyna and Katherine for lifeguarding.
Principal’s news with
Mr Brendan Maher Congratulations to all students who
participated in our swimming
carnival last Friday. It was fantastic
to see so many students compete
and cheer each other on.
Congratulations to Warung who were the victorious
team on the day. Thankyou to the many parents and
swimming club members who came and supported
the children and helped the staff across various roles
throughout the day.
Last week was the first P&C meeting for the year, in
which they subsidised the costs of new secondary
computer chairs and our new Primary Playground
Equipment. I want to highlight with all families the
importance of parental involvement in our P&C, as it
is a source of funds that contribute to all students K –
12. The many fundraising events throughout the year
contribute to reducing the costs of the infants/primary
bookpacks, local and regional excursions, major
excursions and the purchase of new textbooks in
secondary. Without the ongoing efforts of the P&C
and volunteers the costs of these items would be
much higher for both families and the school. The
P&C also promote the school locally, at our Horse
Sports, clearing sales and Regional Cross Country
events, which are a positive reflection of the
commitment of the parents to Coolah Central School.
As Principal I appreciate the ongoing support we
have from our P&C.
All parents are invited to come along to the AGM
meeting on the 17th of March at 6pm, to be involved
and support the great work this group is doing for
your children.
Coolah Central School offers students access to a
wide variety of extra curricula activities based on
creative and performing arts. The Western Region
Dance Camp will be held from the 30th of March to
1st of April in Dubbo. Applications for this are
available from Mr Maher. This year, Coolah Central
School will continue its involvement with
Moorambilla. This is another fantastic avenue for
students to excel in singing and performance. The
Moorambilla workshops will be held at Coolah
Central School on the 2nd of April, more details will
be provided soon via our Facebook page.
In previous terms we have allowed limited student
access to the Hospitality facilities to reheat lunches
etc. Due to various WHS and supervision
requirements this will no longer be available,
effective today. Students were informed last week of
the changes and Anne Mumford is happy to reheat
lunches for students on request. The school is
fortunate to have a school canteen that offers a wide
variety of healthy options that are of great value, and I
encourage students to always choose healthy options.
Items such as Coke (excluding Coke Zero) and other
high sugar beverages are not sold in schools due to
Healthy Canteen requirements.
Finally, I just want to remind parents to inform the
school if they do not wish their children to be featured
on our school’s newsletter, website or on our Facebook
page. Staff will be notified of students who are not to
be included in these mediums so that we can respect
the privacy of families while maintaining a positive
presence in local and social media.
Until next week.
What’s coming Up At CCS?
Week 3 - Term 1
Tues 10th
NRL Bulldogs clinic - whole school
Week 4 - Term 1
Wed 18th
Primary Zone Swimming
Week 5 - Term 1 2015
Mon 23rd
Primary Basketball & Tennis Trials
Thurs 26th
School Photos
Deputy Principal - Mr Mick McLeod
Congratulations to everyone involved with last Friday’s Swimming Carnival. A great sunny day,
pleasant water temperature, good participation and support made for an excellently run event. A special
vote of thanks to the volunteers from the community who gave such great assistance to staff in making
the day run so smoothly. The quality of the competition is reflected in the number of records broken
and I congratulate those “new” record holders on their hard work and effort. The pleasing thing from
my viewpoint was the large number of students who competed in multiple events, regardless of their
prospects of winning or not. That’s what community spirit (and house spirit) is all about.
Last week we had a visit from Cricket Australia Development officers accompanied by current Australian and NSW Vice
Captain Alex for a coaching clinic. The students certainly had fun with this and it fits nicely into our program to get
cricket a bit cranked up at school. This Tuesday we will host the Bulldogs and NRL staff who will be talking to kids about
healthy lifestyles and professional sport before running clinics for Junior Sports on Bowen Oval after school.
I am happy with the way the school has settled into a solid working routine already and impressed by the positive
Teaching and Learning I see all around the school. Keep up the good work.
The Beauty of Quiet Times
It is thought provoking to consider the “sounds of silence”.
We live in a world of noise. Traffic noises, people noises, media noises, in fact it sometimes seems that we are
being bombarded by others all seeking our attention. I even have to curse the TV advertisers who crank up the
volume of the ads to break the slumber I have while “watching” the cricket! I call the noise of life as Static; and
like static it is full of half ideas and often of no use or value to us at all.
Have you noticed in movies or TV shows that even the moments of “silence” have to have music or sound
Unfortunately there is so much static in our daily lives that there is little time for thinking; little time for quiet
reflection and even less time to enjoy the beauty of the world around us.
This lack of quiet time actually does us harm. It means we rush to make decisions which would be better
served by some quiet thought. It also means we feel pressured, our daily lives are filled with “busy” even
when we really aren’t achieving much. Of course it is also poor for our mental health and physical wellbeing which depend on there being some “downtime” where can regather our thoughts and energies.
The answer of course is to make time for “quiet”. To make sure that each day allows scope for reflection and
emotional renewal. Even in conversation we need to allow space for listening. Remember; silence speaks a
thousand words. Often the strongest statement is no statement at all.
“There are times when Silence has the loudest Voice!”
Silence is Golden!
Think your way to Success!
Think Spot by MM©
Kindergarten/Year 1 News
Mrs Simmons
Week 3 already! All of the students have
now settled in well and we are all enjoying
our learning.
Our class captains for this week are Will and Jessi.
Birthday wishes go to Claudia who celebrated her
birthday last week.(We hope that you had a fabulous
birthday Claudia!)
Thank you to all parents who have paid for their book
Kindy students will start their Homework this week. Their
Homework unit is Unit 1 in their Homework book and
Year 1 will complete Unit 2 in their book. Please
remember not to work ahead.
All students have been given a Home Reader to practise
reading at home and this needs to be returned on a daily
basis for Kindergarten and each Wednesday and Friday for
Year 1. Kindy students have also been given sight words
to learn and practise each night at home and these may be
found in the front of their Homework books. Kindy’s sight
words for this week will be “I, am, a, boy and girl”. Year 1
students have been given spelling words to learn and write
out each night in readiness for their spelling test each
Year 1/2 News Mr Rowlands
Welcome to week 3, how quickly is the
term already going. Well done to all of my
students who attended and participated in last Fridays
swimming carnival. Any students who have qualified for
next Wednesday’s zone carnival in Binnaway will be
notified this week.
Last week’s homework was completed to a very high
standard with most students handing it in on time. This
week you will once again have contract 2 to complete
along with your spelling words to practice.
This week in class we will be getting right into our
Literacy groups each morning, if you are available to
help on any morning please let me know and we can
arrange it asap. Our spelling sound this week is ‘a’ as in
apple and the letter ‘a’ will therefore be our focus in hand
writing. We also keep working on our ability to retell
events through our unit on recounts.
I have also included a handwriting sheet in the back of all
Homework books which details how all letters and numbers
are written at school and it would be great if you could
reinforce this method when your child is writing at home
please. I have also included a “Jolly Phonics” booklet for all
students so that they can practise their sounds at home as we
learn the particular sounds. Kindy will learn the sounds “a”
and “t” and Year 1 will revise the sound “a”.
Sip and Crunch every day.
Tuesday– NRL Talk
Wednesday– Library Please remember to send in a
waterproof bag so that your child may borrow a book.
This week in our HSIE we are talking about our families and
family trees. I have sent home a sheet today for you to
complete if possible about your child’s family tree. Please
return this sheet as soon as possible. Thankyou for taking the
time to complete it.
A huge thankyou to all parents and grandparents who came
and supported our students at our Swimming Carnival. All of
the students were little stars and I was very proud of all of
This weeks grammar focus is continuing with looking at
common nouns.
In maths this week Year 2 will be completing unit 2. This
unit consists of revising subtraction strategies, reading
two digit numbers, 3D shapes and area. Students will be
assessed on these four topics in a short assessment this
This week in PE Year 1/2 will be starting a unit on golf.
Please remember that if at any stage in the future your
son or daughter are extremely successful at golf that you
don’t forget about the teacher that introduced them to it :)
In creative arts this week we will be continuing with
making book covers for our in class books.
This week we start our new unit on History called
‘Learning from the past’. We’ll be looking at timelines
and family trees. While in Science we will also be
starting a unit on Biological sciences.
Year 3/4 News Mrs Ferguson & Mrs Burgess
It is Week 3 already and we are well into
all our school activities! The class has
made an excellent transition into Primary,
enjoying the new room and playground.
Last Friday the children did a great job swimming in the
carnival. It was very good to see so many swimmers and
all trying their hardest. Swimming is such an important
skill!! A big congratulations to all the participants and
especially to those lucky recipients of ribbons given out
on the day.
Mondays. Spelling tests will also be on Fridays.
The Home Reading Recording book went home last
Monday and the Information for Year 3/4 sheet also went
home last week. Home Readers will be sent home this
week but any reading books/stories can be recorded.
Don’t forget only one entry per day is to be counted.
We have an NRL afternoon this Tuesday.
Happy Birthday goes to Phoebe Ellis who turns nine
today! Happy Birthday also goes to Kiesha Rusten who
turns eight on Thursday and Jessica Sternbeck who is
eight on Friday!!
Last week we welcomed a new student to our class.
Jyeson Pike is in Year Three and he has settled into our
class routine extremely well!
Hopefully all homework books have been returned today.
As I have a full day on Mondays I will not be able to
mark these books by 3 o’çlock so Homework books will
go home on Tuesday just for this week. From now on all
books will be due on Fridays and will go home on
Year 4/5 News Mrs Wilson
English- This week we are looking at the a
as in apple sound. We are also continuing
our study of expositions. We have looked at
their structure and will work on developing effective
paragraphs that help convince our audiences to agree with
our ideas. Our Grammar study this week will involve
looking at how our choices in action verbs can influence
the effectiveness of our persuasive texts.
Year 4 Mathematics: This week we are continuing to
look at reading and understanding numbers. Last week we
focused on how to read numbers up to 9 places. We also
ordered these numbers using the greater than (>) and less
than (<) signs. Any revision at home reading and ordering
numbers will only benefit you student. This week we will
continue to compare numbers and look further into place
value in particular the use of zero as a place holder. We
will also venture into expanded notation with extension
activities using numbers of up to and including 9 digits.
Year 5 Mathematics: students were given a homework
Subtraction sheet to complete in addition to homework
book – this is due Thursday and is to be given to Mrs
In the last newsletter there was some confusion relating to
the units of work 4/5 are completing in Science and
Technology and History my apologies for any confusion.
This week I’ll attempt to rectify my mistake and create
some clarification.
Science and Technology- We have started our unit on
Solids, Liquids and Gases. We looked at the differences
in the structure of each state at the atom level. We learned
about how close the atoms were in each state and how this
affected their shape and properties. We will revise this and
continue to explore Solids, Liquids and Gases this week.
History in history we began a unit on Early World
Exploration we discussed why people felt the need to
explore the world and what advantages and disadvantages
that occurred as a result. We will continue our unit this
week and begin looking at famous explorers.
PD/H/PE-We will have PE on Fridays to reduce the need
for children to wear joggers on any other day. The
Students will have PD/H with Ms Warwick on Thursdays.
Creative and Practical Arts: On Thursday we started an
art project that looks at colours and on completion we will
look at the colour wheel and explore mixing colours to
create new shades of colour. I hope to be able to add some
photos of our projects as they come together.
Sport: Congratulations to all students who participated in
the swimming carnival on Friday. Well done to Warung
for winning the overall house point, to Liverpool for the
best cheering and to Cunningham for their fantastic war
cry (thanks, Mr Wells!) I hope to have Zone notes and
information out soon. Please also note zone trials will
begin this week with Basketball trials to be held on
Tuesday Lunch time with Mrs McMaster and myself.
Please note that Primary Sport will be Swimming if
weather permits until Friday of Week 6 at this stage.
Year 5/6 News Mrs Wesley
given a homework Subtraction sheet to complete in
addition to homework book – this is due Thursday.
Firstly I’d like to say a huge thankyou to all
the parents and care givers who have taken
the time to complete the questionnaire that I
sent home last week. The information that you have
supplied me with is very valuable and allows me to take
on board the concerns and the positive comments you
have made. I have loved my first 2 weeks back on Year
5/6 and I am thoroughly looking forward to the year and
our adventure.
Friday’s swimming carnival was a huge success and I
was so happy to see everyone try their best in the events
they entered.
This week we have a visit from the NRL Canterbury
Football Club. Players and club officials will be meeting
with our students tomorrow afternoon in the hall.
What’s on in class:
Spelling focus - ‘a’ as in ‘apple’.
In our Year 5 maths group last week we held the SRC
nominations and speeches, the quality and enthusiasm
that was shown leaves me in no doubt that the future
leadership in CCS is in very good hands. Congratulations
to Sophie, Noah, Bonnie, Charlie G., Emma and Edward
who all ran for the position. The following Year 6
students did an equally outstanding job and are to be
congratulated on their efforts: Ethan, Izaiah, Jordan,
Cody, Charlotte and Dolcie.
Writing we have begun persuasive texts on the topic of
‘Homework’, already some interesting ideas have been
raised about the pros and the cons.
History - the topic for this term is ‘Federation’ and last
week we took a look at what the colonies looked like in
the early years of settlement before Federation. This week
we will we will investigate some of the ideas For and
Against Federation.
Homework will begin this year. A homework book has
been put in place this year as an alternative to the sheets
that were sent home last year. Spelling words are
included each week and everyone is expected to complete
Unit 1 in their books. An additional smaller work book
has been included to enable students to write their
spelling out and from time to time complete addition
activities for homework. Year 5 Maths students were
Science - we began the topic ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’
and investigated ‘matter’, this week we will look at how
different states of ‘matter’ might change under different
Have a great week everyone and keep working hard.
Whole School News
School Photos
School photos will be held on Thursday 26th February. Photo packs will be sent home with students this week.
You are now able to pay on-line for your photos and the photo pack will not have to be sent back to school,
otherwise make sure you have the correct money in the envelope and return the photo pack to school.
Family packs are available from the front office.
All elected SRC students today received an invitation to attend the next PBL meeting to be
held at school from 3:30pm. We appreciate some students may not be able to make it at
short notice but welcome any SRC students who can. The SRC’s input is will be extremely
valuable to the success of PBL in this years 2015 PBL.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
History - Weekly Homework
Maths - Homework Book
D&T - Onguard Tests
Food Technology - Design process
Maths - Homework Booklet
D&T - Onguard Tests
History - Weekly Homework
English - Reading material
Every Week
Geography - Finish Mapping
Food Technology - Design Process
Maths - Homework Booklet
Wood & Metal - Onguard Tests
History - Weekly Homework
English - Revise Techniques
English - War Poetry Questions
Maths - Homework Booklet
Wood & Metal - Onguard Tests
History - Source Analysis
Science - GI Worksheets
Modern History - Proposal
Week 5
Modern History - Tokugawa Chapter Read &
Maths General - Examination Question P110
IT Metal - Industry Research Task
Food Technology - Assessment
Week 7
IT Metals - Folio Development
Standard English - Poem & Descriptive Writing
Week 3
Modern History - Case Study
Week 9
Modern History - Writing Booklet
Week 3
Food Technology - Assessment
Week 9
Food Technology - Review Questions
Week 3
I.T Metal - Folio Development
Music - Viva Voce
Week 4
Records Broken
Previous Record Holder
Campbell Thompson
Boys 10yrs 50m Freestyle
Nigel Baker
Ethan Hepplewhite
Boys 12yrs 25m Backstroke
Alex Grammer
Braydon Burgess
Boys 16yrs 50m Backstroke
Saxon Hegyi
Ardie Curtis
Boys 25m Breaststroke
New Record
Zayne Ewers
Boys 11yrs 25m Breaststroke
New Record
Riley Mills
Boys 8yrs 25m Butterfly
Lawson Thompson
Eli Blake
Boys Jnr Pri 50m Butterfly
Hamish McMaster
Boys Jnr Pri Relay
Gemma Pettet
Girls 11yrs 25m Freestyle
Jessica Stokes
Maggie Walker
Girls 8yrs 25m Breaststroke
New Record
Taylor Wright
Girls 10yrs 25m Breaststroke
Kelsey Gunning
Gemma Pettet
Girls 11yrs 25m Breaststroke
New Record
Boys Age Champion
Girls Age Champion
Riley Mills
Maggie Walker
Lawson Thompson
Phoebe Gilder
Campbell Thompson
Bonnie Size
Edward McDonald
Emma Kuchel
Kye Blake
Ebony Lodge
Caitlin Size
Brody Pettet
Briana Blake
James Williams
Rosie Brodie
Sam Cox
Fiona Anlezark
Braydon Burgess
17+ yrs
Lacey Miller
17+ yrs
Sam Wesley
Australian Cricketer visits
Coolah Central School
On Wednesday 4th of February Coolah Central School students had a visit from Australian Women’s Cricket
Player Alex Blackwell. Alex is currently the captain of the NSW Breakers and Vice Captain of the Southern
Stars - the Australian Women’s Cricket Team. Alex was accompanied by Matt Tabbernor and former NSW and
Australian player Ann Mitchell. Students from Year 3 to Year 8 had a fabulous time learning more about cricket
and participating in the activities. Thanks to Cricket NSW and Matt for organising this experience for Coolah.
Alex Blackwell
Ann Mitchell
Coolah Junior Sports
Come and meet Canterbury Bulldogs
players at
Coolah Junior Rugby League
Muster day
Coolah JRL Muster day
Bowen Oval, Coolah
Tuesday 10th FEBRUARY, 2015
4:00pm – 5:00pm (5yrs – 16yrs)
CONTACT: Daniel Swan 0408 907 125 dswan@nrl.com.au
Secondary Students Tax File Numbers
The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program will not continue beyond 31 December 2014. This means that
School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date.
How students can apply for a TFN from 1 January 2015
The Australian Taxation Office in partnership with Australia Post is making it easier for individuals to apply for a TFN.
Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia
Post office.
Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online
can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC27248'
Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file
number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found
at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC22604'
The ATO will continue working with teachers to educate students about tax and superannuation. The curriculum resource
Tax, Super & You is a free, easy to use, online educational resource aligned to the school curriculum of each state and
territory. This resource can be accessed at taxsuperandyou.gov.au
MUSIC LESSONS in Coolah on Thursdays with a qualified and experienced teacher. Lessons in piano, flute,
clarinet, and other instruments if required except guitar, drums and brass.
Adults and children welcome, from beginner to advanced. Please phone Rhonda Watt 6374 1344, mobile 0457
Term 1 2015
Australia Day
Years 1-7, 11 & 12
Year 8-10 return
2nd Feb
Kinder start
School Swimming
NRL Afternoon
Pri Zone Swimming
School Photos
Zone Tennis/ Basketball - Coolah
2nd Mar
Sec NW Swimming
CSIRO K-6 (pm)
Zone Gala Day
Soccer/ League/
Pri NW Tennis
Sec 15’s & Opens
Touch Trials
Pri Sthn Zone RL
Pri NW Swimming
Pri NW Soccer
Sec Winter Trails
Zone Cricket Coonabarabran
Pri Sthn Zone
Pri State Swimming
DP/ RR Football
1st Apr
Sec State Swimming
Term 1 Assembly
Easter Hat Parade
Good Friday