Newsletter 02 - Penola Primary School


Newsletter 02 - Penola Primary School
Respect and Responsibility
PO Box 125
Penola SA 5277
Ph: 08 8737 2300
Fax: 08 8737 2877
Governing Council Chairperson: Stuart Sharman
Principal: Paul Harmer
Newsletter 2
20th February 2014
by Thelma Perso will look at:
Term 1
District SAPSASA Swimming Day
Parent Session—7:00pm
Team Game Practice
Assembly - 3/4 Heyn
Swimming Carnival (11:30am)
Principal’s Conference –Adelaide
Assembly— 4/5 Williams
Public Holiday (Adelaide Cup)
Governing Council 7:00pm
Parent Club 7:30pm
Assembly— 2/3 Di Biase
SAPSASA Athletics—Millicent
Assembly— 2/3 JHogg
Last day Term 1—2:15pm dismissal
Term 2 begins
Dear Parents and Friends,
With the swimming lessons over, teachers are enjoying
getting into a solid routine in their weekly programs. I have
already had discussions with most of the teachers and
looked at what their program has instilled for the term. I
now look forward to coming into classrooms and sharing
some of the learning with the teachers and students. A
strong focus in the first few weeks is core literacy,
numeracy and social skills programs, which set the scene
for the rest of the year.
Pupil Free Day
On Monday 24th February the staff are looking forward to
working with teachers from our local cluster of schools
when Thelma Perso presents a session on Maths and
authentic assessment. Thelma is an experienced educator
and researcher within the field of Maths and has a lot of
knowledge around the understanding of Maths and the
teacher’s role in ensuring a quality Maths program.
Parent Numeracy Session
Due to the popularity of our last parent session in 2012, we
are running a FREE Parent session in conjunction with our
Pupil Free Day, to be run on Monday evening at 7:00pm
(24th Feb) in the Library. This hour long session presented
The Australian Curriculum and why is it different from
what we've had in the past?
A-E reporting on learning quality and why is this
different from what their understanding of A-E
grades are?
Numeracy opportunities in the home and parents'
Thelma Perso has had many years’ experience as an
educator and researcher. This is a great opportunity to talk
to other parents, as well as ask questions and find out how
you can enhance your child’s numeracy skills. Tea, Coffee,
local produce and nibbles provided.
Numeracy Coach
As mentioned in the last newsletter, we applied for funding
for a 0.5 (2 1/2 day per week) Numeracy Coach. We found
out shortly after the newsletter was sent out that we were
successful in this application.
Consequently, a selection process was run and the
successful candidate was Tony O’Connell. In order to
backfill his teaching load in the Year 7 room, Kathy
O’Connell will step in full time. Mrs Mandi Brown will most
likely be the replacement Performing Arts teacher for the
remainder of the year. Mandi is an experienced Drama
teacher and is looking forward to working at our school.
Student Representative Council
Last week students from Year 6 and 7 were given the
opportunity to apply for positions on the SRC executive. The
applications were read and the merits of each application
discussed and voted on by staff. This year we were
fortunate to have a high calibre of applicants, making the
decision very difficult.
We congratulate the following students on their
appointment to the executive positions:
Vice President
Principal's Rep
Ellie Pollard
Georgie Sharman
Teegan Stephenson
Paige McShane
Sam Klemm
Mrs Copping looks forward to working with the
executive and the rest of the representatives as they
work towards having genuine student voice.
Governing Council
On Tuesday night, the Governing Council AGM was held
which included the election of officers and vacant
positions. The annual report was also tabled and will
soon be available on the school website, or hard copies
are available from the front office. If you would like a
copy emailed, please let Paul know. All positions were
filled and the results are:
2014 Governing Council
Stuart Sharman (Chairperson)
Peta Crewe (Vice– Chairperson)
Trish Brand (secretary)
Pete Balnaves (Treasurer)
Darren Skeer
Louise Perry
Kirsten Croser
Cindy Hutchesson
Silvana Stephens
Heidi Boyd
Melissa Hunter
Sandy Moorhouse
Paul Harmer (Principal)
Josie Abbey (Parent Club)
Julie Hogg (Staff Rep)
These people are your representatives to have a voice about
school matters involving governance. Please use them to
bring up any issues that can benefit our school.
Swimming Carnival and most have already had their
time trials earlier this week. All year 3 students who
capably swam a lap of the pool will be involved in the
tabloid events as well as the team games Friday 28th
A program will be sent out next week once all students
who are taking part have been timed.
Tomorrow we will hold house meetings where the
students will be placed into team games ready for the
practice on Tuesday.
House Captains
Last week students were given the opportunity to elect
their House Captains through a secret ballot. With all
the votes counted, the successful candidates were
announced at assembly last week. Congratulations to:
Kate Skeer
Jack Walker
Vice Captains
Leigh Redford
Paige McShane &
Kelsey Hutchesson
Clare Jolly
Sam Klemm
Vice Captains
Kasey Morton
Gerard Merrett
We thank our retiring members—Paul Gordon, Chris Brodie,
Merran Jolley, Stacey Marlow and Kathy O’Connell, for their
input over the past years.
Katie Dent
Aden Brand
Splash Carnival
We had a very successful Splash Carnival last Friday and Vice Captains
Georgie Sharman
it was great to see so many parents, family members
Jacob Robbie
and friends supporting the children. This event
celebrates the end of their swimming lessons and
allows them to demonstrate their confidence in the
water. Thanks to Julie Hogg and Michelle Williams who
took the lead roles in organising their respective
The house leaders also did a great job organising teams
and helping boost some of the more timid swimmers
into having a go. However, they were not quite so
productive with the photography so we only have
limited photos for our newsletters and yearbooks. If
anyone has photos from the day they wish to pass on
we would be very grateful.
Swimming –Senior Carnival
Students from Year 3-7 have been preparing for
Brooke Hutchesson
Jesse Martin
Vice Captains
Ally Jones
Brady Pahl
We are confident that these students will demonstrate
leadership both at sporting events and throughout the
school year.
In reviewing the absence data from 2013 in the Annual
Report, it was not surprising to see a strong correlation
between academic performance of a cohort and
attendance. The highest attendance in 2013 was from
the Year 7’s, who also had outstanding NAPLAN results.
roster. The response has been amazing! Therefore
people will be called on less frequently to help out or
bake, thus sharing the load. The canteen staff really
appreciate it!
Whilst illness can not be avoided, it is important that
students attend school to give them the best chance of
success. If students are away, please make sure the
class teacher or front office is notified.
Friday February 21
12:30-2:00pm—Megan McGuiness
Friday February 28
12:30-2:00pm—not needed (Swimming Carnival)
2013 Year Book
Thank you to all those who have ordered the year book.
The cost of the book is $15 and will be ready in about 23 weeks. Books will need to be pre-ordered through
the office.
Active After School Sport
We have had a great response to Active After School
this term with over 80 participants.
Boot Camp and Dance are now full, however student
can be on the waiting list.
Lawn bowls has about 6-8 spaces available for those
Tuesday February 25th
Melissa Hunter
Peta Crewe
Angela Winter
Tuesday March 4th
Lee-Ann Smith
Angela Lythgo
Heidi Boyd
Piano and Guitar Lessons
Guitar (Monday) and Piano (Friday) Lessons will
continue this year with our very capable and DECD
accredited instructors. Guitar is full but there may be a
few spots left in piano. If you are interested in your
child taking part, please let me know.
Canteen News
The canteen sales have begun well with lots of warm
days meaning that cold treats have been popular.
Unfortunately Moosies are discontinued so we are not
able to stock them any more. As a replacement , we are Found
We are still looking for the owner of a set of
now offering tubs of frozen yoghurt for $1.
prescription glasses in a brown case that were left in
Cathy Heyn’s room sometime last week. Please contact
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help
out either by making munchies, or to be on the Friday the front office if you think they may be yours.
Science News
Mealworm excitement!
There was great excitement in Science this week. At the start of the term each of the Year 2/3 students adopted their own mealworm. Our plan is to observe our mealworms over the term to see how they grow and
change. We discovered their bodies had 13 segments and 6 legs. We also noticed that they were darker in colour near their heads. During this life stage our mealworms
are called larva.
On Monday we discovered that Harry Marlow’s mealworm
had changed and was now a pupa. So far we have noticed
that the pupa is much lighter in colour and the body is wider. We can’t wait to see who else’s mealworm will change
to a pupa!
Allara’s mealworm (larva) is on the left.
Harry’s mealworm (pupa) is on the right.
SA Excellence in Public
Education Awards
Share Celebrate Reward
Nominations are now open for the 2014 SA Excellence
in Public Education Awards.
For the first time, 2014 will see nominations opened up
to all DECD employees, recognising and rewarding the
outstanding contributions made by teachers, leaders,
support staff and also corporate and services staff from
across the state.
Don’t miss your chance to nominate an outstanding education professional, care or protection worker within
DECD to recognise and reward their dedicated and inspirational contribution to young South Australians.
To nominate an employee at your school, preschool or
corporate office go to:
Like us on facebook and follow the progress of the
Nominations close 5pm Thursday 10 April 2014.
For further information contact the Awards team on 08
8226 3079 or email
Synergy Dance offers both fun classes and competition classes in calisthenics, jazz &
hip hop as well as solo and duo items.
Enrolments can be taken for children of any age with
classes starting at 3 & under and going all the way up
to Seniors.
If you have any queries or would like to enrol your
child please contact the principal Kym Lindner on 0417
824 922, Director of Calisthenics Tonya Allison on
0407 809 714.
Our studio is located upstairs in the
Ripley Arcade.
Thursday 4-5
(14 Riddoch St)
For fun and adventure
Tues:3.30-4.30pm 6-7½yr- Joeys
Wed:3.30-5pm 8-10½yr- Cubs
Fri:3.30-5.30pm 11-14½yr- Scouts
For more info ring Silvana 0448537215
If you would like to child to participate in 2 free lessons
can you please call Kym Lindner on
0417 824 922 for details.